Jamie Gets Payback On Me (Parts 1, 2 & 3) (f/m)

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Jamie Gets Payback On Me (Parts 1, 2 & 3) (f/m)

Post by Bobep »

I recently discovered this site and I love the stories. I have a few myself of the f/m variety. Here is one that happened several years ago when I was in college.

When I worked in a maintenance job in a local park one summer I became friends with many of my fellow maintenance crew members. We were all students on break and had a lot of fun working outdoors. One of the best friends I made was Jamie – she was wild and fun and hilarious. We were just good friends, never dated, but got very close in a touchy-feely kind of way. Lots of hugging and playing and we became really tight.

Jamie had bright blonde hair past her soldiers, really bright blue eyes and was very well endowed – she was a soccer player and very athletic, and stood about 5’7.

She was very attractive. I was tall and skinny and I guess fairly attractive. We had a ton of fun that summer, me and Jamie and a ton of others.

For very quick backstory, one day in mid-summer at the very end of the day Jamie and I got into a water fight. We were the only ones left and it was a Friday at the end of our work week. It started with her literally dumping a half-filled water cooler over my head and it escalated. It ended with me turning the hose on her and soaking her head to toe. I got very wet – she was SOAKED. We laughed and swore this was not over and all that kind of good stuff, but because neither of us worked the weekend and didn’t hang out that Saturday or Sunday, come Monday morning something else caught our attention and within a couple of weeks we had moved on.

Anyway. It was a Saturday that we were both off – it was two weeks and a day since our water fight. Jamie’s parents, sister and brother were out of town, but Jamie stayed to go to a party that some other friends of mine were having and they had asked Jamie to come. We had become good friends like that – mixing and matching with each other’s friends pretty easily. So we figured I would come over early in the day and hang out with Jamie at her empty house all day, and then we would head out later that night to the party. I was planning to sleep over too – again we were platonic and it made more sense than that 40 minute drive home.

(She lived a few towns away from me in a rural part of the state)

So I arrived and Jamie was watching a movie on the VCR from the 70s or 80s. Jamie was wearing green camouflage pants with olive green socks and she wore a grey tee-shirt. Her shoes were off when I arrived so I took mine off too. I brought clothes to change into later, so for now I was only wearing sweat pants and a light blue tee shirt and white socks.

I came in and she and I were sitting on the couch in her house around noon and half-watching this movie, not really paying attention. I noticed it was a videotape and Jamie said yeah, she turned the TV on and it was already in the VCR for whatever reason and she just decided to put it on.

I don’t recall what the movie was, but it had to do with a kidnapping, and it featured a lot of shots of a typically bound and gagged damsel in distress.

I remember that it was Jamie who brought up the damsel in distress on the screen, and that’s important, I would come to realize. She said, “I wonder if people really could escape from being tied up like that?” This pretty woman onscreen had her hands tied behind her back with rope and her feet bound with rope, with a bandana in her mouth as a gag.

“In real life? Sure – anyone can escape that,” I said.

“Anyone?” Jamie said. “Even you?”

“From being tied up with rope? Yeah. There’s no way it’s as hard to escape as they make it on TV,” I said.

“So if I tied you up you could escape? You think so? I was a Girl Scout you know,” Jamie said with a laugh.

“Within 5 minutes I could get loose!” I said, laughing. “OK, maybe 10.”

For backstory, I was 19 at the time, but when I was a bit younger (maybe 13-14) a female cousin and I used to play tie-up games a lot, and at first I couldn’t get out of it, but then she showed me the ropes (so to speak J) and the tricks to do it. It had been a while since I was tied up but I felt confident I could still escape ropes.

“Sounds like you want to make a bet, buddy!” Jamie said, standing up. “We’ve got plenty of rope in the basement. How about I tie you up and you see if you can escape? The loser buys lunch!”

This sounded fun and the idea of playing tie-up games with a girl still really appealed to me.

“You’re on! Do your best!” I challenged.

“OK. Get on the carpet face down. I’ll be right back,” Jamie said, hopping to her feet and running down to the basement to get ropes.”

I did and she was back with a whole bunch of rope a minute later.

“Put your hands behind your back and put your feet together,” Jamie said and I did. She crouched next to me and tied my hands behind my back pretty tightly with a long piece of rope. It took her some time and I have to admit it was pretty tight.

“And now the feet,” Jamie said, but first she pulled my socks (shin-length) up so they were taut. “Gotta have your socks pulled up all the way – if they slip down it could give you an advantage.”

“Whatever,” I said, mostly into the carpet because that’s where I was facing with my hands tied behind me. “Whatever you do I’m getting loose.”

“We’ll see about that,” Jamie said with a giggle, and then she tied my feet over my socks at the ankles. She used two long pieces of rope and, again, it took some time. When she was done my feet were pretty tightly tied.

“OK – can I escape now?” I asked, moving around a bit.

“Not yet!” Jamie said, holding me in place. “I’m not done!”

Next Jamie crouched down over me, after she had tightly tied my hands behind my back and my feet together with the rope, and lifted my feet up.

“What are you doing?” I asked, face down on the floor and turning my head to look at her to my left. “Why aren’t you done?”

“Not even close,” Jamie said with a giggle. “Hold your feet still. I’m hogtying you.”

“You’re what?!” I asked, attempting to roll over. Jamie grabbed me my by lower back and used her socked foot to roll me back over.

“I’m hogtying you! I’m tying your hands to your feet so you can’t go anywhere!” Jamie said, now giggling more.

