Little Chris Gets 'Kidnapped' (m/m)

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Little Chris Gets 'Kidnapped' (m/m)

Post by drawscore »


“Hey, Allen!” called Doug. “I saw Bill and Chris really goin' at it. I'd hear a little, like 'brother,' 'dumb,' 'asshole,' 'shithead,” and a few other choice insults. You got any idea of what it was all about? You know Bill pretty well.”

“No clue.” Allen replied. “Why don't you ask him?”

“Nah!” Doug answered. “Gettin' between brothers can get me in trouble.”

“What time you comin' to sleep over tonight?” Allen asked.

“6:30, maybe 7:00.” Doug said. “Fairly early. Charlie owes me a couple'a penalties, and I'd kind'a like to get 'em out'a the way.”

“That's cool. We'll look for you then.”

Doug and Allen split up. Doug went home to pack his overnight bag; Allen headed for the house he shared with his brother and cousin. When he got there, his cousin, Charlie, told him that Bill had called about ten minutes ago.

Wha'did he want.” Allen asked.

“I dunno; he didn't say.” Charlie answered. “He gave me his phone number, and I wrote it down. Why don't'cha call him and find out.”

“Good idea.” Allen replied, and went in to the kitchen to make the call.

Bill was somewhat secretive. He didn't want to talk about anything on the phone, and asked if he come over around 7:30. Allen agreed.

“Wha'did he want?” Charlie asked.

“He wouldn't tell me, either. Almost as if he was afraid his brother or parents would hear him.” Allen answered. “He's comin' over around 7:30, so I guess we'll find out then.”

At 7:30, Doug was already at Scott's, Allens'and Charlie's house when Bill rang the doorbell. Scott's and Allen's parents (Charlie's aunt and uncle) had left for the evening, and Charlie, wearing a pair of jeans, and a light blue T-shirt, sat on his bed, tied hand and foot, with a blue bandana tied over his mouth.

“After this, he owes me another penalty, but I think I'll pull a Kevin on him, and tie him up in pajamas around 11 or midnight, or so.” Doug laughed. “Don't you owe me a penalty, too?”

“If you don't know, I ain't gonna tell ya!” Bill laughed back. “But that ain't why I came over.”

“Oh? What's goin' on?” Allen asked.

“I got a little brother that needs a lesson.” Bill told him. “And right now, he's home alone. I told him I was goin' over to Mike Hayworth's house, and he told me to go pound sand.”

“I don't trust him. It's a trap!” Scott cut in.

“When do we go?” Doug asked.

From the stairs came a laugh. “That's the kind of answer I'd expect from Doug.” Charlie snickered.

“It ain't no trick or trap, and I'll be you guys' prisoner for two nights, one at MacAlpine Manor, and one in the ghost town, if it ain't like I say it is. I'll even sign a paper saying so!” Bill shot back.

“Each!” Scott negotiated.

Reluctantly, Bill agreed.

“It must be like he says.” Allen said. “If he was laying a trap for us, he'd'a never agreed to be our captive like he said, and offered to sign a paper.”

“He might think it'd be worth it, if he and his friends had the four of us tied and gagged.” the ever suspicious Scott cautioned.

“So what? Let's do it!” Doug voted.

“The adventuresome Charlie agreed, and Allen took Bill's word. Scott was outvoted, but did secure a concession. “This better not go south, or the three of you are gonna owe me three penalties each, and Bill, you'll owe me five!” he growled.

Bill agreed; the others took a little more time, but also agreed. “Let's go!” Doug said excitedly. “We'll 'kidnap' him!”

“Let's do it like real kidnappers, and wear masks!” Scott suggested, as he took a red bandana, folded it in half, and tied it above his nose, but below his eyes. “How d'I look?” he asked.

“Cool!” Charlie said. “But it'd look better if it was rolled all the way up, and you were gagged with it.” The others snickered, but thought Scott's idea was a good one, and tied neckerchiefs and bandanas over their lower faces. Bill left for parts unknown, while Scott, Charlie, Allen, and Doug, headed for Bill's and Chris's house.

When they got there, Charlie slowly and quietly turned the back doorknob. As Bill had said, the door was unlocked, and was pushed slightly open. As it was, a small, furry creature darted in, surprising the four would be 'kidnappers,' but they managed to keep quiet.

