Jordans problem 2 & 3 conclusion (Caleb story continuation) M/M

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Deleted User 2882

Jordans problem 2 & 3 conclusion (Caleb story continuation) M/M

Post by Deleted User 2882 »

Many know that my stupid self left the site a couple of times. Before I left I had a series of stories. (Caleb's new home, The camping trip, Caleb's long week, and the first part of this story, Jordans problem) Please look back on those stories if you can and get caught up with the story line and characters. I know there isn't much here but sets up for the rest of the story. Enjoy reading!

Caleb got Jordan tied up and gagged. He started wrapping the rope around his brothers’ wrists then stopped. He quickly unwrapped Blakes wrists. “I can’t do this! He needs to do this alone.” Caleb said.

“Whoa! What’s going on little brother? We all agreed to do this with him!” Blake said as he got off his knees and grabbed Caleb by his arms.

“I think it’ll be better for him if he can literally trust all of us to keep him tied up and show him no harm. Maybe we can take shifts watching him tonight in groups of two. A couple hours a piece. He can get tied other ways as well. There’s no reason for him to be like that all night. No reason why everyone needs to be tied up like this. I mean this means Kyle and I have to watch all of you all night. He’s only good at tickling and can’t tie a knot to save his life!”

“He’s right! It would be better if we let him do this alone. We have him tied up, and we can do a better job taking care of it if we watch him.” Ashley said

“Fine, but I’m doing it with him!” Blake said holding his hands out for Caleb to tie.

Everyone got up and started putting their shirts on as Caleb grabbed his brothers arm and drug him.

“What are you doing! Tie me up!”

“I’m going to. If you want to join him though you’re getting the pole position big brother!”

Blake tried to pull away, but Hunter and Cody grabbed him, and Helped Caleb get him where they wanted him. He jerked as his bare back hit the cold metal on the pole. Ten minutes later he was securely tied with his hand tied behind his back and his feet dangling in the air. Caleb grabbed Blake’s socks and stuff them in his mouth, then wrapped his face in duct tape securing it to the pole.

“Weston and I will take the first shift. Along with Kyle if he wants to have any fun. Cody and Hunter, then Luke and Sam. Vaughn and Ashley can take the last watch. Make sure they aren’t uncomfortable. Tie them another way if you need to. Handcuffs are over here with some duct tape If you guys have any emergency give three loud groans and flap your hands.” Caleb said as he looked at Blake and Jordan. He stuffed Jordan’s socks in his mouth and sealed it with tape. Kyle was already attacking Jordan’s armpits, and ribs as soon as Jordan was gagged.

Caleb sat against the wall behind his brother and marveled at the fact that he had him tied up. Blake was trying to test the knots that had him tied up but couldn’t move enough to do anything with them. Watching Blake’s feet dangle in the air gave Caleb the idea to hunt down the baby oil and the hair brush Ashley gave them. A few minutes later Caleb held the two items in front of his brother’s face.

“Sorry big bro, but you wanted this!” Caleb said as he walked behind Blake and knelt down. Soon Blake felt the oil being rubbed on his feet by his brother’s hands.

“Go for it Kyle! Don’t forget the life of this party though!” Caleb said as he pointed to Jordan who looked up at him with a miserable look on his face.

For 20 minutes Kyle attacked Blake’s feet and even his ribs while Jordan looked on unable to do anything but wait until it was his turn. It was only when Blake’s head began hitting the pole with all of his uncontrollable struggling that Kyle stopped and turned his attention to Jordan. Jordan got a bigger surprise than Blake when Kyle literally wouldn’t stop. Kyle was loving the feeling of Jordan’s feet on his fingers. Kyle went for Jordan’s ribs and armpits and it seemed he may be more ticklish on his upper body so Kyle focused his attention there. Meanwhile Caleb had decided his brother wasn’t going to get off so easy. The rest of the group could only look on in amazement as the two boys were tortured. Luke made the suggestion to turn on the PS3 until the boys were done.

Caleb stopped instantly when he heard his phone ring upstairs. He knew it wasn’t a number he knew as the he had a separate ringtone for everyone he knew. He was hoping it may be his dad so he jumped up and ran upstairs. He returned a few minutes later.

“Who… was it?” Blake asked still out of breath.

“I don’t know, missed it.”

The doorbell rang upstairs as well at this time.

“I’ll get it!” Ashley said as she hurried upstairs. Kyle was still tickling Jordan but Caleb stopped him until they found out who was at the door. He started to run up the stairs and stopped when he saw Ashley return with a guy he didn’t recognize. The young man appeared to be about 20 years old 6 feet tall and skinny as a twig but appeared to be in shape. Even as old as he was, he looked like he was no older than 14. He also didn’t look very happy as he walked right by Caleb almost shoving him into the wall. This angered Blake as he saw this unknown guy push his little brother around.

“What the hell is going on here? Get him untied now!”

