Tying Up Aunt Judy Series (m/F)

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Tying Up Aunt Judy Series (m/F)

Post by stanfordnavy »

Aunt Judy Part 1

For as long as I can remember, I have had a love for damsel in distress style bondage. Even at an early age I had an appreciation for the old serials of the 30s and 40s. My tastes are for the damsel to be clothed, professionally dressed (dress or skirt, stockings, heels). But lets face it, if she is wearing a t-shirt and shorts...well...that will also do

I do want to give a disclaimer. THESE STORIES ARE TRUE. To this day I still can't believe they happened. I can't believe how any of them unfolded but I sure as hell am glad they did.

A brief description about Judy. At the time of the "games" she was single. She is about 5'8, long brown hair, and very, very fit. She was a college athlete (tennis) and graduated with honors. Besides tennis, she was also active in drama, performing in several plays. At the time of our "games" she was an elementary school teacher but now she is a stay at home mom of two girls. She has always had a great sense of humor and a very nice personality. Even growing up I'm told she was not the hot, smart, athletic girl who was stuck up.

Our "games" were very innocent but obviously I had a desire to tie her up and often thought about how I might trick her or talk her into being tied up. She always wore dresses and skirts to school, so that didn't help matter . I never thought of her in a sexual way but I have to admit that I thought of her tied up a great deal. So finding a way to tie her up was always on my mind.

As things would have it, I had the joy of tying her up three times.

The first situation happened 10 years ago during Halloween 2009. At the time I was a freshmen in high school (14) and my Aunt Judy (mom's sister) was in her late 20s; she is eleven years younger than my mom. Judy was staying with us because her apartment was getting new carpet and a paint job. So she was staying with us for a week.

It was Friday night of Halloween. Mom and dad were gone for the weekend on a church couples retreat. Judy picked me up from basketball practice after school. On the way home she told me she was going out with a friend for a few hours to a Halloween costume party and just wanted to make sure I was OK being home for a few hours by myself. She wasn't going to be out late, just until about 11.

I asked her what she was dressing up as and she said she was going as a "sexy Pocahontas". HER WORDS.

When we got home I grabbed a shower as Judy got ready for her party. After my shower I was heating up some leftovers when Judy came into the kitchen in costume. I about had a heart attack.

She was truly a "sexy Pocahontas". She was wearing a Native American headband, a short, tan Native American style dress, tan pantyhose and heels. Honestly...I almost had a heart attack. He best friend, Amy, was dressing up as a cowgirl and they were going as a pair.

I made some joke about how she should wear that to school one day. I told her the little boys would love it. I did not expect the reply that I got and I remember it to this day.

She said, "A bunch of boys were playing cowboys and Indians during recess today. They grabbed a girl and tied her to a basketball pole with jumprope then did an Indian dance around her. I let them have their fun then I went over and told them to untie her. Would you believe a bunch of them grabbed me and tried to tie me to the pole? Thank God the bell rang for recess to end."

I asked her if she would have played along if the bell had not rang and she said she would not have. It would not have been a very professional thing to let happen.

When she left for the party my mind began to race. Not only at the story but thinking of a way to see if she would let me tie her up, especially how she was dressed. As I said earlier, she was a college tennis player and she worked out a lot. To this day, she has a pair of legs any woman would die for. So you can only imagine what they looked like in her 20s.

Amy picked her up around 7. So I had some time to figure out a plan on how I was going to get her to play along and let me tie her up.

I came up with a plan. It was corny as hell but it was a plan, plus what did I have to loose? The worst thing she could say was "no".

Around 11p Amy dropped Aunt Judy off. When she came in the house I was in the TV room ready to begin the corny plan I had thought of. I did not have anything that looked like a cowboy outfit so I changed into a flannel shirt and blue jeans. I did have a western gun and holster belt that fit so I put that on.

When she came into the TV room I was sitting on the couch. She was no where close to being drunk but I could tell she had had a few glasses of wine (her preference). She saw how I was dressed and curiously laughed and asked me why I was dressed like that. I stood up, pointed one of my toy guns at her. I told her that I heard that some of her Indian friends tried to burn a cowgirl at the stake today. I don't think she got it at first because she looked at me like I had lost my mind. After a few seconds it dawned on her that I was talking about what happened at school earlier. She laughed and said that one of the cowgirls did get kidnapped by the Indians but that she had saved her.

