White Fire, Superstition: (completed) (MF/f)

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White Fire, Superstition: (completed) (MF/f)

Post by chaos846 »

Auther's note: for those of you wondering, i'm still here, and have i got a doozy of a new series for you all...

Part 1: In this part, A Traveler learns about a different kind of Half-Man

The city of Aeries was truly a sight to behold. As One individual was finding out, as he dismounted his horse at the Front Gate. The Gate itself was a simple arch. This was all that was needed, as the dense forest of the foothills provided plenty of cover, and there was no need for a wall. The Man looked to be a simple man of just a shade under six feet tall, and had on a finely made blue tunic that was belted at the middle.

“Welcome to Aeries, Sir,” The Front Guard had greeted. He had on a Fine suit of Armor that looked very well fitted to him, as he showed no signs of being burdened by it. “Anything I can help you with?” He then asked.

“Yes, I'm looking for someone,” The Guest had answered back.

“And who might that be?” The Guard then asked.

“Well, I've heard stories of a Man who can help with...well...problems, I guess,” He stated, in an almost questioning tone. The Guard must have known who he was referring to, cause he frowned slightly a bit at this.

“Oh, you must be looking for Jacob,” He grumbled.

“I think that was his name,” The Traveler confirmed, though he still seemed a bit unsure.

“Yeah, Jake is really good at what he does, but only if you can take the heat,” the Guard responded.

“What does that mean?” The Traveler asked.

“Jacob means well, but he tends to be very rude, and cynical, so bare that in mind when you talk to him,” The Guard answered.

“Do you know where I can find him?” The Traveler asked. The Guard shook his head.

“At this time, I don't know. You'll have to ask around,” He answered. The Traveler nodded to him.

“Thank you for your time,” He told the Guard.

“Oh!” The Guard stated, as if he had remembered something. “If you see Copper, don't panic, He's a well established citizen here. You'll know him when you see him.”

“Uh, thanks,” The Traveler said, as he remounted his horse, and made his way down the road further into the City.

Aeries looked as though it was built inside the natural wilderness. Much of nature was still standing with a large forest covering the hills, a winding river streaming through a small valley to the west, and even a few houses built onto clearings on the beginnings of the mountains. Another point of it's splendor was it's size. Aeries was massive.

The Traveler headed down the road, and saw he was entering what looked like a market. He dismounted his horse, and began looking for someone to ask his question. He then spotted a young man dressed in a simple, but very expensive looking robe. He also had what looked like a silver Crown adorning the top of his head. He was flanked by two men wearing dark tunics. The Traveler approached them.

“Greetings, Sir,” The Traveler greeted.

“Good Afternoon, I don't think we've met,” The Man greeted back.

“No, I'm a Stranger here,” The Traveler explained. The Man he was speaking to just smiled.

“Then let us not remain strangers,” He said. One of His Two Guards stepped forward.

“I present to you Rowan Cloudpeak, Crown Prince of Aeries, Son of King Nelson, and Speaker for the People,” The young Man announced. The Traveler was quite stunned at what he had just heard. He fell to a knee more out of shock than anything else.

“Your Grace,” The Traveler greeted. The Prince just smiled.

“Oh rise, I'm not one for formalities. Such things may be expected in the court, but out here, we are all people,” Prince Rowan insisted.

“My thanks, Your Grace,” The Traveler responded. “My Name is Harold, and I'm from the Town of Cederbare.”

“I've heard that Cederbare is full of Superstitious People,” The Prince mentioned. Harold just sighed.

“That's part of why I'm here,” He responded. The Prince now grew a bit concerned.

“Is something wrong?” The Prince then asked. If anyone knew where Jacob was, The Prince was likely one of them.

“I've heard stories of a Man who they say...solves problems. A Man named Jacob,” The Traveler told him. Prince Rowan just nodded.

“Jake is a very close friend of mine, and of My Father as well,” Prince Rowan stated. “Most people usually try to avoid him. I just say they don't know him well enough,” The Prince then added.

