Captive of my Teenaged Cousins II Parts 1-18 of 30 (mm/m)

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Captive of my Teenaged Cousins II Parts 1-18 of 30 (mm/m)

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About the time I turned 14, my father became ill again, worse than last time, and it looked as if he would not live to see the end of the year. He had to stay at a special sanatorium in a distant town to receive the medical attention he needed, and my mother was going to stay with him in a special wing of the hospital for spouses and family members of the patients. Because my mother would not be around most of the time and my 18-year-old brother Ike would be too busy with other concerns (maintaining a summer job, keeping the house in good order, and so forth) to take proper care of me, it was decided to have me bunk in with my cousins Walter and Randy once again – this time probably for the entire summer rather than just two weeks as before.

My cousins and I had become very good friends (and TUG buddies, although we had never heard of that term back then) during my previous visit, and I had made several other friends as well, whereas I had no real friends of my own in my home town. So for me it was a reversal of the Harry Potter story, where he has miserable summers but is happy and has adventures with his friends at school the rest of the year. My school year had been very dull, with but a few brief and unsatisfying TUGs with some of Ike’s younger friends to lighten the monotony. In those days my brother and I were barely civil to each other, though it was not as bad as the previous year when we argued daily and occasionally fought with each other (I always lost as my brother was much bigger and stronger than I was then). So the idea of spending my summer with friends closer to my age with common interests appealed to me a great deal.

My aunt came to pick me up on the first Sunday morning of summer vacation, and she had Walter and Randy with her. My mother had gone on ahead to be with dad at the sanatorium, so wasn’t with me on this trip. The three of us boys sat in the back seat despite it being a bit crowded (especially when we playfully rough-housed a little), leaving my aunt peacefully alone in the front seat. I sat in the middle with my cousins on either side, and we talked and wrestled in a good-natured way, but not vigorously enough to disturb my aunt’s driving. She’d just look at us through the rear-view mirror and smile indulgently as she watched us. Later she told me that her sons had moped for weeks after I’d returned home from last summer, and had expressed a wish that I could move in with them year-round. I hadn’t known this, but it made me feel good; especially as I’d often felt the same wish myself but had never voiced it to spare my own family’s feelings. I felt a brief dread at the thought that someday this summer too would end, but quickly put that glum thought aside with the ease of youth.

My cousins’ initial reaction to my first long visit the summer before had been cordial but cool, which had prompted me to give them their space that first day – right up to the time they ambushed me in my own (well, borrowed) bed late that night, handcuffed and leg-cuffed me to it, and began to horseplay around with me by sitting on top of me. This time, from the time their car came into our driveway, I wasn’t separated from either from them for even a minute (except for the inevitable privacy breaks when nature calls) until evening, when... well, I’ll get to that in a bit. In the meantime, we talked non-stop about inane things quite loudly for a while until we saw my aunt shut off her hearing aid for the peace and quiet… which was precisely what we wanted. After that we chatted more freely (and quietly) about our club and our other friends once we were sure she couldn’t hear a word we said (my aunt and mother both were very hard of hearing) and we had total privacy.

The club had thrived during my absence, having gained four new members; I could hardly wait to meet them. David and all the others were still there and everyone in the club had frequent sleepovers at one another’s houses. One of two exceptions to this was Myron, who was relatively reclusive and whose parents discouraged his either sleeping out with friends or inviting friends over; he was also by far the least enthusiastic member of the club when it came to the tie-up-and-torture games we played. Even when he came over to visit one or another of us he rarely did much. The other exception was a member whom I’d met only once and whose name I therefore have long since forgotten; he and his family had moved out of the region even before the school year had started, and no one in the club ever heard from him again (or apparently cared as he wasn’t too popular).

The three of us talked mostly just for the camaraderie. I didn’t need TOO much catching up to do, as I had regularly corresponded by mail with Walter, Randy, David, and Ron anyway – and they’d kept me up to date on the doings of all the others. Al had occasionally written too; but though he was still as friendly as ever, writing letters was not his strong point. In those incredibly primitive days before e-mails and the Internet, long-distance friendships were difficult to maintain and not very satisfying either. But they were a hell of a lot better than NO friendships, which was what I’d had prior to the previous summer! To think that one time my two cousins had all but hated my guts (I was an unlikeable brat sometimes in my younger years); how different and darker my summers would have been had that remained the case!

I had caught up to my older cousins in size and surpassed them. They were equal in height at 5’ 8” and about equal in weight at about 140 pounds; whereas I was 5’ 10” and weighed 170 pounds (the same as last year, but I had grown several inches and had lost a lot of flab). I was probably stronger than either and had recently done a lot of walking and biking to get into better shape. However, they were active in many sports like wrestling, boxing, basketball, track and field, and soccer and always had been trim, fit, and athletic. They definitely each had far greater stamina than I had. Either one by himself could probably have beaten me in a fair fight. Neither knew Karate, which back in those days and in that area wasn’t available for high school students, but they’d have both been avid enthusiasts for martial arts too had they been given the opportunity. As it was, I was more than glad that I wasn’t on their bad side anymore.

My aunt had picked me up in the early afternoon after driving all morning. We had paused perhaps five minutes to load my stuff into the car and say our civil goodbyes to my brother Ike. The drive back to my aunt and cousins’ house took another five hours (including an hour-long stop at a restaurant in the late afternoon) and we arrived at about six o’clock in the evening. My cousins helped me load my luggage out of the car and into my bedroom – the one normally belonging to Walter. He and Randy would bunk together in Randy’s room this time, whereas I had bunked in with Randy before. Randy’s room had a larger bed that could accommodate two comfortably but theoretically not three; though we had disproved THAT theory many times last summer. Both bedrooms were upstairs on the second floor.

Aunt Yvette (perhaps thinking I would want more privacy) offered me the use of the spare bedroom downstairs next to hers (the one my mom had used for one overnight last summer; it had been my uncle’s before he died three years previously) but none of us would hear of it. We wanted to be free to spend time together without disturbing HER; not just for the sake of her own peace and quiet either. As she never came upstairs unannounced except when they were at school to make sure they kept their rooms clean, we were assured of plenty of privacy for our tie-up games if I bunked up there with them. They diligently kept the entire upstairs spotless so that their mom never intruded on them during inconvenient moments (such as when one of them was tied up). She gave in gracefully to my using Walter’s room (and Walter bunking in with Randy rather than using the first floor spare bedroom himself) once she realized we honestly meant it and preferred to remain on the same floor together. At least it’d be more convenient for HER.

Five minutes after we arrived, Aunt Yvette was relaxing with a hot bath followed by watching TV, while my cousins and I went out to the back yard supposedly to play touch football. We played football until we were sure Aunt Yvette was no longer paying any attention to us, then ducked out of sight, removed our shoes, socks, and shirts (we were all three already wearing gym shorts as it was a hot day) and began to wrestle. I wrestled Walter by himself for a while and my greater weight, strength and traction enabled me to hold my own for a while. In the end though his greater endurance and skill prevailed and he had me down with a bully pin – bony knees pinning my shoulders as he straddled my sternum and his hands pinning down my arms. That cheater Randy then assisted him by straddling my shins and holding me down firmly by the kneecaps. I made a token resistance but didn’t really struggle; even had I wanted to I couldn’t have escaped being pinned down by the both of them together. And I didn’t want to. I was happy with things just as they were. I just lay there and admired Walter’s athletic build with my eyes as he pinned me down.

Not content to simply pin me down, Walter moved up on my chest until his crotch was practically in my face, and he tickled my trapped underarms and ribcage while Randy mercilessly tickled my feet – my most ticklish areas. They tickled me into hysterics in no time flat and ignored my laughter-choked and less-than-sincere pleas for mercy. When not tickling me, Walter looked down at me with hands on knees and either squeezed my face between his legs (which still seemed to lack any body hair because his hair was so light in color) or playfully slapped my face and pinched-twisted my nose. He seemed perfectly willing to keep me pinned underneath him all evening, and I would have had no objections whatsoever had he done this.

But then Walter did something I thought very strange; something that I had vaguely fantasized about but had never imagined would actually ever happen to me before. Looking briefly back at Randy, who gave him a quick and silent nod of the head, Walter languidly moved even further up my chest and slowly, gently moved his crotch right up against my face. I could see his growing boner pressing out from the inside of his shorts, and he was pressing it right up against my chin and my cheeks!

Taken completely by surprise, I began to yell and struggle much harder than I had when we were wrestling. With a look of surprise of his own on his face, Walter moved backward until he was on my sternum again, but he and Randy continued to keep me pinned down. I continued to yell, while my cousins urgently tried to shush me before their mother heard the commotion and came outside to investigate.

“Boys?! What’s going on out there?!” I heard Aunt Yvette’s distinctive (and deep for a middling-tall, thin woman like her) voice call out clear across the yard. “Where ARE you?!”

Randy got up off my legs to answer her while Walter continued not only to keep me pinned down but to hand gag me as well. “Jason, please! Calm down!” Walter urged me with a shushing whisper and the look of purest dismay on his face. “I didn’t mean to scare you! Honest! I’ll let you up if you just calm down! But please don’t tell mom, or it’ll ruin everything!”

Well, by this point I had gotten over my initial shock and realized that Walter had been trying to play a new and potentially very interesting game with me – and in my surprise and ignorance I had reacted badly to it. So now I lay there beneath him very quietly and just looked mildly up at him – once again thoroughly enjoying the sensation of having him sit on top of me and hold me down himself rather than tying me up. Encouraged by this, Walter continued in a whisper, “I’d better get up so that mom can see we’re okay. You ARE okay, aren’t you?” he asked with an anxious note in his voice.

I nodded my head with enough eagerness to reassure him, so he got off me and helped me to my feet. Randy was still explaining to my aunt that we were simply wrestling and horsing around when she caught sight of us coming from behind some rose bushes.

“What was that yell?” she asked me with concern. “Are you boys having a fight already?”

“No, Aunt Yvette,” I replied quickly. “Walt and I were just wrestling and, uhh… he surprised me with a sudden move I’d never seen before.” Which after all was quite true.

“Well, okay,” she replied with apparent relief and a warm smile. “Just don’t get carried away. I don’t want to have to drive anyone to the hospital, okay boys?”

“Okay!” we all agreed respectfully as she strode back into the house. Randy and Walter both heaved heavy sighs of relief as she disappeared from sight.

The two of them turned to me. “Sorry again if I startled you, Jase!” Walter said to me. “I didn’t mean to…”

“No, I’m sorry!” I interrupted him. “I think you were just trying to show me something special back there; weren’t you? And… and I spoiled it, didn’t I? I – I…” I stammered to a stop. I WANTED to say: ‘I don’t suppose you’d be willing to start over, would you?” But I couldn’t make the words come out. I just spluttered to a stop as if I’d been gagged, feeling dazed and confused. What DID I want, anyway? Suddenly my brain felt like it’d been turned into mush, and I couldn’t think coherently at all for a while after that.

I should’ve said SOMETHING, though. I realize now that my hesitation was being taken in a different way than I had intended. They thought I was scared of them! And I soon became convinced that they were angry at me!

Their faces reflecting a bit of the disappointment I felt inside me, Walter and Randy picked up their discarded gear, and walked back inside the house without another word. I just stood there in the growing darkness of evening all by myself for a while before I could bring myself to do the same; uncertain if I were trying to protect my own feelings or theirs. In hindsight, I suppose they were thinking the same thing. It wasn’t anger they’d apparently felt… it was more like regret. I shared that same feeling. Did I screw up my whole summer before it even got well started?

I put my discarded clothing back on and re-entered the house, where the others were watching TV; a rerun episode of Land of the Giants. Aunt Yvette wasn’t paying much attention to it; sci-fi wasn’t her interest but she wanted to spend quiet quality time with her sons and let them watch what THEY liked. I watched the TV show myself just to not seem unsociable while at the same time not having to look at either cousin in the eye. I don’t think either of them once glanced at me either. I tried to put all my concentration on the TV show; but it made no lasting impression on me because I don’t remember now which episode it was even though I’ve seen them all rerun on TV many times since.

Exhausted from the long trip to my house and back, Aunt Yvette decided to call it a night by nine, and my cousins decided to do the same. Calling a polite good night to their mother, they trudged quickly upstairs without a word or a glance in my direction. A sharp stab of sorrow hit me then, and I was sure I had ruined my entire summer from day 1.

I belatedly went upstairs after them after getting a drink from the kitchen. I went to their room first, to find their door closed and no sounds whatever coming from inside. I tapped on the door and asked if I could come in, but got nothing but silence in reply. I tapped louder, but was still thoroughly ignored.

Feeling like someone had torn my heart right out of my chest, I slowly and quietly walked to my own (Walter’s) room, softly closed the door, and undressed - leaving my t-shirt and boxer shorts on and using none of the sheets or blankets to cover me. It was a warm and humid night, so I set the fan at full blast and let the white noise of its hum lull me into a deep sleep.

