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Daughter v cousin in first tie-up game (f/m)

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:44 am
by Spectra
This is a story about my daughter, Hannah (10) and my nephew, Ryan (7).

Ryan has been Hannah's favorite cousin for years now, she loves when he comes over to play. He's very active, full of energy, the kind of boy that likes getting into trouble. He has brown-copper hair, light freckles and brown eyes. She's not like him at all, she's much quieter, never gets into trouble, but she's very smart. She's got blonde hair (but it's getting darker as she gets older) and blue eyes. She asks for Ryan specifically sometimes to be allowed to sleep over. Up until the events of this story, I'm not aware of them playing any tie up games. I might be mis-remembering some of the small details (eg. exactly what words were spoken) as this happened almost a couple months back.

So I'm in the living room, doing my own thing, and I hear Hannah and Ryan running about upstairs. Nothing unusual about that. The running stops and I hear a chair being dragged across the floor. A few minutes pass and I start hearing Ryan laughing. He's only 7, and it's a pretty high pitch laugh, but easily recognizable against Hannah's laugh so I knew it was him. At first I barely pay any attention, but this goes on for a solid minute. Then it stops, then it starts again, same as before, with banging sounds which I now know was the chair against the floor. I went upstairs, into Hannah's room.

The laughing stopped as soon as I went in the room. Ryan was red faced, a big smile on his face, sitting on the chair. My daughter had been crouching on the floor next to him but jumped up when I came in. She was surprised and had a face that gave the look of 'oh crap I'm in trouble'.

It's a normal wooden chair, the back of it has 2 horizontal wooden slits. Ryan's hands are behind the slits, crossed and tied in place with the belt from a bathrobe. His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair, one with another belt from another bathrobe, the other with an old necktie. By the time I got there, the ankle with the necktie was very loose, but the other binds were holding well. I noticed one of his socks was missing.

"What's going on up here?" I asked.

“We were just playing” Hannah said.

"What's all the noise" I said. She didn't answer – I don't know why she thought she was in trouble but she had the guiltiest look.

“Was she tickling you?” I asked Ryan. He nodded happily. “Are you okay?” I asked, making sure the belts weren't hurting his skin. “Yeah” he answered. I was kind of impressed at how well she'd tied him. I knew she could do shoelaces, and she'd tied his hands in a similar way. It wasn't the tightest tie in the world but clearly it had been enough to keep him in place for tickling. I didn't want to make them stop whatever they were doing, especially as Ryan seemed fine with it.

“Okay” I said. “But when he gets free, he gets to tie you up”. I said to Hannah. She was still being shy and just looked down, but Ryan liked the idea.

I went back downstairs and the laughing continued after a few minutes. When it stopped, I knew that meant he'd finally got free. I assumed that I'd be hearing Hannah laughing her ass off next. Unfortunately, this didn't happen. Ryan told me later that she had let him tie her, but she was 'really good at escaping'. I think it's more likely he can't tie a good knot, which is a shame. I told him not to worry, and told her that maybe next time I'll mention the game to Lee, her older cousin (13), to see how she copes.

I'm not sure how she felt about that idea! But I played these kinds of games when I was a kid, I wonder if somehow I passed that down to her. Either way I love the thought of someone getting her back. :lol: