Captive of my Teenaged Cousins II Parts 1-18 of 30 (mm/m)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Jason Toddman wrote: 2 years ago
Xtc wrote: 2 years ago Moved to "Adult" section.
Just as well. Might make things easier in later chapters. I should have started it here from the beginning anyway. :mrgreen:
Xtc wrote: 2 years agoPossibly so!
I wasn't sure I knew how I was going to 'clean up some of these later chapters anyway. Just please let me know if things are going too in the 'lax direction instead.


Hank was a guest in my room that night. I normally prefer to be on the receiving end of tie-up games, and I also didn’t want to give Hank (or Rusty, as we called him) any ideas that he might use for hazing me when I visited him for the weekend. But Rusty assured me that he had nothing special in mind for the weekend except for games that I requested myself. He wasn’t as imaginative as the others were in this respect, and preferred to go along with the wishes of the “victim” – whatever they were. He was easygoing and was equally happy about being the captor or the prisoner, as long as there wasn’t too much “rough stuff.”

I wasn’t usually a captor, but Rusty’s mild approach to the matter made this seem like fun. I tied him to a chair in Walter’s room, gagged him, and we watched a late-night movie together. I sat on the edge of the bed directly behind him and during commercial breaks I tickled him as well as I could. When the movie was on, I left him alone or gently stroked his bound arms or shoulders at random intervals. My skills in massage were nothing compared to Al’s or Ron’s, but Rusty seemed quite content with the arrangement anyway.

Afterward I had Rusty cuff me spread-eagled to the bed and he lay on top of me all night as we slept. All in all, he made quite a nice blanket and BOTH of us were happy with THAT arrangement.

The next morning was spent with the usual breakfast pleasantries until my aunt had gone to work for the day. Then – with Walter and Randy’s help – Rusty hog-tied me with a set of his own cuffs. Not a strict hogtie, as I wasn’t limber enough to endure one, but secure all the same. This was a change from the usual method of cuffing and hobbling me because we weren’t going to walk to his house; we were going to drive. And I was riding in style right in the front of the car – inside the trunk of a Volkswagen Beetle! Randy joked about simply tying me to the hood of the car and putting me on display, but of course no one was foolish enough to actually try such a thing - or call attention to our games.

At 6’ 2” Rusty was probably a bit of a sight scrunched up inside a small car like that, but I didn’t see it, because I was loaded into the trunk first. Rusty had padded it with pillows and blankets beforehand, and the trunk itself was fastidiously clean despite the car’s age (which was almost equal to my own age at the time). Despite being hogtied I was actually quite comfortable. It was lucky that I wasn’t prone to claustrophobia, though!

Again I wound up spending little time inside my host’s home. Rusty was camping out in the woods a short distance from his home and wanted me along for company. He was normally something of a loner and didn’t interact with the rest of us frequently. He was second only to Myron in this respect. With Myron, though, it wasn’t a matter of choice. Myron WANTED to interact with us more, but his parents were very particular about his friends. Rusty, on the other hand, was friendly but shy and he often preferred to be by himself. However, he and Myron lived on adjacent farms and their parents knew each other. So even though Rusty was about three years older than Myron, Myron’s parents approved of him and allowed the two to visit each other. As a result, these two interacted with each other more than either of them did with the rest of us.

Rusty drove up to his house to get some supplies for the camping trip without taking me out of the trunk. His parents were still home, and Rusty didn’t want them to see me. However, he parked his car in such a way that the trunk faced directly away from the house, and this allowed him to open the trunk and give me some fresh air. After he returned, he packed a few soft items into the trunk on top of me or around me, put some of the bulkier items onto the back seat, closed the trunk door again, and we were off to his campsite about a half mile down a little-used dirt track.

When we stopped, I heard Rusty talking with someone as he got out of the car. I was alarmed for a moment until I realized the second voice was another boy’s – and familiar. I realized who it was that Rusty was talking to just before the trunk door was popped open again: Myron. Both Myron and Rusty hauled me out of the trunk.

Myron was about my age, but at this point, he was four inches shorter and about 30 pounds lighter. He had reddish hair, a medium build and freckles all over his body – though nowhere as thickly as Rusty did. I immediately thought then that they looked like they could have been brothers, though as far as I knew at the time they weren’t related at all. But they got along at least as well as brothers. In fact, they were so much less shy around each other than usual that they were like completely different people. If there were two kids who SHOULD have been brothers, I thought to myself, it was these two.

I’d met Myron only twice before this; and each time he’d seemed likable enough but withdrawn almost to the point of silence. This time, he was happy and amiable. He laughed, swapped jokes with Rusty, and even started to engage me in animated conversation a couple of minutes after I was out of the trunk. He acted as if we’d been best friends all our lives – as long as Rusty was around. I didn’t understand the change, but as long as he was happy and outgoing, it didn’t seem to matter.

They untied me so that I could help with pitching the tent and arranging the campsite. But for all the help I was, they might as well have left me bound hand and foot inside the trunk! About all I was good for was basic manual labor, but neither seemed to mind this and we were all in good spirits as we set up camp. At least I was able to carry supplies out of the car without help – all except the tent. The tent was a monster. I swear that the damned thing tried to eat me alive while we were trying to pitch it. I might’ve felt nervous about sleeping inside the tent after an experience like that, but as it turned out I never had to do so.

After the camp was set up, we all felt like going swimming. The three of us changed into swimming trunks and then the other two cuffed, hobbled, and gagged me in the usual manner. Apparently everyone in the club knew that I liked being led around like this by now, even Rusty and Myron. A giggling Myron held my leash while we walked to a large stream nearby that fed into the same lake that Gary, Al, and Ron’s families lived alongside. My hands were cuffed in front of me, so everybody felt that it was safe to leave the cuffs and hobbles on me as long as I stayed close to the others.

After we had some fun swimming in the stream, we waded ashore. I was laid on the ground and the others used me as a convenient bench. They dripped dry while they sat on me. Myron and I had the first in-depth conversation about ourselves we’d ever had up to this point. He told me then about his friendship with Rusty and his wish that he could spend more time with the rest of us. It turned out Myron had specifically asked Rusty to invite me along on a camping trip so that he (Myron) could get to know me better. Apparently the fact that I was less likely to prefer being on top of him rather than the other way around made the normally shy Myron curious about me. Though he liked the others, he also found it difficult to get close to them – both because of their overwhelmingly brash manner and because of his own parents. If Myron’s parents learned that he’d been seen with the “wrong crowd", they’d make his life miserable with stern lectures of the “you’re known by the company you keep” variety.

Myron loved and respected his parents, but he wished they’d let him have more fun. It was at this time that he first told me his secret desire. Myron wished that some of the other boys in the club would come to his house, kidnap him, take him far away, and keep him somewhere and play with him and never let him return home! This was what he wanted, and he’d apparently mentioned it to Rusty many times before. It was a long-time fantasy of his.

I forgot about what Myron had said after that weekend, but subsequent events would bring it back to my mind quite forcibly during one of the scariest incidents of my life – but that story comes later.

Myron told me that he envied me. I was quite surprised. No one had ever said THIS to me before. It turns out that he also enjoyed being “tortured” while tied up (though he wasn’t interested in being sat on as I was). However, he only dared to let Rusty do this. He was sure that if he allowed anybody else to play with him this way, it would get back to his parents. Rusty had done to him most of the things that my cousins and the others had done to me – except for the things that involved close sexual contact. Rusty and Myron may have felt too much like brothers to be comfortable about going that far. At any rate, this is where they’d drawn the line so far.

So they both wanted to find out what this type of thing was like by doing things with ME!!!

I felt flustered and honored at the same time. I felt a little less honored when they told me that I wasn’t as “cute” as most of the others (especially Walter and Randy). But they wanted to play with me because they believed that I wouldn’t try to control the situation and that I wouldn’t tell anybody else about it. The last part, in particular, appealed to Myron. And they made me promise not to tell ANYONE else, including my cousins or other club members. Both boys were afraid that anyone else in the club would spread the word far and wide. But I was only a visitor for the summer (as far as we knew at the time), I probably wasn’t going to meet Myron’s parents, and for some reason Myron felt instinctively that I’d keep a secret if I was asked to do so.

Based on my recent experiences, I figured that some of the other club members might be willing to play with Myron and to keep it secret. But Myron had no way to know that his friends had developed interests similar to his, and I wasn’t sure that I had the right to tell him about this. After all, maybe the others also wanted to keep it a secret! Besides, I was there, the others were not, and I WAS willing! I told Myron and Hank this without any hesitation. This didn’t surprise either of them, and I wasn’t sure how I should feel about this. Was I considered THAT easy?!

At any rate, the others got off of me, we all stripped down, and we did it then and there. I got down on my hands and knees in front of Rusty and took his cock in my mouth first while Myron worked up the courage to do what HE wanted to do. Rusty’s dick was the largest one I’d seen yet among my friends, and I was glad he didn’t want to do it the way that Ron had. But Myron… he wanted to visit using the back door! This might have put me off if I hadn’t already done it once with Ron. Myron didn’t seem too concerned about giving me enemas and laxatives to clean me out however, and I remembered the ecstasy I’d felt after Ron got far enough more than I had the discomfort so I went along with it.

I was still new at sucking and blowing, and I’d never done it with Rusty before. It was more different with him than I’d expected. Besides having a larger dick than my cousins had, it was somewhat hairier and it was uncircumcised. I’d never seen an ‘uncut’ version before and so it looked to me as if it was deformed somehow. This bit of naiveté on my part struck my two companions as being very funny; though I felt I was being more laughed *at* than laughed *with*.

After Rusty and I were finished, Myron lubricated himself (while I lubricated myself as well as I could when my wrists were un-cuffed for the moment) and came on in for a visit! Luckily Myron wasn’t as big down there as Ron or Hank, but he made up for it by being even more vigorous and enthusiastic about what he was doing. I couldn’t see much of what was going on behind me, but Myron’s own behind was probably a back and forth blur! By the time he was finished with me, I felt like a gutted fish! It’s just as well that they worked separately rather than together; I’m not sure I could’ve handled them both at the same time. Especially not with the way I’d gritted my teeth; I wished I’d had the chew toy Ron had lent me during his turn. It’s just as well that Rusty’s dick didn’t provide an inadvertent substitute!

Myron wasn’t as skilled at this as Ron was; probably because this was his first time whereas Ron must’ve done that a half-dozen times before me. I don’t recall feeling quite as ecstatic afterward either, but that could have been for any combination of half a dozen different reasons; not least of which was Myron’s attitude toward me. Unlike his relation with Rusty, he seemed to see me more as some kind of… inferior, or even a mere object; to be interacted with only because Rusty interacted with me. It was the first time I had noticed this in him; it wouldn’t be the last. But if I felt any resentment concerning this, Rusty’s presence and easygoing manner made me quickly forget them.

We went skinny dipping after that to unwind, and then we had a pleasant cookout, complete with roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. Towards evening, the other two laid me on top of a sleeping bag I’d borrowed from Rusty and staked me out for the night on top of it. After I was staked out, they sat on me and tickled me and play-tortured me for a while. Then they went inside the tent to sleep. From the sounds I heard, I think they did more than sleep together – apparently doing it with me first broke the ice between them. It WOULD explain why I was left tied outside all night that night, anyway. But it was a warm night, I had a blanket over me, and the fire kept me warm until long past the time I fell asleep.

It was still dark when I awoke. Rusty and Myron were in the mood for some fishing, and they asked me to come along with them. They didn’t want to leave me tied up with no one to watch out for me. I said yes, so they released me from the spread-eagle tie I was in and hobbled, cuffed and leashed me to prepare me for the walk. Then they grabbed some fishing gear they’d brought and led me on a leash back to the stream at the same point as before.

I wasn’t into fishing, but that was all right. The other two simply laid me down on a patch of grass beside the water and used me for a soft, clean butt-rest while THEY fished. No one wanted to talk for fear of scaring away the fish, so – after a quick breakfast of donuts that Myron hand-fed me – I simply fell asleep despite being tied up with two boys my own size sitting on me. I dozed for hours. By the time I awoke, it was past ten in the morning. The other two had caught a few fish and had just finished cleaning them. I was set free so that we could all wash up and swim together before lunch.

That afternoon though, bad weather came rolling in and the rest of the weekend was a literal washout. We hastily broke camp and I was given a ride home – untied and in the back seat this time. I was disappointed that I didn’t get to spend more time with Rusty and Myron (especially Rusty, whom I'd known little about but had now developed a strong liking for). But I thought I’d probably be able to spend another weekend with both boys before the end of summer.

I eventually did spend more time with Rusty and Myron, but that weekend ended up being very different than the first one. I’ll tell that story in due course.

The next few days were spent in reasonably ordinary activities. And then it was time for my first sleepover at George’s house… and for a completely new experience.
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Jason Toddman
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The day before I was supposed to spend the night at George’s house, Brian called me on the phone and asked me (in an annoyed way) why I never came by for a visit anymore at either the treehouse or his house, or even at the pond. I explained (rather awkwardly) that I’d thought I should only come over when I was invited. I didn’t want to wear out my welcome. Brian explained, more patiently, that I should feel welcome to come on over to get tied up and tortured any time. He added that NOW would be a good time to visit. If I didn’t show up promptly, he’d get David to come to my aunt’s house and DRAG me over there in chains!