I half-awoke an unknown time later. It was so completely dark that I could not see a thing, but I had heard something over the fan’s humming and felt that I was not alone in the room. Still more than half-asleep, I began to reach floor my glasses on the nightstand beside the bed - only to find that my arms wouldn’t move. As I abruptly awakened more thoroughly, I realized that my wrists had been handcuffed to the metal railing at the head of the bed and my ankles cuffed together to the railing at the foot. A moment later I realized that I could not see even dimly because a pillow case had been gently draped across my face. As I reacted to this by moving my head to shake it off, two hands suddenly gripped my head and two others gripped the pillow case and wound it around my head and tied it up behind to blindfold me.

“Walt? Randy? What are you doing…?” I called out, only to feel a (brand new and never worn, by the taste of it) rolled-up sock stuffed into my mouth and its mate tied over my mouth for a gag. The gag and blindfold left my nostrils unobstructed however, so I could still breathe easily. Physically anyway; psychologically, that was another matter.

I mumphed into my gag incoherently, but I got no response; not even a chuckle that could have helped me identify who (or what) was in the room with me. Of course, common sense immediately told me that it HAD to be Walter and Randy who were ambushing me; just like they had my first night over the previous summer. But what was their motive this time? Were they just playing a friendly tie-up game with me like they had many times last summer in an effort to mend fences? Or were they truly angry at me and preparing to do something to me that even a masochist like me would consider awful?

I lay there in some trepidation. I was sure that they wouldn’t REALLY hurt me… but if they were still mad at me, I’d rather they’d just kill me and put me out of my misery! I just couldn’t face the while summer with them if they were going to stay mad at me!

I suddenly felt two bodies climb on top of me; one knelt-sat on my chest and the other on my belly. Something about their bodies on top of mine felt different – somehow strange and unfamiliar – to me as they settled their weight on me. True, I was wearing a T-shirt this time, whereas I was usually shirtless whenever I’d been sat on before. But I knew right away that it was something else that was different – something about THEM that was not the same as before; but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was.

It began to scare me a little.

I gave a small, questioning *mumph* through my gag in hopes this would induce my new captors to say something to me – even if only to tell me to be quiet. Something to make them other than unseen weights upon my body in the dark.

“Everything okay, Jason?” I heard Walter’s voice ask just a couple of feet away. Well, he didn’t SOUND angry. He sounded more… puckish!

I *mumphed* in a questioning way again, hoping they would explain whether this was going to be pleasurable play or ghoulish punishment.

“Not too heavy for you, are we cousin?” I heard Randy ask me from a bit further away.

I made an “Unh Unh” sound while shaking my head to clearly indicate that they were anything but too heavy for me. They both sounded like their usual selves… encouraging me to hope that all was forgiven and that everything could be as it was before.

“Okay if we stay here for the night then?” asked Walter with a slight… giggle.

I nodded my head vigorously so that there’d be no doubt in their minds that this would make me very happy. “Cool!” replied Walter simply, and there was nothing more said for a while after that. I could still feel their bodies on top of mine, and I still couldn’t figure out why they felt different than usual.

“Sooo, Jase,” said Walter more quietly and hesitantly than before. “Remember when I accidentally startled you earlier?”

I nodded my head slowly; trying to express interest without disapproval.

“Want me to show you what I had in mind?” he asked me quietly.

I nodded again, less hesitantly but still uncertain.

I heard both boys giggle then, and suddenly felt what seemed to be Walter’s finger gently tap me on the chin. Only, it didn’t quite feel like a finger. It seemed… wider, and… well, softer and FLESHIER somehow! And it felt nothing like a fingernail. What WAS it then?

Walter and Randy laughed louder and harder. “He doesn’t know what it is!” crowed Randy. “Let’s show him what it is, shall we?”

“Okay,” replied Walter with a snicker. “Let me get his glasses first…”

I felt Walter’s weight shift half off me for a moment and then the distinctive clatter of a set of glasses being picked up. I heard them clatter slightly as Walter then undid my blindfold while holding my glasses in one hand. At the same time Randy’s weight disappeared entirely for a few moments; the sound of a light switch clicking before the weight suddenly returned informed me what HE had just done. I felt the blindfold loosen, and the absolute darkness in front of my eyes turned into a bright blur as my eyes tried to adapt to the glare of the room light. A moment later my glasses were put on my face; and everything around me came into focus.

I looked up at Walter and Randy. They wore huge, mischievous grins on their faces.

That’s ALL they were wearing.

NOW I knew why their bodies felt unfamiliar to me up to now… and what Walter was poking me in the face with as he sat on the uppermost part of my chest! For the very first time ever, my cousins were sitting on me completely NAKED!
Last edited by Jason Toddman 2 years ago, edited 18 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Oh well, looks like all is OK with the world.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

So far so good then? Good. I wasn't sure if I had removed enough of the more intimate stuff that was originally in this chapter. The next few will require even more revisions/deletions to make them suitable for this story gallery.
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Post by Xtc »

At least it will keep you busy.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

I have no problem keeping busy. Being afflicted with the complete opposite of Writer's Block (I call it either Writer's Flood or Writer's Avalanche), the real problem is finding the time (and energy) to do everything I want to do.
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I stared up at my cousins wide-eyed; not even bothering to make an *mumph* through my gag. My gaze alternated between looking up to their smiling faces (looking back down at me) and down at – something else – that dangled just a few inches from my eyes.

“Do you like your surprise, Jason?” Walter asked me as he brought that something even closer to my face.

I *mumphed* noncommittally just in case this was a trap; well, it WAS a trap (I was firmly trapped in my bed, after all) but I already doubted it was THAT kind of trap!

Randy sighed heavily. “Gags are nice for keeping people quiet,” he pointed out to his brother, “but it’s sure hard to read his expression this way. I’m still not sure that we’re getting the reaction we were hoping for!”

All he’d have needed to do was look behind him; the way I felt, the answer should have been highly visible by that point and in fact tapping him right on the shoulder!

Walter nodded his agreement with his brother’s assessment of the situation and turned back to me. “You wanna talk a bit?”

I nodded, but slowly; I was enjoying myself and didn’t want them thinking otherwise.

“You promise not to yell if I take off the gag?” he asked, apparently suspicious.

I nodded my head more vigorously.

Walter took the gag off – apparently ready to hand gag me and put the sock back in if I try to make a sound above a whisper. But the broad grin I had on my face (especially once I spit that other sock out of my mouth) seemed to reassure him and Randy.

“Nice surprise,” I told them just to make sure there was no misunderstanding this time. “Could you do just one thing for me though?”

“What?” asked Walter with a bit of suspicion in his voice and on his face again.

“Can you roll my T-shirt up?” I told them. “Frankly, if I’d known you were planning something like this, I’d have ditched it!”

Relieved, cousins got their weight off me enough to roll my T-shirt up my body and over my head so that it was rolled up behind my neck. This allowed me to feel the warmth of their bare skin against mine for the first time. So THIS is what it felt like!

“If this was what you had planned out in the backyard, I sure wish you’d given me a bit more warning!” I told them. “No way would I have discouraged you!”

“See?” Randy suddenly told Walter. “I TOLD you that you needed to go slower!!”

For the first time, I saw Walter blush. “We thought I scared you,” he admitted, “and we were afraid to try to say anything… even when you knocked on our door we just didn’t have the nerve to face you yet. We were afraid it’d only make things worse.”

“Me too,” I told him. So after a few more apologies we agreed to forget about it and go on from there. The relief I felt when I realized that they’d been even more concerned about my feelings than I’d been about theirs was almost as good as the feeling I got when I first felt them sitting on me. We even laughed about it afterward.

So they sat a short while longer, looking at me as if they expected me to say something. I was fairly sure I knew what they were waiting for. I was a lot less sure if I was ready to come right out and ask. I’d rehearsed such a scene in my mind many times since the previous summer, and for the life of me I couldn’t think of a single thing to say that I felt wasn’t going to totally embarrass me. This despite the fact that the two boys were smiling and Walter was trying to encourage me in his own way by rubbing – something (some thing?) – against the sides of my mouth.

Finally Randy decided that I needed some help. “You’re still nervous about taking the next step, aren’t you?” he asked me with more understanding than I’d have thought possible from either of them. Before I could reply, he continued, “It’s all right. Walter and I were pretty unsure too when we started last year. It takes a little getting used to.”

“You – started with each other?” I asked a little uncertainly.

“No, with Gary,” replied Walter casually - apparently seeing nothing wrong with the question. “He’s one of the new members of the club. He joined the week after you went back home. You’ll probably meet him tomorrow. We arranged a meeting at the tree-house last week so you could get to know everyone as soon as possible.”

They told me that Gary was about Randy’s age or a bit younger and was built like Randy but several inches shorter. “He’s done stuff with older relatives for a while and wanted to start doing it with kids his own age,” Randy told me. “So one day when we were alone at the pond, I let him tie me up. He went skinny dipping for a bit, and when he came out he didn’t bother to put anything on before he lay down on top of me. When I didn’t object – much – he went on from there. The first time he just did it himself and let it get all over me. When I let him tie me again, he had me do it for him. By the time school started, Walter and David got in on it too. Now the four of us do it interchangeably (that’s not the expression he used, but that was the idea); sometimes with Al and Ron joining in too. Not the others, though; we think they’re too young... and we don’t do it when they’re around. But you’re the same age now I was then, so you’re old enough – if you’re ready and willing.”

I was willing all right… I just wasn’t sure if I was ready yet. I was definitely nervous.

“Maybe a little demo would help,” suggested Walter.

Randy nodded agreement and the two of them stood up and stepped to the side of the bed where I could see them clearly. Walter remained standing. Randy got down on his knees in front of his brother, took Walter’s member in his hand, and he… well, you probably know what happened then. Even I knew what to expect; though I’d never done it or even seen it before.

There were a few minutes of apparently practiced motion and increasingly strong reactions that went with it. It was one of the most fascinating experiences of my life… before or since. When it was over, I was almost as satisfied as my two cousins obviously were.

Randy took Walter’s place kneel-sitting on my chest while Walter cleaned himself off. “See?” he said to me with a relaxed and definitely sultry smile I’d never seen on his face before. “There’s nothing to it. You can try it with me now if you like or you can wait. This is something Walt and I agreed never to even pretend we’d force you to do even when you’re tied up. We want you to do it when you WANT to and not before; even if it’s some other year or even with someone else. It’s your choice, and we’ll understand if you don’t want to…”

“Will you just shut up already then and come closer?” I interrupted him impatiently.

With a knowing smile, Randy did so.

It was more difficult for him to do it with me while he was kneeling/sitting up. As he got harder and the angle involved became more vertical, he had to lie down on top of me as much as he could with the bed railing in the way. Fortunately the rails were far enough apart so he could poke his head between them. We managed to fit things together well enough, and soon there more for Randy to clean up… much of it off my chest, face and the surrounding pillow.

Walter straddled my belly, facing down, and reached for something that was pointing at him. There was a wondrous sensation I’d never experienced to this level. Before long Walter had a third clean-up to deal with, but he seemed not to mind. I offered to clean things up myself, but both my cousins enjoyed having me tied down too much to hear of it. Besides, I didn’t want to be untied anyway.

After that, one of them clicked off the light and both of them lay down half on top of me (one on each side of me). We talked for a while as they stroked my hair and my arms and other parts, and eventually we went to sleep. Although Walter’s bed wasn’t built for two people, let alone three, it was sturdy and well-made and held the three of us without even creaking.

My cousins awoke ahead of me. They roused me and freed me from the bed so that I could get a shower before breakfast. The shower was especially important because we didn’t want Aunt Yvette catching wise to the fact that our relationship had entered a whole new level. My aunt noticed a change in me anyway, but as I seemed positive and more relaxed than ever before she didn’t comment on the matter.

“I bet you’ll be glad to see your other friends here,” she said to me at one point as the four of us had breakfast together.

My cousins and I almost exploded with laughter, but remained calm enough so that Aunt Yvette merely smiled without being too suspicious. “I sure AM looking forward to it!” I told her agreeably.

The three of us acted casually while my aunt was in the house, but once she’d gotten into her car and driven off to work for the day, we dropped any pretence of normality. As if it had been carefully planned and rehearsed (and maybe it was) before I returned, Randy cuffed my hands behind me while Walter locked my ankles in leg-cuffs. Randy climbed atop my shoulders as Walter attached a dog collar and leash around my neck. Then, with all three of us wearing only gym shorts, socks, and sneakers, we headed down the now-familiar trail that led to David’s house – with me carrying Randy like I was his horse while Walter led me on a leash like I was his dog.

An interesting new day was about to begin!
Last edited by Jason Toddman 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Mummybag »

Can’t wait for the next chapter to go on!!
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Post by Veracity »

Just curious- obviously you can do whatever you please- but why not just leave the intimate stuff in and post it in the adult forum?
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Veracity wrote: 2 years ago Just curious- obviously you can do whatever you please- but why not just leave the intimate stuff in and post it in the adult forum?
I've kind of gotten the impression that intimacy between minor-age characters was a no-no here now. Even when they're peer-aged. Am I in error? Not sarcasm; I honestly do not know and just decided not to take any chances. If this is incorrect I can indeed do that as it would be easier for me.
Mummybag wrote: 2 years ago Can’t wait for the next chapter to go on!!
I kind of gotten distracted with some minor but aggravating real life matters, but here's the next chapter now.


