A Bondage Monster is Born (m/F)

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A Bondage Monster is Born (m/F)

Post by markusthe1st »

This story is a repost from the original site about the first time I tied someone up.


My first experience with tying someone up came at the age of eleven. I lived in an old apartment building on the West side with my mom and dad, and my sister, who was just two years older than me. We were fortunate to have a lot of family close by, including my cousins and of course their parents.

What family didn't live close by were only an hour away. At the time it seemed like a very long way to travel; but after living in California for the last 10+ years - over 3000 miles away, I realize now that an hour was a basic commute. I also realize how lucky I was at the time.

One night my Aunt Laura came over to babysit me - my parents were going out and my sister was sleeping over her friend's house, which left me at loose ends. It turned out that Laura was in a similar situation in that her kids (my three cousins; one girl my age, one a year younger, and one boy three years younger) were all up north with her husband, basically staying overnight because her husband was too drunk to drive after hanging out with his parents for the day. It was a strange time.

After my parents left and she had a couple drinks (I swear, everyone drank back then), we were trying to decide what to do. She wanted to watch some TV show, which at the time, with only 5 channels, and no cable, meant nothing interesting to an eleven-year-old on a Saturday night.

I wanted to play a game, but she kept pushing the TV. Just about the time I had resigned myself to a boring night, my aunt says, "I know, why don't you tie me up?"

I remember being surprised, but really excited about the idea. It really just came out of left field. At eleven years old, the last thing I would have thought of was to ask my very pretty aunt to let me tie her up, just like that.

And honestly, I didn't know the first thing about HOW to do it. But I did have a lot of frames in my head from TV shows like Speed Racer and Gilligans Island where Trixie, Maryanne, and Ginger were tied up every once in a while. And don't get me started on Mrs. Peel!

I'm sure she knew I was pretty young, and figured that it was a good bet that keeping me busy like this meant that I wouldn't care about what was on TV, and that she'd be able to untie herself pretty easily once I did tie her up. Besides, she was a little buzzed. At the time it never occured to me that maybe she liked getting tied-up?

Her plan (if indeed there was one) worked great in that I forgot all about the TV. My aunt was thin with long dark brown hair, and really pretty, especially when she got all dressed up. She reminded me a little of Trixie from Speed Racer, or more realistically a cross between Kate Jackson and Alanis Morrisette.

While I sat there, trying to decide what to do, she said, "Well, go and get some rope or something to tie me up with if you want to."

I remember running around the house just looking for something - anything - to use to tie her up with. The first thing I found was some shoelaces, but I knew they wouldn't work good. Then I found a jumprope in my sister's room, one of those old white ones with wooden handles. I grabbed it and ran back into the livingroom, certain that if I didn't return fast enough, she would change her mind.

Instead, I just found her there watching TV. My aunt sat on the rug with her back against the couch. We had a new plush (not shag) carpet, and everyone that came to the house just had to feel it and sit on it. It was practically an attraction. When I walked up to her, she pointed to her feet, so I started tying her ankles together with the jumrope. It was really loose and didn't look anything like I saw on TV. I was actually disappointed. My aunt saw that I was sad, and said, 'It's okay, you can try again if you like.' This worked great for her, because while I fumbled along, she just watched her show in relatively quiet 'comfort'.

So I tried a lot - after about the fifth try, her ankles were tied pretty well, especially since I used the whole jumprope to do so. As I stepped back to look, she surprised me again by putting he hands together in front of her for me to tie.

I told her I had to find some more jumprope, and ran off all hurredly to find some more rope to tie her hands with. I was real excited, and just a little nervous as well. Well, make that really nervous!

What I found was a bunch of polyester belts on my mom's dresses in her closet. My mom was pretty heavy, and she often wore these polyester dresses and robes with waist belts. Because of her size, the belts were pretty long. It was the early Seventies, so most of them were really colorful as well, like the equivalent of thin silk scarves. I also found a bandanna in my older sister's room, so I grabbed it too.

My aunt was sitting there watching TV, with her ankles still tied the way I had left them. I remember her outfit, because she wore these brown leather boots with her jeans tucked in, which made practicing tying her ankles pretty easy. She had a fairly tight tan sweater on, which was long enough to cover the top of her jeans, and a gold metal belt, made up of interlocking circles.

She didn't even look at the stuff I brought, but put her wrists together in front so I could tie them as soon as I walked up to her.

So I did, but I had learned from tying her ankles and did a pretty good job the first time, using just one of the belts. Well, I thought I did. When I was finished, she struggled for a couple moments and then pulled her hands free. But she couldn't get her feet free, which only made me more determined to try again.

Again she put her wrists in front so I could tie them. I was really starting to enjoy this game a lot! From the way she was responding, it seemed like she did too.

This time I asked her if I could tie her up like Trixie, and she said okay. I'm pretty sure she had no idea of what I was talking about.

