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Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
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Duct tape
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Post by sws91 »

I definitely hope this is Zack, orchestrated by Nick. I think he means well, but this is a shitty thing to do!

I'm still many chapters behind, but jumped ahead because I'm probably never going to catch up lol

My opinions and kinks haven't really changed, still despise Nick, still like my strict hogties and tape gags, though I can fit two socks in my mouth now (though that was more inspired by [mention]squirrel[/mention] )

Keep up the fantastic work BF!
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

sws91 wrote: 2 years ago I definitely hope this is Zack, orchestrated by Nick. I think he means well, but this is a shitty thing to do!
Agreed. It's gonna be Nick/Zack working together (literally so obvious people), and then one of two things will happen:

1. Steven will be angry for like a day at Nick and Zack but will be a complete pushover of a bitchboi about it and be so head over heels for the both of them that he will give them a free pass while trying to convince the reader that he's definitely 100% still angry about it, even though he refuses to confront anyone about it. (This idea is based in reality too, see the Shawn re the blackmail/kidnapping situation)
2. Steven will be furious for several chapters, and Nick will then kiss him on the forehead or something and everything will be alright and Steven will still be completely infatuated.

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Post by sws91 »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago
sws91 wrote: 2 years ago I definitely hope this is Zack, orchestrated by Nick. I think he means well, but this is a shitty thing to do!
Agreed. It's gonna be Nick/Zack working together (literally so obvious people), and then one of two things will happen:

1. Steven will be angry for like a day at Nick and Zack but will be a complete pushover of a bitchboi about it and be so head over heels for the both of them that he will give them a free pass while trying to convince the reader that he's definitely 100% still angry about it, even though he refuses to confront anyone about it. (This idea is based in reality too, see the Shawn re the blackmail/kidnapping situation)
2. Steven will be furious for several chapters, and Nick will then kiss him on the forehead or something and everything will be alright and Steven will still be completely infatuated.
Oh yes, you've hit the nail on the head there.
I really hate seeing Steven suffer, and want a happy ending for him, but dude grow a freaking spine!
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Post by bondagefreak »

sws91 wrote: 2 years ago I'm still many chapters behind, but jumped ahead because I'm probably never going to catch up lol
So glad to hear from you, buddy-boi! Though I really must say, it's sort of a shame that you've decided to jump forward instead of simply reading at your own pace. Last I heard you were only about fifty chapters or so behind. By skipping the near-entirety of Book VII you're basically missing out on the most wholesome and significant portions of the saga. A lot has happened between Nick and Steven in those chapters. Obviously, it's not up to me to tell you how you should or shouldn't read, but I'm hoping you'll reconsider the decision to skip that huge chunk of the story and get back to the chapters you were at.

There's no need to rush anything. We still have some ways to go before nearing the saga's conclusion.
Take your time. Read at your own rhythm and try to enjoy the process.

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Post by welshman02 »

I wish I could meet Nick!
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Saga's Conclusion, what conclusion? Heart palpatations... I need a valium :lol: :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by sws91 »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago
sws91 wrote: 2 years ago I'm still many chapters behind, but jumped ahead because I'm probably never going to catch up lol
So glad to hear from you, buddy-boi! Though I really must say, it's sort of a shame that you've decided to jump forward instead of simply reading at your own pace. Last I heard you were only about fifty chapters or so behind. By skipping the near-entirety of Book VII you're basically missing out on the most wholesome and significant portions of the saga. A lot has happened between Nick and Steven in those chapters. Obviously, it's not up to me to tell you how you should or shouldn't read, but I'm hoping you'll reconsider the decision to skip that huge chunk of the story and get back to the chapters you were at.

There's no need to rush anything. We still have some ways to go before nearing the saga's conclusion.
Take your time. Read at your own rhythm and try to enjoy the process.
Oh don't worry, I have every intention of going back and reading them, I'll probably start from the beginning when I get the chance to have a proper read through. :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks a ton for the many wonderful comments, guys!
And a special welcome to our newest commentator [mention]welshman02[/mention]
Always thrilled to see another fan of Nick join us. Here's to hoping you'll decide to stick around and join in as a regular commentator!
Take a look at the BOUND & GAGGED QUESTIONNAIRE when you've got a minute or two. I greatly look forward to reading your answers to the questions brought up there ;)


Reading all these debates, voiced conjectures and expectations has been a blast 8-)
I'm just about ready to publish the next chapter, but would first like to address some of the comments in the hopes of possibly demystifying a few things.