Halfway to David’s house, we ran into David coming the other way to meet us. He was bound the same way that I was, with the older of his kid brothers (Brian) riding on his shoulders and the younger one (Michael) walking him on a leash. It might seem strange to some people for a teenager to let himself be tied and ridden by his kid brothers, but it was no big deal to these boys. In fact, shortly afterward, I saw Ron walking along the trail being ridden and led by HIS two kid brothers, Kevin and Corey. I’d never met Corey before, but he was one of the members of the club now (at age 9, the youngest member). At any rate, I was the only ‘horse’ being ridden or led by someone who was older (though thankfully still lighter) than he was.

“What’s going on, Dave?” Walter asked David as the nine of us got together. “I thought we were meeting at the treehouse.”

“Al’s bringing the others in his canoe,” David told him. “We weren’t expecting them until tomorrow, but the baseball game they were playing in got cancelled. So we figured we might as well meet at the pond. More room there anyway.”

As we proceeded to the pond, David walked beside me on my left, Ron walked on my right, and the three of us had a friendly reunion… mostly chatting about the previous summer and my initiation. Brian, who was closest to me in age (and in fact older by then than I’d been when I’d met him) talked with me a while, and Michael said hello. Kevin and his little brother were normally boisterous, but they remained quiet on this occasion. It was almost the only time that they were quiet throughout the entire summer; at least in my presence.

We arrived at the pond, found a comfortable grassy area nearby, and stopped. Brian, Randy, and Kevin got off their respective mounts. David, Ron, and I were soon uncuffed and unhobbled. We shook hands, but were deprived of our brief freedom immediately afterward. The three of us were tied with ropes and staked out together. I was given the center position so that I could freely converse with everyone else. Once we were staked out, the three of us were sat on by the same boys we’d come with.

David was slightly older than I was, but he hadn’t grown as much in the previous year as I had. In fact, he hadn’t changed much at all. He was slightly taller and thinner, though still shorter and stockier than my cousins, and still had the same angelic face and cherubic smile. I started to remember that I’d had a bit of a crush on him, and I realized suddenly that I still did.

Brian was now 13½ - older than I’d been when we’d met, but much smaller and lighter. He looked like David had the summer before, but was at least six inches shorter and had a build between David’s and Randy’s. He was about 5’ 0” and probably weighed no more than 120 pounds. His hair was much darker than David’s.

Michael was just shy of 12. Although 18 months younger than Brian, he was actually an inch or two taller. However, he was even ganglier than Randy and Walter were at that age. At 5’ 2”, he weighed only 105 pounds!

Ron had grown even faster than I had over the past year, though he was still an inch or so shorter than I was. He’d filled out somewhat and was between me and Randy in build. At 5’ 9”, he weighed about 150 pounds.

Ron’s brother Kevin was now 11, and he’d grown a few inches as well. I’d say he was about 4’ 7” and weighed about 80 pounds; a boisterous and remarkably active lightweight.

Corey was 9, about 4’ 2”, and weighed maybe 70 pounds. He was just as boisterous as Kevin and was always running around rather than sitting. He’d have been hard to keep track of if it wasn’t for the fact that he was rarely quiet. In fact, he wouldn’t sit still long enough for the two of us to get properly introduced until Al and the others showed up about thirty minutes after David, Ron, and I had been staked down.

Walter saw the canoe first and pointed it out to the rest of us. The pond wasn’t in the wilderness, but it was an isolated arm of a large lake that was cut off by wooded peninsulas, so the area seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. The waterway was difficult to see from the lake unless you were already inside it, but of course we were expecting the canoe and knew to keep an eye out for it.
Looking the way that Walter had pointed, I saw the remaining regular club member George paddling a canoe with three other boys I didn’t recognize sitting behind him. The four boys plied their paddles with considerable skill (as nearly as I could tell at the time, having had no experience with canoes) and the canoe moved rapidly towards us. I assumed that the other three boys were the club members I hadn’t met yet, and that’s who they turned out to be.

It wasn’t until the four boys beached the canoe and carefully stepped out of it that something occurred to me.

“Where’s Al?” I asked. “I thought he was coming in the canoe too.”

“He’s right here,” George called out cheerfully as he and two of the other boys reached into the canoe and gently pulled out an unresisting human body that was wrapped from shoulders to toes in thick nautical ropes. The body wore a pillowcase that completely enclosed its head except for a single hole for the nose. The pillowcase was tied around the neck with a short piece of rope that secured it – though nowhere near tightly enough to cause choking. Two small towels served as blindfold and gag. I wouldn’t have recognized him if they hadn’t identified him, but of course this was Al.

Rather than release Al from the ropes he was tied in even briefly, the other four boys carried him like a piece of luggage. In fact, as a clever touch, the ropes had been tied in such a way as to provide carrying handles like those of a suitcase. They laid Al down next to my head and the three boys I didn’t know promptly sat down on him.

After Al was in place, George came over and squatted down to say hello. George was now 13, and probably the most athletic boy present. He was about 5’ 7” at this time and weighed about 160 pounds. He had more muscle definition than any of us except for my cousins, and he was proportionately bulkier than they were. He looked like someone who might eventually compete for the Summer Olympics or for the medium-weight boxing championship of the world.

Walter and Randy volunteered to switch places with George and the other three boys and to tend to Al so that proper introductions could be made. So while George straddled my chest, the other three boys came over and sat on me in a row sideways so that they could bend forward one at a time and I could see their faces more clearly as they were introduced.

The first boy was Gary, whom my cousins had mentioned the night before. Although he was Randy’s age, he wasn’t any larger than 12-year-old Brian. He had an adolescent’s deeper voice, though; in fact, it had an almost baritone pitch. He had one other attribute that set him apart from the younger boys unambiguously, but I didn’t see THAT until later.

Next was Tom. He was a little heavyset, as I’d been the previous summer, but at 12 years of age and 5’ 0”, he was still lighter than most of the older boys. He was also quite active physically and would shed the extra weight over the next year as I’d done over the previous year.

The last boy was Hank. At 17, he was the oldest in the group. At 6’ 2”, he was also the tallest. And at 150 pounds, the thinnest as well. Hank wasn’t athletic the way that Walter and Randy were; he was just plain skinny! He also had the densest concentration of rust-covered freckles I’ve ever seen; not just on his face, but all over his body. He had hair as red as rust as well, and because of this, he’d been tagged with the nickname Rusty before he turned five years old. Because of his height, this had been amended to Rusty Nail when he was 14. Hank had a thin but handsome face and a pleasant disposition. He ultimately became one of my best friends.

Every couple of hours, the four of us who were tied were released and checked over for rope burns and bruises before we took a rest break - usually involving everyone going for a short swim. Afterward, those who had been tied were replaced with someone else (except for me at my own request) for another two hours.

The previous limit had been four hours but occasional problems with long tie-ups since the summer before had made the group decide to reduce the limit. The shorter period also assured that everyone would take a turn being tied. This gave people an incentive not to torture victims too harshly… unless the victim was me, of course. Although as a full member I had the right to take my own turns as a tier/tormentor, I much preferred to remain the one who was tied/tormented. One benefit of this was that, since I was a perpetual victim, the others could feel free to use their imaginations. They knew I’d pass over my chance to impose consequences.

My status as perpetual victim proved to be especially rewarding on this first day. After the first break, Al (finally free to say hello and talk with me), Tom, and David gave me their full and undivided attention. They turned out to be quite creative. The most memorable part was that one of them took some ice out of a thermos he’d brought with him and stuck it down my shorts. While the stuff melted, I writhed around and the others laughed. Of course, I asked David to bring more ice the next day. He told me he’d be happy to.

The next group to have fun with me included Rusty, Ron, and Kevin. We had lunch at the same time. Rusty hand-fed me while straddling my chest. During the meal, Kevin playfully (and thankfully gently) bounced on my stomach. I discovered that Rusty and I had many common interests, including Star Trek. We discussed our favorite episodes the entire time. Fortunately, Kevin and Ron also liked Star Trek (though they weren’t fanboys like Rusty and I were). They listened to us rattle on with amusement instead of boredom or impatience.

Next up were Gary, Walter, and Randy. Instead of staking me out for this session, they mummy-wrapped me the way that Al had been, loaded me into the canoe (from which the seats had been removed), sat on top of me, and paddled us all the way out to the lake. The only view I really got was Gary (who was in front) and blue sky. However, I was content with this as he had nice legs and his shirt was off. During this trip I learned that both Gary and David were coming over to spend the night at my cousins’ house – and I felt a thrill of anticipation!

The rest of the afternoon was anti-climactic. David, Brian, and Michael sat on me and tickled and tormented me for a couple of hours. I wanted to ask David about his upcoming visit but decided not to. I wasn’t sure if certain details should be discussed in front of his brothers. But David winked at me at one point and asked me if I was ready for the visit. I just grinned like the goofy kid on the cover of MAD magazine. Besides tickling, the torture featured taking the three-gallon thermos cooler to the pond, filling it up with pond water, bringing it back, and using it to drench my head as I lay helplessly tied. I must’ve been drenched at least fifty times. Had we still been in the canoe at the time it probably would have been swamped and sunk!

Finally it was time for all of us to go home. We made arrangements to meet again at various times (we would rarely all meet again at the same time that summer, except for a few special occasions and two VERY special occasions that I’ll get to in due course).

Al was re-tied like a mummy and loaded into his canoe. George, Tom, and Rusty paddled off with him while Gary remained behind. Brian and Michael walked home together (with Michael cuffing and hobbling Brian and leading him away on a leash). David stayed with us. Ron was the only one who left in the same way that he'd come and with the same people that he’d arrived with.

Gary and David were obviously coming with my cousins and me. I figured they’d just walk alongside us, maybe with one of them riding on my shoulders. Instead Walter tied David’s hands behind his back and hobbled him with a loose rope tie, while Randy did the same thing to Gary. Two more collars and leashes were produced (I never found out who’d brought those) and attached to the boys. Then Gary, David, and I were tape-gagged; not terribly effective, but the psychological effect was all that anyone was after anyway. Then, while Walter led me on my leash, Randy led David and Gary on their own leashes. The five of us walked back to my aunt’s house in relative silence.

This promised to be a fun night!
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Post by Xtc »

I often wonder how much of this story is autobiographical.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Veracity »

Site rules state that tie-ups between adults and minors must not have sexual overtones but there is no such prohibition among teenaged characters. I suspect that there are certain lines that can’t be crossed, but having read your work I don’t think that you have ever crossed that line.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Veracity wrote: 2 years ago Site rules state that tie-ups between adults and minors must not have sexual overtones but there is no such prohibition among teenaged characters. I suspect that there are certain lines that can’t be crossed, but having read your work I don’t think that you have ever crossed that line.
I appreciate that, but until I hear from an admin saying I can do otherwise I think I'd rather be safe than sorry. I've been burned too many times at Deviantart (when I thought similarly about my output there) to want to risk having something similar happen to me here as well. I can always re-post the more intimate version at the Intimate section later if Chadmc90 or another admin says it is alright. But thanks.

Chapter 4

As soon as we came within sight of my aunt’s house, the three of us who were tied were set completely free and the gear was stowed away in a backpack that Walter kept with him. It wouldn’t do for any of us to be seen by our aunt tied up, after all. David’s parents knew about our tie-up club (and so did the parents of some of our fellow club members, I eventually learned), but Aunt Yvette did not, and Walter and Randy wanted to keep it that way. Though in hindsight, I wonder how it could be that none of the parents of the other members ever told her. I sometimes have wondered since if she knew more than we ever thought but simply respected our privacy and dignity as long as we were not hurting or bothering anyone else.

Looking as if we’d just been swimming and walking and doing other everyday activities, the five of us entered the house. Aunt Yvette was already home and preparing dinner. She didn’t seem put out that two unexpected guests had come over; this was such a common occurrence that she usually prepared enough for company as a matter of course; if there was no company it simply meant leftovers for the weekends.

By this point, Aunt Yvette knew all of my cousins’ guests well enough to greet them by name. She warmly welcomed David and Gary as they entered the kitchen as if she’d been expecting them all along. She was a warm and generous woman this way and never discouraged any of us from bringing one or two guests over for dinner or sleepovers (which usually went together anyway)… as long as we didn’t use the privilege TOO often. The fact that we offered to help with preparations didn’t hurt. The other kids had learned the value of being courteous and helpful guests; this ensured that they’d always be welcome at one another’s houses. I still had some learning to do in this department, but I rapidly gained experience during that summer.

We helped Aunt Yvette so much with dinner that she had little more to do than supervise. We prepared the meal, seated her at the table like the regal lady she was, served the food, ate it over a pleasant conversation, and cleaned everything up ourselves. Then we went outside to horse around for an hour or two while Aunt Yvette relaxed by watching the news on TV. I spent part of the time lying flat on my back while the others relaxed on top of me; I was left untied, though, in case Aunt Yvette came out to check on us. We also wrestled with one another. Despite the fact that I was the largest and heaviest of the four, I lost every match that I had against any of the others – even Gary. I didn’t have to do it on purpose, either. Even Gary won fair and square, though I plead the excuse that I wrestled him last and was tired from wrestling Walter and Randy, whereas Gary was still fresh and rested.