Well, who could resist an invitation like that? Not ME! So I started walking to his house using the shortcut through the woods. I’d known that David really liked me and that he wanted to see me more often, but he’d been busy with soccer practice and other sports activities and was away visiting other relatives that week – and he’d been away at some kind of sports camp the previous week. Even though Brian was as close to my age as David (just younger instead of older), it hadn’t occurred to me that he might be just as willing to spend time with me as David had been, as he was considerably less extroverted than his older brother. But without David around, and with only his younger brother for company, Brian was apparently feeling lonelier than usual and he wanted somebody to be with.

Or at least someone to tie up who wouldn’t rat him out to his parents!

Sure enough, I hadn’t even reached the pond between Brian’s house and mine when I met Brian and Michael coming the other way to meet me! They had their own set of cuffs, hobbles, gags and leashes with them and they wasted no time using these devices on me. I wore two dog collars, each attached to a leash that one or the other held, and they pulled me along with rather too much eagerness. I smelled a trap, but it was a bit too late to do anything about it.

I was taken past their treehouse to their backyard, where I saw David, Rusty, and George waiting for us. I also saw what looked like a large heavy wooden trunk in the back of an unfamiliar pick-up truck parked nearby, but this didn’t really catch my attention at the time. It sure would a little later, however.

I’d thought David was away visiting relatives, but there he was. I was gagged, and I couldn’t ask any questions, but I wasn’t too concerned about it at the moment as the others were taking the cuffs, hobbles and leashes off of me – but NOT the gag. But instead of removing the gag (or letting me do so myself once my hands were freed), David came up to me carrying a strange looking mass of leather and told me he had just invented a new toy and wanted to try it out on me.

It was some kind of bizarre home-made bondage suit!

I’d never seen anything remotely like this thing before, and for that matter, I’ve never even heard of anything quite like it since… except for later variations David himself invented as time went on. It was made of some kind of black leather jacket and thick black leather pants expertly sewed together into a durable one-piece rig. The sleeves of the jacket had attachments all over the inner sleeves that would hook the sleeves to the rest of the jacket to restrict movement of the arms. The legs of the pants had similar attachments all along their length. The jacket and pants also had numerous thick leather straps built into them to further restrain arm and leg movement. The upper portions of the pants even had straps to bind the wrists to one’s side.

The jacket also had a modified black hood that fitted over a separate piece that looked like a thick leather ski-mask – one with its own built-in blindfold! Another detachable accessory was the very first ball-gag that I ever saw. The whole outfit also had rings and hooks. I was to discover the purpose of those later on.

Being equally curious and stupid, I decided to let them put this thing on me. I was told that I needed to remove all of my clothes except for my underwear for this. As we had complete privacy where we were, and knowing that I was among friends, I complied without hesitation – removing the gag that I already wore at the same time.

After I put on the pants and the jacket (which weren’t much more difficult to put on than regular clothing), David and Brian wasted no time pulling on straps and buckling them up. Within an amazingly short time, I was essentially a one-legged, no-armed boy who was barely able to keep standing upright. The pants were flexible enough that I could walk normally (if not comfortably) in them when they were unstrapped, but once those straps were pulled, all I could do was hop! And after they put that ski-mask and hood on me and pulled the hood on and tied it in place, I was completely helpless.

“Try to get out of it, Jase!” David suggested to me.

I *mumphed* into my gag and started to wriggle around a bit. I almost immediately began to fall over. I began to scream (or try to; the gag muffled most of it) and flail about (even less successfully than I was screaming) as I felt myself toppling. But Rusty was standing right behind me because they’d expected this, and he eased me to a face-up position lying down on the lawn. The others stood around me for a little while and watched me struggle fruitlessly, and then – naturally enough for them – proceeded to sit on top of me, with George straddling my chest. He kindly removed my blindfold at the same time.

I struggled only half-heartedly after that, since I enjoyed it when some of the others sat on me. Even if I’d applied full effort to trying to get loose, I’d only have been wasting energy. There was no way I was getting out of that thing until I was LET out! After an hour though, I was getting thirsty and *mumphed* to get their attention so that one of them would give me a drink.

“One thing we forgot to tell you, Jase,” I heard George almost yell right into my ear (all the stuff on my head made it hard to hear normally). “You’re coming with me to spend the night at my house TONIGHT as well as tomorrow night!”

Everyone laughed at this as they got off me, picked me bodily up like a sack of grain, and carried me over to the pick-up truck. This is when I discovered that some of the strange projections on this weird suit were designed for carrying whoever was in it like a piece of luggage – just like the rope-handles from before when I was in a mummify tie!

When we reached the truck, I got another surprise. There was a device in the seat of my pants that was designed to hook up with another device at the back of my ankles. The result was a not too-stringent but definitely secure hogtie. Once this was done, I was lifted up into the bed of the truck, where I got a closer look at the wooden trunk that was sitting within it. It got much of my attention because its two padlocked hasps were at that same moment being unlocked and the chest was being opened up.

The trunk was about four feet long, two feet wide, and about two feet deep. It was made of thick cedar, which meant it must have been practically an antique even then, but it also looked sturdy. The inside was lined with padding. The lid had been modified so that a small metal grille had been built into it. The thing looked just the right size to place a firmly hog-tied teenage boy into!

I began to struggle in earnest for the first time as my treacherous friends gently lowered me into the chest. It felt too much like being placed inside a coffin to suit me! But they ignored my struggles and gagged pleas for mercy. In fact, one of them promptly placed the blindfold back on me after looking down at me with a gloating smile for a few moments. I heard some laughter and jokes at my expense for a few minutes, and then the blindfold was taken off me again. I thought maybe they had decided the joke had gone far enough and that they were going to release me.

Instead, the trunk lid was closed shut and I soon heard the padlocks locked into place!

I could still see out though the grille, and George stuck his face right up to it so that he could see me as well. “Enjoy your ride, Jase!” he said to me before pulling his face out of sight. After that all I could see was a patch of blue sky as everyone else got out of the bed of the pickup truck.

I heard Brian call out to me at one point. “Sorry about the trick, Jase! But you really ARE welcome to visit us anytime for some fun – if you still trust us after this!”

I soon heard the truck’s side doors open and close. Then the truck was started, and it began to pull away with me and the trunk in it. At the same time, I saw that George was still in the bed of the truck with me. He was sitting on the middle of the trunk and every so often bent down to look at me and speak to me. I also heard Brian’s voice from time to time, but my field of vision was too narrow to allow me to catch a glimpse of him. I learned later that he was sitting near the tailgate. I couldn’t make out a word of what either of them said due to the noise of the truck’s engines, other competing sounds, and the hood and mask. However, George was smiling. He apparently felt that what they were doing was just a friendly prank.

I felt like I was being kidnapped in broad daylight!!!

After a while I decided I didn’t mind this situation too much. After all, I knew that my “captors” weren’t going to hurt me - much! But I wished they’d let me get a drink first. Later on, I wished I’d had the chance to take a whiz as well!

We soon reached what I knew must be George’s house. It was only a two-mile drive, but the trip seemed to take hours. Rusty had, of course, been driving (he was the only one of us present with a driver’s license). The others had ridden here in the truck with him. They all proceeded to haul the trunk out of the pickup and into George’s house. Even empty, the cedar chest would have been pretty heavy. With me inside as well, it took all five boys to haul the thing inside the house and into George’s room (which fortunately was on the first floor). They were so determined to make this interesting for me that they wouldn’t even make it (considerably) easier for themselves by letting me out of that damn thing for even a short while! They just had to play this joke to the hilt and keep me locked up in there!

“Whew!” said George as they hauled me inside his room. “We made it before my brother and sister got home! Good! I don’t want them to know what we’re doing! They’d be sure to tell mom and dad! As soon as you guys help me get this in place, you’d better get going.”

Uh oh! This didn’t sound good!

Further conversation I overheard didn’t improve my state of mind. George’s parents were unaware that I was supposed to be spending time with George at his house! He was being punished for something and was supposed to stay at home for the next two weeks – with no company at all! This punishment had been imposed after his invitation to me, and he was apparently determined to defy his folks. If his parents found out he‘d sneaked off (let alone virtually kidnapped a guest he’d been told to postpone his invitation to), he’d be in even more trouble. Apparently he was on some kind of ‘honor’ system.

The cedar chest was awkwardly moved into the closet of George’s room. Everyone else thumped on the cedar chest, bid me goodbye, and told me to have fun. “I’ll be back to let you out in a little bit,” George promised me. “Just keep quiet for now, okay?” Then he stepped out of the closet, closed the door… and locked it! Talk about overkill!!!

I suppose that George was seeing the others off and making sure that they were gone – taking any evidence that anyone had come by with them – before his parents returned. Eventually he came back, unlocked the chest, and opened the lid. He promptly removed my gag with a look of apology on his face as he bent over me on one knee.

“Are you okay?” he asked me promptly. “Is that rig David made too tight on you?”

“No, not really,” I replied after thinking about it. “It’s tight and secure, but not at all uncomfortable. I really need a drink, though!”

“I’ll get you something!” he replied as he stood up and hurried off. “Stay right there!”

Was he serious?! Like I had any freaking choice in the matter! I should have asked him to let me out of this rig first, though! Oh, when I got my hands on David…

George came back with some juice and held it to my mouth as I drank thirstily. “This wasn’t really MY idea,” he explained as I drank. “I told David that I couldn’t have you stay over because I was grounded, but I don’t have the phone number for your aunt’s house and I forgot her name so I asked David to call you. But he and the others cooked up this idea of having you as my “secret guest” so that I could defy mom and dad. So while my folks were both at work and my brother and sister were visiting some of THEIR friends, Rusty picked me up while the others brought you. Sorry if the whole thing was a little rough on you.”

“How were you planning on keeping your folks from finding out I’m here with you?” I asked, with more curiosity than annoyance.

“They don’t come into my room, so if you just promise to keep quiet they’ll never know you’re in here,” he assured me. “Anyway, since this is your first visit, just consider it your official hazing. It’s a bit rougher than I’d planned, but I guess it’ll do. By the way, David has already called Walt and Randy to let them know where you’d be tonight.”

“Well, can you let me out of this suit so I can take a piss?” I asked George. “If your parents can’t be allowed to see me, I’d better use the bathroom while I can!”

“Sure, I…”

And that’s as far as he got when we both heard a car drive up and park beside the house.

“Oh, no!” he groaned. “Mom’s home early! Why is she here NOW? Don’t move!”

And in a panic he promptly closed the cedar chest lid on me (slightly banging me on the head in the process), latching it shut (but without padlocking it again), and ran out of the room after also closing his closet door. I could just barely make out a woman’s voice calling, “George! I’m home. Could you help me with the groceries, please?”

“Sure, mom!” came George’s reply, and after that all I heard for a long while was muffled, incoherent conversation.

I lay inside that cedar chest for a long while waiting for George to come back. When he did, he wasn’t alone.

“But Mom!” I suddenly heard his voice exclaim unexpectedly, and I realized I had just been awakened from a sound sleep. “I don’t WANT to go to Grandma’s! Not tonight!”

“She needs someone to help her while she’s ill, and you’re going, and that’s that!” replied an angry woman’s voice. “Your cousin Will was supposed to be with her, but he couldn’t make it. I should think you’d be HAPPY to help your grandmother!”

“I – I AM!” exclaimed George in self-defense. “But I’ve got something I’ve got to do first. It’s important! Please, can’t I just…”

“NO! We’re leaving NOW!” insisted George’s mother. “Whatever it is can wait until you come back in the morning. Or you can ask your brother or sister to do whatever it is you want done on our way out. Now grab your kit and let’s go. No more sass!”

George’s mother stormed out.

“I – I’m sorry!” I heard George call out; and I knew it was meant more for me rather than his mother. And in another moment, I was all alone again – still securely bound and locked up inside a cedar chest with no one else aware of where I was! And apparently I would be stuck like this overnight!

And I still had to go to the bathroom!!!
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Jason Toddman
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I was securely bound and locked inside the wooden chest, but I wasn’t gagged anymore. I knew that if I yelled for help, someone would find me and let me out. Even with George and his mother gone, I probably wasn’t alone in the house. George’s mother had mentioned that his brother and sister were home as well now. However, George had apparently said nothing about me to them, because no one came to check on me. And I’d find it extremely mortifying, to say the least, to be found unexpectedly in this situation by someone else.

After thinking about it, I decided I’d rather pee myself and be done with it rather than betray George and, indirectly, betray my cousins and all of our friends. Though I didn’t know George well yet, I liked and trusted him (despite what had happened). I didn’t want to get him into any more trouble than he was already in. The thought that any consequences he faced would be more his fault (and that of the others who’d helped him) than my own didn’t occur to me. I was also concerned for the others. And I was concerned for myself as well – I did NOT want to have to face explaining how I’d gotten into this situation to any possible rescuers! There would be no way to explain how I’d come to be tied and locked up in George’s closet that didn’t involve a considerable amount of public humiliation.

So I lay there for what seemed like a very long time, and held out for as long as I could. Then, just as it seemed that I couldn’t keep it in any longer, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps stealthily but hastily entering George’s room. The closet door opened, and in the dim light that now entered the formerly pitch-dark closet I could vaguely see a human form approach through the grille on the chest lid. I saw the form bend down, and then heard the two snap-locks that kept the cedar chest closed being snapped open. The lid was abruptly flung open, and even the dim light from the room beyond was enough to dazzle me for a few seconds.

I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the light, and saw a younger version of George on one knee in front of the cedar chest, staring down at me in amazement. Morgan was just shy of 12 at the time, slightly shorter and much lighter of build than his muscular older brother. I’d say he was about 5’ 3” and about 110 pounds at the time. I’d heard of him but this was the first time we’d met. I must have made quite an interesting first impression under the circumstances.

