Squires and scoundrels (m+/m+)

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Squires and scoundrels (m+/m+)

Post by Chris12 »

Henri had finally taken his first big step on the path to knighthood. At age 14 he was made an official squire. His promotion had came just in time for now he could take part in the international knights tournament in Paris. For any squire this was a perfect chance to prove himself but the medieval world was not a safe one. By taking his next step towards knighthood Henri also entered a world of rivalry between knights and the ever dangerous threat of bandits who would love to target the weak point of any knight....his squire.

But now the young squire was just brimming with excitement as he proudly displayed his light blue tunic with the sigil of a two crossed blades decorated on his chest. Next to him was Aycan, dressed in the same tunic but swapping Henri's boyish excitement with a haughty look on his face.

''Well, this is as far as I'm taking you'' Henri's older cousin Aycan stated ''I got some things to take care of for the boss''

''You mean sir Lancelot'' Henri had to frown a little bit at his cousin addressing his sworn liege in the same manner as a bandit would name his chief. The correct manner to name his lord would be ''sir Lancelot''. Henri would never dare name sir Mathis as rudely as ''boss''

''Yeah, what you say'' Aycan didn't sound terrible impressed at his cousin. Henri had always been the better knight in training. He was dutiful respectful and eager where Aycan was devious and lazy. Despite being younger Henri was also just plain better. The two cousins resembled each other in their long brown hairs and tanned skin but Henri was clearly the one with the bigger build and more developed muscles. Aycan was rather scrawny and short and an unwillingness to train made this unlikely to change.

''Good....um good luck out there'' Henri smiled at his cousin but it came off a bit forced. He knew very well Aycan would try to sabotage the competition, unlike Henri who would just be the best help he could be to sir Mathis.

''Good luck to you as well!'' Aycan smiled back a bit mischievously ''Oh and don't do anything stupid. Don't go trusting people you're not supposed to and...you know don't be a hero when it costs you''.

''Y-yes'' Henri nodded. Silly Aycan. Trust was an important virtue and being a hero the most important of them all ''See you soon!''

The two cousins went their separate ways and Henri.....of course went to play the hero. Playing the hero was fully justified this time because Henri saw a boy in danger. It was only for a moment but he saw a black haired boy rush out a tent only to have several hands grab him, another hand silencing the boy's cries for help and dragged him inside. What could this mean? Was Henri about to rescue a prince from evil conspirators? Was it a bandit kidnapping some poor squire that Henri could now save? Or was the local witch trying to use a boy as an ingredient for her gross magic potions?

Nothing quite so fanciful. Henri rushed into the tent, sword drawn and fully prepared to yell ''Unhand him you villains!'' only to find out the dastardly abductors were....boys. Fellow squires and not all that much older then he was.

''Urmmmmh! Mmmmmh! Hlmmmmmh!'' On the ground sat the black haired boy with his hands tied behind his back and a white cloth between his teeth. On closer inspection the boy wore a green squire tunic ''Lmmmh mmh ommmh!''

''W-what's happening here? What are you two doing?'' Henri asked as he faced down the squires in black. They seemed to be German participants if their sigil's and the distinct smell of beer was anything to go by.

''We can better ask what you're doing!'' A redheaded squire asked ''And....you're French like that boy right?''

''I-I am! I serve sir Mathis'' Henri nodded ''My name is Henri''

The black haired boy on the ground wanted to tell Henri something but with his words muffled Henri couldn't understand a thing.

''Okay then, Henri. I'm Conrad and that one is Tancred'' The red haired boy introduced himself and pointed at his blonde peer.

''And do you happen to know what happens to knights without a squire?' Tancred smiled in a way Henri didn't like at all.

''Mmmmmh! gmm omm hrmmmh!'' The black haired boy screamed at Henri through his cloth gag.

''Their...um equipment isn't taken care of?'' Henri guessed. A knight wasn't going to polish or even carry his own swords, maintain his armor, wash his underwear or tend to the horse himself.

''Exactly Henri'' Tancred grinned ''And what if any French knights our lords face have their squires go missing? I bet they wouldn't fight nearly as well! Ha! They might even got all their stuff stolen if their squires blab out where its hidden!''

''W-well we would never miss the match of our lords....o-or tell you were his equipment is!'' Henri growled. So that's why that boy was kidnapped. This squires wanted to sabotage the competition!

''You won't be able to help your lord if we tie you up! And some torture is gonna make you spill the beans real soon! Get him!'' Conrad quickly disarmed Henri with his own sword after which Tancred dived on top of the boy.

''N-no! You won't get away with this!'' Henri screamed as he struggled under the larger Tancred ''W-what kind of squires ARE you! A real squire should...''