The first thing I'd like to point out is that gasmasks do not - in any way, shape, or form - protect their wearers from smells. Those of you who've not yet had any experiences with them might be surprised to know that gasmask filters only shield the wearer from particles, debris and certain chemicals.

Depending on the configuration and model of the mask, speaking and articulating is sometimes possible but usually fairly difficult.
Something else those of you who are new to gasmasks might like to know is that no matter the model or configuration, inhaling and exhaling is always done through separate components. Air is inhaled through the inhale filter(s) and exhaled via an entirely separate vent.

I'm going to use the very popular stock standard Russian Army GP-5 mask as an illustrated example to show you what I mean.
Note that the gasmasks our silent behemoths are wearing are configured very differently.


In the case of the Russian GP-5 (a mask that both Nick and Joshua own) the exhale port is discreetly positioned beneath the front-facing breathing filter. Other gasmasks (such as the ones our behemoth sentinels are currently wearing) sometimes feature far more prominently positioned exhale vents. The one thing all masks have in common is that inhaling and exhaling are carried out through entirely separate ports.

Hopefully, this knowledge will allow you to get a little extra kick out of reading scenes that feature this sort of gear.
Basically, if someone happens to put a shoe over your breathing filter, you won't be exhaling into it or breathing in the same air you've expelled. The air you breathe out is expelled via a secondary vent.

The next thing I want to address is the Smell-O-Meter that many of you guys are so eager to bring up.

I've stated this before, but as [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] recently pointed out, it would be a mistake to use the chart as a sole point of reference in these discussions. The chart is a reflection of Steven's olfactory experiences but is also subject to change and personal bias. In essence, the numbers are bound to keep changing as his experiences grow more numerous.

The stats also don't fully take into account sock changing habits, how old a certain guy's shoes are, how often they're worn, etc. The stats focus mostly on feet, and while that's usually a good indicator of the footwear associated with them, it's not a foolproof measure.

To give you guys an example, Steven stated Shawn's socks as being worst than Nick's.
He was also shown to have a rather extreme aversion to Zack and Big Mike's respective shoe/socks odours.

Another instance that points to the fact that the foot odour stats are not foolproof would be in comparing Phil's shoes to those of say...Joshua. Phil features substantially higher on the chart than Joshua does, and yet Joshua's shoes were shown to be a lot smellier.

Steven was made to sniff Phil's battered Chuck Taylor Converse sneakers (while wearing the gasmask shown above). Some of you might remember how unpleasant he found the experience and how angry he was at having to sniff the inside of Phil's shoes. Odour wise, however, Phil's shoes weren't that bad. Due to their lack of insulating material and padding, Chucks tend not to smell much compared to regular sneakers. They're very thin, hence why they tend not to absorb sweat and odours that much.

Joshua's shoes (Nike TNs) were substantially fouler and more potent-smelling than Phil's Chuck Taylor's...even though Joshua ranks lower than Phil on the foot odour chart.



I must also point out that Steven in no way stated that the tube socks featured in the last chapter were worst than anything Nick could produce. He said cheesier than anything Nick could produce. Not smellier ;)

Additionally, the sentence "every bit as terrible, if not worst..." implies something just as bad as something else.

The barefooted goliath's soles were about the same size as Nick's, but the impossibly cheesy reek wafting out of his tube socks instantly alerted me to the fact that he wasn't my boyfriend. I could recognise my fatherly lover's rotten foot odour from a mile away, and this certainly wasn't it. The stench now permeating my nostrils was every bit as terrible as Nick's - if not worst - but several orders of magnitude cheesier than anything my boyfriend could produce.

Now I know that a lot of the story's readers don't actually read any of the comments, so as a reward to those of you who do, I'm going to say this: Those of you who regularly go back to reread previous scenes have a major advantage when it comes to guessing who the unsocked behemoth might be.

Here's the one and only clue I'm going to give you guys.
Steven hasn't realised it yet, but he's actually had a previous encounter with those same socks exactly a month and two days ago 8-)

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Post by bondagefreak »


Tuesday, May 26 (8:30 PM)

With one ginormous hand holding the back of my head up, a second one draped across the top of my scalp, and a third one clamped around the underside of my jaw, I found myself unable to turn around or move my face at all even as the downright putrescent ball of fabric came down to pay me a visit.