I thought he’d come alone, but his sister appeared at the closet doorway a moment later. Julia was 16 ½, trim and good-looking for her age, though with her measurements and hair style, she could have easily passed for a slender boy rather than a girl. In fact, I only knew that she was a girl right off because I was already aware that George had an older sister. I realized that this “boy" had to be her.

I suspected before they spoke that they’d somehow just learned about me from George himself and had come to investigate as soon as possible, and this proved to be the case. George hadn’t dared say anything to either his brother or his sister while he was still home – not where their mother could overhear. Instead, he’d waited until he was with his grandmother at her house. After his mother had started on her way back home, he’d taken the opportunity to use his grandmother’s phone to call his brother and alert him to my situation. Morgan came to investigate at once – telling his sister as he did so.

I was embarrassed about this at first – especially about that the fact that a girl was seeing me in this condition – but they told me that they knew all about George and his tie-up games with other boys. In fact, Julia had practiced tie-ups on George since he was 8, just as my older brother had practiced on me, and both had been doing it with Morgan ever since HE was 8. Now they freely tied up and tickle-tortured one another whenever their parents weren’t around to catch them. Julia wasn’t allowed to join our club, though, because of our no-girls policy, and Morgan was hesitant to join because the thought of anyone besides his brother and sister tying him up made him nervous.

I started to say something to Morgan the moment I could see him, but he quickly hand-gagged and shushed me. “Dad got home just as George hung up!” he said to me in a quiet voice. “Keep your voice way down or he’ll hear you.”

“Please!” I begged in a whisper. “I’ve got to PEE!”

“We can’t let you out of here to use the bathroom,” said Julia. “You’d be caught and we’d ALL be in trouble. Wait here. Morgan, help him stand up!”

Morgan helped ease me to a standing position while Julia hurried out of the room. This was difficult at first as my ankles were still latched to my buttocks; but he soon found the attachment when I told him about it and freed me from the semi-hogtie. I was just getting to my feet – still a one-legged, no-armed boy – when Julia came back a moment later with an empty milk carton.

“We can use this!” she said. “I can dump it after you finish, and Dad won’t be any the wiser.”

Rather than take the time to remove the bondage suit from me, Morgan simply reached over to me, unzipped my fly, reached inside to my growing shock, pulled my dick out, and aimed it at the container he now held in his other hand. All of this while Julia watched impassively! Unable to believe this was happening to me, but in no condition to debate the matter, I finally just let go with a sigh of utter relief. After I finished, Julia hurried off to dispose of the urine in the adjacent bathroom, clean off the milk container to remove any suspicious smells, and dump it back into the trash where she’d found it.

“Mom’s home and fixing dinner, and Dad’s watching TV, so they’ll be busy enough that they won’t hear us now,” said Julia. “But keep your voice down. If they hear an unfamiliar voice in here…”

I nodded my understanding. “Can you please get me out of this rig?” I asked them. “Then I can just climb out a window and walk home.”

“Dressed in that thing?” asked Julia. “Or have you got normal clothes on underneath?”

I suddenly remembered that I was wearing only undershorts beneath this thing. I had no idea where my regular clothing had wound up.

“Uhhh… maybe I could borrow some of George’s clothes for a while?” I asked.

“Well, maybe,” said Julia. “First let’s turn you around. All the connections must be in back because I don’t see anything securing you in front.”

I needed help turning around, and it took a few seconds.

“Uhhhhh….” said Julia uncertainly, and even before she continued I knew that something was wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong! “Where are the keys to these padlocks?”

Padlocks?! WHAT padlocks?!?

“Everything I see here is secured by about a half dozen padlocks behind you. I can’t even BEGIN to loosen these straps binding you without unlocking at least ONE of them!”

A low moan began to escape my lips, and Morgan had to hastily hand-gag me again. Julia made a quick, thorough, but ultimately fruitless search of George’s room for the keys. I think I began to cry a little at about this point.

“Can’t you cut me loose or something?” I pleaded with them.

“Not without mom or dad finding out,” she told me. “I guess you’ll just have to wait until George gets back in the morning from Grandma’s.”

“But what’ll I do in the meantime?” I asked in desperation.

“Are you in discomfort anywhere?” she asked with genuine concern. “Pain? Numbness?”

“Well, no,” I admitted. “Overall this damn thing is quite comfortable, though a little too warm. I just don’t want to be found like this.”

“Well, keep quiet and no one else WILL find out about this!” replied Julia. “Meanwhile, you’re going to have to stay in here. You might be seen if you go out into George’s room. But Mom and Dad won’t open the closet. We have to leave soon, or they’ll get suspicious about why we’re in George’s room. But we’ll come back and get you something to eat and drink later, okay? And once they’re asleep, we can keep you company.

“But I don’t want to… MMMMPPPPHHHHH!”

Morgan had decided it would be funny to put the ball gag back on me. They both laughed when they saw me with it on and decided to leave it!

I tried to argue through the gag, but it was no use. Then I could hear their mother call them down to dinner. At that point, Julia told me to lie back down inside the chest “or else". Not wanting to learn what “else" was, I did as she told me… and the chest lid was closed and snap-locked again. My two new captors promised they’d be back as soon as possible. Then they gently closed the closet door and left – leaving me in silence and darkness once again.

With the need to pee satisfied, being trapped like this wasn’t as bad as before. My mouth was rather dry by now (Morgan and Julia had neglected to give me any water), but it was easier to endure this than having to pee, and getting a drink would only cause a further need to pee later anyway. So I just lay there quietly in my bondage suit and waited it out.

I think I must’ve fallen asleep again, because it didn’t seem that long before Morgan and Julia returned. This time, they had to turn on the room light because it was dark outside. Morgan was wearing only a set of white briefs and a white tank-top T-shirt. Julia was wearing something that looked more like a skimpy two-piece bikini than any girl’s nightwear I’d ever heard of.

Julia opened the lid of the cedar chest – and then promptly climbed into the chest with me and sat down right on my chest! “So how’s our prisoner doing tonight?” she asked me with a quiet little laugh.

I looked up at her with my best WTF look in my eyes. I was being sat on by a GIRL!?

“George filled us in on more details about your planned visit with him,” she told me after watching me silently for a moment. “He’s had some of his friends from your ‘club’ visit with him before, you know. Morgan and I even help tie them up and torment them sometimes when Mom and Dad are asleep. Bet he didn’t warn you about THAT, did he?”

I shook my head, with a sign of resignation escaping through my gag.

“We know about the hazing tradition for first-time visitors,” she told me as she adjusted her position to make room for Morgan – who was now climbing in to sit on my belly behind her. “When George found out he forgot to leave the keys to your padlocks where we could reach them, he told us to go ahead and “play" with you. We would have anyway if he hadn’t had to stay with Grandma; we just wouldn’t be doing it by ourselves. But don’t worry, we know how you guys like to have fun and we know how to take care of you too. So relax and enjoy it.”

I wasn’t sure whether I should be praying in thanksgiving or praying for deliverance from evil.

But they didn’t start in on me right away. Having some compassion, they took the ball gag out of my mouth and gave me something to eat and something to drink first (not too much to drink, as I wanted no more “help" with taking a pee). I don’t remember what they gave me to drink, but I remember that it had plenty of ice in it, because when I finished, Morgan unzipped my fly again and dumped the remaining ice inside my underwear! I don’t remember what I had to eat either, but whatever it was came in pieces that Julia held in her fingers and kept pulling out of my mouth’s reach whenever I tried to take it. She did this quite a lot, making me beg for each morsel before she’d let me have it.

After Julia and Morgan fed me, they ball-gagged me again and then tortured me. They tried to tickle me, but my bondage suit and cramped position inside the cedar chest protected me against this. But there were other torments in store for me. Julia had apparently told the truth before, as these two were quite experienced.

The only torture that was completely new to me, though, involved small lit candles and dripping hot wax! The bondage suit couldn’t be opened enough to free me, but it could be unzipped sufficiently to expose parts of my chest and belly to hot wax. They weren’t TOO cruel; they just allowed the candles to drip one or two drops of hot wax on me at a time. But it was still an interesting experience! Especially when they fetched more fresh ice afterward and poured it all into the unzipped gaps of my bondage suit!

Well, that leather suit had been getting too warm anyway!

The two of them sat on me and tormented me in their own fashion for at least a couple of hours – all of it done quietly enough so that their parents weren’t awakened. Then they re-gagged me, climbed out of the chest, sealed the lid shut on me again, wished me good night, clicked off the light, and gently closed the closet door. I was left to sleep as best as I could by myself.

I think I fell asleep almost at once, because the next thing I knew it was morning and George was shaking me awake.
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Post by Xtc »

Glad to read this part.
Are you going to post that pic of the suit to show how it worked?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 2 years ago Glad to read this part.
Are you going to post that pic of the suit to show how it worked?
That comes with a much later chapter, but yes eventually I will.
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“Good morning, Jason!” George said to me as I woke up. He proceeded to take the ball gag off of me as he continued. “I hope you didn’t have too rough a night, especially with this thing in your mouth. I TOLD them not to leave it in all night.”

“That’s not what it sounded like over the phone, George!” protested his sister from somewhere behind him. I couldn’t see her because George blocked my view, but it sounded as though she was standing right behind him.

George just turned around and glared at her. I’ve never been sure which one was telling the truth about the matter.

“It’s all right,” I assured him as the gag was taken out. “But I’m glad to get that thing off. My mouth is as dry as cotton after drooling through THAT all night.”

“Yeah, we figured as much,” replied George as he turned halfway around and reached for something. Either Morgan or Julia must have handed him a glass of lemonade with a straw in it, because he had one in his hand when he turned back to face me. He propped me up with one arm while holding the glass to my mouth, and I sucked the whole thing down greedily. It seemed like the best lemonade I’d ever tasted.

“You just get back home?” I asked George after I’d drained the glass.

“Yeah, just a few minutes ago,” he replied. “Dad had already left for work when Mom drove me back from Grandma’s house, and she’s just left for the day herself. So now the three of us have the house to ourselves for the whole day. Anyway, let’s get you out of that thing and get you washed up. You smell like dried sweat!”

That wasn’t surprising. It had been a cool night, but the bondage suit was quite thick and had kept me very warm. Julia and Morgan helped me to my feet while George unlocked the padlocks that secured the straps which bound me in place. Once the padlocks were removed, it was a simple matter to release me. The fact that I was now standing in front of a teenage girl while I was clad only in sweaty underwear didn’t bother me. The main thing that I cared about was using the bathroom. Right now!

After I’d taken care of urgent business and had a shower, I felt like a new person. Julia fixed me a nice breakfast and I ate at the kitchen table (untied) like a regular guest. George also returned my clothes; unknown to the rest of us, the clothes had been brought along during my kidnapping and had been stored in George's clothing drawer. So for once, I had a meal at someone else’s house without being half-naked or restrained in some way at the time.

I told George that maybe it wouldn’t be smart for me to stay at his house for another night (or even for the day) while he was grounded by his parents. But he said he’d convinced his folks to let me visit as scheduled because he’d been unable to call me to cancel the sleepover. I suppose that this was true enough. After all, I’d been tied up with other matters at the time.

At any rate, in those days it was rare for a black teenager in that area to have many friends, either white or black. Black/white friendships weren’t common and there weren’t many other blacks to be friends with. George’s parents had decided that they didn’t want to interfere with his social life. So they wouldn’t be surprised or displeased to find me here when they came home – provided, of course, that I wasn’t tied up or handcuffed at the time. As long as we were discreet, my visit probably wouldn’t cause any problems for George.

So I spent the rest of the day locked inside the bondage suit again. However, I wasn’t locked inside the cedar chest. Most of the time, I was horizontal on the floor or on the couch while the others sat on me and teased me. The suit was good for this kind of thing. It left my feet bare and vulnerable to relentless tickling. It also transformed me into a comfortably padded (though slightly lumpy) seat.

I discovered a new feature of the suit when the others took me out to their barn. There, they attached a hook from a tow truck their father owned to a thick ring on the back of the suit. George started the mechanism that raised the hook and I found myself being hoisted three feet in the air by what felt like the scruff of the neck. They left me dangling that way for over an hour, teasing me and laughing at me the whole time.

Morgan wanted to toss eggs at me, but fortunately this was vetoed by Julia and George. I don’t know if it was for my sake or because they were afraid that they wouldn’t be able to clean up the mess sufficiently to hide it from their parents; or, most likely, the eggs would be missed. In any case, they weren’t cruel enough to throw anything else at me either. But all of this made me wonder what sort of things they did to each another when they had the chance. I liked all of them, but there’s no denying that they were a bit sadistic!

After I’d spent several hours helpless inside the bondage suit, with George and the others tormenting me the entire time, they let me out of the suit again. This was well before their parents were due home; I needed time to wash up again, because that suit was hot! I also needed to change back into regular clothes. But when the parents returned and I had a chance to meet them, I looked quite presentable. There was no visible evidence of the tie-up and torment games that had been played with me (or on me) for the past thirty hours or so.

George and his siblings had made their parents sound strict, and the angry conversation I’d heard between George and his mother had seemed to bear this out. However, both the mother and father treated me in a kind and gracious manner for the entire time that they were home.

Incidentally, this was the first time that I’d been a guest in the home of a non-white family. It shattered the preconceived notions that I’d had about what non-white families might be like. I’ve never been comfortable with overly general stereotypes about any group since that night. These were just people. Black or white didn’t matter. This simple concept wouldn’t seem surprising to somebody growing up now. However, this was 1970, and things were very different at the time. My visit to George’s house proved to be educational in more ways than one.