I squirmed but wasn’t going anywhere, a point Jamie made clear a second later as I felt her tying my feet and hands together with more rope.

“You’re such a squirmer! That’s why I have to hogtie you if I want to win this bet,” she chuckled, completing the knot and officially hogtying me. My feet were at a 45 degree angle to the ground, tied to my bound hands.

“Jamie, our bet is…” I said before she got up and rolled me onto my back with her foot.

“Our bet was that I could tie you up and you can’t escape!” Jamie said, standing over me with her arms folded in front of her, a big smile on her face and her socked feet right by my head. “And that’s exactly what I did – you’re not going anywhere! You have 10 minutes to escape! But first…”

“But first what?” I said, attempting with no luck to sit up while Jamie walked across the den to a desk and opened the drawer. She was giggling in a kind of sinister way.

“But first I’m going to gag you!” she said, approaching me with a roll of white duct tape. She crouched down, tore off a piece and I yelled, “No!”

Jamie stopped and put her hand over my mouth.

“No yelling – that’s why I have to gag you,” she said with a grin. I tried to yell into her hand but it held tight as Jamie crouched over me with the piece of duct tape in her other hand, dangling from her finger. “Plus, the girl in the movie was gagged, so you get gagged. Here we go – no more talking!” And Jamie calmly taped my mouth shut, adding two more pieces and smoothing it out. I couldn’t say a word.

“Done! Tied up and gagged and my prisoner, just like the girl on TV. I guess I could have used a bandana or a sock, but taping your mouth shut seems more effective,” Jamie giggled, getting to her feet and standing over me. “Now, you can start to try and escape, but it’s going to be clear in a minute you’re not going anywhere! When the clock reads 12:50, you lose!”

Jamie then sat down on the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table, while I started to writhe around on the floor, grunting under the gag. Uh oh, I thought – she tied me up pretty tight.

“There goes my squirmer again!” Jamie teased from the couch. “You were so cocky. But when I tie someone up they STAY tied up! Just ask my little brother!”

(Jamie had an older sister who was about 21 named Janine and a younger brother about 12 named Jared. Janine worked at the park too and was a friend).

I writhed and squirmed and rolled around the room but the hogtie held, and I saw on the digital clock by the TV (on the VCR) that the time was running out. 12:50 was the cutoff, and now it was 12:45…12:46…

“Looks like someone’s in trouble,” Jamie said, getting to her feet and coming over to check the ropes. I winced as she reached down, thinking she was going to hit me or mess with me in some way, but she laughed. “Not only are you a squirmer, you’re a flincher too! Relax. I’m just checking the ropes for your progress. And you’ve made none!”

Jamie sat down on the floor with her feet stretched out near my head as I strained and strained to get the ropes loose, but I wasn’t going anywhere. 12:48.

“Two minute warning kiddo!” Jamie said she gently nudged my head with her foot. “Not looking too good!”

More squirming, writhing, grunting – everything I could do. I even tried to get my gag off by rubbing my face against the carpet but couldn’t even do that. Jamie laughed as the clock shows 12:49. I went into overdrive, flopping around and doing everything in my power to get untied, but no dice. I was sweating now and worn out and the clock read 12:50.

“You lose!” Jamie said, hopping to her feet and clapping and kind of dancing around me while I just sighed and laid my head back on the carpet and grunted into the gag. “I told you – I was a Girl Scout! You shouldn’t have challenged me to tie you up. Janine and I tie Jared up like once every week or two, and he can never escape either! Plus Janine has tied me up more than once and I learned all her tricks on how to do it right!”

I tried to talk but obviously anything I had to say was muffled by the gag. I was telling her she won and I lost and I owed her lunch. And it was time to untie me.

“I can’t understand a word you’re saying – you shouldn’t try and talk with a gag in your mouth,” Jamie taunted with a laugh. Then she put her hand over her mouth and impersonated me to make fun of me: “Mmmm…hmmm…mmmmmmm!”

I laughed at this and shook my head, and then made my eyes wide and nodded towards my bound hands and feet, as if to say, “You won – you can untie me now.”

Jamie caught on and crouched down and said, “OK, you’ve been quiet long enough. Let’s get your gag off and you can congratulate me on my victory for real!”

And she quickly pulled the three pieces of tape off together.

“Ow!” I said. “That hurt!”

“Sorry, only way to take tape off someone’s mouth. It’s like taking a band aid off – you have to do it quickly otherwise it hurts a lot more!” Jamie said and then sat down at my head with her knees folded in front of her and tousled my hair. “What do we do now, Bobby?”

“Where do you want to eat? I owe you lunch,” I said.

“Oh that’s OK, I’m not hungry,” Jamie said back.

“So you don’t want to go to lunch? It’s on me – I lost,” I said.

“Nah,” Jamie said, now folding her legs in and sitting what we used to call Indian Style. “You don’t have to do that. Winning is enough for me!”

“OK. So what do we do now? You want to go out somewhere? Finish watching the movie? Hang out outside?” I asked, but Jamie looked at me puzzled.

“This movie stinks, so no thanks,” Jamie chuckled. “And we can’t go anywhere.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because you’re all tied up, silly? I can’t exactly load you into my car with your hands and feet tied!” Jamie laughed, tousling my hair again.

“Well, yeah. But you’re going to untie me now,” I said matter of factly.

Jamie just looked down at me, grinned, and winked.

“You ARE going to untie me, right?” I asked a little more strongly. “That WAS the deal!”

“Deal? I don’t remember any deals. I just remember you saying you could escape in 10 minutes if I tied you up, and clearly you can’t. There was no deal,” Jamie said.

