The Beginning M/F

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The Beginning M/F

Post by sweetvillain »

It's long of time that I wanted to tell.
I was 13 years old.
Lived in the estate of my maternal grandparents, 10 km from the city.
Unique child

I have always been "different", from my contemporaries, childs, teens.
I was not timid, and i am not timid. I was reserved. Sensitive. Cerebral. Not quick-handed. Not ill-mannered. Not materialist.
"Mentally", greater of the age that I had.

For the rest, everything was in the normality
The school, some friends, the things classical of age.

But there was other. Something which I didn't know how to give the name. Not knew what it was.
I had the feeling, when I began to interest me the girls, that it was not only attraction.
It was more something. Or "different." "Different" as I am. But I didn't investigate inside me. Everything was embryonic, misty, "foggy".

And two other things, contemporarily happened.
The first one is that the sweetness, the innocence, the delicacy of the girls, inspired me something sweet and something strange.
I adore the delicate girls. As character, sphysically. They inspire me femininity.
Delicate, almost timid any times, they look to you, and then, they "try" not to see you.
It's ot not a matter of merely aesthetics, but because they inspire me delicacy, vulnerability "they inside".
The slender arms, thin, the legs, same. The delicate aspect.
Not for my hormonal "hunger" , I repeat, but because they made me perceive theirs...frailty.
Not even i observing the parts of the body that the "masculine metarialism" idealizes, as breasts, as genital parts.
Indeed, i thinks "correct" breast its very attractive more than a measure excessively increased.
I'm attracted by a sweet look, a cheek blushed..
Obvious, also I observe a breast and "other", it is natural, but not for a tribal and sexist inspiration.
I was attracted by the faces. The looks, that looks that you would be stop, more times, to look. And you would want not to "detache" more.
That faces that inspire intelligence, depth, education. Principles.
One on everybody. The mind ABOVE every thing. Later it is the consequence. The effect.

The mental matter is all everything

Physically, add to what i said above, was also, attracted by another particular of body part. The female extremities.
Not only in the aesthetical sense, but because that "aesthetics", its the true intimate part, private, that inspires me the delicacy of a girl . Is my thought

But, the more elevated, "strangeness" or "weirdness", at the same time, "obscure" was caused by what i would have wanted do to similar creatures.
At least, to that faces that personified that mine ideal Metaphysical .
I'm Sensitive. Mental. Romantic. Cerebral. Idealist. (how much problems me from my sensibility), I am "deeply".
At the same time "dominant." Or dominant and, to the same time, sensitive.
Perceiving the Woman as in an attractive context that must be everything mental matter, then also physics, yet I desired "something" that it escaped from
my ability of understanding.
If i were mental, ( I am..) metaphysical, before the mind then the body, if the sex for me were (and it is) a consequence of "something" of more ELEVATED, because
i had the emotional perception that I would have to capture her?

Yes. To capture her. More. To abduct her and imprison her. To tie her.
It was dystopian, this aspect, comparised to what I knew to be and that I have explained above.
The thing disturbed me. I didn't understand if it were a phase of the growth or a "problem." Personal problem, only mine.

I began to think that, being me so "different" for character, from my contemporaries guys, as I explained in the first lines, this difference had "something" to whether do
with all this.
Then, that something NOT related to the age phase, but something of personal. And I didn't know whether to feel happy or to be ashamed of it.
Then was something of only "mine." Or those as me that they could have the same mine "inclination", in comparison to what we usually consider "intimate".
A Great Mistery.

The second thing that happened, contemporarily and contextually to these firsts mental "trip", it was caused me the from the "external" situation
Example, tv. More often I was always spellbound to see an heroin that captured from prey of the Evil. Aclassic oh the DID Epopea.
They were them a spy (I adore this plot), a Princess, mediaval or "fantasy", Cloak and Sword.
Also the kind "Swords & Sandals" like me more, because also allowed me to notice the closes up on the naked feet, tied up, of that heroin.

The principal concept was the sense of "capture" that I tried. The pleasure to capture, to see tied up, defenseless, a woman, "Sign" of that fragile side of the sky.
Then, the individual particulars, as exiles, thin tied up wrists, the defenseless naked feet, a beautiful gag, a blindfold, was the touch more.
All departed from the concept of "capture." Then, Bondage.
And the concept of "Distress", not for violence, but to mean the vulnerability of Woman. Or Heroine
It gave me a perception of "dominion" on that delicate female creature. Not in materialist and humiliating sense. I just said above that I am
cerebral and romantic, first of all.
It was something of "sweet."

