The camping trip (calebs new series) part 4 up MM/M

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Deleted User 520

The camping trip (calebs new series) part 4 up MM/M

Post by Deleted User 520 »

The new series has already began. This is a sequel series to Caleb's new home. Same characters will be used. I can't say to what extent yet as most of my writing is spur of the moment. For now it will remain the three of them. Thanks again to all who read this and I hope you enjoy! Please see the next series after this titled Caleb's long week.

“I got it!” Caleb yelled as he aced his driver’s test and ran to his dad.

“I knew you would. I’m going to be traveling a lot over the summer so it’s good we can finally have you driving if you need to.”

“Yeah I guess it is. Feels weird though can I take the Van out and spin around after dropping you off?”

“Nope.” “What do you mean? I worked hard for this! Come on dad!”

“Get in!”

They drove down the road Caleb trying to convince his dad to let him go for his first ride alone.
“You can go for a drive alone, but I think you should do it in your car.” His dad said as they pulled into the only used car dealership the town had.

“No way!?”

“I think you should have your own. I’m going to need the van to travel for work.”

Caleb got out and looked around at the prices on the windshields of the vehicles in the lot and felt guilty right away.

“Dad. Let me find a job first and I’ll at least help buy it. The skateboard will work for now.”

“Son you don’t understand how this works. Pick one you like and let me talk.”

“Well ok.”

Caleb looked at all of them and settled his mind on a 1990 Ram Charger. It had a white hood, white door trim, and silver down the sides.

“This one looks pretty good! It’s clean looks like!”

“I’ll go talk to the guy. I’m surprised they aren’t out here bugging us yet!” his dad said as he walked away.
Caleb tried the door it was open. He climbed in to check it out. He was in amazement that this could be his first car.

“Hey Caleb!” His attention shot back to the present time as he looked up to see Cody coming towards him. He jumped out of the truck and waited for Cody to get to him.

“Hey Caleb, what you doing?”

“Looks like my dad is helping me buy my first car.” Caleb said with some hesitation.

“Your buying this!?”

“If everything checks out maybe.”

“Cool! Hey, I wanted to ask you about what my sister said the other day?”
(See Caleb’s new home part 12)

“Oh, yeah, that.” Caleb told Cody about the discussion he had with Ashley.

“Wait you mean you have to be my prisoner for a weekend!?”

“That’s the deal we made. I just didn’t know when we’d be able to do it, so I wasn’t keeping it from you. I do want to keep this between you and me though. I don’t want the others having a field day with the situation.”

“Ok maybe we can do it soon and get it over with! If your willing to stay tied up this time?”

“I’m willing just have to figure out when.”

“Can I tell Weston?”

“NO! no one else knows about this! If I want anyone else to know I’ll tell them! If you tell anyone this summer will be a lot harder on you! Got it!?”

“I got it! OK man!”

“Caleb! Come here we need your license. The guy says this was a real good deal I talked him down quite a bit!”
“I have to go. No one else knows or you’ll pay!”

“I got it! No one else.”

Caleb took his new truck out for a drive on his first day with a license. He was feeling different not having to trot around on his skateboard when he passed Cody, and Weston walking down the road. It looked like they were finally friends again after the ordeal the previous month. Given the past weekend he figured they got over that quick. He pulled over next to them and screeched to a stop making Weston Jump as he was closest to the street.

“Hey kids!” Caleb yelled

“Whoa! This is yours?” asked Weston

“Yeah, dad helped me buy it until I can pay him back. Want a ride?”

“Sure.” Weston said as Cody climbed in the back seat.

“Hey Caleb! Anything new going on over the last few days?” Cody asked

“No just what I told you earlier.”

“What about earlier? You guys already saw each other today?” Weston asked

“Oh yeah! It seems there was a situation the other day that Caleb forgot to mention to us, between him and my sister!”

“Cody zip it or I will make your life miserable!”

“See Weston, Ashley made a deal with him the other day while we were all tied up. She would help him get us untied as long as he agreed to be my prisoner for the weekend.”

“You never told us that!”

Caleb pulled the truck over. “You two are still mine for the summer! This is between Cody and I so you stay out of it Weston!”

“I want this weekend.” Cody said

“NO!” Caleb said

“Easier to get it over with than make it wait. Oh, and I want Weston there as well.”

“My dad’s not going anywhere till later next week. Plus, I’m not sure I’m into this whole thing. Your sister broke a window that cost my dad 300 bucks to replace.”

“You have a vehicle now. We can go camping and take care of this. There’s a place about 20 miles away from here that’ll be perfect. Plus, I’m sure you’ll get your payback later for the window.”

Caleb sat in heavy thought. He wasn’t used to being tied up for extended periods of time.

“Fine I’ll see if I can get away this weekend. I’m not promising anything. Only the two of you nobody else!”

