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How it all started (did I stand a chance?Pt3) FF/+m

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:41 pm
by Happytie
Part 3

I became good friends with the four girls, and to a lesser extent with Valerie, so when it came to the summer holidays I was easily persuaded to help them practice their first aid - they were going to enter a completion in August.
So I arrived at Mary’s house on a Monday morning. Her father had gone to work and her mother was going shopping. Lizzie and Angela were already there. They were all in bare feet, and Mary explained it was to protect the carpets, so I removed my sandals as well.
They explained to me that a number of scenarios had been written down on pieces of paper and these would be drawn from a hat.
They had already down lots to see who would be in charge of the first scenario.
Lizzie was first and put her hand into the hat and drew her task.

“Your casualty has had hard dust blown into his eye and requires treatment to gem safely to medical help.”

She sat me down on a chair in the front room and asked Mary to bring fetch a bandage.
“Just gently close your eyes and try not to move them” she instructed me.
Mary returned. “We haven’t got a supply of practice bandages, but I do have a bunch of scarves and bandannas. They’ll have to do.”
“Ok, good!”
“I need to bandage both eyes to stop you moving them. If one is uncovered and you look at something, the other one will move and might scratch it.”
I felt a soft silk scarf be placed over my eyes and being tied firmly behind my head. I lifted my hands to touch it and feel the smooth fabric.
The girls giggled. “Do you like the feel of silk then?”
“Yes, it’s strange but feels nice.”
“In that case, we will have to find some other scarves for you!”
“It does look pretty!”
“He’s rather cute like that…”
I could feel myself blushing again, but the light scent from the scarf was adding to the strange feeling I was experiencing, I did’t want to remove the blindfold.

Mary drew the next instruction.
“Your casualty has severe cuts on the palm of each hand. You and the next participant need to use crepe bandages to hold dressings to staunch the bleeding.”
“OK Angie, you take his right hand, I’ll do the left.”
Before long, both my hands were balled up into fists, although this time my thumbs were also cocooned.
“I thought my thumbs were supposed to be free?”
“Yeah, normally we would leave them out, but as we’re not being tested, I think it’s more fun to bandage them in.”
“Now, be quiet and don’t fret.”
“Does Angie get to draw now, or is it my turn?” Naomi asked
“You can go Naomi, There are plenty more chances.”
“Ok, here goes!…Your casualty has broken his collar bone, bandage him to prevent further injury.”

“Before you start En. Why don’t we go upstairs?”
“Yeah things are starting to get fun!”
“You two lead him up to my room, me and Ange will bring up the supplies.”
“Don’t I get a say in this?” I asked
“No!” Was the chorus reply.

In my blind and helpless state I was led upstairs and sat on a cushion. I felt my shoulders being drawn back as Naomi applied the bandage loops. As I was now expecting, my arms were securely bandaged to my body. What I was not expecting was to be laid back on floor cushions and my hands to be tied together!
“Hey! What’s this!”
“Oh, be quiet, or you’ll spoil the fun.”
“But tying my hands isn’t first aid!”
“Oh look girls, My instruction is to treat a broken jaw!” Said Lizzie, in a voice that suggested she was making it up.
I felt a silky bandage be placed under my chin and the ends drawn up, but just before it was tied a wedge of fabric was stuffed into my mouth! By the time I realised what was happening, I was effectively gagged.
“ You might just as well relax and enjoy this, or things might turn bad for you!”
I resigned myself to my fate, not that I wasn’t enjoying myself.

“Broken leg?” Angela asked
“Broken leg!” the others replied in unison.
What a surprise - not.
Soon my legs were bound together in the now familiar pattern, although with no padding this time.
“I think we’ve done a good job girls!”
“Yeah, I think we deserve a reward!”
“Let’s have some fun with our prisoner!”
“Ugmm?” I grunted trying to spit the wedge of cloth out of my mouth.
“Hang on… there’s one more thing to do first, I heard Mary say. Then I heard a cupboard being opened and closed, the sound of tape being unrolled and ripped. Next thing I felt was the tape being applied to my lips.
“That should insure he’s quiet!”
Then the torture started! Tickling my bare toes and under my ribs. I began to buck around, as much as my bandages would allow, and was laughing uncontrollably.

Suddenly we heard the front door open and the girls stopped.
“Hi girls, I’m home!” Mary’s mum had returned from shopping. On of the girls ripped the tape from my lips and removed the wadding.
“Please don’t let on…” Mary whispered.
I nodded and just managed to mumble “Ok, I’m fine.”
“How’s the bandaging practice going?”
“It’s going well Mum!”
“How’s Jonnie? Is he still here?
“Yeah, he’s fine, Mum. Just a little tied up at the moment.” (giggles from the other girls).
“I’d better inspect your work then.” I violently shook my head as I heard footsteps climbing the stairs. My shoulders were held and I was shushed. The girls were making a big play of comforting me when the door opened.

“Oh my, Jonnie… you have been in the wars!”
“We thought we should try as much as we could.”
“I can see that! How are you doing Jonnie? Are you enjoying all this attention?”
I grunted something in decipherable.
“ Oh good, it looks like you’re in safe hands.” She said to me. “Doesn’t he look cute!”
I blushed as usual.
“Lunch will be ready in about an hour, would you like to stay, Jonnie?”
“Yes please, thank you” I muttered and nodded.
“That jaw bandage looks a bit loose girls, and I’m surprised he hasn’t broken his neck.”
“What do you mean mum?”
“Look in your manual… you’ll see.”
“I’ll redo the jaw while you look it up Mary.” Said Lizzie.
I heard the door close and footsteps descend the stairs. My mouth was packed and taped again as I heard a book being thumbed through.
“Oh look at this! How did we miss the broken neck!”
“We can use that old comic over there!”
I was puzzled, but felt myself being sat up.
“fFold it lengthways and wrap it in this scarf” I heard Angela say.
Next I felt the rolled paper and scarf being placed around my neck, forcing my chin up. I could feel the ends being passed behind me and then in front, where they were pulled firmly and tied.
I could not move my head at all now. I thought I was totally helpless.
However, on Naomi’s suggestion, I was helped to my feet and made to hop to the bed. Here I was laid down and I could feel my feet being tied to the foot of the bed and something being tied from my jaw bandage to the top of the bed. Now I was really helpless!
Half an hour of torture mixed with “comforting” ensued.
Finally the girls untied me, but did not remove my blindfold until they had led me downstairs - apparently a girl’s room should be kept secret from boys!.
After lunch I did the washing up whilst the girls went to Mary’s bedroom.
“You’re a nice boy Jonnie…so kind of you to wash up.” Mary’s mum said.
“ That’s ok, it was kind of you to make lunch.”
“Are you ok with the girls’ games?”
“Yeah…I kind of like it…and I know they won’t harm me.”
“That’s good, but if they get carried away, let me know and we can deal with them.”
“I think I’m the one more likely to get carried away! I just hope they don’t drop me!”
We both laughed.
As I finished the dishes the girls came down stairs and asked if I wanted to go to the park with them. I said I’d walk with them and then go home as mum had some chores for me.