The Cool Girls' Club (mostly F*/F*) - Farewell

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Centennial Club
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Post by hafnermg »

I like the sound of wild, can't wait to see what happens. In regards to your previous question there is nothing I can think of at this time. If I come up with anything I'll let you know. Sounds like a good excuse to reread it all to me lol.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 149: Each of You Is Unique and Loved Part 2

"Nichole, you're such a good friend," Hannah said.
"I didn't used to be; Jenny taught me how to be a good friend."
"She taught you so well!"
"Awwwwwwww!" Bridget and Sera said into their gags.
"So, have you more corrupted girls ever seen me while pr0n surfing?" she asked with a laugh.
"Wait, what?" Janie asked.
"Never seen me in 'Tied after Class' videos and photos?"
"I admit I have watched their stuff, but I never realized that was you," Joy said while blushing.
"No, no shame allowed here. I did it, and I will live with it."
"They were too lightweight for Janie," Joyce teased.
"Yeah, sorry, I never liked their stuff."
"So you three struggle with consumption, and I struggle with production."
"Why did you do that?" Joy asked.
"That's how desperate I was for the money then."
"I thought you worked for Best Buy."
"That barely paid the rent."
"Well, Miss Photogenic needs to spend some time doing some modeling in the Cool Girls' Club style."
"Can I do one thing first?"
"I want to take the tags off clothes for the first time in over 5 years!" Hannah practically skipped to the bathroom.
"I have never seen her so happy."
"No wonder she has been so depressed... and why she turned back to us. She had no hope left."
"Joy, come here," Nichole motioned to her friend, "I have to warn you of something."
"She's been cutting herself for a couple months now," Nichole said quietly.
"OK. No problem. Just between us."
"Here she comes!" Jenny said.
"It feels so good! Thank you thank you thank you!" Hannah hugged Joyce, Joy, and Nichole in succession.

Hannah proudly displayed her brightness in her smile and her clothes. She wore orange sweatpants with a white long-sleeve t-shirt. She had over it a new blue hoodie, one without holes, but she took it off quickly because it was warm. Even her black sneakers were new.

"They're perfect!" she beamed.
"They are perfect! They'd go nicely with this rope I found," Jenny said with a grin.
"Hold on, Gangsta Princess, not so fast. I want to lounge a bit first!" Hannah sat on the sofa.
"I'm ready!"
"Ha ha! Good!"

Jenny went for a simple TUG and bound Hannah's ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts. Hannah kicked her legs a little and laughed.

"THIS is the kind of scene I modeled."
"And does he then show up and gag you?"
"Actually, it was always another girl, but your gags are cooler than his."
"Mm!" Hannah got an orange rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief in her mouth.
"And a matching blindfold!"
"Ha ha!" Hannah got an orange bandana blindfold.
"You're loved Hannah!" Jenny took her customary selfies as the timer went off, "PIE!"

"Well, heh heh, that takes care of Sera, Bridget, and Hannah. I see two more girls in need of some fastening," Janie laughed and looked at Nichole and Joyce.
"My boyfriend needs me," Joyce said and ran toward the door only to find Joy blocking it.
"Nice try. Fat chance!"
"It was worth a shot!"

Nichole, who was wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and her blue floral bandana as a kerchief, as more than happy to become a victim. Joyce, in her pink leggings and purple t-shirt, wanted to fight for her chance, but her fight had ended.

"Come on, Joyce!" Janie took her by the arm, "I promise I will only use rope and nothing else to tie you up!"
"Well... I want to now see how you do this!"
"YEAH! So do I!"
"I want to be tied up differently too!" Nichole said eagerly.
"Fine... I'll think of something!" Joy said as Jenny put her pies on cooling racks.

Janie took out one of Nichole's 50 foot ropes and with it bound Joyce's crossed wrists and then also tied her crossed ankles with the same rope.

"I said I could!"
"You did!" Joyce smiled.
"Now be quiet!" Janie gagged Joyce with her own ball gag.
"MMM! Naw eh-hy ife uf ooh!"
"I'm not nice at all; I'm a sweetheart, actually."
"What about Miss Nichole?" Joy said, then blurted, "I've got it!"

No one knew you got it worse: Nichole or Sera. Nichole was seated on top of Sera and facing her. Nichole's knees were roped where the back of the chair met the seat, and her ankles were tied where the front legs of the chair met the seat as well as to Sera's legs, which were bent there. Joy leaned Nichole over Sera and wrapped her arms around Sera, with a rope from her right wrist to where her left knee was tied and from her left wrist to where her right knee was tied. Nichole was gagged with a sock, a pink bandana, and 6 layers of duct tape. She and Sera were then each blindfolded with a navy blue and a red bandana, respectively.

"MMMM!" moaned Sera and Nichole in unison as they were basically stuck with Nichole hugging Sera.
"It's different."
"Bridgie is sad that she's not blindfolded," Jenny said.
"HUH?! NOOO!!" Bridget tried to resist the blue bandana blindfold.
"Are you really mad?"
"No!" Bridget shook her head.
"Each one of us is unique and loved, and except for Sera and Bridget you're all uniquely tied up!" Janie laughed.
"We sure are unique and loved!"


"So, we feed them and then kidnap them?" Caleigh asked Lauren.
"That's the idea!"
"I like it! It'll make a great intro for Joy to what Thanksgiving with the Rondell's is like!"
"You really are trying hard to get your brother a girlfriend."
"No, I'm not. I'm trying really hard to get Joy a boyfriend who will treat her like the lady she is."
"What about yourself though?"
"Lauren, it's not easy to say this, but it doesn't mean as much to me. I just..."
"Just what?"
"Look at my face. Look at all these scars."
"What about them? So you had acne bad as a teenager."
"I was tortured for it in school. 'Pizza face' is one insult, but I got told I was ugly, to stick my head in degreaser."
"Wow... that sucks."
"I couldn't even get a date to go either junior or senior prom! So, let them come to me."
"The right guy won't care about the acne."
"Exactly. They can go jump in a lake for all I care."
"Why Joy though?"
"Because Joy is the kind of girl who, on her own, might fall for another bad guy and get hurt."
"You're really very, very considerate, Caleigh."
"I am because my siblings, and I have always been there for each other. If I fell off a ladder, my siblings would be here for me.
"You're family sounds so cool."
"We are cool, and I am beyond happy to share them! I'll tell you some more stories later."
"That'll be cool!"
"Don't mind me, but I'm going to relax a little."
"A church girl playing GTA doesn't sound right."
"So I have a dark side to me."
"I discovered that yesterday!"
"I have always been a good girl in every way except I do like questionable video games and TUGs!"
"You're unique among our group that you have dark secrets or such hidden away somewhere!"
"I have one."
"You do now?"
"I wear contacts."
"Oh, come on! We all know that."
"Not all haha. I don't go advertising it. You have to be in this house enough to know it."
"Big whoop."
"Dark secrets... hmm... nope!"
"I like how happy you always are!"
"I try to share it!"
"You're lovable in your own unique way!"


"Well, well...," Jenny looked at the captives, "But this one is so special and needs to know it."
"Mmmmmm!" Hannah happily moaned as Jenny hugged her.
"Tomorrow we will have such a good time of friendship. Friendship is so important!"
"Hmmmm!" groaned Bridget.
"Need something?" Joy asked.
"Mmm hmm!"
"She needs something big time!" Jenny said.
"Hold!" Joy unknotted the bandana cleave gag.
"Mm!" Bridget spat out the sock, "UGH! I'm about to pee myself!"
"OK!" Joy, with Janie's help, quickly released Bridget.
"HI!" Joyce said with a grin.
"Oh, you escaped?"
"It was a little work, but I did it!"
"Good job!"
"Some of us are better at escaping!" Joy laughed.
"Some of us like being tied up too much to complain!" Jenny added.
"Let's untie this one so we can get back to our work," Janie said.
"NOOOO!l" Hannah shook herself away.
"Oh? OK!"


"Ready now?" Janie asked an hour later.
"Mmm hmm!" Hannah offered only her wrists.
"Just this undone?"
"Mmm hmm!"

By now, Sera and Bridget were freed and had gone home with Joyce. Jenny was still making her own little preparations for the next day, and Nichole and Joy were working on HW. Janie went to her own work and left Hannah to her own devices under Jenny's supervision.

Hannah slowly worked her way out of each bond. This was a relatively mundane part for some, but still a thrill for her. She slowly wriggled her way out and then slipped her blindfold up. Next, she removed the harness and then the leg ropes before unknotting the spit-filled rubber ball gag. She tossed the ropes all into one pile and adjusted her "new" bandana headband before presenting herself to Jenny.

"You're an orange gangsta now, huh? We'll have to get you one for wearing instead of that hole-ridden thing."
"The one and only!"
"I like that!"
"So do I! It's good to be loved!"

That night, five girls slept in the apartment, but the happiest one was the guest sleeping on the sofa.
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Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 150: Turkey Day before Turkey Day

"This is going to be such a cool day!" Jenny thought as she got up.

Jenny crawled out of bed, got her clothes for church, and went into the shower. As she walked by, she smiled at the slumbering Hannah. Soon, Jenny was out of the shower and in a brown skirt, pink long-sleeve t-shirt, and a solid brown kerchief bandana. Seeing Joy still sleeping and Janie just starting to stir, Jenny decided to awaken Joy with a prank.

She quietly walked up to her friend and got ready. She had to be quiet, as Joy was not a heavy sleeper, and quickly pinned Joy while hand gagging her. Joy awoke with a shake.

"HMMM!" she squealed and stared right at Jenny.
"Shhhh!" Jenny motioned toward Hannah.

Jenny tiptoed and approached Hannah, who was a heavy sleeper. Jenny approached carefully and then attacked the same way.

