Beanie Baby Bandit (m/f)

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Beanie Baby Bandit (m/f)

Post by CaptorDM »

The events are true, the dialogue exaggerated

My best friend throughout elementary school was a girl named Nicki. She was super sweet, sharp as a tack, and nice to just about everyone. We got along so well, we convinced people we were related. We looked enough alike, same pale features, same curly brown hair, we even had the same birthday!
Whenever we got together we would often play pretend, as most kids did. We’d run around outside waving sticks and going on grand adventures. When it wasn’t nice enough to be outside we’d play inside, usually board games or with our massive collection of beanie babies. They would feature heavily in our games. I’d bring mine to her house and she’d bring hers to mine and they’d “play” together while we ran around.
This is the first time I really tied someone up. And it was over beanie babies.

One day, we were probably 10 or 11, I went over to her house for a playdate. We did the usual running around outside, this time we were secret agents, fighting against an evil organization. I had recently watched a lot of Get Smart, along with some other old TV shows, so it was all fresh in my head. I was the goofy, yet heroic agent and she was my brainy, yet-also-heroic partner.

After an hour or so of running around, it started raining suddenly. We were caught off guard and hurried back inside the house before we got too wet. Nicki’s dad was working from home that day, so her mom told us to play upstairs so we wouldn’t bother him. Upstairs we went to Nicki’s room where we sat ourselves down in our respective piles of Beanie Babies and stared at each other glumly.
“It really stinks it’s raining,” I said.
“I know!” Nicki replied, “I was having so much fun!”
I tossed a pelican from one hand to the other, “Too bad your dad’s working and we have to be quiet,”
I thought about all the fun ideas from Get Smart we wouldn’t be able to act out. Then it hit me! The episode I had watched last night had Agent 99 tied to a chair and a cloth tied around her mouth so she couldn’t talk! Secret agents and we’re quiet!
“I have an idea,” I announced.

I explained to Nicki that we could still be secret agents and we have to protect these beanie babies from the bad guys. What I didn’t tell her was that I would be a secret bad guy, who wanted to steal all these stuffed animals, and would make sure any good spies were out of my way.
Nicki thought this idea was great! We immediately set to work building a pillow fort in her room that would be our headquarters. Little did she know that I, an undercover bad guy, now knew all the secrets of this facility.
As we were building, I was thinking a few steps ahead. What could I use to tie up Nicki?
Fortunately, we were tearing her room apart to build our pillow fort, so all sorts of materials were uncovered. Eventually, I decided on a bathrobe belt, a bandanna, and the soft, pink ropes keeping her curtains open.

We started playing, talking about how we were going to stop these bad guys attacking our fort. All the plans we had. We even sent each other on “secret missions” to just go into the hall closet for a towel or into Nicki’s older sister’s room for a new stuffed animal.
I decided that I would hide behind the door and jump out and grab Nicki when she returned from her next secret mission. Since the other person got to decide what the secret mission was for, I said that she had to go get the biggest, puffiest blanket from downstairs to shield the fort.
Out she went, unaware I was about to turn traitor.
I grabbed the bathrobe belt and hid behind the door, waiting for my teammate-turned-victim.