If as, also desiring, in tv and in the reality both, to capture, to tie, "to bare", pretty feet wad a "game" . Respectful. Almost "protective."
Certain, the ropes would have been true. The gag also. The capture also. But it was not for "violence."
It was for feeling, inside me, the perception of femininity, delicacy, vulnerability that the Female Creature caused me.
And to exalt my masculine nature. And, at the some time, The Holy Respect for her
A sort of Affect Manifestation.
A Consensual Sharing of Affect.
For Umanity. For Protect. For tie her up. For tickle her. For dominate her . For a kiss, for a sweet look.

A kind of intersection, of exchange. Of joint the two opposite natures. Because in mine, "emotional depth", almost excessive for the age, i had the pretension to think
to hope, that these imaginations were ...shared.
Someone of them, had the same my visions. But complementary. Me captor, her Captive. Not only to be alone, to think and realize these dreams, but that also a girl could have this need.
This suggestion
If i were "dominant", for my masculine nature, a girl could be also "subdued", for her female nature. This was the psychic pattern.

I must clarify one thing, i care. The terms "dominant" and "subdued", I don't like me they.
I find them "hard", "metallic."
They gives me the idea of embezzlement, humiliation, materialism, of obligation, of violence, almost. I am that I interpret this way, certainly. But I want them clear.
I prefer therefore to use the terms "Captor and Captive." Remind me consensuality, as a sweet "role game". But I will use them, these terms, after having made
to understand as I intend them.
The first one, Captor, i identify with the ability of a man to capture, to be strong, "dominant", but kind, a relationship voted to the Human Values.
The second, Captive, the ancestral tendency of a woman to be vulnerable, to be delicate, weak (physically). Then to be captured.
Respected. Consensually. For both happiness. She Distressed, the Damsel . Happy to be. With the correct Viillain

So, the duality male-female, "dominant-subdued", "captor-captive", " damsel-villain", i intend it in a form of "Demonstration of Affection" .
Whereby returns to the values of which above: Mind and Matter. The matter comes later. Mind before.
Then, this equilibrium is perfect is.. Metaphysical

It's a primordial atavism the concept of the male, strong, solar, active, "dominant." But in my vision of the Apparent World, he must be protective, sensitive
And' its he same atavsim the concept of delicate female, lunar, passive "subdued." She can adore "to feel such" but it desires that such perception of
"being woman" she is imposed with a noble strength, sweet. Respectful.

Just because we are not speaking of sex materialism. But Metaphysics. Then Mind, Respect, Consensuality, Protection, Mutual understanding.

Obvious. This sacred, "romantic" concept it doesn't exclude previously that action of "domination" cannot be energetic. Virile. Severe, almost merciless.
And that action of "submissivenes" must not be so deeply to be desired to be "subdued" with energy, severity, mercilessness .
How possible this union?
With the Consent. The complementarity. The Respect.
He will love being dominant, she loves being distressed .

I was flyin in these thoughts. "Evolved", already, for my young, teen age. I was such. At times I was to uneasiness with other people's rudeness.
With their superficiality. Not for fear, timidity. But because, simply I didn't like them. I was different, sensible They look girl as a matter, me as a Princess to catch and protect her.
And her delicate nature. A Consensual Distress.
To the exact moment, if it served, I was not reserved anymore or introverted. I lifted the look and I got respect that I deserved.
And I crossed the look, equally reserved, but in this case"timid", or "shy" , of a contemporary girl of my friends group.

There was a problem. Big. If that was, and it was, my nature, as could I hope that something happened in that terms?
To involeve a girl? also "attracted" from these sceneries?
Simple. I could not hope for it. To know it .
To the dawns of my "secret", was everything casual. I admit, adult now, also, I have been such, not being materialist
I don't have the concept of "hunting", but a joint that the destiny, favors among two Beings.

It happened with games among friends, "watches- thievish" , "spies war".
It was one Thursday. Afternoon. Summer, and warm.
In the estate of my grandparents, where I lived, we gathered in 4, me, a guy contemporary of me and two girls of same age. One of these was the timid girl which
we "crossed" there both embarrassed ones, the look.

