Double Teamed (mm/m)

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Double Teamed (mm/m)

Post by GMen »

This is a true story that happened nearly a decade ago and so as a result, some of the supporting details (attire for instance) might not be 100% accurate as memory failed to remember every single detail, but they’re fairly insignificant and don’t impact the overall story. As means of providing some background, I had been doing tie-up games for about six years by the time this story occurred. Keep in mind, this was not something that occurred on a regular basis - two, maybe three times a year - and usually with a couple kids from the neighborhood. Beginning in my later high school years, I found myself engaging in TUGs more and more with one friend in particular, Anthony. During those couple of years before we went away to college, the TUGs were mostly challenge-related. We’d tie each other up in different ways, no gag or backstory, just tying each other and giving each other about twenty or thirty minutes to escape. If you couldn’t escape in the time prescribed, nothing further happened; it was all innocent and fun. We left for different colleges but kept in touch and TUGs never really came up in any subsequent conversation until after we graduated and moved to the city and decided to be roommates. During college I had engaged in TUGs on an infrequent basis and usually as a form of foreplay with whatever young lady I was hooking up with on that particular evening.

For the first few months, nothing TUG-related was ever addressed. Part of me now thinks that was a result of Anthony coming out during college and not thinking it’d be cool to bring up to his straight roommate. The one thing I did have to get used to was the constant ragging by him of my wardrobe on any particular occasion. He would critique my pants, my shirt, the combination of the two, the shoes, everything you could think of. It wasn’t until about four months after living together that he brought up our tie up games. From what I recall, we were supposed to do some outdoor activity - softball, go on a hike, bicycling, I’m not too sure - but a spring storm popped up and at the first clasp of thunder and lightning bolt, we were in for the day. And if you ever noticed, television on Saturdays is usually horrible. We lasted through one episode of one show, if that, before turning it off. As we recalled all the ways we used to pass the time when we were younger, I brought up the tie up games in passing. We continued chatting before Anthony returned to the topic and asked if I’d be willing to be tied. I had no reservations, as I hadn’t been tied in a number of years, but Anthony informed me he had been pretty active in tying/being tied throughout college. One of his significant others had apparently demonstrated a number of different knots and other techniques for him to try, but it was clear he hadn’t been utilizing these new skills simply for a challenge-related tie up game. These were more roleplay-based with a backstory and somewhat elaborate storyline. It was more creative this way, he told me. So we started engaging in those types of scenes. Spies being interrogated, star player of a team being kidnapped to miss the big game, all scenes like that became the norm. It was always easier for me to capture him (I come in at 6’1, 180 pounds, while Anthony barely registers 5’6, 145lbs.) but he always gladly accepted that as another kind of challenge. While some stories predetermined that I would be the intended victim, I also didn’t hold anything back and on a number of occasions, Anthony the Captor turned out to be Anthony the Captive. Before long, Anthony utilized a washcloth sprayed with cologne as simulated chloroform to effectively capture me.

These kinds of scenes went on for awhile; we maybe did one every couple of months or thereabouts. I certainly enjoyed them, although I could tell Anthony enjoyed them more, regardless of what role he was playing. Once he started dating Dave towards the end of the first year of us living together, the frequency became less, which was completely understandable. On one occasion, I returned to our place to the sight of Dave tied to one of our chairs. I gave him a quick nod hello, dropped off my things and left them to continue playing; after all, I didn’t want to intrude.

What must’ve been a week later, I was lounging on the couch watching something on the TV when they came in from a lunch date. For proper edification purposes, again, I’m 6’1, 180, flat brown/blonde hair, brown eyes, not pencil thin, but I certainly don’t have a six pack, maybe a four pack, while Anthony is 5’6, 145 when he’s soaking wet, dark brown hair that’s a bit wavy, brown eyes. Dave was somewhere in the middle, maybe 5’10, average build, brown hair (can’t recall his eye color I’m afraid). From what I recall, Anthony was wearing jeans and a polo, I was in dark plaid shorts and a gray t-shirt while Dave was wearing basketball shorts and I’ll just assume he was wearing a t-shirt. The two of them wore shoes while I was wearing flip flops. Due to the intervening years, the following conversation is not verbatim but the overall point is spot-on:

Dave: I want to thank you for all your assistance last week in helping me escape.