“What does that mean?” Harold asked. Prince Rowan smiled.

“Come with me. I'll take you to him, and tell you all about it,” He said, and the two set off down the road.

* * * *

“So, are people afraid of him, or they just don't like him?” Harold asked.

“Jake's has an aura of foreboding about him at times. He can't help it given his birth. He has the strongest connection to the Ethereal Plane than any living thing,” Prince Rowan explained.

“His Birth,” the Traveler repeated. The Prince nodded.

“Yes. Jake is born of Divine Blood. His Mother was Human, but his Father is Lord Kallahan,” He then told him. Harold's eyes widened.

“Kallahan? The God of Death?” He asked. “How is that possible?”

“Cederbare shuns a lot of things that are actually Common Place here. Things like Magic,” The Prince stated, with a slight frown. “And Kallahan is not the God of Death. He is the God of Freedom, Spirit, and The After Life. Not the same thing,” He then explained.

“I see,” Harold acknowledged.

“People naturally fear what they don't understand, and a lot of people just refuse to get to know him. They'd rather ridicule, or worse, shun him, and as a result, He's grown quite cynical as a result,” The Prince explained. He then stopped walking. “See that ridge up there? With the ruined tower base?” He asked, while pointing at the top of a sheer cliff side.

“Yes,” Harold answered.

“Jake will likely be there at this time,” Prince Rowan told him.

“Thank you very much, You're Grace,” The Traveler said.

“Tell him I told you where he was, and he'll likely be a bit more...uh...accepting, shall we say,” the Prince then added. The Traveler gave him a brief bow, and looked up to where The Prince had motioned. “Oh, one more word of caution,” Prince Rowan added.

“Yes,” Harold asked.

“Jake has the power to look into someone's eyes, and see into their soul. If there's anything in your past that you don't want him to know, then you better be careful of what you tell him,” Prince Rowan warned.

“Are you serious?” Harold asked him.

“Very serious, and that's just one of several abilities his blood allows him,” Prince Rowan told him. He gave Harold a quick two fingered salute, and walked down the road again. Harold was beginning to have second thoughts about this venture.

Eventually the path Harold was on turned inside the dense forest again. As the Traveler made his way down the road, he couldn't help but fell it getting a bit darker around him. He then thought he was hearing voices. He stopped briefly to look around, but there was nothing there. He shrugged and continued.

With each step he took towards the ruined building, the voices began to get louder. They were in hushed tones, but he recognized some of them were shouting. It was tough to make out what they were saying, but he was pretty sure he made out “Liar” and “Coward” among the whispers and hushed shouting.

He closed his eyes, and shook his head. He then continued on his way. He was soon out of the Forest bit, and onto where the Ruined Building was. Sure enough, he saw a Man standing within it. One of his feet was resting on a broken piece, as he looked out over the City. The Traveler gulped a bit, and cautiously approached. One step was all it took. The Man took his foot off the stone, and turned to face the Traveler. His long coat trailing as he did.

He was dressed in a a pair of gray trousers that was paired with a cream colored shirt...
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/59/73/39 ... d73e98.jpg
His most distinctive attire was his long black duster range coat, and a black western hat with a wide brim...
https://www.heritagecostumes.com/images ... /18787.jpg
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/f6/b2 ... a0955a.jpg

He was a little over six feet tall with black hair. The brim of his hat cast a shadow of a pair of yellow eyes as he leered at the Traveler like a bird of prey. He had the look of someone who knew things that no human should.

“Are-are you Jacob?” The Traveler asked.

“Who's asking,” The Man asked back. The Traveler sighed.

“My name is Harold, and I hale from the Town of Cederbare,” The Traveler greeted.

“Hello Harold, and yes, my name is Jake,” The Other Man greeted back. “Rowan tell you where to find me?” He then asked.

“Uh, yes, he did,” Harold answered. Jake just nodded. His expression was blank. He then crossed his arms in front of him.

