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Sister & Friend Kidnapping Game (m/ff)

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:14 pm
by Detective-Gag
Previously, there had been an instance where my friend’s sister had been given a brief introduction into the sort of tie-up games that myself and my sister did in our free time after school.

In that story, a game of tag had become a game of “cops & robbers”; and I’d decided to sequester both the friend & my sister in the closet, where they’d been loosely tied & OTM gagged with bandanas.

The game had been short; and both of them had gotten out of their bindings & gags nearly as quickly as it had occurred; not nearly as prolonged or story-driven as some of the games my sister and I did…but I’d chalked that up to her friend simply not being familiar to our routine, or even what a “tie up” or “kidnap” game was.

Well, evidently after that day, my sister had divulged a bit more about what we did in our free time with her friend; which led to a follow-up game several weeks after it had occurred.

(for the purposes of this story, I’ll use the same name for the friend, “Ally”; as well as a mock name for my sister…let’s go with, “Katie”)

I’d been playing video games as soon as I’d gotten home that day up in my bedroom; while my sister and Ally were watching television in the basement. I’m not sure if my sister had been watching one of those crime shows we favored, or if she or Ally had been talking about the last time we were together, but after about an hour the two of them came running up the stairs, and my sister, Katie, said:

“Hey; we wanna play that cops & robbers again.”

Both of them had big grins on their faces; and I was legitimately surprised. Normally, I had to be the one to initiate or ask to start one of those sorts of games.

I paused my game and set the controller down on the edge of my bed. “Oh?” I responded. “Really?”

“Yeah…” Ally said, swaying left & right with her arms folded. “Your sister Katie told me you play those games a lot. I wanna try it; like when we we’re in the closet.”

She gestured to my closet behind her.

“Well; we mix it up a bit,” I said bashfully, knowing that it wasn’t for everyone. “We do different sorts of stories.”

“What kind of stories?” Ally asked, perking up a bit.

I was going to answer, but my sister beat me to it. “Kidnapping games!” she said excitedly. “Bad guys holding other people hostage; for ransom, or whatever!”

“Ransom,” Ally echoed, processing the information. “So like, you get kidnapped…for money?”

“It’s like…the bad guys sneak up on you, capture you; then they take you back to their hideout & tie you up,” I tried to explain. “It’s like “Cops & Robbers”; but once you get captured; you pretend that you’re really held hostage.”

“I’ve seen that on TV,” Ally said. “When they have the girl tied up with tape over their mouth; and they send a note back to the police.”

“We DO that!” my sister beamed, and I felt my face reddening. I didn’t exactly like broadcasting that; and apparently my sister had been “hyping it up” to her friend.

“It’s all pretend,” I assured. “Y’know…for fun.”

“How do we start?” she asked.

I thought about it for a moment. “Go ahead back down to the basement,” I said to them. “I’ll get ready.”

The two of them darted out of my room; and I turned off my gaming system and headed for my closet: taking a shoebox off my shelf that had the tape, rope & miscellaneous items for our tie-up games, I took the box downstairs with me.

Ally & Katie had gravitated back to the television; their backs turned to me on the couch. I crept past them silently, and made for the basement storage room, setting the shoebox inside, opening it, and taking what I would need before leaving the rest.

Making my way back to the television area, I quietly snuck up behind them, before lunging over the back of the couch & clamping my hand over my sister’s mouth.

“Alright, nobody move!” I shouted to the both of them, as my sister made noises into my palm.

Ally shrieked, laughed, and jumped up from the couch…basically, the opposite of what I said. “Who are you!?” she yelled back.

“Someone who’s going to make some money ransoming you both back to your parents,” I growled, while my sister squirmed and kicked out with her feet on the couch.

“No way,” Ally challenged, getting ready to make a break for it.

“I’ve got your friend,” I warned, and my sister “mmph’d” through my hand to emphasize the point.

Ally didn’t run; but didn’t seem to know how to proceed. “What do I do?” she asked me.

“Just stand there and be quiet,” I said to her. “I”m going to tie up your friend here; then it’ll be your turn!”

I took my hand off my sister’s mouth; then threw myself over the back of the couch to the front side. Then, I took one of the pillowcases I’d set aside for these games, folding it into a band.

“Stand up!” I barked to my sister, who did as I was told.

“You won’t get away with this,” my sister said to me; dusting off one of her favorite lines.

“Shaddup,” I said, as I crossed her hands behind her back and began tying the folded pillowcase around her wrists.

I completed the double-knot, satisfied that it was tight enough she wouldn’t slip out of it. “Now sit down,” I said, lightly pushing Katie back onto the couch cushion. “You’re turn,” I said to Ally, beckoning to her while I folded the second pillowcase.