Caleb got his dad to agree to him going camping with Weston and Cody. Friday came and the three packed up a tent, a couple coolers and stopped by the store before they headed out for Caleb’s prison for the weekend. He remembered the handcuffs as he was sure they would want them as well as over 400 feet of rope that was left at his house the previous weekend. It wasn’t fair involving Weston in the situation between Caleb and Cody, but he was dealing with it plus when it was all over they belonged to him, so they wouldn’t do anything that would result in them paying the price later which he was more than willing to give at this point.
Last edited by Deleted User 520 6 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
Deleted User 961

Post by Deleted User 961 »

Excellent start!
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

“Take a right here then go to the end and take the trail up. That’s the best spot. We’ve all been here a few times. We won’t be disturbed at all” Cody said

“I have to stop. I have to pee and send my dad a text. I’m not sure about my service I promised him I’d text when I got to where I was going.” Caleb said as he stopped and got out of the truck. He relieved himself then grabbed his phone and set a passcode lock.

“Cody is messing with me. He cheated on the deal Ashley and I made and he’s involving Weston. Cody said you’ve all been to where we’re camping. See if you can find a way up here.” Sent to Hunter.

Hunter received the message and went to the store where Ashley worked.

“I heard you made a deal with Caleb the other day!”

“so that’s between me, Caleb, and my brother.”

“Not anymore! Apparently, Weston has been brought in to it. Your smart-ass brother and Weston are about to have a field day with that poor kid, and he’s the one driving them.”

“Dang it! That was only meant to be for Cody not others!” Ashley said

“I’ll see if the others can go camping. You can drive?” I only have a car last time I was up there we barely made it. Your dad has a truck, right?”

“Oh no he’s not letting me take that. My drivers test isn’t until next week. Plus that’s his baby. I wouldn’t be able to drive it anyway.”

“Caleb may be screwed. I’m going to kick my brothers butt now!” Ashley said
Hunter looked out the window and saw an old friend pull up across the street.

“Maybe not I’ll be back!” He said as he ran out of the store.

“Jordan! Hey how’s it going!?” Hunter said

Jordan was 18 skinny with sandy brown hair styled in a crew cut style only the top was longer, and wavy. Very good looking. He had very little interest in the games the kids around town played and had no interest at all in being tied up, or tying anyone up, but he had a grudge against Cody for causing trouble between him and an old girlfriend.

“Hey Hunter, what’s up?”

“I need your help. I know you aren’t big on these games we play but this involves Cody.”

“Cody and I settled that a few weeks ago. He doesn’t get to me anymore.”

Hunter explained the situation to Jordan. Jordan didn’t play the games, but he believed in keeping things fair. “Cody has been such a smart ass lately!” said Jordan.

“No one has a vehicle that can make it up there we need a ride.”

“If I’m going I’m going for the weekend. Let me grab my tent and camping gear. I’ll pick you up at your place in an hour.”

“I got a ride! I need to get Luke and Kyle. Maybe Luke’s cousin is still here to.” Hunter said to Ashley

“I never thought I’d be plotting against my little bro. Good luck. I’m not going. I have work.” Said Ashley

The boys reached the site Cody was talking about. They got out of the truck and Cody didn’t waste any time.
“You have the cuffs?”

“Yeah I have them.” Caleb said as he handed them over and turned around.

“Nah! Over at this tree sit down!”

Caleb sat against the tree while his hands were pulled behind his back and cuffed around the tree.

“We’re going to set up our camp now. You behave!” Cody said as he walked away to help Weston set the tent up.
“Hey man you want to help!” Weston said as he laughed at Caleb’s position.

“Oh, I forgot!” Cody ran back to Caleb and pulled handcuff keys from his front, and back pockets.

“You remembered Luke’s advice I see. I think we better keep you quiet, so you don’t distract us!” Cody said as he pulled Caleb’s shoes off only showing his bare feet.

“I didn’t bring socks this time! No go buddy!” said Caleb laughing

“That’s ok. I was saving this for later but since you insist. I stopped by your house yesterday while you were off joy riding. I told your dad I forgot something over the weekend. I figured you wouldn’t want to bring them for this.” Cody said as he pulled Hunters old socks from a bag he had hidden along with a roll of duct tape and walked towards Caleb. The ex-skater punk was soon gagged with a very fowl sock that had already been in Cody’s mouth, and his face covered in tape sealing the sock in.

Caleb’s skinny hands were moving behind his back but being cuffed escape was impossible. He could only watch as the other two boys set up camp all the while joking about what they could do with their prisoner. Caleb was seeing first hand what the word “laundry” meant as he had no choice but to taste the fowl sock in his mouth.

Hunter waited at his house with Luke, Sam, and Kyle and sprang up and ran towards the street when they saw Jordan’s truck turn the corner.

“Let’s get up there! Even Ashley is pissed about her brother breaking the rules.” Hunter said as the truck screeched off.

“I’m going to get that little punk!” said Jordan as he headed down the dirt road toward the camp site.

“Let’s not get out of hand this is more in fun than revenge. Cody just needs to learn his place is all. We’ll tie him up for the night and that’s all. Caleb can even stay tied up. We just convince Cody of the rules and we bring Weston back and let Cody take care of Caleb once it’s all done. He and Caleb can stay there for the weekend if he chooses. Just try to make sure we park far enough away that they won’t hear us.” Said Hunter

“Can I at least tickle them!?” said Kyle

“Open up tickle monster! Once we get it all figured out.”

“Hey Caleb’s, pretty cool. Should we even let Cody do this to him?” said Sam

“Caleb is willing to honor his part of the deal with Ashley. We just have to make sure Cody honors his end of it.”