''Oh dear....gag him quickly!'' Tancred was in no mood for some naive lecture so he quickly ordered Conrad to take action. The ginger squire quickly balled up a nearby leather glove and stuffed it into Henri's mouth.

''Ugmm!....MMMMH!'' Henri moaned out, his cheek bulking outwards now the large fabric filled his mouth. The young squire started to pout and shot an annoyed look saying ''really?'' their way. Why was every squire he knew so against hearing the basic tenants of being a squire when they so clearly failed to live up to them?

''What? You'd scream for help if we didn't'' Conrad laughed and patted Henri's cheek ''Here's the rope Tancred''

''Ah, thanks! We really need it! This Frenchy is struggling harder then the little one!'' Tancred smiled and started tying Henri's hands on his back as well as wrap rope around his torso.

''MMMHEY!'' The black haired boy changed his tune from angry to distressed for the first time now that he was called ''little one'' though there really was a sizable difference between him and Henri.

''Lmmmh mm gmmmh!'' Henri could only whine and flail around helplessly which the boy did since in his mind he had to do at least something.

''In time. We'll let you out after the tournament is over'' Conrad smiled at his captive.

''Mmmmmh! Nmmhh mmmmmh!'' Henri peeped. The tournament lasted for 12 days and today was only the first of those 12! Despite the glove in his mouth Henri tried to raise awareness of this.

''Yes but....how's that any of our business?'' Tancred asked

''MMMMMMMMH!'' Henri loudly protested. These two were terrible! ''Urmmmh! mmmmmmh!'' the bound squire tried spitting out the large glove.

''Ha! He thinks we'll just let him do that!'' Tancred took a second cloth and tied it over Henri's mouth.

''Well lets get some feathers for the torture session'' Conrad smiled ''Oh and some butter....and a goat!''

''MMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Henri and his fellow captive looked at each other in shock and started to jointly scream out in horror and thrash desperately. Having butter smeared on your bare feet and then having a goat lick it off was the most terrifying variant of tickle torture out there. So terrifying that completely serious lords thought it an effective torture on actual criminals.

''Oh....and if you're curious, the kid's name is Jiri'' Conrad smiled at Henri ''Thought you should know''

Henri looked at the black haired lad. So his name was Jiri ''Hlmmo Jrmmi'' he muffled nicely.

''Heymmh'' Jiri mumbled back.

''That's the spirit! You just go become friends and we'll get the stuff!'' Conrad laughed ''Just tell each other all about yourselves....pff...ehehehe''

The bound squires jointly rolled their eyes at Conrad's mockery. Their gags would make any introduction quite hard.

''Smm wmm nmmh?'' Jiri asked when their captors were gone.

Henri rather proudly muffled to his fellow captive. He had a brilliantly idea!

''Hlmmmmmmmmmmmh! HLMMMMMMMMMMMMMH! HEELMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Henri's idea of taking action was just to loudly scream through his gag for help.

''Rlmmmy!?'' Jiri groaned in annoyance. Considering how he actively scouted the room for anything useful, even crawling all over the place to find something useful it seemed he didn't exactly trust Henri's idea. Eventually the lad's eyes lid up. Lying in the corner was the sword Conrad had disarmed Henri off. With a muffled cheer he crawled towards it.

''HEEEEELMMMMMMMMMP! HLMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMME!'' But just like Jiri Henri also got some success out of his endeavors. Some peasant boys heard his screams and entered the tent.

''Told ya I hear somethin!'' One of the boys smirked ''Wow....a knight! tied up but....wow! its a still a knight!''

''Um...a sqrmmm'' Henri tried to explain his lower position but under his gag he smiled. It felt good to be seen as a knight ''Cmm ymm hlmmh mmh?''

''They're tied up. Who do ya think done it?'' The other peasant boy wondered.

''Who cares? Shall we?'' The boy grinned.

Henri's smile went bigger. The boys walked towards him surely with the intent to untie him from his bonds ''Mmmh wmmh ymh?'' But how would feeling into his pockets help with untying him? And why did they took out his gold purse!?

''Woooooooooow'' The peasant boys looked lovingly at the 4 golden coins inside the sack ''.....He got a nice belt don't ya think? It got a bit of gold on it!''

''I'm taking his shoes! Mine are all messed up!''

''Can't have enough pants right!?''

''MRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Henri screamed out. Rather then saving him these brats were robbing him blind! After taking his purse they quickly seized his belt, pants and shoes to go with it. If they could have taken the tunic without removing the ropes over Henri's torso they'd probably did it too but fortunately Henri could keep that at least. Still the squire blushed. He didn't exactly like his smallcloth being in full view of everyone.

''Oh look! A sword!'' One of the boys noticed the sword Jiri was using to try and cut his bonds ''Ehehehe! Come to papa!''