“No, the deal was if I could escape you buy me lunch, and if I couldn’t I buy you lunch!” I insisted.

“But I told you, I’m not hungry,” she repeated with a smile.

“But…but…Jamie, untie me!” I demanded, yelling.

“No,” Jamie said, getting to her feet and walking across the room.

She was getting the roll of duct tape again!

“Believe me, the LAST thing I am going to do right now is untie you! You’re my prisoner – why should I let you go?” Jamie said, approaching me menacingly with the duct tape in her hands

Now I was yelling and laughing nervously. “Jamie, you can’t just leave me tied up!”

“Why not?” Jamie asked with another laugh, bending down again. “And if you’re going to yell like that, I’m going to have to gag you again.”

Jamie went to tear a piece of tape off by I starting squirming around and shouting

“No No No!!!” over again to make it harder. So then she put the tape down and put her hand over my mouth.

“I AM going to gag you. But if you’re going to resist and make things difficult maybe I should get a bandana or handkerchief to out in your mouth instead, huh?

Or better yet, maybe I should get one of my socks?” she asked.

“MM – MM,” I yelled into her hand. As if to say “NO!” to the sock idea.

“I played soccer with some friends the other night and the socks I wore are still in my hamper. Would you prefer it if I gagged you with those socks?” Jamie asked, holding her hand tightly over my mouth. “I know they’re dirty, but probably a pretty effective gag, right? I can shove one sock in your mouth and then tie the other one around your head to hold it in place?”

I shook my head hard and closed my eyes to indicate “Please DON’T!”

“Are you going to yell when I take my hand off your mouth?” Jamie asked.

I shook my head no.

“Promise?!” Jamie asked in a harder way, tightening her hand over my mouth.

I shook my head harder to say “NO!”

“Are you going to fight me when I gag you with the duct tape?” Jamie asked.

“Because if you are I’ll go get my socks!”

“NNnnnnnnnnnnn!” I said, trying to say, “No!”

“Good! Looks like my squirmy wormy is using his head!” Jamie laughed while taking her hand off and picking up the duct tape. “What a great nickname! Squirmy Wormy! You like that?”

“Jamie, you don’t have to gag me…” I said quietly, but she cut me off.

“Sure I do – you’ll make too much noise otherwise,” Jamie responded and tore a piece of duct tape off and then taped my mouth shut with it, then with a second piece. “I know the house is far from the road, but if you’re a squirmer, you’re probably a screamer too. And someone could hear you crying for help. Plus it would annoy the hell out of me. So it’s easier if I just gag you!”

I didn’t resist and after the third piece of tape I was once again gagged, as well as hogtied.

Jamie rolled me over and knelt down next to me.

“Have you figured out what’s going on yet?” Jamie asked in a really serious way.

I honestly hadn’t. And that question made me incredibly nervous.

Jamie leaned back and placed her feet on my chest as I was sort of laying on my back.

“You see these socks?” Jamie said, wiggling her feet in front of my face to show me her olive-colored socks.

I nodded, now concerned as to what she was going to do with them.

“These socks are clean and dry as a bone…now!” Jamie said. “But a couple weeks ago, these were the socks I was wearing when you drenched me with the hose! My boots were soaked through so badly that my socks were totally soaked too! I had to take my shoes and socks off and drive home in my bare feet! Did you know that??! In my bare feet!!!”

Oh no!

“I told you I would get you back for what you did to me with the hose,” Jamie giggled with a sneer in her voice. “And today is the day I get revenge!”


“The movie (honestly can’t remember what it was called) did the trick, huh? I put it on to get us talking about being tied up. Otherwise I was going to have to overpower you and tie you up that way – this was way easier!” Jamie laughed, now rubbing a socked foot along my face. “You are SO dead!”

I tried to yell but Jamie placed her foot over my taped mouth, laughing some more.

“Are you trying to ask me something?”

“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME?” I yelled into the gag but it wasn’t very clear.

“Sorry,” Jamie said, removing her foot and sitting up now alongside me. “The gag makes it too hard to hear. Try slowing down – what are you asking me?”

“WHAT – ARE – YOU – GOING – TO – DO – TO – ME,” I pleaded, trying to be heard through the gag.

“What am I going to do to you?” Jamie taunted, her face now close to mine.

I nodded up and down like a madman!

“I’m gonna punish you for what you did to me. Make you suffer!”

“I planned it all out. Step 1, lure you over here. Step 2, trick you into letting me tie you up and gag you. Step 3, kidnap you. Step 4, torture you!”

And when Jamie said that she started giggling like crazy, until soon she was in an all out laughing fit.

OH GOD!, I thought. I closed my eyes and rolled the other way. Or at least I tried to. But Jamie caught me and kept me from rolling over for a second.

“You’re not going anywhere, Bobby!” Jamie taunted again as she held onto my shoulder to keep me from getting away. “I’ll be right back, and then I’ll tell you a story. It will give you a clearer picture of what’s going to happen to you today.”

I groaned and Jamie let go of me and I flopped back onto my stomach, unable to do much of anything while hogtied. Jamie got up and snickered a little as she walked out of the room.

“Don’t go anywhere!” she yelled back in a taunting way. Leaving me bound and gagged on the floor and wondering what Jamie was about to do to me.