“Alright Harold, What's on your mind?” Jake asked him.

“I was told you solve problems,” Harold stated. Jake just snorted.

“Depends on the problem. What's it about?” He asked. Harold then began to fill him in.

“Well, you see, Cederbare is a very superstitious place, and the people they are are beginning to suspect that my daughter might be a Witch,” He explained.

That was as far as Harold got before he spotted something truly horrifying. Jake blinked, and his eyes were gone. Instead replaced with glowing golden white light. This light met Harold's eyes, and Harold almost couldn't tell if he was dreaming. When he came to, he saw that Jake's eyes were in fact normal again. But the damage was already done.

“So, you say that your town thinks your daughter's a witch?” Jake asked.

“Uh, yes,” Harold said, still trying to recover from what he thought he saw. “And I'm sure she's not, and I was wondering if you would help me sort out the problem,” He then pleaded.

“You had no problem sending all those other people to the pyre, but now that they suspect your daughter, it's now a problem?” Jake asked. Harold's jaw dropped. His eyes went wide.

“Wh-what are you s-saying?” Harold stammered.

“I'm saying that you had no problem voting with the mob to maintain your status within the town, but now that someone you actually care about is in danger, now it's no longer okay,” Jake told him.

“No, that's not true at all!” Harold snapped. Jake just glared at him. White Flames erupted around Jake while his form went transparent like a ghost. His eyes turning into orbs of light once again as well. Harold finally understood what true horror felt like.

“Your words say one thing, but your eyes say another. The eyes are the window unto the soul, my friend, and your eyes tell me much. I looked through your eyes, and I saw what you did. I saw the false trials, I saw you cast your vote, I felt you smile as those people were roasted alive,” Jake told him. Harold was now on his knees, and in tears. How did he know? What sorcery was this? He looked back at Jake to see that the effect had faded.

“If no one will help my daughter, then what do I do?” Harold asked, overcome with grief, and guilt. Jake just sighed.

“Oh, don't worry, I'll help your daughter,” Jake snarled. Harold's eyes lit up with joy.

“Oh, this is most joyous news!” He stated, happily. His happiness was dashed when Jake turned his frown to him.

“I'm doing this for her, not for you,” Jake growled at him. “She doesn't deserve the fate that awaits her.”

“I can accept that,” Harold said. “What do you need from me?” He then asked. Jake sighed.

“I need to talk to a few people first. After that, you'll take me to Cederbare, and we'll take a look at the matter,” Jake then answered, and gestured for Harold to follow him, as he made his way back down the path. Harold gave him a nod. He was still shaken up over what he had just witnessed. If anyone in his town had seen that, they likely would have died from sheer fright.
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: In this part, Jake and Harold meet two more characters

“Does the Prince wander the streets of the city often?” Harold asked him. Jake nodded.

“Yes he does. He and his father are among of few authority figures I can tolerate,” Jake answered.

“Why's that?” Harold asked.

“Prince Rowan and King Nelson are not Rulers. They are Leaders. Also, The people here are not Subjects. They are Citizens,” Jake told him.

“I see your point,” Harold stated. It was clear from his own conversation with The Prince that he was very approachable, and was perfectly happy to chat with anyone who was willing.

The Pair walked towards a stone keep that had a wall surrounding it. The path took them through an archway, and as the Front Guard was about to stop them, he saw Jacob.

“He's with me,” Jacob told him. The Guard simply nodded yes, and allowed them to pass. The keep seemed to be a military base of sorts given the adornments, and various equipment around it. Jake and Harold turned right, and made their way to the Training Yard which was stocked with every need a soldier could ask for. Archery Targets, Sword Dummies, and even a Jousting Arena. The area was filled with Soldiers practicing their arts, and Jake was lucky enough to spot one of the people he was looking for.

the Person happened to be a Lady with somewhat long, flowing, dark brunette hair. She had a body that women would kill to have, but Her most distinctive feature was her Pointed Ears. She was an Elf standing about five and a half feet tall. She looked not a day over eighteen years of age...at least, she looked eighteen by a human's standards.