In this case, it was a kind of "watches and thieves". Where we had to find each others , among corridors, rooms, of one of the houses of the estate. Not in the main house.
Corridors, wine cellars, attic, little park, etc
Two males against two females
I prefer to put the names of imagination.

I am me. S
The " colleague" was Marco . M
One of the girls Milena. Mi
And the creature to exchanged glances , Barbara . B

Mark and I in classical summer attire. Shirt or canotta short shorts, sneakers Thr girls, to more elaborate (justly) Milena it had a sleeves blouse short, short skirt and tennis shoes
without stockings. The ethereal Barbara, a kind of dark blue top, without sleeves and ballerinas (flat shoes) of the same color. Without stockings.

The two that found for first the other couple, won. To win, had to be run and "to touch" the other.
Who was captured, had to be "imprisoned."
It was a classic game, at that time. But me....I enriched it.
They made the first appearance, The Ropes.
I had taken they "loan" from the ancient stalls of the estate. They were impolverate. I had cleaned her and put aside in forecast that, I had succeeded creating a suitable
game with my contemporaries....I would have "proposed" the novelty.

My friend was enthusiastic of it. But not because it had tendencies as mine. But because was so funny for him
Milena was afraid of it, with so many laughters while we set the rules. Barbaria, she nodded, ismiled, but she very didn't speak with the boys. Particularly with me...

It was a first pioneering attempt to have my initiation. True Initiation.
We scattered there in the house. And after 10 minutes began the "role game"
Obviously Mark and I were benefitted. Males, taller, faster, stronger.
Would been able to make two mixed teams, but we decided to be male vs females. Very more stimulating. (particularly for me...)

I knew well the house. Obvious. Then, I was the favorite hunter.
We establish that Mark looks for Milena and me Barbara....
In the obscure light of the building (windows left half open for protecting from the summer sun)


After 5 minutes or less I hear some female cries, Milena had been followed by Marco, but he had lost the traces of her in the corridors and rooms, communicating, of the gound floor.
Mark and I, had also a bit of rope, the girls had not wanted to bring behind. They, the girls, would have touched us only, we (me) wanted also to tie girls if winning.

I lay i"ambush mode" under the staircase. In the dark. Absolute silence.
And I attended. As a kidnapper attends the Princess in danger.
After a bit, I feel some footsteps (all 4 advanced cautious, not to give noise)
I remain in silence.

This figure advances in the dark light, but I understands who is, for physiognomy, particular whiteness of the skin and type of suit. She's Barbara.
I let her come before, slowly. While proceeding in the corridor to arrive toward staircase, from my hideaway, I admire her.
Its a moment of an unique intensity. I knew what I wanted to do and the suggestion to see to arrive Who i wanted, admit made me have faster pulsations of normal one.
Her slender arms. The delicate face, the long brown hair but not too much, on the shoulders. The smooth appearance that seemed velvet.
The legs, thin, the small footsteps.

And the extremities. That white and velvety skin that made contrast with color of the ballerinas. Ballerinas that allowed to glimpse the beginning of the fingers, therefore they gave
the sense of the form of the foot. I had noticed it when she had reached the estate. At that time I had not developed one characteristic of mine that would have reached
of them little yet.
Tickling. How "refined" action and, at the same time, not violate torment act.. But merciless. At that times, there was only still "the admiration" for the extremities as very intimate
part of the body to be tied, as the rest of the body.
DID plots, bondage , kidnapping, feet, tickling. Its a loop.
A Philosophy of Life.

I leave that she slightly goes beyond my posting, and, so silent i start following her for some meters. Five or six.
I don't want to frighten her. But I don't want that she shout escape. I wanted her "capture" it was sure.
I decide that I must dare. I had to "cohabit" with the heavy and Fast Pulsations of my heart .
I increase the footsteps to reach contact, with her always revolt to look with attention through the doors left half open of some rooms.

I act.

From behind, so faster, I wrap with my arms, her arms, and not to make her faint of fear (...confession. I adore in the plots the girl fainted that you can bring in arm and to tie
with calm, would be happened, even if not in this occasion..) at the same time, without shouting but with firm voice I say "Taken!", so, that way she could recognize my voice and it was
not a monster climbed from the underground plan.

B - ahhhh!!
S - captured!!

I don't tell you my poor heart. Or what remained of it. Her slender arms in my possession. Then it begins a little scene.
Then Barbara " accepted" the surrender because captured, and i could implement what I had in mind.
Meanwhile a little cry had put Mark in alarms that, from the upstiars asked me what was happened.