“You guys are nuts! driving all this way just because some kid got tied up!”” said Jordan

“Caleb is different he’s really fair and doesn’t play jokes or screw you over. He’ll get his revenge but he’s honest about the games. Cody is more out there and lets it go to his head.”

“Ok but if I end up tied up in the middle of nowhere there will be hell to pay!” said Jordan

“You won’t. thanks for helping us out.”

“What the heck! I didn’t have anything else to do tonight!”

Caleb was in the middle of accepting his fate for the weekend. It was already starting to suck especially since he had two captors. His only hope was that Hunter got his message and figured out a way to get to him. It was only a matter of time until Cody, and Weston would have him sucking their toes or something.

“Hey Caleb! Anyone ever tell you how awesome you look while your tied up!” Cody yelled from the camp site.

“We’re about to have the tent set up but I’m not sure all three of us will fit. You look pretty comfortable where you are!”

Caleb was starting to get really mad at all the fun Cody was having with this. Weston was having about as much fun. For the third time he came over and took his shoes and socks off and rubbed his feet against Caleb’s face.
“You really do look good!” Weston said, “Only missing one thing but don’t worry we’ll add some rope later!” Weston went back towards the campfire he and Cody started. Caleb was getting pissed! He was cold tired and hungry, while his captors were having a grand old time. He just wanted to get in his truck and drive at this point.
The sun was going down and Caleb was starting to get cold. Especially his bare feet. He tried telling his captors but they just looked on at him struggling and laughed. All of the sudden a hand tapped his shoulder freaking him out and making his captors turn to look. Jordan got down behind him until Weston, and Cody went back to what they were doing.

“I’m Jordan. I know you don’t know me but I’m here with Hunter and the rest of your friends.”

Caleb stayed quiet, so he didn’t alert tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Jordan undid the gag.

“Put it back in and go help them. They’re watching me close hurry!” Caleb whispered while opening his mouth. “Nope, I think we should just kick it off.” Jordan said as he stood up and walked toward the camp fire.

“Little cruel leaving someone in the cold while you two sit by a nice cozy fire isn’t it!?”

“Jordan! What are you doing here!?”

“Public place, right? Plus, I got waved down by someone that needed my help!”

Hunter, Luke, Sam, and Kyle all walked out of the darkness to the campfire.

“Where are the keys!” asked Hunter

“Why do I have to tell you he’s my prisoner for the weekend!” said Cody

“Yours and only yours! Get them!”

Cody and Weston tried to run. Jordan jumped on Cody as Luke and Sam brought Weston to the ground. Hunter helped Jordan as Kyle searched them for the keys and found them in Cody’s pocket. He ran over and unlocked Caleb’s hands then recuffed them walking back over to the fire after Caleb slipped his shoes back on. Caleb was relieved finally being warm.

“You two have a choice. Weston you come with us and we go down the road to our campsite and leave these two alone to settle the deal that was made between them. Cody you treat Caleb with some respect! Or we tie you both up, let Caleb go and the two can figure this out for another weekend. What will it be!?” asked Hunter

“Ok I’ll come with you!” Weston said

“Get moving!”

“I’m going to hang here for a few I just want to talk to Caleb.” Said Jordan

“Ok but first let’s take care of Cody!”

“NO! that’s enough you guys did your part, and I thank you this is for Cody and I to settle we’re cool for now. Weston let them tie you up!”

“What?! Why?”

“Because you’re my prisoner and I’m ordering you to. This weekend is between Cody and I. Jordan if you want to stay for a bit fine, but Cody has me this weekend.”

“Where are the other cuffs?” Hunter asked. Cody grabbed them form Caleb’s truck and handed them over. “Turn around Weston. Kyle wants to have some fun. Luke grab some rope.”

Caleb, and Jordan sat down next to the campfire. Caleb’s hands still cuffed. Cody went to retrieve Caleb’s gag from next to the tree he was cuffed to. When he got back he went to put the gag back in Caleb’s mouth. “Hey hold up!” Jordan said. “I want to talk to him for a few minutes.”

“Nope he’s my prisoner! I have a feeling I know how they found out about this. That text wasn’t to your dad was it?” as he shoved the sock back in Caleb’s mouth and wrapped his face back up with tape.

“Dude that’s evil! That sock looked nasty!”

“It is it’s one of Hunters old Soccer socks.”

“The good luck ones!? I remember seeing those back when he was wearing them. Those things are probably radioactive by now!”

Cody got another old sock from the bag he swiped from Caleb’s house it wasn’t near as bad as the one in his mouth. Cody put that over Caleb’s eyes and taped it to his face blindfolding the poor kid.

“Why you doing that?” asked Jordan

“He’s going to be tied all weekend in one way or another. I don’t see any reason pulling out the rope yet. At least this way he can’t take off running for Hunters help. I know we haven’t seen the last of them. This was just a set up to make me more comfortable. They’ll be back. In fact, my bet it Weston never even made it back to the other camp before they took those cuffs off.”

“Oh, Weston’s tied up I know that! They have a plan for you to I just don’t know what it is. Only thing I know is Caleb stays tied up. Hunter made that clear.”

“Hear that buddy!? No matter what happens you aren’t going anywhere! HAHA!”