Part 2 to come shortly.
Last edited by Bobep 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ossassin »

Other people have all the fun :lol:
Seriously fun recollection I'm looking forward to what happens next :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Awesome! Hope to hear pt.2 very soon!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by ryan »

Looking forward to part 2.
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Post by Bobep »

I rolled around and tried to wiggle free but Jamie was right, she tied me up really well and I wasn’t going anywhere. I just kinda lay on my side, hogtied with rope and gagged with duct tape, and stopped struggling, wondering what she had in store for me. We weren’t supposed to go out until like 8 pm, so if she wanted to she could keep me tied up for 6-7 hours!

Jamie came back into the room a few minutes later, holding an envelope. She still had on her grey t-shirt, camo pants and olive green socks. Hogtied and gagged in just a t-shirt, sweatpants and socks, I felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable. And nervous!

“What’s happened to my Squirmy Wormy? Don’t feel like squirming anymore?” Jamie taunted and sat down Indian-style next to me at my side. “Let me show you some pictures.”

Jamie pulled four photographs out of the envelope. My eyes got wide when she showed me the first.

“This happened about two years ago to me. So you see, I can sympathize. I’ve been where you are,” Jamie said with a smile.

The picture was of Jamie, bound and gagged and on the floor of what looked like Janine’s bedroom. It was taken from the side and she was sitting up, her legs bent at the knees. Her hands were tied behind her back with what appeared to be handcuffs, and her feet were tied at the ankles with ropes. He mouth was taped shut with silver duct tape. Even with the gag it looked like she was smiling, and she was wearing grey sweat pants and a soccer shirt. Her feet were bare.

“Janine and about seven of her friends did this to me. You know some of them – Tara, Stacy, Kim, Karen and a few others,” Jamie laughed, naming off friends of Janine's that I had met this summer. “THAT was a long day.”

I tried to grunt “What happened?” and Jamie picked up on it.

“I think they were just bored, and also I tended to act obnoxious around them. So they probably figured I had it coming,” Jamie said, looking at the picture. “It was a Saturday, like today, and I had slept kind of late. Our parents were away with Jared at a soccer tournament and a lot of those girls slept over that night. I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast and a couple more of them came in and said hi, and then went down to Janine’s room.”

“Then I went to the bathroom and when I came out Janine called me into her room. I walked in and all eight of them were there and someone closed the door behind me and they all just pounced on me. I heard Janine yell ‘Tie her up!’ and Kim and Tara grabbed my arms and then all eight forced me to the floor. I was struggling and screaming and they were all laughing but I was no match. They pulled my hands behind my back and I think it was Janine’s friend Lori who handcuffed me. I was kicking and screaming but like four of them sat on me and then Tara tied my feet together with rope."

“I was screaming at them to let me go and they all laughed and Kim said, ‘We need to gag her’ and Stacy came up with the duct tape and taped my mouth shut."

"Then they all got off of me and let me struggle on the floor and that’s when they took that picture. I was laughing all nervous-like. Janine had tied me up before and she and I always tied up Jared, we still do, but this was eight against one and I felt about as helpless as you feel right now!”

I just kind of grunted again, laughing a little and unable to talk anyway behind the gag. Jamie continued and pulled out the second picture.

“Here they all are, minus Janine, who took it,” Jamie said and showed me the picture of her now sitting on the edge of Janine’s bed, bound and gagged, with all seven of them around her. One girl was sitting on her lap with her arm around her. Two were sitting on the floor at Jamie’s feet. The others surrounded her on the bed, all with huge smiles – they all had some form of bed clothes on, like sweats or PJ pants and all wore t-shirts, and all had either bare feet or socks on. Jamie pointed them out to me.

"There’s Stacy and Kim on the floor, you know them. Here on the right is Kelly and next to her is Julie. That’s Lori, the little one in my lap. Isn’t she cute? And there are Tara and Karen on my left. They were so proud of themselves!”

Jamie pulled out the next picture. It was of her on the floor, still bound and gagged, and while you couldn’t see anyone’s face, you could see like four sets of feet in the photo – they were standing around her.

“This was taken a few seconds later when Lori got off me and they all dragged me to the floor,” Jamie said, pointing at each set of feet. “Those small feet in the white socks, that’s Lori. Those bare feet by my head are Tara I think – she has big feet so I think that’s her. The one in blue socks is Julie and the one in grey socks is Stacy.”

“This is when they were all standing around me and I was terrified about what they were going to do to me!” Jamie said.

I grunted some more and didn’t say much, but I was laughing under my gag and more nervous than ever.

“This next part is important, Bobby. You’ll want to pay attention,” Jamie said solemnly.

I gulped under my gag.

“Janine said it was time to torture me and then they discussed what kind of torture. They talked about a pink belly and Indian burns. Someone mentioned wet willies, someone said the tape arm torture, and someone else mentioned waxing my legs. It all sounded awful! Stacy said they should tie me to a tree and throw water balloons at me. Janine talked about torturing me with foot odor – she and I used to tied Jared up and make him smell our feet, so this was one we liked to do. Then she put her foot under my nose and talked about using the foot odor torture on me. They all laughed and a couple of them did it too with their feet. I was terrified!” Jamie said.

“But then while they were discussing various the tortures, Lori spoke up and said something that changed everything. Just three words I will never ever forget and three words that are very important to you right now,” Jamie said, smiling. “Know what they are?”

I shook my head, now absolutely scared shitless.

Jamie got close and whispered loudly, “Lori said, ‘Is she ticklish?’”

I tried to scream “NO!” because like most people I was incredibly ticklish and couldn’t stand being tickled! And started to squirm again, trying to scream, but Jamie just laughed and showed me the last picture. It was Lori, Tara and Stacy sitting next to her and tickling her all over. Jamie’s eyes were huge in the photo and her face was red and it looked like she was in agony.

