My Childhood Redo (M/F Multiple F/M)

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My Childhood Redo (M/F Multiple F/M)

Post by mysterykid »

Editors Note: These stories are based on what my teenage years SHOULD have been and sadly not what they actually were. Most (If not all) the characters are written based on the people who I grew up with. I hope these stories will appeal to some readers, because I'm not sure how this thing is going to go.....enjoy!

PART ONE: Self Bondage Fantasy

My name is Tom Foreman and I'm not sure what is was or is, but I have a fetish of being bound and gagged. To this day, I still don't know why. I have seen a ton of TV shows and movies over the years, where the girl gets the 'Treatment' and I always pictured myself there with her and yes there were alot of shows with the guys tied up as well that I have seen as well, but I couldn't relate to that....just the girls. Reading Teen detective stories (Hardy Boys, Three Investigators and even some Nancy Drew) would have alot of scenes I would fantasize about, only I would out myself in the victim's place. It really came down to making up my own and then trying out in real life, pretending to be kidnapped and or held captive.
One day my Parents were out for the whole day (I was an only child) and I guess being sixteen, they felt I would be fine on my own. Anyway, I got out stuff I would need: Some cut clothesline, a white rag and a prerecorded cassette tape of where I would record two disguised voices on it.....Burglars who broke into our house and caught me there in the process. I would time the tape for half an hour of static and then would talk again, making it look like they came back down to the basement to check on me. For one hour, I would be bound and gagged and lying on an old mattress of my house.
First I would tie my ankles together with one piece of clothesline and then take another piece and make a slipknot on both ends and tie one of my wrists tightly. Next I would cleave gag myself tightly with the white rag and then start the cassette player. (It would have a one minute delay intro before my 'captors' would start talking) Next, I would pull my hands behind my back and take the other slip knotted end and pull my other wrist through and try and pull it as tight as I could. Finally I would twist my wrists uo to where it was taught so by this time the tape would start and one of the 'burglars' would be talking and say something like: "There kid, try and get out of that!" I would have them in a conversation and say they were going to ransack the house and look for valuables while I would be helpless in the basement.
Just then the tape went blank, so for the next half an hour, I rolled on the mattress. thinking I was really helpless and criminals were really upstairs. I knew I could only twist my wrists in reverse to pretty much escape (Remember, this was pre google, So I did the best I could of tying myself up lol) I yelled into the gag, as it started drying out my mouth. I was saying stuff like: "The cops will find you and you better let me go" among other things as I was gag talking sort of speak. After struggling for those thirty minutes, suddenly the tape started back with the 'Burglars' voices, saying something to the effect of: "I think were going to leave you right here.....we found alot of stuff in this house" I would yell at them through the gag and they would just laugh. After awhile, I would roll my wrists out and work myself free, roll out the gag and undo the ankle ropes.
I found myself doing this a couple of times that summer as my Parents would go to visit friends or something. Little did I know things in my life were about to change (And for the better!) My folks told me they were going on a cruise (Sort of a second honeymoon) and I was going to go live with my Uncle Jeff for the next two weeks. It would be two weeks of the most fun I would ever have in my young life....

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PART TWO: The New Neighbors

Moving in with Uncle Jeff wasn't that much of an adjustment, he was divorced...but most of time he was out on his job as an electrician. I did however, have problems making new friends as there wasn't many kids there my age. Then one day, I noticed a family pull into a house down the street, only to find out they had been on summer vacation (I hadn't noticed a car there before)
A few days later when I was sitting on the porch, I saw this woman and a young girl around my age coming out of that house and preceded to walk down the street towards me. Both females had on t-shirts and shorts. The mother wore flip-flops, the daughter sneakers. They then noticed me and came up and introduced themselves as Kim and Gina Caruso. The mother, Kim, was an attractive brunette...probably in her mid-forties. The daughter, Gina, was around my age I think (sixteen) a little on the plump side (Like me), but super cute with the most adorable smile I had ever seen. Gina's brunette hair was on the short side, which I had an attraction to (and still do!) Last but not least, Gina had on a pair of white ankle socks that were barely visible on her ankles as her dark sneakers covered them nicely. There was / is something about a female who wears them and looks good with the contrast. Anyway, after they had introduced themselves formally (They had been out of town for almost a month), they wanted to invite me over that coming Saturday for a get together. Kim told me that her eldest daughter Cynthia would be there. GIna just gave me a cute smile as they left.
Well Saturday finally arrived as Uncle Jeff was out on a job. I was excited about seeing Gina again but then I noticed the car was gone as I went up and rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, the door opened and a dirty blonde haired girl in jean cut-offs stood there looking at me.
"You must be Tom. I'm Cindy Caruso, Gina's downstairs"
Cindy looked to be in her early twenties, just out of College maybe? She was definitely attractive, but for what it was worth, she didn't look too much like her younger sister.
"Oh my mom had to go out of town unexpectedly on business, I guess being gone for awhile will do that. But your bound to have a good time nonetheless" She had said that with a kind of snickering, with that statement going over my head but in a few minutes, I would fully understand what she had meant by it. We ascended the stairs and I thought I had heard a muffled squeal coming from nearby in the spacious basement. The basement was carpeted all over. Suddenly from behind, a pair of arms grabbed me and held me tight! It was a guy. His name was Ron and was Cindy's boyfriend. My heart was pounding as I tried to fight my way out of his grip.
"Let me go! What the...."
"Welcome to the neighborhood Tom!" Cindy said with a devilish grin on her face. Ron forced me to walk to a small room that was nearby. Those squeals I heard before got louder as Cindy opened the door. My eyes lit up as I saw Gina sitting on the floor, barefooted, her feet being tickled by another girl around Cindy's age. Colleen Graham was her name and was Gina's best friend and Ron's sister. All of my emotions came back to me as Gina sat there, her hands and feet bound and a blue bandanna cleave gagging her mouth! Holp Crap! I thought as I was about the get the same treatment as I heard the next thing out of Cindy's mouth: "Let's tie up the new kid...."