“What’s it like being tied up?” Jordan asked

Cody look at Jordan in amazement. “I’m surprised to hear that question from you! Do you want to find out?”

“Oh, heck no! No one’s tying me up! I was just asking a question!”

“Well that’s the only way to find out what it’s like. But to do a good job I would have to let my prisoner go. I don’t want to do that. He’s quite the escape artist, and he’s awesome at tying people up. With him out of the way I might have a fighting chance against the others.”

A minute later Jordan heard his truck coming. “What the!” He ran over and Hunter was behind the wheel.
“Sorry but the ground is way wet down at that site. I think we’re going to be camping here tonight. It’s getting too dark to head back home on these roads. Help me with Weston guys!” Hunter said as he walked back and dropped the tailgate. He grabbed the hogtied kid and drug him out and Luke and Sam helped him carry Weston by the campfire and set him down. Weston looked up and saw Caleb gagged and blindfolded and decided it was best to stay quiet so he didn’t end up like him.
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Caleb could hear Weston laughing hysterically a couple feet away from him. His guess was Kyle was attacking his ribs or feet with a vengeance.

“Can we tie Caleb up better, so I can tickle him!?”

“I don’t see the harm in it.” Said Cody

“NO! Caleb belongs to Cody and only Cody. We’re here to make sure that happens. If Cody wants Caleb tortured he can do it himself. If he enlists anyone’s help he and whoever helps him will be tied up right next to Caleb, just like Weston there. I’m not playing games man! Your sister is pissed at you.”

“Sorry Kyle guess Weston will have to do for now.” Cody was not about to be tied up again. At least not yet.
“I have to admit this is kind of fun!” Said Jordan

“You should have gotten into our games years ago Jordan! I don’t know why you didn’t.” said Hunter
“To be honest I was always scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“What would happen while I was tied up.”

“We always keep things safe. Nothing to worry about. You want to try it.”

“what if I don’t get free?”

“HMMM! I don’t know.”


“Have something to say Caleb?” asked Cody

Cody took the gag off.

“Give him until morning to get out! If he doesn’t he and Weston can be your prisoners for the weekend. If he gets free you have to let Weston go and they get you guys as prisoners for the weekend.”

“How do we know you aren’t going to help him get loose?” Luke asked

“Cody can tie me in a sleeping bag with duct tape and cover my hands in tape. I won’t be able to do anything to help him. Besides Me and Cody are on a separate thing here. I’m just throwing out a suggestion.”

“Sounds good to me!” Said Luke

“Can I tickle him!?” asked Kyle

“OK let’s give it a try.” Said Jordan. “Can you promise if I’m really not liking it to just let me go?”

“Once you’re in you’re kind of in!” said Caleb

Jordan thought for a minute. “OK what the heck! What do I have to do?”

“First get in the tent where it’s warmer I got my dad’s heater going. Then take your shoes and socks off.” Said Luke as he grabbed a bunch of rope.

Caleb could feel and smell the sock near his mouth as Cody tried to put it back in. He snapped his head away. “Can we please leave the gag out for a while? My jaw is starting to hurt.”

“Alright fine I’ll leave it until morning come on let’s get you tied up and tucked in.” Cody said as he led the blindfolded boy to the tent and removed the handcuffs to relock Caleb’s hands in front of him. As Caleb laid down n the sleeping bag Cody tapped his ankles, and knees. Then he sat Caleb up and wrapped tape around his chest and stomach pinning his arms to his body. He finished by covering the kid’s hands in tape. He took the blindfold off for the night. Then zipped up the sleeping bag.

“I have no idea how I’m going to sleep like this!” Caleb thought as he stared at the stars through the netted roof on the tent. Cody forgot the rain cover at home. He could only hope not to wake up soaking wet if it did rain.

Minutes later he fell asleep after hearing the commission from the other tent as the kids tied up Jordan.

Caleb woke multiple times before finally falling asleep hard sometime in the night. He woke feeling exhausted. He was more than uncomfortable from trying to get comfortable in the sleeping bag. His eyes opened, and he saw a blue sky through the roof of the tent and the sun was shining. He nudged Cody awake.

“Can you untie me? I have to pee.” Cody unwrapped his hands and arms and laid back down.

“Get the rest off yourself and don’t wake me up again or the gag and blindfold are going back on.”

It took a few minutes, but he got the rest of the tape off his legs with his cuffed hands. He knew better than to think Cody would give him the key to those. He slipped on his shoes and got out of the tent and ran to a tree to relieve himself. On his way back to camp he was startled.

“You must have really had to go!” Jordan said as he walked up to Caleb.

“You got out! How/ Luke is awesome at tying! Not as good as me but I couldn’t get out last weekend.”

“I managed. I might have sprained my wrist a bit pulling my hands free, but I got out right before sun up. I would have been out sooner maybe, but I fell asleep for a few hours I think. Couldn’t tell the time. How was your night?”
“Hell! I couldn’t get comfortable my guess. I got maybe 3 hours of sleep. So what are you going to do with all of them?”

“Not sure yet right now I’m going to untie Weston. Then we’ll come help start a fire. It’s cold this morning.”