''Nmmmmmh!'' Jiri moaned when the sword was taken away from him whilst his bonds still remained on him ''NOMMH! stmmh bmmkkkh!'' Like Henri before him Jiri was robbed of his purse, pants and shoes.

''Thanks a lot you two! Hahaha! We were really lacking in these!'' The peasant boy laughed ''And in THIS in particular!'' he proudly made a swing with Henri's blade ''Good luck getting outta here! And good luck at the tournament too!''
And with that the boys ran off, leaving the two squires still bound, still captive but now also lacking in clothing and with no nearby sword to cut themselves loose.

''Grmmmmmmmmh!'' An angry Jiri growled at Henri ''Stmmmid! STMMMIMD!''

''S-sommmy!'' Henri blushed fiercely but how could he knew they would have been robbed?

And so Henri and Jiri remained tied and gagged in the tent, squirming against their bonds and moaning into their gags until they captors came back, now carrying a sack of feathers, a stack of butter and leading an adorable goat with them.

''Meh-eh-eh! Meh-eh-eh!'' The goat greeted them cheerfully. Henri found it only polite to greet the goat back and did so which caused Jiri to eyeroll again.

''Sorry for the wait! It took some time finding a goat!'' Conrad smiled ''Um...hey Tancred did we take their pants before we left?''

''Uh....no I don't think so'' Tancred looked at the two confused ''So how come you're in your smallcloths now?''

''Mmmmh....'' Henri blushed shyly.

''Hemmm an immiod!'' Jiri muffled and pointed his head to Henri, also with a big blush on his cheek.

''He seems a tad naive yeah!'' Conrad laughed ''Okay! Who wants to help us find the location of his lords valuables?''

Despite their helpless state the squires remained silent.

''You know Conrad, lets start with the goat'' Tancred grinned at his friend ''That should make them talk real soon!''

''Nmmm! NOMMMMMMMMMH!'' Henri's brave refusal was no changed into pathetic panicked screams. The goat responded by coming forward and licking his face.

''Haha! It won't be so bad! The goat seems to like you!'' Conrad laughed and held Henri's feet ''Time to butter these feet up, Tancred!''

''Nmmm plmmmmh!'' Henri begged and Jiri started sweating and whimpering as well.

''To bad kids, you had your chance to come clean'' Tancred smiled ''And admit it, its more fun like this!''

''HEEEEEEEEEELLMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Henri once again screamed out with all his might.

''And just what is going on here?'' This time Henri's scream had a more positive outcome. Standing in the entrance of the tent was a tall blonde squire boy in a red tunic ''Is this a jest or are you two in danger?''

''A jest! a joke! Just a little fun!'' Conrad quickly said.

''Mmmmmh! nonommmmh!'' At the same time Henri and Jiri firmly denied this and repeatedly shook their heads.

''I think I know enough'' The boy said and drew his blade ''Step away from the boys and leave my sight''

''He thinks he sounds big'' Tancred frowned ''Well I say he's just a kid like us! And its two on one....get him!''

''Y-yeah!'' Conrad drew his sword.

Henri's eyes widened. This was looking dire indeed. Their savior was outnumbered and who knew how skilled this boy was. The answer was very skilled. He disarmed Conrad in a single strike and after exchanging a few strikes with Tancred he also disarmed the blonde German.

''D-don't think we'll forget about this!' Tancred gulped and reacted like a true knight would....by fleeing with his tail between his legs.

''H-hey! Don't leave me!'' Conrad whined and ran after Tancred.

''Tmmmh ymmmh!'' Jiri grinned at his savior.

''Mmmh mmmh!'' Henri agreed and smiled at the boy as well. He was really something! So strong and heroic!

''Haha its okay. Let me get you two out of those'' The boy smiled and knelt down behind the captives. With his sword he started cutting their bound wrists.

''F-finally!'' Jiri smiled and used his free hands to pull down his gag ''Thanks a lot sir! I thought I was a goner. You're a real help....unlike that one! He just made it worse!'

''Ehehehe...s-sorry but at least I tried'' Henri giggled nervous ''And striving to do good is what a knight is all about!''

''....true'' Jiri had to admit that at least ''Just...try helping in ways that don't get me robbed next time!''

''Hahaha that's a deal!'' Henri smiled and extended his hand to both squires ''I'm Henri, squire of sir Mathis!''

''I'm Richard, squire of lord York'' Their blonde savior responded ''Coming to the tourney to win praise, prizes and the hand of a pretty lady''

''Ha! Don't we all!'' Jiri giggled ''I'm Jiri! I'm the squire of lord Champagne''

''I'm glad I got here on time'' Richard smiled ''I know from experience that having our furry friend lick your feet is no joy!''