We spent a quiet evening watching TV and playing a Parker Brothers board game called Life, and then we turned in for bed.

As soon as we were in his room (where George assured me his parents wouldn’t check up on us), it was back into the bondage suit for me. Morgan and Julia eventually sneaked in and joined us, even before their parents were asleep. They were wearing only their underclothes (like George). The three of them sat on me dressed like that for hours.

Julia was wearing the bikini-like thing again and the way she kept pressing her – lower bikini section – down on me when she sat on my chest made me wonder how intimate she intended to get while her brothers were watching! But she only laughed as I watched her silently, so I didn’t get to explore that particular option with her. If she could have been alone with me for a while, who knows what might have happened? However, she DID kiss me on the lips a few times, so it wasn’t a disappointing night by any means!

After his brother and sister had gone back to their rooms for the night, George locked his bedroom door to ensure they couldn’t sneak back in to spy on us later. Then he removed his underwear and sat completely naked on my chest. Unlike his sister, he meant business. He was a bit concerned that he might be shocking me by doing this so abruptly. It was one of the reasons he’d wanted an early start to my sleepover. I assured him without naming names (though he probably guessed at least two of them) that I’d played this game with people before and that I was more than willing to play it with him if he was serious. Relieved, he told me that he was.

George’s member was the largest one I’d seen yet. I didn’t know about the stereotype about blacks having larger cocks at the time, so other than being impressed – and perhaps a tad jealous – I thought nothing of it. I was, however, surprised that it didn’t taste much different, though. I’d thought that there might be a different flavor or something stupid like that, but I noticed no significant variations at all. In any case, after I did a mouth-based massage of his member, he did the same favor for me. After that, we both went for seconds. Then, unexpectedly, after he’d rested for a bit while lying right on top of me, we went for thirds... and then fourths… This was the very first time that I ever did it so many times in one night with one person.

Neither of us got much sleep that night. Instead, we made up for the previous night! And when we weren’t – screwing around – we talked quietly. He also hugged, caressed, and stroked me in various places, and he kissed me as well; hesitantly at first, but more eagerly when it became clear that I was enjoying this. He was probably the most affectionate of the boys I’d visited up to that point – or the ones who came afterward. At times, he spoke to me as if he were romancing a girl. It was strange at first, but I liked it. Later, I found out he’d done this part only with me. He didn’t dare express such feelings to the other, more boisterous boys in the club, but my passive nature had encouraged him.

Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning I was left out of the suit long enough to use the bathroom, and then I was popped back into the suit to sleep inside it.

I think I felt asleep – still inside the bondage suit – just around dawn. When I awoke, it was past ten in the morning and I was being shaken awake not only by George but by Rusty and Myron! George had explained to his parents that I was a heavy sleeper and wanted to sleep late, so they’d eaten breakfast (and left for work) without disturbing me. Now Rusty (with Myron along for company) was going to give me a ride back home in his pick-up truck while delivering the bondage suit back to David – its inventor and owner.

The problem is: they didn’t bother to let me out of the damned thing first! It was fortunate for me that I had visited the bathroom the previous night so that I didn’t have to go too badly. I *did* need to pee, but rather than let me out of the suit they simply used the same solution Julia and Morgan had the first night. No one – except maybe me – seemed to have any sense of shame about this whatsoever.

George fed me breakfast in bed (hand-feeding me a bowl of Wheaties while kneel-sitting on my chest wearing only gym shorts). Then he and his brother and sister waved goodbye to me as Rusty and Myron carried me back to Rusty’s pick-up truck. They slid me onto the front seat with my head resting against the driver’s side door, climbed in, and sat on me for the entire drive to David’s house! Sitting on my chest, the already tall Rusty must’ve looked like Andre the giant to anyone he passed along the way. But I wasn’t seen by any passers-by and we reached David’s house without incident.

And those wise guys kept me inside that bondage suit for several more hours even after we got there!! I wasn’t freed until it was time for me to go back to my aunt’s house! If it hadn’t been for that, I might’ve sought some payback against David and his brothers for suckering me into wearing that suit in the first place – even though I wasn’t really too upset about the whole thing.

I think they tried their damnedest to MAKE me get upset, though! They laid me on the lawn right beside the lawn sprinkler system and turned it on full blast for a half hour (which at least cooled me off as I was HOT!). While the water was soaking me, they danced around me like wet Speedo-clad wild Indians. Then they piled on top of me. Michael seemed to take particular delight in sitting on my face.
They set me up like a hammock using special ring attachments built into the suit, and then they sat on me while I hung there like a living swing. They also suspended me from the tree house for an hour using the same special shoulder ring George had used before. Then they hung me upside down by a similar attachment at my ankles (thankfully for nowhere near as long). I think that the last two attachments were the same ones that had been used to turn me into a hammock.

They used the special attachments again to hogtie me and they hung me up THAT way for a while. While I was hogtied, they twirled me around a number of times and then let go, causing me to spin with dizzying speed in the opposite direction – those bastards loved that trick and they did it God knows how many times! And of course they gave me lots of water but no opportunity to take a whiz – telling me if I soiled the suit I’d be spending the night in it!

Even without the threat, I didn’t want to let THAT happen! I managed not to soil the suit or myself before they finally relented and let me go – but it was a close thing!

But I got revenge for everything, sort of. Over the following week, I visited David and his brothers three times. Each time, one of them had been wrapped in the bondage suit and left for me to play with any way that I liked for the entire day – a different brother each time. Fortunately for them, I didn’t have the heart to go as far with them as they’d gone with me. I let each of them go free before too long so that they could switch places with me. The fact is that I liked being tied up and helpless and at a friend’s mercy more than any of them did. It was my nature. Never mind that they HAD no mercy as far as humiliation went! That was part of the fun for me! But we all drew the line at causing actual pain, and that’s part of what kept me coming back for more bondage and private humiliation (I’d have felt differently about public humiliation).

David’s bondage suit was a big success with the club. He made three or four more over the next couple of years. They were all worn out by the summer after we finished high school (largely but by no means exclusively by me). Why he never tried to patent and sell the things after he grew up, I’ll never know. I think he’d have made a fortune with them. I’m not entirely sure what he DID do for a living after he finished college. He was a Liberal Arts major, so maybe he became a teacher or a cab driver. But if he kept working on things like bondage suits in his later years, I never found out about it.

The day that I returned to my aunt’s house after visiting George, Al came to visit my cousins and me overnight. He invited me to spend the next couple of days with him at his house, starting the following morning. Wondering what the consequences would be for me THIS time, I accepted the invitation. My cousins’ snickering suggested that something dreadful was coming, but they refused to give me any details. So I simply awaited my fate.
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That night, we had company, but as usual, I ended up in a bondage situation instead of the guest. Well, actually Al went first and my cousins sat on him and teased him for a while, but I feel left out at such times. So, after a while, Al was released and I took his place with all three of the others sitting on me. When it was time to go to sleep, I was placed in a hogtie, left lying on my back in my bed, and Al sat on my belly. He used my legs as a backrest while he watched a late-night movie.

I was half-asleep when Al finished watching TV and released me from the hogtie and put me into a spread-eagle instead. He checked my bonds to make sure that they weren’t too tight, then he lay down on top of me and we both fell asleep.

Sometime later I felt Al untying me, but I didn’t wake up completely even though he massaged my wrists and ankles. When I did wake up in the morning we were in each other’s arms!

The day started pretty much the same way it had when I’d gone to visit Gary. I was leashed, hobbled, and gagged, and my wrists were cuffed behind my back. Al led me down the same trail past the pond and David’s treehouse. Michael, Brian and David were there, but this time David himself was hobbled, leashed, gagged, and cuffed. Michael was riding his shoulders and Brian was leading him along. This was apparently a prearranged rendezvous of some sort, because the three of them fell into step right next to us. Al talked with Michael and Brian about mundane things. David and I exchanged glances, but all WE could do was *mumph* at each other.

We reached the kennel behind Ron’s house along the way, but instead of passing by, we went in. Ron and his brothers were there waiting for us. To my surprise I saw Myron there as well – sitting inside the same cage I’d been confined in. He was clad in Speedos, gagged, blindfolded, and in a mummified tie. Inside a cage next to him, I saw Rusty trussed up in an identical fashion. I *mumphed* and nodded my head towards them, and Ron was kind enough to explain what was going on.

“Rusty told Myron’s folks he was taking him on a camping trip for a few days well away from everyone. But he actually tied Myron up by surprise and brought him here for his first visit. Since this is also Rusty’s first visit here, we’re hazing them both. They’ve been here since yesterday. I’m unsure of Rusty’s reaction, but I think Myron is having the time of his life. Just the way he was brought here got him so excited he almost wet himself! At least, I THINK that’s why he almost wet himself. Anyway, I offered him a chance to go home and he wouldn’t take it! So they’re our guests all weekend and we’re going to give them the works! I’m sure Myron at least would make somebody a good pet if they’d let him!”

After Ron finished his explanation, David was placed inside the only free cage that was large enough to hold him comfortably. I was puzzled by this at first. I’d thought that he’d probably had HIS hazing visit at Ron’s a long time ago. It turned out he HAD had his hazing visit, but his younger brothers were pulling a prank on him. They’d arranged for him to be kenneled for the weekend just for kicks – and because they wanted to have the treehouse to themselves for the weekend. David didn’t resist being caged. I found out later that he’d accepted this because he’d lost a bet of some kind. This was the penalty. He didn’t seem to mind too much, though. At least, no more than I had.

Instead of returning home, Michael and Brian followed Al and I as we continued on our way down the trail to Al’s house. This was only a quarter-mile further. We didn’t enter the house, though. Instead, we went to a small but sturdy woodshed out back that stood right at the end of the trail, about thirty feet from the house. The outwardly swinging door was simply secured by two thick wooden crossbars. These things were removed and the door was opened to reveal a gloomy, windowless interior half-filled with stacks of cut wood. There was a light bulb which alleviated the gloom, but only to a small extent.

I was taken to the far end, behind the stacked wood, and there I found out that the shed doubled as an outhouse. Directly behind the toilet seat was a thick, rectangular wooden beam, close enough to the toilet that a person sitting there could rest against it. An old roll of toilet paper hung on a nail, and there was a nail with another roll on the farther wall. There was some space around the beam that was occupied in places by coils of rope and rolls of duct tape. It was obvious what was going to happen to me next, so I wasn’t surprised when my hobbles and cuffs were removed and I was sat down on the toilet.

With some help from Brian and Michael, Al skillfully tied my upper body to the wooden beam. My legs were tied at the ankles and knees to a pair of two-by-fours that ran from the floor to the ceiling on either side, keeping them spread wide apart. (I was told that the two-by-fours were normally used to allow somebody who had weak legs to pull themselves up using their arms). My arms and elbows were tied together and between my back and the beam (not around the beam itself) and then to the beam as tightly and securely as possible. My gag was removed, but my now sweaty socks were also removed, rolled-up, and shoved into my mouth. My entire lower face below my nose was duct-taped, and then firmly fastened to the beam by even more duct tape so that I couldn’t move my head. In fact, by the time the others finished, I couldn’t move at all.

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” Al asked me as he finished, “but do you want your shorts up or down? I should warn you that you’re going to be here a while, and you might need to use the toilet before I free you from it.”

Under the circumstances, I decided to go for down. After all, they could’ve done this to me anyway without asking first, and I figured in the long run it’d be less embarrassing having my shorts pulled down than soiling my clothes. I had to signal with my eyes, because the way they’d tied me, I could neither nod nor shake my head. So they pulled my shorts down as far as they’d go. This was fine for number two, but I wasn’t sure I could do number one without making a mess. However, I couldn’t say anything about it and the other three didn’t seem to be concerned about the issue.

To top it all off, they blindfolded me – tying a sheet not only around my eyes but around my head and the beam. This immobilized my head further, which hardly seemed necessary! My nose was exposed to the air, but I think this was the only part of my head that wasn’t covered. But God help me if I caught the sniffles!!!

I wondered what gruesome torture was in store for me. I listened carefully for conversation and possible details. What I heard instead was three sets of footsteps walk out of the shed. Then I heard the door barricaded from the outside. I was locked inside the woodshed.

I settled myself in, wondering how long they intended to keep me trapped in this situation. I wasn’t in any significant discomfort from being tied. However, the stink of the outhouse and the buzzing of a dozen fat flies was bothersome. Some of the files insisted on using my nose and the top of my head and hair as their private landing pad, and this wasn’t especially pleasant. As I was tied, rather than cuffed, I was sure that Al would check on me at least every couple of hours for safety reasons (these were the club rules). A couple of hours didn’t seem so bad. But I got thirsty quickly because I’d neglected to ask for a drink before I’d been gagged. Sucking on sweaty socks didn’t help the situation either.

After what seemed like a long period time, I heard somebody take down the wooden posts that held the shed door closed. Then I heard a set of footsteps walk casually into the shed. I figured it was Al coming in to check on me, as the steps were coming right toward me.

I realized it was NOT Al when a piercing feminine shriek from just a few feet in front of me all but shattered my eardrums! I heard a set of feet frantically running away. Whoever it was didn’t bother to close the shed door as they departed. However, I was still tied as securely as I’d been at the moment that Al had left me, so this avenue of freedom was useless to me. I wondered who it was that had blundered into the situation, and just as I heard voices approaching again I remembered that Al had a sister (Melanie) about two years older than he was. In fact, I had “borrowed" her clothes once during my club initiation the previous summer. It had to be her.