Caleb got started on the fire as best he could with his handcuffed. He was able to get it started so that made Weston and Jordan happy when they came out. They sat and talked while Jordan made coffee. Within an hour the others were waking up. Hunter and Luke were speechless to see Jordan untied. They didn’t even notice he, and Weston weren’t in the tent when they woke up.

“Howdy boys! Or should I say prisoners 1, 2, 3, and 4?” Jordan said

“You helped him didn’t you Caleb!?”

“I didn’t do anything! I woke up and Cody let me go. Well mostly anyway.” He said as he held up his cuffed hands.
“Don’t hate just because I’m a natural.” Said Jordan

“Wait your hand! What happened/ Did I hurt you?” asked Luke

“No that’s from my struggle to get loose. You did a good job. I almost gave up a couple times.”

“But I want to tickle! I don’t want to be tied up!” Cried Kyle

“Let’s discuss it after breakfast I brought some eggs and bacon.” Said Jordan

All the talking woke Cody up who slugged out of the tent. He smelt the coffee and went right for it.
After they were done Jordan and Weston took a walk to discuss what to do with their prisoners. Jordan had no idea what he was doing and needed Weston’s advice.

“Luke! Tie them up!” Jordan said as he walked back into camp pointing to Hunter, and Sam. “Then tie your legs up!” We’ll do the rest.

“What about me!?” Kyle asked

You’re going in handcuffs. After they’re tied I’m going to order you to tickle them.
Half an hour later the boys were all hogtied and Kyles cuffed hands came at them trying to decide who to go for first.

“Come on Caleb.” Cody said as he looped a rope through Caleb’s belt loops putting him on a leash and cuffed his hands behind his back. “Open up!” he said as he shoved the sock in Caleb’s mouth and sealed it with tape.
“We’re going for a walk.” Cody said as he pulled his prisoner toward a nearby trail. He also had a backpack filed with rope and duct tape he would most likely be using somewhere up the trail. After hiking for what seemed like an hour Cody stopped at a secluded spot with a clearing of short grass. The air was thin, and Caleb was having a tough time breathing through the gag. His breathes were heavy. Cody noticed and took the gag off. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. Let’s sit down for a minute.” Cody said

“So, you going to tie me up here or what” Caleb asked

“I don’t know. It would be fun, but I’m not sure I want to.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well Ashley coerced you when you tried to get her to help you. Then she broke a window in your dad’s house. On top of that all those guys down there are having god knows how much fun. Plus, I’m technically your prisoner.”
“So, what are you saying?” Caleb said confused

“I’m saying I make the decisions here and I’m letting you go.” Cody said as he turned Caleb’s arms toward him and took the handcuffs off. “I want to go have fun with everyone. I don’t want to do this separate thing. Lock me up and let’s head back.”

“No! I can’t!”

“Come on man I’m your prisoner!”

“No, I’m going to need your help!”

Hunter, Luke, and Sam had no chance of escaping their prison in the wilderness. Not with two guards watching their every move that also didn’t really have anywhere else to go. Kyle was mercilessly tickling them moving from one to another every minute or so. Caleb and Cody finally arrived at a vantage point to see it all unfolding.

“Ok Weston is my prisoner as well, so he has to do what I say. We need to get Jordan tied up.”

“Why do we need to tie Jordan up? He won their bet fair!”

“We had a deal to that you just set me free from. I’m the one that came up with their bet when we weren’t supposed to have anything to do with them this weekend.”

“You have a point. You need to cuff me though.” Cody said


“We can get closer to them when we get there just tell them you got free and overpowered me. I still have the cuff keys, so I’ll be able to unlock myself and catch them off guard. Gag me to. Make it look more convincing.”

“Ok give me your hands.” Caleb pulled the sock out of his pocket.

“Uh! Do we have to use that?”

“Convincing remember?” Cody opened his mouth. He immediately felt sorry for using it on Caleb it tasted awful still. Caleb put some strips of tape over Cody’s mouth and started leading him down the trail.

“Whoa! What happened here?” asked Weston.

“Never turn your back on an escape artist!” Caleb said “I made a little deal with him as he is still my prisoner. Speaking of which.” Caleb grabbed some rope and went toward Weston.

“Turn around!”

“Ah man no way! This isn’t fair!”

“Prisoners lives never are! Turn around!” Minutes later Weston was hogtied like the other boys. Caleb looed over at Cody and motioned with his eyes to get going on getting the cuffs off. Cody was freaking out. He didn’t have the keys. He must have left them where he and Caleb were sitting earlier. He had no way to tell Caleb with the gag in his mouth.

Jordan could only sit and watch. He still had no way to make sense of this craziness. Cody finally moved his hands under his butt and fell back bringing his hands over his feet and in front of him. He charged at Jordan and knocked him to the ground. Caleb grabbed Jordan’s arms and pulled them behind his back. Jordan tried to fight but the two boys were to strong. Soon Jordan was tied up next to Weston in a tight hogtie. Better than the one he was in last night.

“Anything you want to tell me!?” Caleb said ripping the duct tape from Cody’s face and pulling the sock out.

“I think I left the keys back where we were talking.”

“I think you better go get them!”

“That was like a half hour walk!”

“Move prisoner! Kyle go with him! He shouldn’t be alone.”