Ma - what happens!
S - have taken Barbaric!!
B - noooooo!!!
Ma - great!!
S - now it brings her to our burrow so we chase Milena
Ma - ok, is all right

Barbara is firm, lowered look and it looks me smiling from the lower part to upward

B - Now...where do you want to bring me?

It says smiling and a bit red in face

S - To my hideaway and of Mark. You are prisoner of mine..

I remember when I said the word "imprisoned", that my stomach began to turn in the body.
And she did a delicious " noo" And since I had to arrive "at that point" (for a long time I looked for a similar occasion, to meet us, games, ropes, etc...) I reached "that point":

S - I now tie you the wrists, amd lock you in the room
B - what?! noo, pleasee !!

"We liked" I believe. That looks that we exchanged there when we met us, with the others, to the parish, they were not casual, I believe.
I looked her with my deep look but....polite and probably also ecstatically. Her with her shy way, embarrassed, from months we did it.

B - you tie me really?
S - Yes... (my heart now gone to make to be blessed). Calm, I will be kind, but I tie you...

She didn't say a word. Being the first time, I didn't want to result excessive or that she intimidated of it. I decided for a binding "friendly."
In truth, it was not my first time. That's is why, in the title, i have written "almost."
I had a small thing with a girl where for joke i had blandly tied her hands before, with a small rope, for a few seconds, and then with my cousin, (female, of course) packaged
with some adhesive ribbon and left on the lawn. Barefoot.
But they were extemporaneous situations. This was indeed the first occasion to create something unique.

S - united wrists, before..
B - oh no....... (very "pink" in face..I don't even know that color I had. Also I am enough clear of skin and I felt me Very Strange. Do you understand me, true?)
S - on...
B - all right...

She handed me the wrists. I began, with Enormous delicacy to wrap them. The rope was a long time ago of, true rope, not synthetic, not very big, correct measure.
Soft. Three turns I believe, horizontal. Then one vertical to close the system. And one knot
Oh my God, had tied a girl. The contact with her skin..
And I felt very well. I believe at least.

The rope had one "tail" of one meter . I pick up the rope and I told her:

S - now we go upstairs..
B - because upstairs?
S - our burrow is upstairs..

She smiled and forcing the tail of the rope that I held, she covered her face smiling. Always very pink in cheeks...
I stretch slightly the rope, her thin arms goes "surrendered" and I began to walk.
Barbara behind. Any word. Total silence of both.

We climbed the staircases, her with short steps, the delicate movements and the ballerinas' soft noise
I turned me to look at her. Serious. Then smiles. She also. Bit embarrassed, both. Fine tension.
Arrived to a door. Locked. I extract from the pocket the key and open.
I drag behind me, my defenseless, delicate bassoon. ...

That room was my burrow of the games. Books, toys of when tv i was smaller, balls, tennis rackets, etc.
A table, a couch and a matrimonial bed. On another table there was the Subbuteo, a kind of game of kick to point finger
Game of Mark and I were very passionate. Meanwhile I felt cries and footsteps of run to the downstairs. Then nothing.

S- jail..

She smiled without saying a word. I had not decided to tie her behind the back. Nont even the ankles and the naked feet.
I had not done so many plans, it was a kind of "first time."
But I wanted to tie her in the room, again.
I had decided, from days, what to do (If i had always succeeded, and i was succeeding there) But I didn't dare too much.
I felt me strange more and involved. I didn't want to exaggerate. If had been possible to still do it, "The Game", (and would have been it....)
i would have been more refined and I would have dared more progressive too .

And yes, i tied her, not so strong, with the tail of the rope, to the knob of the top of the bedpost.
This way, the Princess in danger would have been to sit and to attend. Locked.
To the wrists also i had not so tightened even if her poor physical strength (adorable the fragile girls...) had not allowed her to try to force the binding.
Knotted the tail of rope to the knob, I tell her that she can sit. She do, on matrimonial bed.

S - my prisoner... (I told you him with a smile and sweetness, education..)

Always embarrassed with her "delicate" in face, she nods..

S - I go to Mark..
B - it is all right...I am here....