Later in the evening we came inside, washed up, and watched TV for a couple of hours, more to keep Aunt Yvette company than because we were interested in the programs. Around nine o’clock, she was ready to retire for the night, so we went upstairs to give her some privacy and, of course, to get some privacy for ourselves.

We just goofed around playing cards for a while until we were sure that Aunt Yvette was sound asleep. We checked on her by taking turns going to the bathroom every ten minutes or so. Eventually, Randy heard her snoring softly. After that, we knew that it was safe to start some new and more interesting activities, as my aunt was both a sleep sleeper and hard of hearing. So the moment Randy came upstairs to report that snores could be heard, we put away the cards and undressed for bed.

We had already drawn cards to determine who would be the other one besides me to have the privilege of being held captive for the night. I was always a captive, but tonight we needed two so that the other four wouldn’t need to share just one victim. Each captive was going to have no more than two tormentors; this wasn’t for the benefit of the captives, it was to make things more interesting for the captors. Gary was exempted because he’d been preassigned to be my sole tormentor, this being the first time he’d get the chance for it. So the other three picked the cards to see which of them would be a prisoner of the other two. David won (or lost, depending upon your viewpoint), and – as we were lying on Randy’s double-sized bed – he got tied up for the night right next to me.

Using rope rather than handcuffs, Gary tied me up in the manner usually adopted when I was in bed, with my wrists bound to the headboard and my ankles bound to the footboard. Unlike David, though, I wasn’t gagged, as Gary and I wanted to engage in light conversation for a while as he sat on me. He tickled me while he talked (which made it hard to listen to him sometimes) but desisted (usually) when I was expected to say something.

The upshot of the conversation was that Gary invited me to spend the following night at his house; just me - not Walter and Randy. This wasn’t meant as a snub to my cousins, and they didn’t take it as one. For one thing, they’d already had sleepovers at Gary’s house dozens of times. For another, everyone wanted me to enjoy the chance to be a solo guest at other club members’ houses. Finally, inviting three guests at a time would probably make the parents of the host complain of overload. Not every adult was as patient as Aunt Yvette.

After some hesitation - caused by shyness and the fact that I wasn’t accustomed to being invited to sleepovers by myself - I accepted Gary's invitation. With that settled, we decided to head off to the other bedroom so that Gary could torture me – and Walter and Randy could torture David – in peace and quiet.

Gary freed me from the bed and we walked to my borrowed bedroom. Once there, Gary gagged me and placed me in a hogtie that forced me to kneel in front of him, facing away from him and the bed. He sat on the edge of the edge behind me, placed his legs over my shoulders, and rested his bare feet on my thighs as though they were his private footstools. We then watched a late-night movie on Walter’s TV set together. Well, Gary watched the movie; I was distracted by his frequent habit of squeezing my face between his thighs (which rested on my shoulders more heavily as he gradually shifted his weight from the bed onto me). He also enjoyed ruffling my hair, tickling me at unexpected moments, and playing with my glasses.

Still in a hogtie, I was laid on my back – and Gary gently knelt-sat down on my face while facing my legs. My face had been sat on before but never by someone who was naked. It was a completely new sensation. It was very… interesting too, but I was glad I wasn’t still gagged at the time. But the feel of it… and the scent of it… not just the part directly over my nose but the smell of his skin and a bit of his sweat… were new and different and yet familiar and most of all extremely arousing.

After a little cleaning up of my waist (and my face), Gary lay beside me with his head and upper body pressed against mine. We talked quietly for a few minutes while he occasionally stroked my cheek gently with one hand. Then, as we ended the conversation, he kissed me right on the forehead.
Gary released me from the hogtie, lay me on the bed face down, and cuffed (rather than tied) me spread-eagle with me lying on my belly. Still completely naked, he turned off the TV, turned out the light, and lay right on top of me; his still-swollen member pressing against the back of my undershorts. He played around with my undershorts for a while and I thought he was going to pull them down and play a new game with me, but he didn’t. Instead he just stroked my arms and body and played with my hair for a while before we fell asleep. As I wasn’t cuffed too tightly, he didn’t need to stay awake to check my bonds every two to four hours. So we both slept like babies.

At one point I woke up, sure that someone had kissed me on the cheek. But Gary seemed to be asleep and I decided that I’d just imagined it.

I awoke to my bottom being smacked heavily by a not-too-gentle hand. It was Gary, and he didn’t stop until I was wide awake and struggling to get up out of bed to get some revenge. When I settled down and promised I wouldn’t swat him back, he released me. Already half-dressed, he went downstairs to get a morning shower while I half-dressed to get ready for my own. My aunt and the four other boys were all ahead of me, so the shower wasn’t very warm when it was my turn, but I enjoyed it anyway.

We had a nice quiet breakfast with my aunt, who seemed to enjoy Gary and David’s company as much as I did – if for different reasons. She was loquacious and we were all respectful, so she was always glad to entertain young guests whenever they came to visit one of us. She had to go to work before long, however; and soon she left us five boys alone in the house.

We didn’t stay long at the house, of course. Randy, Walter, and David had a soccer game to play in. By this time Walter had a driver’s license and his own (rather old) car, so he and the other two drove off to the soccer game while Gary and I were left behind to shift for ourselves. Gary didn’t handcuff and hobble me and lead me to the pond on a leash as I’d expected, however. Telling me I’d probably get my fill and more of being tied or chained up over the next day and night, he decided he’d rather just walk with me to the lake for once. So we walked to the pond and talked like two ordinary boys. Nobody would have guessed that one of us was planning to make the other one his captive and slave for the next 24 hours!
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Gary and I reached the pond, and I immediately noticed that Al’s canoe was pulled up to shore. I didn’t see anyone with the canoe at first, but a familiar voice called out to us cheerfully from the woods opposite the trail to the pond. At the same time, I heard what sounded like something being repeatedly snapped.

Gary and I followed the sounds to a small tree. Al was standing there facing the tree, blindfolded, gagged, and naked except for a pair of cotton briefs. His wrists were handcuffed to a tree branch over his head, and his feet were half way off the ground as he stood on his toes. George and Ron were whipping his back, buttocks, and legs with some switches they’d made from small, limber branches. They weren’t hitting Al with the switches hard enough to break the skin, but the whacks must have smarted an awful lot. They carried on with the whipping even as Gary and I walked up to them.

“I guess we’re ready to go,” Gary said to them. “Everyone else is going to the big soccer game. Some of them said they might join us later. So get Al loose, and let’s get Jason ready so we can go to my house.”

“We’re going to your house NOW?” I asked Gary. “I thought that was for tonight.”

“It’s for today AND tonight,” he told me. “We’ll have the house all to ourselves and no one will bother us. I don’t feel like sharing you with anyone else today after I get you home. Hope you don’t mind having only one tormentor today, but I’ll be sure to make up for it.”

The way he said this filled me with anticipation and a touch of dread at the same time. But the others were just grinning – even Al as he was freed from his captivity and able to remove his gag and blindfold – and laughing, so I didn’t take Gary too seriously. I was to find out that I should have been more concerned, but I never regretted my decision to go with him.

The other four boys seemed to have a mile of rope handy, and within seconds they had wrestled me to the ground. Al and Ron tied my wrists securely behind my back and began winding generous amounts of rope from my shoulders downward. At the same time, Gary and George tied my ankles and knees and began winding rope from my feet upward. They met at my hips, where my wrists were loosened enough to move them to my sides, but only momentarily; the wrists were re-secured immediately to my sides with more rope.

By the time they finished tying me, I was completely unable to move. I couldn’t even have rolled over to my side, let enough move enough to get anywhere. I was as helpless as if I was paralyzed from the neck down.

My captors checked me over to make sure that I was secure and not suffering any pain from circulation problems. Once that was done, I was gagged. One sock was placed inside my mouth and another one was tied around my head to secure it. Then a large burlap sack was placed over my head – with one large hole about the size of my fist for my nose so that I could breathe and see out a little bit. The sack was large enough to fit right down to my shoulders, and it was secured there with some rope. More rope was tied around the neck to secure it further, but this rope was loose enough that there was no danger of choking me.

Then the four of them used some smaller, separate pieces of rope to tie rope handles onto me at my lower legs and upper arms. Once this was done, the four of them lifted me up as easily as if they were carrying a sack of grain and carried me all the way to the canoe – a distance of about 300 feet. Once we were there, they set me down gently on the bottom - which was lined with cushions similar to the wrestling mats you see in gymnasiums – and placed a blanket over me that covered everything but my face. After this was done, the four boys shoved the canoe into the water, climbed in, sat down on top of me, grabbed their paddles, and plied us out onto the water away from shore as fast as any of us could run.

The whole thing went so swiftly and smoothly, it was almost like being kidnapped. Under these circumstances, however, it was an extremely pleasant sensation and I practically revelled in my helplessness. Gary was again sitting on my chest, wearing only gym shorts, tube socks, and sneakers, and I enjoyed watching him loom over me as he paddled. I could also see the arms of the other boys behind him as they also worked their paddles calmly and briskly despite the fact that their seat was alive and watching them.

Gary and the others swiftly paddled to the other end of the pond and to the narrow channel that connected it to the lake. We were soon out onto the main part of the lake, and were immediately in sight of other boats of all kinds – sailboats, small catamarans, a few rowboats, some speedboats, one kayak, and even a few other canoes. None were close enough for anybody to see the other four boys clearly, and it would have been impossible to see me at all from any distance – though Gary was ready to cover my face with the blanket and hide me completely from sight if need be. But no one came close to us as my companions paddled the canoe along the lake directly to Gary’s house – roughly a mile from where I’d been loaded into the canoe.

The others paddled up a small stream and grounded the canoe at a small sandy spot that was hidden completely from view; even the view from the lake was blocked by bushes. The four hauled me out of the canoe and, rather than untie me so that I could walk by myself, simply carried me like I was a set of luggage. They walked toward the house, but didn’t carry me into it. Instead, they walked right past it to a large barn nearby. They lugged me up a flight of stairs to a second-floor loft, which was comfortably furnished in a style similar to the tree-house near David’s house that I’d visited several times the previous year.

My four companions set me down gently and stood me on my feet. Ron held onto me to keep me from falling over (I couldn’t have remained on my feet two seconds without help) while the others fooled with a type of rope and tackle system that had been set up on the ceiling. There was a thick mattress on the floor, and I was placed standing on it while the boys connected me to what I knew had to be some kind of suspension device.

Sure enough, there were some hooks suspended by ropes, which were connected in turn to a pulley above. I was lifted up and over, then let down so that the hooks caught the loops on my shoulders and ankles that I’d been carried by previously. I was barely standing on my tip-toes when they let go of me, but the harness held me securely and kept me from falling.

The burlap sack was untied and removed, and I thought I was to be released. But they weren’t done yet. There was a rope leading from the pulley that was tied off to some large eyelets set into a nearby beam. The boys untied that, pulled on the rope, and hauled me up until I was dangling several feet in the air. Then they tied the rope off again securely so that my entire weight was supported by their device. My weight was distributed evenly by the rope handles at my shoulders and feet, and they were tied in such a way that they didn’t cut into me much at all. I was very snug and comfortable as far as that part was concerned, but I was worried about what might happen next.

“Feel free to hang around a while,” Gary said to me. (Honest, he really said that!) “We’re going inside the house to watch TV for a while. Don’t worry, we’ll check up on you every so often. See you in a few hours!”

I *mumphed* frantically into my gag, which had never been removed! A few HOURS?! They were going to literally leave me in suspense for a few hours?! What kind of way was this to treat a guest?!

Snickering at my plight, the boys ran down the steps and were soon out of sight. I could hear them laughing and talking as they went toward Gary’s house – their voice fading into the distance until a heard a door open and close. Then… silence.

Although I was in no discomfort, I was afraid I’d be bored out of my mind waiting for Gary and the others to come back. But boredom soon became the least of my worries.

About ten minutes after I’d been left to hang in my bands, an eight-year-old boy came into the barn and entered the loft. He wore knee-length shorts and a long-sleeved shirt, but was barefoot. He looked so much like Gary that I knew immediately this must be his younger brother. I hadn’t known until then that Gary had one.

“The guys asked me to check on you and see if you’re okay,” he said without introduction. Then he paused, if as he expected something, while I just stared at him. “Well, ARE you okay?” he asked, somewhat impatiently.

I nodded my head. I wasn’t too happy about being trussed up and hung out like a fish, but I wasn’t in pain or anything and I couldn’t talk anyway since I was still gagged.

The boy sat down in a chair a few feet away from me. “So, are you a member of that club that Gary’s in?” he asked me.

I nodded my head.

“I want to join too someday,” he continued. “But the others say I’m still too young. They say I have to wait until I’m nine; Gary thinks I should wait until I’m ten. That doesn’t stop ‘em from playing TUGs with me once in a while – just to prepare me for being one of ‘em, I guess.”

I gave an interested *mumph*, but he didn’t take the hint to remove my gag. I was just low enough that he could have reached up and removed it, but he never thought to do so. He just sat there and watched me dangle. Then, apparently getting bored, he took out a slingshot and began to shoot rubber bands at me! Enough of my body was exposed despite the ropes that wrapped me up to allow him to score quite a few stinging hits. I protested but of course this made no impression on him. He just grinned and kept shooting rubber bands at me. At one point he explained that he was occasionally tied to a tree or a post and rubber bands were snapped at him too. If HIS shots stung so much, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what it felt like when several older, stronger boys did it all at once!

