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Group photo (M/f)

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 5:09 am
by Malacoda
When I was in college I was already a bondage afficianando . It was the late 60's (Yes, I'm old) and all manner of things were accepted, even encouraged, especially if it made the old duddie fuddies upset. If a girl was going to be involved with me, she was going to be tied up.
It made me interesting. It also compensated for my face which could make large dogs run and hide whimpering.
The femme du jour was Andrea. It was a cool, spring day and I had on my usual bush jacket and levis. I liked the bush jacket. It had lots of pockets for rope and things.
Anyway, we were sitting in the Union lounge with its huge windows overlooking the campus waiting for the photographer to arrive to take the picture of our club. Oh, I forgot. The club was, get this, Young Americans For Freedom. I drove them nuts. They consdered me crazy. They were right.
Back to the story. I had a short strap in one of my pockets and strapped Andrea's hands behind her.
She was used to it. She was going with me.
She made a pretense of struggle but had no real intention of escape. Not sure she could have in any event.
The photographer arrived and we all went outside for the picture, Andrea's hands still tied behind her. The funny thing is that no one noticed. She was wearing long sleeves, as I said the day was cool, and she was just walking with her hands behind her back.
We lined up to take the picture and the photographer said something about her holding her hands behind her so I turned her around and everyone could see that they were bound.
I think it took some of the folks an hour to recover their composure.

Re: Group photo (M/f)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:38 pm
by Dpsiic
I hope we hear more of Andrea tied.

Re: Group photo (M/f)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:40 pm
by tiff_tied
Now this is a nice, quick yet fun little real life experience that was nice to read in a short time. Sounds like it was a nice fun time for everyone. A good read!

Re: Group photo (M/f)

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:03 pm
by Canuck100
Short, sweet, hope you’ll tell us more about the other times you tied her up (or your other girlfriends)

Re: Group photo (M/f)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:55 am
by MissEmpressive
Malacoda wrote: 2 years ago When I was in college I was already a bondage afficianando . It was the late 60's (Yes, I'm old) and all manner of things were accepted, even encouraged, especially if it made the old duddie fuddies upset. If a girl was going to be involved with me, she was going to be tied up.
It made me interesting. It also compensated for my face which could make large dogs run and hide whimpering.
The femme du jour was Andrea. It was a cool, spring day and I had on my usual bush jacket and levis. I liked the bush jacket. It had lots of pockets for rope and things.
Anyway, we were sitting in the Union lounge with its huge windows overlooking the campus waiting for the photographer to arrive to take the picture of our club. Oh, I forgot. The club was, get this, Young Americans For Freedom. I drove them nuts. They consdered me crazy. They were right.
Back to the story. I had a short strap in one of my pockets and strapped Andrea's hands behind her.
She was used to it. She was going with me.
She made a pretense of struggle but had no real intention of escape. Not sure she could have in any event.
The photographer arrived and we all went outside for the picture, Andrea's hands still tied behind her. The funny thing is that no one noticed. She was wearing long sleeves, as I said the day was cool, and she was just walking with her hands behind her back.
We lined up to take the picture and the photographer said something about her holding her hands behind her so I turned her around and everyone could see that they were bound.
I think it took some of the folks an hour to recover their composure.
Oh wow that sounds exciting, i went through my fair share of college tie ups so this post brings back memories 🥰

Re: Group photo (M/f)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:34 am
by dani_elle
That does sound like a really fun college experience