I saw the outrageously hulking sentinel whose giant foot it had been peeled off of, witnessed the alluring sheen of his exceptionally broad, leather-clad digits, and then focused on the positively rotten-looking sock being hosted in between them.


I knew what he wanted.
I knew what both of these faceless masked sentries wanted.

My many agitated questions and the growing frequency of my attempted calls for help had obviously convinced the both of them that something a little more drastic needed to be done. More specifically, something that didn't involve diverting a significant amount of effort into keeping me smothered down and silenced. In short, I was to be gagged.

Come to think of it, something like a muzzle, a rubber plug or even just some tape would've fit the soirée's theme a little better. After all, my faceless captors had proven both cold and silent. Not only that, but their treatment of me had been ruthlessly efficient, something which only further contributed to the glacial aura their mechanical ministrations gave off.

Their latest actions, however, were proving entirely different. For one of the speechless sentinels to remove his boots, peel his own socks off and opt to use one of them as a gag to prevent me from speaking seemed to indicate something far more personal than I'd initially suspected.

Either way, this whole kidnapping ploy clearly wasn't a case of mistaken identity.
These guys were out to get me, and they knew exactly who they were dealing with.

Going back to more immediate matters, I'd already eliminated Nick from my list of suspects when it came to guessing the identity of the sock-wielding behemoth sitting on my right. The gas-masked leviathan's foot shape was a little different, and the unbearable odour his socks were giving off did not match my boyfriend's overly potent foot odour in the slightest. The reek was far too cheesy and lacked the rotten acridity Nick's socks consistently produced.

I didn't yet know who the sock-wielding goliath was, but one thing I did know for certain was that whoever was behind that mask obviously had some very serious problems in the foot odour department. And by serious, we're talking about a Shawn, Zack or Mike level of serious. In other words, very serious!

Sniffing the positively putrid cloth once again sent me into a frenzied panic, but much to my own chagrin, the gargantuan gear-clad sentries had no interest in negotiating my surrender or hammering down a peaceful agreement with me.

Giant fingers brutishly dug into my cheeks and beastly hands forcibly pried my jaw open.
I cried out and yelled, immediately trying to get a desperate shriek for help out. Unfortunately for me, only the very first syllable managed to make it out past the speech-capable aperture that was my gaping orifice. The fuming ball of barf-inducing fabric was rammed in, turning my valiant protest into nothing more than a jumble of garbled choking noises.

"HELmmppgghh nggmph ughn mphhh."

I just lay there and watched as the giant mass of cheese-ridden cloth conquered the warm chasm of my mouth and gradually disappeared from view. I tried fighting it and tried mounting some sort of resistance, but the absolute beefiest of gloved fingers easily defeated all my efforts. Their noisy creaking, glistening blackness and powerful leathery scent numbed my senses and acted as a sort of temporary distraction from the foul gag I was forcibly being fed.

So overwhelmed and mesmerised I was by those huge leathery fingers, that I could hardly bring myself to care about the fact that my yap was now overstuffed and that a pair of massive leather paws had left my head to grab the roll of tape from off the mattress.

The masked behemoth who'd just completed the task of stuffing my mouth up immediately jumped in to fill the void.
He clamped his enormous hands around the top and bottom of my face; forcing my jaw shut and causing my front teeth to bite down on the excess fabric still poking out past my heavily-bulging lips.

I remember this terrifyingly deep growl filling the room up and then recall the sight of this freakishly wide strip of tape being aligned over my still-gaping, sock-stuffed mouth. The tape came down, swallowing the bottom half of my face up and just barely clearing my nostrils.

The aggressive screech of tape once again echoed about the room, temporarily drowning out the cacophony of gas-masked breathing as the uber fat roll was pulled taut and slowly spun around the back of my head. The stuff-gag's overpowering reek was such that I could do nothing but squint my watery eyes and look on as the indescribably colossal brute wrapped his furiously sticky tape around my face and sealed his buddy's sock in.


A total of five orbits were spun around my face before four additional revolutions were unleashed; these ones going from beneath my jaw, all the way up to the top of my head and back again. By the time the tape-wielding sentinel tossed his hefty roll of tape back down to the duvet, my mouth had been muzzled and my face had been sealed shut.

My eyes were shedding tears by that point. Not because of any physical pain or emotional trauma, mind you, but simply because of how absurdly pungent the huge sock plugging my mouth up actually was.