''Ooof...you had it done to you? My deepest sympathies!'' Henri gasped ''Luckily you saved us from that terrible fate!''

''Meeeeeeeeeh!'' The goat paused from gorging up the fallen stack of butter to moan rather offended.

''Oh!...I-I didn't mean...I'm sure you would have been gentle!'' Henri quickly assured the goat ''In any case I really owe you! Oh noble ser Richard! I feel obliged to invite you to the drinking hall! I'll treat you to something good!''

''Oh? This I have to see'' Jiri smiled ''How are you going to threat anyone to anything? Remember? You got our purses stolen!''

''O-oh!.....um'' Henri went completely red.

''Ahahaha! Oh dear! Then its me who will be treating you two to a meal!'' Richard laughed ''Follow me!''

''Yes sir!'' Both squire said exited and rushed out of the tent to get their free meal....but then quickly had to rush back into the tent until Richard could get them a new pair of pants!
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Post by cj2125 »

Glad to read one fo your stories and must tell you, I love this story! Love the dynamic of between Henri's naivety and Jiri's straight man's acting! And they both were really cute as captives!

I hope we get to read about the squires adventures and the german's inevitable revenge!
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Post by Xtc »

It's good to see you writing again.

So: the Germans smelt of beer, did they? I demand equal racial stereotyping for all: the French obviously smelt of garlic and the Dutch . . . Oh bugger no Hollanders, but I bet they would have smelt of Jenever! :)
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Post by Veracity »

Fun story. Thanks for posting. Don't forget to properly tag your stories in the subject line.
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Post by Chris12 »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago Glad to read one fo your stories and must tell you, I love this story! Love the dynamic of between Henri's naivety and Jiri's straight man's acting! And they both were really cute as captives!

I hope we get to read about the squires adventures and the german's inevitable revenge!
Thanks for the praise! I originally planned to write Henri as a normal guy but I had more fun writing him as naive and star eyed. I'm happy I'm not the one one :D
t's good to see you writing again.

So: the Germans smelt of beer, did they? I demand equal racial stereotyping for all: the French obviously smelt of garlic and the Dutch . . . Oh bugger no Hollanders, but I bet they would have smelt of Jenever! :)
Well with all my old stories gone I got no choice if I want to maintain my tug legacy :lol: And the Dutch smell like cheese obviously.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Oh this was a definite treat to read indeed. :)
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by Xtc »

Chris12 wrote: 6 years ago
Well with all my old stories gone I got no choice if I want to maintain my tug legacy :lol: And the Dutch smell like cheese obviously.
Bugger! Sorry to hear about your loss. Did you not save any of them? I reckon that, with a re-work now that you are more experienced writer, they would enhance this site once more.
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Post by harveygasson »

I love the setting to this story! Not enough medieval tug stories haha thanks for posting :)
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Post by Tsuhaya »

Thanks for posting this, I love stories with "naive" people. Very nice :)
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by drawscore »

I like it. An easy "A."

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Post by Chris12 »

The following days Henri stuck close to Richard and Jiri. The two squires were close to his age and just as passionate knights so Henri considered them the perfect friends. Or as Jiri put it, having Richard around really helped scared off German fools. The blonde Englishmen was so strong! He easily won most of his matches. Where Jiri thought it was useful for protection Henri just wanted to learn all he could from this prodigy.

The trio watched the jousting sessions and witnessed sir Bernard knock his opponent off his saddle. It was significant because Bernard was the liege lord of their mutual ''friend'' Tancred.

''....Well someone is going to meet lady Toulouse today'' Jiri frowned at seeing the certain victor of today's fighting. If Bernard would meet the fair lady then so would Tancred. She was the maiden who would sing praises to the victors at this day of the tournament.

''Ah....lady Toulouse'' Upon hearing the name Henri immediately stopped paying attention to anything but his own fantasies. In his mind the legendary beauty awarded him with a red rose and kissed him on the cheek. He was certain of it, lady Toulouse would be his wife. Henri was vaguely aware she was a decade older, of much higher standing and that she had completely failed to notice when he tried introducing himself to her in pitiful stammering, but that all didn't have to mean anything.

''Oh wow....there he goes again'' Richard smirked ''Hello, is Henri there? We'd like to speak to our friend!''

''So....so pretty'' The blushing Henri smiled and started to giggle.

''Its not like we can really blame him for this. She really IS that pretty'' Jiri smiled ''Shall we bring him back to reality?''

''We really should!'' Richard nodded. The boys smiled to each other before diving on Henri. Richard seized the boy in a headlock and started moving his knuckles through Henri's skull. At first Jiri helped Richard hold their friend but upon seeing what an easy time Richard had he just let go to giggle at the sight.