I smiled at her. We smiled there. I went out and closed to key.
Meanwhile Mark had trapped MIlena but she was in a kind of closet where the pipes of the boilers there and she didn't want to go out

S - then..
M - look at her, where she is inserted..
S - but have you touched her?
Ma - certain, but it doesn't accept the defeat and it doesn't come out..
S - Milena, Barbara it is tied up and to sit on a bed..
Mi - I don't believe you!! ah ah


Mi - BARBARAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

From far.

B - Milenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
S - she's upstairs in my room, tied up.....and you, Milena, you go out of the closet

Three all laughing. Then.
TumTum Tum....

B - Milenaaaaa! Tum Tum!!
S - !
M - ops, she has freed!!!

I didn't believe it. Then it was her that beat in the door.
It was an instant.

S - I leave you, Marco, you must pick her alone...

At that instant, flashed me an immense quantity of things.
The sense was this. If she is freed, i must handle to still tie her. I had blandly tied her because I was embarrassed..
At sudden i definite what to do. I would have used the pretext of her rebellion to tie better her, more... I was afraid to dare, but at the same time
i understood that i had to dare, because the situation, also if tangled and emotionally complex for stomach and heart in tumult complex, it was perfect.
I passed, faster, from the kitchen of downstairs, where i taken an handkerchief of those by table, of lunch, from the drawer, and from the bath, a band of
the bathrobes, that ties him to the bodylife. I n the meantime, repassing where Mark was "extracting" Milena from the small space. The poor girl had seen some web spider....

I cgo upstairs with the heart in throat, i arrived at the door and....

S - Barbara, you have oose...?
B - no, is not true ah ah....

Key, door opened, within.
Barbara, from good schoolgirl it was to sit on the bed but the tail of rope that it tied her to the bedpost was obviously loosened.
Because, with a bit of patience, sees her tied wrists (not too narrow) and the fact that standing she could quietly try with the fingers to untie the knot to the bedpost,
she had succeeded in doing it, even if the wrists were still tied, but that ropes on wrists had loosened.

S - good..
B - I had to try to escape..

Then, smiling but also looking at her with "threatening" take courage that the emotions had weakened me and I told her ..

S - now I tie better you and i punish you..
B - what..?
S - yes
B - no no!! I do the good girl, I swear... (and laughing)
S - no, I don't trust me...

And I showed her what I held: a great handkerchief and a rope of bathrobe.
A small scream. I still remember

B - eeehhkk!

I went to her, slowly, she put on the tied hands on the face and it folded on the knees laughing
Can I tell ? God, as it was beautiful.
Her delicate, pretty face, always smiling or embarrassed according to the cases of events, the light blush, the slender arms
the thin legs and the white feet inside the ballerinas.
Believe me. One of that moments.........

B - please....

She made me a smile among embarrassed, pleading....if I must say as I was, I don't know it. Rather, I know..

S - standing Princess.

I told really her this way. "Princess". She looked me...happy to that appellative, and always embarrassed..
Silent she lifts standing.
I remember my sentence. It was stronger than me, but I had to tell her.

S - if you are afraid, i will stop.


B - what you want to do me..
S - nothing, something beautiful.
B - in that sense..
S - if you fel bad, i will stop Barbara
B - I am not afraid, no...but I wanted to know what you want to do....
S - you faithful?

She looked me without saying nothing...a bit stunned...

S - it's a game, wants to tie better you only, then I go to the others two downstairs

The others two, Marco and Milena, were downstairs, but the capture was ended, because Milena had not wanted to be tied up.... and Mark didn't have certain my motivations
to convince her, so they spoke and joke. Marco didn't know my dominant side.

We were more serious now, I smiled, but it was a calm smile, more "initimate", I believe
She always smiling but tense, I believe it felt curiosity, also being intimidated.
Me, looking her for to be reassuring..

S - Barbara one, you faithful me...?
B - is all right....

She smiled at me, very shy, between the fear and the curiosity. In fact, she was curious, but this I will perhaps reveal another time.
I untied her wrists tied in front. She observed me, i sometimes looked at her with a smile...

S - you are dangerous ...
B - no... , she said with sweetness. Shyness.
S - well, now wrists behind back, Princess.
B - behind? what, why....!
S - you have promised...
B - .......
S - come on..... I said, smiling.