After a moment, the voices became clearer. I heard Al laughing and joking and his sister Melanie yelling angrily at him. They were soon standing right in front of me, still arguing about the situation. I’m sure that I blushed a deep red, but my face was so well hidden that I doubt anybody could have seen this. Later on, I learned that I’d been tied to the outhouse toilet specifically to spook Melanie. If someone was using the bathroom inside the house and she had to “go" in a hurry, she usually used the outhouse instead (at least in the summertime). So Al and the others made sure that the indoors bathroom remained in use continuously from the time that Melanie woke up (she was a late riser in the summertime) until she HAD to go. This way, she’d be sure to go to the outhouse and find me. This is how it worked out, and her startled reaction had been everything that they’d hoped for!

I was more than a bit embarrassed to be caught literally with my pants down, not to mention tied up, and especially by a girl. The fact that she couldn’t see my face and had no idea who I was didn’t help much. But as they talked I found out that this was hardly the first time Melanie had gotten such a surprise. In addition to catching her brother and some of his friends tying up and tormenting one another, she herself had sometimes been a participant in their tie-up games as a victim. However, no one had ever done anything to her when she was helpless other than to tickle her feet or tuck her out of the way for hours at a time. It was fine to take liberties with another boy who had known what to expect coming in – but to do the same things to a girl (let alone to Al’s sister) was considered out of bounds by everybody.

Melanie herself had never participated as a torturer, though she’d often been an observer. She’d been getting tied up by Al ever since they were in grade school. I don’t know if their parents knew about this or not; they were rarely around whenever I visited and I didn’t meet them that summer at all. They were away on some kind of farmer’s co-op trip on this particular occasion.

Anyway, Melanie was understanding enough about her brother’s tie-up games but felt that leaving a guest tied up for hours in the woodshed outhouse was a bit much… especially on the kind of hot day that this day was becoming. So Al untied me from the beam and led me outside (still gagged and blindfolded, and with my hands tied behind my back). Melanie went back to the house, but Al, Michael, and Brian took me to a reasonably cool and shady spot, laid me down on my back on the grass, and tied me between two small trees.

They then removed my blindfold and sat on me, teased me, and tormented me until lunchtime. Al removed my gag and hand-fed me my lunch while all three boys, naturally, sat on me as they ate their own lunches.

After that, Michael and Brian went home, leaving me alone with Al. I expected him to keep me tied up all day, but after a couple of hours he freed me for the afternoon. We went back to the kennel at Ron’s house for a while to watch Myron, Rusty, and David get treated like dogs (as I’d been treated on my own visit).

At one point, when I was walking Rusty on a leash while Corey rode on his shoulders, Rusty asked me if I’d be willing to visit him for an overnight stay on Monday. This time I’d be staying at his house rather than camping out like before. I wasn’t sure if I’d be ready for another visit with someone so soon after this one, and I told Rusty he’d probably be tired out and in need of a rest himself by the time Monday morning rolled around. But he virtually begged me; even getting down on his knees and begging like a dog. This wasn’t an easy trick, given that Corey was riding on Rusty’s shoulders and that he was hobbled and handcuffed – though at least his hands were cuffed in front of him. Anyway, he begged so hard that I relented. I was flattered that anyone would want my company this much. Of course, Rusty had an ulterior motive, but I didn’t learn about that part until later. Anyway, we arranged that he would pick me up at Al’s house on Monday morning.

After Al and I returned to his house, I called my cousins to let them know where I’d be on Monday. Then Al mummify-tied me for the rest of the day. I sat at the dinner table like this, though of course only his sister was there to see me (and she’d seen it all many times before). Al hand-fed me my dinner as though I was an infant, and then he led me (I could move using an awkward waddle as long as he assisted me) to the sofa in the living room.

It was the Fourth of July, so after it got dark we went outside. We could see the fireworks display in town from Al’s yard and we watched it from there. I lay in the grass and Al used me for a seat. Before and after, we watched TV. He was, of course, sitting on me the whole time. During commercial breaks, he checked my ties to be sure that I wasn’t having circulation problems. Finally, he waddled me over to his bedroom (fortunately, it was on the first floor), laid me on his bed, and sat on me and teased me some more.

Then, when we were sure his sister had gone to bed for the night, I had the second “69“ of my life. Like the first time, I was tied and helpless, which made it difficult for me to take care of my end of the business. It was difficult for Al, too, since my position (a mummified tie) made the necessary maneuvers complicated. However, he apparently enjoyed the challenge, because he refused to tie me a different way. Fortunately, Al didn’t seem to mind any more than Gary had that I couldn’t hug him back. And the fact that I was totally at Al’s mercy added a thrill for both of us.

After he handled the post-game cleanup, Al lay on top of me and held me in his arms as well as he was able to, snuggled his head into my shoulders, and fell asleep. I soon fell asleep as well, and I woke up only when he was untying me in the morning.

My body (not just my wrists and ankles) had developed deep rope burns because I’d been tied up so thoroughly and for so long, so I spent most of the day completely free. Al and I walked in the woods for a while, did some swimming at the lake, and rode in his canoe for much of the afternoon as well. We visited Gary, who was entertaining Tom for the weekend. At the time, Tom was in Gary’s loft and tied up in the pulley harness the same way that I had been. Corey was sitting on him and using him as a swing. I made a note to have Corey do the same thing to me if an opportunity ever presented itself.

Tom invited me to visit him at his house the following weekend and I accepted. His would be the last invitation from a club member I hadn’t already visited who was already a member at that time. Myron didn’t count, since he was rarely (if ever) allowed to have friends other than Rusty visit overnight. There would be invitations later on from other kids, but Tom would be the last of the then-current batch.

The rest of the day was quiet and rather idyllic. The night after that was a repeat of the previous one except that Al knelt on my chest to give me my “pacifier” and then took mine in separately while he was sitting on my face. One other difference is that I wasn’t mummified. Instead, I was tied with my hands behind my back and my legs wide apart.

Sunday also went well. Al practiced various ties upon me, keeping me in each one for a while and tormenting me as I lay helpless until he released me, let me recover a bit, and then tied me in a different way. I was hogtied, spread-eagled on the lawn, tied to a tree, tied to a cross-shaped laundry post in a manner resembling the Crucifixion, mummified, tied strappado-fashion to a tree branch, tied to some kind of yoke-like thing that kept my hands beside my head like a movable set of stocks, tied to something else similar to the “deer carry” thing from last year and allowed to dangle by my feet and wrists for a bit, tied by my ankles to a tree branch and allowed to hang upside down for a while with my hands cuffed behind me, and tied by my wrists to the same branch and allowed to dangle that way (but with my feet free to thrash wildly around, so much to Al’s amusement that he left me that way somewhat longer than I would’ve preferred).

Sunday night went like the other two nights. We practiced our oral hygiene a couple of different ways. First there was a 69 and then there were one-way exercises. I was spread-eagled this time. This was more comfortable for both of us (especially when Al lay on top of me) and it made me more accessible for things besides oral hygiene. For example, Al tickled me to within an inch of my life before he finally had mercy on me and let me fall asleep.

The next morning, Al fed me breakfast in bed (while sitting on me, of course) before he untied me to let me shower and get dressed. Melanie had been kind enough to launder my clothes overnight, so I was fresh and clean when Rusty and Myron drove up in Rusty’s pickup truck. They were there to take me to Rusty’s house so that we could all, as Rusty put it, “hang out”.

I should have been more suspicious about Rusty’s choice of words!
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The first thing Rusty and Myron did was to strip me to my undershorts before we even left Al’s house. Then, with Al’s help, they wrapped me in duct tape from head to foot (leaving only my eyes, nose, hair, and the soles of my now-bare feet visible). By the time they finished, I was a thoroughly immobilized and helpless mass of duct tape! My clothes and other belongings were packed in a bag and tossed into the truck, and then the three of them carefully loaded my helpless form into the back of the truck on top of a mattress they’d thoughtfully placed there to ensure my comfort. To complete the arrangements for travel, they tossed a blanket over me; it covered me from the neck down. Rusty then climbed into the driver’s seat of the truck while Myron joined me in back and sat on me for the entire trip – grinning from ear to ear.

Myron told me that he’d had fun being a weekend guest at Ron’s kennel. Myron and Rusty had each been subjected separately to Ron’s rather unique approach to entertaining guests, and Myron described the events in question with relish. Even after this interesting weekend, though, he wasn’t tired out. He was ready to have some more fun and was looking forward to it. I wondered what he had in mind. I soon found out, and it turned out to be more unusual than I’d imagined.

Rusty’s parents were gone for the day, so there were no witnesses as Rusty and Myron hauled me out of the pickup truck, carried me into the house (not an easy task for just the two of them), and lugged me down into the cellar. The closer half of the cellar was a typical unfinished variety that contained a furnace and shelves of canning jars (mostly empty at this time of year). The other half of the cellar was sealed off by a thick wooden door that was bolted and padlocked shut. Rusty and Myron set me down on the floor and Myron stood over me while Rusty opened the door. After it swung open, the two of them picked me up again and carried me inside.

The hidden part of the cellar had one of the most gothic arrangements that I’ve ever seen in person. It was similar to a medieval-style dungeon. The room in question was lit solely by the light that filtered in from a tiny window to one side and two candles that Rusty and Myron lit immediately. There was a thick wooden post in the center of the room. From the further side of the post - hidden from view if you stood at the entrance - a set of handcuffs dangled above head level; these were securely set into the post with a bolt of some kind. A set of leg cuffs were bolted into the post several inches off the floor.

There was another set of manacles suspended from a thick metal pipe running the entire length of the room just a few inches below the ceiling and a few inches over my head. These were not handcuffs but instead were shackles made from wide, thick, well-padded leather straps that could be buckled into place. Under this, I saw a large cinder block sitting in a dug-out hole and two large metal pegs set securely into the floor on opposite sides to and at equal distances from the block. I learned later that the cinder block was there because it was something that could be removed for the purpose of causing whoever was held by the handcuffs to dangle in the air. I myself was never subjected to this dangling however; I was too tall. Rusty was even taller than I was. I gather however that Myron occasionally was allowed to dangle there a bit from time to time.

I also saw an old school locker tucked into one corner and a thick toy chest parked in another. There was a cardboard box as well; it was closed, so I couldn’t see its contents, but a small length of clothesline stuck out from it.

There were no other furnishings visible, but Rusty went outside to retrieve the mattress I’d been on before from the truck and put it on the cellar floor. Myron stayed in the cellar with me and chatted some more about his recent stay at the kennel. After Rusty returned, the two of them laid me on top of the mattress and cut me loose from my duct tape mummification – except for my head, so I was still effectively gagged. Then, almost before I could blink, they wrapped tape over my eyes to blindfold me. Immediately afterward, they hustled me over to the cinder block and stood me on it, then locked my wrists with the handcuffs that dangled from the ceiling pipe overhead. After that, they tied my ankles to the metal pegs and spread my legs apart as far as they could go without causing my body to dangle in midair. I was standing almost tip-toe by the time they finished tying me up this way. It was tiring after a while, but not painfully uncomfortable.

Helpless, gagged, and blindfolded, I waited to find out what my captors would do to me next.

I heard some rustling for a moment, but couldn’t figure out at first what the sound was. Then I felt two sets of hands fondling me all over – including (and perhaps especially, after a while) the growing bulge beneath my undershorts! I *mmphed* in surprise and trepidation, and with more than a little pleasure, but my captors never said a thing. They didn’t talk to me or to each other, though I could hear Myron giggle a bit and Rusty chuckled quietly once or twice. Suddenly, I felt what must have been Myron hug me tightly from behind (with his middle rubbing up firmly against my rear end), and I figured out what that rustling noise must have been… both of the others had taken off their clothes and were now entirely naked!

The fondling continued and increased in intensity for a while, and then it stopped abruptly. I stood there for a few moments, wondering what would happen next. Then I found out! Whack! I felt a towel whip me hard on the rear end. I *mmphed* in protest, but this just seemed to encourage the others. I felt myself suddenly and mercilessly towel-whipped all over my body from the neck down (including a few snaps all too close to the WORST PLACE!). I began to scream into my gag, wondering if I’d gotten myself in too deep this time.

And then suddenly everything stopped. I heard what sounded like struggling on the mattress in front of me. I was puzzled for a while, but I’d worked up an enormous sweat and after a few minutes (and somewhat ironically), this proved to be helpful. I was blinking some of the sweat out of my eyes and shaking my head, and some of the tape covering my eyes came loose. Without my glasses, and with sweat remaining in my eyes, my vision was blurry, but I could see what was happening well enough. Myron and Rusty were making passionate love on the mattress right in front of me – totally oblivious to my continuing presence (let alone my physical discomfort). Rusty was thrusting repeatedly and vigorously into Myron’s back door. Their cries of passion would have told even a naïve fellow like myself what was going on eventually, but it was interesting to get a close-up (if blurry) view of the proceedings. Darned my nearsightedness, though!

Eventually, both of them were spent. They just lay there naked in each other’s arms for a while. It was only when I *mmphed* into my gag that they even remembered that I was there (or so I gathered from the way they acted). Even then, their first reaction was simply to look up at me in a happy daze for a while. Then, after a whispered conversation loaded with giggling on Myron’s part, they stood up and dragged their mattress over to in front of where I stood. Then Rusty, still naked, knelt down in front of me, opened the front of my underwear, pulled out my swelling package, put the whole thing right into his mouth, and tongue-wrestled it!

At the same time, I felt a set of hands apply a familiar cool, creamy substance to my own back door. A moment or two later, Myron started to enter the back door without an invitation. I *mmphed* loudly and put up a token show of resistance – but my heart wasn’t really in it. My reluctance was a show, and they both knew it or – I’m sure – they wouldn’t have kept going.

