Tie-Up Games for September (MF/mf)

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KP Presents
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Tie-Up Games for September (MF/mf)

Post by KP Presents »

During the lockdown, we allowed people to share tales of how they had used the fun of tie-up games to pass the time or allow them to work. A number of tales could not be shared at the time – but in this special edition, those stories can now be told…

Cuteness contest

My four year old daughter Roxie had her friend Billie round for the day once during the lockdown – we were in a bubble – and they were having a rather noisy tea party. Roxie has brown hair, and was wearing a white sundress with a red belt, while Billie had on a dress with a denim jacket-like top and a polka dot skirt, with a long sleeved pink top under the dress.

Now, I was trying to finish reviewing a document, but the noise was getting a little too much, so I went to the kitchen, brought them a drink and a snack, and then asked if they wanted to play a game – to see who could make the cutest hostage.

To my surprise, they both agreed, so I found a roll of blue tape and got them both to sit on the couch where I could see them. They were both giggling as I put Roxie’s hands together in front of her, and then taped her wrists gently together. I then taped her ankles together as well, her eyes wide open as she looked at the band holding her wrists together, and then watched as Bobbie got the same treatment as her.

I then tore a long strip of the blur tape off and pressed it down over Bobbie’s mouth, Roxie giggling as she heard her friend trying to talk. But when I’ said it was her turn, she shook her head and said she wanted a different colour.

I had some white medical tape, so I got that, tore a strip off and pressed it down over my daughter’s mouth. I could see her smile under it, as I said the task was to sit and look as cute as you can – and when I was done, I would give them both a treat as well.

And boy did they do their best top try and look cute – but it did keep them silent and out of trouble, so that I could get my work done -and then let them watch a Barbie movie with ice cream afterwards…

Who’s on first

What do you do when you have four girls, all under ten, and they want a fun challenge to take part in? More to the point, how do you do it when they have been stuck indoors for weeks, and they are on the edge of confirmed stir crazy?

Well, a game was in order, so I assessed the four of them. Long dark hair, and all dressed differently. Two of them were wearing shorts and vest tops – one with black shorts with white tops, and a white top with a floral pattern, the other blue denim shorts and a black top with Minnie Mouse prints on it.

I said I was going to make sure none of them could move, speak or see easily, and then when I gave the word they could try and get free. When they all agreed, the two girls wearing shorts lay down on a bed, and I picked up four bandanas. Rolling up the two yellows ones, I used them as cleave gags for the two girls, and then folded white bandanas with a black print as blindfolds.

The other two watched as I then took a roll of packing tape, and taped their wrists together behind their backs, then taped their ankles together. They lay still as I said to wait until I had the other two girls ready.

They were smiling as I looked at them – one was wearing a pair of purple leggings with a lighter pattern, and a white t-shirt, while the other was wearing a burnt orange sleeveless top and joggers.

I got the two of them to sit back to back on the floor, and then picked up a wide roll of white tape. They were both smiling as I taped their wrists together in front of them, and then found two lengths of black ribbon which I used to secure their ankles.

White tape then went over their mouths, and I used folded bandanas – one grey with a black pattern, and one with a red and purple check – as blindfolds.

So there were two taped, cleave gagged and blindfolded on the bed, and tow sitting back to back on the floor, knees bent, ankles and wrists secured, and also blindfolded.

I looked at all four of them, and said they had fifteen minutes, before they all started to twist round and try to get free. I left them to it – in the hope they could amuse themselves with the tape I left in the room, while I got on with my own work…

I told you...

“You don’t have to say it, you know…”

Oh but I did, I did. I had never really liked my older sister’s boyfriend – he had always seemed to be a little creepy – but try telling a strong-willed fifteen year old that her current beau is not the right person for her.

And that has now led to tonight – our parents had gone out to the cinema, and eft her and him in charge. It was when he said I needed to be kept out of the way, and I asked how he was going to do that, that the night took a very strange turn.

He went into the kitchen for a moment, and came back with a roll of silver duct tape, saying he was going to use that. Now, I’m a thirteen year old girl, wearing an orange and purple blouse and purple pants – and I just laughed at him, and looked at my older sister. She was wearing a red top and shorts – and laughing as she said he could do that.

It would make a nice change to have me quiet.

Now, he’s a foot taller than me, and broad of shoulder – of course I had no choice, as he made me sit on the couch and taped my wrists together in front of me, before he wrapped the tape round my ankles. Finally, he put several strips of the tap over my jaw and mouth so that it stretched from ear to ear.

I could only sit there and glare as they started kissing, and then he asked Sis is she was up for a dare as well. She just laughed – and then he produced a second roll of tape, this one black and white with a tiger patter, and taped her wrists together in front of herself as well. She was still laughing as he helped her to sit on the table, and taped her ankles together – then covered her mouth with the tape as well.

