112 in a 55 (F/F)

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112 in a 55 (F/F)

Post by Marrin »

Hi everybody. This is my first time posting a story on here or anything, and I hope to do more in the future, probably some fiction. It's pretty much my "first time" story...the reason I got into this kind of stuff to start with. I lurked, but never registered, on the old site and actually discovered that site because I stumbled on a story someone had posted there talking about an experience kind of similar to my own. It was nice to see a few stories like it there, even if there weren't many, and it was a little different than most. I've been lurking ever since (I found this new site not too long after it came up, and eventually decided to register), and like to read the lighter stories that find their way here, but I hope to become more active. Since registering here and chatting with others, a few have encouraged to post my own story, so I've finally stopped being a chicken and am doing it.

Please, please, please, go easy on me with this story. I know I could use some work on my writing abilities and that this story has some issues. It moves too fast in places, and reads awkwardly at some parts, but I didn't want it to drag on forever and get boring with too much dialogue or useless details, so I tried to speed it up and get to the interesting part.

Well, here goes...

It really started years ago when I was in college and a friend and I were arrested for shoplifting. That was the first time I'd ever been handcuffed, or even restrained in any way (that whole story can be for for another time, if I post it). After that experience (I got off easy, since I didn't actually steal anything, my friend did), I did get this kind of pleasant curiosity about the feelings of being restrained, being handcuffed, and even bought my own pair of handcuffs to feel it again. However, it faded after a time, and I just kind of moved on over the years.

Anyway, fast forward to 2017, and I got to experience something similar again. It was different...better...this time, though.

I'd been at my big girl, actually-using-my-college-degree job for a couple years and was doing well, so not too long after the start of 2017, I bought a much nicer car than I'd had. It's a midnight blue, 2012 Mustang GT. I didn't buy it new, obviously, but it's nice and I love it (I still have it). Anyway, one Friday both me and my boyfriend had off work. It was right when the weather started to get really warm and awesome, and we decided to go out for a drive in it. We weren't really going to go anywhere, except maybe get some shakes at Cook-Out in the next town over. It was something we liked to do, just a fun midday drive on a lazy day.

On the outskirts of the town next to ours is plenty of straight, flat, two-lane, rural roads. Usually, almost no traffic, except during the peak hours, and not many cops. Heading back home, I got a little daring, and wanted to open up my still fairly new-to-me car and just indulge the speed bug for a minute. One spot we'd be going through was exactly where I had in mind (my boyfriend actually encouraged me to do it, the bad influence that he is lol). I'd done it before a few times, and it was just a one of those moods, I guess.

It was a place where cops generally couldn't sit because the road didn't have much space between the ditch and the woods line on either side. I've always had a bit of a lead foot, so I kinda know where is good and where's not in the areas I usually have to drive. The only thing close by was some small, random insurance office, and their little parking lot. And you could usually see plain as day if there were cars there, and if there were, it was never more than two or three.

So, anyway, once I hit got past the last of the town's outskirts and the road got semi-desolate, I did the deed, and gunned it, eventually hitting 110-115mph-ish, for a few seconds. It was fun, exhilarating, and felt pretty darn risky. Like it always is, whenever you do something like that.

That didn't last though, and this is where the story gets more serious. There was a cop. Hiding beside that insurance office, off to it's left side, almost invisible from the road unless you look at it the very second you're passing by. I passed by this area all the time, and had never noticed there being a spot there, but I guess I was mistaken. Even then, I wouldn't guess a cop could sit on private property to do traffic enforcement.

It didn't take me long to notice the blue lights in my rear view, and my heart dropped like a rock. I was going fast enough that I quickly got far ahead, and actually only slowed down enough to take the first turn off I came to, hoping the cop wouldn't notice, and just drive past. They didn't of course, and when I saw them make the same turn I did, I pulled over and stopped my car, and waited for them to pull up behind me. I was nervous and frustrated, but I wasn't going to do anything else stupid, like start a car chase, and planned to fully cooperate. I pretty much knew I'd be getting arrested as soon as I stopped, but I wasn't going to make the whole thing worse. My boyfriend largely remained quiet for this part, except for his jarring "Oh, crap." when he first noticed the cop car. He also said a few things to keep me calm while I was stopping, but I can't remember what exactly.

The cop stopped a moment later, and a woman police officer, around here late forties, maybe early fifties, got out. She fast-walked up to my window, with a not-happy look on her face, and immediately started her spiel. She wasn't screaming or anything, and she was professional, but I clearly did not put her in a cheery mood. An almost-angry "I clocked you at 112..." were the first words out of her mouth.