The duo of masked behemoths spent a few moments just holding my head up and staring down into my tear-filled eyes; their nightmarish gasmasks looming dangerously close and their front-facing exhale nozzles blowing sickeningly hot air right onto my face.


I was understandably alarmed when a pair of gloved fingers hovered down over my cartilaginous protrusion and clogged the lifelines that were my two nostrils. I tried alerting my captors to the fact that I couldn't breathe and tried screaming for help to whatever deities might've been listening, but still, the leathery digits remained in place over my utterly indefensible airways.

Only when my face grew beet red and my eyes betrayed an unmistakable sense of urgency did my merciless captors allow me to draw breath and fill my lungs up.

I heaved and breathed laboriously for the next thirty seconds or so. My nostrils flared in a furious attempt to supply my oxygen-deprived lungs with as much air as they could carry, but even so, the burly riot cop whose sock I was sucking on appeared bent on reinforcing the overkill tapegag his fellow sentinel had imposed on me.

I could only look on helplessly as he grabbed the same roll of tape his counterpart had used and could only lay there and watch as his gargantuan gloved fingers struggled to find the end of it.

The brute eventually did manage to work the sticky adhesive off the roll, but neither he nor his fellow goliath paid my heavily gagged protests any attention. My already muzzled face fell prey to yet more of the uber wide, super sticky duct tape, and no less than four insanely tight revolutions were pulled around my lower face before the cheesy-footed behemoth appeared even mildly satisfied.

The same nostril-clogging process was applied to me a second time, and I was once again brought to the point of burning lungs before my nasal passageways were freed of those impossibly beefy digits.

Whatever these gas-masked sentries had planned for me tonight, they obviously wanted my face under an airtight seal.

I was quite literally struggling not to puke my brains out by the time the burly behemoths went back to massaging my trapped body. The giant wad of fabric in my mouth didn't just reek of the foulest cheese imaginable, it actually tasted like it!

Considering the fact that gasmasks in no way protected their wearers of unpleasant odours, I wasn't entirely surprised when the behemoth on my left seemed greatly miffed by the foul fumes his buddy's leftover sock was producing. Still, with my own mouth being sealed shut and with that dreadfully pungent sock lying just inches away from my gagged face, the spectacle of my captor's mild displeasure proved of little enjoyment.

I let out an exasperated moan of relief when the revolted colossus grabbed his counterpart's sock and unceremoniously tossed it to the far side of the bed. I knew that he'd done so for his own benefit rather than mine, but was still unabashedly grateful for the benediction and reprieve his self-serving actions indirectly granted me.

The next dozen or so minutes proved both torturous and highly gratifying.
The gag in my mouth was positively puke-worthy and the foul stench filling the room up made my stomach churn.
On the flip side, it was growing virtually impossible to ignore the tactile sinfonietta of gargantuan hands and fingers kneading my darlex-clad form.


The stupendously oversized men worked tirelessly at turning my compact body into a moaning mass of putty.
They worked on my feet, my legs, my thighs and my crotch, and spent an inordinate amount of time massaging my chest, my shoulders and even my forearms. No part of me from the neck down was spared, save for the very angry slab of meat straining up against the dreadfully thin material that covered my body.

My arousal grew even more strenuous when the sentry on my left pulled his right hand from the melee and cupped it down on top of my gagged face. His incredibly hefty palm covered everything from my chin to the bottom of my eyes, but his grip was mercifully loose enough that I retained my ability to breathe.

I was admittedly a little combative about it at first, but was quickly made to realise the sheer futility of resistance.

Nostrils flared wide open, and with it came the mesmerisingly intoxicating scent of my captor's smothering glove-gag.
I tried holding off on its overpowering effects but soon found myself eyeing his freakishly oversized palm up and drawing in laboured sniffs from beneath its immensely suffocating embrace.

The silent soldier's gargantuan grip grew tighter and tighter, rendering my breathing more difficult and forcing additional blood flow to my groin. Meanwhile, huge hands and fingers slowly converged on my crotch, their torturous ministrations causing me to grow more aroused and agitated.

Audible sniffing noises soon filled the room up as my vulnerable nostrils struggled to keep me alive and conscious.

The smothering hand finally slid down a bit, clearing my nostrils for only the briefest of moments before a second gloved hand finally descended upon me. Then there were not one but TWO massive palms smothering my hopelessly gagged face up; one of them belonging to the behemoth on my left and the other one belonging to the masked sentry on my right.

