Swan Song (MMM/M) (Chapter 7 Update 11/25)

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Swan Song (MMM/M) (Chapter 7 Update 11/25)

Post by Jason07 »

Swan Song

Chapter 1
Well. . . . . . This is a fine predicament. The chair certainly feels well made. Some kind of polished wood. Solid, straight-backed, but most definitely NOT comfortable. The armrests are certainly not moving a lot as I attempt to separate my arms from them. This is made very difficult by the fact that my arms are quite thoroughly welded to said armrests with, apparently, very strong duct tape. As is my chest, and my legs, and my shoulders, actually it feels like just about everything necessary to, you know, move away from the chair is hindered by duct tape. At least I think it’s duct tape. Can’t really see anything. I think they plastered some over my eyes at some point. I can still seem to talk, for now, at least. Not really much to say though. I was sufficiently distracted by my swollen erection, hidden by nothing but my boxers at this point.

My mind wandered back to the start of it all, a few hours back.


No one had explained that college can be a very confusing time. Between classes, parties, rampant drinking, and who knows what else, feelings can wildly veer one way or the other. So it was safe to say that finding a rock to desperately cling to in this sea of unchecked hormones and imminent social obligations could exert a palpable influence on me. Which is only natural when you’re only thinking with your dick.

It’d been two months since I’d moved out from relatively quiet, super white man Suburbia to car honking, swear throwing, always moving, inner city college dorm. Classes were fine, rehearsals were regular and, as usual, my nervous energies were being channeled into controlled, but rapid, movement. My legs were spinning around me at a rapid rate as I attempted to build the momentum I would need. Being shorter than average puts my center mass lower to the ground so I have to be careful how I maintain my balance. Thanks to my stretches from earlier though it seems my arms aren’t showing too much strain yet. I could feel the moment approaching as my legs whirled around me, the beat of the music pounding through the studio goading me to act. At last I felt it arrive and my body weight transferred from my arms holding me up, to my elbows, then to my shoulders, and finally to my the crown of my head as I continued to spin, all my focus on balancing it all while my legs struggled to move into ever moving shapes meant to continue building that ever precious momentum. The world whirled around me in rushes of color and light as my blood practically sang. And so I once more transferred the weight of my body from my head, back to my shoulders, and then my hands again as my spinning finally began to cease, and I struck a pose on one hand, my legs akimbo in my hold.

The music stopped, the song done, and I got back to my feet, sweat racing down my back, chest and face as I quickly marched over to my stuff in the corner. I didn’t even look in the giant mirror that stretched along one wall of the studio, but ran my hands along my head, grabbing the black beanie that sat atop it to pull it down and reveal my, recently cut, blonde mohawk. I grabbed my water bottle with the other hand and poured a little on top of myself to try and cool off, then drank deep as I regulated my breathing to keep the adrenaline in check.

“Well hey, that was certainly cool to watch.” A voice rang out behind me, where the door was. My head turned towards the voice, and somehow made my heart start to pick back up again in tempo. There he was, my rock. Tastefully styled black hair, chiseled face with almost no stubble, and warm chocolatey eyes I could just melt into. His tall, well defined frame moved through the room easily towards me as he smiled. I could feel my face unexpectedly heat up as he approached and I turned away from him to down more water.

“You know, you act way different when you’re dancing. It’s almost like you become a different person.” He says. I chuckle to myself. He wasn’t far off. Dancing in general requires confidence that I normally find hard to display.

“Naw, you’re just scared I’ll outshine you.” I replied as he sidled up behind me, his arms coming around to hug my shoulders. He was almost a foot taller than me. . . Almost.

“But you’re done now right? It’s almost time, and I literally cannot wait to get my hands on you.”

“You already have your hands on me Xan.” I point out as I start to pack my stuff into the duffel I had with me. I tried to wipe down the stuff clinging to me with a towelette I’d brought as well before stuffing that in too.

“You know what I mean, Jase. I’ll meet you there, yeah?” He asked suggestively. When I stood back up to face him he was smiling mischievously. I blushed slightly again, but smiled and nodded. He bent down and hugged me and brushed his lips against my cheek in a soft kiss.

“Right, I’ll head over and get ready. See ya there.” He said, pointing lazy finger guns at me. What a sap!

I hefted my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door after him, though we’d be heading in different directions. The studio where I did rehearsal and practice was not far from the dorm, so it was walkable, thankfully. I bent down for a sec to tie a loose shoelace on my green Converse. They were my favorite pair. Xander always told me they matched my eyes. That thought made me smile slightly, but only distracted me from the comments Xander had made earlier. We’d been planning this night for weeks, with him wheedling it out of me after several days of prodding. And even after he had, we’d had to buy the stuff, make plans, discuss contingencies. All in readiness for this moment. The more I dwelled on it, the tighter my chest felt, and the harder my heart seemed to pound. It was enough to make a man breathless. Still, I had to keep moving if I wanted to make it on time, which just made me pick up my pace.