She again asked me, "why are you pointing your gun at me, cowboy?". I told her I was sent by the other cowboys to kidnap an Indian Princess as payback for what the Indians did to one of our cowgirls. She looked at me with a grin and said I was too old to be playing cowboys and Indians. I did my best to stay in character and I said something like it wasn't right that Indians can kidnap cowgirls but cowboys can't kidnap Indian girls.

There was a very uncomfortable silence for no more than 10 seconds but it seemed like 10 minutes. I could tell she was thinking of something to say.

Here I am standing in my house, pointing a toy gun at my unbelievable looking aunt who is dressed like some hot Indian Princess.

I took a chance and as they say, the rest is history.

I told her again that the cowboys sent me to kidnap an Indian Princess and like it or not, she was coming with me.

Judy grinned at me as asked, "What do you have planned for me?". She was playing along!!!!!!!!!! She even changed her voice a little; getting into character!!!!! Remember, she performed in a lot of plays in high school and college.

My mind was racing and my heart was pounding. It was about to happen. Trying my best to stay composed, I pointed to the open basement door and told her to move that way.

As we headed into the basement she kept saying that her Indian friends were going to come and rescue her and I would never get away with this.

As we went into the basement, I told her to go into the laundry room. I had set everything up in case the ultimate dream happened. I took down the rope used to hang clothes on and I also cut off two pieces from an extra spool of rope that was located on a utility shelf. Seeing all of the rope lying by a support beam, Judy paused for a moment, probably realizing what was about to happen.

She turned around and told me that she was not going to be tied up. My heart dropped and I felt the blood leave my face. She again said that she was not going to be tied up but I noticed something strange. She said it in the character voice she was using. I wasn't totally sure I was hearing her right so I said, "Yes you are, Princess." My thought was if she was serious the gig would be up and the game would be over. But she again answered in the character voice she was using. My heart began to pound again, knowing that she was just being in character.

I told her to go over to the pole and put her hand behind it. She moved over to the pole. The whole time saying that I was never going to get away with this. I grabbed a piece of the rope I had cut and began to tie her wrists behind the pole. I don't remember the dialogue but the whole time she kept pleading to be let go and I kept responding to whatever she said.

After I had her wrists tied up, I took another piece of cut rope and knelt down and began to tie her ankles together. It was really cool because she put up a really good fight and it wasn't easy tying them together. To me if felt very realistic. And I loved the sound her heels made as she was moving around.

I do have to admit that I tied her wrists and ankles up for real. I figured that I may never have the chance again to tie up a woman so I wanted to make sure it was tight but not too tight. I figured if it were too tight, she would say something.

After tying her ankles, I went to get the long clothesline rope I had took down. When Aunt Judy saw me heading towards her with about 20 feet of rope, she broke character for the only time and said, "I'm tied up pretty good. Are you sure you need more rope?". I told her I would not use it if she didn't want me to. She said, "You went through all the trouble of taking it down. Go ahead." She quickly got back into character and began pleading to be let go.

I connected the rope to the base of the pole and began circling her, securing her to the pole. I had such a rush of emotion as I was wrapping the ropes around her well toned legs. The Indian Princess dress she was wearing stopped about three inches above her knees. So a good deal of her amazing legs were on full display.

After securing her to the pole I told her that I had to go meet with the other cowboys and decide what we were going to do with her. I pretended to leave the room but I just went around the corner. She could see me but i was acting as if I were gone. She began to try and get free.

I can't tell you how awesome it was watching her struggle. She kept going in and out of character commenting on how well I had tied her up. But the whole time she never seemed uneasy or uncomfortable. She was able to loosen the rope that secured her to the pole a little but her wrists and ankles stayed tied and did not loosen.

After a few minutes I came back into and told her that the cowboys decided to let her go. But if her Indian friends took one of our cowgirls again, we would come after her. She promised that the cowgirls would be safe and begged to be set free.