Myron began to exercise so vigorously that it must have been good for his cardiovascular system. As he transformed himself into a rapidly cycling piston engine, Rusty finished his end of things, did some cleanup, removed my gag, and offered me a chance to return the favor. I was reluctant at first because of where that thing had been recently, but after Rusty made a show of cleaning it carefully a second time, I gave in. I felt like a gutted fish yet again, but this time simultaneously at both ends!

Getting a two-way was… interesting. I began to wonder what it might be like for a girl getting a three way all at once (assuming that was even possible). That’s the kind of inane thing that ran through my mind as Rusty drilled his sex into my mouth (and right into the back of my throat, it felt like) and Myron drilled his up my butt (and right out through my belly button, it felt like). If I weren’t tied up at the time, I probably wouldn’t masturbated myself. I even began wishing Randy or Ron or someone were there to do it for me – or even better to blow me and suck me off! But as it was, I was getting thoroughly drilled! To this day, I haven’t been able to sort out all the impressions and emotions I felt at the time; it was almost a case of sensory overload!

I had no idea I was going to face the opposite of that in a short while.

When Myron and Rusty were gotten what they needed, they released me from my bonds and let me flop down on the mattress to recover. To pass the time, they both sat on me naked, so I didn’t feel the need to rush the process. I took my sweet time recuperating.

While I was resting, they explained a few things. Rusty used this part of the cellar as a designated “playroom" and he often spent time here with Myron. His parents never came down to inspect the “playroom”. Rusty and Myron had set the place up so that either of them could put the other into a temporary bondage situation and “torture” him for a while. Both of them had secretly wanted to experiment more intimately, but until the recent camping trip, they’d never quite worked up the nerve to do this. But my presence, and the games that we’d all played, had broken the ice. They’d taken advantage of every possible opportunity to insert things into other things since then.

After a while, Rusty and Myron had found that “torture” worked well for them as foreplay, but playing “torture” games with each other had been more difficult and less satisfying than it had been with me. They’d hoped that being prisoners in the dog kennel would help them to get into the proper mood, and it had helped, but they hadn’t had an opportunity to get to the payoff there. So when Rusty saw me visit the kennel, the perfect solution occurred to him: take me home, torture me, and when he and Myron were sufficiently aroused... play at being a piston engine!

Some people might resent being treated essentially as lubricant for a back-door adventure. However, I’d gotten something out of all of this and after I thought about it, I didn’t resent it at all. After Rusty and Myron were sure of this, they happily cuffed my hands behind my back, hobbled me, and carried me over to the school locker. They opened the door, shoved me into the locker, closed the door, padlocked it, went back to the mattress, and fell asleep naked in each other’s arms. This time I was wearing my glasses, and the locker had slits in the door that I could see through, so I watched them sleep in the dim light.

After nap of about a half-hour, Myron and Rusty put on their clothes. And then… they walked out of the cellar and locked the door! I wasn’t sure if they’d forgotten about me or were simply playing a prank – but I didn’t like it! Bound as I was (and a bit overwhelmed by surprise), I couldn’t make a racket to attract their attention until it was too late. So I was left locked inside a school locker, which was itself locked inside a cellar, for I don’t know how long... several hours at least!

From sensory overload to near sensory deprivation almost at once! It was silent and dark in there, and might have been scary for some people. I wasn’t scared; just annoyed.

Eventually I managed to fall asleep even under these circumstances… and I slept the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon away. I was awakened late in the afternoon by the sound of the locker opening. My hobbles were removed so that I could walk, and I was escorted upstairs by a somewhat sheepish Rusty and Myron. They’d apparently spent the time that I was in the locker going for a long, leisurely walk in the woods.

My hands were freed so that I could wash up and use the toilet. Then Rusty offered me a choice of playing some more all night with him and Myron (down in the cellar), just getting a restful night’s sleep in Rusty’s own room (alone), or getting a ride back to my aunt’s house at once. Feeling as excited as they apparently were and forgetting my resentment at being locked up and abandoned in the cellar, I opted to stay the night. So I escorted back downstairs and shackled to the wooden post down in the cellar. This time I was completely naked too.

Myron and Rusty fed me and gave me plenty of juice to drink (assuring me I’d get to use the bathroom again when I needed to) before the fun and games resumed. I then received a merciless tickling, followed by another towel-whipping. Then, without warning, the other two unshackled me from the post, cuffed and hobbled me again, practically threw me down onto the mattress face up, lay down right on top of me, and made passionate love to each other then and there, right on top of me!

Rusty lay on top of Myron and gave him the doggy-style treatment. While he was busily pumping away, Myron clutched me in his arms and alternately kissed me and pressed my face into his breast. I could feel his reactions to Rusty’s excited thrusts. Myron was moaning and groaning the entire time. Rusty wasn’t exactly silent himself. The whole thing was strange but exciting at the same time.

After they were done, I made a brief trip upstairs to use the bathroom. Then I was placed in the locker again. But this time, Myron didn’t go anywhere with Rusty. Instead, Rusty wrapped Myron up in duct tape, placed him inside the toy chest (which I could just see from where I was through the small grated window in front of me), and locked him inside. Then Rusty left the cellar, closed the door on both of us, and left us locked in the cellar with each other all night while he slept in his own bedroom. His parents came home soon afterward and spent the night at home with no idea that two guests were spending the night down inside their cellar!

Myron and I weren’t gagged, and we could hear each other well enough, so we had some long conversations. Rusty checked on us every few hours during the night to make sure that we were okay. He was as quiet as possible when he came down, so his parents were none the wiser.

In the morning, after his parents had left again, Rusty freed both of us. Myron and I showered together. This was the first time that I'd showered with another boy, but not Myron's first time. We put on our clothes (which Rusty had laundered overnight) and the three of us had breakfast together. After that, Rusty gave me a ride to my aunt’s house. This time, I got to be a normal passenger sitting in the seat beside him. Myron came along for the ride. They stayed to visit for a while and Walter and Randy joined us in some tie-up and torment games.

All in all, it had been a moderately interesting few days. And I’d get to have three more sleepovers at Rusty’s home with him and Myron over the next six weeks that would be much like this one had been. The sleepovers with Rusty and Myron were among the most pleasant parts of the summer.
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The next few days were routine – by the standards of my cousins and our friends. I attended a soccer game that my cousins and David played in and a baseball game that Ron and Al played in, and sometimes a number of us got together for some tie-up or torment at David’s treehouse or at the nearby pond (which had become standard rendezvous points for our club).

Once, I spent an entire day tied up by the pond. Most of the club members sat on me at one point or another. Even Rusty and Myron were there on this occasion, and both of them willingly took turns being tied up alongside me and tormented by the others. Tom was there for a while, though he acted a bit shy and didn’t stay for long. He made a point of reminding me about his invitation, though, and told me that he’d come by my aunt’s house to meet me late Friday afternoon.

Up to now, I’d usually walked wherever I went or gotten a ride in Walter’s car, Rusty’s pickup truck, or Al’s canoe. But Tom lived further away than most of the others, though in the same general direction (about a mile past Gary’s farm and some distance away from the lake). I decided that I needed some transportation of my own, so I asked Walter if I could use his bicycle. I even offered to buy it from him.

I was careful to ask Walter for permission. A few years before, I’d borrowed his bike during a visit without permission. This had proved to be a mistake, not just because he’d gotten mad at me (though he had), but because the brakes had been messed up. I hadn’t discovered the problem until I was barreling down a steep hill. At the bottom, there had been an intersection that had considerable traffic. I’d tried to slow down and nothing had happened when I pressed the brake pedals. I’d been forced to swerve off the road and into some thorny bushes to prevent myself from becoming roadkill. The bike had fallen into a ravine and gotten smashed up. My scrapes and bruises were probably the main reason that Walter didn’t give me a well-deserved beating afterward for wrecking his bicycle. I paid for a brand-new bicycle out of my allowance, and that probably helped.

Since Walter was driving a car these days, he no longer needed a bicycle for his own use, so he decided to give his bicycle to me outright. He even checked the bicycle over carefully to make sure that it was in perfect working order. We both agreed that another accident would be undesirable. So when Tom came up to my aunt’s house on his bicycle, I was able to ride back with him on my own.

I wondered what imaginative ideas Tom had in store for me. I was sure he was brimming with ideas and that I’d be surprised.

I was right. I was surprised. Tom was by far the most ORDINARY kid in the entire group. He hadn’t come up with any fiendish ways of keeping me restrained or any ghoulish methods of torture. He simply wanted some company. Tom lived some distance away from anybody else his own age (he lived in an even more rural area than my aunt did), and he was shy besides. He *did* live near George and Morgan, but unfortunately his parents were the kind of people who didn’t want their son to be seen associating with ‘those kind of people’, so he wasn’t allowed to visit them. So it was difficult for him to have the kind of normal social life that my cousins and the other boys enjoyed.

Tom had only gotten into the tie-up and torment thing to begin with because he once caught Kevin and Corey sitting on and tormenting their brother Ron out in the woods near their house. Tom might have been concerned if it had been older kids tormenting a younger one, but Corey and Kevin were smaller than he was and he felt more curiosity than fear. The two younger boys had been apprehensive themselves when Tom showed up, but Ron (who was lying on his back and securely tied between two trees) cheerfully invited Tom to join in the fun. Tom had hesitated, but he’d wanted to make friends and ultimately he had tormented Ron with as much enthusiasm as Ron’s own brothers had shown.

Tom started to visit Ron on a regular basis after that. Eventually, he even let himself be tied up and tormented by the others, He preferred this to spending time by himself, though he wasn’t as happy about being on the receiving end as some of the other club members were. He’d been formally initiated into the group the previous April, two months before I’d returned to rejoin the group myself.

But though Tom had visited several of the other club members (and gotten his share of hazing each time), he’d never invited any of them to visit him until now. The problem was that he found the other boys and their games a bit overwhelming; again, especially concerning George and Morgan. He hadn’t minded being caged like a dog at Ron’s kennel. (I learned later on that, because of his age, Ron hadn’t made the doggy-style proposal to him. He’d simply let Tom come into his room at night to sleep.) And Tom had worked like a slave at Gary’s farm without complaint. But he couldn’t imagine trying to force his own guests to go through this kind of thing.

However, though I was older and larger like the other club members, Tom found it easier to be around me than it was to be around the others. It was a well-known fact that I never insisted on doing things to anyone else even though I enjoyed receiving degrading treatment myself. So Tom had decided to invite me over first, knowing that I wouldn’t try to impose my wishes on him. This was sort of a trial run. If it worked out, he was going to think about inviting some of the other boys over later on.

I didn’t learn all of this at once; I figured some of it out over the course of the weekend. Tom was obviously nervous, and that was a clue from the start. He’d never had company of his own before, and he didn’t have the slightest idea of how to entertain guests or be an interesting host. Tom tried to explain this at one point, and I assured him that I didn’t have any more experience with this side of things than he did. I’d never invited anybody to visit me as a guest either. This seemed to reassure him a little.

Additionally, as we talked, we discovered that we had some common interests. There were some activities we both liked that we could do together. This helped as much as my casual nature, and eventually Tom seemed to be more at ease.

The other club members sometimes needed to keep the presence of their guests a secret from their own parents. However, this wasn’t an issue for Tom. He’d been quite open with his parents about my upcoming visit. So we didn’t need to worry about being seen or overheard, and we were able to interact in a relaxed manner. We watched TV, went for a walk, played catch, play-wrestled with Tom’s St. Bernard and with each other, and swapped stories about interesting events in our lives. Tom showed me his comic-book collection and I told him about mine. He played some of his music for me and introduced me to some groups that I’d come to enjoy later on (most notably The Moody Blues and Uriah Heep).

We were just two ordinary boys hanging out, and this was all that Tom wanted. The fact that I was nearly two years older and quite a bit larger didn’t matter much to either of us. He found my easy-going (albeit somewhat awkward) manner reassuring and it was clear that the visit was going well.

The first night that I spent in his room, some of Tom’s nervousness returned. He seemed to feel that some kind of tie-up game was expected. Perhaps it was even mandatory, but he didn’t know what to do! I assured Tom that, though I enjoyed being tied up and teased, he didn’t have to do anything that would make him feel uncomfortable. After all, it was HIS room and I was the guest. I wouldn’t ask anything untoward of him, though I’d accept whatever he offered out of his own initiative. Then I changed the subject to something that nothing to do with the club and I waited to see if he’d raise the tie-up issue again.

He didn’t; at least, not that night. I was fine with this. It was a bit unusual by now to visit somebody who wanted to do things that didn’t involve tie-up or torment. However, this was an interesting change of pace. I didn’t mind giving up the usual games, as long it was just for a while. So, for once, I slept all night without any concerns about being hogtied in my sleep or locked in a closet.

The next day, Tom and I went biking to the lake to go for a swim. Michael and Brian were swimming there as well, but we just swam and goofed around a bit without playing any tie-up games. Later on, we visited Ron and his brothers at their kennel and helped them walk their (real) dogs for a while.

We even visited Gary for an hour and helped him with some of his chores, since he had no “guests” to assist him that weekend. Gary told me his that brother was going to be initiated into the club on the following weekend. Gary felt that his brother was too young (Gordon wouldn’t turn 9 for four more months), but Gordon had pestered Walt, Randy and some of the other members until they’d finally agreed to give him a chance. After all, as Gary’s brother, he was practically in the club already. Being so readily accessible, he was Gary’s most frequent tie-up victim.