From beyond the kitchen door, came Chris's voice. “How'd you get in, Fuzzball? I thought I put you out!”

“He's coming!” Charlie whispered, as he quietly closed the door. Meanwhile, Chris had scooped up the cat, went to the back door, gently dropped her on the back porch, and started back in. It was then he was bum-rushed, and found himself face down on the kitchen floor.

Charlie sat on top of him, and held his hands behind his back. Doug bound them with a bandage, while Allen used another to tie his feet. Scott had a blue bandana rolled up, ready to gag their captive, when Chris blurted out “I know you, Allen, and the rest of you guys, too!” More than that, Chris couldn't get out, because Scott had gotten the gag between his teeth, and knotted it tightly at the nape of his neck.

Doug checked the front door to make sure it was locked, and, on the way out, locked the back door. Charlie hoisted Chris onto his shoulder, and they took their captive back tomtheir house, and up to the bedroom Charlie shared with Allen and Scott.

Chris was unceremoniously dumped on Scott's bed, where he gave the almost obligatory struggle, and a loud “mmmmpppffff!” through his gag. “How'd he know it was us?” Doug asked, “We were all masked.”

“Let's ask 'im!” Allen said, then reached up and untied Chris' gag. Allen repeated the question. “How'd ya know
it was us?”

“Had to be you guys.” Chris said. “Doug's the only kid I know, that wears those black pants, and only Charlie wears a light blue T-shirt with dark blue trim at the sleeves and neck. Once I saw them, I knew, or was at least pretty sure, that the other two were Allen and Scott, and I was right!”

“Smart kid.” Charlie said. “It'd be neat if he could stay overnight, but it's kind'a late to be sendin' out invitations and gettin' permissions. But how we gonna get 'im home?”

“No problem there.” Doug said. “When I tied his hands, I didn't do all that good a job, so he should ought'a get out. When he does, he earns a free tie on each of us, so he can tie us up, and leave. Me, Allen, and Scott can get out easy, and probably Charlie, too. Chris is only slightly better than Mark, when it comes tyin' up prisoners.”

It went as Doug said. Chris escaped, claimed his free ties on Charlie, Allen, Scott, and Doug; tied and gagged the four of them, then slipped out the back door, and headed home. He turned out all the lights, so if anyone came by, they'd think everyone was asleep.

What he didn't notice, was that Bill had come back from wherever he had gone, and had snuck in the back door, that Charlie had forgotten to lock when they came back with Chris. As soon as Chris had gone, Bill felt his way through the darkness, climbed the stairs, and went in to Charlie's, Scott's, and Allen's bedroom. He heard some soft “mmmmpppffff's,” and flicked on the light.

All four boys still had their hands and feet tied, but Allen and Doug had their tied hands underneath their butts, and were untying their ankles. Charlie sat and watched; Scott had just finished getting his hands under his butt.

“Ha! Look what I found!” Bill exclaimed. “Since I found you guys tied up, you get to be my captives for a day.”

Allen, his hands still tied, reached up between his legs, and pulled away his gag. “As much as I hate to admit it, that's the rule.” he said. “Ya wanna start tomorrow?”

Bill smiled. “Oh, hell yes!” he told Allen.

“Let's do it at my house.” Doug offered. “My dad's at the state bowling tournament for the whole long weekend, and my mom is doin' somethin'. She'll be out'a the house all day.”

“We could also do it at our scout house.” Charlie said.

“The scout house it is!” Bill said. “And bring the key to the clothing and uniform exchange, 'cause all of you are gonna get tied up in scout uniforms.”

Bill went home; Charlie suggested playing the “Race to Town,” and that kept them occupied up to well after midnight, when they changed into pajamas, and got ready for bed. “Good thing we were found by Bill, instead of Kevin.” Charlie observed.”

“Yeah? Why?” Scott asked.

“Bill's gonna take all four of us in one day. If it was Kevin, he'd take Allen the first day, with Scott, Charlie, and me. The second day, he'd take Charlie, with me, Scott, and Allen, and so on.” Doug explained. “He's gettin' to be quite a weasel.

“That little worm'd make us all wear pajamas, too.” Allen added.