She had on a typical ranger's outfit...
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e8/f1/7f ... 6fb795.jpg
This had been paired with a simple set of black trousers, and fine leather boots...
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/66/29 ... a19e78.jpg

“I thought Elves were just something from Fairy Tales,” Harold mentioned. Jake stopped short a bit, and was watching the Elf Lady draw a longbow back. She then released an arrow that missed the bulls-eye by a fair amount to the right. A few of the Soldiers in the area began laughing. She gave them a glare, and went back to her practice. She fired another arrow, and missed the bulls-eye yet again. This time low and to the left.

“You call yourself an Elf? Can't even hit the bulls-eye!” One of the Troops gloated at her. The Lady let out a sigh, and turned to him.

“How do you know that I didn't intend to put those arrows right in those two spots?” She asked him in turn. Her voice sounded quite cheery, and she spoke with an upper class accent.

“Trying to play it off as if it was intended. Typical,” One of the other Soldiers stated. The Elven Lass smirked, as she picked up two more arrows, and knocked them both at the same time.

“Watch this,” Jake whispered to Harold. The Elf released both arrows, and sure enough, she had split both of the previous arrows she had fired right down the middle. All laughing came to a screeching halt, and expressions of amusement switched to ones of fear. The Lady turned to group with a very satisfied smile.

“That's spooky,” The First Soldier croaked out.

“Oh, it's just a matter of practice. Give it about two hundred years, and you'll get the hang of it,” The Elf stated. Harold blinked. Did she say two...hundred? Years?

“Two- I'm not gonna live that long,” The soldier told her. The Elf shrugged.

“Well...that's not my problem, now is it,” She said, and walked off.

“Her sass is so beautiful,” Jake admitted, and for the first time, was genuinely smiling.

“You like her?” Harold asked him. Jack snorted.

“Well, of course I like her. Her name is Cynthia, and she's my Wife,” He revealed.

The Lady was pulling arrows out of the target, and when she turned to see Jake, she gave him a loving smile.

“Never gets old,” Jake told her.

“They started it,” She said back. She then noticed Harold. “Who's this?” She then asked.

“A Client, do you know where Copper is?” Jake responded. Harold had just remembered that Copper was another name given to him that had a bit of mystery to it.

“I don't know how you could have missed him, he's right over there,” Cynthia answered while pointing down the Range. They saw an Old Man dressed somewhat similar to Jacob. He had on a pair of dusty trousers, and a copper colored poncho. He also had on a hat just like Jake's which was also copper in color. Although he was slightly taller than Jake, His face was wrinkled, and his grizzled hair was gray...right down to his very bushy mustache. He seemed to be working with a few armored soldiers.

“What can I say, I was distracted by your beauty,” Jake said, in a flirtatious tone.

“I'm sure you were,” Cynthia responded with a smirk. They both then shared a quick kiss.

“I'm heading out soon, hopefully I won't be more than a few days,” Jake said. Cynthia nodded.

“Be safe,” She told him, and then left the area. Jake and Harold then made their way over to Copper who appeared to be giving lessons for close combat. Combat involving knives, daggers, and such.

“Like this, Son. Ya thrust at me, and i can grab yer arm, and just pull ya into this thing,” He said, as he slowly went through the paces of what he was explaining, so that everyone could see. He also spoke with a rather heavy drawl in his voice.

“Uh, sir, you have a Visitor,” One of the Men told him. The Instructor turned to see Jacob.

“Howdy Jake, what brings you here t'day?” He asked. Harold wasn't seeing what made Copper seem fearful. He spoke in a very unique, and odd manner, but that was it...so it seemed.

“I need your help with a matter, Tell him your story, Harold,” Jake responded. Harold shrugged, and told Copper his story as well.