“Janine told them I was crazy ticklish, and then they all tickled me so hard I was out of control!” Jamie said looking at the picture and giggling. “You don’t know this about me, I don’t think, but I am probably as ticklish as anyone on the planet. I actually panic when someone threatens to tickle me – Janine used to threaten me with it all the time and I would do anything to keep her from tickling me! They were sadistic and all eight of them tickled me for what felt like forever. I was tied and gagged and couldn’t do anything but take it!”

“Do you know,” Jamie asked, slowly, as she grabbed ahold of me to keep me from squirming away, “what it feels like to be tickled when you are tied up and helpless? Do you have any idea, kiddo?”

Jamie giggled and I tried to roll around some more desperately trying to get free and beg her not to tickle me.

“Because you’re about to find out,” Jamie said sharply. “You’re about to learn all about the dreaded TICKLE TORTURE. And you can’t do a thing about it because you’re all tied up and helpless.”

I tried to resist but Jamie calmly rolled me onto my stomach and crouched alongside me. She put one hand on each side of my rib cages – I could feel her fingers on my ribs, and she ordered me to hold still.

“Are you ticklish, sweetie?” Jamie taunted, holding her hands in my ribs in her crouching position but not tickling yet.

I nodded and screamed “YES” into my gag and then tried to scream ‘PLEASE DON’T” but Jamie had me and I was a dead man. I couldn’t go anywhere or even move!!!

“I thought so – you look ticklish! This is for the hose!” she sneered. “This is how I get my revenge on you! I’m going to tickle you until you cry!”

Jamie started tickling my ribs like crazy, digging her fingers into my rib cage, and because I was hogtied I couldn’t move or get away. I was screaming and laughing and Jamie was tickle-torturing the life out of me!

“Ooooh you are SO ticklish! I love it!” Jamie said, laughing and tickling my ribs in a very fast and relentless way while she crouched over me, and then moving up to my armpits from behind where I am crazy ticklish. “You poor baby! You never should have let me tie you up! Because you are all mine now and I am going to tickle torture you all day long!!!!”

I screamed into my gag and laughed like a hyena and was trying to beg Jamie to stop until finally I got the gag loose a little.

“NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!” was all I could scream as Jamie now rolled me over and tickled me from the front as I was half on my side and half on my back. “JAMIE PLEASE STOP! PLEASE STOP TICKLING ME THIS IS TORTURE!”

Jamie didn’t care and seem to take evil pleasure in the torture.

“I know it’s torture – that’s the point!” Jamie said loudly, not caring that I was in agony but pulling the now-loose tape gag off my mouth totally. “I told you today was about revenge! And that means tickling you until I think you’ve learned your lesson!”

I kept laughing like crazy and screaming “NO!” over and over and Jamie just laughed while tickling my ribs, stomach and armpits, hard and nonstop, without mercy.

“I’m glad your gag came off – I want to hear you scream! I want to hear you suffer!” Jamie demanded, now straddling me as I was on my back, sitting on my hips while she wildly tickled me. “You are going to learn your lesson – you are going to learn what happens when you mess with me!”

My screams now turned to all-out shrieks as the tickling intensified – Jamie’s fingers were like these crazy instruments of torture and they just didn’t stop.

“Do you know how humiliating it is to have to drive home in bare feet?!" Jamie demanded as she tickled my upper body into insanity. “In my bare feet! My clothes were soaked too! You are going to pay like NO ONE has ever paid. I am going to tickle you until you can’t take it anymore!!!!!”

At this point I was just panting and couldn’t get words out anymore and it felt like there were tears in my eyes, which embarrassed me and made me panic even more. I couldn’t take this tickle torture anymore and felt like I may pass out, but I couldn’t move or defend myself and Jamie easily was able to hold me in place and keep me from wiggling away.

“Where are you going, Squirmy Wormy?” Jamie taunted as she drilled her fingers deep into my armpits as I tried desperately to get away in any way I could, my screams now more like gasps. “Where do you think you’re going? You’re all tied up and not going anywhere! You will never escape from me!!!!”

Now I felt the tears on my cheeks and felt desperate. My words were just coming out as panicked, terrified shrieks of laughters, like “AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHH!”

“Have you had enough?” Jamie asked, now changing her style to lighter tickles in my ribs but still sitting on top of my hogtied body. “Gitchy gitchy goo you poor baby! Tickle tickle tickle! Have you learned your lesson?”

I tried to scream “YES” but it more came out like “YAAAAA.”

“OK, I agree,” Jamie said, and she stopped tickling me and got off me, sitting on the floor and looking down at me. “Your face is beet red and you’re crying like a little girl! You poor thing! I guess you’ve had enough.”

“Thank you!” I panted into the carpet, breathing heavy and still laughing and crying at the same time. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU!”

“Well, you’ve had enough for now, anyway!” Jamie said with a grin and got to her feet. “I think I’ll let you calm down for a little bit and then we’ll continue the interrogation.”


“What…what…no! No more! PLEASE!” I begged, rolling over. Jamie grabbed the duct tape and tore another piece off. “No! Please don’t gag me again!”

Jamie just laughed and bent down and taped my mouth shut again.

“I still have questions to ask you – I need to find out if you had any accomplices the day of the water fight, and who helped you! And I still need to hear a sincere apology from you,” Jamie said, putting one more piece of tape over my mouth. “I am not even close to being done torturing you yet, sweetie!”