"Good morning!" Jenny said in a singing voice.
"Want to come to church with us or Janie?"
"I don't know. Why should I? Once people know about my past, I'll get black-balled anyway!"
"Did we black-ball you? No? I didn't think so."
"You knew me before all that though."
"Did Joyce? Did Sera? Lauren? Janie or Caleigh? Not at all, in fact! Joyce even went shopping with you."
"Fine, I'll go with one of you. Who's what anyway?"
"We're split. Janie and several others are Catholic; Caleigh and Bridget are Lutherans; the rest of us go on campus."
"I'll take my luck with you girls."

Now, being Catholic girls gave Lauren, Joyce, and Sera each a big advantage: they went to mass on Saturday night, giving then all morning to help Zack prepare. Bridget waited a day so she could go with Roberto (she went with Roberto in spite of her Lutheran background) and thus went with Janie, who didn't know of the other girls' sneakiness.

When Janie, Bridget, and Roberto entered the home, the smells greeted them warmly. It wasn't quite a full Thanksgiving dinner, but it was close enough to feel like a second Thanksgiving. Janie gave her sister a big hug in greeting and sat on the sofa.

"Zack, I didn't know you played shooters."
"I don't."
"BS! Look at this!"
"That's not mine!"
"Wuh ohhh! What up, Lauren?" Janie picked up the video game.
"What?! No, that's not mine."
"It's Caleigh's? You don't expect me to buy that, do you?"
"Yes, I do because it's true."
"That goody-two-shows. BULL."
"Hey, maybe she's right," Bridget said with a laugh.
"Remember Mom freaking when Emilio brought this home?" Roberto asked his sister.
"Do I ever! Oh, Lord, how much more she freaked when she caught Gianni and I playing it when we were in high school."
"She got over it!"
"We should relive it for old time's sake! What was the guy's name?"
"That's the one!"
"It's Caleigh's! Now LET GO OF IT!"
"This is exactly why she said she didn't want people to find it, but apparently she left it out."
"Sorry or not, I must punish this later."
"Is it TUGs I smell in the air?" Bridget asked.
"No, that's the smell of the plastic Christmas tree!"
"Are we going to put up Christmas decorations?!"
"It's on the agenda... except for Janie!"
"Oh, stop it!"
"When will those slugs get here?"

Janie was wearing blue jeans, a blue-and-black plaid long-sleeve button-up shirt, a blue bandana headband, and a black ponytail holding her braid. Bridget, sitting next to her, had black slacks and a lavender button-up long-sleeve shirt.

The kitchen girls were in their own group still. Joyce was in a purple floral skirt with a pink blouse and an Italian flag kerchief bandana. Sera had green skirt, a red t-shirt, and an Italian flag kerchief bandana. Lauren was in black jeans, a purple-and-black plaid long-sleeve button-upshirt, and a purple bandana headband with her bun held by a black ponytail.

The slower girls (and their men) eventually caught up with their later starting and longer lasting service and arrived at Lauren and Zack's home. Nichole was in pale blue sweatpants, a navy blue t-shirt, and pale blue bandana headband. Jenny was still in her church outfit from before, and Joy had a pink skirt, brown blouse, and pink bandana headband. Rounding out was Hannah, who wore yellow sweatpants and a purple t-shirt with a yellow bandana headband. Caleigh, the other resident, quickly changed from church clothes into black leggings and a lime green long-sleeve t-shirt.

"So Janie is first in the queue to get roped," Lauren welcomed them.
"What did she do?" Jenny asked out of curiosity.
"She asked inappropriate questions."
"We didn't know Caleigh plays video games is all. Nothing wrong with that," Joyce smiled.
"Oh, you found that. Secret's out; I vent by playing violent video games," Caleigh wasn't the least bit embarrassed.
"It was only a secret for the sake of having a secret. I'm a goody-two-shoes."
"So is Jenny!" teased Nichole, "but her video games usually aren't violent."
"What's your secret thrill?"
"Car stuff, usually. I used to play Pokémon. My parents would cry if they saw me play this."
"I'll give you all a master class later," Caleigh said confidently.
"Look at those girls in the kitchen. I don't have to be in there for once!" Jenny laughed.
"No, we can sit and chill."
"Hey, hey, Bridge! It's Sunday, not Humpday!" Joy said.
"It was just a peck on the cheek! We'll get you for that later!"
"Hannah's clothes are brighter than her smile," Sera observed.

Such chaos and interaction went on until the food was ready. Then the friends were able to calm down and sit in one spot for an extended period (certainly some sat on the sofa, and a few others at a folding table. It was the full spread: turkey, potatoes, stuffing (dressing to some), cranberry, and steamed green beans.

It was a happy assortment really. The friends all cherished the moment like no other. After all, this would be their last Thanksgiving as a group like this. Some of them would graduate and move on to wherever they found a job, and that would be it for their adventures. This thought saddened Jenny and Lauren in particular as their friendship had allowed them all to become the big happy group that they were.

"Stuffed, Janie?" Lauren asked her sister.
"I can't eat another bite!"
"We'll wait a while for dessert."
"Yeah!" Janie yawned and stretched out her arms above her head, which allowed them to be grabbed and roped and her hands pulled behind her head.
"Told you so!" Lauren said as she stuffed a pair of socks in Janie's mouth.
"Gotcha!" Lauren wrapped the extra rope around Janie's mouth several times and then around her wrists again.
"MMM!" came a happy sound from the victim.
"You too, Sera, for your snarkiness!" Joyce said, and then I with you!
"Fun at Thanksgiving!" Sera responded.

Lauren bound Janie's ankles and thighs and then ran a rope from her ankles to her wrists. It was technically a hogtie, but it was atypical. She placed Janie in the living room on the floor.

The two Italian gangsta girls were tied together, with Joyce tying first and then getting tied by Jenny. They got more conventionally bound at their wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs and hogtied from wrists to ankles. Both were gagged with their own personal ball gags and blindfolded with white handkerchiefs.

"That escalated quickly!" Nichole laughed as she hugged her Chris while sitting on his lap.
"You two would look so cute sitting there taking an after-turkey nap with Nichole all trussed up," Joy pushed.
"So would Bridget and Lauren," Jenny agreed.
"Ooh, yeah!" Hannah made it 3.
"Defintely!" Caleigh upped it to four.
"I think we are outnumbered!" Bridget laughed.
"Well, it depends on the man, too," Caleigh correctly observed.
"Yes, but I don't think the men will object, will they?" Jenny asked.
"Never!" Zack laughed.
"Of course not!" Roberto agreed.
"Bring it on!" Chris made it unanimous.

So each of the 3 were tied the same: wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. They were all gagged with blue rubber balls threaded with white handkerchiefs and a strip of microfoam tape. Nichole and Chris was on one side of the sofa, and Bridget and Roberto were on the other. In a recliner were Zack and Lauren. All 3 girls were fast asleep, as were Joyce and Hannah, who was lying on the floor. Joy and Jenny were doing the dinner dishes. Janie and Sera were enjoying captivity.

"Aren't they all cute?" Joy asked Jenny.
"They are so cute I can't believe it."
"Especially Nichole with the kiss she gave Chris."
"I love watching them together."
"He pets her head in such a precious way too."
"She's Chris's Gangsta Queen now."
"Yeah. Always will be Gangsta Queen though!"
"For sure!"

Eventually, people started awakening. Janie and Sera continued to be stumped by their predicaments while Joyce and Bridget made significant gains against theirs. Nichole was happy to be tied up and with her husband, and Lauren was fighting. Except for Janie, though, all had been tied on the gentle side and eventually they all escaped within about 30 minutes total; Joyce first, them Bridget, then Lauren, and lastly Sera.

Once Hannah arose, Caleigh began her GTA master class with a reluctant Jenny as her right-hand person. It was a bit odd to see otherwise stereotypical girls engaging in such a game, but it made for an interesting afternoon among friends. More importantly, it helped Caleigh feel more like a part of the group in spite of being the youngest girl, and it gave them all some laughs. Of course Roberto and Sera took their turns as well, reliving some of their childhood.

"You will make an escape artist yet, Sera!" Joyce encouraged her.
"I have to make a pot of coffee."
"Coffee?" asked Jenny.
"Tradition in Italian families!"
"OK then!"
"Dessert then tree!" Lauren announced.
"Oh, all right. I will release you. Loser."

"Really couldn't get out?" Nichole asked Janie once she was free.
"Who are you to ask?"
"I'm here by my own choice. Then Chris gets to feed me my dessert all loving!"
"Oh, brother!"
"Hey, we've done it by ourselves!" Chris defend Nichole.
"Were you really stuck?" Caleigh pressed.
"Yeah, I really was. I was glad to try something new."
"Weird moving my arms or legs and as a result pulling on my gag!"
"I get that for sure!"
"You'll know it for sure!"

The next phase of the day was eating the wonderful and delicious pies that Sera and Jenny had crafted with love and care. It was another happy meal as everyone ate some of each pie and drank coffee with it. One could feel the love in the air, especially watching Chris feed Nichole.

Then came the highlight of the day: decorating the inside of the house for Christmas. The small tree and the ornaments went up; lights decorated the fireplace and the plant shelves. Bridget cleverly decorated the shelves and fireplace mantle or instructed others in so doing; she has a real eye for such things, although it's not to say she was alone in it. Soon, the room was aglow in Christmas decor even though the other lights were off, and there were four packages on the floor.

In the activities, Jenny, Joy, Hannah, and Caleigh hadn't been tied up, but now they were. Each of the first three had roped ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist with a sock, a knotted white handkerchief, and 8 layers of duct tape gagging them. Caleigh was tied and gagged like Janie had been.

Unsurprisingly, there were selfies and films taken concerning these captives. They all made their own squeals and grunts as they struggled, but only Caleigh made enough headway alone to escape. No one was surprised that the group's own Houdini had escaped yet another punishment. Of course, those three had to help each other escape, but they did do it.