At that time she ooked at me. Always shy, intimidated, but also... surprised. I don't want to say she was "entangled", but iseemed that she wanted to understand
what I wanted to do her. She, subconsciously maybe, let me make to discover it.
The tied up wrists behind the back it is very different from the before. It changes the whole perception for the victim. For the capturer.......also

She handed the wrists, i crossed them. Remember when I have touched them again, that clear skin, delicate, not warm, she often had the cold hands, she have told in the future
With the long rope, i wraps again three horizontal turns. Tense. I didn't want to hurt her or to leave some signs, i was almost "intimidated" by the "sacredness" of her skin.
But i had to, and i wanted to arrive at "that point" .
Then two vertical turns, also them tense. And a double knot.

S - it hurts you..
B - is more tightened
S - all right, i continuous.....
B - yes...

One "yes" just pronounced, delicate, "submissive". She wondered what had in my mind. I was fumbling i slightly put me of side to her. We smiled there.
Then she lowered the look, always with a shy smile.
I would have kissed her. Believe me.
Meanwhile, Mark and Milena had ended in advance because Milena didn't accept to be tied up. So also they climbed to the burrow.

Ma - can we enter?
S - certain! (mmmm.......)

Marco and Milena enter, and they burst out laughing. Barbara wad tied up wrists behind and standing to the bed, and me nearby

Mi -oohhhhh!!!! ...Barbara how are you?

Barbara start to laugh and says:

B - Stephen has imprisoned me!!

I admit to have been very well at that time (i imprisoned her, she admit....OMG) ... meanwhile the two girls laughed, and Maco and I also.
I had to play the role to not to be "annoyed" of their break-in, (Marco and Milena) considering that Milena had not been even to the game (of the rope)
I hoped me and Barbara we remained alone.. And I didn't have intention to untie her.

Mi - but don't you untie her?
S - NO, Princess captured and punished for wanting to run away, so i bound better..

All three laughs.
We remained enough time, Milena sat next to Barbara on the bed, me standing with Marco.
With Barbara always tied up, she didn't ask to be freed, and all we spoke and we joked After a lot of time, I almost believe 30 minutes, Milena decides to go away.

Mi- i must go home, now..
Ma- then we go, we see in these days (they had come in bike together, they lived more neighbors of Barbara)
S - well.. (yes, yes...)
B - ok
Mi - and Barbara?

Barbara it smiled and laugh

S - i untie her when it seems me

More laughters for everybody. Besides Barbara mother brought her and she would have passed her to take after the job.
Then we greeted there, Milena kisses Barbaric cheek that tied. Reciprocated kiss.
Some sentence, then still greeted there, Milena and Marco went out for going to the bikes.
Me and Barbara remain alone.
We immediately looks, how to say "and now?" and we bursted to laugh. But to me the Heart also bursted because I didn't want immediately to untie he.
I wanted to go "ti that point" but obviously with measure, she had to not take fear, I didn't know the tendencies and consequences of the character of Barbara, being a bit shy.
I didn't want she impressed, so i definite with great calm to put her ease, speaking, smiling..

B - but....... don't you untie me?

Had Beautiful question to me, true?
I answered, hoping didn't change approach in my comparisons.

S - not yet Princess, the punishment is not ended and then your mother it arrives among a beautiful time..
B - noo...ah ah ah

Still few sentence, then...

S - sit on the bed..again, Barbara...
B -......
S - come on....(and smile to her)
B - all right...

I take the green band of the bathrobe..

S - I tie the footsies...

I stopped me, I looked her at a bit serious a bit to "reassure" he as if i wanted to tell her "I know what I do.".
She nothing didn't say. It was, although surprised, the signal that I could go on.
In this frame other things happened in my mind.

I was me in front of that two middle small feet. The white skin as the milk, smooth as the marble. Of those toes glimpse the initial outlines were glimpse by the edge of the shoe.
Other top moment after that of capturing her and tying her i had felt it how in my life.
But I have already said because the female extremity probably makes me this effect, both as aesthetical admiration both on bondage: the feeling of delicacy and vulnerability, a so
intimate and delicate part of the body, with an unique form this way. How a face, a second face.
And this immediately connects me to the female delicacy. To the quintessence of the femininity.
The Face, the wrists, the slender arms, the slender legs and this so particular part, the foot and the desire to capture.....

Me, "gently" wrap the ankles, but tightly in the band. While I was doing it i looked at that form and I would have wanted to touch them...
And see her slender legs........
Finished tying them...