Me: Oh no, no, it’s up to the person who is tied to get themselves out of it. I wasn’t going to get in the middle of your escapades.

Anthony: If I had known he came in, I would’ve done something about (when I arrived, Anthony was in the restroom and I in-and-out before he emerged.)

Dave: Well maybe we’ll recruit you for our next game.

Me: Consider it done. Anthony and I have been tying each other up for years.

The conversation ended and I went back to watching whatever movie or sporting event was on that afternoon while the two guys just lingered around the apartment for a little while. Dave moved from the dinner table near the front door to the little patio we had. He returned a few minutes later and was watching the TV from behind the couch when he claimed to have a Eureka moment.

“Aha, I know what we’ll do, Tony,” he said, raising his index finger before thrusting both of his hands down on my shoulders and pushing me into the couch. “We’ve got ourselves a willing participant!” I looked up at him and he down at me. “Get off of me,” I said, twisting to try to evade his upper strength. “Let me watch the game and you two run along.”

“Nah, this is the sure-fire way to pass the time.”

I continued to twist and grunt a bit, occasionally protesting with the boilerplate, “Let me go” or “Let go of me.” This probably went on for about thirty seconds, and I figured this would all just be some silly exercise, especially since Anthony didn’t seem too interested (he was in the kitchen doing something and wasn’t rushing to get the rope or tape). When he finally emerged, he just shook his head. “Dave, stop messin’ with him. If you want to tie someone up, it’ll only be me. Let me finish in here and we’ll go out.”

Dave seemed legitimately disappointed and released me from his grip. He proceeded to sit in the lounge chair while Anthony finished in the kitchen and headed to his bedroom. He returned, sitting next to me on the couch and at that point, I should have realized something was amiss because he was still in his casual attire but I smelled the odor of cologne. All I heard was, “Dave, THIS is how you do it,” before Anthony wrapped his left hand around my back and pulled me into his lap. “Quick, get his legs!” he barked at Dave, who seemed a bit surprised (I knew the feeling!) and jumped up, wrapping his arm around my ankles. I twisted about and tried kicking, to no avail. Looking up at Anthony, he just smiled and said something along the lines of “time to take your medicine” before clamping the washcloth over my face. As much as I wanted to legitimately struggle, I knew I was in a no-win position. The best I could do is put on a good show. I grunted and gave the usual vocal protests, while desperately clasping at my attacker’s arm and unsuccessfully attempting to pull it off my face. For his part, he gave the perfunctory taunts as captor in that situation would indulge in (“deep breaths…that’s it, it’ll all be over soon”) I slowly started to wind down, gave Anthony a bit of eye fluttering (he always said he liked that but could rarely see it if he was attacking me from behind) before limply dropping my right hand off the couch. He lightly tossed my head side to side before triumphantly declaring “He’s out. Grab his legs and let’s bring him to my room.”

I heard Dave say, “With pleasure, boss,” and I was hoisted up under the arms by Anthony while my ankles were held by Dave. I was carried to Anthony’s room and gently placed on his bed. “I’m going to get the rope and tape from his room. Try to behave yourself while I’m gone,” Anthony said.

The comment didn’t concern me but did raise an interesting question. I had never experienced a tie-up game with Dave and had no idea what to expect. I didn’t know if his activity with Anthony on this particular subject was more playful or more intimate. All I knew is that Anthony never crossed any lines and usually, despite the element of a backstory, the goal of the TUGs remained the same: escape. Anthony left the room and I could hear Dave pacing for a little bit. He played with my face, moving it side to side, pulling my bottom lip down with his finger, all the while I had to remain as stoic as I could. I could feel myself wanting to grin or laugh since this was certainly unexpected. From there, I felt him trace the left side of my body with his finger, from my neck all the way down my legs. When he arriving at my ankles, he pulled my flip flops off. “Pssst,” he whispered up to me. “Cute feet.” To appease him, I wiggled my toes briefly. “Oh don’t worry, we’ll get to those,” he said as he began to rub my soles. I heard Anthony walk in and give off a sigh of exasperation. “Jeez, you couldn’t wait five minutes?! Leave his feet alone and help me tie him down.”