“That's a pretty fair problem there, Son,” Copper stated. “Do you know if she made a pact with an outer planes entity?” He then asked him. Harold frowned.

“Heavens no!” Harold snapped.

“Well, we'll see once we get there, I'll ready the horses,” He said.

“You're both going?” Harold asked.

“Yep, head back to the gate, we'll meet you there,” Jake instructed. Harold nodded, and headed back down the road again...

* * * *

On his way back to the front gate, he saw Prince Rowan speaking with several people. He approached him, but waited till he was done. When the Prince saw Harold, he gave him a smile.

“You must spoke with him. I can tell cause you look like you've seen a ghost,” Prince Rowan mentioned.

“You might have mentioned that he engulfs himself in flames,” Harold spat. The Prince just snorted.

“Then he must have taken exception to something you did, or said to him,” The Prince told him. “The White fire is his greatest power. I still don't know the full extent of what he can do with it. What I do know is this: People tend to show their true colors when it manifests,” The Prince then explained. It was at this point that Jake and Copper had arrived with two horses in tow.

“Hey Rowan” Jake called out to The Prince.

“Hello Jake,” Prince Rowan greeted back. Harold couldn't help but notice that these two had just addressed each other on a purely first name basis.

“Let your Father know we'll be out for a few days,” Jake said. The Prince nodded.

“Will do,” He responded.

“Cederbare's quite a ride from here. We'd best get t' steppin,” Copper stated. They made their way back through The Market first where Harold's horse was waiting. He mounted up, and the three were off to Cederbare.
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TimChimp »

Interesting story so far
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 3: In this part, Jake and Copper have some fun with people who don't know any better.

A Day and a Half Later...

Cederbare was a decent sized town that was built a small clearing within the forest. The road twisted through it like a river twists through a canyon with several branching paths. The trio noticed a lot of people gathered around one particularly large building.

“That's the Town Hall,” Harold said, and he sounded worried. They dismounted their horses, and walked over to the crowd where a Woman was in tears. Harold ran over to her.

“Patrica, what happened? Where's Hollianna?” He asked.

“They took her!!” The Woman screamed. Harold rushed to the building only to be denied by the Front Guard.

“Harold, we appropriate your position, but this is one trial you're not allowed to preside over,” He stated. Harold looked livid, and Jake then stepped forward.

“Alright if my friend and I watch the trial inside?” He asked him.

“Yes, you may, if you don't mind standing against the wall,” The Guard told them. The Guard's focus was on Jake, and Copper gave a nod to Harold to let him know they'd take it from here.

As the Two entered the building, the first thing they noticed was a young girl. It was likely that the dirty gown she was wearing was not her choice. Her hands looked to be bound behind her back, and a piece of cloth was tied between her teeth to gag her. She was standing off to the side at the end. Along with her sat what looked like a Village Elder, or something like that.

“And you saw her lift your cows off the ground with your own eyes?” The Elder asked.

“Uh, yes, she done did it,” A Townsman stammered. The girl protested through her gag, but another man walked up to her, and slapped her. Jake looked into her eyes briefly. He saw two things: Fear and Innocence. Jake leaned into Copper's ear.

“Copper, stand in front of me briefly,” He requested. Copper, and nodded, and shifted in front of Jake's view briefly. He did this to hide that Jake blinked his glowing light just before blinking his normal eyes back again.

“Anything?” Copper asked.

“Nothing. If she made a pact, I'd see the grip of the Entity over her, and she has no such thing,” Jake answered. The trial then continued...

“And didn't you tell me earlier that she seduced your Son to merry her?” The Elder asked.

“Nice to know that the witnesses are being guided the entire way,” Jake snarled, as the witness confirmed the question, all while The Girl protested further.

“I ain't gonna lie, Son. I'd love to belt that Slob in the mouth,” Copper spat. A smirk began to form across Jake's face.

“Or we could have a little fun with them,” He suggested.

“I'm all ears,” Copper responded.

