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First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:19 pm
by Nicorinne
Hey all, I've never posted publicly about my experiences ANYWHERE, so this is all a bit new to me. I've lurked on this site before, but this is my first time posting. Anyway, I should describe myself before we get in too deep. My name's Corinne, I have straight black hair that goes down to my elbows, and I'm of an average build. I'm a little short for my age, but not by much. This story happened when I was 20 in my own apartment. My roommate was out for the weekend, so I thought I'd get the weekend to myself. Well, Thursday night my Aunt calls and asks if my cousin could stay over the weekend as she had to go on a trip and their house was getting tented. Kinda last minute, but I agreed. Whatever. My roommate leaves Friday morning, leaves the door unlocked. My cousin isn't getting here til about 1 pm, it's 11:30. I was into being tied up hard at this time. So I decided to do a little bit of self bondage. Nothing super crazy, just my ankles and my wrists. No gag or anything. I had found some video on how to tie my own hands pretty well a while ago.

I struggled and hopped around, enjoyed my bondage for a while. Well, turns out I lost track of time. Surprise! My cousin is here. I heard the knock on the door and froze. Here I am, sitting on the floor tied up, and my cousin is here. Thank god the door is lo- it's unlocked. I froze as I heard the handle turn and he walks in. This was real awkward. We stares at me for a sec, no words exchanged, and slowly closes the door behind him, throwing down his bag.

"You do this to yourself?" He asked me, both of our faces bright red (I should describe my cousin. He was 18 at the time, curly black hair, he was just wearing some logo t-shirt and jeans. I had shorts and a plain purple t-shirt on. Barefoot) I said yes, when I saw his eyes light up. "Do you want more ropes?" He asked. That question was the complete opposite of what I was expecting. I thought he'd be super weirded out or whatever, but now he wants to tie me up more? I wasn't complaining though. I told him where I kept my rope and duct tape, and he got to work. This kid was experienced, too. Made me wonder how many times he's done this before to someone else.

Anyway, He started by adding more rope to my legs. He tied my legs together above my knee and below it, and then one more higher up on my thigh. Then he moved to my torso. He tied rope around my waist and arms, effectively keeping my wrists at my waist, and then he tied my arms to my lower chest area. He tied one more set of ropes on my upper chest, and then wrapped some through my armpits and over my shoulders. I have no idea where he learned any of this. Then, he grabbed one of the cloths I had lying around and shoved it in my mouth. I started to protest a bit, as I wasn't expecting a gag, but he ignored me and taped my mouth shut. I stopped resisting as I did enjoy being gagged, and I watch him lift up my hair to wrap the tape around my head multiple times.

Then, I tested his rope work. He was good. I could not move much. I laid on the ground and squirmed around a bit, making random noises into my gag. I didn't struggle too much, just enjoyed it. After a while of this, he took out his phone and took a couple photos and videos. I didn't exactly approve of it, but what could I do? I just hoped he wouldn't send them to anyone. Then, he picked me up and put me on the couch, and half watched half screwed around on his phone while I struggled. We stayed like this for an hour. I loved every second of it. When the hour ended, he removed my gag and let me spit out the cloth. I was still tied.

"Do you want to take a break, or keep going with more bindings?" He asked me. I asked for a break, but I did want to be tied up more later. This was looking to be a great weekend.

I'll post the other parts of this another time, but they are a little dirtier than this. They'll be under adult, but don't worry, nothing incest-like happened. He was just a bit more extreme on the bindings.

I have more self bondage, getting tied by friends, and tying my own friends stories that I may or may not post another time. Not sure yet. Thanks for reading!

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:32 am
by TightsBound
Thank you for sharing! Sounds like you two have more in common than you thought. I’m looking forward to reading more from you!

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:06 am
by JohnnyRockets
You tell your story well! Definitely looking forward to hearing about the rest of your weekend.

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:24 pm
by MaxRoper
A well-written tale of what sounds like a delightful time. Thanks for posting. I look forward to more from you.

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:08 pm
by Ballgag69
Awesome story! Can’t wait to hear more.....

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:21 pm
by Canuck100
I hope you’ll tell us your other stories, this one was very good!

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:05 pm
by Grifter
Looking forward to your other stories, the ones in self-bondage and the dirtier ones. :)

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 2:31 am
by BobaFettish1
Great story! And it sounds like really fun bondage. Your cousin sounds like a really chill dude. 👍

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 4:31 am
by Nexus
Huh. Missed this story. Glad it got bumped! I'll be looking for those other stories now...

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 8:09 pm
by TheLionGames
This is so relatable it made me laugh a lot! 😂 Not that I've been tied up by my cousin but I'm around that age and I can just imagine how awkward it would be to be caught doing self bondage and how absurd it would be to just have him participate in it without further ado! Great story, pretty crazy.

Re: First Time Getting Tied by Someone Else (M/F)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 3:35 am
by herdfaninrva
Please post more of your stories!