There was some debate over how I should be tied. Anthony suggested a traditional X spread-eagle position while Dave suggested a Y position, with my arms spread but my ankles together. In the end, Dave won out. Anthony handled the tying of my wrists while Dave started wrapping rope around my ankles. The entire process took less than ten minutes or thereabouts, at which point one of my captors started tapping me on the cheek. “Wakey, wakey….”

I slowly came around with the usual moaning and groaning before coming to stunning revelation that I’m tied up. I happen to think I play the role quite well, others may disagree.

“I was wrong,” Dave began. “He wasn’t as much of a willing participant as I thought. But we still got him in the end.”

I looked around. Dave was at the end of the bed while Anthony was off to my left, doing the perfunctory check of the rope to ensure they could withstand my tugging at them. As there wasn’t an established backstory, I simply played the role of a friend who was attacked by surprise by two of his friends. “Alright mates, what’s the big idea here?” I asked, yanking at my arms to see how good Anthony tied them. On occasion, he would not tie them nearly as tight as he could, leaving me to surmise he had hoped I escaped and seek revenge, but this time, they were pretty tight. I was surprised when it was Dave, rather than Anthony, who responded.

“We - well I - wanted to see you tied up,” he responded. “I’ve only just gotten to tie Anthony up, so I wanted a another frame of reference. Plus I thought it’d be fun to have a straight guy at the mercy of two gay guys,” he said with a chuckle that appeared to be more friendly than it was sinister.

Anthony looked over to Dave and then back at me. “Don’t worry, Dave promised he’ll behave himself. Well except for your feet. He’s got a foot fetish and you’re just going to have to suffer through it like I’ve had to.”

I smiled and teasingly told Dave to “be gentle.” He returned the smile, motioned to Anthony who stuck a bandanna in between my teeth and tied a knot behind my head. “Cleave gags look great, but they’re terribly ineffective,” he said as he tied it. He was right, but rather than spoil the situation, I still gave a hearty “mmmppphh!” to satisfy him.

It was clear from this banter that it was Dave and not Anthony who was in charge of this particular set-up. Since I had never played with Dave before, I anticipated the usual norms applied, which meant that I was likely going to be in this position for, at most, a half-hour. Anthony took a seat on the windowsill as Dave contemplated what to do next. I provided the obligatory struggling, although not too extreme; after all, I didn’t want to be an over-actor. As Anthony had warned, when Dave advanced back towards the bed, he sat down at the foot of it, occasionally moving his fingers in a spider-like movement across my bare soles. I fidgeted, trying to pull them away, unsuccessfully. While he would’ve undoubtedly loved to torture me relentlessly, Anthony must have given him warnings about situational awareness (his bedroom shared a not-so-thick wall with our neighbors and he could readily hear even the softest of conversations that emitted from it. With just a cleave gag, the laughter would’ve certainly been heard by our neighbors.) So for the time being, he occasionally teased my soles with the quick strike tickles before he took it to the next step with rubbing and eventually licking my soles and sucking on my toes. To classify this experience as being weird would have been an understatement. Meanwhile, Anthony had little by ways of participating, just sitting back and watching the whole scene play out in front of him. However, both my captors did seem to be enjoying themselves, as I could plainly see.

I really couldn’t tell you how long had transpired but it didn’t seem like the full thirty minutes before Dave’s fascination with my feet ended and he excused himself to use the restroom. Then Anthony approached and started untying my wrists.

“Well it was something new, wasn’t it?” he asked, the bandanna still in my mouth. I nodded as my left wrist was released, allowing me to pull the gag out and untie my right wrist.

“So this was is what you endure when you’re tied by him?” I asked. He just smiled wide.

“Well, that, among other things,” he replied.

“Uh-huh,” I said, as I leaned forward and untied my ankles.

I hopped off the bed, put my flip flops back on and headed out of Anthony’s bedroom. As I headed down the hall, Dave emerged from the bathroom and looked surprise. He did a double-take before declaring defiantly, “jail break!”

I had no idea what he was talking about, figuring that with Anthony having released me, the scene ended and I was free to go about my day.