“We use their own bullshit viewpoint against them,” Jake stated. “Wouldn't you call her...Fair Maiden...Material?” He then asked, with a hint of something on his mind. Copper formed a smirk of his own.

“I love the way your evil mind works,” Copper told him, and then left the building. As he did he passed by Harold.

“What's going on in there?” He asked him.

“Nothin we can't handle, now if you'll excuse me, I have t' go change fer the party,” Copper answered, with a gleam of bad intentions in his voice. Harold just blinked as he saw Copper walk off. He didn't even mount his horse, he just walked into the forest, and disappeared.

Harold didn't have long to ponder it, as everyone was flooding out of the building, and over to the Center of Town. The poor girl was then tied to a post that was resting on a large wood pile.

“I trust you have a plan for this?” Harold asked Jake, getting more agitated by the second.

“Just relax. I've taken care of everything,” Jake said, in a reassuring tone. Harold did his best to stay calm, and then looked over to his daughter. Tears were streaming down her eyes.

“Do you have any last words!?” The Elder Shouted. One of the men then removed the gag from her mouth.

“Please! Please don't do this! I'm not a Witch!” She screamed. She looked over the crowd, and saw her loving Father. “Father, please tell them!” She pleaded. Harold tried to push his way to The Elder, but was stopped once again.

“Your Father cannot save you. Only the cleansing fire can save your soul!” The Elder claimed, he then started up some sort of self-congratulatory victory speech. “On this day, The fire of Justice shall now-” That was as far as he got before a loud roar echoed over the air. Within moments the massive form of a Dragon came flying from over the tree line. It had vibrant copper colored scales, a huge wingspan, and a maw that could swallow a horse. The Monster landed in the road, and rested it's two wings on the roofs of two houses.

https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dd/17/d1 ... 9a780b.png

“HEAR MY VOICE! FEEL MY POWER!” the Wyrm demanded, just before letting loose a huge stream of fire into the air. “I DEMAND A SACRIFICE!” It then boomed. Everyone was on their knees in terror before the might of this creature. Well, everyone except Jake.

“Wh-what d-d-do you dem-m-mand!?” the Elder asked, almost too afraid to move.

“ONE OF YOUR DAUGHTERS...WILL DO NICELY!” the Dragon snarled, with a gleeful sneer.

“Gee, I wonder who they're gonna pick?” Jake muttered to himself. Sure enough, the entire crowd dispersed to reveal the poor young lady tied to the post. The Dragon's eyes locked onto her.

“I ACCEPT!” He snarled, and then took flight again. All The Girl could do was watch in horror, as the Dragon glided to her. She screamed as the monster's talon clawed hand closed around her. With his prize in hand, The Dragon flew back over the tree line out of sight. Harold fell to his knees in utter defeat. His Wife joined him, and cried into his shoulder.

“You told us you had it under control,” Harold said to Jacob, now clearly furious.

“I do. Get on your horse, we're going after um,” Jake told him, still smirking.

“She's a snack for that thing right now!” Harold shouted.

“Trust me, Pal, the only danger Your Daughter is in is being enthralled in one of his asinine family stories that somehow mirrors this,” Jake explained, sounding both amused, and a bit annoyed at the some time. Harold just blinked. He and his wife shared a horse while Jake mounted his, and The Three set off in the direction that the Dragon had flown.


the Dragon found a nice patch of grass at the edge of the forest, and decided this would be the best place to land. Once he did, he gently let His Prisoner out of his hand, and onto the grass. The Girl's Hands were still bound behind her back, and all she could do is look up at The monster's face. He then spoke.

“No need to look so frightened, Darlin, I ain't gonna hurt ya,” He told her, with a much softer tone. She blinked at him. “I just shouted all that back there to make um give ya up,” He explained.

“You-you're not going to eat me?” She asked, looking for reassurance. The Dragon almost looked insulted by this.

“Eat a human? Yeegchgh!” He said, in disgust. “I'm still pissed off at the Monster that started that bullshit,” He then spat.