In fact, it turned out that Gordon had been tied up and gagged in the barn loft the entire time that Tom and I were there on our visit. Tom and I didn’t know about this until we were almost ready to leave. We asked Gary where his brother was, and Gary showed us his latest handiwork. Gordon was wearing only Speedos and he was thoroughly duct-taped in a sitting position to the support beam in the loft. But the radio was on, so he wasn’t too bored. Tom stared wide-eyed at Gordon, speechless; but Gordon didn’t seem upset by his situation. He was quite used to being tied up by Gary. Because of his gag, I couldn’t tell if Gordon was actually happy or not, but based on what I knew about the two brothers, I think that he was.

I could relate a bit to Gordon’s situation, since I’d had an older brother who had frequently tied me up as well. I told Tom about this as we bicycled to his house. He was an only child, and when I told him about my brother, he seemed to be envious. Then I remembered the look I’d noticed on his face when he’d seen Gordon duct-taped to the beam. I asked Tom about it. Tom told me that he’d wished he was Gordon.

Later in the afternoon, we were alone in the woods behind Tom’s house, and he asked me to tie him to a tree with some rope that he’d brought with him. I was less experienced in tying people up than most of the other club members were (since it usually went the other way), but even being tied up teaches you something about the techniques used. So I tied Tom up. It worked well enough, because he couldn’t even begin to free himself. He struggled for about an hour, but he assured me that he was enjoying himself. I set him free when he asked me to do so – just before his mother called us in for dinner.

That evening, after his parents had retired for the night, Tom asked me to tie him up again. This time, he wanted me to keep him tied up until morning no matter what he said or did. I told him I’d comply, but only as long as he wasn’t in too much discomfort. If I saw his limbs getting red or swollen or if he seemed to be in too much pain, I’d untie him regardless of his wishes. He accepted this sensible precaution, and so after he put on his PJs, I hogtied him in his own bed. He didn’t struggle this time but simply lay there quietly as we watched a movie on TV.

After the movie was over, I checked Tom’s bonds. They were secure and he said that there was no discomfort, so I let him stay tied up as we talked for a while. When we were ready to go to sleep, he insisted on remaining tied up. I didn’t like the idea, and I insisted on at least releasing him from the hogtie so that he could sleep better. He agreed to this, but refused to let me loosen his bonds otherwise, though we agreed that I should check them every so often. After he was asleep, I loosened his bonds a bit anyway.

I didn’t sleep well that night because I was afraid of what might happen to Tom if his bonds weren’t checked regularly. However, I was apparently more skilled at tie-ups than I’d realized. Tom slept like a baby and no problems occurred. Even so, I untied him well before dawn to give his rope-marks time to fade and also so that I could get some sleep myself.

The next day, we practiced tie-ups on one another. Tom seemed to be more at ease about this kind of thing now, so I spent much of the day being tied up and sat on by Tom at the rendezvous pond. Brian and Michael were there again too, along with David – and they also sent some time sitting on me as well. David even let Tom tie him up, and said that Tom had done a fairly good job. To thank David for the compliment, Tom tickle-tortured him for several minutes.

Sunday night, I was the one who got tied up in bed, and Tom sat on me for several hours before we fell asleep. He lay on top of me afterward, but nothing more intimate happened. He just wasn’t that kind of boy. At any rate, it was a restful night.

Tom invited me over for one-night sleepovers several more times over the next couple of months. I accepted every invitation but one, which I had to decline because I’d previously made a commitment to spend the evening with my aunt. As far as tie-ups went, Tom developed more interest in the subject after the initial sleepover, but he remained the most ordinary kid in the group regardless.
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Post by Jason Toddman »


The next few days were fairly routine; at least, by my standards. Walter, Randy and I spent Tuesday night at David’s house (the first of several visits where we stayed in the house itself rather than in the treehouse). David and his brothers tied all three of us up almost from the start of our visit and kept us tied up all evening; even when we were in the living room watching TV with his folks.

David’s parents only objected when we made too much noise (laughing from being tickled, mostly). They’d have objected more strongly if anybody had been mistreated in any serious way, of course, but this didn’t happen. As long as we were reasonably quiet and observed the usual safety rules, David’s parents were remarkably tolerant of our games. So tolerant that they didn’t bat an eye even when we were downstairs tied up in only our undershorts and being sat on like so many extra pieces of furniture. However, activities downstairs were kept to a minimum because of the noise issue. David tried to solve the problem using gags, but his folks drew the line at this.

I was a solo guest of Ron’s on Wednesday night (in his house, not in his kennel) while Gary visited my cousins. Al was an overnight guest of ours on Thursday. On Friday, my cousins and I visited Gary at his farm to plan Gordon’s initiation, which was scheduled to start the next day. Actually, the others did most of the discussing. I was simply tied, gagged, and sat on for the most part – which was fine by me. Gordon was away, so he wasn’t able to hear what was in store for him.

And what plans the others made! Gary must have really been opposed to his kid brother joining the club, because the hazing suggestions that he came up with gave even ME the shivers. If Gary had had his way, Gordon’s initiation would have been a lot rougher than mine had been. Fortunately for Gordon, my cousins vetoed most of them. I got to vote on suggestions too, though I had to do so by nodding or shaking my head. I vetoed anything that sounded worse than what I’d had to go through myself at my own initiation, but okayed anything that seemed reasonable.

After a while, Gary (who was sitting on my stomach) began whacking me in the balls whenever I vetoed one of his suggestions. Despite this, I stuck to my principles. And no, even I don’t like getting whacked in the balls!

My initiation had run from Friday to Sunday. Gordon’s initiation was going to be handled a bit differently. It would run for 48 hours from Saturday to Monday. We’d be conducting the trial by torture (as I thought of it) at David’s treehouse, where initiations were usually done during the summer. The loft of Gary’s barn was the usual location of choice in winter or during bad weather - but this was summer and the loft was considered to be too familiar to Gordon to be a suitable place for his initiation anyway. Besides, his parents would be home and unlikely to put up with a bunch of boys tormenting their youngest son for 48 straight hours. The treehouse, on the other hand, would be comfortable (except for Gordon) and quite private.

That night was a quiet one for me; no tie-ups at all, for my cousins and I needed to be properly rested so that we could play our roles in the initiation ceremonies. As soon as Aunt Yvette had gone to work, we went straight to David’s house. Walter drove Randy and me there so that we didn’t need to waste time and energy on an extended walk. From there, we went down the trail to Al’s house, where we met David, Brian, Michael, Ron, Kevin, and Corey. Al himself had gone over to Gary’s house with his canoe. We then walked down a trail leading to the lake, where we were to meet Gary, who’d be bringing Gordon by canoe. In fact, the canoe came into sight the moment after we reached the lake shore.

Al, Gary, and Tom were sitting in the canoe paddling. There was no sign of Gordon, but of course we knew where he was before the canoe came close enough for us to see him. Sure enough, he lay in the bottom of the canoe wrapped in at least as much rope as I’d had on me when the others had taken me to Gary’s house in the same canoe weeks before… though unlike with me they sat on the usual slats (placed over Gordon’s bound form) instead of on Gordon himself. As soon as the canoe was properly grounded and the others got out, several of us helped lift the bound and helpless (and thoroughly gagged) Gordon out of there and – using the rope handles – we proceeded to carry him to the treehouse over a mile away.

Gordon couldn’t have been carried by foot all the way from Gary’s house, because there was no private trail most of the way between that house and Al’s place. The choices were to carry him in plain sight past at least a dozen houses, wade through treacherous and swampy terrain, drive on the road, or use the canoe. The canoe was chosen because it was a relatively easy way to transport Gordon but at the same time one of the least comfortable options for him.

Gordon *mmphed* all the way to the treehouse. “Quit grousing!” Randy told him at one point. “At least we aren’t making you walk!”

At the treehouse, Gordon was taken to a tall, upright, wooden stake seven feet high that had been set into the ground previously. There were leaves and brush piled all around it. Gary was a bit bug-eyed as he was led to the stake and securely tied to it. The rest of the boys then made a show of dancing around him and whooping like savage Indians from a cheesy old Western. I produced a book of matches and pretended that I was trying to start a fire on some dried old kindling that was piled under Gordon’s feet. The matches had been soaked in water so that they wouldn’t start by accident, and this allowed me to put on a convincing act. I pretended that I couldn’t get the fire to start, and that I was quite annoyed by this. Gordon looked frantic and struggled in vain trying to get loose. He also *mmphed* insistently into his gag, but of course we all ignored him.

Once the others had built up a sweat and were breathing a bit hard from their Indian war dance, we gathered around Gordon. Gary removed his gag and then shushed his brother before he could speak. “Okay, Gordy, listen up! The initiation you wanted so much starts right now. You must do what we say when we say it from now without questions or hesitation until the initiation is over. Failure to obey orders, no matter how tired you are or how bizarre the orders seem, will get you punished. If you don’t obey orders promptly ten times, or if you object to a punishment even once, you’ll fail your initiation but you can try again some other time. Any questions before we begin?”

“No,” Gordon replied simply. Apparently, he’d gathered his courage while Gary had been speaking. I was having feelings of déjà vu; Gary’s speech had been just like the one Walter had given at MY initiation!

“From now on, you can’t say one word until one of us says otherwise,” Gary continued saying to Gordon. “Pretend you are still gagged. Don’t talk to anyone. Don’t talk out loud at all. Don’t answer ANY question put to you by anyone – even me – unless you are also TOLD to answer. Even then, don’t talk out loud again until you’re told to do so. Each mistake counts as a separate failure to obey orders and you’ll get punished. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Gordon said.

Gary gave a weary sigh and covered his eyes with his hand and shook his head as if he was suffering from a major disappointment. The others all started to laugh in a sinister sort of way.

I immediately said “WTF?!” to myself. This was EXACTLY what had happened to me! Gordon even began to react the same way that I almost had, but also like me he caught himself just in time.

“You lose the bet, Gary! Pay up!” I heard Walter say to Gary. “You owe me five bucks!”

Hold the phone! I knew for a fact that no such bet had been made, and now I understood a confusing reference that had been made during the planning session. The whole business about a bet was just a scam! Last year, it had made me nervous because I’d been sure that Walter was going to be out to get me during my initiation. Now they were setting Gordon up to be scared of his own brother for the same reason!

Urgh! I was going to have to get even with Walter for that sometime! I hadn’t figured out this prank until I saw it done to Gordon. I was really annoyed! I’d been so scared of having Walter pissed off at me before that I’d almost pissed myself!

With Gordon, though, “almost” didn’t apply.

We thought about stopping the initiation for a while so that Gordon could put on a change of clothes that had been brought along, but Gary said that Gordon should be forced to remain in his sodden shorts as his punishment for disobeying his first order. For whatever reason, Gary seemed determined to ensure that his little brother flunked his initiation! It made me glad Walter and Randy had never opposed my own initiation!

Gary was not usually a spiteful person, so I didn’t quite understand what was going on. Eventually I figured that it was because Gary was unsettled by the idea that Gordon might earn the right to tie up and torment his own big brother from time to time. This was something that had probably never happened to Gary before. Most likely, Gary had always been the one in charge. This would also explain why Gordon was so determined to become a full member of the club. I’ve never known for sure, but it’s the explanation that always made the most sense to me.

Anyway, the initiation continued after a brief discussion. It was decided that Gordon would, in fact, have to live with the consequences of his accident for as long as he was tied to the stake. And so the now thoroughly mortified Gordon had an even less promising start to his initiation than I’d had the year before. Previously, during my visit to Gary’s house, I’d thought of Gordon as being something of a little jerk. Now I began to feel sorry for him.

Fortunately for Gordon, it was a hot and not humid day, so it wasn’t long before his shorts dried off. And we eventually decided to give him a change of venue and untied him. At that point, he was allowed to change into a clean set of shorts. Nobody watched him change, but he must have felt rather embarrassed regardless. It might have been almost a relief to him when he was securely hogtied and made to go into the same cage-like structure that I’d been locked into at the start of my own initiation.

At least, until the others started doing the same things to Gordon that they’d done to me at the time. Only instead of gently sprinkling water on him to make him think that it was raining, they dropped water bombs directly on top of him from the tree branch that hung over the cage. Gordon was thoroughly soaked within minutes, but he probably found this less unpleasant than when he’d wet himself.

Afterward, Gordon was hauled out of the cage and released from the hogtie, and his legs were freed. But he didn’t have much of a chance to relax. He was forced to run laps around the tree in a fifty-foot radius circle. Any time that he slowed down, the nearest boy whacked him with a switch. The kid was in excellent physical condition, but they wore him ragged. Poor Gordon was all but exhausted from the ordeal just two hours into his initiation!

It seemed to me that the others were giving Gordon a more severe initiation than they’d given me. I suspect that Gary had gotten some of the others to go along with giving his kid brother enough of a rough time that he’d quit early. But, on the other hand, Walter and Randy were probably happy to have me in the club since I was a committed masochist, and that may have been one of the reasons why I hadn’t been treated as roughly as Gordon was being treated.

If I’d been more selfish, I might’ve supported Gary’s position. After all, while they were all busy tormenting Gordon, nobody was paying much attention to ME. But my heart was going out to that kid and I decided that I didn’t want him to fail. I think some of the others were beginning to feel the same way, because when Gordon all but collapsed from exhaustion but refused to quit, they looked at him with approval. “The kid’s got guts,” I heard Randy say. After that, Gordon wasn’t treated quite as harshly as before.