Cody and Kyle started back up the trail. After all he would need the keys to unlock the cuffs.

“Um we do have another set of keys in the tent.” Luke said

“I know but he needs to learn to pay more attention.” Caleb said walking to Jordan and pulling his shoes and socks off.

“You’re not going to gag me with those are you!?” Jordan said as a joke.

“No! I’m going to use this!” Caleb said. Before Jordan could react, Caleb shoved the nasty sock in Jordan’s mouth and sealed it with more tape. The look on Jordan’s face was of total disgust.

“Anyone else want to talk out of line? We have one more of those socks!” The boys on the ground kept their mouths shut.

“What happened? Why’d he let you go?” asked hunter who was now laying hogtied on his side.

“It’s complicated let’s just say we made a deal.”

Caleb watched over the boys as they struggled against their ties. He adjusted a couple he didn’t think were tied right. The more he watched Jordan the more he thought “he looks really good tied up. Especially his feet poking out from his jeans.” 45 minutes later he was still waiting on Weston and Kyle to get back.

“Hey man I have to pee!” Sam said.

“Us to!” said Luke speaking for him and Hunter.

“When they get back with the handcuffs. Shouldn’t be long now.” Caleb said as he watched the trail.
An hour went by and still no sign of them.

“Kyle probably started tickling Cody. He can’t handle tickling very well as sensitive as he is.”

“Ok one at a time I’ll let you…… ugh!”

Caleb was tackled by Cody. Before he knew it his hands were cuffed behind his back. “Kyle get some tape and that other sock!”

“NO! WAIT! MMMMPH!” Caleb tried to warn him the guys had to pee but Cody’s hand covered Caleb’s mouth.
Kyle returned with Hunters other fowl sock. Cody took his hand away as Caleb tried to talk, but the sock was stuffed in his mouth. Duct tape engulfed Caleb’s face holding the sock in.

“I decided to keep you as my prisoner after all!” he said as he lifted Caleb to his feet and pulled him to the tree he was tied to the night before and sat him down. Caleb was wrapped in duct tape from the shoulders to his waste, holding him to the tree. His legs were wrapped from his ankles to his knees.

“Kyle untie Jordan. He has his prisoners to look after. Then give Caleb’s feet some finger treatment. You should be nicer to your prisoners Caleb!”

Hunter and Luke gave each other a look, both knowing this wasn’t right. They had to get free and help Caleb
Deleted User 961

Post by Deleted User 961 »

Great addition as always!
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Wow there are some crazy twists! Those socks must be rank. This story is awesome, keep on going.
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Thanks for the feedback guys!
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Post by BondageKitten »

I am really loving these stories. Keep it up. :)
I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Caleb was getting furious. He started thrashing against the tape thinking he could break it, but it held him well. He looked up and could see Jordan gargling water trying to get rid of the taste of the sock that was in his mouth. Hunter and Luke knew Caleb and Cody made a deal that Cody turned on and that made them mad.

“Jordan! Come here!” Hunter said in a loud whisper.

“Your friend is in a lot of trouble!” Jordan said as he continued to get the taste of the sock out of his mouth.

“Don’t blame Caleb! He’s only having fun here. It’s Cody we have to do something about!” Hunter said

“I Know. He has been acting like a real jerk this weekend.”

“We need to get Caleb loose!”

“Why? It’s kind of fun watching him like that!”

“If he deserves it it’s one thing. If he’s just being played with it’s another!”

“I see what you mean.”

Just then all the boys could hear a motor coming closer to camp.

“Crap! It’s a cop!” Cody said. “Kyle go cover up Caleb the best you can. Jordan! Try to hide those guys!”
No one was fast enough. A forest ranger entered the camp and turned off his ATV.

“Ok this is something I’ve never seen before!” as he looked around at the boys tied up in camp. He didn’t notice Caleb yet.

“Exactly what is it you boys are doing here?”

“Just some fun sir! Playing a game of capture the flag. These guys lost!” said Jordan feeling like a total jack ass.

“I guess there’s no law against that, but they shouldn’t be tied up like that! There are mountain lions and maybe bears in this area. How would you feel if they had to run and couldn’t?”

“Oh crap! That’s old man Newman!” Hunter whispered to Luke

“Who the heck is that!?”

“I think he and some friends started the games we play all the time. It was just passed down from our parents and so on. Something probably happened when he was up here as a kid and doesn’t want us to make the same mistake.”

“Go on get them untied boys!”

Jordan, Cody, and Kyle went to work untying the helpless boys. No one went for Caleb as he had not been seen by the old man yet. Caleb stayed as quiet as he could. He didn’t want his friends to get in trouble. After they were done the old man got back on his ATV and took off never seeing Caleb.

Hunter hopped up and walked towards Caleb and began taking his gag off. Cody ran up and pushed Hunter away leaving duct tape and the nasty sock dangling from Caleb’s cheek.

“What do you think you’re doing!?”

“I’m letting him go Cody back off!”

“No way he’s mine this weekend!”

“We know you and Caleb made a deal earlier today. I don’t know what that deal was, but it wasn’t this!”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m in charge of him!”

“Your kind of outnumbered is what you are!” said Kyle as he pointed to the others as they surrounded Cody. Kyle pulled Cody’s hands behind him and locked on the handcuffs he had been wearing earlier.