She returned carrying one of the giant, quilted throw blankets from her living room. It was almost too much for her. “I’m back, Agent!” she called, “With extra shielding!” she assumed I was behind the fort, not behind her. She spread the blanket out as wide as she could and draped it over the fort. When she got no response, she stood up and said, “Mike?”
That was my cue! I ran from behind the door, belt in both hands. I threw it over her head, then grabbed both ends in one hand, so her arms were stuck to her sides.
“What? Mike? What are you doing?”
“I’m not Mike, Agent,” I tried to sound as scary as I could, “I actually work for the Bad Guys™! And I’m here to steal all your Beanie Babies!” I knotted the belt behind her, so now she was well and truly tied.
“You won’t get away with this!” she said, struggling against the, no doubt, super-tightly-knotted cloth belt. I was really happy she was playing along with it.
“Mwahaha! Oh yes I will!” and I pulled her behind the fort.
I dragged her over to her window, where I undid one of the ropes. This was easier said than done, as I had not counted on Nicki fighting so aggressively against me every step of the way. I eventually had to let her go for a second, which she made full use of.
If I had known how to swear, I would’ve. She nearly made it out of the room before I caught her in the same way I initially had. Using my makeshift lasso, I once again pulled her behind the fort and sat her down. I moved the pink rope to her ankles, like I had seen on TV, and looped it around a couple times before knotting that too.
“Now try to escape agent!” I laughed evilly.
“Help!” she shouted dramatically and struggled again.
I knew what to do when this started happening, thanks to Agent 99. I dashed to the bandanna I had seen in her closet and tied it over her mouth.
Now, I had no idea how this actually worked at the time. All I had effectively done was tie a piece of cloth over her top lip. Nicki could still shout and talk to me.

“No, that’s not what’s supposed to happen,” I said, totally breaking character.
“What is, then?” Nicki asked through the bandanna, also breaking character.
“When I tie that over your mouth, you can’t talk,”
“But I can,”
“But that’s not how it works,”
“Well, let’s figure out how to make it work then!” she said happily.
The next few minutes were spent untying and retying the bandanna over Nicki’s mouth in an attempt to gag her. I was not good at it, as Nicki would often suggest a new method after I had retied the bandanna over her face. A couple of times, it ended up in her mouth, but we agreed that was not good and gross. Who would ever want that?

Eventually, Nicki spoke up, from behind the bandana again, “What if we go back to the one we tried before, when I said you should fold it and tie it over my mouth?”
“Yeah but if you opened your mouth it slipped in,”
“I just won’t open my mouth then. I still can’t talk that way, only hum!”
I agreed this was a good idea. And with a little more 10-year-old’s knotwork, Nicki was gagged.
“Can you talk?” I asked.
“Mmm Mm” she mumbled back.
“Mwahaha! Excellent!” I gloated, so very evilly.

I grabbed the other curtain rope and tied it around her arms and middle because the bathrobe belt was already loosening. I retied that too, just in case. Then I grabbed one of the smaller blankets making up our fort and started loading all the beanie babies onto it.
Nicki squirmed in protest and moaned into her gag, begging me to stop my dastardly plot. She stomped her feet, kicked at me, even tried to grab and beanie babies that got flung near her. She was powerless to stop me!

Once I had all the beanie babies loaded up, I had one last evil plan.
“Now agent, I’m going to hide you away so when your friends can’t find you and I’ll have escaped to Mexico!”
I dragged her, squirming and grunting, into her closet which was behind our fort as well.
“No one will find you here! Mwahaha!” and I closed the door, mostly.

I took the blanket of beanie babies and stuffed them in the hamper. Then I went back to my captive. I decided it would be more fun if I came to her rescue now, so I stopped being my bad guy and said out loud, “Agent Nicki? Where are you? It’s me, the real Agent Mike!”
I was met with a chorus of “Mmmhmmm mmhm!” followed by stomping feet and the closet door being kicked open. Nicki started scooting towards me, her legs pretty much loose.
“Oh no! What happened?” I ran over and pulled the gag off her mouth.
“A bad guy tricked me and tied me up! Then he stole all the beanie babies!”
“He must have hid them somewhere! Let’s find them!”

I untied Nicki and we played “Hide the Beanie Babies” for a while. She thought this whole thing was a lot of fun and we should play this game again.
And we did! But I’ll detail them some other time.
DamselnDragon on deviantart.
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Post by Dpsiic »

A fun story
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Post by Canuck100 »

Fun story indeed. Nicki is the friend that everyone here wished they had!
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Post by CaptorDM »

Thanks for the feedback! Nicki was great captive and better friend :lol:
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Post by Yatta9999 »

That was a nice, fun little story! I'd love to hear about the other times you guys played!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Bondage fun.
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