“Jamie NO!!!!” I screamed into the gag, but she put her finger to her lips and leaned down over me.

“Shhhh! Save your strength, Bobby. You’re going to need it!” Jamie said. “You rest for a bit and calm down. I’ll be back to tickle you in a little while. And if I hear so much as a peep or a whimper out of you I’ll shove those dirty socks in your mouth!”

I was totally defeated. Hogtied and gagged at Jamie’s feet and still nearly crazy from her tickling me, I just moaned and rolled to my side.

“Get a gooooood rest, honey,” Jamie said as she walked out of the den. “Because next time I might not be so gentle. I may have to tickle you for real!”

And Jamie laughed as she closed the den door and left, leaving me hogtied and gagged on the floor, still sweating and panting from her tickling me and terrified about the tickle torture to come.

It's a long story but hopefully you're enjoying it. Part 3 to come soon.

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Post by rash357 »

This is a fantastic story and very well written! Looking forward to a lot more from you!
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Post by rash357 »

Great continuation! Jamie certainly sounds quite sadistic!
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Post by redtogo »

Great story and well written
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]Bobep[/mention]. This story is very interesting and continues to be with each new update. To keep the chapters/ parts in order to maintain viewership I have merged them into one topic post and updated the title. Please just post any new chapters or parts of the story as a post reply to this topic. I can't wait to read the next part to this very interesting and very lucky opportunity you had.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Enjoying your story very much!
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Post by TightsBound »

Loving this! I know it was a trap, but losing the challenge doesn’t sound so bad ;)
Can’t wait for chapter 3!
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Post by Bobep »

OK, here is the 3rd and final part of Jamie tying me up and torturing the hell out of me as revenge for our earlier water fight.

It took about 10 minutes for me to “calm down” and I once more redoubled my efforts to get myself untied and to escape from Jamie. But I just couldn’t. I strained my wrists to get them untied but the knots held fine, and my feet were unable to get any traction to loosen up. After a few minutes I once again gave up and laid on my side, facing away from the door, and resigned myself to more tickle torture at Jamie’s hands.

The door opened and my heart began to race again.

“Hellooooo? Are you in here sweetie?" Jamie called out with a laugh and I writhed around on the floor. “Boy, for someone who insisted he could escape being tied up, you sure got that one wrong huh?”

I grunted into my gag and rolled over to face Jamie. She was smiling and approaching me with a small paper bag in her hand, still wearing the same grey t-shirt, camouflage pants and green socks.

“I told you, I know how to tie someone up. Janine and I do it all the time to Jared. It’s so funny, sometimes he sees us approaching him with our hands behind our backs, hiding the ropes and handcuffs, and he just takes off running,” Jamie laughed, now sitting down and stretching her socked feet out to close to my face. “But we always capture him. Sometimes he locks his bedroom door but we figured out how to pick it. And once we capture him tying him up is easy!”

“Just like tying YOU up was easy! Especially since you let me!” Jamie said with another laugh, nudging my face with her foot.

I winced and grunted to get away her foot.

“Oh don’t be scared – my socks are clean, and my feet are clean too! I took a shower not long before you got here,” Jamie smiled, keeping her foot by my face. “If I wanted to torture you with foot odor I would put on a different pair of socks. I’ve got plenty in my hamper. Maybe later!”

I groaned again and tried to plead with her behind my gag. “Jamie, PLEASE. I’ve had enough!”

“You really need to stop talking with a gag in your mouth,” Jamie sighed. “Plus, we have a lot more work to do.”

And then she crawled over and pulled the tape off my mouth. I again exclaimed “OW!” but she had no sympathy.

“Poor baby!” she said again.

“What do you mean more work to do?” I asked.

“I’m not done tickling you yet,” Jamie answered. “I need to see where else you’re ticklish!”


“My feet are CRAZY ticklish,” Jamie said, grabbing ahold of one of her feet and moving it up to her stomach area, like half the lotus position. “Even if I tickle the bottoms of my feet myself I sometimes laugh, and you’re not supposed to be able to tickle yourself.”

Jamie then ran her fingers along the bottom of her right foot and she giggled, and then stopped.

“You see?! Jamie said. “Even with my socks on and me doing it, it still tickles!”


“Jamie please! Jamie please! Is that all you know how to say,” Jamie snapped at me. “So where else are you ticklish? Your feet? Your knees? How about your neck? Or maybe your hips?”

“No! NO!” I insisted and tried to roll away. “Please don’t tickling me anymore!”

“I don’t think you have a choice, Bobby – now come here and stop squirming!” Jamie said and pulled me back over, then knelt by my feet which were up in the air at an angle thanks to her hogtying me. “Let’s start with the feet!”

Jamie tugged my socks off while I just tried to resist and screamed “NO!” a few times and clenched my feet to keep her from getting my socks off, but it didn’t work.

“Stop clenching your foot! Such a silly little thing, thinking you can stop me. You’re feet are ALL MIINE now!” Jamie said, pulling both my socks off and throwing them on the floor, and then wrapping her left arm around my bound and suspended feet. “And remember, you deserve this! This is payback for what you did!”

Jamie giggled in a really sadistic way and started wiggling her fingers of her right hand just over the soles of my feet, while I screamed “PLEASE DON’T! PLEASE DON’T!”

“Time to resume our tickle torture!” Jamie announced and then started to slowly tickle the bottoms of my bare and bound feet. I howled!


Jamie just laughed!