Doug picked up a length of rope, and grinned at Charlie. “Speakin' a gettin' tied up in pajamas, don't ya still owe me
another penalty, Charlie?” Doug laughed. “Don't you owe me a penalty, too?” Doug mockingly asked, then ordered Charlie to
roll over on his stomach, and cross his hands behind his back. “There! That should take care of you for 20-30 minutes!” Doug laughed, as he finished tying Charlie's feet, and tied a neckerchief over his mouth.

“More like ten minutes.” Charlie thought. “Doug's pretty good at getting' loose, but he's just a five or six at tyin'.”

Back at Bill's and Chris's house, the two brothers were also in bed, but still awake and talking. “What the hell were we arguing about this morning?” Chris asked.

“I forget, but it couldn't'a been too important if we can't remember what it was.” Bill answered.

“After you left, I had a neat time!” Chris said. “Four guys busted in here, tied me up with bandages, gagged me with a bandana, and carried me off. I was scared at first, but then I recognized Doug's black pants, and Charlie's blue shirt, and figured the other two were Scott and Allen. Charlie carried me over his shoulder to their house.”

“Sounds exciting. Did they hog tie you?” Bill asked.

“No, just hands and feet with bandages, but I was gagged with a bandana.” Chris answered. “The best part, was that I got loose, and got to tie the four of them up, then left 'em in the bedroom, and turned out the lights. It was great!”

“While you was tyin' 'em up, I snuck in, and hid.” Bill said. “When you left, I went up to their bedroom, and, 'cause I found 'em tied up, they gotta be my prisoners for a day, starting at 9:00 in the morning at their scout house. I'm gonna tie 'em up in scout uniforms. Wanna come along?”

“You bet!” exclaimed Chris. “As long as I get to tie 'em all up again!”

Bill laughed. “Not only will you get to tie them, you'll get tied by them, and with them.”

“Sounds cool!” Chris said. “You, too?”

“Sure, why not?” Bill replied. “It's fun, escapin' from their ties, and earnin' ties on them. It's kind'a neat bein' tied up with Allen and Doug, too. And all of 'em do real good gags. It's almost like bein' captured by outlaws or Indians, like on TV.”

“Ya know what'd be REALLY neat?” Chris asked, then answered his own question with “If we all were in the same scout troop.”

Bill agreed. He said it would be fun, but having them as “frenimies” was also neat. “It was really cool, bein' tied up by Charlie, but it was also kind'a cool, when I got with you, Charlie, Allen, Doug, Big Chris, and Scott, and we captured the cub scouts, and that bunch of kids from school they invited over for a back yard campout. We had ten of 'em, all 9-10-11 years old, bound and gagged good, and one of 'em wanted to stay another two nights. I think his name was Max, but it might'a been Martin.”

“From what I heard, that sounds like Martin. That Jeremi kid, too.” Chris said. “All three of 'em wanted to come back next weekend, and invited Steve, Terry, and the rest, to spend a back yard campout at Max's house. They seemed to want Doug and Scott 'specially.”

“Knowin' Doug, I bet he volunteered to go over for three or four weekends, and volunteered Scott, Allen, Big Chris, Red Jeff, Ronnie, and Charlie, to go with him.” laughed Bill.

“And Kevin volunteered 'em all to get tied and gagged in pajamas.” Chris laughed back.

“Yeah, but I'd'a been more sneaky.” Bill said. “I'd'a waited 'til they was all in pajamas, then said we should play Doug's 'Race to Town' game.”

“But wouldn't you be takin' a chance of gettin' tied up in pajamas, too?” Chris asked.

“Yeah.” Bill answered. “But gettin' to tie 'em, and even bein' tied with and by 'em'd be worth it.”

“Hey, 9:00 o'clock is gonna come early, and we still gotta eat breakfast, and do our chores before that, so we better get some sleep.” Chris opined.

Bill agreed. “Tomorrow would come in a hurry.” he thought, and as he drifted into sleep, he smiled, as he pictured Doug, Scott, Allen, and Charlie, all bound and gagged in scout uniforms. “Especially Charlie.” he thought. “I like tyin' 'em all up, but I like tyin' up Charlie the best, and makin' sure he has a real tight gag.”
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Post by Xtc »

I'm always glad when you re-post one of these tales. Thank you.
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Post by dl68 »

can't wait to read about them bound and gagged in various uniforms.
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Post by drawscore »

Thanks for the comments.

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