It seemed like the right way for the day to end. It ended another round of TUGs and their personal turkey day even if the real Thanksgiving was a few days off. Thanksgiving would bring surprises for more than one of these girls though!
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 151: Sudden Realization

"Wow, Joy...," Jenny said sadly as she, Joy, Joyce, and Sera walked to their first class of the day.
"What's wrong?"
"Yesterday... that was my last Thanksgiving with Nichole around."
"She'll be around still. It's not like she's leaving forever!"
"Well... I still haven't accepted that she won't be around 24/7 after this semester ends."
"Jenny, you'll still have roommates and other friends around, including Nichole!" Sera encouraged her.
"And then after spring I'll have nothing."
"Just stop it!" Joyce chided, "Am I complaining? I lost everything. But I will have you all as long as you love me and I love you."
"Jenny, this isn't like you. It's not like Nichole has been there night and day your whole life. She only moved in full-time in college," Joy took the helm.
"It's 16 years of being there for each other night and day!"
"Yes, you're blessed, and you're still going to be best friends after she moves out!"
"Look at me, Jenny! I'm moving back into my parent's house for certain! I have a son! Do you know how much stigma I get? I still have people at my home church who won't talk to me because of Benny! But Roberto and I are not truly apart from our family even out here."
"Joy's sister moved away too, Jenny, but they still talk and love each other," Joyce reminded her.
"You girls are right. It's just my first time experiencing this."
"Not really... you did this during our first semester too only that was separation from your parents."
"I'm too attached... spoiled princess."


"Lauren, am I really already getting my degree this spring?"
"Yes, Janie, you are. I don't know how you're so smart, but I'm glad either way that you're my little sister!"
"What do I do then though?"
"I'm not mature enough for a career."
"You really think so."
"I know so. If I were left alone, in no time I'd be in all sorts of trouble."
"You know your limits."
"I'm developmentally stunted. I'm 19, Lauren!"
"I have the problems you'd expect of someone who is 3 years ahead of the game in life."
"Two years ahead in high school; now 1 year ahead in college. I should be a freshman, not filing paperwork to officially receive my BS!"
"I'm glad you see it that way."
"Those thoughts are more mature than you realize. You're academically mature, but socially immature."
"Exactly how I feel."
"We'll work on it!" Lauren gave her pat on the back, "What kind of trouble scares you?"
"Same as Hannah."


Sera had never really paid much attention to the comments she got from others outside her circle of friends. They ranged from comments about her outfit to comments about her accent and even her name. The ones about the name were particularly interesting and the ones she thought least about.

"Randaccio? Like the one that plays soccer?" or "Are you related to Emilio?" or "You related to Giulia?!"
"What about it?" Sera would ask in confusion.
"I watch that sport!"

Sera never realized that her siblings were, simply put, famous. They were her siblings and had their own lives, so it didn't seem much to her as they were still family. It rubbed some people the wrong way that she wasn't rudely proud of her famous siblings and acted confused when peopled tried to leach her for autographs and such. Fact of the matter though was that Sera still saw them as her siblings and not much more. One person, in particular, at church in Minnesota, though, got her attention.

"For a girl whose siblings are famous, your humility is the most attractive thing about you," said the other senior, named Peter Larosa.

That was worth thinking about.


"Back to life...," Hannah groaned at one point during her day.

So she returned to her depressing dorm. Here, she felt like a prisoner of the world even though she had roommates. The previous night back she cried herself to sleep. It seemed her phone had become a gateway to innumerable evils in opposite ways: she never searched for bad things. Bad people however kept sticking their noses back in her life.

Hannah at least shared one class with Caleigh, though they didn't initially know each other well. It was helpful at least, and they slowly built up a decent friendship. Caleigh was the perfect person as she was such the antithesis of Hannah. One was calm; the other high strung. One was full of innocence and youth; the other hiding from bad decisions that had devastating consequences. It went on.

"Cay, what do I say?"
"To what?"
"A friend who is trying to push me to do illegal drugs?"
"That, Hannah, isn't a friend."
"I have done everything wrong since I got here."
"Not everything. You've gotten some new friends courtesy Jenny!"
"Jenny... yeah, she has helped."
"What's it?"
"Jenny suggested you move in with Lauren and I move out into Jenny's dorm?"
"NO! You need to move in with Jenny!"
"I see the benefits, but where will I get that kind of money?"
"Well... I could sign myself up for the room and you take it instead."
"NO! I can't let you do that."
"It's cheaper if the other 3 buy all the groceries."
"That's freeloading."
"Not if they want to do it... just like they bought your clothes."
"Or, one of those other 3 girls slides over so you can move in there and still pay the same price."
"That's a lot of photo shoots."
"No photo shoots. Don't you get it?!"
"Say it!"
"Say what?"
"We love you, Hannah. Even I am saying it."
"I get it, Cay. I do. I'm trying to be realistic... and realize now that y'all will do anything for me."
"We nearly will. We want to see you be happy."
"I'll think about. I promise I will."
"Need a place to go on Thanksgiving."
"You're the second invite I have gotten."
"If the first is who I think, you could end up at my place anyway."
"Joy's going to your place?"
"For Black Friday shopping."
"I'll think about that too!"


"Brigida, don't tell anyone this, but since we have no class on Wednesday, Gianni is flying in tomorrow to surprise Jenny."
"That's so sweet! How does he afford it?"
"He works for papa. He gets the time off no problem."
"Oh, that explains it all. He knows Jenny is spending Thanksgiving with her 900 extend family members?"
"Oh, yeah. He grilled her about her plans."
"What about you?"
"I have plans," Sera looked straight ahead, "What about you?"
"Driving four hours down to Madison and seeing Mike and Erin... I haven't seen Erin since Christmas!"
"Sounds nice."
"You can come with me."
"I said I have plans."
"You have plans to stay here and eat alone in the dining hall because you felt guilty going home because you went home once this month already."
"How dare you see through me like that!"
"Come on down to Madison, Sera. You'll have so much fun!"
"I just want Benny."
"You can come with me! Sera, please! I want my family to finally meet you after all these years!"
"All right, Bridgie. I'll come with you."
"Now, for lying, I have to torture you later."
"Hahaha. OK, girl, you got me."


"What do you mean, Janie?"
"I worry I'll just treat my body as a toy to wh*re around as a bondage toy."
"Janie, why would you ever?!"
"Lauren, I might care about everyone else from birth to death, but I still hate myself and don't know why!"
"Janie, who are you convinced doesn't love you?"
"Why are you asking me that?"
"Because a lot of self-hatred gets amplified by the feeling you're hated by someone else."
"Who told you that?"
"Caleigh. Who is it?"
"Mom. I fixed things with Dad, but Mom won't budge."
"And you're flying home for Thanksgiving."
"And hating it more every f***ing day!"
"It seems that the more intelligent a person is the more they suffer in other areas."
"Truer words have never come from your mouth. Trent seems to have it so easy, but he has no self-confidence."
"But he does love himself."
"Lauren, why doesn't Mom want me?"
"I can't answer that."
"She told me before we left that I'm always welcome even when I screw up, but... that's the only affection she has ever shown."
"Our parents have visited 14 countries and 37 states in my lifetime, but I never left Florida until I visited here."
"What's that mean?"
"I feel like a status item. We're not children; we're bragging points, at least for her."
"I f***ing hate her, the c***!"
"Don't talk about her that way!"
"She had a hysterectomy after I was born because she was so annoyed! Pardon me for feeling like $#i+!"
"I'm done upsetting myself. I'll be by your place later... with Jenny or Joy."


"Feeling better, Jenn?" Joy asked.
"A lot better, actually. But, it's time for something... a hostage video!"
"Great timing," Janie groaned, "I was just about to... never mind! Joy, want to come with me to my sister's for some Christmas-themed big girl TUGs?"
"I'll be there tomorrow!" Jenny laughed, "Got 30 minutes, Nichole?"
"For what?" asked her best friend.
"A hostage video!"
"Always if I am the captor."
"You are!"
"One camo girl takes another!"

Nichole was in navy blue sweats, a white-and-navy-blue long-sleeve school t-shirt, and a blue camouflage kerchief bandana. Jenny, the hostage, was in pink sweats, a brown sweatshirt, and a pink camouflage bandana headband.

Soon, ropes bound Jenny's wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs. Nichole laid her on the bottom bunk with her feet fastened to the headband. Then ropes attached her wrists to the slats of the upper bunk in a strappado; it was only a strappado due to Jenny's short stature though. It was time!

"Hi, girls, it's Jenny; I'm kidnapped. Again. Nichole will leave me in this predicament all night long if this video doesn't get 8 love reactions in 30 minutes. Girls, help! You can tell she's coming up behind me to gag me! MMMMM!"
"Yes indeed!" Nichole jammed a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief in Jenny's mouth.
"I uff err!"
"Bye!" Nichole ended the video.

The video accumulated a number of different reactions given that their "group" now included all the on-campus girls, Casey, Janie's Florida TUG buddies, Caleigh's siblings and cousins, Zoe, Johanna, Sera's two brothers, and Bridget's siblings. But there were only two "love" reactions: from Lauren and Giovanni.

"Good night!" Nichole blindfolded Jenny with a brown bandana.
"Oooh igh!" Jenny entered what she knew would either be 30 minutes, or 11 hours, of TUG time.

Jenny was such a rope bunny and loved it. She especially loved when someone did something different to her. Now, she lay here, completely helpless and at the mercy of the person she trusted most.


"Big girl TUG?" Lauren asked Janie.
"Yeah, something humiliating, tight, and with lots of torture to vent my frustrations."
"I'm staying in my room with the headphones in," Caleigh said and locked her bedroom door.
"You're fine," Janie said.
"I won't look at anyone's boobs except Lauren's," Zack said, "In the bedroom, please."
"OK! I know what to do!" Joy said, "You have electrical tape?"

Janie curiously awaited her orders as she stood there in blue jeans, a red-and-black plaid long-sleeve button-up shirt, and an American flag bandana headband with her hair in a braid held by a red ponytail. She looked tired and stressed, and the sight made Lauren sad.

Joy sat Janie in a chair and fastened her ankles and knees to the chair legs and tied her wrists and elbows behind her back. She gagged Janie with a sock stuffed into a sock and tied into a navy blue bandana for a securing cleave gag and then 8 layers of duct tape. Joy opened her shirt and pulled Janie's red bra up to expose her. Janie watch in amazement at what came. Joy took binder clips and wrapped the electrical tape around them as padding.