“Oh yes!!! It looks like your feet are pretty ticklish too, huh?” she asked while she wiggled her fingers along the bottoms and balls of both feet. “Huh? Huh? Huh?”

“No! No! No!” I begged. “Jamie please stop. PLEASE STOP!!! I CAN’T TAKE IT!!!”

“You will take whatever I feel like giving to you, honey! Like I said, you are my prisoner today and ALL MINE TO TORTURE!” Jamie said firmly and kept up slowly and agonizingly tickling my feet. “Gitchy gitchy gitchy! You’re so ticklish, Bobby. Thank God I tied you up!”

I tried to fight and move but couldn’t, so I screamed and laughed at my feet being mercilessly tickle tortured. Jamie then shifted and wrapped her feet around my bound legs, basically holding them still, and sat down ad began to tickle my feet with both hands. It was brutal!

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” was all I could scream as I laughed myself crazy.

Jamie just laughed and taunted me as she kept tickling my feet.

“You deserve this, Bobby! You deserve to be tickled to death for what you did to me! I SHOULD TICKLE YOU TO DEATH!” Jamie said sharply. “But don’t worry – it won’t kill you. It’ll just make you laugh like a maniac and pretty soon cry like a baby. That’s what tickle torture is all about!”

This went on for a few more minutes, my feet being sadisitically tortured with Jamie’s fingers, when she stopped and let my legs go and crawled up to my head with that brown bag she brought. I was still laughing like a madman and close to tears.

“I have a present for you,” Jamie said, reaching into the bag. “You’ll like this!”

Jamie pulled out a bottle of baby oil.

“What the HELL?” I yelled.

“”If you’re feet are tickling now, wait until I rub baby oil on them!” Jamie said, going back down to my bound feet and opening the bottle. “Janine and her friends did this to my feet when they tied me up and I have to say, it’s hard to describe just how bad the torture was!”

“NOOO!” I pleaded again. “Jamie PLEASE DON’T! NO MORE!”

Jamie just giggled and began to rub the baby oil all over my feet, all the way up to the ankles. That itself tickled plenty as it was applied.

“AHHH! AHHH! Jamie that tickles so bad PLEASE STOP!” I screamed through laughter.

“I haven’t even started tickling you yet, silly! This is just the oil,” Jamie said and closed the bottle and returned to wrapping her feet around my legs to trap them. “NOW I’m going to really torture you!”

She was right. As ticklish as my feet are, I can’t describe just how awful and brutal it was to have her tickle them after coating them in baby oil. I screamed and now had tears running down my face, and Jamie just laughed and laughed while her fingers tortured by soles, arches, toes and everywhere else.

“Are you sorry for what you did to me?” Jamie asked calmly while tickling my feet nonstop.


“Are you every going to do it again?” Jamie asked, now moving her hands up my legs to tickle the backs of my calves and knees in hard, tickling motions. This surprised me and made everything intensify.


“Whew, ticklish knees and legs too, huh? Huh? Maybe even worse than your feet, huh?” Jamie teased, now rapidly tickling my legs up and down as I just howled.


“Apologize to me and maybe I’ll stop!” Jamie demanded, now letting my feet go and crouching alongside me and resuming tickling my ribs fro, behind, then rolling me over to tickle my stomach and ribs from the front. “Do it or I will NEVER stop tickling you!”

“I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY I DRENCHED YOU WITH THE HOSE! I’M SO SORRY AND I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN PLEASE FORGIVE ME AHHHHHHHH…” I screamed and pleaded until everything just came out as a scream.

“How do I know you’re sincere! How do I know you won’t seek revenge for me tying you up and tickling you?” Jamie asked, crouching alongside me still and focusing on tickling my stomach and armpits.

“I won’t! I WON’T! I SWEAR!” I shrieked, the laughter ringing through the room and tears stinging my face.

“Who else helped you?! Who else planned the attack?” Jamie asked, now moving down to my hips where I was also wildly ticklish. “Give me names!”


“Ooooh you have super-ticklish hips, do you? Do you? Good to know,” Jamie said with the grin, continuing to dig her fingers into my hips. “Who else helped you?”


“I don’t believe you and won’t stop tickling until you tell me!” Jamie said, working her fingers fast into my hips and ribs and thighs.

“I SWEAR IT WAS ALL ME! IT WAS ALL ME. I SWEAR IT!!!!!!” I was telling the truth, BTW.

“If I find out you are lying to me…”Jamie said.


“If I find out you’re lying,” Jamie said, her tickling of my ribs and hips as sadistic as ever, “ then it won’t just be me next time. I’ll get Janine to help! And maybe some other girls! And we’ll tickle torture you for hours! Do you understand?!”

“YES I SWEAR!!!” I was in an all-out panic that I might pee myself or pass out.

“And what will happen to you if you ever do anything like this to me again?! What will I do to you?!” Jamie yelled, still tickling me with all she had and smiled widely.


“I’ll tie you up and tickle you to death, that’s what! I’LL TICKLE YOU TO DEATH” Jamie said. “Do you understand?!”


Jamie tickled me even harder in my stomach and armpits and ribs. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”


“Ok,” Jamie said, giggling again and finally stopping. “Then I think you’ve had enough!”

“THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” was all I could scream, crying and laughing harder than even the first time she tickled me today.

“If you keep screaming I’ll have to gag you again,” Jamie warned, putting her face close to mine.

“OK, I’ll try. I’LL TRY! Please don’g gag me,” I begged and then put my face in the carpet and panted and gasped and tried to calm myself down.

“Good boy!” Jamie said, getting to her feet and running out of the room. “I’ll be right back.”