Giggling, my sister’s blonde haired friend trotted over, and turned around with her hands already folded. I tied another double-knot with the material; and set her down next to my sister on the couch.

“You can’t just tie us up like this,” my sister told me, twisting left and right on the couch.

“Yeah!” Ally added, copying her movements.

“The two of you don’t need to be talking anymore,” I answered, picking up a roll of white duct tape I’d set aside. My family hardly used it, save for moving or for marking things, so I’d been discreetly using it for the occasional gag.

With that in mind, I tore off a piece from the roll. My sister immediately started to feign horror.

“Oh, no!” she said as she wriggled her hands behind her. “You don’t have to gag us!”

“I need to keep you both quiet while I take you back to the hideout,” I said, approaching with the tape pinched between my fingers.

“No, don’t…DMPH!”

My sister knew how this normally went: a soon as the tape got close, she pressed her lips together as I smoothed the duct tape over her mouth, and added two more strips like I’d seen done before. Once I was finished, she looked over at Ally and widened her eyes.


“Now it’s your turn,” I said to my sister’s friend, tearing off another piece of tape.

Ally nodded, and shut her mouth before I gently but firmly pressed the white tape over her lips.

“Mmmm…hm, hm, hmph!” she hummed, before breaking into a giggling fit, as I added two more strips after she stopped moving her head around.

The two of them exchanged looks with each other; and my sister joined her friend in sniggering as they made noises through the adhesive.

“Now that I’ve shut the two of you up; it’s time to get you back to the hideout,” I told them, producing two white handkerchiefs. “But first…”

I strode behind my sister, and lowered the white cloth down over her eyes in a blindfold. “So you don’t see where we’re going,” I explained, as I tightened the knot behind my sister’s brown hair.

Ally silently watched as I took the second cloth, folded it, and dropped it over her eyes as well, tying it behind her blonde hair.

I stepped back to admire my handiwork, as both my sister and her friend aimlessly looked about from the couch, not able to see, mumbling through their gags with amusement. Then I pulled them both up from the couch into a standing position, gently grabbing either one of their arms. “March!” I said gruffly, and started guiding them through the basement over to the storage room.

To their credit, they pretended they were being held hostage, muttering stifled words beneath the tape. Even though they were blindfolded, they knew where they were going.

Ally got a bit overzealous, and working her jaw, partially removed the duct tape covering her mouth.

“Ah…help!” she yelled, blindfold still on. “Help!”

I stopped pulling them, and quickly placed my hand over the tape gag & her mouth. “Be quiet!” I warned. “You need to keep that gag on!”

“Mm-hmm!” Ally mumbled, nodding beneath my hand.

I continued on with the two of them, keeping my hand over Ally’s mouth as I awkwardly continued pulling my sister along to the storage room.

When we got inside, I released the two of them, and they stood in partial darkness as I turned the lights on.

Ally’s gag had gotten crinkled when she’d loosened it, so I slowly peeled it off her cheek.

“I’m going to put more tape over your mouth,” I said to the blonde girl. “This time, make sure it stays there.”

“Okay,” she said, still blindfolded, smiling impishly.

I tore off another strip of white tape, and pressed it tightly over her mouth…”Mmph!”…and added two more like before.

Now that both of them were gagged again, I grabbed two chairs that were in the room, and brought them over to the center, and grabbed the rope from my shoebox I had left there. Then I untied Ally’s wrists from behind her back, lowered her into one of the chairs, and began tying rope around her arms & behind the seat.

“Mmph,” she mumbled, as she felt herself being secured to the chair, and I moved on to bind her ankles together.

Once she was tied up, I did the same for my sister; and soon the two were sitting next to each other…bound, gagged & blindfolded.

“Hmmmph!” the two of them mumbled in unison, as they squirmed in their chairs.

“Calm down!” I said to them, and I saw both blindfold faces swerve in the direction of my voice.

“Lmph mmph gmmph!” my sister Katie said.

“Tkmph thmph blndflds mmf!” added Ally, shaking her head.

Interpreting the request, I moved behind them. “I’m taking the blindfolds off,” I said to them, and began loosening the cloths from around their eyes.

Now that they could see, both my sister and Ally looked over at each other, tape covering their mouths, and affixed to their seats with ropes.

“Now, the two of you are going to sit tight while I go make the ransom demands, I said, placing the discarded blindfolds on a nearby cardboard box.

They both nodded at me, not even attempting to speak now, and just sort of kicked out with their bound feet, arms rigid at their sides.

I briefly left the storage room, crossed the basement level, and retrieved the cordless phone from the cradle we had on a table by the stairs.