He made no attempt to torment me otherwise, however. At one point he even chased away a bumblebee that had flown in through the window and developed an unwelcome interest in orbiting my head. I wished, though, that he’d at least remove my gag so I could pass the time by talking with him – and ask him why I’d been left to hang like a side of beef. But he left the gag on and offered no explanation of his own. He didn’t even talk most of the time; he just watched me dangle there with evident fascination.

After what seemed like forever, but was actually two hours, Gary and the others came back. All wore gym shorts and nothing else. They undid the ropes keeping me suspended in the air, and gently lowered me down onto the mattress beneath me. Gary knelt down beside me and removed my gag. “Still feel okay?” he asked with a mischievous grin. “Need a break or anything?”

I checked myself over as well as I could under the circumstances. I could barely even squirm, I was tied so securely. But I felt no discomfort and was able to flex and wiggle my fingers and toes without difficulty. I felt no numbness anywhere, nor any need to relieve myself. So I told him I was okay, but could use a drink. They had brought some cold Kool-Aid with them and gave me some to drink – lifting my head up so I could drink without slopping any of it on me.

I was left tied as the five boys (including Gary’s brother, who was now introduced to me as Gordon) pulled up an old sofa nearby right next to the mattress I lay on. They sat down on the sofa and then placed their bare feet all over me, Gary’s bare foot rubbing all over my face once my glasses were removed. They kept rubbing the soles of their feet all over me like they were scraping something nasty off and onto me – but other than a little dirt and grass and a bit of their sweat there was really nothing to scrape off.

After a while the five of them got off the sofa and sat on me for a while. Eventually, though, Ron, Al, and George had to go home and they left. But not before Ron invited me to come spend the weekend at HIS house. Without hesitation, I accepted. He agreed to visit with Walter and Randy Friday afternoon to pick me up and take me back to his house Friday afternoon, waved goodbye, and left.

“Enjoying your visit so far?” Gary asked me, grinning down at me hands on knees as he continued to sit on my chest. Gordon was still there, sitting knees up on my belly.

“Yes,” I told him, “but why’d you leave me alone up here? I felt like I was being initiated all over again!”

“Didn’t anyone tell you?” he asked with surprise I’m certain was faked. “When a club member visits another one for the first time, the host gets to haze his visitor any way he likes for the whole visit, just like an initiation. This applies even if the host was initiated later than the visitor. Even afterward, the host gets to decide who gets tied up and played with.”

“No one ever got around to explaining that little detail,” I told him with more bemusement than anger.

“Well, don’t worry,” Gary told me. “From what the others told me, you should have plenty of fun now. It’ll be nice not to have to be TOO gentle this time!”

That threw a bit of a scare into me!
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The first thing Gary and Gordon did was to release me and give me a chance to relax and get the stiffness of a long tie-up out of my system. When I had gotten the kinks out of my joints and muscles and rubbed the rope burns a bit (there were a lot more of them than usual this time), I was handcuffed (with my wrists in front of me) and hobbled. These weren’t the set of cuffs that my cousins had; Gary had his own set. A dog collar was also placed on me and a leash attached to it, and another leash was placed on my bound wrists. Then Gary led me out of the barn on one leash, with Gordon holding the other one.

I was taken to one of those old-fashioned unpowered lawn-mowers they used to have in those days. Another set of handcuffs was produced. One end was connected to the set around my wrists and the other end was connected to the handle of the lawn-mower. “If you want a nice lunch, mow the back lawn for me,” Gary told me. “Gordon will be watching you to make sure you don’t slack off!’

Gordon was carrying a switch in his hand and had an eager smile on his face. I got the message: the boy wouldn’t need much excuse to whip me! All the same, I began to object. “Do you always make your guests do your chores?” I asked him, a little peeved. “And what if your folks see me like this?”

“Yes, I do get others to do my chores… when they’re my slaves and prisoners!” he told me with a smiling but serious face. “I’ve done it to Walter and Randy. They’ve done the same thing to me. David, Ron, Al, and George – we’ve all been one another’s slaves. Now it’s your turn. But be happy it’s me who’s your master today. I’m easy! I just want your help with chores. Wait until you visit Ron’s house this weekend. His folks own a dog kennel!’

“What’s wrong with that?” I replied. “I like dogs!”

“That's a good thing for you; because you’re probably going to be locked up a cage with them!” Gary replied with an evil grin. “I only had one overnight visit with him, but YOU agreed to stay the whole weekend!”

He uttered the most evil laugh I’d ever heard as I absorbed that bit of news. What had I gotten myself into this time?

“Anyway, my folks aren’t home until tonight, so they won’t see you,” continued Gary. “Ron’s folks are out a lot too, and they’re probably going to be gone all weekend since he invited you over. So your fun won’t be interrupted. Now get to work!”

I felt the stroke of a switch on my butt. “Move it, slave!” ordered Gordon with a mock deep voice and as fierce a scowl as he could manage, trying to sound and look tough. But he giggled right afterward and spoiled what little threatening effect he’d achieved.

The cuffs were loose enough to enable me to get a firm grip on the mower (while also locking me firmly to it), so I got busy. Gordon followed me around whenever I happened to be in the shade of a tree, but sat on the grass in the shade whenever I ventured onto a part of the lawn still in the sun. He made no more attempt to use the switch on me even when I paused to catch my breath, however, and gave me more Kool-Aid to drink whenever I asked for it. So really it wasn’t much worse than an ordinary lawn-mowing job. The cuffs and hobbles, the threat of a switching, and being watched by a guard (however small and young he was) made it more fun than a chore usually was, too.

Gary wasn’t slacking off watching me slave for him, though; he was painting the barn.

After I finished mowing the lawn (which took about three hours), Gary freed me from the lawn mower and led me to a picnic table set up at the back of his house. He laid me down on one of the long bench-like seats and cuffed me to it so I couldn’t get up. He left me there for a while, but it wasn’t long before he and Gordon came back with a nice picnic lunch. Of course, they both sat down on the bench I was cuffed to, with Gary sitting on my chest.

Gordon immediately began to pig out without paying me the slightest attention, and I expected Gary to do the same while leaving me to go hungry. But instead he hand-fed me first, waiting until I was full before he even began his own share. We had egg-and-potato salad sandwiches with nacho chips and more Kool-Aid. Gary didn’t stint with the food, either; he fed me until I insisted I was full.

It was now early afternoon and very hot out, so we took a break. Gary and Gordon led me back down to the lake where we’d parked the canoe. But instead of going out into the canoe, they dug out a small wooden raft I hadn’t seen before (my view had been extremely limited at the time I was brought here). One side was a frame of small planks built onto a log frame. The other side had a number of closed, empty, plastic gasoline containers that were common at the time tied onto the frame. It was so small I was actually able to carry it on my back without too much trouble – even after my wrists were uncuffed and my arms were tied (spread wide apart) to the raft. One end of it rested against my head while my hobbled feet stuck a foot or more past the other end. This made it difficult but not impossible to walk along toward the water despite the burden. The raft itself was little wider than my body. Carrying it reminded me vaguely of Jesus carrying his cross to the Crucifixion.

I was about waist deep in the water when Gary and Gordon flipped me onto my back and onto the raft. The raft was small, but lightweight and sturdy, and with those airtight canisters, it had enough floatation to keep me out of the water with inches to spare.

But then Gary and Gordon climbed aboard the raft… and on top of me! The raft sank deeper into the water. In fact, it became completely submerged along with about three-quarters of my body! But my face, chest, belly, and parts of my legs were still above water, and so were Gordon and Gary except for their lower legs. I was a bit worried at first, but serving as a live inner tube proved to be a nice experience. The water kept me cool as the three of us paddled around in the water for an hour. Once we were done, Gary got off the raft and towed the raft back to shore while Gordon continued to sit on my belly.

After that pleasant break, it was back to being a work slave. I was made to help weed the garden wearing hobbles and with my hands cuffed in front of me. The others helped me weed, though, rather than lord it over me and make me do all the work. This occupied another few hours until about six o’clock. Afterward, I was so sweaty that I didn’t mind at all when the others handcuffed me to a tree and used a garden hose to wash me down!

But then they had a nasty new surprise for me. Re-securing me into a hogtie, Gary told me that I had to lick his bare feet clean (part of the lawn was now a muddy mess and so were his feet) with my tongue, or I wouldn’t be fed that night and would have to spend the whole night hogtied and gagged and half-naked while chained to that tree!

Even I had a sense of dignity, so I refused, not believing he would really carry out such a threat. But when he gagged me securely and then blindfolded me, and I heard both of them walk away, I began to wonder. When more time passed, I began to think I’d made a serious mistake – although I wasn’t sure just when. Was Gary really going to leave me tied up out here and defense-less, without checking my bonds to make sure they didn’t get too tight for safety? Of course, being blindfolded, I couldn’t tell if he was still there or not – but I had a growing fear that I’d been totally abandoned out there!

I learned later that he and Gordon had taken turns keeping an eye on me from a discreet distance the entire time; but at the time I had no way of knowing this. Even my abnormally keen hearing couldn’t pick up any evidence that either of them were anywhere near me at any time; though the fact that it was a somewhat windy evening would have drowned out subtle clues I might normally have picked up.

At one point I thought I heard a car approach, stop, and its engines shut off; followed by the sound of distant voices for a minute or so. But I wasn’t sure at the time I wasn’t just imagining things in my partial sensory-deprived state.

I was getting hungry, thirsty, tired, and very cramped from being hog-tied. I thought it must be well past midnight when I finally heard footsteps approach me quietly. “It’s just about eight o’clock now,” Gary’s voice told me. “It’ll be getting dark in another hour. Ready to reconsider licking my feet, or do you like it out here? If you do it, I’ll treat you nicer. You can sleep on a mattress in the barn and I’ll feed you and keep you company all night and let you out of the hogtie. What do you say? Nod if you agree!”

By this time I think I’d have sold my soul to the devil to get out of this mess! I nodded my head vigorously. “Good!” he said with a chuckle as he removed my gag and my blindfold.

I looked down at his feet in preparation of getting through this ordeal, only to discover that he was wearing a clean pair of socks and sneakers.

“Later,” he assured me as he freed me from my hogtie and then unlocked the chain that kept me leashed to the tree. I was still hobbled and my hands were cuffed behind my back as Gary led me by a leash back to his loft in the barn. Once there, I was laid on the mattress and the leash was taken off – and used to restore my hogtie! Then Gary took a rope dangling from the ceiling above and tied it together with my bound wrists and ankles. Then he hauled up on the rope, and I knew immediately that he could haul me bodily right into the air again in my hogtie if he chose to.

“Keep your word now, or I’ll literally leave you up in the air,” he warned me.

Believing his threat this time, I watched helplessly as he took off his socks and sneakers. But rather than the filthy mess his feet were before, they were thoroughly washed and even smelled of baby powder! “I wouldn’t have really have made you lick my feet the way they were before,” he told me. “If you’d actually agreed to do it, I’d have let you off. Now, though, hopefully you won’t mind so much.”

Gary didn’t actually have me lick his feet, however. He settled for having me kiss the tops of them instead. He then released me from the hogtie and the pulley rope, swearing he never intended to haul me up while hogtied. I don’t think I fully believed him at first, but after I got to know him, eventually I did. He liked to scare and humiliate, but not cause pain – which was against the rules of our club anyway. It wasn’t his fault that there was no rule against talking advantage of gullible types like me.

“So where’s your brother?” I asked Gary as I lay on the mattress - my hands still cuffed behind me – as he sat on top of me. “Is he joining us later?”

“Nope!” he replied casually. “I told him strictly that no way is he allowed to join us tonight. He’s too young for what I have in mind to do with you! He knows better than to intrude, too. If I catch him, his punishment is to get hung up there like YOU were this morning.” He nodded his head to the pulley system as he spoke. “Only I hang him there upside down – and I leave him that way for a lot longer than I did with you, too. Plus I do other unpleasant things to him. He knows better than to even step out of the house anymore when I have company in the barn at night. Besides, my folks don’t even know you’re here. They’ve been gone all day, and they think I’m spending the night over here by myself. They didn’t even get back until after I tied you to the tree.”

Well, that explained the sounds of a car and the voices I’d heard. At the time it never even occurred to me that it might be Gary’s parents returning home. I was far enough from the house and out of sight in among the trees that there was no chance they could have spotted me anyway. Gary had known all along what he was doing.

I thought at first that a barn was an odd place to have a sleepover. But as I thought about it, I realized the advantages. There was much more privacy here, for one thing. It’d be a lot easier to have fun without being overheard by spying siblings or concerned parents, for sure! There was even an outhouse nearby that we could use so that we wouldn’t have to go to Gary’s house to take care of business. The barn had an electric light, and in the summer it was actually cooler and more comfortable than the inside of his house would have been on such a warm, humid night anyway.