As I got closer to my dorm I checked the clock on my phone. Still plenty of time. I put my phone back in my pocket and started to look at the sky. It was the rosy hue of a quickly dropping sunset, though plenty of buildings blocked my view of such a spectacle. That’s when they struck.

I didn’t even see them, they moved so fast. All I felt was a handcuff go around one wrist, then it was pulled around behind me towards the other. Though I grunted in surprise I was so shocked I barely was able to react. Before I could turn my head something was shoved over it roughly, blocking my line of sight. It felt and seemed like an actual burlap sack. I tried to run, but before my feet could get me going someone grabbed them both roughly and quickly clasped another set of cuffs on them both. I was about to shout for help when a voice spoke almost right next to the bag on my head.

“Don’t say a word, you’re fine. We aren’t going to hurt you we’re just goin’ on a little trip.” I didn’t recognize the voice, it was low and bass-like, almost sultry, and before I could protest I was lifted from the ground by my legs in someone’s arms and my own arms were held by another. I wasn’t even in the air any longer than 30 seconds before I could hear the sound of a van door opening up and I was gently placed inside. The door slammed shut and I could hear two more doors open and close and then the engine started up. I felt someone walk up to me carefully as I felt the van move away from the curb. Whoever had taken me got down on the floor of the van with me and started to roll the bottom of the sack up, like he was going to take it off, but then stopped just short of my eyes.

“Gotta make sure you don’t give the game away.” The same voice from earlier said. And then he pinched my nose and yanked upwards on it hard. The pain I felt was unexpected so I cried out in alarm, or at least I tried to but something was shoved roughly into my mouth, blocking any sound I might have made. It felt like a rubber ball? And it was big too, but there was nothing to keep me from spitting it out, other than the size, so I tried to do just that. It was almost halfway out of my mouth before a hand pushed it back in.

“Hey hey, none of that. Ya gotta stay quiet remember? Here, I’ll help you.” The voice said, and he held his hand over my mouth to keep the ball in, and then I heard the sound or ripping tape. I could smell it too. I’d spent years listening to that sound as I’d used it on myself many times. In no time at all he was placing a strip over my mouth to keep that ball in, then he went back and put four more strips on top of it. Then he pulled the rest of the sack back down over my head. I felt another hand rub and pat the top of my head while another came around and playfully slapped me across the ass.

“See? Not so hard right? Such a good boy! We’ll be there soon so just relax.” They said, and I could hear him make his way back into what I assumed was a seat. I moaned reflexively into that rubber ball, trying to call out to someone, anyone really, to see if I could, but it was only muffled by the tape. To make matters worse, I could feel my dick down below, hardening up even as we drove. I curled in on myself, trying to hide it reflexively.

All of the love of bondage in the world can’t erase a past filled with familial disappointments and verbal trauma.
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Post by gag1195 »

Wow. an incredible start! Your level of detail is so well done. I could picture myself in every moment, as if seeing it on screen! Definitely interested in seeing where this goes!
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Great start mate.

That was good, ur use of language is refreshing.

I thoroughly enjoyed that.

Looking to see where this takes us.

I like the main character already, but more intrigued with his boyfriend... is it his boyfriend?
Learning new things each day...

A list of my work...
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Nice beginnings, [mention]Jason07[/mention]...

I really liked the kidnapping.
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Post by squirrel »

Great start! Carry on man :)

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Post by Jason07 »

So then to start: Thank you very much for taking the time to read my story, I'm working on the second chapter, and it should be out by next week.

[mention]gag1195[/mention] Worry not, more shenanigans shall ensue.

[mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] To answer your question: while the two are technically dating, it would seem that Jason is not comfortable with the idea of calling him his boyfriend. They've only known each other for about a month, and Jason has severe issues with commitment. Perhaps after another few weeks he'd use that title.

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] I'm glad you can enjoy a good kidnapping as much as me.

[mention]squirrel[/mention] More is coming.

I hope you all have fantastic days planned. I'll finish up the next chapter as soon as I can.
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Post by Jason07 »

Chapter Two

Every bump in the road made me cry out or moan. It wasn’t particularly comfortable, as it felt like just a dirty van bottom. There might have been something between me and the actual bottom though, because I couldn’t feel anything metallic. I’d tried struggling to slip my hands from the cuffs, but my captors had been paying attention. They were just tight enough and straining to break them just made them dig into my wrists or ankles painfully. It was about 20 minutes riding in the van before it finally stopped. But instead of hearing the doors open and close I felt some shuffling towards the front and felt the weight of the van shift as, apparently, both kidnappers had come into the back where I was laying. The one I hadn’t heard speak yet took the lead this time though.