“Hey just a sec there champ! For one who the hell are you, and if you shove my brother around one more time, you and I are going to have a go around! Blake yelled.

“This is Jack, mine and Cody’s brother!” Ashley said as she put her hand up to stop her brother. She turned to Jack. “I called you to have you come over and see that he’s getting over all of that! If you’d listened you would have figured out it’s a good thing!”

Caleb almost had Blake untied. He figured that would be better than Blake breaking an arm trying to get free to kick this guys butt. Blake had quite a temper and he wasn’t going to let this new guy come in and push people around.

“Look can we just get him untied? I don’t like it after seeing what I saw before.”

“No can do! He agreed to do this. If he wants to be let go then we’ll let him go but only then.” Blake said as he stood up and put his shirt on.

“Hey just let me go long enough to sort this out!” Jordan said.

“Untie him boys!” Blake said as he Grabbed Ashley by her arm and Jack by the shoulder part of his shirt and pushed them towards the stairs. Vaughn and Weston started untying Jordan as the three disappeared. Caleb followed as well.

“I’m really starting to get pissed here!” Blake said as he lightly touched the wound over his eye. He didn’t want anyone to know but his head was throbbing from the pain.

“I called him because I wanted him to see Jordan was finally getting over this. The same type of thing happened to Jack a few years ago and he’s been pretty worried about Jordan. They’ve actually become pretty good friends the last couple years.” Ashley said

“So what? You were tied up and got your butt kicked to?” Blake asked looking at Jack.

“No not tied. Damn it! The same group that did this to Jordan beat me up about a year before. They jumped me because I pointed out how stupid they all were and they all just attacked me after school. They cracked two of my ribs broke my jaw and I spent a week in the hospital.”

“You’re what 19? So they did this to a fifteen year old?”

“I was 15” Jordan was only 14 When it happened to him.”

“How old was this other guy?”

“15, and nothing ever happened really. It was Jordan’s word against his, and his parents had just divorced so everyone just wrote it off as stress from that and let it go. Jordan and hunter had become really close really quick and Hunter didn’t live far from where it happened so he went there first. He didn’t have a phone, so I drove him to the hospital on the first day I had my drivers license. Ashley and Hunter went to our parents who contacted Jordan’s mom. Police did all they could but we’re pretty sure one of them was friends with this guys parents so it seemed to get swept under the rug but that isn’t really proven.”

“Shit!” Caleb said.

“Well I……”

“Hey once you all are done kissing can I have a say here?” Jordan said as he came out of the basement.

“Let it go. That idiot is in jail for something else now as far as I know and I really don’t care. Jack, these guys have been great over the past couple weeks. It’s been a great time and I think I’m over the fear. Only one thing.”

“What’s that?” Blake asked.

“You all tie me up like that again, my revenge is going to be long and sweet!” Jordan said with an evil grin.

Blake looked at Jack and Caleb. All three took a few seconds then nodded in approval and suddenly grabbed Jordan and drug him down the stairs.
Last edited by Deleted User 2882 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 2882

Post by Deleted User 2882 »

“Hey stop! Let me go! Ok I didn’t mean it!” Jordan exclaimed as he tried to keep his footing going down the stairs.

Once in the basement Blake kicked the back of his knee dropping the poor kid on the floor. Once on his knees Jack and Blake lowered him to his stomach.

“Let’s hogtie him, Caleb get the rope!” Blake yelled as he and Jack pinned his arms behind his back. Cody and Weston jumped in and held his legs without even knowing what was going on. Jordan had put his shirt back on before he went upstairs but that didn’t bother anyone. After a few moments Jordan was hogtied with his bare feet dangling in the air. Caleb only tied his hands to his feet but he wasn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Once he was tied everyone stood back to watch him struggle. “Should we gag him?” Caleb asked.

“No. Let’s just leave him. It’s getting late and we all probably need sleep.” Blake said.

“Wait! Uh, think you could do one more?” Jack asked.

“What are you talking about, you want to join him?” Blake asked

“HAHA! Well I’m not sure about it but yeah kind of.”

Ashley and Cody stood staring at their brother like he was crazy.

“You’ve never wanted to do this before! Why now?” Cody asked.

“Because I’ve never done it before.”

“Uh, I don’t know being tied overnight is quite a while for your first time. Maybe we could do it tomorrow.” Caleb suggested.

“No. I want to do it now. I want to know what it’s like and why you all have such an obsession with this stuff.” Jack said.

“Well, ok. Take your shoes and socks off and lay down I guess.” Caleb ordered.

A few minutes later Jack was hogtied the same way as Jordan a few feet away. Blake and Hunter drug Jordan a couple feet away from the pole and tied a rope from Jordan’s knees so he couldn’t get close to free Jack. Caleb tied a rope from Jack’s ankles to the rafters on the ceiling to keep him form moving closer to Jordan. Both guys had enough room to turn on their sides if they wanted but not to get close enough to untie the other.

