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The first time (M/F)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:30 am
by SighzAllDay
Just contributing to the pot, not really interested in talking with others yet, so pleases do not message me yet.

So this goes back to my junior year in high school. I had a best friend who on the day in question wore a yellow, white and orange, striped top with jeans and loafers. Now to describe her, average height, black hair, brown eyes, and great proportions. So our relationship was one of those girl teases guy all the time, so eventually I told her "One day I'm going to tape your mouth shut." Her reply was nonchalant and didn't really seem to care. So one day i brought a role of duct tape to school with me.
School had just let out and she had begun her usual teasing, so I brought out the roll to show her I meant business. Her eyes widened and she said "Really?"
"Yes." I said with a completely straight face.
I ripped off a strip, went to her side, and put my arm around her and said "Pucker up."
She ducked down to avoid me (now at this point she was laughing so this wasn't anything bad) but I maneuvered around her defenses and stuck the strip across her lips. Now I don't know why people do this, but they always make a big breath that you hear the air rushing out of the nose. She did a few of those and you could see her smile under the tape. But i wasn't quite done yet.
As payback I tickled her sides a bit just to hear her giggle, a pleasant sound, which then devolved into a tickling match between the two of us. Eventually she wanted to take it off but she was hesitant as it was her first time.
I said. "let me do it, I'll be as gentle as possible."
She nodded and said "Okmph."
She took my hand, and I slowly peeled it away.
Then she covered her mouth with her hand and asked, "Is that what they use when people get kidnapped?"
"Yes, and I have plenty more for you when you tease me again."
We both smiled at each other and eventually went home.
But that wouldn't be the end of it.....not yet.