From that, she had more to say. "Are you out of your mind?" "Did you know how fast you were going?" "You are old enough to know better." "You could've wound up wrapped around a tree." You know, the expected disbelief, questions, and statements, among other things.

I simply gave her plenty of "Yes ma'ams" and "No, ma'ams" and waited for her to actually tell me to do something. She continued her self-controlled berating of me for a moment, then told me to get my license and registration out and hand them to her. After that, she told me to take my keys out of the ignition and hand them to her. Then, she told me to hand her my purse, and that she would be putting it on the hood of my car.

Once she had all that stuff, she made the statement that really hit me. "I'll be placing you under arrest. Sit in your car and don't do anything stupid. I'm still going to run your license and make sure the car isn't stolen, and that your insurance us valid. I'll take you into custody after that. 'Do not' leave your car until I get back and tell you to." Looking to my boyfriend, she continued, "And you can call or text someone to come get you. Her car is getting towed. You've got a phone right? I'll let you do that while I run her stuff."

He told her that'd be fine, and that he'd call a friend of ours that lived and worked nearby.

Then, the cop looked back to me, with gentler eyes than she'd had before. Her voice was more relaxed now as well. "And you, miss speed demon, sit tight, like I said to. I'll be back with you in a few minutes. Just stay calm and get your nerves together. You're getting arrested, but I'll let you breath for a minute."

Once she walked back, and was away from my window, I kinda got real nervous and embarrassed. I wasn't sure exactly what was going to happen. Ultimately though, I'm an adult and I didn't cry or panic or anything. I was pretty worried, but I knew I'd ultimately be okay.

My boyfriend consoled me some, even though I wasn't really panicking all that bad. He tried telling me it wasn't really that big of a deal, and the like. Excessive speeding is a bad traffic infraction, and they can arrest you for it, but nothing too dramatic happens to you in terms of punishment, according to him. I figured he knew what he was talking about, so I just took his word for it. He did crack a joke about me getting busted, and even said I was pretty badass getting arrested for doing over 100mph. Not many women can claim such a feat lol. He's made this comment to me a few times since, as well. After the fact, I did come to discover he thought it was kinda hot when I got handcuffed. We have discussed it lol.

He also asked me what I wanted him to do. Assuming I'd have to bond out or contact someone once I got to the station, he wanted to know whether or not to just go there, or wait for a phone call from me. Thankfully, he's got a buddy nearby, and the guy came through for us and told him he could be there in 15-20 minutes or so. At least getting my boyfriend a ride back to our house looked taken care of.

For him, I told him to let me handle it, unless the cop told us something that changed my mind. I wasn't sure what else to do, so I figured I could just take it as it came and only inconvenience him further if I had to.

With that settled, we talked back and forth a bit more, with me semi-constantly eyeballing the cop back at her car, wondering exactly how this would go down.

This time spent waiting was weird for me. At first I was really nervous, frustrated, embarrassed...all the things expected. But as the minutes passed, I found myself swallowing my pride and feeling a little different. I remembered my past experience with getting arrested, getting handcuffed. And, I'd be lying if I said I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of thrill, a tiny hint of being turned on by my situation. My nervousness didn't go away, of course, but there was something more there too. It's hard to explain, and the best is way is just to move on and get to the exciting part.

So, after several minutes doing her thing back at her car, the cop came back to my window and put my license back in my purse for me, and allowed me to put the car's paperwork back in the glove box. She confirmed whether or not my boyfriend already had a ride home set up and seemed glad to hear that was taken care of. After that, she turned to me.

"Alright, ma'am, just relax. I'm placing you under arrest. The charges will be Reckless Driving for both your speed, and your failure to stop immediately. I'm cutting you a break there. You shouldn't be losing your license, and you won't face jail time. Cooperate, and this'll all be pretty minor." She stepped back a little, and continued. "Now, go ahead and step out of your car for me. Then walk to the front of the hood."

I was incredibly relieved when she told me about not losing my license or facing a jail sentence. Getting those worries out of the way really helped my situation since I knew this wouldn't wind up being an absolute disaster.

I immediately complied with her order and started to get out of my car. By the time I shut the door, she gently grabbed my arm and guided me to the front of my car, having me face the windshield...and my boyfriend.

"Place your hands behind your head for me, interlock your fingers, and widen your stance a little. I'm going to pat you down, then place you in handcuffs."

"Yes, ma'am."

Again I obeyed her immediately, getting into the stereotypical "I'm getting arrested" position. I was still a little nervous, and a little embarrassed, but those feelings from before were a lot stronger once I got my hands on my head. Especially with my boyfriend watching, right from the passenger seat. I couldn't help but give him a sheepish grin. I'm not sure what was going on in his mind, but there was something about having him watching me submitting to that cop, about to get handcuffed, getting arrested, that felt...positive. Lots of thoughts passed through my head, and my skin felt hypersensitive to every little thing. It was a strange, but sort of enjoyable sensation, feeling so vulnerable, so caught.