Their incredibly broad hands and fingers piled atop me, burying everything from my chin all the way up to my forehead and gobbling up my easily assailable nose in the process.

The sound of my frantic sniffs was soon joined by elated moaning as beefy gloved fingers once again began massaging my crotch.

I could see nothing from beneath the sea of leathery palms, but definitely remember rolling my eyes towards the back of my skull and bucking my hips up in a desperate attempt to grind against something.

I practically lost myself during those blissful minutes.

Only when the seemingly unending ministrations stopped and their smothering gloved hands pulled away from my muzzled face did I regain some momentary semblance of composure. Alas, my fleeting relief proved exceptionally short-lived.

I watched with growing concern as the raunchy-footed goliath whose putrid sock I was sucking on began rummaging through the contents of his big black duffle bag. A look of absolute terror seized my facial features when I finally caught sight of the items being pulled out of its clutter. A Russian army gasmask and a pair of big-ass vibrating wands!

The enormous sentinel on my left lost no time in taking hold of the head-encompassing military mask. I watched as those insanely beefy gloved fingers of his stretched the rubber contraption's neck opening, and watched as he slowly lowered it down atop my very much mortified face.

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Post by blackbound »

I get the feeling that this gas mask, too, will do nothing to protect its wearer from horrendous smells.

Making your sub actively fight for every breath instead of just being able to lie there passively is one of the hottest things to me. Additional restriction of the air flow by taping the mouth beforehand makes it even hotter.

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Post by Volobond »

I'm almost certain what's coming next will be highly disagreeable and yet appealing to our protagonist :twisted:

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Post by Pantyhose971 »

Excellent story, again!
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Post by GoBucks »

Ah I did some digging and I now know who's sock Steven is gagged with, but I'm not going to say. Boy does that really put into perspective how slow Steven tells his story though!

Extremely hot chapter as always! Steven is quite lucky to have such an awesome sock to gag on :P I also love when you bring in the heavy duty gas masks! Wouldn't love them nearly as much if they protected you from smells :lol:
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Another amazing chapter . Can't wait to read the totures Steven will endure in the next chapter .
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Post by wataru14 »

The suspense is killing me!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

"the tactile sinfonietta of gargantuan hands" - you've gone too far this time [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]! As ever very much enjoying some of Steven's more lyrical descriptions.

Love how the use of one of the captors' socks turns something very impersonal and mechanic into something far more personal and intimate. Great to see the smelly sock get the better of the other captor as well - there is a human behind the mask!

I think Steven is going to be a hot, quivering mess by the end of these masked ministrations and the readership is not far behind.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by bondagefreak »


Tuesday, May 26 (8:50 PM)

As soon as the skintight rubber mask swallowed my face up and clasped itself around the back of my head, I knew I'd be in for a world of trouble. The sticky black rubber easily encompassed the totality of my dome; covering my ears up and moulding itself to the shape of my jawline. With the exception of the closed-off front nozzle section that housed my nose, its grip on my head was so tight and so complete that it formed a vacuum.

A pair of circular eyesets granted me vision of my captors, but I knew that would do me little good considering how utterly defenceless I was.

I could only lay there and watch as the masked behemoth looming over my face used his leathery fingers to pull the rubber breathing unit down around the base of my head. I could see his gasmasked face through the foggy goggles over my eyes, but was left in the dark as to his identity due to the frightening hue of his own circular eyesets.

The sound of rushing air immediately bathed the room and filled my ears up as I flared my nostrils open and drew my first lungful.

The air that entered my passageways was hot, heavy and smelled of rubber. The very cumbersome dark green chemical filter adorning the front of my breathing nozzle made the inhaling process somewhat difficult. It also became glaringly obvious that my laboured sniffs were only succeeding in supplying me with oxygen-depleted air due to how close the colossal sentinel fixing my mask up was looming over me. The stupendously armoured brute's forward-facing exhale vent hovered just inches atop my oversized breathing filter; its proximity causing my mask to fill up with the used-up air he was expelling each time I flared my nostrils open to sniff.


"Ugghmmphh!" I cried out, shaking my head no and attempting in vain to voice out my mounting displeasure.

I let out a sigh of relief when the impossibly beefy sentinel finally pulled away from my masked face and regained his former sitting position left of my body. My relief at being able to finally draw in oxygenated air proved short-lived though. If the incredibly muffled sound of my own screams and protests wasn't cause for alarm, then the sight of those giant vibrating wands most certainly was!