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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Great story, can't wait for more.
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a great start to a story that I hope continues for a while. I'm hoping the author comes back to continue the story.
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Post by mysterykid »

Thanks for the comments. I was trying to get this done this past weekend, but it's here now


Cindy had grabbed a piece of rope and basically took over from her boyfriend Ron, who had gone over and sat down and watched the proceedings. My heart was pounding from all the excitement as I couldn't believe this was happening to me, so I decided to milk it for all that is was worth. I started struggling as Gina was struggling and biting down on her bandanna gag, trying to talk behind it.
"Don't fight us newbie, we're going to tie you up nice and tight....okay Colleen, help me get off his socks and shoes, I need to gag him."
"Lmhvm hnm hlhnm Cnndn!" Gina yelled, which sounded like "Leave him alone Cindy" If Gina only knew what I felt! Cindy finished tying my hands as she had rope looped around each wrist about four times and knots out of my fingers reach. I was definitely tied better than I ever done myself (Not to mention tighter) If this was a dream, I didn't want to wake up. Cindy then made me lie on the floor across from her younger sister.
"Lmhvm hnm hlhnm!!"
"Gina, didn't mom ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full?"
That got a snicker out of Colleen, as by this time, Cindy's bestie had removed my sneakers and socks. Colleen then took a piece of rope and tied my bare ankles together tightly. Colleen even gave me a small tickle across my soles....sort of a preview of things to come. "Ahhh!" I yelled as I saw Cindy roll up a red bandanna and force it into my open mouth. She pulled the ends tight and knotted it with two good knots. I felt the gag dig into the corners of my lips as my speech was garbled. Cindy then stood up and gave Colleen a high five. I tested my hands....Cindy was good.
"There!" Now let's see how ticklish the newbie is...."
Gina was struggling and squealing as Cindy and Colleen started to work my soles. To describe what I was feeling at that moment was impossible, as I had a feeling that I had never felt before.
"Sstppp!" Gina squealed as she saw me getting my feet raked by her sister and Colleen.
"Go give my sister a workout again, I want Tom here for myself"
Gina really ramped up the protests as I could see her trying to get away from Colleen. She seemed to be really ticklish and was bucking wildly. As for me, Cindy's soft touch was getting to me as I started to laugh behind the gag. Cindy then went up my leg and onto my sides as my muffled yelling got louder. I didn't think of being embarrassed by two older girls, I was enjoying every moment, as I could tie myself up, but being tickled especially by girls was something that I had never felt before. Ron Meanwhile had left the girls alone with us (I think he had to work) Anyway, Colleen and Cindy had switched as the striking Colleen worked on my soles and Cindy worked on her younger sister. I was working up a sweat as I struggled and grunted (As was Gina) we were both getting tickled mercilessly as both the older girls seemed to enjoy everything (Not to mention myself!) Poor Gina though, I couldn't tell how mad she was as she was screaming stuff at Cindy, but everything was muffled. Cindy kept on doing it despite her gagged protests. Finally Cindy and Colleen stopped as Cindy whispered something in her besties ear. Colleen only giggled as both girls knelt beside me and patted my sweaty head.
"Welcome to the neighborhood Tom!" they only said giggling as they both got up and left the room. Gina yelled into her gag at them.
"Nnntttssss!" she kept saying as it sounded like "Untie us"
Just then Cindy poked her head in the door.
"We'll be back sis to free about twenty minutes.....oh feel free to try and get loose know you can't Gina!"
Cindy let out an almost evil laugh as I struggled to get my hands loose. I looked at Gina who shook her head at me, almost telling me it was useless to try and work myself free. In a few minutes of struggling, Gina was right. I was really tied up TIGHT. My wildest of fantasies was all too real as I wondered how to get loose before they returned. Then it hit me: I rolled on the floor and made my way over to Gina.
"stttt bkkk ttttt bkkk ggnnn!" I tried to tell her as I pushed my back against hers. Gina seemed to catch on as I struggled to find Gina's wrist knots. Trying to feel for her knots was an understatement as she kept wiggling around. Finally I found one of her knots as I tried to tell her to sit still. After about ten minutes of strenuous work, I felt the one knot coming loose! Gina seemed to sense it as well as soon she had her wrists free!
"Oh man! it worked Tom!" she said as she had undid her gag. I had no idea they were going to do this to you....I'm so sorry"
Gina loosened my gag as it the wet bandanna fell around my neck.
"It's okay Gina, this is the most fun I've had in a long time!" I answered with probably the understatement of a lifetime.
"Really? I'm the usually the one that's being kidnapped"
I couldn't believe what I just heard.....this wasn't the first time Gina had been tied up and if I had anything to say about it, it wouldn't be the last.
Kim had returned by the time we had worked ourselves loose. As I walked out of their house, I noticed Cindy looking at me looking like "How did you ever get loose....?" Luckily for me, my tie up games experience was just beginning....
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Post by Canuck100 »

^this is very good!
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