''Aah! aaaaaa! C-can you stop that! Owowowo! Y-you're hurting meeeeee!'' Henri screamed ''S-stop it!''

''Hahaha! As you wish!'' 'Richard let go ''But if you think about proving yourself to all the fair ladies you need to enter the fighting ring remember''

''And that's quite impossible for you at the time'' Jiri chimed in ''Because as I recall someone felt it was wise to attract the attention of thieves''

''Y-you don't have to remind me!'' Henri's face went red ''My lord was so mad....'' He may have met Jiri and Richard during his capture but the loss of one's sword was deeply traumatizing for any knight and Henri couldn't do much until he got it back.

Then Henri suddenly saw it. A young blonde boy walking around the camp, messy hairs, a dirty face and all features of a commoner....and HIS pants and belt! ''T-there's the thief! GET BACK HERE YOU!'' with a loud scream Henri rushed at the lad who quickly made a run for it. Henri of course gave chase.

The rest of the campsite was treated to the sight of one boy screaming his lungs out while trying to catch another boy. It raised quite the few eyebrows. Finally Henri had the little thief cornered ''Got you!''

''Eeep! O-okay! okay! I give up'' The peasant boy pouted ''I'll return your stuff''

''Yippee!'' Henri cheered happily and had to hold himself back from doing a happy little dance in front of this lout.

''Would you be okay following me to my house?'' The boy asked ''If I return your stuff here I have to run around the place with no pants!''

''Yes that's okay'' Henri knew from his last experience how that felt. He followed the boy to his house where he would be returned to his old pants, his old belt, his own shoes and most importantly his sword!

''A knight is here! Get him!'' Except the boy had led Henri to his friends who all dived on top of the unarmed boy. The young squire really didn't stand a chance

''MMMMMMMMH! HMMMMMMMH!'' When the kids were done with him Henri was lying hogtied in the corner while the boys started talking about how to divide their loot. They were too poor to buy much cloths or handkerchiefs so a gag was found by just stuffing as many of their socks into Henri's mouth as possible.

''I'll take his shoes! Mine got so many holes in them!'' One boy basically said the same as the last one who stole Henri's shoes. Did all commoners have holes in their shoes?

''I'll take the tunic! With it I can pass for a squire! That should give lots of advantages!'' The lad who drew Henri here grinned

''Nmmmh! nommmh!'' Henri moaned. This tunic was a symbol of his lord. If it was used for evil his name would go through the mud too!

''I'll take the purse! Daddy can use the coin!'' Another one took Henri's new purse and the new coin he managed to acquire since the last theft.

Henri softly whimpered as the boys started circling him to view a good prize and steal it off his body in the very immediate future.

''Y-ymmmh almm STLMMMINH!'' Henri tried to tell them. Maybe just maybe did they not yet know stealing was a crime! If Henri told them they might stop. Right?

''Um....yeah of course! That's the point!'' A boy giggled '''Now lets strip this little knight bare and kick him out! THANKS FOR THE FREE STUFF!''

''HEEEEEEELLLLMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Henri screamed his lungs out for someone, anyone to come save him.


With Henri incapacitated and being robbed blind it fell to the other two squires to have an adventure. Richard and Jiri were now involved in a tale were a brave knight would have to save the dainty damsel in distress from a fearsome beast.

The name of the distressed maiden......was Jiri.

''Hahahaha! Aren't you the weak little Frenchie!'' Tancred smiled ''Didn't take too much to break you....again''

''Grmmmmmmh!'' Jiri screamed out.

''I think he's got something to say Tancred'' Conrad giggled and enjoyed the sight of Jiri screaming into the large cloth tied over his mouth.

''What's that smallfry? Can't talk because you're gagged?'' Tancred smirked ''Well, you know what they say about girls right? They never got something of interest to say so we're not missing much!''

''GRMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Jiri roared in rage but grew incredibly red once his current state was pointed out. Jiri wasn't just a damsel because he was their prisoner but the boys had forced him to wear a princess dress too! The two Germans had seized him as soon as Richard wasn't looking and dragged him to their tent. After stripping him of his tunic they forced the dress on him and bound him to a pole. With the number of princesses and handmaidens at the tournament Jiri was aware of the possibility he was wearing something belonging to another one of Tancred's victims.

''Maybe a bit more training would help'' Conrad suggested ''Because capturing you is sooo easy! Haha!''

''S-shmm ummh!'' Jiri kept blushing but his grunt had become a pitiful whine. He wasn't very proud at how he fared in battle against these jerks.

''Of course capturing him is easy! He's a girl!'' Tancred said ''So being bait for the boys is his role in life! And when those fools get here we'll strike!''