“Alright bud, here’s the deal. It’s getting dark, but just about anyone can see us while we get you inside, but we need you to be extra quiet at this part because it’ll be bad for us if someone sees. Now, you may be tempted to try and make noise. If you do, we’ll set you down, then and there, but to ensure that doesn’t happen. . . . .” He didn’t finish. Unlike his partner with the sultry sounding voice, this one was more average. Definitely a guy, but not high or low.

I felt them both kneel down and then started feeling a metallic cold sensation barely kiss my skin, and I felt air start to embrace where cloth and fabric had held sway. They were cutting off my shirt and shorts! I tried desperately to shake my head and swear at them, but they ignored me and continued stripping me! Thankfully they stopped at boxers, and ignored my socks and shoes.

“Now if we have to drop you, you’ll be the one answering awkward questions as to why you’re nearly naked and bundled up like a christmas tree.” Kidnapper #2 exclaimed. I just grunted at him as angrily as I could, because somehow they knew I would rather be caught dead than tied up naked in public. Before I could do much else though I heard the Van door open, and one of the kidnappers dragged me closer to the door. Oh god, my boner sharpened noticeably as I was hefted into the air onto one of their shoulders. Said kidnapper chuckled as he readjusted me.

“Oh ho, that’s quite the stiffy you’re sporting down there. Better try not to stab me with that thing.” He practically sounded like he was giggling! I didn’t “say” anything but I knew I could feel my face and head fuming as he pointed it out. He must have been strong because he felt huge and well built, and he’d hefted me with the ease of a man taking olde produce to market.

They closed the door to the van behind us and despite the warm air, I shivered. It felt like we climbed a few steps and another door was heard opening. It closed again after we were all inside, then we continued walking. I heard another door open up as we started taking steps down this time. Once we arrived at the bottom the man carrying me unhitched me and lowered me down to the ground. It felt like normal carpet at least, and not bare concrete like I’d been expecting.

I felt the two men lean down and then they started unlocking my cuffed wrists and ankles, but they didn’t leave me much room for more movement as they easily caught my arms and easily lifted me back up before settling me into what felt like a straight backed wooden chair. As they held me down I heard that sound again, that distinct sound of ripping duct tape, which made me jump slightly.

I tried to make my complaints very audible but they seemed deaf to my pleas as one of them started to wrap the gluey adhesive to my legs, one to each leg of the chair. God I could practically feel my leg hairs screech in fear as they were slowly and methodically confined by the sticky material. And while this was happening I heard more tape being freed from a roll and felt this one start to wrap my arms to the armrests.

As soon as they’d confirmed that I wasn’t going to be leaving the chair easily they worked to make it even more of a forgone conclusion. They worked to fasten my shoulders and chest to the back of the chair, as well as my lower abdomen. Every winding rotation of that sticky material sounded to me like the knoll of my impending demise, binding me tighter and tighter. And I could barely think about it because the whole time they sat making me one with the furniture, my boxers were doing a very very poor job of hiding the beast within. It was fully erect now, and there was no way they were missing that bulge, straining as it was. It couldn’t possibly get any harder could it?

Finally, finished with their task, my captors removed the sack from over my head and I could finally see. My eyes didn’t need to adjust much, the place seemed dimly lit. I was able to make out the walls, which seemed unadorned at first, but looked to be covered with something. Before I could identify it, something came down over my eyes again. I’d been so busy trying to see where I was that I’d missed the sound of them tearing another strip of tape from the roll apparently. They smoothed it out as it came over my eyes and locked them down so that I could only see the inside of my eyelids. I hadn’t even seen my captors!

Then I felt the tape over my mouth begin to separate from my face. They ripped it off quickly, like a band-aid. I practically screamed as it tried to take some skin with it but they didn’t relent. They ripped all the pieces off and I immediately spat out the ball that had been in my mouth.

“What the fuck, that hurt like hell!” I yelled. Before I could say anything more I felt one of them put his hand over my mouth to silence me once more.

“Oh jeez he’s pretty foul mouthed isn’t he?” The sultry one asked, only to be answered by a chuckle from the other one.

“Makes it all the more fun I’d say, but that’s not the game tonight. Listen bud, we aren’t going to gag you again because it’s pointless. We’ve soundproofed this room, so once we close the door upstairs you can shout all you want and no one will hear you. We’ll leave you here to stew for a bit before the boss comes down to tell you the deal. Just enjoy yourself for a bit while we talk upstairs ok?”