“Weston get him untied! I have to pee!” Hunter said as he pointed to Caleb and ran away to find a tree.

When Caleb was free he got up and paced as the others started talking crap about what they would do with Cody for getting them all in this mess.

“Shut up! Just shut up!” Caleb yelled “All we’ve been doing is this back and forth crap! He ties me up, I tie him up, you tie us up! Where does it end!? Leave him in cuffs and let’s figure this out cuz I’m getting tired. If I end up being tied up all night fine but figure it out like real men and not a bunch of whiny brats!”

All the boys gathered around the fire. Even in the heat of the day it was cold at that altitude. It was around 2 PM and they were all exhausted already.

“How are we going to settle this?” Asked Hunter as he walked around the circle of boys. Cody wanted out of his cuffs bad. Caleb found the keys and took them off.

“Whoa what are you doing?” Hunter asked

“If we’re having this conversation we have it equally.” Caleb said as he tossed the handcuffs on the ground.

They sat and talked for an hour. Nothing made much sense. Cody gets tied, Caleb gets tied, both of them get tied. Hunter and Jordan. Jordan and Weston. They were all getting frustrated.

“Why don’t you all get tied up!?”

All the boys jumped up and turned to the voice they heard. It was Old man Newman with a couple guys none of them recognized. They were all about the same age “Old”.

“I knew it was bad when I was here earlier, but I knew it was really bad when I saw this kid half covered in branches tied to that tree over there.” Caleb felt embarrassed knowing now the old man saw him.

“We used to do the same games you guys are doing. If we hadn’t started it, you guys probably wouldn’t even know where this place was. Me, and Larry and Mo here…... Oh just nicknames we used to love the three stooges.
Anyway, we started this whole thing years ago and we had our share of squabbles. Finally, we figured out the best way to solve it was to have a competition.

“Now we tie you all up and say go! We stay until the first one is untied, then we leave. No helping anyone get untied unless you’re tied as well. We space everyone apart so it’s not too easy to help one another. Call it a team building exercise Given the number of you I’d say the last three are the losers, and the winners decide what to do with them. How’s that sound?”

“Huddle up boys!” Caleb yelled. The boys talked it over for like 5 minutes and came up with a no hard feelings answer.

“Guess we’re doing it! We’ll have to cut some rope first though all we have is longer pieces for the most part not enough for all of us.”

“Don’t worry about it we have plenty over here.” old man Newman said

“Ok let’s get started!” Caleb said as he turned around to have his hands tied.

The three old timers hogtied all the boys. Pulling their shoes and socks off just because that was the tradition. Within a half hour they were finished, and all the boys knew it would be a challenge to get out.
“GO!” Old man Newman yelled as the boys began their attempts to free themselves. Caleb was able to get his hands free in the first five minutes or so. Moments later he was up walking around. He slipped his shoes back on and began rooting everyone else on.

“Alright kid you’re out so we’re taking off! Hope this helps things!”

“Me to sir thanks!”

The three old men walked back down the road and didn’t say a word as Caleb watched them disappear behind some trees. Then he went back to rooting everyone on. Sam was the next to get free a half hour later. The others were tired and remembered what the old man said. “No helping anyone get untied unless your tied as well.” Jordan rolled to Cody who was closest to him. “I’ll get your hands then you get mine. We’ll both still be tied at our fee, so it’ll count.”

“No way man! I’m not letting you trick me!” Cody rolled away from him.
Jordan rolled to Weston and said the same.

“Ok sure!” Weston said as he rolled away from Hunter giving him access to his hands. Hunter got the knots loose and Weston rolled over with his feet still tied to untie Hunters hands. He was having trouble the knots were so tight he couldn’t work them loose.

Hunter was next to get out. He looked back to see Weston trying to untie Jordan with his feet still tied. “Weston just get yourself free I got this I think!” Weston stopped and untied his feet and ran towards the other “untied” kids. Luke and Kyle were attempting to help each other. Cody was all alone trying to get free. An hour went by and Luke was free after the rope fell off his feet trying to get Kyle untied. Kyle, and Cody both sprang to their feet at the same time.

“Who one!?” Cody said falling on the ground exhausted.

“US!” Luke said as the two boys who just put their best effort forward hung their heads. Jordan was still on the ground without one knot untied.

“Actually, we all won! Cody you learned a lesson there. If you hadn’t rolled away from hunter you might be free. Kyle you just got unlucky when the rope fell off Luke’s feet he wasn’t tied anymore. Hunter you’re just unlucky. It’s not about who you like or dislike we all put an effort in to help each other.”

“Except for one!” Hunter said looking at Cody.

“We both lost together. Besides I wouldn’t have gotten your knot untied anyway.”

“Face it Cody. You were the only loner!” Caleb said as he walked towards Cody with a pair of handcuffs.
“Luke, Sam! Tie Kyle up.”

“Can I tickle them!?” Said Weston sarcastically as he grabbed Kyle and helped Sam tie him up.

Luke, and Hunter went to work tying Jordan up better. Ten minutes later both boys were securely hogtied, barefoot and had no clue where Cody was.