''Mmmhf'' Jiri just scoffed and shot the two a mean grin.

''Damsel's got attitude huh?'' Tancred said and punched Jiri in the stomach for it, something Conrad looked a bit uncomfortable at''

''URGHH!' Jiri groaned but kept smirking ''Rmmard mmch strmmer!'' He told the two. Richard had made quick work of them the other day.

''Declaring your hero will save you is typical damsel behavior'' Conrad giggled ''Just saying!''

''And don't you worry your pretty little head about it. We got a plan'' Tancred assured his captive ''That stupid Brit is going down today''

''Hehhemmh!'' The muffled laugh Jiri gave suggested he doubted that statement quite a lot.

''Just you wait buddy! Just you wait!'' Conrad didn't seem as annoyed at Jiri's attitude as Tancred had been. Rather than a punch in the gut he just gave the damsel a ruffle through his hairs ''Or don't wait actually, cause your hero is coming here right now''

''Jiri! They told me those Germans were at it a...hehe...agai...pff...heehee'' Richard couldn't help it. Seeing his new friend in a princess dress caused him to let out boyish giggles ''I...I don't know you had breasts''

''I DOMMMH!'' Jiri yelled even if the two large assets sticking out of his chest said differently.

''Apples!'' Conrad explained with a beaming face ''My idea! Just a finishing touch to make him look the part!''

''I see. But you do know this ends now right?'' Richard drew his swords which forced the Germans to do the same.

''Why should we end this? We have a fantastic story going here'' Tancred smirked ''Just look at the scene! We got a helpless damsel, a brave and foolish knight....and a fearsome beast!''

''One dangerous beast coming up!'' Conrad ran to the tent next door and returned with an adorable black puppy.

Richard responded to this not so fearsome beast by tensing up and taking several steps backwards.

''Mmmh!?'' Jiri gasped astonished. Surely his new friend wasn't....

''S-s-sorry J-Jiri but I have a p-problem with dogs'' Richard explained in a voice several pitches higher than it used to be.

''So I heard!'' Tancred said delighted at the success of his scheme ''Now you just drop your weapon or I'm letting loose the beast!''

''SERIOMMMPLY!'' Jiri screamed out. Of his friends Henri was dumb and naive and now the other one turned out to be scared of puppies. Was he surrounded by idiots?

''S-stay back! Stay back monster or I'll slay you!'' Richard screamed and pointed his sword at the dog.

''Woof! Woof! grrrrrr! woofwoof!'' The puppy responded with some exited barks and jumped closer, ready to play.

''Aaaaaah! I'm dropping it! Dropping it!'' Richard tossed his sword away. Now the squire was unarmed as the two Germans aimed their swords at him. As they did Jiri was left fuming in anger.

''Good boy! Now put those arms behind you'' Tancred ordered, pointing the tip of his blade on Richard's neck to ensure he would obey.

''Good boy! Good boy!'' Conrad repeated what his fellow squire was saying but instead addressed the dog while cuddling it and allowed the fearsome beast to lick his cheeks.

''Conrad! Go tie him up!'' Tancred interrupted the cuddling session by barking at him.

''Y-yes boss!'' Conrad nodded and quickly went to work. A rope was wrapped around Richard's wrists to keep them behind him. Another coil of rope was wrapped around Richard's chest. Tancred made no move to help Conrad in restraining Richard but when the squire was done he stepped in to kick Richard in a way that forced him on his knees.

''There! Damselboy is in his natural state and now so are you'' Tancred said ''You're going to rue the day you got in my way.

''Grmmmh!' Now he wasn't facing a fearsome beast anymore Richard got his spine back and shot a defiant glare at his captor.

''You still think you're so much better than me huh?'' Tancred asked ''Don't worry. You'll learn your place once I'm done with you''

''Because we still got a torture to do if I'm not mistaken! Come on girl, you're gonna get your butter today! I promise'' Now Conrad pulled a goat inside the tent. Judging by his words Jiri assumed it to be the same goat as the other day.

''NMMMMO! DMMMH!'' Jiri screamed and uselessly trashed against his restraints. All it did was make one ''breast' pop out of his bra.

''Haaha! Well you escaped last time so of course we're going with the goat again'' Conrad smiled. He proudly showed Jiri a stack of butter before taking his shoes off.

''Nommh! Nmm plmmmm!'' Without rescue and with that stupid goat before him Jiri suddenly got a lot meeker.

''Just know that even if you don't like it SHE at least does'' Conrad giggled as he took off Jiri's boots and smeared butter on Jiri's bare feet.

''Meeehehehe!'' The goat cheerfully came forward and started licking.