"EEEEEEEEE!" Janie let out a big squeal as they attached to her nipples.
"You got what you wanted!"

Joy ran a rope from the right, under the chair, and to her wrists to make it taut; she couldn't move her arms now. Another rope ran from the left to her left knee, secured so that she had to hold her torso so that the clamp was about 6 inches from the knee; if she came up higher, it pulled. As a final insult, Joy blindfolded her with a white bandana.

"There!" Joy said.
"Take your frustrations out on that!"
"Definitely no evidence of this one!"
"Just a view from the back! I can't do that to her!"
"Right! You won't do that to me either! Only Zack can torture me like that."
"You want to try something crazy?"
"Nothing like that?"
"No! Just a predicament of sorts. In the closet."

Lauren, in black leggings, stripped to her black sports spa, and holding her hair in a black headband and a braid held by a black ponytail, found her wrists and elbows tied behind her and pinned with a breast harness and waist/crotch rope, and a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief was in her mouth. Another rope went from her harness to the wire shelf above. Another rope went from her left ankle up to her braid so that she could hold her head upright without holding her leg at a 90 degree angle behind her, and relaxing meant pulling on her hair.

Joy had both girls at her hands now. It was time to make this something they'd remember as crazy and fun.


"It's time, Sera!" Bridget declared.

Sera had changed to blue pajama pants and a pink nightshirt although she still had her navy blue kerchief bandana in her hair. She presented herself to Bridget at her word and laid down on her bed. Bridget broke out the wide zipties and bound Sera's wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs quite securely. Sera was then "hog-zipped" from wrists to ankles.

"I think it's time for our own hostage video!" Sera said with happiness in her voice.
"I like it!" Joyce encouraged.
"Let's do it!" Bridget got her phone and handed it to Joyce.
"Hi, girls, Sera has been kidnapped. Brigida has hog-zipped me, and they're thick and tight."
"So, as you can see, I have her secure!" Bridget was unknotting Sera's kerchief.
"I could really use your help," Sera looked back at Bridget, "She's mean!"
"I'm not mean!"
"You're mean in a good way!"
"Well, either way," Bridget folded the bandana into a band, "she's in trouble."
"Help me girls, please!" Sera got blindfolded with it, "She's going to keep me all night if this doesn't get 8 laughs."
"I don't want y'all laughing at me!"
"HURRY! I only get 30 minutes before she keeps mmmphhphh!" Sera was gagged with her own ball gag.
"Before I keep her this way all night long!"
"That was awesome! Better than Nichole and Jenny's even!" Joyce said as she ended the film.
"Oh, yeah!"
"Mmmm!" Sera was happy.


"Sorry, Jenny. Only three love reactions."
"I can't leave you though!" she undid the strappado and turned it into a waist rope.
"More comfortable?"
"Mm hm!"
"Good night, sis!"
"MMMM!" Jenny looked forward to being tied up for another 10+ hours until her 6AM alarm.


"MMMMMMMMM!" Janie wailed into her gag as she was tickled by Joy. Oh, it hurt!

The torturous tickling lasted 15 minutes, but how the yanking drained her of energy. This was exactly the kind of fun she wanted to vent her frustrations.

"Take another 10, and I'll let you out. It's intense. Lauren needs to come down already."

Joy kept her promise, and within 30 minutes she and Joy were in their own bedroom.

"That was so intense, but it helped me so much energy. Whether it was the yanking or yelling into the gag... you helped me a lot this evening, Joy."
"Well, I am glad to be of assistance."
"I owe you one though!"
"Oh, hell no! I couldn't endure that as championship as you did!"
"Probably not!"
"But, hey, it worked for whatever was bothering you."
"Thanks, Joy!" Janie hugged her.
"You're welcome!"


"Good night, Sera!"
"A lot of laughs and likes. Your brothers are angry, and so is Joyce."
"Huh huh!"
"Friends forever!" Joyce said, "Italian power."
"Anyway... enjoy!"

What surprises tomorrow bore!
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 152: Annoying Red Bandana Gang

The next morning, after their respective releases to start their days, Jenny and Sera found texts from Janie declaring that the red bandana gang should strike before Thanksgiving break... to thank their captors for the night before.

It was immediately agreed that such should occur and thus each girl put on their red sweatpants, t-shirts, and bandanas (Janie's a headband; the other two's a kerchief). Janie had the shoes and socks; Jenny and Janie had the ponytails to hold their braids. In true fashion, Janie made sure she had escaped before Joy or Nichole saw her to keep it a secret.

"Girls, we got this down!"

A big problem arose though, and they would find out why later. Nichole had seen Janie's text from the previous night and thus put on her own red sweatpants with a black t-shirt and a black bandana headband.

Outside, the sun basked the ground in its warmth. Warmer weather had arrived and melted all the snow from the first round, but it was still chilly in the 40s to 50s (Fahrenheit). Nichole, as often in this scenario, was drinking a lot of coffee brought to her by her dear Chris.

Bridget had arranged for time in her day to be able to get Giovanni from the airport for Sera. Bridget could do the entire thing without Jenny being even slightly aware because she had a big block of classes when he needed to be picked up. Thus, Giovanni Randaccio was easily sneaked onto the campus of Minnesota Tech without Jenny knowing.

"OK, have we got our game plan?" Sera asked Jenny and Janie via text.
"Aren't you two in class together?!"
"With Joyce and Joy right here?!" Jenny responded to Janie.
"Duh! Forgot."
"How do we attack?"
"Make it less obvious. Janie, you take my dorm; Jenny and I will take Joy and Nichole."
"Then meet back in the apartment?"
"Yeah; maybe we can bait Caleigh and Hannah into coming over."
"Sounds good."

And so the they attacked yet again for one last round before Thanksgiving break. There was one rule: have fun and make sure the captives have more fun that that. With this in mind, Janie knocked on the door of the apartment where Joyce would be alone. Unwitting Joyce, in blue jeans and a lavender turtleneck, greeted her.

"Hi, sis!"
"Hey, Joyce, nice day for a kidnapping, isn't it?" Janie shut the door behind her.
"Oh, how annoying, Red Bandana Gang again?!"
"Ha ha! Ya!" Janie started tying up Joyce's crossed wrists tightly behind her back.
"Is this necessary?" Joyce asked as she was pushed onto Sera's bed and Janie sat on her.
"I think so!" she bound Joyce's ankles.
"OK, then! I have nowhere to go!"
"I promise you will be free by 7!"
"Or else!"
"You may finish kidnapping me!" Joyce said as her thighs were bound.
"I'll keep it simple!"
"Thank you! MMMM!" Joyce got her own ball gag in her mouth.
"Always welcome, friend!" Janie tightened the strap.
"Two last things!" Janie got off Joyce and hogtied her from ankles to wrists.
"Oh, stop it!"

Janie then went into the bathroom to wait the 15 minutes for Bridget.


"Nichole, friend, pseudo-twin!" Sera cornered Nichole in her own bedroom and locked the door. BIG MISTAKE.
"Hi...," Nichole stared at Sera who ominously wore her red hoodie and a red bandana mask.
"Come here!" Sera held some rope.
"You'll have to fight me for it!"

In the other bedroom, Jenny less ominously attacked Joy. Joy was in rare purple leggings and a pink t-shirt with a purple bandana headband and pink ponytail. Joy held a wide grin on her face as she saw the rope coming for her.

"I love your fun spirit!" Jenny smiled as she began tying Joy.
"I love playing TUGs with you!"
"I just love you!"
"I love you more!"

Joy got tied well at her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch. She was hogtied from ankles to harness, gagged with a sock, a pink bandana cleave gag, and strips of duct tape, and blindfolded by having her headband slipped over her eyes. Jenny took selfies, photos, and a film, as she always did.

"Enjoy it, girl! Hopefully you'll get company!"
"Nk ooh!"
"You're welcome!"
"Mmm mmm mmmmmm!" Joy happily grunted.

Meanwhile, Nichole had a rough battle of it as Sera fought for dear life to stop what she was doing. Just like Lauren had done to Janie, Nichole had done a switcheroo. She had grabbed Sera, pulled her mask down, and jammed a knotted handkerchief in her mouth and tightly knotted it behind her head. She then bound Sera's wrists, ankles, knees, and thighs tightly with rope. She then removed her hoodie down to her wrists, bound her elbows, released her wrists, removed the hoodie, put on one of her (Nichole's) black hoodies, pulled socks over her arms, bound her wrists and waist, untied her elbows, pulled the hoodie all the way over, and bound her elbows and breast. What a process as Sera was fighting, kicking, and squealing! How Nichole wished she had someone filming this fight!


As this went down, Bridget was entering her dorm to find Joyce in a compromised position. The next captive wore blue jeans and a black button-up blouse.

"Oh, look at you! Looks like Sera GOMPH!"
"More like Janie got her!"
"HMMMM!" Bridget fought a little but then decided to enjoy it.
"Have to get you for what you did to Sera last night!"

Bridget got ziptied at her ankles, thighs, ankles, and elbows while being hog-zipped. Sera's black ball gag with blue straps silenced Bridget, and a red bandana blindfolded her. Janie was now safe to take selfies with her victims and film and photograph them.


Nichole next did something uncharacteristic but seemingly in order. She removed Sera's sneakers and socks and approached her mouth. She unknotted the handkerchief gag as Sera whimpered at the smell and then quickly removed the gag and jammed Sera's socks in her mouth before securing them with handkerchief again.

"UGHGHGHHHHHH!" Sera groaned at the taste.
"Sorry, but I had to hide the obvious footwear!"

The hard part was the bandana as Sera fought on that to try to make it as hard as possible after this insult. She shook and rolled and tried everything she could, but she was helplessly bound and gagged. Eventually Sera was wearing Nichole's black bandana headband, and Nichole had Sera's red kerchief, mask and hoodie. For further security, Nichole hogtied Sera on the bed, from ankles to harness, pulled a pillow case over her head, and added a red bandana cleave gag and blindfold to hold it all down. No one could tell if it was Nichole or Sera!