All this happened while she patted me down, briefly running the back of her hands over my top, checking my pockets, running her hands down both of my legs, and checking my ankles, etc. She asked me if I had weapons on me; to which I told her that I didn't. I was wearing just a black sports bra on top (I wasn't actually planning on getting out of my car when we'd left the house lol), and some blue jeans, so the pat down was somewhat quick, but a little extra embarrassing thanks to my top. All the bare skin kinda added to the feelings, as well, though.

Once that was done, I heard her open a pouch on her belt and I knew I was about to be handcuffed. Sure enough, a second later I felt a metal cuff slip around my left wrist. Then, she gently grabbed both of my wrists and guided them down to the small of my back and handcuffed me. The cop moving my arms behind me, the cuffs clicking shut, and the feel of my hands locked behind my back all numbed anything negative I still felt.

My boyfriend received another grin, slightly less sheepish this time, but still kinda awkward, from me. Though, by this point, I felt like I was rocking those handcuffs and found the feel of the restraints to be a turn on. He didn't know what I was thinking at the time, but his presence there added to it. And, of course, I wasn't jumping for joy at getting arrested, but I'd been jolted into enjoying the feelings.

Once the cuffs were on me, she asked me if they were too tight. They weren't, and I told her so. Then, she double locked them, and started walking me to her car a moment later.

Once we got to her car, she told me that she'd be doing an inventory of my vehicle and contacting a tow company. Once she did that, and the tow truck arrived, we'd leave and she'd take me to jail, where I would actually be receiving my court summons. She said the whole ordeal should take me about 2-3 hours or so.

She placed me in the car, buckled me in, and told me to just sit tight, and wait. More so, the feeling of the handcuffs was still a turn on, and being unable to move a whole lot thanks to the seat belt that I couldn't unbuckle only added to it. I wound up sitting like that for 15-20 minutes before things started rolling again.

The cuffs were a good bit more uncomfortable sitting the car, of course, but they weren't horrible. And, like I said above, I was pretty contained between them and the seatbelt, and that continued what I had been feeling. It was, also, quite a bit of a turn on feeling the cold metal against the bare skin of the small of my back. I've always remembered that feeling lol. A little weird, I know, but still.

I watched my boyfriend quickly leave once our friend showed up (I'd asked him not to stick around), and watched my car get searched and towed. It was a strange sentiment, feeling captured, being handcuffed and buckled in, watching stuff happen around me.

After our friend came to pick up my boyfriend, the cop went through my car, and the tow truck showed up. Right after, we finally left, like she said.

The cop and I talked some during the ride. It was kind of weird having a conversation while I was in handcuffs, unable to move my hands. She was polite though, and even when she chided me several times for being old enough to know better than to drive like I did, it was still cool that she talked to me like a person.

Total, it took about 3 hours, also like she said. I got booked and all that jazz, then paid the small bond, got my court summons, and got my purse, phone, wallet, etc. back. Once I got out, I took an Uber home, eventhough I had wait a good while for it. I didn't want to make my boyfriend deal with this anymore than he had to.

By the conclusion of this whole ordeal, and after I actually had to go to court, I escaped with $2,000 in fines, about $200ish in court costs, $150ish for the impound fees, and whole bunch of points on my license, though I didn't lose it, thank goodness. I do know that I've got to be careful about not getting any serious ticket for another 2 years now, or I do risk losing my license.

Despite how much the fines sucked, the experience did jolt me into a bit of a kink for this stuff, so I can't say I regret anything too much.

Now, I know I'm terrible at regaling a story, and I have a much easier time of talking about it in passing, than I do just typing out the whole thing in one big story. I welcome any comments, questions, or anything. And I'd love to improve my writing ability, so any tips there would be awesome.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]Marrin[/mention] As much as you are saying it was terrible in your eyes, is the same amount of good it was in my eyes. It’s interesting to hear how you got into this type of kink. And then while reading it, I’m comparing it to how I got into this kink community, and what I have heard others stories. I think you had all the right details needed for a story like this one. Seeing as you’ve been arrested twice now, is your kink focused around handcuffs, or is it an overall bondage type kink? I can’t wait for you to share more stories, real or fake, it doesn’t matter.
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Post by Marrin »


Well, thanks for the compliment. It is appreciated :)

Handcuffs are where it's focused, mostly. I just haven't really explored much past that yet. However, I do like to read stuff that goes beyond them. I'm not into the hardcore stuff, though.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]Marrin[/mention] I also like the feeling of handcuffs. They are my go to self-bondage item along with leg cuffs and a metal waist belt to recreate a prisoner transport type of thing. This allows me to also get things done around the house. For me though, I have had years to explore other types of self-bondage I like.
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Nice story. Being reality it is not heavy on bondage but is very descriptive and details her feelings well.