I kept panting and gasping into the carpet for awhile, and Jamie came back in. I looked over and saw she was holding a pair of handcuffs.

“We’ve got a few pairs of these – we use them on Jared sometimes, just for fun,” Jamie laughed as she waved the handcuffs in front of me.

“What…” I tried to ask but she interrupted.

“I’m not going to hogtie you anymore, but I’m not letting you go either – you’re going to remain my hostage for the rest of the day until we go out,” Jamie said, crouching down. “Now hold still!”

Jamie fastened the handcuffs to my already bound hands while my tears finally stopped and I sniffled and tried to catch my breath. Then she undid my hogtie and untied the ropes from around my hands. She was done in a minute or two.

“Sit up” Jamie said and I did, with my hands now handcuffed behind my back and my feet still tied with ropes. Jamie knelt by my bare feet.

“This is the I’m going to keep you for awhile today. I won’t tickle you anymore unless I have to, but I’m still kidnapping you and holding you captive. And you better be good otherwise…” Jamie said and smiled and started to likely tickle my feet.

“No!” I yelled, pulling my bound feet away. “I’ll be good! I promise!”

“Good,” Jamie said. “Do you have to use the bathroom?”

I nodded.

“OK, on your feet and hop to it – you can get yourself in there all alone. And don’t you are think of escaping. Because if you do,” Jamie said and started wiggling her fingers as I struggled to my feet, “the tickle torture will return!”

“I won’t I promise!” Using the couch I got myself up to a standing position and then hopped into the bathroom. I was only wearing sweatpants so I was able to pull them down and maneuver my hands around to do my thing. I finished up and was even able to wash my hands a little. Apparently I have some ability with my hands tied! J

I hopped back out and Jamie was sitting on the couch with her feet stretched out. She patted the couch next to her for me to sit down.

“Come on, Bobby. We can cuddle and watch a real movie now!” Jamie said with a laugh, and I fell onto the couch and sat next to her, and she put her feet over me to kind of hold me in place.

We watched a movie (Back to the Future I think) and she would get me a drink and something to eat later on, all the while my hands and feet tied. But she didn’t tickle me anymore until the movie was over and she stood up and over me on the couch.

“You’ve been a very good boy,” Jamie said with a smile. “I’ve had my revenge and now I can untie you!”

“Thank you Jamie!” I said, VERY sincerely.

“But first…” Jamie said and giggled and bent down and started tickling my neck, “I just need a little something to remember you by! Tickle tickle tickle!”

Jamie tickled my neck lightly and it was agonizing, and I just kind of weakly cried, “NO NO NO!” as she did.

“You are so ticklish!” Jamie teased, tickling my beck a little more before she stopped. “It’s a good thing – if you weren’t my planned day of torture and revenge wouldn’t have worked out nearly as well!”

“OH GOD that is such torture!!” I yelled, squirming away on the couch as Jamie giggled over me. “Jamie, please untie me!”

Jamie giggled harder and reached into her sock and pulled out the key.

“Just as long as you learned your lesson!” Jamie said, and reached behind me and uncuffed my hands. Finally!

“You can do your feet yourself,” Jamie said, and got onto the couch to sit down, using her socked feet to push me to the floor. “I’ll make you work for your freedom!”

I fell to the floor, still laughing hysterically, and had to calm myself down from all of Jamie’s tickling before working to untie my feet. The knots were really tight and really well-tied and I struggled for awhile to get loose.

Jamie started laughing and hopped off the couch and lunged at me, singling her tickling fingers into my ribs from behind.

“Whatsa matter Bobby?! Can’t get your feet free? Maybe I need to tickle torture you all over again!” Jamie taunted with her fingers deep in my rib cage. “I just love tickling you!”

“Jamie stop! No more!” I begged, moving my hands from the knots on my feet to trying to fend her off from behind. “No more tickling! Please stop!!!”

“OK Squirmy Wormy!” Jamie sighed while laughing, taking her fingers out of my rib cage and then kicking me away with her socked feet. “I’ll show you some mercy! Go ahead and untie yourself. And never forget how bad I tortured you today!”

We both laughed and I went back to my feet and finally got them untied. I was free!

The rest of the day we hung out and talked and had fun before going out that night.

At one point before she got up to get changed Jamie laughed, “Too bad I know your weakness now! If I want to make you suffer I’ll just start tickling you! I don’t know ANYONE as ticklish as you – I hope I don’t tell anyone else your secret!”

I laughed and Jamie and I hugged and then we both went our ways to get changed. What a day.

There would be plenty more times when Jamie would tickle me, and two more times when she would tie me up. But nothing this intense or sadistic! (I can tell those stories later).

So I guess she got her revenge on me. I’m not sure I deserved it quite so bad, but Jamie sure got me
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I really liked all of the tickle torture!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Wow, that was quite an intense experience!

Hope you’ll come back and tell us about the other times she tied you up.
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Post by rash357 »

Great finale, and great story overall! You’re quite a good writer!

Hope you decide to share more tales with us!
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Fantastic story dude! Really enjoyed reading it and hope you and Jaimie had more adventures we can hear about!
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Post by Reidy »

That was a fun story to read.
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

great story.
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Post by harveygasson »

That was a brilliant story!
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Post by PlaymakerM19 »

Wonderful Story, will you write a story, where Jared being tied up and tickled, also?
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a great story overall, and if I was in your shoes I would have "forgotten" the torture and probably would have pulled a similar stunt many other times in the future even though I am not a fan of the torture she used.
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