“I’ve been a bit of a jerk, haven’t I?” Cody asked

“Yep you have!” Caleb said as he pushed Cody on too his knees, then his stomach and began hogtying him.
“You should let Jordan go.”

“No one is being set free. You three are getting tied up that was the deal so just stop before I go find that sock you like so much. You stay over here alone for a while.” Caleb said as he walked from behind the tent to join the others.

Cody kept his mouth shut for a minute but couldn’t hold in the laughter while thinking of the situation.

“Hey Jordan, I have something for you!” Luke said

“Oh no! No way man!” Jordan started thrashing against his bonds as he saw his friends old, fowl Soccer sock coming towards him. It was no use. Weston held his head still as Luke shoved the sock in and Sam wrapped the tape around his head.

This time it was Weston who couldn’t wait so he drug his fingers across Jordan’s bare feet.
“MMMM! MMMMPPH! PPPPH! He began bucking and thrashing his face was red in 2nds as he lit up with almost hysterical laughter.

“Whoa! HAHA! Hey Kyle, you’re missing out I think Jordan is the most ticklish of all of us! This is great!” Weston said as he continued to torture the poor guy. Caleb ran over “Here you take one foot I’ll get the other! Hey Luke, Sam! Get his ribs!” This made Jordan struggle for dear life. He was yelling things behind his gag that shouldn’t be repeated. The boys attacked his body at the same time causing him to squirm like they had never really seen before.

“Hey this isn’t fair let me go!” Kyle yelled.

Hunter grabbed Jordan’s ankle socks, and a moment later Kyle was gagged with both socks and duct tape forcing him to watch the others have their fun. Hunter began tickling Kyle which really ticked him off. Kyle was struggling for dear life as the older kid tortured his feet and ribs.

“Hey what about Cody?” asked Luke

“Oh yeah! Let’s bring him over so he can watch!” said Caleb

The four boys gave Jordan a break and all grabbed an arm or leg and carried the hogtied boy near Jordan to watch.
“Hey Cody!” Hunter said walking up behind him. Hunter rolled Cody over quickly and before Cody could react Hunter shoved the left-over soccer sock in his mouth and taped it in. Cody was disgusted as he thought about how many times the two socks had been in and out of everyone’s mouths already.

“That’s for being a loner jerk this weekend!”

Caleb wasn’t to happy with it, but Cody did kind of deserve it. After another hour of ticking Kyle, and Jordan the boys carried the tied boys to the tent with the heater where they were left hogtied. The gags were removed.
“I’m going to crash with Caleb. Looks like you guys are on prisoner detail tonight.” Said Weston to Hunter, Luke, and Sam.

“That was a pretty awesome day wasn’t it?!” Weston asked “It’s too bad it has to end tomorrow. We should really head back earlier tomorrow. It takes a bit longer to get down the trail than it does to get up.”

“Yeah it was pretty fun. Give me your hands!” Caleb said as he held up a pair of handcuffs.

“Wait no way! Why!”

“You are still my prisoner for the summer. I’ll let you go in the morning they won’t even have to know.”

Weston held his hands out in front of him as Caleb put the handcuffs on. Caleb tied Weston’s ankles, knees, and arms down. Then covered his hands in duct tape. Caleb then helped Weston into his sleeping bag and zipped it up. “Goodnight” Caleb said as he got in his bag and rolled over to go to sleep.

Caleb woke up in the morning and found Weston still tied in his sleeping bag. He started untying him. He was about to unlock the handcuffs when he heard a lot of movement outside the tent. He opened it up and all the other boys were almost done packing up the camp. “They must have gotten up early he thought.” He woke Weston up and took the cuffs off. “What time is it even?” Weston asked. “I think about 7:30 am.”

“When did you guys get free?” Caleb asked looking at the three boys that just spent their night tied up.

“I let them go about 6:00.” Luke said

“That was the longest night of my life. If you all ever do that again, please make it a softer surface!” Jordan said with a small laugh.

They began to help the others they all decided to skip breakfast and head back and maybe stop a couple places to screw around. An hour later they were ready to head out.

“Oh! Before we go boys.” Caleb said to Weston and Cody before the three got into Caleb’s truck. He pulled the two pair of handcuffs out of his back pocket. The kids weren’t even going to argue and held out their hands. Cody had a tough time getting into the backseat but managed. “Hey Luke! Thanks for loaning me the cuffs. Let’s stop in town I’ll give them back!”

“No problem! I’ll get them from you later!”

After a couple hours Caleb had dropped off Weston and Cody (after removing their handcuffs of course) and headed home.

“Hey dad!”

“I didn’t expect you back until later! I’m glad your home though. We need to go to the store.”

“What for? I thought we had enough stuff.”

“I want to get you stocked up. I just found out I have to leave the country for a couple of weeks.”

“Oh well ok I guess. Want to go now?” Caleb asked

As they headed out the door Caleb got a huge grin on his face as he thought about having a couple friends over. The two that just happened to have a summer deal with him.
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Post by cj2125 »

Just managed to read the whole story! Nice story! Glad to hear from those kids again! Looking forwards to the next part
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Thank you all again for the feedback. I know this series was considerably shorter than the last. As I come up with a good plot for the next series of Caleb's group of friends I must warn it will more than likely take at least a couple days but I will get it started as soon as possible.
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