“Hold it, pal, Anthony let me-mmmmmpppphhh….” my sentence cut off by Anthony’s hand over my mouth.

“Sorry Dave, I turned my back for a second and he escaped. I told you he was crafty,” I heard from behind me. I try pulling Anthony’s hand off my mouth to tell Dave the truth…maybe he’d spare me and retaliate against Anthony for letting me go. A genuine struggle ensued as Anthony and I struggled about. Occasionally I would free my mouth, but Anthony would be quick to replace his hand. For the first few moments, Dave stood there just witnessing this happen and unsure of what to do himself. Knowing that I would break free from his grip at any moment, Anthony instructed Dave to get the washcloth he left on the couch. He dashed into the living room and returned moments later. “Quick, put him out.”

In quick succession, Anthony removed his mouth as Dave thrust the washcloth in my face. I gave the perfunctory struggle while Anthony wrapped his arms around my waist and my struggles ceased as I went limp.

“Here, give him to me,” Dave said, and I was pushed into his waiting arms before hoisted up over his shoulder. He turned around and brought me into the living room, gently placing me on the couch in the upright position. “Looks like we’re going to have punish our little captive,” he said and for me, I had no idea what that meant or would entail. Part of me was curious, but another part not so curious and just hoping it was within bounds. This fear was exacerbated when Dave instructed Anthony to pick up my arms while he pulled my shirt off. Thankfully that was the only article of clothing removed (besides my flip flops which came a short time later as my feet were propped up on the coffee table and retied.)

Dave handled all of the ties this time around and he tied my wrists together behind my back. With me rescued, Dave helped himself to my helpless condition, running his fingers down my bare chest.

“You weren’t kidding when you said your roommate was fit,” he said.

Anthony appeared to be offended by the comment, if for no other reason than it illustrated that he had been describing in such a way to his significant other. I wasn’t sure whether to interpret that as a compliment or something else. A lot depended on just how far they would keep taking this.

Thankfully, it wasn’t taken too far. When I “came to” Anthony was quick to retie the bandanna in my mouth and I was left to struggle for a little while longer. Now that we were no longer sharing a wall with the neighbors, each of my captors took time poking my chest or in my underarms to elicit some semi-muffled laughter. Of course this also gave Dave the perfect opportunity to tickle my feet which he did at some length. I could sense his pent up frustration from being denied the opportunity earlier and he was relentless. Anthony joined on my stomach and ribs and it took became unbearable. Between the beads of sweat accumulating on my brow and the redness of my face, Anthony came to realize I had had enough.

The scene came to a close a short time later. I was untied, given back my flip flops and shirt, and gag removed. Dave was surprised to learn that Anthony had let me go earlier but he informed me he would’ve found a reason to recapture me no matter what had happened.

This marked the only time Dave and Anthony tied me together. Some time would elapse before I found myself at Dave’s mercy again except with Anthony present. This made for an, well, interesting situation.
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Post by squirrel »

Very nice story! Glad you posted it, buddy :)

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Post by Canuck100 »

Yes, great story!

I would have loved to have a roommate / friend into bondage like you

Looking forward to finding out what happened on that other time you were their “victim”. :D
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Post by mikeybound »

Oh I do enjoy stories like this. Thanks for the post!
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Post by GMen »

[mention]mikeybound[/mention] Thanks for the compliment (although something told me this story would be right up your alley!)

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] I'm still debating whether or not to post the sequel (which would then prompt the need for part III of this particular trilogy) if for no other reason than it does take a bit of a weird turn (at least for me.) I had written most of it up awhile back, so it wouldn't take much to complete it. I just don't want you to expect something posted in the very near future.
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is great, just the sort of thing I look for here. Well written and edited with believable characters. Thanks for posting. Post the sequel already!
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Post by fratboydanny »

This was a terrific read. Thanks [mention]GMen[/mention] for the links to this story. I believe, now that i have returned from my self imposed exile, that i have caught up on your stories. Please, please keep writing.
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Post by Michael-Colin »

True stories like this make me so jealous! I wish I had friends that were interested in this kind of stuff, but oh well.

It was a fun read, and I always love a good tickling scene. :D
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