Now with the situation in hand, Nichole put Sera's shoes on her own feet, although Sera wore a smaller size, and hid her own shoes under the bed. Nichole took selfies, photos, and films of her captive. To say the least, it felt wrong to Nichole to be wearing red. So that her voice wouldn't be a giveaway, Nichole gagged herself with a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana.

"Did you finally get her?" Jenny asked as Nichole exited.
"Mmm hmm, uh!" Nichole only flashed the gag then turned her back.
"Ha ha! She gagged you before you got her! Janie will be here any minute, and then Hannah and Caleigh should follow shortly."
"MMM!" Nichole gave a thumbs up.

As soon as Janie arrived, "Sera" went to check on "Nichole." In there, Nichole pulled the hood and mask down and handcuffed her own wrists behind her. She then presented herself to her friends.

"MMMM!" Nichole got their attention as she sat on the couch.
"Not now, Nichole. WAIT!! NICHOLE!!" Jenny was shocked.
"That's Sera in there?!" Jenny removed the gag.
"Yeah, it is. Fooled you, didn't I?"
"That's what took so long! I thought it was just a fight, but it was a revolt!"
"Sure was!"
"How did you?"
"It was hell getting the clothes switched! She fights hard and was screaming bloody murder!"
"So, wait... then... why is she barefoot?!"
"I took off her shoes and put them on my feet, but I don't wear black socks..."
"So you did what?"
"I gagged her with them."
"NICHOLE! I never thought you could be cunning!"
"Well, I was! The pillowcase and hoodie were to further prevent recognition! With reason as you've gone in there 5 times!"

As this all went down, Janie was roping Nichole's ankles, knees, thighs, elbows, breasts, and waist.

"So, it was a big trick. But, now, Nichole... we have to make things even," Jenny removed the shoes.
"You do, huh?"
"We promised years ago that this was gross and to never do it unless done first. You done first!"
"Yep," Nichole gulped as Jenny removed her white socks.
"Fine!" Jenny pinched her nose.
"NMMMMMM UGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" they filled Nichole's mouth.
"I feel uncomfortable doing it to her!"
"I'll sometime tell the story of the time Lauren put her own socks in my mouth after a day of hard labor where we got sweaty and dirty!"
"OOOF!" Jenny took the bandana out of the rubber ball and cleave gagged Nichole.
"One more!"
"MMMMM UGGHHH!" strips of red tape went over that.
"Don't forget!" Janie removed the mask and folded it.
"NNNN!" Nichole shook as she was blindfolded.
"Lest we spare you any!" Jenny hogtied her from ankles to harness.
"Your fault!"
"Here they are!" Janie heard a knock.
"Let's get them!"

Hannah and Caleigh entered together. Hannah had new blue sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a blue bandana headband. Caleigh had pink leggings and a brown long-sleeve t-shirt. They walked with Hannah's wrists and elbows already roped and a sock, blue bandana cleave gag, and strips of blue duct tape gagging her. How that was done with no souls seeing it, Jenny and Janie didn't know.

Caleigh was quickly handcuffed to ensure her captivity and brought to Jenny's bedroom by Janie. Her ankles were ziptied to the legs of the bed, and then her wrists and elbows were ziptied to the upper footboard with Caleigh facing it. A blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana silenced her, and a red bandana blindfolded her.

Hannah was roped at her breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs and hogtied just like Nichole only on the floor instead. A red bandana was used to blindfold Hannah.

"We did it again!" Janie said as they did the usual films, photos, and videos of their captives.
"Now who's there?" Jenny asked as another knock came.
"Maybe Lauren?"
"We'll see," Jenny opened the door.
"Ciao Jenny!" Giovanni greeted her while holding flowers.
"Oh my God, Gianni! What are you doing here?!" she immediately hugged him.
"I came to see you this time."
"Well, at least this time I'm not tied up."
"Don't let me stop you if you were doing something."
"Go ahead, Jenny. I'll watch these clowns."
"You want to get dinner. Off campus this time?"
"I would love that."
"Let's go. From what I've heard, you've never been treated like a lady before."
"Let me get my things first!"

Once Jenny was gone, Janie surveyed her captives and went to check on Sera, starting by setting her camera to film the encounter. She removed the pillowcase and watched Sera squint.

"Taste bad?"
"UGH!" Sera shuddered.
"You still have another hour and a half. Sorry!"
"MMMMMMM!" Sera angrily grunted and screamed and shook at that as the pillowcase, extra gag, and blindfold returned.
"I'm sure your brother Roberto will enjoy watching all that!"
"That's one angry Italian!" Janie ended the film, "Comfy Caleigh?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Are you OK, Joy?"
"Mm hmm!"
"How does that taste, Nichole?"
"If you can't take, don't dish it!"
"Good to hear!"


"Gianni, I am so happy to see you. Why did you decide to come out here?"
"Because I don't like distance relationship too much. I decided it'd be better for both of us if we spent some together."
"You're as nice as Sera says you are."
"I'm very much the warm emotional Italian, and Roberto is very much the stoical one."
"But you're equally loving on the inside."
"So, you're not scared of spending Thanksgiving with 50 Scandinavians."
"That many?!"
"Well, maybe? Basically my paternal grandparents parents, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren."
"Is everyone in your family immortal?"
"I like big family stuff. It'll be fun!"
"That's what I like to hear!"
"I'm liking you more and more every time I see you."
"Same here!"

There was a lot to take place over the next 24 hours! But Thanksgiving break had started with tons of fun and love!
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 153: Travel Day

There was one last surprise in store before everyone left. As Sera, in black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana, helped load the car, she suddenly received a WhatsApp phone call.

["Hello. What? "Milio, that's wonderful! I'm so happy! Yes, tell the others yourself. Love you. Bye."]

"Milio?" Bridget asked.
"My brother in Italy. Not anymore! He signed with Columbus FC and is moving to America!"
"Oh, you must be so excited!"
"You better believe it!"
"So, you've never done a long car ride tied up?"
"Of course not!"
"Want to try it?"

Sera took her seat in the car and bound Sera's ankles, thighs, and wrists in front of her. Then, Bridget got in the driver's seat. Roberto was spending the holiday with a baseball teammate's family.


"See you girls," Lauren said to Joyce and Janie.
"Enjoy Zack's family!"
"I will! They're so nice!"
"Well, Janie, here we go."
"I'm dreading this so much," Janie said despairingly.


"We're all ready here!" Joy said as she and Hannah had their car ready.
"We're almost ready here," Jenny said.
"I'm just waiting," Giovanni shrugged.
"Are you sure Nichole?"
"Yes, I am sure. I'll be with you all winter break."
"OK. See you in a few days."
"See you then."

Joy was extremely happy because her trip home would take multiple stops. She had to stop at the Minneapolis airport to get her sister, then she'd be dropping off Caleigh in Minnetonka. Finally, she, Hannah, and Zoe would all make their way to Mudville. Jenny was going directly to Mudville on her own, and Nichole and Chris were going to Michigan to be with his family.

"So, tell me what I get into, Jenny."
"A big mess. Everyone in my family is practically immortal. People typically either get cancer like my big brother and my great-aunt, or they hit their 80s or 90s. And everyone has kids when they're younger than me. My father and grandparents all have aunts and uncles that are younger than they are."
"This'll be an interesting party."
"The first time I ever bring a boy home though. This was such a pleasant surprise. I'm happy you came."
"I'm happy I came too."
"My last guy... my only other boyfriend... we got to even being engaged... but he only wanted me for my body."
"You dumped him?"
"Yeah, that ended just a few months ago."
"I'm sorry that happened."
"Well, it's in the past."
"Where are you going to stay?"
"I got my friends here. I'll come on down tomorrow."
"OK! I'll see you then!" Jenny hugged him.

In the map below, Minnesota Tech is in the area circled in yellow in the upper right, and Mudville is in the magenta circle in the lower left.



"Have you done this before?" Sera asked Bridget.
"Oh, yeah! You're not the first person to be tied up on a Sjaastad car ride! In winter, we could even pull a scarf over your mouth to hide a gag!"
"Your family sounds fun in a different way from mine!"
"Well, I'm typical of our house! No one will be surprised to see us pull up with you tied and gagged."
"Wait? Gagged?!"
"Well, yeah! I won't gag you until we're close!"
"This'll be interesting!"
"How were those socks yesterday?"
"Now we know how to get to you and Nichole!"
"I'll get used to it, but if anyone else's socks ever reach my mouth I will kill you."
"You mean that?"
"It's banned just like I don't use crotch ropes on you!"


"Zoe, I missed you so much!" Joy hugged her sister.
"Long time no see! Who's this?"
"You don't remember Hannah Larsson?"
"The girl that helped that other girl be mean to you all those years ago?"
"That one!"
"Well, either means you two are friends now, or you two believe in keeping enemies closer than friends."
"She's spending Thanksgiving with us!"
"Oh, fun!"
"I get two Fredericks girls to kidnap now!"'
"How did I know she was still a TUG buddy?"
"How have you been, sis?"
"Good. Just sucks being so far from everyone I love."
"I know. I miss you a lot, but it gives me something to look forward to when I know I am going to see you."
"Jersey is the worst! I hate it there!"
"Hey, one of my best friends is from there!"
"Sucks to suck! Who's the other girl."
"That's Caleigh. She's a really good person. She's the one I'm going Black Friday shopping with."
"Fun fun!"


Jenny drove solo because she wanted to have as much time as possible to help her mother in the kitchen. She'd somehow see one of her friends later just to relax afterwards... that's why she invited Casey over! The semester had been a whirlwind and one of maturation for Jenny.

The ride gave her opportunity to think. Were she and her friends successfully playing matchmaker by using their siblings? Maybe this was what God had brought them together for? Maybe it didn't matter because Jenny was happy to have the friends she did and knew they all helped make each other to be better people!

The car ride seemed to fly... maybe because Jenny was excited and uncharacteristically speeding...