As I began to untie her, we both were no longer in character. She was very cool about the whole experience and even complemented me on how well I tied her up. After freeing her she jokingly told me to make sure I don't teach the little boys in her school how to tie knots.

I think I thanked her a thousand times for playing along. She told me that it was fun and that if she didn't trust me none of this would have happened.

It was about midnight. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed off to bed. I was so wired that I don't think I fell asleep until 3. The thoughts of tying her up and seeing her tied up and struggling to get free, kept playing in my head. What probably made things even better is the fact she was in character and really acted things out.
Last edited by stanfordnavy 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Terrific story, you are really lucky to have an amazing aunt.
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Tying Up Aunt Judy part 2

Aunt Judy (part 2)

Just to comment on the first time.

The next morning things were very normal. We did talk about it but not in an uncomfortable tone. She kept asking me how I learned to tie knots like that and I just made light of it saying all boys know how to tie knots. There was never any talk about keeping things a secret or not mentioning it to my mom and dad. We just laughed it off as something that happened innocently.

Well, the next time happened the following spring, during my Spring Break. I was home from school for a week and I was really looking forward to relaxing and having fun. I played baseball so beside practice, I did not have much planned. Dad went away to Canada on his yearly fishing trip with a few of his Navy buddies. It was suppose to be just me and mom for the entire week.

I was in a different school district than Aunt Judy. Her school actually had Spring Break the week before our school.

On Monday, my dad's mom called and asked my mom if she would be willing to stay with her for a few days. Grandma has recently fallen and even though she did not break any bones, she was still very sore. Grandma just wanted to know if mom would be willing to help her around her place for a few days until she became a little more mobil. Naturally mom said she would.

I had the opportunity to stay at a number of my friends but I asked mom if I could stay with Aunt Judy...if she didn't mind. She called Aunt Judy and she had no problem with me staying with her. Mom packed her things and took off. Aunt Judy was going to pick me up after she got out of school.

Yes...I began to think of how I would get to tie her up again. I wanted to stay with her for two reasons. One, she was and still is the coolest aunt ever. And two...I wanted to try and tie her up again.

I think Judy told mom about our little cowboy and Indian Princess act but I wasn't totally sure. After Thanksgiving dinner, me, mom, and Aunt Judy were putting dishes away when I made a comment about the Indians and pilgrims first Thanksgiving. Mom asked Judy if she thinks pilgrim boys played "pilgrims and Indians" like some boys like to play cowboys and Indians? They both laughed and mom gave me a little side eye action. I just stood there frozen...like a turkey. So...I think it was not a surprise to mom that I wanted to stay with Judy. She probably knew what was on my mind. Maybe one day I'll have the guts to ask her if she knows what happened.

As I packed my things, I made sure I brought some rope and one of my old toy guns. I didn't take the clothesline down but I did grab the spool of rope I cut from last time. There was more than enough remaining. I got a little bold and also tore off a strip from an old bed sheet that was lying around. I was hoping that if I got the chance to tie her up, I would also gag her if she was OK with that. To be clear, I did not have high hopes that I would get lucky again. I was just praying I would.

Aunt Judy picked me up after she got out of school and we headed to her place.

The night was very normal and nothing happened. I needed time to plan.

When Judy got ready to go to bed, I decided to stay up and watch a little TV. Baseball practice was cancelled for the next day so i didn't have to worry about being up early.

It was late, maybe around 11:30 or so and I was watching an old move on AMC. It was a gangster movie. Some lady was kidnapped by the bad guys and she was being help captive in a cabin in the woods. She was tied to a chair and when the bad guys left the cabin she tried to get free and escape before a bomb went off. I was so focused and zoned in on this wonderful scene that I did not notice Aunt Judy go into the kitchen and get a glass of water. She stopped and looked at the scene for about a second and asked me what I was watching. I told her what the movie was about. She watched for a minute or two and went back to bed. Before she left she laughingly said, "don't be getting any ideas cowboy." That response really excited me because it gave me the thought that maybe she knew what was on my mind and maybe there was a chance. I watched the rest of the movie, went to bed, and thought up a way to hopefully tie her up again.