So I walked behind her and asked for her hands. She had to scoot forward from the couch, and guzzled the rest of her drink before putting her hands behind her. Once she did, I grabbed one of the belts and tied her hands together. She was thin and quite flexible, so her wrists crossed easily behind her back. I grabbed about two more polyster belts and did the same thing over again, tying knots every once in a while, just to be sure.

By the time I was finished there was like a wad of cloth tying her wrists together, crossed behind her back. I probably used like 15 feet of belts to tie her hands with.

She asked if I was done, and when I answered yes, she started struggling - trying to untie her hands. She made fists with her hands, and twisted them while trying to pull her hands free, testing the polyester belts, trying to find knots with her fingertips. Unlike the last time, though, after a couple moments she stopped trying to get free and told me I did a good job this time. I asked her if I could finish tying her up like Trixie, and she said it was okay, as long as it didn't take too long and that I untied her once I was done.

My guess in hindsight was that her show was almost over and she probably wanted another drink.

I agreed, but let me tell you, I was running on pure nervous adrenaline. I could not believe how much fun I was having tying someone up!

I used a bandana to gag her, tying first over her mouth detective-style, and when it fell off a couple times, she opened her mouth and I tied it cleave-like. I thought it was cool that she didn't complain at all about the gag, and even helped out by opening her mouth, like she expected it as part of getting tied up. Something tells me now that this wasn't the first time someone had tied her up.

At this point I was determined to find some real rope, because Trixie always had rope wrapped around her upper body, and I really wanted to make my aunt be tied up, or at least look like she was tied up, like that. I took a look at my now captive aunt, sitting on the floor with her hands tied behind her back, her ankles tied together and a bandanna tied between her teeth, and thought this was just too cool.

She rolled onto her side and struggled some more moving her arms and wrists, and shaking her legs, testing the jumprope and belt bindings, which held firm. She wasn't quite flexible enough to reach her ankles with her fingers but she tried to and got pretty close. I'm pretty sure she didn't know I was still watching - I had never felt so excited about something, anything, like this before.

I was a little surprised as to how much someone could still move around with their hands and feet tied. In hindsight, I could have just used some more of my mothers belts to finish tying her upper body up like Trixie, but I had it stuck in my head that I needed "real rope". At the time it never occured to me that I could have tied her knees together or even tie her wrists to her ankles, but you have to start somewhere.

So, leaving my aunt bound, gagged and struggling on the rug in the living room watching TV, I searched everywhere for some real rope. Finally, I hit paydirt when I happened to look out the kitchen window and see a brand new roll of clothesline sitting outside on the porch, still wrapped in plastic. I must have walked past it a hundred times, but this time I really saw it. More like needed it. I ran out the door to grab it, but when I did, my aunt freaked out, screaming my name really loudly through her gag.

I ran back inside and she was hopping into the kitchen, with her hands still tied behind her. I still don't know how she got up so fast. Maybe in my absense she already got herself up and onto the sofa? Guess I'll never know.

'Where you going?' she screamed, muffled through the bandanna. The only thing that matters is that I understood her!

'Untie me,' came next, as she shook her bound wrists and motioned with her head at the same time.

Hey, I was 11, and a little terrified. I took off the bandanna and told her about the clothesline on the porch. She hopped over, checked it out, and said, "Oh."

Unfortunately for me, she decided to declare the whole experiment over. As tied up as she was already, another 50 feet of rope was not in her plan.

"Help me untie my hands," she asked. So I did, but not with much luck. It turned out that the polyester stretched out when I tied the knots, and was near impossible to untie. I tried my fingers, a butterknife, a small screwdriver, and even my teeth, without much luck. I got ready to cut them with scissors, but my aunt stopped me.

She had me untie her feet first, which I did really quickly. Next she went over to the sink, and had me turn on the water. Once she backed up to the sink and put her wrists under the cold water, I was able to untie the belts. It took a while, mainly because I had tied so many knots, but at least I didn't have to cut them and ruin my mom's outfits.

When it was all done, I told my aunt how much fun I had. She smiled, but had a look on her face like, "What have I started?" To her credit, she said she had fun too, and was even surprised that my tying talents we so good. I blushed, actually, which is kinda weird, but if you've ever been trusted to tie up that special someone, you know what I mean.

She tucked me in shortly afterward, and even told me I could tie her up again if I wanted the next time she watched me. I went to bed with visions of Trixie as my damsel-in-distress swimming in my head, and how the night might have been different if I had found that clothesline first. I only fell asleep after imagining my aunt as some kind of Ms. Peel damsel-in-distress, bound and gagged numerous times but always saved in the end.

Man, what a night!
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Post by MaxRoper »

I love Origin Stories and this is an excellent one. Well written, fun, and believable. Thanks for posting!
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Post by markusthe1st »

Thanks. This one really happened, and in a way really defined the next few years of my growth. There's a part 2 coming.
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

That was a fun story :D
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Post by Spetsnaz08 »

What an enjoyable story! Well written and flowing. I'm looking forward for part two. ;)
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Post by Grifter »

I totally love this story. Reminds me of the times I tied my babysitters. I hope you got to tie her several times more. If you did, I hope we hear more from the Bondage Monster. :)
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