"Please don't go to your aunt's house, Joyce. I don't want to be without you. You're the only one who can defuse me."
"Joyce, you need to control it because I think you're about to go off. Don't let yourself explode."
"I'm trying... I'm trying."
"I'll be praying for you, Janie."

The plane ride seemed to take years, but soon they were in a car with Trent headed back home. It didn't seem real anymore. Then Janie finally realized something.

Home wasn't home anymore.


"See? Is this so bad?" Bridget asked.
"I'm bring home a Black Bandana Gang member!"
"You are for sure! What's your family like?"
"Well, it's just going to be us for Thanksgiving dinner. For dessert we'll head to my grandparent's."
"That'll be nice."
"Yeah, Grandma's been sad since her father died last year. They'd lived together her whole life even after marriage."
"Really? Cool!"
"Yep. Raised her kids with her parents. He was my last great-grandparent."
"Is he the grandpa that died this summer?"
"Yeah. Grandma was an only child."
"Bridgie, may I ask about your mother's family? You don't mention them."
"My mom was one of 6. Four boys. Aunt Carrie is her sister. Their mother is matriarch of the living."
"Matriarch? Oldest alive one you mean?"
"Yeah. I try to talk to each grandparent at least once a month. When I live in Madison, I visited that often."
"You love your family so much!"
"After Grandpa Brostrom died, Mom became withdrawn and sad... that's when the drinking began."
"My parents marriage was already on rails because my mom was a little... touched... that's why they had Kristina."
"Your mother loved your father still."
"She did but she couldn't process her emotions... just like me."
"Like you?!"
"Only instead of becoming mopey and sad I get angry and violent."
"You're honesty is admirable."
"Then when Kristina was 5, Grandpa died. When she started drinking, she became a different person... my father had enough and left her. Somehow, the court decided she should get Kristina full-time... I think they knew she was trying to be a good person. But the drinking got to the point that she just drank and left poor Kristina to fend for herself. Kristina learned to feed herself and Mom by reading packages of Hamburger Helper and Kraft Mac & Cheese."
"Poor thing."
"I finally pulled Kristina out of there and begged my mother to quit drinking and get professional help."
"Don't go this way, Bridgie! Stop right there," Sera could hear the tremble in Bridget's voice
"At least she died with a Bible in her hand. Sera, why did she have to die? Why? I was fine having to split my time since my parents didn't wanted to be together anymore, but why did God take her from us?"
"Brigida, I don't know. Just focus on the road. Let's pay her a visit, OK?"
"OK... Sera, you've never lost a loved one but you understand so well."
"I've seen what you've gone through. At least your mom passed away while trying to do the right thing."
"At least. See? I'm an emotional grenade... like my mom... like Janie too actually."
"You're loved Bridgie... you're so loved."


"Home just doesn't look the same feel when the house has been painted a new color! See you tomorrow, Joy!"
"See ya! Have fun!"
"I will!"
"Just 25 more minutes!"
"Please make it 20! My butt hurts and my crotch burns from sitting and needing the bathroom!" Zoe groaned.
"Oh, all right!"
"Joy, your car is a stick?" Hannah suddenly noticed.
"Yes, it is, Miss Smarty!"


"MOM! MOM! I'm home!"
"Jenny! Been too long!" Jenny's mother gave her a hug and a kiss.
"I have to tell you some news though."
"What's that?"
"I have a new boyfriend, and he wants to spend tomorrow with us. I want to tell you all about him."
"Let's sit on the couch and relax and you tell me all about this!"

Jenny was happy to have such a supporting mother. Although Jenny's mother freaked out when she discovered TUGs, she had come to accept that they were just Jenny's game to play with her friends (lost chapters, sorry). So they sat cozied up together like a mother and her little girl as Jenny showed pictures of Giovanni and told the story of how they met and became an item.

"I'm proud of you, even if you're a little seductress! I seduced your father a little bit... found out what he liked... Only I did it on purpose, not by luck."
"Are you saying it's genetic?"
"Probably. My little girl is all grown up. Look at your cute face... no more baby fat! And trim as can be!"
"Running does that, Mom!"
"It sure does. Now, I have quick things to do in the kitchen. You just make yourself a cup of tea, put all your work stuff and devices aside for an hour, and relax while talking to Mom."
"I like that!"


"Home, sweet home!" Joy stepped out of the car.
"It feels like a home!" Hannah laughed.
"Feel? No! IS home!" Zoe said as she grabbed her back and ran for the door.
"We should tie her up and really make her hold it in!"
"Let's not be that mean! It sucks!"
"Think I don't know? Ha ha!" Hannah cackled.
"I'm glad you can joke about that!"
"Better than being miserable for sure!"


"Madison is a big city!"
"Second biggest in Wisconsin!"
"Why didn't you stay here for school?"
"Because I like small schools better?"
"Now, Sera, poor thing, it's time. We're 3 minutes from the house."
"Time for what?"
"To gag you!"
"You really mean it! He he!" Sera giggled like a little girl.
"I sure do! I met Roberto gagged, so will you meet Mike!"

Bridget stopped the car and then redid Sera's wrists to be tied behind her back and then gagged her with a sock and a black bandana.

"Clean sock, yes. Don't push me or I will dirty sock your mouth for my own sick thrills?"
"Mmm!" Sera rolled her eyes. The rest of the ride was fast.
"Here we are!" Bridget beeped the horn twice in 1-second blasts, "Castle Sjaastad!"
"Bridgie!" out came Kristina.
"Oh, my sweet precious! Oh, my goodness, you're almost as tall as I am."
"Who's that?"
"That," Bridget opened the door, "Is my boyfriend's sister! This is Sera!"
"Hi, Sera!"'
"Sera, this is my beloved Kristina!"
"Ohhhh!" Sera waved.
"You didn't make it inside!"
"No, she's not used to Sjaastad style boldness!"
"I'll bring her in. Come on, Sera!"

Sera was brought in and laid on the sofa. Father wasn't home yet, and Erin was bringing Mike from the airport. Sera was then released so she could use the restroom. She came out to see Bridget holding a roll of black tape.

"Now, Sera, Mike will be here in 20 minutes. Are you a good Gangsta Chick or a bad one?"
"What's the difference?"
"Bad ones get gagged with their own socks."
"Ummmmmmm... Good!"
"Good it is!"

So Sera got the works with Bridget's black tape, as they had discussed the night before. Tape bound her crossed wrists and then covered from ankles to knees, knees to hips, hips to breasts, and breasts to neck. Two black socks, a black bandana cleave gag, and strips of black tape gagged her. Finally, another black bandana blindfolded her. Sera again was on her stomach on the sofa.

"Wow! Do you play a lot of TUGs at school Bridgie?"
"Yeah, I do."
"I got a school friend to play them with me now! But we don't both get time too more than maybe once every week or two."
"They're not everything."
"Just the best."
"Let's wait until Mike and Erin are here!"


"Oh, mom! It's good to feel your hugs!"
"It's good to feel yours too!"
"Happy early birthday, Mom!"
"Thank you, Joy! It's so good to have my girls home. Come sit down all three of you; I made a big batch of hot chocolate from scratch and cookies!"
"Thank you so much!"
"But on one condition."
"Yes, Mom?"
"I need you all out of the way while I make the pies for tomorrow. Would at least two you girls mind staying a little tied up while I work?"
"You play TUGs with your mom?" Hannah asked.
"Yes, we do," Zoe was shamelessly proud.
"So, girls, what is it?" Joy asked.
"I'm game. Then I will have done something that no one else but you two have done!"
"Let's do it!"
"You got it, Mom!"
"It should only be an hour or two!"

After they had finished their snack, the imprisonment began. Over summer Mom had learned the art of rope TUGs from Joy, and thus Mom took the girls and made them sit put. Being a Mom, she was strict and kind in binding their elbows, wrists, ankles, and thighs with fabric scraps and then their harnesses and from ankles to wrists with rope. All three were gagged with a sock and a handkerchief cleave gag. The chairs were lined up against the wall in order Hannah, Joy, then Zoe.

In that row, the first girl had blue jeans and a navy blue school t-shirt. The second had a purple skirt, a pink blouse, and a purple bandana headband. The third wore red leggings and a blue blouse.

"Now, be good. Would you like me to take a photo for you?"
"Mmm hmm!" Joy nodded.

What a fun way to go into Thanksgiving!


"It won't be the same without Nichole here," Mom said to Jenny.
"Nope. Now, I'm chill. Let's get messy in the kitchen!"

Jenny had changed into pink trainers, a brown tank-top, and a red kerchief bandana. It might be cold out, but by the time this was done she'd be a mess and quite warm even if she wouldn't be tired or sweaty. The heat of the oven does it.

Much later, the pies were done, dinner and its dishes were taken care of, and Jenny and Casey could relax in the piece of the former's bedroom. Well, Jenny lounged with a computer game, but Casey didn't.

Casey, in blue jeans and a green t-shirt, was tied in a St. Andrew's cross on Nichole's bed and gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief. It was simple and allowed for easy tickling, which had certainly happened. Now Casey just enjoyed listening to Jenny tell stories of school as she played the game, as Jenny had taken a turn in Casey's position already.

It was a perfect way to transition into Thanksgiving!


"Mike! So good to see you! Erin! I missed you so!"
"Oh, so awesome to have my sisters all together! Who's the guest?"
"Yeah, Bridge, who's the black blob in the tape?"
"This is my friend Serafina. We call her Sera. She's my rowmate and roommate, and I'm dating her brother right now!"
"Oh, nice! Does she need company?"
"Let's show her eyes anyway! She's been blindfolded for half an hour!"
"Nks!" Sera squinted as Bridget pulled off the blindfold.
"Eh, let's take the tape off too!" Bridget pulled off the tape.
"Nnk ooh!" Sera's face had crush marks but was visible.
"Sera, these are Mike and Erin, my older siblings!"
"Ithe oo eee ooh! Mmm!" she pushed the socks and gag out,.
"I guess I wasn't tight!"
"Not enough!"
"You want to talk anyway!"
"What an accent! I love it!" Erin said positively.
"I'm from Italy. Moved here when I was about... 8? Zero English then."
"I think I'll keep you company! Tape me up too!"
"Didn't bring enough!"
"Oh, I'm sure there's plenty stashed in Mike's room!"
"Ooh, I had forgotten!"