''Urgmmh!'' Jiri groaned disgusted. He could already feel this goat was a big drooler ''Ehehemmh!'' he giggled at the touch of its tongue across his soles.

''We may only got one goat....but we'll just give our feline friend its reward for a job well done'' Tancred removed Richard's boots and smeared his feet with butter too.

''Oh nomm!'' Richard's eyes turned big from horror and fright.

''Oh yes! Come here boy! Get your threat!''

''Woof! Woof!'' The dog barked and happily came forward.

''Nommh! Nmmh.....hhmh'' Richard whimpered. A dog's tongue didn't tickle much, unlike that of a goat but Richard's phobia of dogs ensured it was just as bad as the tickle torture. As the dog got to work he just sat there with a petrified look on his face, occasionally letting out scared whimpers.

''Hiihihihmm! Haahaammmh! MMMMMMH! HEEMMMH! S-stmmmmmmp!'' Jiri considered his torture to be worse. Richard was just being a big baby but the goat's tongue tickled really, really badly ''HEHEHEMMMMH! MMMMMMMMH!''

'I think not! I think you and that goat are going to get intimately familiar with each other before this is over'' Tancred said, watching satisfied as his revenge unfolded.

''HAAAMMMMMH! GMMH AWMMH! GOMMH!'' Jiri screamed. He could feel tears coming up. Rater than letting those jerks see him cry he tried shooing the boat away ''Grmmmh! Fummh ommh!'' he yelled and kicked the goat.

''Mwehehehe!'' She moaned offended

''HEY! No goat kicking!'' Conrad yelled angry and pulled on the front of Jiri's briefs as punishment

''MFFFFH!'' The wedgie hurt but compared to goat tickle torture it was most welcome. Jiri considered it worth it.

''Its okay dear, he's just being a big old meany'' Conrad assured the goat, feeding her one of the apples he had used to stuff Jiri's bra. He tied Jiri's legs in place and placed more butter on on his feet ''Come on lassie! punish that jerk!''

''Yrmmh the jrmmh!'' Jiri yelled and shot a hateful, of tear filled glare. The goat came closer and resumed its licking ''Heehemmmh! Plmmmh! Plmmm dmm timmmlh mmmmmme!'' the proud and serious Jiri didn't last much longer. Tears streamed down his cheek and he was reduced to begging a goat, A GOAT for mercy.

''Hehehehe! Lets see who wets himself first!'' Tancred grinned and took the butter stack ''Miss damsel or this scaredy cat!''

''Nommh! Ymm cmmmh!'' Richard gasped. He could see Tancred lean over him, armed with butter and knife. Richard knew what would happen but was helpless to stop it. Soon his cheeks were buttered and the monster licking his soles soon crawled on his lap, put its paws on his chest to pull itself up and started licking those cheeks. Jiri might soon soil himself from the relentless tickle torture but....he himself was pretty close to have an accident out of fright ''H-hlmmmmh mmmmmmme!'' Richard started screaming for help in a manner that would have even made Henri blush.

''Heeheee! That reminds me of that other kid!'' Conrad laughed ''Didn't he scream for help? Hahaha! and didn't it cause him to get robbed of his underpants!''

''We even went to the trouble of getting a special outfit for him!'' Tancred proudly took out a jester uniform ''Ha! This thing would suit him just as much as the dress suits you, damsel boy!''

''Mfff....hmm'' Jiri didn't even have the energy to be offended. The constant laughing that the stupid goat made him do left him too exhausted to do anything but pant and whimper.

''It would be such a shame to let the jester outfit go to waste!'' Conrad said ''You're thinking what I'm thinking?''

''Oh yeah!'' Tancred nodded and both squires looked at Richard with devilish grins on their faces.


Henri knew not to underestimate the power of screaming for help from the top of his lungs. Sure these brats robbed him when he did it last time but last time his cries also summoned his new friend Richard. This time his screams for help summoned his cousin Aycan.

The peasant boys who had captured Henri could see a boy just like him entering the house. The only difference being a thinner build and a downright insufferable smug look on his face ''Hey there cousin. You called?''

''Ymmh! Hlmmmh mee!' Henri peeped and nodded his head, giving his cousin a stare with those big puppy eyes of his. Aycan had came just in time. The boys were leering over him but Henri still had his clothes, his belt, his boots and his sack of coins. He preferred it to stay like that.

''Stay out of this, kid!'' One of the boys yelled ''We got you outnumbered! You got no chance so if you get in our way we'll robb you do''

''Oh I doubt it'' Aycan drew his blade which made the village children back away ''Now I'm sure you can overwhelm and capture me. I'm also sure that I might have killed several of you before it comes to that''

''Mmmmh?'' Henri winched uncomfortable. He didn't know how he felt about Aycan scaring children to save him.