The problem was there wasn’t anything for us to eat. Gary had already had his supper, but I hadn’t anything since lunchtime. But Gary had been thoughtful enough to make a picnic lunch for me while he was away (when his mother had asked him about it, he’d told her that it was for himself). He fed me and gave me cold soda to drink in my now familiar and favorite way, sitting on my chest while I lay there bound hand and foot.

The barn had electricity, and Gary’s loft had electric lights and a small black-and-white TV set. We watched TV for a while and talked about other members of the club. Gary led me to the outhouse so that I could relieve myself, and he washed me himself with soap and water from a bucket and a clean washcloth like I was a dog – or a car. I remained securely bound so that I couldn’t help, but I enjoyed the process. Especially when he washed – that special place, which definitely appreciated the attention!

Once I was washed clean, Gary freed me so I could stretch my legs a bit, and then he re-tied me hammock style – ankles bound together and lashed by a chain to one vertical support and my wrists bound together and tied off to another. The set-up was arranged so that – with some effort - he could pull me as tight as he pleased as if I was on the rack. However, he simply used this method to take up all the slack he could without hurting me and no further.

After that, he tickled me mercilessly for almost a half hour without any breaks, until I virtually begged him for mercy. Then he gave me a nice rubdown with some lotions he had (Ron and Al had apparently given him massage lessons) and I felt completely relaxed.

After we’d rested for a bit, I... well, here my ability to describe things fails me… but it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my entire life. I lay face upward, and he lay down on me face downward, so that my face was in his - ummm, guess where - and his in mine. The weight of his middle body pressed down against my face and made it a bit difficult to breathe, but it was pleasing rather than oppressive and I got very aroused very fast.

It’s difficult to describe fully everything (at least in polite company) I felt while this happened. But it was wonderful… and all too brief a time before we were... finished.

After Gary cleaned us both up, he covered me with a light blanket and lay on top of me while still naked. He caressed my face with his hands… and then I experienced my first lip-kiss with another boy. In fact, I experienced my first dozen or so the same night. I fell asleep and had one of the best nights’ sleeps I’d had since the previous summer!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Jason Toddman wrote: 2 years ago I appreciate that, but until I hear from an admin saying I can do otherwise I think I'd rather be safe than sorry.
[mention]Veracity[/mention] is a member of staff, Jase.
He's a Global Mod and contributed to the creation and elaboration of those rules.

The rules are quite clear about there being no sexual activities between adults and minors.
When it comes to such activities between minors, it's very much a matter of common sense and good judgement.
Stories are judged on a case by case basis.

To give you an example, a story involving two sixteen or seventeen-year-olds having "fun" would hardly cause anyone to bad an eyelid.
Sixteen is the age of consent in most countries and most late teens have at least some experience in the field (even if it's just kissing) by the time they reach 17-18.

A story featuring younger teens (ex: 13-14) duking it out, however, would be ill-advised and make a lot of people very uncomfortable (depending on the level of graphic details included of course).

Really it comes down to good judgement.
But you're wise to err on the side of caution.
The motto "When in doubt, leave it out." seems to apply here.

In any case, I'm very glad to see you back onboard and posting.
Hasn't been the same without you ;)

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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago
Jason Toddman wrote: 2 years ago I appreciate that, but until I hear from an admin saying I can do otherwise I think I'd rather be safe than sorry.
@Veracity is a member of staff, Jase.
He's a Global Mod and contributed to the creation and elaboration of those rules.

OOPS! You know, I think I knew that at one point back when I was active here a year or more ago but I've been absent so much - and really am not very active now either other than to post a new chapter every so often - that I kind of forgot. i've been very absent-minded of late anyway. :oops:
But yeah intimate elements haven't really been a crucial element to the plot anyway. In fact many later chapters of this story won't even need whitewashing because no such elements have been included in about half of them. In the few where it *is*, I'll ask you, xtc, Veracity and/or the other asdmins here about it first to get a consensus. Definitely better safe than sorry. :mrgreen:
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Post by Dominik »

Good to see that you are back -- during your VERY long break I was beginning to worry.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Dominik wrote: 2 years ago Jason:
Good to see that you are back -- during your VERY long break I was beginning to worry.
Thanks. I've had my ups and downs, but I'm doing fairly well these days.


I woke to the feeling of other bodies gently sitting down on top of mine. I opened my eyes and saw not only Gary, but Al, Ron, and George as well… all dressed in opened, unbuttoned short-sleeved shirts, shorts running halfway to the knee, tube socks, and sneakers.

“Have a good rest?” Al asked me cheerfully as he knelt on my chest and gently slapped my face a few times to help me wake up.

“Yep,” I replied with a smile, though now that I was awake I was feeling the results of having been on my back and tied up for over eight hours straight.

“Don’t worry, we’ll ease those kinks out of you,” said Ron, and he and Al untied me and gave me a very relaxing massage. I was given a bucket of water, a clean washcloth, and some soap to take a sponge bath with. I changed into a fresh shirt and a clean set of shorts I’d brought in a paper bag with me. Then I was hobbled and my hands cuffed behind me, and I was led out of the loft of the barn, across the lawn, and – to my surprise – into Gary’s house for the first time.

“Your parents are gone for the day?” I surmised aloud to Gary as we crossed the threshold into what appeared to be a sparsely furnished but well-maintained garage.

“Nope! Gordon blabbed about you being here and they wanna meet you,” replied Gary, somewhat to my alarm. “Come on, they’re in the kitchen waiting for you!” So saying, he pulled on my leash to urge me on as if dragging along a guest in chains to meet the parents was a daily occurrence!

This situation was so insane I decided he was trying to fake me out. “His parents aren’t in there!" I thought to myself. “He’s just having a joke at my expense!” Confident of this, I let myself be led into the kitchen.

“Mom? Dad! Meet my new friend Jason!” said Gary. “He’s Walter and Randy’s cousin.”

His parents really WERE in there!!!

Gary’s dad looked up from his paper where he sat at the table while his mother turned to look at me from where she was washing dishes at the kitchen sink. I was immediately blushing a deep red from embarrassment, but neither of Gary’s folks seemed more than mildly perturbed.

“Hello, Jason,” Gary’s dad said to me mildly. Then he turned to Gary with a stern look on his face. “How many times have I told you not to bring your friends to the kitchen table locked in those handcuffs?!!”

“But dad! Jase LIKES being handcuffed! Honest!” Gary replied in self-defense as he nevertheless freed my hands – but (deliberately, I am sure) neglected to take off my hobbles.

Gary’s dad turned to look at me with a questioning eye – silently; asking me if this was the case. I nodded my head slightly before turning to look away in some embarrassment. I think that he felt some disapproval about the whole matter, but he apparently decided to drop it.

“I don’t mean to be a bad host,” he said to me more cordially. “It’s just that my son seems to like to play Cops and Robbers, and Cowboys and Indians, a little too much for a boy his age. But as long as no one is hurt, and as long as you really don’t mind… that…” He finished lamely, pointing to the handcuffs Gary still held in one hand.

“It’s just playing, sir,” I assured him. He harrumphed politely.

“Well, we’ll leave it to Gary to feed you and the others,” Gary’s father said as he set down his newspaper and rose from the table. “Sorry to rush off, but we have to go to work now. Nice meeting you. Come on, Martha.” Gary’s mother dropped what she was doing at the kitchen sink and followed her husband out of the kitchen at about the same time that Gordon wandered in.

I got the impression that Gary’s parents wanted to get away from us as fast as they could, but I may have been unduly suspicious. In any case, they got into their car and were gone within minutes.

“About time they left,” Gary hissed, giving his little brother a look of pure annoyance. “They’d have gone twenty minutes ago, but Stupid there had to blab about you being in the barn with me, so they insisted on meeting you before they went to work.”

While he was explaining all of this, Gary was casually locking the handcuffs around one of my wrists, pulling it behind the slatted back of the chair, grabbing my other wrist and bringing it back to be cuffed to the first – therefore cuffing me to the chair. Meanwhile Al and Ron, without even waiting to confer with anyone else, grabbed my ankles and leg-cuffed them to the chair in such a way that my feet were completely off the floor.

“What kind of cereal do you like?” Gary asked me casually, as if he hadn’t just made me his prisoner again. “We got Team Flakes, Wheaties, Total, Shredded Wheat, Special K, Cheerios, and Granola.”

“Team Flakes are good,” I replied.

So Gary loaded a bowl with a generous helping of Team Flakes, peeled and sliced a banana into it, added some sugar, poured in the milk, sat in a chair beside me, and fed me cereal by the spoonful. Nobody ever seemed to tire of feeding me like I was a cripple or an infant. But they were usually careful not to slop any milk or cereal on me; unless they were deliberately trying to bug me, anyway.

I thought they were going to take me back home first thing that morning, but I got a little surprise. I was going to be their work slave all day and be taken back to my aunt’s only at the end of the day! If I refused to help Gary with his chores, I’d be tickle-tortured without mercy all day long by Gordon instead. The boy demonstrated what being tickled by him would be like. His two-minute demonstration left me in hysterics and gasping for breath. Being at his mercy all day would leave me an exhausted, emotional wreck! I decided to work, wondering what it’d be like in the club if Gordon ever became a member!

I’d eventually find out – but that’s a story for later.
I was set the task of painting the lower portions of the barn that I could reach either by standing on the ground or atop a small ladder. The handcuffs were removed for this job but the hobbles were left on me just for fun. I didn’t mind; in fact, I enjoyed it. The others didn’t stand around like guards, though – well, except for Gordon. Ron, Al, and Gary all pitched in. After all, it was Gary’s chores that we were doing. By pitching in, we were giving him more free time that he could spend with us! I also learned that he customarily helped other kids in the club with THEIR chores; also sometimes in restraints when there weren’t any others around to watch.

It was a strange little club, but I enjoyed being a part of it. I couldn’t help but wonder why other kids in MY hometown weren’t this much fun to spend time with!

Anyway, we broke for lunch about the same time that we finished painting the barn. I was tied to one of the picnic-table benches while Gary and Gordon used me as a cushion again. Ron, Al, and George used the other bench.

Afterward, we worked on weeding the rest of the garden until it was late in the afternoon. Every so often, we took a long rest break in the shade, where I’d lie on the grass (with my arms and legs tied to trees) and serve as a cushion for all five of the others.

Finally, Gary told me it was time for them to take me home. Rather than wrapping me up in ropes like a mummy, they tied me to the small raft again. A rope was tied onto the raft and attached to the canoe. Al, Ron, Gary, and George climbed into the canoe while Gordon climbed onto me. Gordon’s body weight alone combined with mine wasn’t enough to submerge the raft like before, so I stayed reasonably dry. The canoe was paddled out onto the lake and the raft was towed out behind it.

I was concerned about being seen like this at first, but it turned out there was no one out on the lake (at least no one close enough to see me), and we were usually far enough out so that no one could have seen me or Gordon on top of me from anywhere along the shore. So with reasonable privacy the whole way, we returned to the familiar spot where I’d been tied up and held captive so many times before. Once the canoe was grounded, the raft was pulled ashore by the others and I was untied. There was no one else there waiting for us, though I’d thought my cousins, at least, would be there to walk me home. Gary had phoned them just before we set out.

I was about to say goodbye to the others in preparation for walking back to my aunt’s house alone, but the others asked me to wait a bit. To my surprise, Al and Ron were clapping the handcuffs and hobbles onto Gary! Then they put a leash and collar on him and then handed the lead to me!

“I asked Walter and Randy if I could stay overnight!” he said to me with a grin. “I had fun when you were my guest. Now tonight I’m going to be yours!”

I returned his grin with an evil smile and a sinister laugh, which was pretty much the reaction the others were hoping for. Oh, yeah, tonight WAS going to be fun!

The others escorted us back to my aunt’s house (Gordon riding Gary’s shoulders) as far as the point where the house came into sight. Gordon climbed down and the others waved goodbye to us. They’d take the canoe back to Gary’s house and return to pick him up in it in the morning. They walked off while I removed Gary’s bonds (he had the keys) and leash and left them in a safe, hidden place outdoors. It wouldn’t do to take him into my aunt’s house bound the way I’d been when he’d taken me into his, after all!

Aunt Yvette had been forewarned of company and we all had a pleasant dinner together. Afterward we went outside to wrestle, and Randy pinned Gary to the ground while Walter pinned me – for roughly an hour and a half.

That night, Gary was a guest in my room. I cuffed him in a hogtie in only his undershorts (using my cousins’ set of handcuffs and leg cuffs with a piece of rope to tie them together). After I’d taken my time tickle-torturing him, I stuck him in the closet and watched TV for a couple of hours. When I was ready for bed, I released him from his hogtie, cuffed his wrists to the sturdy clothes bar over his head, and left him forced to stand with his wrists suspended over his head for the rest of the night – blindfolded and gagged for good measure. His feet were firmly on the floor so he wasn’t suspended or anything cruel like that - but he couldn’t sit down. I hadn’t intended to leave him like that for long, but I fell asleep and he remained like that for several hours!

I expected him to be mad at me for that the next morning, but he was only regretful that I hadn’t gotten around to ‘playing’ with him before I fell asleep.

So I took the time to do so before I released him to wash up and have breakfast!