Without waiting for a reply they both departed to head back the way we’d come. Obviously I tried to tell them to fuck off once my mouth was free, but they ignored me and once I heard the door upstairs close, I doubted they’d give me a second thought till they needed to.

Which brings us back to the present, with my straining erection, and my body still fastened to this abominable chair!
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Post by gag1195 »

An amazing, secure duct tape chair tie! But so many questions! Who are these kidnappers, or who are they working for? This was definitely planned, what with the sound proofing, and their knowledge of their victim's fear of exposure. Perhaps the not-boyfriend is responsible? What could he have planned if that's the case! Can't wait to find out more!
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Post by Jason07 »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] Thank you very kindly for your comment. Obviously I can neither confirm nor deny any involvement of Xander at this time, as I still have more story to go. Happily I am able to post the next chapter today.

Which leads me to this notice: Readers, I feel the need to warn that the story becomes far more explicit and mature from this point onward. I hope that everyone reading continues to enjoy my first story!

Chapter Three

I don’t know how long I was down in that basement. But bereft of any other options, I obviously tried to break free. It didn’t work. Supposedly there is a way to break free of duct tape easily. I didn’t know it. Kinda wish I did. It’s difficult to say if that’s what I would have done though. My brain was kind of split between trying to actually escape and calm down my raging hard on. Not being able to reach it was very frustrating.

Minutes passed between my trying to actually escape, and trying to reach my throbbing dick. Neither ever seemed to succeed. Whatever chair I was bound to was solid. I couldn’t get any leverage to move it, at least not far enough to manage anything concrete. With my eyes blocked from viewing anything, I was all the more vulnerable, and even with mouth free I couldn’t move my head far enough to bite anything either. I’d tried to scream and shout for someone, but nothing ever seemed to happen.

I think I was down there for maybe an hour before something finally happened. I heard the door opening up the staircase, and the thumping of shoes on wood as whoever it was descended. Every fiber of my being urged me to tell this fucker to shove whatever he was planning to sell up his ass, but I knew that the more aggressive I acted the sooner they might gag me again, and I wanted my mouth as free as possible for as long as possible.

“Well my friend you’ve certainly had a busy night. I hope you’ll forgive the Help their theatrics.” It was another deep voice. Not as deep as the kidnapper from earlier, and the tone was somewhat airy and kind, but rougher on the ears, as if he’d been eating rocks and gravel. A sound like scraping wood echoed through the room and with a thump it stopped.

“Pardon me.” He heard the voice say, then I jumped when I felt something touch my dick between my legs. I gasped as whatever was touching me stroked up and down sensually bad slowly. I granted and tried to move my hips backward to escape whatever was touching me, but my bindings seemed to keep me still enough that I could only clench my teeth as I felt heat rush up my cheeks.

“Excellent, you’re still nice and hard I see.” Whatever was touching me ceased and pulled away as I started trying to breath in and out slowly. I didn’t have much time though, because while I tried to regain my brain's ability to think straight the man apparently shifted positions from being in front of him, to being behind him. A hand suddenly clamped down over my mouth, which made me jump again as I tried to cry out in surprise, only for muffled noise to erupt instead.

“Fmmph mmmmph!” I tried to tell him to fuck off, but unsurprisingly I couldn’t say much.

“Now now settle down, I won’t hurt you.” He seemed to whisper into my ear as he spoke.

“I just need to make you aware of your situation. As my men undoubtedly told you, we won’t hurt you. Indeed, we have absolutely no desire to see you come to any harm, as you are far too pretty to be damaged. In fact, if you’re very very good, we might just return you to your abode. However, until that time, you shall remain our honored guest, and we very much would like to get to know you. Now, we’re going to go on a walk so we can become better acquainted, but I need to get some things ready for that and I’ll need you to remain quiet for me till I’m done. To ensure this, I brought you a little present.”

I could easily guess where this was headed and I didn’t like it. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good gag, but this was not the right time or place to indulge in fantasy when reality was looming it’s ugly head. I tried to put up some token of defiance. I tried to shake my head from his hand clutching my face, tried to bite and snap at his fingers, but they simply gripped me tighter. His thumb and forefinger especially started to dig painfully into my cheeks, causing me to grunt in pain as I suddenly had to open my jaws to alleviate the pressure he was exerting on my face.