“What do you want with me?” She then asked.

“We're just waitin here till you're Pa arrives,” The Dragon answered. “Now, turn around, and i'll cut ya loose,” He then told her. She didn't need to be asked twice. She exposed her bound hands to him, and the Dragon stuck out a claw. “Hold still, I don't wanna tag ya,” He told her. The Girl felt the ropes slip from her hands, and she began rubbing her wrists.

“What's yer name, Little Lady?” The Dragon then asked her.

"Um, my name is Hollianna," The Girl introduced.

"Hollianna. that's a purty name," The Dragon Complimented. Hollianna let out a little laugh.

"Thanks," She responded. "Do you have a name?" She then asked. The Dragon snorted.

“No one can pronounce my true name, but around these parts, people call me Copper. I think ya can tell why,” The Dragon introduced.

“I've been told stories of dragons, and I have to say...I was not expecting this,” Hollianna stated, still in utter amazement. Copper leaned his face closer to her.

“Well, how many dragons have ya met?” He asked her.
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Post by GreyLord »

I love dragons. And dragons saving DiDs is even better. Great story.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 4: In this part, Hollianna gets a few more unexpected answers.

As Jake and the Couple rode through the forest, Jake soon saw a plume of fire rise above the tree line. He smiled to himself, as he knew what it meant.

“That's where he is!” Jake yelled over the noise of the horses. They traveled for a little while longer, before they finally made it to the the edge of the Forest. They could see the Monster and the Girl...laughing?

“What in the?” Harold asked. They then heard the Dragon speak...

“Of course this isn't the first time I've done something like this. Reminds me of the time Me and my Pa...or was it Me and my Uncle?” The Dragon pondered. “No, it was Me and my Uncle, we-” That was as much as Jake heard, before zoning it out.

“Too late,” He told them, and began to walk up to the wyrm. “You coming, or what?” He then asked The Girl's Parents. They were holding onto each other, as they then cautiously began to walk towards the dragon. A Dragon who instantly noticed them.

“Ah, Jake, there ya are!” He stated. Hollianna saw both of her parents and rushed over to them. She then threw her arms around them in a hug, as tears streamed from her eyes, as well as Her Mother's.

“My Baby, you're alright!” She cried. Jake could sworn he might have seen a tear coming from Copper's eye at the sight of this reunion.

“Are you crying?” Jake asked him.

“Huh? nah, I think something flew into my eye,” The Dragon answered.

“Uh huh,” Jake said, with a smirk. Harold then looked back at the Dragon, and finally put the pieces together.

“You're the Old Man, aren't you. You're Copper,” He stated. The Dragon nodded with a proud smile.

“That's right, Partner,” Copper confirmed. Even as the Dragon, he still spoke with that drawl in his voice. Jake then decided to change the subject.

“So, I can tell you for a fact that your daughter is not a witch. If she was, I would have seen a piece of the entity within her, and she doesn't have that,” Jake then told him. Holliannna just shook her head.

“But Father, you told me that I somehow lit those candles, and that the water had...” She trailed off.

“And I can explain that,” Copper stated. Everyone was now looking at him again.

“Ya see, Magic is indeed very real, but it's just as much of a science as anything else. All manner of things that exist in this world emit energy. There are ways to tap into this energy, and shape it to a desired effect. We call this magic,” Copper explained. “Most people have to speak the language of the energy to call it forth, They'll need something that can power it, and then use hand gestures and such ta shape it. People that study how to do this are called Wizards,” He then explained further.

“But my Daughter has nothing to study this,” Harold stated. Copper grinned.

“There are also those who are born with such energy within them. Usually a Dragon, or other such powerful creature with a connection to the Outer Planes taking a human form is in their bloodline. People who are born of Arcane Energy like this are called Sorcerers,” Copper told him.

“Are you saying?” Harold's Wife asked.