The next day I led Gary back to the pond with Walter and Randy tagging along. Ron, George and Al were just arriving in the canoe when we got there. Rather than release Gary from his bounds, they simply lugged him into the canoe, placed him on the bottom, and sat on him as they had with me as they paddled away. “I’ll come pick you up Friday afternoon!” Ron called out to me with a cheerful wave as they began to paddle Gary home.

“You lucky dog!” Randy the cornball quipped to me as we walked to David’s house to spend the afternoon with him and his kid brothers at their treehouse. “A whole weekend at the kennel! Are YOU ever going to have FUN!”

I was looking forward to it.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Dominik wrote: 2 years ago Jason:
Good to see that you are back -- during your VERY long break I was beginning to worry.
I share Dominik's sentiment.
Very glad to have you back on here, Jase.

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago
Dominik wrote: 2 years ago Jason:
Good to see that you are back -- during your VERY long break I was beginning to worry.
I share Dominik's sentiment.
Very glad to have you back on here, Jase.
Thanks. :D

Chapter 8

I may have given you the impression that all my cousins and their friends ever did for kicks was tie me up and sit on me – or one another. But this wasn’t the case. Like any other group of reasonably normal boys, we engaged in other activities as well. For instance, when my cousins and I visited David and his brothers after Gary and the others left in their canoe, all we did was play ‘Hoops’, toss a Frisbee around, and watch TV. Well, we wrestled and rough-housed a bit too, but no one tied me up or sat on me.

When we got home that afternoon, we had a pleasant evening as usual with my aunt, but for once we simply played Monopoly that evening without anyone trying to tie up or sit on anyone else. I forget who won the game, but we were relaxed and we enjoyed ourselves without doing anything more unusual than playfully shoving one another (excepting my aunt of course) when someone landed on Boardwalk or bought a hotel.

The next day was ordinary as well. Walter, Randy, and David had a soccer game, and for the first time I went with them to watch their team play. I cheered them on along with some of their other schoolmates (including Myron and George, who had also come to watch the game). It was a hard-fought battle, but my friends’ team won, and the team celebrated with pizza and soda. I was invited along, and I had a pleasant day meeting some of my cousins’ other schoolmates. Tie-up games didn’t come up during the discussion. That evening was spent in much the same way as the night before, and I was not tied or handcuffed or sat on at any point.

Friday morning began like any other day – for normal people doing normal things. I was first in the bathroom after Aunt Yvette as I didn’t have to wait to be set free from something, and I helped her prepare breakfast while Walter and Randy each took their own turns to wash up. After Aunt Yvette left for work, the three of us took care of various household chores that had started to pile up. I mowed the lawn, this time without hobbles or handcuffs.

But then Ron showed up at about one o’clock in the afternoon; leading a hobbled and cuffed Al on a leash. It turned out that Al was visiting Walter and Randy for the weekend while I was away visiting Ron’s family. The leash and restraints were taken off Al and placed on me. In addition, a muzzle gag was placed on me and actually padlocked into place! After a few more pleasantries were exchanged, Ron and I set off while the other three waved goodbye. “Have fun at the kennel, Rin Tin Tin!” Randy shouted when we were almost out of sight.

I would’ve liked to have had a conversation with Ron about his home and family, and I *mphed* for attention through the gag. But he thought it was too amusing for me to be gagged to take the darned thing off. However, he occupied the time talking about the kennel his father owned (his mother and aunt were partners in a beauty shop as well). Ron’s folks were away on vacation, and had left him and his younger brothers Kevin and Corey to take care of the kennel and about a dozen dogs of various breeds. I also learned that George would be visiting the kennel as well, but only for tomorrow.

The trail we took led us past the pond and to the treehouse on David’s property. David and his two kid brothers Brian and Michael were there too… apparently they’d been told about our passing so that they could watch. They had cameras, and took a few Polaroid snapshots of my being led along. This was a bit humiliating, but at least I knew they wouldn’t let anybody outside the club see the pictures. I learned later on that these three had quite a collection of pictures of various club members being tied up and subjected to various embarrassing pranks – including some of me from the previous summer.

Ron led me past the treehouse and down a path I’d noticed before but had never gone down. This path led to several other houses, including Ron’s and Al’s. Gary’s house was further on and could be reached this way too, but not without passing through a number of other people’s backyards (making this route impractical for the transportation of visitor/prisoners like me).

We reached Ron’s house about a half mile further down the trail. About halfway there, I could tell that we were getting close because of all the barking. The majority of the kennels were in a fenced-in, roofed-over area behind the house, out of sight of the road or passers-by. I could see Kevin and Corey outside by the cages, apparently tending to the feeding and watering of the dogs in their care. Still leading me along by my leash, Ron took me straight to the kennels, passing through a gate (normally secured with a padlock but unlocked now) in a fence on the back side.

Corey was petting a little Cocker Spaniel puppy he held in his arms while Kevin was cleaning up what I figured was its cage. It was a large square cage – about five feet on each side – that had apparently been designed for a St. Bernard or Great Dane. The cage was made of iron bars half an inch thick and spaced every two inches or so on all sides but the floor, which was solid iron. There was a thick clean cushion at the further side of the cage for the dog to rest on, and some blankets covering much of the rest of the floor. The only other furnishings were two brand-new dog dishes – one empty and one filled with fresh water.

“It’s ready,” Kevin told Ron as he stepped out of the cage.

It was when Ron led me toward the cage rather than Corey taking the puppy to it that I had a sudden realization that this cage was meant for ME! I was so bemused I didn’t know whether to struggle or not, but of course it wouldn’t have mattered. I was no match for Ron under these circumstances, and he had his two brothers (young as they were) to help him besides. So, semi-resigned to my fate, I let Ron take me to the cage and put me inside. He entered with me and eased me down onto the cushion. Then he took the chain that formed my leash, looped it around several of the bars behind me, and pad-locked it in place – leaving me with a seven-foot lead.

“If you promise not to yell and you’ll talk without being mad, I’ll take the muzzle off,” Ron told me. “Deal? Remember, you can’t drink or eat anything until I take it off, so if you need to think about it...”

I shook my head to tell him emphatically that I did NOT need to think about it.

“You promise to be calm?” Ron asked me.

I nodded my head. Crouching in front of me, he unlocked the muzzle gag and took it off my head. It was a relief to get that thing off. Not only was it making my jaws start to ache, but it was uncomfortable wearing such a thick, heavy, thing on my face for nearly two hours on such a hot, sunny day.

“What’s THIS all about?” I asked Ron, who was still on one knee in front of me as the cage was too small to stand erect in. “First Gary makes me his work slave on his farm and now you cage me up like a… a dog!”

“Whenever a new club-member visits another member’s house for the first time, it’s sort of like a mini-initiation all over again,” explained Ron. “Didn’t anyone tell you?”

“Gary told me, but I thought he meant just the first time I visited someone new to the club – period. Not each time I visited someone for the first time.” I explained, somewhat lamely; I’d known full well what Gary had meant when he’d said it.

“Nope, first time for each!” Ron told me. “You never visited my house last summer, so here you are now. When you visit George, Rusty, Al, and Tom, you’ll have an interesting reception those times too. Luckily for you, Myron doesn’t get to entertain visitors, and (what’s his name) left the club last year. You missed out on the times we each visited your cousins for the first time. I spent my visit locked up in their shed all night in just my undershorts! Bound and gagged too, of course. But your cousins spent a whole weekend in this same cage themselves year before last, just like you’re going to do. Don’t worry, though; I won’t treat you as roughly as I treated them. After all, you don’t have a home of your own close enough for ME to visit! Besides, I like you too much! Gary took it easy on you and I will too.”

If THAT was the case, I wondered what it had been like for Walter and Randy!

Ron must have read my expression. “When they first visited Gary, they had to dig ditches and got hit with switches every time they tried to take a breather,” he explained with an evil grin. “He really made them work like slaves. When they first visited me, I fed them only dog food for their entire stay and kept them tied tight to the bars of their cage. But I’ll give you real food and won’t restrain you as much as long as you keep playing nice. I’ll let you spend more time out of the cage than I did them, too.”

I was left hobbled and with my hands cuffed behind my back when Ron stepped out of the cage, closed the door, and padlocked it shut. Then he and his brothers left the kennel area, padlocked that gate shut too, and left me to ponder my weekend inside the cage with only a dozen yapping dogs for company.

The leash that was still tied on me was not tight, and allowed enough slack so that I could move around the confines of the cage without trouble. I was getting thirsty and eyed the water dish. It looked spotless and I figured it was brand new (and it was; I learned later that the dish had been purchased especially for me). So I decided to get a drink from it as was obviously intended. When I got to it, however, I discovered I had a problem… how was I supposed to drink from the damned thing? I couldn’t lift it to my mouth with my hands cuffed behind me!

I soon realized that I would have to get down on my knees and drink from it like any dog would. I wasn’t going to lap it up with my tongue, though! Fortunately, the dish was large and deep, so I could simply suck the water up with my mouth. It was a bit sloppy and I got some up my nose, but it eased my thirst.

It was a very hot late June day. Fortunately, though, the kennel area was roofed over to keep out the direct rays of the sun, and the chain-link fence allowed plenty of circulation of air for the comfort of the kennel’s usual tenants. There were also a couple of rotating fans to help circulate the air even when there was no wind. All in all, I wasn’t really uncomfortable… just bored after a while. If my hands had been free and I’d had a puppy in the cage with me for company, I’d have been happier. Of course, a puppy would’ve fouled the cage after a while, and…

Hello! Wait a minute! How was I going to keep from fouling this cage myself – or worse yet fouling the clothes I was wearing?! Surely they’ll let me out of here to take bathroom breaks every so often! They’d damn well better!!!

I suddenly began to hear some soft music playing over a small intercom speaker I hadn’t noticed before. Nothing good like the Beatles, though. More like elevator music. It seemed to calm the dogs down, though, because they stopped yapping. I would’ve preferred the Beatles, except the dogs might have had different tastes in music than I did and kept on yapping. The music was dull, but it was nice to have it quieter out in the kennel. I love dogs, but hearing so many of them barking and not being able to pet any of them was a bit annoying.

Every hour or so, one of the three boys came out to the kennel to check on the dogs (making sure they had plenty of water and so forth) and to verify that my cuffs were secure without being too tight. I complained about the boredom, but they ignored the complaints. They just added fresh cold water to my dish and moved on without even talking to me other than to ask if I was in pain or anything serious. Not being a quitter or a poor sport, I assured them that I was okay rather than demand (fruitlessly, probably) to be let out of the cage. However, after the fourth visit, I insisted that I needed to pee.

“Okay! Ron will be along to take you for ‘walkies’ in a few minutes anyway,” said Corey, whose turn it was to check on me that time.

Sure enough, Ron came out a few minutes later, unlocked the cage, unlocked the leash from the cage, and let me come out for a walk. “I was going to give you some exercise earlier, but a really good movie came on that I didn’t want to miss,” he told me with a grin, as if that excused everything. “Besides, I figured you might as well get used to your home for the weekend.”

“Do you stick visitors in a cage each time they come?” I asked. “Or just the first time?”

“Just the first time,” he replied. “It’s just the visiting initiation. No one wants to get tormented EVERY time they visit. Next time you can sleep in my room with me. Of course, I’ll still get to tie you up and torment you for a while. It’s customary for sleepovers among club members.”

I didn’t mind THAT part… in fact it was what I’d hoped for THIS time around!

“When I visit, Walt and Randy get to do the same to me. You will, too.” That part I didn’t care about. If anything, Ron would be competition, since I preferred being tied and tormented to doing it to anyone else, no matter how willing they were.

He was already walking me on a leash through the woods, and when we reached a spot where I could do some business, he freed my hands and undid my leash. “Don’t try to run off and I’ll let you have privacy,” he told me as I went behind some bushes to give them a nice little shower. Otherwise…” he didn’t finish, but he hardly needed to. Besides, with my feet hobbled and the nearest house a quarter of a mile away, it would be stupid to antagonize Ron (and probably everyone else in the club) trying to get away from something I was starting to enjoy a little bit anyway.

“You’re not going to make me do Number Two out here too, are you?” I asked Ron.

“Sure,” Ron replied with an evil snicker. “There’s a clean log where you can sit to do a dump without getting it on yourself. And there are plenty of leaves for wiping up!”

“Isn’t there a way I can get out of the doghouse?” I asked Ron as I finished my business and walked back to him.

“How would you like to spend the night in bed in my room?” he asked me with an odd smile on his face.

“Sure,” I replied warily. “But what’s it gonna cost me?”

“There’s something I’d like to do with you,” he said. Then, after pausing for dramatic effect, he continued, “And since you’re my dog now, I want to do it doggie style!”
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Post by Veracity »

You know, Jason, I have always been a fun of yours. In my opinion, the more intimate parts of your stories have never crossed the line. and are the model of restraint. I was merely suggesting that you could save yourself some effort. I would never presume to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I like your work with or without the sex stuff. I’m here for bondage, not BJs.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Veracity wrote: 2 years ago You know, Jason, I have always been a fun of yours. In my opinion, the more intimate parts of your stories have never crossed the line. and are the model of restraint. I was merely suggesting that you could save yourself some effort. I would never presume to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I like your work with or without the sex stuff. I’m here for bondage, not BJs.
But I asked in this case, so certainly I am not going to mind. In any case, better a little extra effort to make my stories more acceptable to everyone than to risk causing myself or this site and admins any static further down the line - especially if standards change in the future as they have in the past. Better safe than sorry. But I do appreciate your input. Thank you. :D
So here I attempted a bit of a compromise; writing about an encounter but describing it in a way I hope is more innocuous. If you or anyone else feel this chapter belongs in the intimate section instead despite my attempts to dance around the subject with carefully chosen language, that will be fine eith me. If you feel it should be removed or edited further; that will be fine too. Just please let me know and I'll act on it as soon as I am made aware of that.