Shortly, Bridget and Erin, who ironically both wore blue jeans and a college t-shirt (but Erin was a Badger) were gray taped like Sera. Laughter and conversation filled the air until Mike decided enough was enough, and he Kristina gagged them all with socks and black bandanas.

Tomorrow would be so much fun.


"Janie, what's wrong?" Trent asked his sister.
"Never mind."
"What is it? Tell me."
"Mom... She doesn't even respond to my texts 90% of the time."
"She doesn't respond to half of Lauren's either."
"50% is more than 10%!"
"It's more than that."
"Leave me alone. We don't have time to talk."

Everyone was looking forward to tomorrow... except Janie.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 154: Memories LX - Gross

"Well, Janie, let's go!" Lauren told her 13 year-old sister.
"Man, this'll be very different!"
"Trent, ready?"

Lauren's friend Kendra's family were doing some DIY landscaping, and they offered the Patterson siblings a little money in exchange for their help. Lauren was only too eager to help her friend, and her siblings were happy to help for $50 each.

It was hard work indeed, and the teens got very dirty. After a while, they returned home slightly richer and tired. Unsurprisingly, they returned to an empty house as work duties always came before parental duties.

"I'm sick of always coming home to no parents."
"Me, too."
"I'm super tired."
"Well, I'm older, Janie, so I'll take a shower first, and then we can decide on dinner."
"I want to go first. I got dirtier. Look at me."
"I'm older, so I'll go first."

Trent was neither older nor dirtier than they, but he wasn't fighting either and thus sneaked away to take a shower first. It was the proper way to show brotherly love.

"Stop it, Lauren. Be a pal."
"I will be!" Lauren took rope and tied Janie's wrists behind her.
"Sis, stop!" the smaller younger Janie was helpless again Lauren.
"I made an executive decision," Lauren laughed as she felt she was just amusingly taking over.
"Stop being a b***#!"
"Janie! You potty mouth!"
"The only one that eats $#i+ is you!"
"I'll get you!"

Janie, a very dirty and sweaty girl, was in green trainers and a yellow high-school t-shirt with her (even then) perpetually braided hair held by green and yellow ponytails and a yellow headband. Soon, ropes bound her elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs as well. Janie struggled and swore until Lauren had enough.

"You're being a monster over a sisterly prank!" Lauren said as she took off her shoes and then her socks.
"What are you going to do about it, you dirty b@$t@rd!"
"Stick these in your mouth!"
"UGH! MPH! EWWWW!" Lauren jammed both of her socks in Janie's mouth.
"Dirty mouth, dirty gag!"
"UGH! EKK ACK!" Janie coughed on the gross taste as Lauren tied a cruelly tight white bandana cleave gag.
"This'll teach you!"
"MMMM!" Janie got 8 layers of duct tape over that.
"Put you in the dark too!" Lauren blindfolded her with a purple bandana.
"See you later... aw, man, Trent's in the shower?! Oh, well. I'll use the guest shower!"


Jenny, at the time a freshman, in her legendary brown trainers, lime green tank-top, and camouflage bandana headband, had, in a moment frustration, said a rare curse word from her lips: "damn". Her friends didn't miss an opportunity for "punishment" for this. The sock was Bridget's idea, actually. None of them had ever had a panty gag before... not this kind.

Jenny was brutally chair tied. Her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, and elbows were tied. Her wrists were fastened to the chair spokes and then a waist rope and breast harness further secured her torso. Ropes went from her ankles and knees to the chair legs and from her ankles to the chair underframe. Another rope pinned her thighs to the seat.

"Her mouth is dirty, so she should put dirty panties in it!" Bridget said.
"Nice thinking!"
"No!" Jenny protested as Bridget picked through the laundry.
"Coochie coochie!" Bridget tickled her ribs a little.
"Hey! STOP!"
"Here it comes!" Bridget said.
"Please, don't, girls. It was a mistake!"
"A big mistake for you, Jenn!" Joy said ruefully.
"Don't do it. NOMMMM!! EWWWWW!"
"This will hold it!" Joy tied a tight brown bandana cleave gag.
"EWWWWW!" Jenny groaned into the horribly flavored gag.
"I can't watch her be sad."
"Me, neither!" Nichole said and threw a black bandana to Joy.
"MMMMM!" Jenny got blindfolded.
"Now I can take a guiltless selfie for your friend Lauren to see!"


"MMMM! UH GUH HUH HUH!" Janie cried into Lauren's disgusting socks. She blubbered like a little kid.
"What's up here?" Trent asked.
"Aurih ahhed ee ih uhr ockf!"
"I think got that right... She gagged you with her socks?"
"That's not right at all. I see your socks are still on. I'll exact a little revenge for you, OK?"
"Mmm hmm!"

Trent waited for Lauren to come out and attacked her with the cunning only he could. Before Lauren could fight, clothes were flying in the air and ropes were binding her wrists and elbows. Now it could be seen that she had black trainers and a bright blue tank-top.

"Trenton Patterson! How dare you!"
"Saw Janie and had to make it two!"
"Why you clown boy! I'll get even later!" Lauren was laughing.

At this age, Lauren could easily bind Lauren's breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs and drag her into the living room where he hogtied her on a different part of the sofa from Janie. Lauren's eyes grew wide and her laughter stopped when she saw Trent taking off Janie's socks.

"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like?"
"Taking off Janie's yucky socks."
"That's right."
"Now, Trent, let's not go there. She was being a potty mouth."
"You did it to her, now you get it too! Justification is irreversible."
"EWWWWWWW! MMMMMMMM!!" Lauren moaned as Trent jammed them in.
"Only fair!" he laughed as he added a tight blue bandana cleave gag.
"And of course!" came 8 layers of duct tape.
"Night night!" followed the brown bandana blindfold.
"Have fun with that tasty snack!"


"Mmmmmmmm!" groaned Jenny. It wasn't visible, but she was making a horrible face.
"Maybe this wasn't such a hot idea?" Bridget asked her friends.
"Look, it happened. We'll never let it happen again, OK?"
"Jenn and I banned this back in high school for this reason," Nichole shook her head.
"Sorry, Jenn," Bridget looked down then smiled again, "but I guess you're stuck with it!"
"Ewwwwwww! Mmmmmmm!"

Jenny couldn't believe how disgusting this was. There was no describing how awful it was. Jenny occasionally retched on the foul gag until finally Joy had enough and decided to remove it... and replace it with clean socks. Jenny hacked the bad gag out and groaned as the clean one went in.

Thus, the Cool Girls' Club enacted a ban on the use of dirty panties.


"Now, girls, lesson learned? No sticking dirty socks in people's mouths, whether their own, your own, or someone else's. That said, I'm ordering from the Papa. When it gets here, we can talk about releasing you two.
"Mmm ayyy!"
"I love you two."

Trent certainly did love his sisters.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 155: Memories LXI - Turkey Day Stories 1

"Mmm, Mom, that smells so good!" Jenny said as apple pie filled the air.
"I'm glad we can have Thanksgiving at home this year."
"Because Uncle forgot to make the reservations on time?"
"So my brother is a scatterbrain... it's really my fault for pulling names out of a had to assign such roles."
"Is it OK if Nichole and I go see Joy? I want to see and smell their desserts too."
"You have all day until dinner. Relax and enjoy yourself."
"Bye!" Jenny kissed her mother and went out the door.

It was an unseasonably warm day, so Jenny, at this time a sophomore in college, wore pink trainers, a brown tank-top, and a red bandana headband with her hair in a pink ponytail. She'd pop in all right... and probably leave Nichole and/or Joy tied up. Nichole, in blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana, thought similarly. Joy was in her own similar concoction of a pink skirt, brown t-shirt, and pink kerchief bandana along with a flour-covered red apron.

"Hi, friend!" Jenny said as Joy let her in.
"Look at the sisters Gangsta!" Joy teased.
"Look at the messy Joy!"
"Shhhh!" my sister's sleeping.
"Sleeping? Didn't she come here with you?"
"Yeah, but she got a bug and was sick all night long. It was disgusting!"
"We're gonna be barfing on Thanksgiving!"
"Gangsta's barfing together!" Nichole and Jenny high-fived.
"You're weird."
"So why are you a mess?"
"I was mother's sidekick all day. We're going to my father's parent's house for tomorrow."
"You sound thrilled."
"They're as warm and fuzzy as ice cubes," Joy said, giving Nichole an idea.
"Poor Joy needs to relax."
"So does Jenny."
"Let's help Joy relax first."
"C'mon, Joy," Jenny clamped a hand over her mouth.
"MMMM!" Joy smiled as she was carried into her room.

In Joy's room, her wrists and elbows were tied to the slats of her footboard. A harness also held her torso down. Ropes bound her ankles and thighs. Her gag was a sock and a pink bandana with a strip of microfoam tape.

"One chef down; one to go!"
"Nichole, you silly!" Jenny giggled as she was also grabbed.

Jenny instead was hogtied with ropes also binding her ankles, thighs, elbows, and breasts. Handcuffs secured her wrists, and her gag was also a sock and a pink bandana. Nichole happily filmed and photographed her friends' predicament.

"Happy Thanksgiving, girls! I'm thankful for you too being in my life!"


"Heads you're tied. Tails I'm tied!" Bridget said as she flipped the coin against her sister, Erin. Erin was 5 years older than Bridget and visiting for Thanksgiving. Mike, being a Wisconsin badger, was nearby anyway. This was the same Thanksgiving as described in the above tale with Jenny, Joy, and Nichole, albeit the day after.

"We'll see!"
"I lose, I lose!"
"It's Thanksgiving. So in a show of love, we won't burn you at the stake."
"Thank you, O Puritan Bridget."
"Have a chair!"
"Oh, thank you!"
"Because it's Thanksgiving, I'll be gentle."
"Your kindness is appreciated, Bridge!"