She was grinning and mumbling, as he kissed her on the forehead – and then left us alone in the room. I glared at her, she shook her head and gave a muffled laugh – and then we both saw the boyfriend walking out of the house, carrying a pillowcase and leaving us there.

It was obvious to me what had happened, and I tried to call out, but Big Sis was just sitting there, trying to work out what had happened. Then she started to twist her mouth and jaw round, until the tape gave way and she started panting, before looking at me and saying “You don’t have to say it, you know…”

As if I could…



“There now – sit down on the floor.”

Rosie nodded as she walked over and sat herself down, her wrists held together behind her back with the silver tape. She was eleven years old, her straggly brown hair falling down on the shoulders of her pink t-shirt, while she was also wearing a pair of tiger print short shorts.

As she leaned against the door of the cupboard, she watched as her younger sister Dottie stood in front of him.


Dottie was nine, and today was wearing a purple long sleeved top with a design on the front, and matching leggings. She giggled as she felt the tape tugging on the skin of her wrists, and then wrapped tightly round them before she heard the tape rip again, and was patted down.

“Okay, young man – come on over.”

Dottie sat next to Rosie and they sat there, talking as the bane of their life had his wrists secured. Ron was twelve, and wearing a cream t-shirt with a green design on the front, and long red shorts with a grey trim.


“So now what,” Ron said as he sat next to his sisters, then watched as the man knelt in front of Rosie.


He taped her ankles tightly together, her toes wriggling, before he moved on to Dottie, and then Ron. When he had finished, all three of them had their wrists and ankles secured, sitting in front of the kitchen cupboard as the man looked down at them. While the girls were barefoot, Ron was wearing white and red sports socks.

The man paused for a moment and went back to where their mother was sitting, checking the tape that held her wrists to the back of the chair, her ankles to the front legs, and around her waist. He then took the tape again.


“Why did you do that to Mummy,” Rosie said as he came back over.

“Hush,” he said quietly as he tore a strip of tape off, and then pressed it gently down over her mouth, then over Rosie’s. As he covered Ron’s mouth, he smiled and said “now then – none of you mind if I have a look round?

“No? Good.” He left them in the room, all three looking at their mother as she said “jhsstwhttt…”

I don’t want to be like them!

“There – happy?”

Harry and Julie laughed and nodded as they knelt on the floor behind the wooden separator. Julie was wearing a Disney Princess sweatshirt and pale blue joggers, while her older brother had on a brown t-shirt and pants.

And what had happened? Their father said he needed them to keep quiet, so he had arranged the television where they could watch it, and then used black zip ties to secure their wrists to the wooden supports. As they giggled and laughed, he looked at his middle daughter, Carol, and said “so – want to join them?”

“No – I want to be different!”

Carol was wearing a red sweatshirt and leopard print leggings, with grey socks, and she was independent – so her father nodded, and went out of the room, returning with a long length of white rope. “Lie down,” he said quietly, “and put your hands together in prayer.”

Carol nodded as she lay down, watching as her father tied the rope round her wrists, and then bent her legs before he took the rope between them, and used what was left to tie her ankles together. She grinned as she rolled onto her side, the other two watching the television with her as her father went back to his laptop…

Time for bed

Josie and Thelma were almost jumping for joy as their father said “I’ll take you up in a few minutes – so first, which hand do you want?”

Josie had long dark hair, and pointed at her father as she said “the right hand.”

“Okay then,” he replied with a smile as he brought a roll of candy striped tape round, Josie clapping her hands as she stood there in her blue sleepsuit, covered with white clouds, yellow stars and smiling moons.

“Hands together,” he said as he tore the end of the roll free, Thelma watching as her sister made little fists with her hands and her father taped her wrists tightly together. Kneeling down, he wound the tape round her ankles as well, the sleepsuit protecting her skin as they came together.

“Can you put your lips together now,” he said, Josie nodding as he covered her mouth with a strip of the tape, making sure her long dark hair was not trapped underneath. She stood there, her eyes laughing as he put hat roll of tape down, and picked up a second roll of brown tape.

“My turn now,” her sister Thelma said as she clapped her hands. The blonde haired girl was wearing a pink t-shirt and grey capri pants, but she was happy as her father taped her wrists and ankles in the same way as her sister, and then covered her mouth with strips of the tape as well.

“You were taped first,” he said as he looked at Josie, “so your sister goes up first.” He lifted Thelma onto his shoulder, the little girl kicking her legs up and down as he carried her u p the staircase, while Josie jumped up and down.

They both loved it when their dad did this for them, ever since the time the masked man and woman had come to their house, and made sure they and their mother had stayed like this all day…
Read stories of ordinary women in peril at www.kppresents.com