It was while my mouth was open that whoever was behind me suddenly started to stuff something between my puckered lips. I tried forcing it out with my tongue immediately, but once it was even partway in all my captor had to do was carefully push it in, and in it would go. I couldn’t even describe what it was at first. I thought it might be a rag, but it seemed too small, and it was softer than a rag too. It was kind of crusty in some places, but the further in it was pushed the clearer it became that it was filled with some indescribable something that was wet and sticky. He finally managed to get it all the way in, which was difficult for a guy like me with a smaller than average mouth. He then covered my mouth with his hand again before I could spit out whatever disgusting thing was in there. Finally, to complete the gag, I felt something being stuck to my cheek, duct tape probably, judging by the smell, which was wound over my mouth and around my head, continuing all the way around then back over my mouth again. This continued for another four or five turns till my entire lower face was covered and whatever was in there was being made to stay.

I could only groan, and moan, unfortunately. I did NOT like whatever taste this thing was giving off. I finally identified the fabric as that of being a sock, but it wasn’t a dirty one, except with whatever gooey thing was inside it. It felt like a lot of goo. While I was busy trying to swear about whatever gunk this guy had shoved in my mouth, he put down the roll of tape, I could tell because I heard the soft thunk of it hitting wood, and brought his hands around to my front and he then started fondling my chest.

“Nnnnmmph! Mmmmph mmph!” I cried in the expected gag talk. But he continued anyway, grabbing and squeezing my pecs, then rubbing them.The chair clattered slightly as I tried to move away from his hands, but they held me still. They worked their way around and around, almost massaging, before he started to focus specifically on my nipples. I started to moan frustratingly as he focused and rubbed them sensually.

“Yes, that’s right, just let it happen,” he whispered into my ear as he fondled me, “it’ll all be just fine, don’t you worry, I promise I won’t make it boring. I hope you enjoy the gift of your gag. I hope that while you savor it, you think of me.”

I nearly gagged as I started shaking my head back and forth in disgust. I’d finally realized what that gooey mass was. Despite my revulsion, I swear my dick only grew harder within my boxers, which were starting to feel a little more constricting. Thankfully, the nipple rubbing stopped, though not without the asshole throwing in a final light pinch to them both. He instead rubbed my head playfully before seemingly disappearing and heading back upstairs, which I could tell by the clumping of his shoes on stairs.

I could only sit there and stew as my feelings raged with my ever throbbing erection. I wanted to touch it so badly but my hands were held firm by the duct tape that held me down, and I could now start to taste the salty concoction my captor had left me with.

I growled and moaned as loud as I could, hoping and praying for release that might never come.
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Post by gag1195 »

His captor is very devious indeed! Looking forward to that walk he has planned! Very interested to see how things continue to develop!
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Jason07[/mention] Congratulations on your first TUG story, buddy!
Since most readers here tend to gravitate towards authors they know, it's often hard for new authors to make a name for themselves and gain a following on here.

Having said that, you already have one popular author ([mention]gag1195[/mention]) endorsing you, and I'd like to add my voice to his and let all my regulars know that this tale here is definitely worth their time.

I have no doubt that a lot of them are going to fancy the plotline, especially seeing as how non-consensual kidnaps are hugely popular on here 8-)

Now, as far as the actual story goes, you have a serious knack for descriptive writing.
The pacing is a bit slower than average, which is a big plus for me.
I can honestly say I was as aroused as our unlucky (or possibly lucky...that remains to be seen) boxer-clad protagonist whilst reading his recollection of these events.

Very much liking your style and really looking forward to seeing what the kidnapper and his goons have in store for Jase.
Will be waiting for the fourth chapter with bated breath.

Well done, my friend! 8-)

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Post by Jason07 »

Thank you both [mention]gag1195[/mention] and [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for your incredibly kind words and interest. Chapter four will out tomorrow and I hope it brings joy to you both. ^ ^
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

“Nnnnmmph! Mmmmph mmph!” I cried in the expected gag talk.
Just love that line, [mention]Jason07[/mention]!

I really enjoyed your description of his slow realization of what slathers the sock in his mouth. :o

The story is very exciting in a suspenseful and erotic way
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Post by Jason07 »

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] Thank you for continuing to enjoy the story! And if you think that last scene was hot, then I think you'll like chapter 4. Which coming up right now!
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Chapter Four

Unlike before, I did not get the option to think about my next move. As promised, the returning boot stomps on stairs announced that my kidnapper was already back with whatever devilish plan he’d undoubtedly concocted. Additionally, I could hear his underlings coming down behind him. Once the clomping stopped I didn’t hear anything for a couple seconds before I felt my legs starting to be unwrapped from their prison. And they weren’t too gentle about it.

As they started separating tape from skin my leg hairs, dark but very fine, sent a signal of pain to my brain.