The next morning came and as she was heading out the door to school, she told me she would be home about 4 and we can do something when she gets home; maybe watch a movie or two or play a board game. She looked great...as usual. If I remember correctly, she was wearing a black skirt, tan hose, and black heels. I don't remember what her blouse looked like but I think it was pink but I not totally positive. I spent most of the day playing video games and thinking of a plan. I decided to try and play off of the movie I was watching last night. I was praying she would be game to play.

She called me during her lunch time to check up on me. I told her things were great and I was just playing video games and watching TV. She asked me what I wanted to do when she got home and I asked her if she wanted to play a modified version of charades? She asked what did I mean by "modified charades" I told her instead of acting out words we would act out scenes from movies. She started laughing and said, "Why do I have a feeling this is about last nights movie." I laughed it off and told her that she is a way better actress than the lady in the movie and she could act it out better than her. She said..."Well, OK. But if I play this silly game with you, you are doing dishes all week." Naturally I had no problem with that :)

She said that we can play my silly game after dinner. I asked her if it would be OK if we played as soon as she got home? I told her that her apartment could be the bad guys hideout, the cabin in the woods, and she starts snooping around. At some point she encounters the bad guy. After a little pause, she said, "alright, Mr. Bad Guy. I'll see you around 4:30. When I got off the phone, I got everything ready. 4:30 could not get here soon enough.

About 4:15, I went and hid in the spare bedroom that she had converted to an office.

It was around 4:30 when I head the door open. I could hear her put her keys on the table. She went into character and started talking out loud commenting on the bad guys hide out and looking for important papers. I could hear her walking down the hall toward the spare bedroom. I went into the closet to hide. She entered the room and went over to the desk. After about a minute, she said, "I found it. This will put him in prison for life. I've got to get out of here." At that moment I sprang out of the closet with my toy gun pointed at her. She giggled at first but quickly got back in character. After the usual bad guy/damsel talk, I told her she knew too much and I had to get keep her out of the way. I grabbed her by the arm and led her out of the room toward the kitchen.

She did a really good job playing the damsel. Again, her acting skills made the whole thing so fun, entertaining, and realistic. We entered the kitchen and I pulled out one of the chairs and told her to sit down. She asked me what I was going to do with her and i told her she was going to be a little tied up for a while. She began to do the whole damsel "please don't tie me up" thing. Keeping my toy gun pointed at her, I went over to the cabinet under the sink and took out the rope and cloth. She again kept pleading not to be tied up. She would have been a classic damsel if she acted in the 1940s.

I told her to put her hands behind the chair. When she did that, I grabbed her hands and began to tie them together. Like before, I made sure I tied them tight but not too tight. After I finished tying up her hands, I took another piece of rope and knelt down to tie up her ankles. just as she did when we played before, she didn't allow me to easily tie her ankles together. She moved around and kicked a lot. Nothing too bad but she made me work for it. I was finally able to get control (she let me) and I proceeded to tie her ankles up. Just like in the movie, I moved her tied ankles to the side and tied them to one of the chair legs. I had set more rope and the cloth on the kitchen table. She saw the cloth and in her damsel voice told me not to gag her. Playing the bad guy role, i told her I needed to make sure she was going to be quiet. I took the cloth and wrapped it a few times around her head and tied it off. It was such a dream hearing her make the gagged talk sounds.

I took the last piece of rope and wrapped it several times around her upper body, securing her to the chair. In a corny gangster voice, I told her not to go anywhere and I left the room. Just like in the movie, she took that as her cue and began to struggle to get free. I went into the bedroom and got the "bomb" I had made. I just took a couple cans of shaving cream she had, taped them together and attached a kitchen timer to it. I came back into the room holding the bomb. I told her she knew too much and I needed to do away with her. I set the timer for 12 minutes and told her she had better hope she can get free or someone saves her before it was too late. I sat the bomb on the table, making sure she could see the timer. Before I left the room, I told her I would let her try and get free. If she couldn't I would come in and play the role of the hero before "the bomb goes off". She nodded OK. I went into the hall, making sure I could once again see my beautiful aunt tied up and struggling to get free.

Like the time before, I tried to tie her up realistically. I didn't over do it but I wanted her to really work to get free.