When the sound of telltale buzzing joined the cacophony of gasmasked breathing, I screamed my heart out in a desperate attempt to alert the neighbours. My efforts, however, failed to yield any worthwhile results. So heavily gagged and muffled down I was that I could hardly hear my cries over the noisy dissonance of filtered breathing.

I was gagged with a revoltingly pungent sock, muzzled beneath innumerable layers of uber-wide duct tape, and stuck inside this damnable rubber breathing contraption!

My body-hugging darlex prison allowed for the spreading of my fingers and the separating of my knees, but only the most strenuous of unremitting efforts caused the fabric to capitulate. As soon as the sustained exertion grew too demanding for my muscles, the highly elastic and overly taut material would crush my limbs down to my sides and force my panting body into a state of helpless mummification.

That's precisely how my hulking captors found me when their big vibrating wands finally began descending upon my body.
In other words, heaving from the exertion of my fruitless struggles and sniffing laboriously through the military breathing unit they'd imposed on my gagged face.

A stimulating jolt of energy immediately coursed through my hopelessly incapacitated frame when the first of the buzzing wands landed on the flat of my stomach. Then the second one - this one wielded by the behemoth on my right - made a touchdown on my thighs, both wands buzzing louder as they made contact with my body.


I moaned beneath my horrendously putrescent sockgag and tried desperately to overcome the undefeatable darlex body restraint. My head kept twisting left and right in a futile attempt to dislodge the vacuum-sealed gasmask, but still, the faceless sentinels sitting on either side of me paid my protests no heed.

I was forced to just lay there and draw sniff after sniff through the oversized chemical filter attached to the front of my mask. The skintight sleepsack easily defeated my valiant attempts to get away, while the fattest and absolute cheesiest of sockgags prevented my many screams for help from alerting the neighbours.

The passage of time eluded me somewhat, but judging from the fact that it was growing dark outside, I knew that it was closing in on my usual bedtime.

I was still calling for help and yelling beneath my gag when a positively gargantuan gloved hand soothingly cupped itself over the top of my rubber-clad head. Maybe it was just my imagination, but something about it felt very human...almost as though the fear-inspiring leviathan sitting on my left was trying to let me know that everything would be alright.

An equally monstrous gloved hand then took hold of my safely sleepsacked ankles; pressing them down into the lofty duvet and preventing me from raising my legs up. That's when those infernal buzz-machines of theirs went to work and began aggressively roaming across the topography of my body.

The impossibly burly pair of armoured behemoths spent what must've been at least ten or fifteen minutes carefully exploring my helpless form. Their hellish Hitachi wands traversed the full expanse of my wiry frame, travelling from my neck to my soles and investigating every nook and cranny they came across.

My limbs trembled and my body quaked with envy when one of the plum-sized knobs slowly buzzed its way up my left thigh and began ascending the steep bulge of my trapped erection.


I let out a series of soft whimpers when it started running up the underside of my shaft, and then broke down into a panicked struggle when its ministrations were predictably cut short.

The fiercely vibrating knob spent almost three full seconds buzzing angrily atop my hard-on before rising up into the air and hovering teasingly right above it.

I screamed, lifting my hips up off the bed and arching the centre of my body up to reach it.
My crotch was drawn to its foul magic as though bewitched by some nefarious spell.

The wand returned to my bulging crotch a second time, but only dawdled there for the briefest of moments. I was quite literally beside myself with anger when it resumed exploring my body and joined its friend in plundering my riches.

I must've spent an entire minute yelling beneath my gag and screaming obscenities at my captors by that point.
My thoughts were distressingly conflicted and so were the angry demands I was trying to voice out.

On one hand, I was downright furious and understandably indignant at being kept bound, gagged and trapped in some sleepsack. But on the other, I was desperately longing for one of their freakishly oversized gloved hands or infernally powerful vibrating wands to offer me release. Half of me was crying out to be let go. The other half was screaming for their ministrations to bear down on my woody.

Still, the gasmasked behemoths just sat there, running their torturous wands all over my body and breathing laboriously through their chemical filters.


When one of the buzzing knobs made a return to my crotch, I trembled with excitement and practically creamed myself on the spot.

The rapidly pulsating bulb pressed itself into the left side of my groin and slowly began tracing around the outline of my cucumber-shaped bulge. My toes and fingers curled up as it slowly rose up the length of my trapped member; pausing at the tip of it before lazily descending towards my balls and back up again.