“MMMMPH!” I screamed into my gag. It thankfully only lasted a few moments, but pain can last an eternity when you can’t see it coming. The last strip of tape being removed had the, unintended, consequence of causing my leg to shoot out and knock whoever was unwrapping it over. Ha! I delighted in hearing him roll back with an expletive leaving his lips.

“Shit, he’s still got some fight in ‘im boss!” He heard the deep sultry voice say, only for him to be answered by a chuckle.

“Of course he does. I told you he wasn’t meek like most of our guests. That’s fine though, we’ll just have to use some gentle correction.”

What did that mean?! Correction? Oh hell no I wanted no part of that! I shook my head vehemently and tried very hard to tell them to kindly stay away. I even raised my freed foot threateningly. I only heard another chuckle in answer.

“Oh it will happen little Jason. We don’t need your cooperation to make this work. Here, my friend, you can put this on him. Then help him assume the position.”

Wait, what?

Somehow one of them made it past my thrashing leg as another grabbed it with a firm hand and forced it back towards the leg of the chair, and then fastened it back to the leg with what felt like a simple belt? Then something from behind me was jammed behind my head. It was soft and cool, something akin to satin maybe? Probably a pillow. Before I could wonder, or appreciate, this thoughtful gesture, something was jammed over my face. At first the shock of it just scared me witless, and when I tried to breath in through my nose and calm down, the acrid stench of sweaty feet assaulted my nose!

Those fuckers had jammed a sweaty sneaker to my face! I could then feel the unmistakable sensation of something winding around my head, probably more tape, to affix the sneaker to my head. My dick fairly roared back to life as my nostrils took in the damp, moist and musty scent of sweat. Thankfully this wasn’t a toxic or nasty stink or else I might have thrown up and choked myself to death, but it was musty enough to make me shriek into my gag with displeasure. Before I could attempt to shake it off, even if I knew it was useless, I felt something cool and rough slide across my forehead. Another belt? It was then pulled tight across my head, fastening it to the back of the chair with the pillow between them. Thank god for that pillow I guess.

It was then that the two minions lifted and tipped the chair carefully, but quickly, onto its back, causing me no small amount of distress as I couldn’t move to stop it. Once it was on the floor I was forced to take deep breaths again to calm down, only for more sweaty feet smell to force itself down my nose. Ugh, it stank, but it also made my poor privates almost sing. If it wasn’t obvious that I was aroused before it would be now. I could feel the burning sensation in my cheeks that indicated my feelings, but I doubt they’d see it through the shoe and tape.

“Mmmmph! Mph mmmmmph!” I exclaimed angrily. And then I felt the slightest brush of something across the bottom of my foot.

Oh. Oh no. Oh please lord no not that. . . . . .

But apparently the good lord was taking a siesta because my prayers went unanswered. I tried in vain, practically yelling into my gag, to get my feet separated from the chair legs, but both my ankles were firmly grasped by a hand each. And then it started. No mercy was given.

Two sets of fingers assaulted my feet, flying across my soles like they owed them fingers money. At once I tried to stoically contain my laughter, but it was futile in the face of such an assault. I was laughing almost instantly, my feet are sensitive as all get out, and I despise it when people try to touch them. The combination of my flavored gag and musky shoe both muffled and excited me almost to bursting. It was almost pure agony and bliss mixed together and my feelings had no place to go. I’d tried to struggle, but every limb was held fast, even my head, which I attempted to turn to feel some measure of control over my situation. I moved not a single inch.

I don’t even know how long they tickled me, but I was sweating even more before they were done. Every time I heaved for breath that infernal shoe was there to remind me that I could not escape that stench. Finally I felt the minions lift the chair back up, much to my relief. Then I felt one of them tugging on the belt that restrained my head, which was undone, then they started to unwrap my head from that horrific, but intoxicating, shoe.

When at last fresh air clawed its way into my lungs I could not help but feel anything but immense relief. I was even grateful!

Damn it.

“Now how was that hm? Feeling a little more cooperative now?” I heard the boss man ask as I attempted to draw as much fresh air as I could in case he decided to suffocate me in foot stink again. All the same I nodded at him profusely, deciding that discretion was the better part of valor this time.

Ugh, god that was awful! And also. . . . . . Wonderful? It was awfully confusing.

“Excellent. All the same, you’ll understand if I decide to be more cautious with how you go about your walk. But before we proceed, I have to warn you. Any more back talk or resistance we’ll result in more punishments like you just experienced, and there will be no exceptions.”

Now that wasn’t ominous at all.
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Post by wataru14 »

Just started on this one and, boy, am I pleased!

As an actor myself, I enjoy Jace being a dancer. I know I've performed with several toned dancer bois that I would have loved to see in his predicament! And the mohawk? Gives me shivers! I greatly approve.