S - Barbara, try to move them

Gently she moved them, and held them suspended slightly, shaking them making to move the little shoes . And while it was making, the white and rose side parts of the foots
they were seen, inside the ballerinas. Also the ankle, all marvelous. I imagined me the soles..
It looked me at " shy intrigued" and surprised, after she bent again on the knees, smiling
I sits next to her (oh my...) i taken the big handkerchief, she began to laugh, it was a bit of tension

S - Looks on the other side, please, Barbara..

She turned me the nape. i really "taken" and "in tense", placed the handkerchief, which I had given a right form on the lips

S - open the mouth...

She performed, without saying nothing, a word, left half open lips, i put inside some cm. of tissue

S - close the mouth

It was a kind of cleave gag, but without being indeed really. A bit was inside, a bit, see the greatness, also covered the lips.
She was funny. She was Very beautiful. I tightened a bit...
She didn't send a sound......

S - speaks, says something...
B - mmhh...mmHHHHH

She began to laughs embarrassed. I stand up me from the bed. I asked her to also stand up, too.
Sweet, I smiled at her as to say "that beautiful packet." She smiled in turn, with the eyes. I remained an instant to look at her, to look us.

S - A Very beautiful Princess you are, Barbara.
B - mmmhhhMMHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She smiles, or it tries to do it.
I didn't dare to kiss her, would have wanted, on the cheek.
My left arm between her arms and the back, the right arm under the hollow of the knees. I lifted her of weight. Entirely.
You remained suprized and amazed

B - MHHHHHHH!! (and laughs trough the gag)

She was thin and slender. Instead i was already strong, structured, sport and swimming, lifted her without problems. I remained a still instant and i smiled at her
as to tell "I would not want go away from here"
I turned me toward to the bed and I gently placed her slowly above of it.
I did so that her she could lean to the bedpost. We began to still laughing..
I lifted the pillow (enormous) and I put it between the bedpost and her tied up arms and back. How "to sink" inside, she was in confort.

S - oh, my Princess....
B - mmhhhhhhh..........

I was in heaven. And she was.. surprised. But calm. She was entrusting. And it looked me to intermittence.

S - an instant, i immediately return now!

She almost frightened to me, almost as to say "not to leave me alone this way"

B - mmhhhhh!!

I go, faster, out of the room, down for the staircase. While I had been picking her in arm up it was flashed me another "weird thing".
I returned in the kitchen. Other handkerchief . Equal.
I return on. I show her the novelty.

B - mmhhh....?!

She shell the eyes, not for fear, but for incredulity.

S - then, i blindfold you.

It began to laugh under the gag, for as it was able.

B - mhmhmhhuhuuuuu!! nmmhhnnnooo!!!

I composed orderly bandage. But before, the magic touch missed me. The cherry on the cake.
That afternoons i was realizing what I had Ever tried in my life, it was as to say "now or anymore", i wanted to try the more possible as I would have been able to feel inside me
I told this way to her. Its spent a lot of time :

S - a Princess in danger is not perfect if there not the final touch.

She look me interrogative. Not frightened but...interrogative.
I smiled at her in a lot of way "protective", to clear i didn't want almost that she frightened, or she would have been ugly from a human and personal point of view...
I went next to her, and with the rest of the courage that I had already spent in that insane great afternoon, i fixed her feet, the little shoes. Then I looked at her..
She looked me as to wonder what I wanted to do her

I approach me near to the right shoe and, with great my tension, putting her a hand on the green rope and on the skin of the ankle, (jesus....) i remove the shoe.

B - mmmmMMMPPHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remained "intimidated" by her reaction. Was not for refusal, but of embarrassment...the naked footsie, tied up. She probably felt vulnerability, and I didn't understand as I felt me.
It perhaps tried a strong embarrassment, a bit of shame, for such an intimate part, what in English is called "foot-shy."
What she can be caused, I believe, because it is intimate part of the body, very particular, and because fear of had not to aesthetically ok, maybe.
In her case it was the opposite one.

A white jewel appeared, milky, smooth, elegant, with some delicate toes, the skin of the soles just pink-white...Toesnails not painted, take care of, as taken care of it was the foot.
She closed the eyes (if i good rememeber, i believe) and it lowered the look. She lift up again it, imploring, for the embarrassment...
Also the other shoe. Other pulsation of Heart. Same vision.

B- mmmMMMHHHhhmmm.............................................................................