Much to my incredible frustration, the buzzing wand left my crotch and set a course for my chest and stomach. It lingered there for several minutes and alternated between spinning orbits around my sensitive nipples and teasing the black hole of my darlex-covered navel.

Only when it returned to my bulging erection a third time was it joined by its more exploratory companion.

The two knobs converged on my arousal and began simultaneously running up both sides of its painfully rigid length.

My eyes rolled up into the back of my skull and my nostrils struggled to get enough air into my lungs.
My sleepsack-clad boner throbbed against the flat plains of my lower abdomen; quivering rather vehemently beneath its stretchy prison and smearing generous amounts of precum below my navel.

The body-hugging darlex afforded me no protection against the buzzing ministrations, and the dreadfully restrictive sleepsack's internal sleeves kept me from interfering.

My rockhard shaft was being tormented and pleasured by two positively bulbous vibrating plums, and there was quite literally nothing I could do about it. for chewing on my sockgag and drawing in arduous sniffs through my gasmask.

"Ugghhmm! Ugggmph! Ugghmph!" I repeatedly moaned, struggling to retain some measure of sanity as a flurry of arousing sounds and sensations assaulted my defenceless body.







One of the cock-hugging, plum-sized bulbs suddenly pulled away from the melee just as I was getting close to release.

I watched as the behemoth on my left slowly rose up from the bed and departed from the bedroom. My gasmasked head rose up to eye his departure but my attention was rapidly drawn back to more pressing matters when his cheesy-footed counterpart picked up the now discarded vibrator.

I was quite understandably taken aback when the terrifyingly high-powered wands were tuned up to an even higher setting and the ambient buzzing grew louder. Still, the fear and excitement I experienced at that moment paled in comparison to the shitstorm of emotions that dawned upon me when the recently departed leviathan finally returned from his brief foray.

My eyes practically fell out of their sockets when the heavily armoured sentinel emerged through the doorway, his gargantuan gloved hands carrying what can only be described as weapons of mass destruction.

The impossibly hulking brute climbed back up into bed with us before placing a pair of stupendously oversized basketball shoes down, right next to my gasmasked head.

A look of immeasurable fear and panic draped itself across my tape-muzzled face when I finally laid eyes on the product of his venture. The shoes he'd brought back were none other than my own raunchy-footed boyfriend's indescribably putrid bad boys. In other words, Big Daddy Nick's decade-old basketball shoes!

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Post by ShadowHusky »

I know I've been rather quiet, but I've been unsure of what toa dd to this escapade. Not that I'm not enjoying it! It's a fascinating experience to watch as we all have become more accustomed to Steven now being dominated by those at least somewhat familiar? At least not faceless assailants.

I'm interesting in the detail of finding Nick's crummy shoes, as far as I am aware, his beat up kicks are kept in the shoe cupboard near the front door to prevent the reek from polluting the house, unless he left them somewhere more visible when he was around. If they were in the cupboard, it would have to be someone familiar to the house, such as Zack, Nick, Shawn or Brad.
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Post by Volobond »

I just love it when this cute little twink is made helpless and then edged to the verge of insanity. Always puts a smile on my sadistic lil face. :twisted:

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by GoBucks »

Loving this saga! Steven is still getting aroused just by the actions of his captors, even though he must be terrified not knowing who they are.

And decade old basketball shoes of Nick's?? I guess that sock Steven is chewing on is going to be smelling like a rose compared to those.
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Post by Kackesh5 »

just started reading, really into it. this chapter was so good
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] This was an amazing chapter . The teasing to his manhood was so hot . Can't wait till he is sniffing Nick's shoes .
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Those vibrating wands seem like the perfect tool to carry out a topographical survey. I love the conflict we have in Steven - he wants to get away but he also wants to get off. Trapped in that sleepsack he's totally at the mercy of his captors and can't achieve either aim. Thr frustration is real!

If my research is correct we have the longed for threesome but not quite as we expected!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the comments, guys! I'm glad to see some of you enjoying this and looking forward to the return of Nick's horrendous bad boys!
I'm going to allow a bit more time to pass before publishing the next chapter, as it seems a lot of readers aren't caught up or haven't logged on since these last few chapters were published.

On another note, welcome onboard [mention]Kackesh5[/mention] ;)
Always nice to see a new face join us!

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Post by Ballgagger »

You never disappoint with this. I've been following for a long time! It's an awesome story, thanks for writing it.
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