“OK everyone let’s leave them be. Who’s staying over?” Blake asked.

Ashley, Hunter, Luke and Sam decided to go home the others decided to stay.

“Can I tickle them?!” Kyle asked.

“You know what Kyle? All of your can I tickle them is really starting to get old. As much fun as it is to watch you do it, I have a better idea.” Caleb said as he grabbed Kyle by the arms and led him to a chair across the room. Blake knew exactly what his brother had in mind and grabbed a bunch of rope. A few minutes later Kyle was tied with his hands and arms pinned between his back and the back of the chair. His feet were pulled up under the chair putting him in a sitting hogtie.

“Um wait! What about us we’re still prisoners here?” Cody asked about him and Weston.

“OK, fine.” Caleb said as he picked up the handcuffs and slapped them on the boy’s wrists. “Now can we please go to bed?!”

In the morning Caleb was the first one up and immediately thought of the boys tied in his basement. He creped through the living room where Cody and Weston were sleeping with their handcuffs still on. And went into the basement. Jack was the first one he saw he was already awake. Jordan seemed to have been asleep.

“How you doing, did you sleep?”

“Hardly but I’m doing ok I think I got an hour or two but I can’t see the time so I don’t know. I really need to pee though.”

“OK I’ll untie you and we can start making breakfast if we have anything to make. The others should be up soon.”

“What about Jordan? We should let him go. Kyle was giving me evil eyes until he fell asleep a while ago. We can leave him for a bit.”

“HAHA ok let’s untie Jordan.”

Jordan woke up as Caleb and Jack untied him. Caleb put his hand over Jordan’s mouth to keep him quiet so they didn’t wake Kyle. They went upstairs and found nothing to make so Jack and Jordan went to the store and got some bacon, eggs and bread. By the time they got back everyone else was up and Kyle was yelling from the basement to get untied. Caleb untied Kyle. Then Jack noticed Caleb had cuffed Weston and Cody behind their back just to be funny. He couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. “A bunch of kids have a house to themselves and all they can think of is to tie each other up?” He thought.

“So how was it?! Bad dreams, Goblins come after you while you were tied up, maybe the boogeyman?” Blake asked.

“Actually, it wasn’t that bad. Uncomfortable but I dealt with it. I just don’t understand how you guys get into this stuff.”

“It’s all having to see what’s coming next. Except for my little bro here he’s an escape artist I think he just stays tied up so nobody feels bad!” Blake said as he put his arm around his brothers’ neck and messed up his hair.

“Get off me! Next time you shower try using a towel!” Caleb said as he wiped water off his face that was all over Blakes arm.

“Escape artist huh? I was in the boy scouts maybe I can try something on you. I was good at knot tying.”

“Uh oh little bro he’s calling you out!”

“Maybe later right now I’m hungry.”

The group ate some breakfast. Caleb was nice enough to cuff Cody and Weston with their hands in front so they could eat. Caleb’s cell phone started ringing. He looked at it and it was the unknown number he saw the night before.

“I had 3 missed calls from an unknown number this morning.”

“Answer it, it might be dad! Put it on speaker!” Blake said as he ran around the counter to Caleb.


“Caleb it’s dad it’s about time you answered. Is Blake there?”

“Hi pop! How’s Italy?” Blake asked.

“It’s going ok but I’m afraid I have to stay a bit longer than I thought. I wanted to let Caleb Know I am sending some money for him. You have to pick it up at the bank in town I was able to get it transferred there. I’m going to be at least a couple more weeks.”

“Ok that’s cool maybe I can get my leave extended so the runt isn’t here alone. They’re usually ok with that especially if he’s a minor. Plus he has plenty of friends that will be tied up helping him out as well I’m sure!”

Caleb punched Blake in his arm. “Owe! Watch the knuckles ya shinny runt!”

“OK I need to get going. You guys take care Hopefully I’ll see you before you take off again Blake.”

“See ya pops!”

“Bye dad, nice talking to you for the two seconds I was able.” Caleb said again punching Blake for taking over the conversation.

“Good looks we got a couple more weeks together maybe. What now?” Blake asked.

Well I start my job tomorrow and I only have so much time with my prisoners here so I say we do that and give Jordan a break since it looks like he’s doing just fine now.” Caleb said.

Weston and Cody looked at each other and hung their heads as they knew what was coming.
Deleted User 2162

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

Awesome continuations!
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Post by Veracity »

I’m very happy that you have decided to continue this story.
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Post by ricktied »

Hello all. I'm here under a new username cuffedwrists. Formerly ricktied. I originally wrote the stories in this series and the Caleb series. I took a break from the site. Not because of anything other than the fact that it was just something I needed to do as it was taking over to much of my life. Anyway I am back and I'm considering continuing these stories. I thank you all for reading them and posting the feedback in the past and look forward to being back this time as well. Thank you!
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