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Post by Cleavegagger »

Nice story to read, makes you think how many kinksters the police Force have created 😲
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by Marrin »

Thanks for compliment :)

Lol. I'm sure there's a few. There was at least one or two on the old site as well; and that's how I actually found it in the first place.
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Marrin wrote: 5 years ago @Cleavegagger
Thanks for compliment :)

Lol. I'm sure there's a few. There was at least one or two on the old site as well; and that's how I actually found it in the first place.
Hey, i'm glad you decided to take the leap and post your story here. When we talked about it in pm i wasn't sure you would. And altough cuffs aren't really my thing i did like your writing style a lot. I'll be following you, hoping to read more of your hand 😉
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by Marrin »


I almost didn't lol. It was just that several people encouraged me to, I finally figured it would fine.

I'm glad you like it. Though, I think my writing needs a good bit of work lol.
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Marrin wrote: 5 years ago @Cleavegagger

I almost didn't lol. It was just that several people encouraged me to, I finally figured it would fine.

I'm glad you like it. Though, I think my writing needs a good bit of work lol.
It's An awfull lot better then mine 😂
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

This is a really good story. You did a nice job of explaining everything you were feeling all through the process of being restrained. (IMO, the best stories are those which tell you what the tyee is thinking.) And your writing style is great, no need to worry on that front.

Did you tell your boyfriend later that the experience was a turn-on? Could he tell?
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

I'm not sure what you think is so wrong with it. Just the right amount of detail, some good hints of internal dialogue, and of course a well-described cuffing scene. You might have done a few more dialogue bits between you and your boyfriend, but that's the only picky point I could see. Keep up the good work. :D
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Post by silvertickler »

I totally agree with others that your story is quite well written and very well told. I feels like the reader is right there with you. Much respect for being adult about the entire situation, though I can only imagine your anxiousness and fear, on top of that underlying excitement to be handcuffed. I enjoy handcuffs among many other restraints myself, so I can appreciate how you felt. :) Hope to hear more stories and see more of your writing :)
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Post by Deleted User 1591 »

In my state, that cop would be in huge trouble for not being clearly out in the open. Thanks for sharing this.
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Post by Marrin »

Thanks for the positive feedback guys. Maybe I was just over thinking every little thing I could see that I thought might be wrong with my writing.

That very thing about more dialogue between me and my boyfriend is something I thought about. I also thought it might make it drag on with too much unimportant stuff. In the end, I just chose it as a place to speed things up a bit so it wouldn't get boring.

Really? I've never heard of them having to be out in the open. It's pretty common for them hide in a good spot, at least where I live.
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Post by Marrin »

Yeah, he knows ;) I'm not entirely sure what he knew at the time, though. But he did think it was pretty badass that was speeding so much that I wound up in handcuffs.
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Post by TightsBound »

Thank you for sharing this well written, nerve wracking, and exciting story! I’m glad nobody was hurt and you got off fairly easy. Although I’m pretty sure there might be easier ways to get handcuffed. :lol: :p
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Post by Marrin »

Thank you for the complement :)
Yeah, there sure is easier ways to get handcuffed, thank goodness ;)
I guess I just had to learn the hard way at first lol.
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Post by GermanFeetlover »

Great story

Thanks for it :)
Don 't distress yourself, leave it up to me :D I love it to be barefoot with a toering and dirty feet in the summertime 8-)
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Post by Marrin »


Thanks for the compliment :)
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Post by Deleted User 76 »

Marrin, here is the drawing of a part of your story, I hope that you and everyone who reads your story enjoy it ;)


It's the part where your boyfriend saw you while it arrested you, now we can see you while it arrest you :lol:
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Post by Marrin »

*Made some edits. Figured I'd bump it. I added some details that I didn't include before, and fixed some typos from way back. I might eventually get around to putting the other story on here.
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Post by Hereiam »

Thanks for bumping this up. Such a fun story! Obviously the fines were a bummer but I’m glad you for something out of the experience
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Post by BondageBoyUK »

Absolutely love this story, one of my favorites on the forum. I think you told it really well. I worry I'd enjoy being arrested as you said though because you knew you weren't in massive trouble you could relax a bit and well in your case enjoy it. :lol: Hope to hear more stories from you.
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Post by Trammel »

I also had not seen this story and like it...a lot.
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