She really struggled. With about 5 minutes to go, she was still tied up as secure as she was in the beginning. Knowing not much time was left, I entered the room, acting like I was her partner and began to until her. I took her gag off and she was like, "Thank God you found me. Hurry up and untie me". It didn't take me long to untie her but I made sure I untied her ankles slower than I did her wrists ;)

After she was free, we ran out of the room just like we were getting out of the cabin before. the bomb went off.

I was in heaven. That was one of the greatest times of my life to that point. I again thanked her a million times for playing my silly game. She told me that she was surprised how much fun she had the two times we played. She told me that she had not been tied up before. Little boys tired when she use to babysit or that time at school, buy she never let them. She said she was comfortable with me and we were just having fun.

She went off to shower and I gathered my "bad guy" stuff and put it back in my bag. After she got out of the shower she told me that she really tried to get free and was surprised she could not. Without missing a beat she even said, "I bet I get free next time." I could not believe what I heard. I was so shocked but needless to say, very excited thinking there would be another time.

She ordered out pizza and we chilled out for the rest of the evening playing Monopoly...which I lost.
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Tying Up Aunt Judy part 3

The third and last time I tied up my Aunt Judy did lack the planning and the "unknown" of the prior two times.

The first two times I had no idea if it was going to happen and I spent a great deal of time planning ideas. This time, we both knew it was going to happen...we just didn't know when.

We talked a little bit about it before hand and decided that we would still create a story to play out. We decided to play out our damsel in distress story at my house, whenever my parents would be away.

The time came on a Saturday during the summer before my sophomore year in high school. Mom and dad were gone for the day and would not return until Sunday afternoon. Judy agreed to come over and stay the night.

She even told me I could request what I wanted her to wear. Seeing that I had the thought of her being a kidnapped businesswoman, I told her to wear a nice dress, stockings, and black heels.

The time finally arrived for our last game. Mom and dad took off Saturday morning and Judy came over shortly before they left.

Judy asked me what the story line was. I told her that she is a wealthy businesswoman. She comes home from work and finds a robber in her house. Wanting to keep her out of the way, he makes her find some rope so he can tie her up. Naturally I would tell her where the rope was before we started. She was cool with the story and she even suggested a few things to make the story more fun. Judy said that when the robber ties her ups, the story would be great if she is able to get free and tries to get away; but the robber recaptures her and then ties her up more securely. (our bet we made would be based on the time she is tied up for real). I liked the idea she made...who wouldn't.

She went to change and I went to set things up. I got the rope and placed it in the garage. I also placed a role of duct tape with the rope.

Judy came downstairs and her looked great. She was wearing a form fitting black dress that stopped a few inches above her knees. She was wearing tan stocking and black high heels. She looked amazing.

I told her where the rope was and that she would first be tied up on the couch. After she breaks free, the robber will tie her to a chair.

With that, the game began.

She went into the garage and acted like she was coming home. I was in one of the back rooms. She enters the house and as she is making her way into the kitchen area, I come out from the back room. I point my toy gun at her and she stops in her tracks.

She does a great job of acting startled, asking me who I am and what I want. I tell her I'm here to take valuables from her safe. I told her that I need to keep her out of the way as I look

around her place. She wants to know what I plan on doing with her. I tell her that I need to tie her up and I ask if she has anything I can use to tie her with. Judy did a great job of pleading not to be tied up and that she promised not to call the cops. I walk closer to her and tell her we can do this the easy way or the hard way and again ask her if she has any rope. In her best scared damsel voice, she tells me that there is some rope in the garage. I tell her to go get it. Judy goes into the garage, with me following her with my toy gun pointed at her, and she gets the rope I had placed in there. Without being told to do so, she even takes the duct tape.

We walk back into the house and I have her go stand by the couch.

I tell her to hand me the rope and to place her hands behind her back. I begin to tie her hands. I don't tie them as tightly as I did the other times because she is to get free; but I do tie them tight enough so she has to work at a little bit.

I tell her to sit down and I tie her ankles

together. I tie them up as tight as before seeing that she can untie them herself.

I don't gag her but I do tell her to keep quiet.

I leave the room and go back into the

house, acting like I am looking for things.