These guys who've kidnapped him seem like they know what they're doing. Pranksters don't usually have soundproof rooms in their lair. Kidnapping for hire company? I'm intrigued. And I adore that we haven't seen their faces yet. Voices can be extremely sexy and you're descriptions of them are quite alluring. Same with the mention of "other guests." Always good to see pros at work. But who is behind all this? A jealous rival? Someone who wants Jace groomed to become his personal property? I love me a good mystery!!!

The sock gag was beautiful (and I hope the boss had fun preparing it)! As was the shoe-in-the-face. And I'm excited about the "walk" Jace's captors spoke of. There's something hot about bondage in public. I'm envisioning Jace being bound up and disguised, then paraded around town, unable to cry out for help. Potential rescue just feet away, but him tantalizingly unable to get their attention. Can't wait to see it!!!
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Post by george_bound »

I also just am catching up to this story and am really really enjoying it... so many questions, so little answers, you have a good way of providing just enough info to set the scene without revealing too much! Looking forward to "the walk" 8-)

I tend to gravitate toward the darker stories on here and I'm finding yours to be right up my alley, it appeals on so many levels.

... And I have to say I really enjoyed the following line:
Jason07 wrote: 2 years ago But apparently the good lord was taking a siesta because my prayers went unanswered. I tried in vain, practically yelling into my gag, to get my feet separated from the chair legs, but both my ankles were firmly grasped by a hand each. And then it started. No mercy was given.
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Post by gag1195 »

I really feel for Jason having to deal with the immense stink! I'm with [mention]wataru14[/mention] in wondering who these kidnappers are/who they work for! So many possibilities! Still very much looking forward to this bound and gagged walk!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Damn! What a great mental image to ponder before going to bed.

Loved this little corrective session.
Here's to hoping it happens again 8-)

Now I'm wondering whose shoe that was.
So many questions left unanswered. That's the beauty of first-person narration.
The fact that we're kept in the dark and seeing everything through the biased eyes of a single character makes us wanna keep reading.

Well done [mention]Jason07[/mention]
Really enjoying the way this is developing.

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Post by Carnath »

Really nice and catchy story. Thanks :)
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Post by Jason07 »

I want to thank you all for leaving me such generous comments. I’m sorry to say that chapter five is experiencing a little bit of a delay, but it will be out sometime later this week.

Jason will still be in the dark for at least another two or three chapters unfortunately (for him anyway) and I’ll be slowly working my way up to more involved stuff. I honestly at this point don’t know how far this story goes as of yet, but I hope you all will continue to enjoy what I put forth. If anyone has questions I’m more then happy to answer them in the meantime! ^ ^
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Post by NeedControl »

Yes yes yes YES YES!!!!

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Post by bondagefreak »

No worries, Jason. I'd rather you took your time to deliver something you were proud of rather than pump out chapters that you feel have been rushed. Even when you have enough free time to write, you'll find that inspiration and motivation often comes in waves. As such, some weeks I can produce multiple chapters, while on other weeks my readers must contend with only one.

Either way, we're hooked.
Can wait to see what happens to our poor captive next!

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Post by Jason07 »

(Again sorry for the long wait everyone!)

Chapter Five

“Now then boys, let’s get our guest prepared for his walk shall we?” I assumed he’d directed this question to his henchmen.

As they worked to undo my being one with the chair, The pitiful and unavoidable muffled screeches I let out when they unwound the rest of the tape from my arms and legs didn’t seem to elicit any sympathy from them. I’d have cried except I had more important things to worry about. As soon as my legs were free I felt something being wrapped around my ankles. That was only slightly alarming. I say slightly because my tormentors behavior to this point had demonstrated a decidedly lacking capacity for compassion. The proof lay within my own mouth.

And then I yelped as I felt the shock of unbearable cold being directed down my boxers against my crotch. It felt like a bag of ice maybe? All I knew was that it was COLD. I won’t lie, I am completely embarrassed by the number of octaves my voice jumped as I tried to swear.

“Fmmph! Fmmph! Mmmph!”

After taking several, thankfully clean, deep breaths the cold started numbing my crotch and my raging hard-on finally began to relax. It was almost a relief, to be honest. The lust and pleasure that had been invading my mind had been making it very difficult to think straight. Hmm, is there a pun in there somewhere?

Gah! Focus Jase!

Before they released my arms from the chair completely I felt them remove the bag of ice from inside my boxers before pulling it down almost completely. Then I felt hands and fingers fumbling something around it, but I couldn’t pick up what it was. But then I felt what it was immediately when my now limp noodle of a dick was stuffed inside something. It was still cold, like metal or plastic, but I couldn’t tell exactly, but it bent my shaft deliberately downwards. Before I could panic enough to struggle the whole thing had been enclosed around my dick completely and then I felt fingers fumble with one last clicking sound.