Bringing it back with me, I entered the storage room again, pretending to talk into the phone.

“Yeah, I have them both here, boss,” I said into the speaker.

Both Katie and Ally saw me with the phone; and my sister immediately started making noise through the tape gag, while her friend observed quietly.


“Nah, they weren’t any trouble,” I continued, pretending not to hear my sister. “I’ve got them both tied up.”

“Mmmph…!” came my sister’s muffled cry, this time with Ally joining in. “Hlmph!”

“Got ‘em gagged, too,” I chuckled into the phone. “That was them just now.”

Both of my captives continued fuming through the tape covering their mouths, buying into my taunting.

“Anyway, I’m going to make the ransom call now,” I said to my “boss”, before turning to the hostages.

I walked over to them, pretending to dial a number on the keypad of the phone. “Hello? Mr. Smith?” I said to the phantom character on the other end of the call. “I wanted to tell you that we’ve kidnapped your daughter.”

I pretended to wait for an answer, as I went behind the chair where my sister sat. “No, this isn’t a joke,” I continued. “I have your daughter & her friend right here.”

Katie writhed in her chair. “Mmph!” she yelled, jutting her chin towards the phone and shaking her head.

“That’s her,” I said into the phone. “She can’t talk; she’s got tape on her mouth.”

“You want to speak to her?” I said. “Hang on…”

I set the phone down and carefully peeled the tape off my sister’s mouth. Before she started speaking; I placed my palm over her mouth, and picked up the phone again.

“Dad..?” my sister acted, playing the part. “They kidnapped me and Ally! You have to hurry…UMPH.”

I cut her off again with my hand. “A hundred thousand dollars,” I said to the imaginary father. “Wait for my call.”

I released my sister’s mouth. “You won’t get away with this!” she said to me, as I went to fetch the roll of tape.

“Keep your voice down,” I barked, and tore off more duct tape, re-gagging her. Ally observed silently as I did this; having gone quiet in her chair.

I looked to her. “I hadn’t planned on ransoming you,” I said to her. “You we’re just with your friend at the wrong time…if you behave yourself, both of you will be fine.”

Ally nodded, as my sister struggled in the chair.

I went and picked up the blindfolds, re-folding the fabric. “Gonna make sure that tape stays on your mouths,” I said to them, walking over. I pulled the two folded cloths over their taped lips in two OTM gags, knotting them over their hair.

“Now both of you stay put,” I warned them. This was the part where I’d leave them alone…though knowing my sister; she’d escape at some point.

I departed the storage area and shut the door behind me, the last thing I saw the two of them exchanging glances with each other while they tried to speak. Grinning mischievously, I wandered back over to the TV and chilled out for a bit.

The two girls ended up staying in the storage room for a while; I was a decent way into an episode of “Seinfeld” when I heard the door open on the far side of the basement, amidst muffled laughter.

I got up from the couch to see the two of them hopping towards me for the basement steps: Ally’s OTM gag had slipped off her mouth, but the tape still remained plastered; and my sister still had both her gags on. Both had gotten loose from the chair ropes, and were leaping in tandem with their wrists & ankles still bound.

I went over to them, feigning concern: “Are you girls alright!?”

Both of them stopped hopping and shook their heads, mumbling into the gags and showing their bound wrists.

“Hang on,” I said to them. “I’m with the police; we’ll have you free in no time!”

I slowly untied their hands & wrists, and then they both removed their respective gags.

“We were kidnapped by a jerk!” Ally said, laughing at me as she said that last part.

I grinned sheepishly.

“We need to run before he comes back!” shouted my sister, as she took Ally’s hand and the two of them scampered off back upstairs.

I presumed they’d gone off to my sister’s room; because they didn’t return, and I went back to watching television.

Anyhow, that had been a fun tie up game with involving my sister’s friend.

Re: Sister & Friend Kidnapping Game (m/ff)

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:23 pm
by some_wanderer
A very good story, now you got her friend involved.

Because she escaped 😞

Re: Sister & Friend Kidnapping Game (m/ff)

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:59 pm
by gaggedrock29
Fun story

Re: Sister & Friend Kidnapping Game (m/ff)

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:20 am
by Gaggedcowgirl
Lucky man… lucky man lol

Re: Sister & Friend Kidnapping Game (m/ff)

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:47 pm
by Dpsiic
Nice story, hope you have more.

Re: Sister & Friend Kidnapping Game (m/ff)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 8:27 am
by Vadam117
very nice story, man 👍

Re: Sister & Friend Kidnapping Game (m/ff)

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:09 am
by Tiengag5
Love sibling bondage scenarios.