“I can see such energies, and there is a lot of it surroundin yer Daughter, She's a Sorceress ,” Copper answered. Hollianna was speechless. “As she's been growing up, the energy is trying to manifest, and without somethin to guide it, well, it's kinda wild,” He then explained.

“What do we do?” Harold asked.

“Well, first thing I'd do is pack up your things, and get the hell out of Cederbare,” Jake suggested.

“But where will we go then?” Hollianna finally asked, after finding her voice again.

“Y'all can stay at my place until you find a place of yer own,” Copper answered.

“And I know someone in Aeries that can help you with your gift as well,” Jake then added. Harold turned to Jake.

“I'm sorry for mistrusting you,” He said. Jake just shrugged.

“I hope this experience has taught you something,” He told him. Harold nodded.

“I don't know how to atone for what I've done before,” He then said, in an almost asking tone. Jake smiled at him, and put a hand to his shoulder.

“I'm sure you'll think of something,” He said. It seemed like the first time Jake was actually happy with him.

Aeries...Two Days Later...

While Copper was assisting Hollianna's Parents, Jake decided to take her down a different road. The road took them through a Garden of exotic plants that circled a very well trimmed glade. The glade had a creek surrounding it's edges, and a small house was present at the end of it.

“Wait here, and don't interrupt what you're about to see,” Jake told her. He then took off his coat and hat, and walked out into the middle of the opening. He just stood still, and closed his eyes. He took in a deep breath. Hollianna was startled to see a Man seemingly appear from nowhere with a fist raised to strike at the side of Jake's head. Jake raised his arm to block it with reaction timing that no other human could have had. Hollianna let out a yelp when she saw this.

This man was dressed in a loose robe like attire. He looked almost older than Copper was portraying, had slanted eyebrows, and long hair that was tied in a knot behind his head. Jake and this man stared each other down for a second or two, before he broke the tension. A fight began between the two men.

The Mystery Man was moving with inhuman speed. It was almost like he was phasing in and out of reality itself. Jake however was doing the same. With his godlike power, He was moving about the Ethereal Plane, and using it to his advantage. Fists and kicks were flying at impossible speeds, as well as strengths. Jake hit the Man with enough force to send him sliding across the grass. Jake vanished in a puff of white flames, and reappeared on top of the man who also seemingly vanished from on his back to upright again. Both threw a few more punches before another stand off. The Old Man then yielded. He and Jake recomposed themselves, and gave each other a quick bow.

“What brings you to see me today, Jake?” the Old Man asked him.

“Someone who needs your help more than I do right now,” Jake answered, and then turned to Hollianna. “Hollianna! it's safe now!” He then called over to her. Nervously, Hollianna walked over to the two men.

“H-hello?” She greeted in a questioning tone.

“Hollianna, this is Master Masoshi Yomimoto,” Jake introduced. “The Man who helped me when I needed it most,” He then added. Hollianna just blinked.

“Are...do you teach...Sorcery?” She asked him. The Master didn't respond. Instead he just looked her over. He then nodded.

“Yes, Jake, I do see what you mean,” He then said.

“Are you a Sorcerer?” Hollianna then asked. Master Yomimoto shook his head.

“I do not practice Sorcery...but I can teach you how to control it,” He answered.

“How?” Hollianna asked. The Master just smiled at her.

“With small easy simple steps,” He responded. Hollianna then looked at Jake.

“Did he teach you?” She asked. Jake gave her a bit of a longing look.

“He did more than that...He raised me,” He then revealed. Hollianna looked quite shocked at this. Jake put his coat and hat back on. He then tipped his hat to His Mentor, and he left.


Author's Note: A good amount of these are going into the adult section. the next one for sure. just a heads up.
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Post by slackywacky »

One great story that I was pleased to find. Interesting story, different from the normal posts on the board. It is interesting to see the different types of stories that appeared lately. Thank you for writing this!
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Post by GreyLord »

I agree with [mention]slackywacky[/mention]. Your story is refreshingly different. I'm enjoying following it very much. Keep up the good work.
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