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The Tickle Game m/f, m/m

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:34 pm
by calebtras
The Tickle Game
We needed one more guy to play slow pitch stickball. We had three guys, couldn't get one of the little kids to play catcher, meaning we had the guy at bat, pitcher, catcher. We needed at least one more guy to play field, since our field was the street, moving and parked cars, stoops, manhole covers. Ordinarily, in my blue collar Irish Brooklyn neighborhood, we didn't do “Can Tommy come out and play?” If you weren't outside, it meant one of your parents wasn't letting you out, and we didn't mess with parents. But we were bored and kind of desperate, so I went to Brendan's place and knocked on his door.

His mother answered. “Hi, Mrs. O'Neill. Can Brendan come out?”

“You want Brendan? He's in his room.” She had a sneer and mean streak in her voice, which made me want to forget it, but now I had no choice. I walked down the hall and went in Brendan's room. He was lying face down on the bottom bed of the bunk. His hands were tied behind his back with clothesline rope, and tied to his feet. Next to him, his ten year old sister, Kaitlyn, was hogtied, too. She was wiggling and kneeing him in the head and he was saying, “Keep it up, Kaitlyn. I'm gonna fuck you up tonight.” [In our Brooklynese--”Keebidup, Kai'lin. I'm gonna fug-yoos-up t'ight.”]

Brendan looked up and groaned when he saw me. “Ma sent you back here?”

“Yeah. We need ya for stickball.”

“Close the door.”

When I closed it, he said, “She sent ya ta see me, so ya can tell the guys. She wants all of ya laughin' at me. So don't tell no one!”

“I won't.”

“I'm gonna tell,” Kaitlyn said with a grin.

“Then you better say your prayers, 'cause its the last thing you'll do on this earth.”

He wriggled toward her and tried to bang her head with his forehead, but she kneed him in his gut.

“Why you tied up, anyway?” I asked.

“'Cause of stupid Kaitlyn throwin' a wet sponge at me and breakin' a lamp!”

“'Cause you tore the head off my doll and tried to flush it!”

“'Cause you drew a mustache on my favorite Batman!”

I got the picture. “Hey, since we won't be playin' stickball, let's do somethin' in here.” I was enjoying seeing Brendan and Kaitlyn tied up and struggling.

“I can't do nothin',” Brendan complained.

“I could untie you and we could play skelly on the floor,” I suggested. “I'll tie you up again real good before I leave.”

“I'm gonna yell for Ma,” Kaitlyn said. “She'll smack both your asses with her hairbrush.”

“She would, too,” Brendan said. Then he got an evil grin. “Hey, let's play you tickle Kaitlyn. If she yells for Ma, Ma will just laugh and say, 'Serves you right.'”

Kaitlyn got a worried look on her face. “Terry, you better not!”

“Or you'll do what?” Brendan taunted.

She said nothing, so I sat down next to her and gripped her upper arm. Kaitlyn was a year older than us, so this was a golden opportunity for Brendan and I. She had on a baby blue t-shirt and navy blue shorts, and was barefoot, and looked cute helpless and wondering what she could do to defend herself. She tried to wiggle away, then kneed me in the back, but as she was hogtied, I barely felt it. Her strawberry blonde hair was in her face, and I brushed it back so she could see me grinning.

“Let's see,” I said. I tickled her underarm and she broke out laughing so loud it was almost a scream.

“You gotta shut her up,” Brendan said.

I pulled Kaitlyn up so she was kneeling. I clamped my left hand over her mouth, wrapped my right arm around her, and tickled her underarm. She laughed and tried to tickle me back, with her bound hands in my side, but I could just turn away.

“Let me get her feet at the same time,” Brendan said.

I maneuvered Kaitlyn, so while I tickled her neck, underarm, and side, Brendan could tickle her feet with his bound hands. We kept this up until Kaitlyn's laughs got hiccuppy. I felt a bit guilty for tickling her too long, so, as an apology, I fed her a couple Tootsie Rolls I had in my pocket.

When she saw me in the hall at school next day, she wiggled her fingers at me, like she was going to get me back and tickle me, but, of course, she never did.