A chastity device. It had to be! Seen plenty of bondage porn using one. Never had the guts, or opportunity, to try one before and now I knew they didn’t intend to let me have any kind of relief!

My arms were now released from the chair as last and I tried to rub my arms where I could still feel the burning sensation of removed tape. I was forcefully grabbed by my upper arms and wrists though and hauled back to my feet.

“Now then, I imagine you must be cold from sitting naked in the basement for an hour, so we’ll get you into something warmer for your walk.” The head boss said.

Immediately I suspected foul play. So far this group had been perfectly willing to see to my comfort in small ways. But only if it came with restraints. Even a gilded cage is still a cage after all, and I had every reason to suspect that our ideas of “walking” might be different. Bereft of my sight though, I had no choice but to be guided by my minders forward if I wanted to go anywhere.

I then felt my wrists be released as I was guided forward and then be slipped into sleeves of some kind. The inside of the sleeves were soft, and indeed much warmer than the air of the basement, and as they slipped up my arms I felt my chest being enclosed in something like the same material. Maybe velvet? But then I felt my hands reach the end of the sleeves. There were no openings in them!

I immediately tried to backpedal but it was too late. The jacket, I now knew for certain that it would be a jacket, was closed behind me and someone now gripped my wrists in the sleeves, keeping me from going back.

“Mmmmmmmph!” The jacket was pulled taut around my back and I could hear the minions scrambling with buckles and straps as they pulled them tighter. It felt like maybe three or four straps were back there, and then they tightened the collar of the jacket around my neck.

I could feel despair welling up inside me as my dick now tried to tear itself free from its prison, trying to harden up, but unable to proceed. Damn it! This was not the time for it to be waking back up! I almost started to thrash about, but the sound of my primary captor in front of me caught my attention.

“Now now Jason, you needn’t be so flustered. Think of it as a perpetual hug with yourself!”

“Mmmph mph!” Why not?! I’m being forced into a straight jacket! It’s arousing as all hell and I can’t even enjoy it!

My arms are now seized by the goon squad and wrapped around myself and threaded through a thick strap on the front, then pulled tighter and tighter until my arms won’t move any more, then connected to either each other, or something else behind me. For the final touch they grabbed two pairs of straps that dangled from the bottom of the jacket and threaded them between my legs around my crotch. They then pulled those tighter then needed too.


I heard clomping sounds again as it seemed my handler had ascended the stairs. I was then hoisted into the air by my arms and legs and carried up them myself by the other two minders. I can only assume they thought my trying to go up myself while blindfolded would be dangerous. I was then gently set down and the door to the basement was closed up behind us.

It felt like I’d been placed on some kind of smooth surface, like tile maybe? But then my legs were forced apart slightly as I grunted from the surprised roughness. I heard clacking and clanging sounds as they fiddled with something between my legs. When I heard one last click then the hands withdrew. I tried to move, and my legs didn’t move right at all. My ankles felt like they’d been attached to something hard and sturdy, keeping them apart, but not able to pull away from each other either. Some kind of hobble then? Damn, do these people think of everything!?

“Almost ready I see. Now then boys I think it’s time you went and prepared some dinner for us all. I’ll handle our guest from here, he’s clearly not going anywhere.” They all chuckled as I tried to kick one of them but failed spectacularly. I heard the two goons depart from us and my still chuckling captor getting closer. Oh just you wait you fucker, I’ll get you back for this!

Then I felt him fiddling with my lower denizen again, pulling it through those weird flaps that all boxers seem to have in front of them for some reason, pulling my dick, and the whole contraption it was imprisoned in, free. Then I felt some kind of weight settle onto it. Couldn’t describe it without being able to see it, but then I felt a tug that pulled me forward, not from my neck, as I would have expected, but from my imprisoned dick!

“Let’s finally take that walk now Jason.” That roughly deep voice intoned. His words were accompanied by more insistent tugging, which urged me in whatever direction he was heading, and I had no choice but to follow.

“Mmmmmmmmph!” I tried to shriek, though I knew at this point there was almost zero chance of anyone coming to my rescue.
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Post by george_bound »

Awesome chapter, mate! The blind descriptions of the chastity device and straightjacket being fitted on Jase were spot on and the fact he'll be led around on The Walk by his locked up cock (hidden away yet fully exposed at the same time) is a superb twist! Can't wait to see where he's taken and who the spectators are, if any ;)

Also, a week is not a long delayed time period for getting another chapter out so no need for an apology!
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