Aunt Judy then begins the struggle to free herself. She frantically moved her hand and feet,

trying to loosen the ropes. In about 2 minutes she is able to free her hands. I'm standing in the hallway, just out her her full vision but I'm able to see Aunt Judy untie herself. My thought was, as soon as she untied her ankles, I would spring into action.

As soon as she was free, she quietly began

to tip toe toward the front door. I entered the room with my gun pointed at her and told her to stop. I acted like I was shocked that she got free. She told me to just get out and she won't tell anyone. I tell her that I'm not done looking around. I go over to the couch and grab the rope and duct tape; not just the two pieces I had just used but the other several pieces.

I point toward the dining room and tell her to have a seat in one of the chairs. As she sits down, I place the rope and duct tape on the floor beside her; I grab her wrists and I begin to tie her up again. Unlike before, I tie her hands very securely. If Judy gets free, she will really have to work at it. She keep telling me that I don't have to do this...I'll never get away with this...the cops are going to get me...so finally I tell her I have had enough. I tell her if she keeps talking I'm

going to tape her mouth shut. For the moment, she quiets down.

With her hands tied behind the chair I put my focus back on securing her to the chair. I took a long piece of rope and wrapped it several times around her, tying her to the chair. Next came every robbers favorite part...her legs.

I have to admit that I had really grown very fond of tying up her legs. Seeing that this was the last time I would be doing this, I got a little bold and decided to not only tie her ankles but also tie her legs above the knee. I had seen pictures of damsels tied like that before and I figured this was a

chance to do it. I had not done this the other times so I didn't know how she would react. But my thought was If she was uncomfortable, she would say so.

I tied her ankles first. Once again she did a very good job of resisting and making me work for it. Finally gaining control, I looped the rope around her ankles several times and tied them off.

I took the last piece of rope and she asked me what I planned on doing with it. Her quote was," my hands are tied my feet are tied, I'm secured to the chair, why do you need more rope?" I told her I was going to make sure she was not running around

anytime soon and I was going to tie up her legs. She obviously didn't care because she stayed in character and began yelling for help again. She knew what that meant. I tear off a piece of duct tape and place it over her mouth. She begins to do the muffled scream thing...that sounded so great.

I take the last piece of rope and begin to wrap it around her legs, just above the knees. I can not tell you the joy I felt doing this.

After I finished, I stood back and looked at my work. She did a great job of moving around and trying to talk through the tape. I told her to not go anywhere while I snoop around. (I did break character and reminded her about the bet. If she gets free, I wash her car weekly for the summer; if she doesn't, I get a pizza a week for the month). She nodded approval. Leaving the room, she began to struggle.

I watched her struggle for what seemed like an hour. She kicked, she moved around, she did all she could to get loose but was having a lot of trouble. About 10 minutes in, I came back in the room and removed the tape from her mouth. Neither of us were in character because now the bet was on the line and as far as we were concerned, the story was over. I asked her if she gave up but she said to give her a few more minutes. So I sat on the couch and watched her struggle to get free. She kept laughing at how good I had her tied up and she couldn't believe someone my age could tie so securely.

Well, after another 10 minutes she finally gave up. I was so happy...pizza weekly for a month.

She acted like she was mad but she kept laughing about how she tried her best and still couldn't get free.

I untied her hands and took the rope off of her that secured her body to the chair but I let her untie her knees and ankles...which was also a joy to watch :)

We sat around and talked about how all of these tie up games started with her simple comment about the little boys at her school tying up the little girls during recess in an innocent game of cowboys and Indians.

We both knew that would be the last time we played tie up games. There was no long talk or anything like that after. We just laughed at the times and joked about how it all came about.

As time went on we never discussed what happed. if was just fun, innocent games we shared. We did and still do make inside joke remarks to one another about those times.

Judy is an unbelievable mother, wife, sister, and aunt. Who knows...maybe one day I can convince her to play the tole of a kidnapped mom
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Post by arbamanre »

Wow! This is so amazing! ¡Thanks for sharing!
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Post by Trammel »

Fantastic story! I love it!
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Post by Treville »

Thank you for sharing!
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Post by TightsBound »

I loved this story when you had it posted as three separate threads and I love it now! Definitely worthy of a reread. Thanks for sharing!
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