She down with the face to laugh, again, next to the knees.
Then I dared. That more next to me, the right foot, touched it, (I was also me intimidated) among the joining of the toes and the back.
A discharge of delicacy.
I also said this, smiling admires her:

S - Very beautiful, really of, Princess...

And her


For instinct she retract them, for "shame", for vulnerability.
We remained to look us at some eternal instants, me with the smile, she with the questioning eyes, she didn't give in "outbursts", she was in tense, but she entrusted.

In that instants, I believe start my interest for the tickle, of which I spoke more above. What however, that day I didn't dare to try. I had the perception, the primordial desire
to touch, to tickle this beautiful sensual, delicate body part. For this it inspires me, the female feet, the vulnerability of the woman. Her delicacy. And her "subimssion" too, if they tied.
And the girl is tied up, completely defenless. To distress and protect her at the some time. A Sweet Thing in distress.
I had the desire to tickle them for "to impose" a sort of dessert dominion. In the case of a "passive" person this has his effect, as has effect on the "dominant" that provokes it, too.

I return to the history. You excuse me. A philosophy digression.

From that episode, I drew thought make the person more defenseless and to give more sensibilities to the (future) tickle. To tie the big toes. Its also has a notable visual effect.
The dominant one enjoys of it. The subdued one perceives her further vulnerability without escape.
Her, were so delicate. Then, in this occasion, also not tickle and tie toes them, i knew what i wanted to add.....

I would now put the bandage. She was in "tense", but I repeat, no hysteria. She entrusted (an honour for me)
I brought me of the other side of the bed, put me next to her. Sat and to back of the bedpost.
She looked me mentioning with the look a kind of smile, almost to feel herself reassured by my intentions.. to be she able to trust me.
I went to contact with her shoulder. With sweetness. (oh, My GOD)
Sweet, polite, vulnerable, tied up on the a bed, gagged, barefoot.
I taken the handkerchief and bandaged her. She didn't oppose resistance.

S - Barbara, yu are a dream

I told her with very calm tone, protective tone.

S - you can do something for me?
B- mmhhhhh......?

She worried at that time perhaps, but didn't fear have of it.

S - your head on my shoulder, Please.

She made to understand me that she was smiling....even if a bit tense, perhaps.
But she lean, slowly. I helped her to find the position, she was blindfolded.

Silence. I don't remember what wordsand things i said, she alternated with her "mmhh." and any slight laughing..
Then, a rapid kiss among the hair. The greater top moment. With her so helpless.

B - mmhhhhh.....!!
S - excuse me...

But she had understood that had been a "clean" desire of mine, not to take advantage.
Moved the body, when i kiss her. But she remained supported.

I would have wanted to tie her arms, elbow, the knees, the toes. To tickle her and then to reassure her to cuddle her, protect her, supported to me.
But it was already more than what I had hoped. And it was indescribable what I had tried.
Very more of that that I had dared to think have tried.
We remained them less than 25 mts, circa , I told her , various things and apart some arrangement, she not stirred. She was supported as when someone feel protected
and entrusted. It was a thin equilibrium. But there was.
She moved a bit the footsies, and calm breaths. I admired her face, hair, the slender tied up arms, thin wrists, thin legs, her vulnerability, brittleness, her naked feet.
I heard her femininity, and I felt me "Man" how come before. Dominant and Protective.

I slowly untied her, later. We didn't speak than happened, we spoke of other.
As nothing had existed that afternoon and later her mother it came to pick her (she lived to around 5 km from me)
There was embarrassment. But also something magic.

I would have want continued for a millennium.

And something of Indescribable leaves the Sign.

Thanks who has wanted to read.
Surrender Princess. Your thin wrists behind back ...
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Post by TheBoss »

You have been able to express precisely the way I feel about bondage and the delicate, helpless, vulnerable female whose beauty is enhanced by her bondage. My lovely wife has spent a many pleasurable moments in my inescapable bonds. I hope you have found your loving submissive mate. God bless. The Boss
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Post by Dreamerforever2004 »

Bella storia!
Forse un po' troppo lunga la parte introduttiva, ma trovo che moltissime delle cose che scrivi mi sono comuni.
È incredibike (o forse banale) vedere come chi ha le stesse passioni dentro...
Si assomigli e, meglio, abbia avuto e vissuto le stesse emozioni e sensazioni ...
Sei molto bravo a scrivere ... sarebbe bello leggerti anche in Italiano.
Nella nostra lingua so che daresti il meglio.
Buona giornata!
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