I stared at Ron in bewilderment for a while. An oral encounter was one thing, but this? I wasn’t at all sure that I was ready for something like this!

“Uh… I assume I wouldn’t be the top dog, right?” I asked him. He nodded his head with a mischievous grin. “I’d be the underdog, right?” He nodded his head again and smiled even wider, but still said nothing.

“Ummm… how long do I have to think it over?” I asked hesitantly and I’m sure with a noticeable tremor in my voice.

“Until bedtime,” he told me. “I don’t plan to do it until Corey and Kevin are asleep. They know better than to disturb me anyway when I have company in my room, but I’d still rather they didn’t know about it.”

I was in full agreement with that much, at least!

“Anyway, you’ll be staying in your cage until bedtime,” he continued. “You’ll have to fast and get your insides, uh… cleaned out. When we’re ready for bed, I’ll come out and get your answer. Even if you refuse, I won’t mistreat you or anything. I’ll just leave you to sleep inside your cage with the other dogs... and you can eat what *they* eat tonight… namely, canned dog-food.

“But if you accept, I’ll do whatever you like afterward. Corey and Kevin will join me in playing with you the regular way at first, but once they’re asleep and I get what I want, I’ll let you sleep or play however you want until morning. In the morning, though, it’s back to the kennel for you. And if you agree to the deal and try to break the deal after I let you in the house, it’s the DOGHOUSE for you!”

He wasn’t being funny. He was referring to a small metal bin (shaped like a large doghouse but with a metal padlocked door) that sat at the far end of the yard. He pointed it out to me on our way back to the kennel. I don’t remember what he said it was used for originally, but it was large enough to hold a person. As it sat out in the open, it was exposed to the sun all day and got very hot inside. There was a small grille that provided air, but being locked inside the bin would still be worse than being trapped inside a sauna! An hour locked up inside that thing would be enough to make me BEG for doggy style to get out of it – and I’d still be locked inside of it all night and much of the following day (with very brief breaks every half hour during the daylight hours for air and water).

I don’t know if Ron would have (or ever had) carried out such a threat, but it sounded bad enough so that I definitely didn’t want to risk crossing him. Compared to this, sleeping in a nice, comfortable cage would be very relaxing indeed!

Ron had cuffed my hands behind my back again once I had finished watering the bushes (fortunately I didn’t need to fertilize them too) and walked me back to my cage. He rigged me up the way I was before, padlocked the cage door, and waved me a cheerful goodbye as he left, as if I were in a normal house rather than a metal cage.

In preparation for what he wanted me to do that night, Ron gave me no food to eat and put some kind of laxative in some lemonade he gave me. He also un-cuffed my hands and gave me something to do my business in, as I would undoubtedly need to go at very short notice and wouldn’t have time to be checked upon. Fortunately I wasn’t too hungry at the time; though I was sure I’d be ready to eat dog food by evening if I had to fast until that night.

Ron went from cage to cage to feed the real dogs and then came back to check on me (and make me drink more laxative-laced lemonade. “I’ll sweeten the deal,” he said to me as he force-fed me some lemonade (and not attempting to be funny). “If you agree to the deal, I’ll let you eat whatever food we have in the house tonight afterward! Otherwise, I’ll fed you what I juts fed them and you can spend the night out here with them too.”

With my appetite, and after nothing to eat all day, this was the deal-maker! But by the time I’d decided to accept Ron’s offer, he’d already walked into the house.

So I sat there inside my cage with dogs for company. I might’ve enjoyed the time more if I'd been able to pet them and play with them, as I was (and still am) very fond of dogs. But being trapped alone in my cage – the nearest dogs still well out of reach even if my hands had been free – I could do nothing but sit there in silence waiting for my captor to return. Corey or Kevin came out occasionally to check on me (and on the dogs as well) but ignored anything that I said as if I were merely another yapping dog. I’m sure that Ron had told them to behave this way, as this was contrary to their usual boisterous and friendly natures. However, I didn’t know them well enough at the time to realize this.

But at least my hands were free, and I wasn’t too uncomfortable except when the laxatives took effect and I had to do my business inside the receptacle Ron gave me for the purpose. Luckily he had given me a roll of toilet paper almost as an afterthought just before the first time I needed it. He must have dosed me with a generous amount of laxative indeed, because I never had to go so suddenly or so badly in my whole life up to then or since under normal circumstances.

Evening came, and the hot day gave way to a moderately cool night. As I was dressed only in shorts (my shirt, socks and sneakers having been taken away from me upon my arrival), I was starting to get chilly. I had a blanket to wrap around me, which I could do now that my hands weren’t cuffed behind me, but it wasn’t quite enough as the night got unusually chilly for June. All of this was only added incentive to accede to Ron’s offer. And besides, I was curious…

So when Ron came into the kennel to hear my answer, I told him that I’d accept the offer. He unlocked the cage and let me out, but kept me leashed, hobbled, and he re-cuffed me as well until we entered his house, went up the stairs, and entered his bedroom. Once there, he freed me completely and told me I had fifteen minutes to use the bathroom to shower and do whatever else I needed to do. After that, it was party time.

So I got cleaned up and made myself ready to be a play-toy for the evening.

Actually, it wasn’t all that bad. After Ron and his brothers secured me in a hogtie and laid me on the floor, they sat on the bed and used me for a footstool while they watched a movie on TV. Around eleven, Ron’s brothers went off to their own bedrooms (each had his own). For good measure, Ron locked them inside their bedrooms to ensure that there would be no spying while he conducted his business with me – planning to unlock their doors again after he was finished. Kevin and Corey didn’t object. They were apparently used to this odd arrangement - or possibly they were already fast asleep when Ron locked their doors.

The first thing we did was go to the bathroom together. One reason was to make sure I had excreted all that I was going to. The other reason was unexpected… and I learned for the very first time (that I know of anyway) what an enema was. I learned by demonstration, as Ron insisted on giving me one.

I won’t go into the details here. Let’s just say that even with Ron there to ‘assist’ me, I didn’t find getting an enema to be much fun, and I told him so. He just laughed at that. I didn’t see what was so funny at the time, but I figured it out by the end of the night!

After I removed my shorts, Ron took some scarves and tied me spread-eagled lying on my stomach on his bed. He reached for the Vaseline petroleum jelly and began smearing my hindquarters with a liberal dose, and then I could hear (but not see) him apply more to his already growing boyhood. I caught a glimpse of him naked as he prepared to climb on top of me, and I began to wonder if I’d made a mistake. What I saw was – well, it was like a Great Dane to my collie – and the damned thing was still flaccid! Once it got aroused, I was definitely going to be squirming!

Seeing that I was getting nervous, Ron grabbed something I hadn’t noticed before and placed it near my mouth. “You want something to bite into while I do it?” he asked.

It was an (unused) dog’s chew toy!

Anticipating that what was about to happen would make me clench my teeth hard, I nodded my head and let him put the thing into my mouth. It was reasonably soft, but firm enough to keep my teeth from gnashing, and fitted comfortably inside my mouth while being loose enough for me to spit it out if I wanted to.

I didn’t want to, and I was glad I didn’t! Let’s just say that the chew toy had some pretty deep teeth marks in it when all was said and done.

I’ll pass over most of the details of the activity itself. Let’s just say that I felt it afterward for quite a long spell! But… after it was over, I decided I’d enjoyed it. But I sure wouldn’t have wanted to do that EVERY night!!!

I thought I knew what to expect, as my mom had occasionally used a rectal thermometer on me when I was sick. Jeez, and I thought that thermometer had been horrible! And it was, too. But once Ron started to penetrate me, I began to squirm and writhe and groan like crazy! If Ron hadn’t tied me down, I’m sure I’d have bolted within ten seconds and worried about the consequences later! But he’d tied me well, and all my frantic efforts to escape only excited him even more – and by excited I mean in both senses of the word. His dick got harder and bigger by the moment, until I would’ve been sure it was a broomstick Ron was shoving into me rather than his hard-on if I hadn’t felt his softly-furred crotch against my ass cheeks with every thrust he made.

It was quite uncomfortable at first, and for a few delirious moments I was wondering just how in the world anyone could be talked into receiving something like this after the first time. I’d rather be whipped or beaten up than endure this ever again…

But then Ron began to hit what I know now is called a ‘sweet spot’, and I immediately figured it out. Some discomfort was still there of course as I was new and unused to this, but it was being steadily drowned out by a different, increasingly stronger, and definitely much more pleasurable sensation. What at first seemed like pure torture became something else entirely, and before long I began to revel in it.

The whole thing didn’t last as long as it seemed to at the time, but before the end of it I began to consider that this first time might not after all be my last one. And then Ron fired his load into me, and I *knew* it wasn’t going to be my only time.

I’d be amazed though if his brothers didn’t know what was going on; I was making enough noise to be heard throughout the entire house. They’d have had to be really sound sleepers not to have heard me moan and cry out even with that chew toy in my mouth! Ron was wise to pick a time he knew his parents would be out of the house when he decided to have *me* as his ‘f**k-buddy’!

Once Ron was finished and had cleaned up, he set me free. I put on some clothing, we both went downstairs, and he cooked some spaghetti served with home-made sauce that he’d deliberately set aside especially for me. It was delicious, and I ate my fill on my own as I was not tied in any way.

By mutual agreement, I slept on a mattress on the floor beside Ron’s bed, with my ankle chained to the foot of his bed and a leash around my neck tied to the head of his bed. He sat on me (naked!) until I was sound asleep - which didn’t take long, as I was exhausted!

My freedom lasted until after a breakfast of pancakes the next morning. Then I was leashed, hobbled, and cuffed again, and was taken back to my cage as before.

The second day wasn’t as dull as the first one. The boys exercised all the dogs three at a time (one dog per boy) with walks and play, and I was one of the dogs on a leash – twice, as there was a slot left over because there were ten dogs old enough and large enough to take for walks (my two walks made it an even dozen). For play, I was made to perform various dog tricks – roll over, play dead, heel, fetch, beg (especially beg) – and be rewarded with a treat (a few peanut M&Ms per trick). It was humiliating, of course, but I enjoyed it as much as they did. I also got to play with some of the dogs. Most of them were friendly and playful. And we were all eager to release some pent-up energy after being locked up in cages the rest of the time!

George visited too and joined in the fun. He rode my shoulders for a while during one break and held my leash while walking me during another. He invited me to visit him for a couple of days in the middle of the following week, and I happily accepted (wondering what his “initiation" would be like). He told me that he was tempted to spend the night with me at Ron’s to keep me company, but he decided that three was probably a crowd.

I wasn’t sure that there WOULD be three, as Ron didn’t repeat the previous night’s offer and I didn’t ask him to renew it. I figured I’d just have to spend my second night in a cage alone with the other dogs. So he surprised me when he entered the kennel that night and started to take me out of the cage. I started to beg off, saying I was still too sore from the previous night to want to do it again so soon (however fun the first time had been), but he shushed me before I said more than two words. “No doggy style tonight,” he promised me. “I just want some company.”

So he led me on a leash to his room, tied me to his bed again, and then (after the usual almost mandatory period of my being tied up and sat on for a while) set me free for the night. He offered to let me switch places in the doggy-style department, but I declined – I just didn’t feel right about it. Ron smiled (partly with relief, I think – he may just have felt honor-bound to give me a chance for “revenge”) and dropped the matter. We slept practically in each other’s arms, and it was wonderful.

There was no more being tied, leashed, hobbled or caged the next morning. After a nice breakfast, I helped feed and exercise the real dogs alongside the other boys, and had a pleasant afternoon playing the games boys that age usually play with one another.

It did include some wrestling where all three wound up pinning me together for quite a long time, but otherwise it wasn’t an unusual day by normal standards. Ron walked back to my aunt’s house with me (in a normal way, I wasn’t leashed or otherwise restrained) and then walked back home after a brief visit. I invited him to stay, but of course he had to decline because his brothers were too young to be left home alone that long. Once his parents were back home, he promised, he’d be glad to accept an invitation.

And he did… three times that summer.

The next few days passed quietly enough. A couple of soccer games, a couple of baseball games (Ron, George and Al were members of the same team), and of course plenty of tie-up games.

Then, on Thursday night, Hank (Rusty) stayed overnight at my cousins’ house for a sleepover and he invited me to spend the weekend with him, starting early the next morning.

I accepted.
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Post by Xtc »

Moved to "Adult" section.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 2 years ago Moved to "Adult" section.
Just as well. Might make things easier in later chapters. I should have started it here from the beginning anyway. :mrgreen:
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Post by Xtc »

Possibly so!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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