I didn’t witness all of the initiation, of course. None of us did, because we had to take turns hazing him. Part of Gordon’s ordeal was related to endurance. He wasn’t supposed to sleep until the 48-hour period was over. This didn’t apply to the rest of us. So after the first few hours, only a few boys stayed with Gordon at any one time. The rest of us rested or napped until it was our turn to deal with him. The idea was that Gordon’s guards and tormentors would remain fresh and alert while Gordon (like me before him) would grow increasingly weary. But Gordon was allowed to rest (though not sleep). The forced run around the tree had tired him out so badly that he was given several hours of rest inside the cage – tied up, of course.

Since I’d grown noticeably reluctant to add to Gordon’s miseries during his initiation, the other club members decided that I would simply be one of his guards at night. I was supposed to make sure that Gordon remained awake. I was told that I should take a nap in the afternoon so I’d be alert when my turn for guard duty came up in the late evening.

About the time that I left for the nap, Myron and Rusty joined the festivities. They asked me if I’d visit them at Rusty’s house during the following week and I said yes. This would be the first of three follow-up visits to Rusty’s house that I’d eventually make. Tom asked me to visit him that week as well, and later on so did George (whose grounding had finally ended). It made me feel popular to receive so many invitations, and this was good, even if the other boys mostly wanted to tie me up and torture me in the privacy of their own rooms!

Rather than see me walk all the way to my aunt’s house and back again, Brian offered to let me sleep in his own bed. To make sure that I was comfortable, Brian and Michael tied me securely to the bed and sat on me for a while. Then, when Michael left to go back to the initiation, Brian closed the door behind his departing younger brother, locked the door, and came back to me.

“I’ve got a surprise for you that I think you’ll like,” he told me.

Then he stripped off his clothes, sat on my chest naked, and asked me to suck him off!
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Jason Toddman
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“You want me to suck your cock?” I asked Brian in surprise, though honestly I don’t know why I was surprised by *anything* anymore!

“Why not?” Brian replied simply. “I know you’ve done it before and you liked it!”

“Uhhh… did David put you up to this?” I asked warily, suddenly noticing for the first time that Brian wasn’t really a *little* boy anymore. Granted, he was only five foot nothing and weighed less than 120 pounds, but he was older than I’d been when I’d met him the previous summer. He was only six months younger than I was *now*, in fact. And though his body was (considerably) smaller than mine, in the region that we were presently discussing, he was just as large as I was… and he was also obviously ready, willing, and able.

“David?” he asked in surprise that seemed too real to be an act. “Where did you get *that* idea?”

“Uhhh…” I said, lamely. I didn’t want to talk about something that might be a secret and get myself “in Dutch” with David. So I wasn‘t sure *what* to say. “Well, where *did* you get this idea?” I finally asked as tactfully as I could manage under the circumstances.

“From Myron,” Brian said. “He told his folks he was visiting Rusty the night before last, but he visited me instead. And he told me about how you and he and Rusty all had fun together at Rusty’s house. So Myron and I did some of the same things that he said you guys did. Only, this time, *he* was the one who got tied up. And he said that you really enjoyed it, so... I figured, why not?”

“Myron has a big mouth,” I groused, but without much conviction. To be honest, this was an interesting turn of events, and I didn’t actually feel too irritated at Myron at the moment.
“I’ll say,” Brian said agreeably. “He managed to get the whole thing in there, all of it, and then…”

“That’s not what I meant,” I replied, but I was smiling. So was Brian.

“So, you wanna?” he asked me, moving closer to my head and holding what he was offering in his hand, just inches from me. And suddenly, Brian reminded me of David as he’d been the year before. Brian was smaller and lighter in build than David had been, but his older brother had nothing on him when it came to – that!

I *did* want it – and so Brian gave it to me. Enthusiastically! I received it the same way.

“So, David’s done it with you too, huh?” Brian asked me as he was cleaning me up afterward. “I should’ve figured it out sooner. Too bad he’s my brother. It might be kind of fun surprising *him* this way the next time I have *him* tied up!”

I thought of telling Brian that Randy and Walter did it despite being brothers, but decided that I didn’t want to be a blabber-mouth like Myron. Big-mouth, maybe. Blabber-mouth, no. So I made a neutral grunt of agreement and smiled instead.

This was something that Brian and David would need to work out on their own. If they ever did work it out, I never found out about it – even though I’d had plenty of opportunities over the next eight years. It wasn’t the sort of thing that I was comfortable asking about. In any case this particular occasion would be just the first of many lively organic vacuum-cleaner sessions between Brian and me. Eventually, we formed a bond that was as close as the one I’d developed with his older brother.

Afterward, Brian lay down right on top of me. As he did so, I asked him hesitantly, “Uhh, what else did Myron tell you about what we did?”

With relish, Brian described everything that had happened between Rusty, Myron and me. Blabber-mouth Myron hadn’t left out a single detail! Myron had, if anything, embellished the piston-engine part. He’d even described the moans I’d made as I was getting - poked - and he’d included lurid details that I was sure were more from his imagination than from reality. Well, probably from his imagination, anyway.

“Um… so what do you think of all that?” I asked, with some trepidation.

“Sounds like it might be a fun way to spend a couple of days,” Brian replied with a grin. “How about next weekend?”

I accepted, thinking to myself that I was going to have one *hell* of a busy week ahead of me. “Just one thing, though,” I said to Brian. “I’m not sure about doing the – uhh – the doggy-style thing again. I…”

“That’s okay! I’m not sure I’d want to stick it in*there* anyway,” Brian interrupted me, somewhat to my relief. “Nothing personal, I wouldn’t want it done to *me* either.”

“Better not let yourself get penned up at Ron’s kennel, then,” I told him ruefully. “Not unless you like sleeping outdoors in a dog cage all night, anyway.”

“Yeah, Kevin told me about that,” Brian told me with another grin.

“Kevin knows that Ron likes to… do that?” I asked in some surprise. God only knows why this hadn’t occurred to me.

“Sure, he’s known since late fall,” replied Brian. “You’re probably the *last* one in the group to find out, because you’ve been away. Of course, Ron doesn’t know that Kevin and Corey know, or that I do, and you’d better not tell him either or I *will* stick it in there; and afterward…”

“No need for threats!” I assured Brian. “I won’t tell him. Besides, he might think that *you* found about it from *me*! I don’t want to be in his doghouse either!” I was referring to the sauna-like prison that Ron had threatened to stick me into once if I tried to break the deal I made with him. Better a week in David’s bondage suit while locked in George’s cedar chest all day than even an *hour* in *there*!

“Okay,” replied Brian. “Anyway, better get some sleep now. We have a long night ahead of us.”

“Uh, we do?” I asked, in puzzlement, unsure if we were thinking about the same thing. “I’m supposed to pull guard duty at the treehouse tonight to…”

“I know,” replied Brian. “So am I, and so is Al. We’re all pulling the same ‘shift’. But it’s not at the treehouse. They’re taking Gordon out to the woods tonight and keeping him blindfolded, gagged, and tied to a tree. He’s supposed to think that he’s all alone in the woods, but actually we’re watching him the whole time, keeping him awake… and giving him a little scare now and then. So let’s get some sleep while we can.”

And so, after a few minutes, Brian fell asleep right on top of me. It took me a bit longer to fall asleep myself, as you can probably imagine. It’s hard to relax when you’re tied up in bed and a naked boy is sleeping on top of you, because something else gets rather hard as well.

Somehow I must have managed to sleep, though, because I was startled awake when Brian’s alarm clock went off hours later. The last thing I remembered, it had been late afternoon, but it was nearly midnight now. The room was pitch-dark and I couldn’t see a thing. The fact that my glasses were off didn’t help. But I heard (and felt) Brian wake up, reach over to shut off the alarm, yawn, stretch a little, roll over a bit – and promptly go back to sleep! I had just enough slack in my bonds so that I could buck a little and jolt him back awake.

“Huh? Whazzat?! Ohhh… Yeah… right! Sorry!” Brian said sleepily as he got up and turned on the light. Then, still naked, he put my glasses on my face before he unlocked me from my cuffs (giving me a clear view as he moved that I’ll never forget). He let me use the bathroom ahead of him. We washed and got dressed quietly so that we wouldn’t disturb his parents (who were asleep by then), got a quick snack from the kitchen, grabbed some flashlights, and went out the back door to the treehouse. Brian knew the way from there, and he took me down a narrow trail I’d never noticed before that led directly toward the lake.

We found Michael, David, and Ron near the lake, and Ron pointed out a tree a little closer to the lake that he said Gordon was tied to. We talked in whispers so that Gordon wouldn’t overhear us. The idea was to make Gordon think he was all alone out here, after all. Ron pointed his flashlight at Gordon to indicate where the younger boy was, but Gordon was blindfolded, so he didn’t see this.

Gordon was tied standing up against a white birch sapling that was hardly thicker than the stake he’d been tied to before. It was one of the most secure ties that I’d ever seen. He was tied at the ankles, above and below his knees, at his waist, abdomen, chest, wrists, arms, elbows, shoulders, and even by his head to the tree. Not his neck/throat though – even as kids, we realized that this would be dangerous if he struggled too much. At any rate, Gordon wasn’t going *anywhere* until he was freed. Until then, he was going to be a part of that tree. For the moment, he wasn’t much livelier than the rest of the tree either. Except for breathing, he wasn’t moving a muscle.

“You sure that he isn’t asleep over there?” Brian asked as we watched Gordon for a moment.

“We’re sure,” replied Ron with an evil smile. “A squirrel we accidentally startled ran up the tree across his front just a few minutes ago. I’m surprised he didn’t pee himself again! He was struggling like crazy for a few minutes until he realized he wasn’t hurt and that it was just a harmless animal. He calmed down again just before you got here.”

Al showed up at about this time. He didn’t come along a wood trail like the rest of us had, though; he came by canoe. Apparently he was familiar enough with the area that he was able to navigate on the water even in the dark. Once Al arrived, Ron used the canoe to paddle himself home. David and Michael walked home as well. Brian, Al, and I were left behind to guard Gordon. The others crept over to check his bonds – moving so silently that he couldn’t hear them coming or going. I stayed where I was, as I was about as stealthy as a tank at the time. The other boys taught me how to be sneaky in the woods later on, but at this time I was too much of a blunderer to be trusted with any job requiring stealth. Within a year though I was as quiet in stealth as any of them despite my greater size.

Once Al and Brian were sure that Gordon was secure, okay, and still awake, they quietly made their way back to where I was waiting. Then, to pass the time, they tied me up and sat on me. They didn’t torment me much, as it was essential to remain quiet, but I found it to be a relaxing game nonetheless. I think that Al would have liked to play a more intimate game, but he probably felt odd about it since Brian was around. I thought about telling Al that Brian wouldn’t be surprised, but decided that I’d better not. The whole thing would have been awkward, and Gordon might have overheard. There’s no telling what he would have thought.

Every so often, Al or Brian would get off of me to check on Gordon. Sometimes they tried to spook him a little by rustling some bushes nearby or by making animal noises. Gordon was actually tied up a little too well, though. He was so restricted in his movements that it was difficult to see how he was reacting to all of this.

I figured that Gordon was probably scared. Personally, I thought that the current phase of the initiation was kind of lame, but maybe if I were still shy of 9 years old and tied to a tree all night, I’d be scared too. One time when I was Gordon’s age, I *had* been tied to a tree out in the woods all night by my brother. However, I’d been too busy suffering from chills and mosquito bites to be scared of something even worse happening to me. Gordon wasn’t distracted this way, so it’s possible that he was petrified. However, he claimed later on that he’d known what was going on around him all the time. Maybe he did, too; he was a level-headed kid for his age. But more likely it was just the usual attempt to save face.

The night passed quietly enough. I napped during much of it; there was no rule that said *I* couldn’t sleep. The others alternately kept me company and checked on Gordon. I’m not sure why the group posted me there as a sentry at all. I didn’t check on Gordon myself even once. The only thing that I was good for was to be a warm dry place for the other two guards to sit!

Finally, morning came. Walter, Randy, and David appeared right after daybreak to untie Gordon, conduct him back to the treehouse, and resume his initiation there. I was untied first, as it was considered inappropriate for someone being initiated to see anyone besides themselves being tied up or tormented. I walked back to the treehouse with the others. I didn’t stick around for more of Gordon’s initiation, though. Instead, I went with Al to spend the day with him. I was supposed to stay up on guard duty again the next night, this time with Al and Michael as opposed to Al and Brian. Accordingly, Al invited me over so that I could get some rest.

I spent the morning in everyday activities with Al and his sister Melanie, and met their parents for the first time. I remember little about them now except that they were a quiet couple and that they were nice enough. They were only home in the morning that day. They had to go off to a fair or something like that, and they took Melanie with them, leaving Al and me to ourselves for the rest of the day. So we played the usual tie-up and torment games for a while before we took a long afternoon nap. We woke up when the rest of Al’s family came home, and we all spent a quiet evening together.

Al and I pretended go back to bed at the appropriate time. We rested and played quietly some more until it was time to return to the treehouse… and then we quietly sneaked out of the house.

I wondered why Al had to sneak out, and how often he did this, but I never found out. Maybe he just did it for the fun of it; I don’t know. It *was* a bit exciting, I suppose, but his folks were so mild-mannered that if they’d caught us, I doubt they’d have done more than ask us what we were up to. They didn’t seem like the type to spank Al or ground him, or even raise their voice to him. But we proceeded carefully, as though we were hardened felons trying to escape from Folsom Prison. We made a clean “getaway” and found our way to the “hideout” at the treehouse, where we guarded our “hostage" along with Michael… our fellow “fugitive”.

I wondered if Al’s imagination was always on overdrive like this.
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