''And even IF you robb me and wittle Henri blind'' Aycan's grin just grew smugger and smugger ''Then you might live to regret it. Have you ever read this statement by the local lord?'' He took a paper with a declaration written by the local count. Papers like those had littered the tournament grounds and the surrounding villages.

The boys looked at the paper in confusion ''We can't read''

''Oh that's right! Hahaha! I forgot, you peasants are big dummies!'' Aycan laughed meanly.

''Aycmman!'' If not for the gag Henri would have lectured his cousin. Knights were supposed to be respectful to the people, not bully them!

''You see this paper....it says every thief that's caught will be hanged'' Aycan explained ''....you're thieves aren't you? Why, I imagine just one visit to the count will lead to all of you getting the noose! I think I saw a lovely tree right next to this house!''

Henri had always known his cousin had a way with words. Even when vastly outnumbered he had his opponents cower before him. Some of the boys were already sobbing at the prospect of their execution.

''P-please have m-m-mercy ser!''

''Y-you can't! Please don't! we'll be good!''

''We'll do anything ANYTHING!' One boy cried and went on his knees to beg for mercy.

''THAT's the one I was waiting for!'' Aycan said happily ''Yes, yes you will do anything. You boys will work for me now! I've been watching you cheat squires like little Henri here and I'm quite impressed! I got some ways in which you can be helpful....or else''

'Y-yes! yes we'll serve you my lord!''

''You're the boss now!''

''Whatever you wish! Just don't report us!''

''MMRMMMMMMMH! AYCMM! DMMH!'' Henri couldn't believe what he was hearing. Aycan the knight in training was scaring children, praising the illegal acts committed by these children and blackmailing them into doing what he wanted! This was unknightly behavior to the highest degree!

''.....slap my cousin on the cheek would you?'' Aycan ordered to test out his new power ''His protests annoy me''

''Owmmh! Owmmie!'' In their haste to appeal to their new master two boys struck Henri's cheek at the same time with such force each cheek had a red handprint on it once they were done.

''Good job! Now untie him and leave him out of any potential robbery'' Aycan ordered ''Once that is done you can go back to the tournament field to investigate any squire that's not me! Find out their weaknesses, seek out blackmail material or just steal their stuff. Just make sure me and sir Lancelot have the upper hand in any fight''

''Yes sir!''

Poor Henri peeped. He found this all reprehensible but he really didn't want to get slapped again. The boys who had abducted him came closer to cut him loose. Henri could leave with all his possessions still his own. For once he really wasn't happy with that outcome.

Henry didn't notice but the boy who stole his sword wasn't present when Aycan barged in to threaten the boys into loyalty. That might become important later.


''I can't believe you!'' An hour later the two boys were back at the tournament field.

''Pretty clever huh? I now have a small army of little birds at my beck and call'' Aycan grinned proudly ''I'm almost feeling like a spymaster!''

''Don't you mean like a villain!'' Henri pouted ''B-because this is the worst thing you ever did! Worse than that time you blackmailed papa or didn't stop that bandit just because you knew you could get a kiss out of rescuing lady Tousant!''

''I should have left you gagged like that'' Aycan also pouted now he felt a lecture coming up ''Hey, don't you have something better to do?'' he asked and pointed to the scene unfolding before them.

''W-what!? J-Jiri! Richard!'' Henri gasped in horror. Both his friends had been captured and were now being paraded through the fields. Jiri was wearing a dress for some reason and Richard was wearing a pink jester outfit. Both boys were screaming and thrashing. Henri didn't know why but Richard suddenly stopped resisting when the puppy following the boys came to close. Jiri and Richard were also keeping their legs desperately crossed as if they could have an accident at any moment. It was clear time was running out. Henri had to save them!

''Aycan!'' Henri grabbed his cousin by the hands ''I....um...I mean....uuum'' He felt a great revulsion come over him as he uttered the words ''P-please let me borrow those boys!''

Aycan gave his cousin a smug smirk ''Of course! I, Aycan the villain will let YOU, Henri the honorable knight lend those boys that only do as we tell them because I can have them hanged otherwise!''

Henri wanted nothing more than to run to the church and pray for forgiveness for going along with Aycan's rotten scheme. But now his his friends needed saving!
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Post by cj2125 »

Awww! Poor Jiri! He is surrounded by idiots! Although after being defeated by a puppy I'm sure Richard has lost any credibility as a valiant knight. And now the "noble" Henri has been force to turn to the dark side in order to help his friends, how wonderful!

I'm not sure what I want the most: For Henri to succeed and hopefully get their long-waited revenge on those bullies or for his plan to go horrible wrong and end with him (and hopefully his cousin too) joining the parade :mrgreen:
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