Bridget took her sister, who was wearing blue jeans and a Green Bay Packers jersey and watching the game, and bound her wrists, ankles, and thighs. That done, she took a green bandana and cleave gagged her sister.

Erin had no TUG buddies anymore. She'd had only one in college, and she was now on her own without any. Home was when she got to revel in childhood again and feel like a kid. As such, going home was always a welcome thing in her eyes. The little twinkle in her eye showed as much.


"Tag! You're it!" Caleigh rudely tackled her cousin Carl into the leaves and bound his wrists behind him as she said this.
"Caleigh! Why you!"

Even tag was fun for teenagers in the Rondell family. Most gags had a TUG version, and tag was no exception. In this version, you could tie up people for whatever reason even if was to leave them helpless.

Caleigh and Ken had done just that. The trees near the house were full of victims. Eva, Olivia, and Tyler were already bound and gagged. Each was secured at wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs with rope and gagged with a sock and a bandana. Eva and Olivia had their torsos fastened to trees, and Tyler was hogtied.

This meant it was Caleigh versus Ken and Carl. She had an ability to quickly hide after such sneak attacks. The rule was that you couldn't imprison someone unless you weren't 'it.' The goal was to get down to two people, and it would be up to the tagger to end it by successfully kidnapping the survivor, but the game had a limit of 1 hour before forfeiture.

"Sorry, Caleigh!" Ken surprised the running girl and nabbed her.
"Ken, not now!" she moaned as her wrists and elbows were roped behind her.
"Run to the house!" he ordered her.

Caleigh went to the house with Ken behind her. There, he tied her ankles, knees, and thighs before attaching a rope to her wrists and climbing a tree, fastening the rope to a branch 5 feet above her head and leaving her in a loose strappado. He gagged her with a sock and a bandana and resumed his competition with Carl.

Caleigh helplessly moaned and hopped a little as she surveyed the scene. It was so amazing to be in nature even if a bit helpless. If this wasn't the best way to spend Thanksgiving, then what was?

Soon, Ken joined the group in being tied to a tree just like Eva and Olivia were. With that, Carl announced he would leave them there until 1PM, provided they didn't find their own way out first.

And you know Caleigh found a way out.


"Only our parents could make Thanksgiving suck!" moaned Janie.
"Is that why you kidnapped Lauren?" Amanda asked.
"Eating at a restaurant while a bunch of adults get drunk is just lousy."
"Is that why you kidnapped Lauren?"
"I don't ever want to spend it that way again! I'd rather stay home."
"Repeating: is that why you kidnapped Lauren?"
"Yes! Well, mostly because she's drunk too! And it's why I'm kidnapping you, Joyce, and Ashley!"
"I figured. Just venting."
"In a different way at least."

It was carnage in Janie and Lauren's bedroom. Lauren was roped at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs, had a rope from wrists to ankles, and around her neck and thighs. It was a tight ball tie, and she was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief; her blindfold was a black bandana. Ashley was tied similarly but was in a strappado instead with rope from her wrists to the top bunk rail. Her blindfold was red.

Amanda was in the process of being tied slightly different. She was being held in a St. Andrew's cross. On the lower bunk of bed was Joyce, tied the same and gagged as the other two but blindfolded with a gray bandana. Janie then gagged Amanda the same way as Joyce and blindfolded her with a purple bandana.

Trenton was downstairs watching football with dad. This meant Janie could have her own way with her favorite ladies. She got on the bottom bunk and sat on top of Joyce's legs.

"Everyone has nicer boobies than I do!"
"NAH Ha ha!" laughed Joyce.
"Tickle time!"

Janie would put them all through 15-30 minutes each of torture, but her best was saved for Lauren. Oh, how she loved Lauren, even if she was one of the drunk adults. Thanks to the alcohol's effects, Janie could make all rudest but funny observations about Lauren and make her friends laugh and have Lauren none the wiser. She could also tickle her in ways that Lauren might otherwise jump at... like that spot on her belly.


["Sera, could you get the door, honey?"] asked her mother early on Thanksgiving.
["Yes, mama,"] Sera said as she took a drink with her anti-depressants.

Sera went to the door to see what guest had arrived so soon. Giulia? Zio Nunzio. She opened the door and squealed.

["Emilio! Oh, big brother! I missed you so much!"]
["Serafina! Little sister!"]

Emilio, a soccer player (but by no means their star) for AC Milan, usually spent Christmas with one of his grandparents. This was an unexpected surprise for everyone, and Sera hadn't seen him in years. While Sera loved all her siblings, Emilio was her hero, and she had missed his last two visits because of conflicts in their respective schedules; to get away like this even required him sneaking his children away!

["Oh! I love you! I love you! I love you! Oh, how happy I am to see you!"]
["Calm down, Serafina! I have to say hello to everyone else."]
["I pray every day you'd come play in MLS."]
["You're acting like little girl. I love you so much."]
["Cousins!"] said Benny happily and in so doing using one of the handful of Italian words he knew.
"This is already one of my favorite American Thanksgivings ever!" Sera said to him with pure joy in her eyes.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 156: Turkey Day for Real

Janie felt the simmering grow to boiling inside her. Yes, this was Thanksgiving, and her extended family was here, mostly aunts and uncles, about 20 guests in all. How much more could she take though? Every time her mother talked about the children it was all Lauren and Trent. Then it was Lauren and Trent. Every time Janie heard her name mentioned it was her father or brother mentioning it, unless it was in a negative context.

"What's Mom's hang-up? Heck, what's my hang-up?!" Janie wondered. Finally, as they were sitting finishing dessert, the light on the fuse, after 19 years, finally reached the stick of dynamite, and it exploded. Janie slammed her fork down and started yelling.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What did I ever f***ing do to you that you hate my freaking guts so much?! My entire life you have gone out of your way to ignore me and treat me like $#i+. I was the extra child you didn't want, and you have made my life so miserable in some twisted form of revenge. How dare I ruin your perfect little doctor's family of one boy and one girl! I am sick and tired of being an unwanted child."
"Janie, stop!" Trent talked over her.
"Well, let me tell you something, b*+*#!" Janie stood up, "I've had all I can take of it. My entire life it's been 'Lauren and Trent' with me never being acknowledged once. You forgot my birthday at least twice in my lifetime, and in fact for much of my childhood I thought it was normal for kid's to not have hooplah for their birthday until I noticed my older siblings always did! Every year at Christmas I'd go to my room and cry because I had to rely on Dad, Lauren, and Trent wrapping presents and forging your signature because otherwise you'd get me fewer than half as many presents!" Janie looked at her brother, "Yes, Trent, I know you all did that!" Janie again focused on mother, "I finished high school two years early with a perfect GPA, but you never even said, 'Good job, Janie.' I'm graduating college this year with yet another perfect GPA; I'm 19, did it in 3 years, and already have half my Master's done! I was two times named state softball MVP and have more awards from high school softball than Lauren and Trent have combined. But Janie never got to go to softball camp even ONE freaking time. Now, I might be the first person in the history of Minn Tech's 20 year-old softball team to graduate with a perfect GPA, and maybe be the Northern Sun Conference student-athlete of the year for all 3 years. I got invited to USA Softball Camp to maybe represent my country on the international stage, and my coaches get phone calls begging me to go professional."
"She's good," Amanda whispered to Trent.
"I shared these things with you. Yet you've never once," Janie's voice got calmer and grim, "not one freaking time, ever taken the time to give me a hug or a kiss except when obliged." Janie was pointing at her mother, "You've never been there for me. You've never congratulated me. You've never once acknowledged me for my accomplishments let alone just loved me for the sake of being your child. Softball and academics aside, you've never even loved me just for being your baby girl. I just want to be your little girl and can't get that much; at least Dad did that much to me and feels bad about playing favorites." Janie now held up her hand, "I can count on one hand how many times you've said 'I love you' to me. Well, I'm done with this $#*+. I'll give you what you want for Christmas; I'm not coming back here ever again! I have people who do love me and care about me, and I'd rather be with them. I can't stand being around you anymore; in fact, I think I hate you; I guess that means we finally have a mutual agreement in one regard. I wish you had aborted me like you wanted to do."

With that, Janie grabbed her phone and walked out the door, leaving everyone except Trent, Dad, and Amanda in stunned silence. She just sat down on the stone wall that lined the front garden and cried her eyes out. Trent and Dad sat down next to her.

"Why doesn't she love me?" Janie choked out.
"I don't know, but I love you, Janie!" her father hugged her, "I don't think she understands."
"I don't want to ever come back here again. I don't want to see her face again."
"C'mon, Janie, let's go for a ride," Trent said, "Come on."
"No, I want my daddy to hold me for a while."
"How is she?" Amanda asked.
"She's getting it all out."
"Inside it's turning into a big argument over whether your mother or your sister is the disgraceful one."
"Oh, Mom for sure! With Dad, Janie's imagination made things out to be worse than they were."
"Don't say that about your mother."
"I'm not a liar and never will be."
"Look at them!" Amanda whispered and pointed Trent.

There, on the wall, Janie was curled up and buried against her father, just like a little girl. The scene moved Trent to man up more than he usually did.

"Stay here."

Trent went inside and used his full 6'3" to his advantage. He rapped his hand on the table and interrupted the fighting.

"As the first witness to everything Janie said... From 3rd grade, I had the simultaneous embarrassment and pride of being in the same classes as my little sister and getting my @$$ whooped by her during those same classes. Janie is the smartest person ever met, and she will never meet an intellectual equal except in Intertel; but I couldn't convince her to join them because she's too humble to ever toot her own horn and sometimes even lies to make her accomplishments less than they are so as not to discourage others. Lauren would say the same now, and would add softball superiority to it. Now, concerning my parents... Janie sometimes makes things out to be worse with my dad then they really were. But, when it comes to my mother, every single thing Janie said was true; in fact, Janie understated how bad it really is for her. I won't list it all. I'm sorry, Mom, but except for the week Janie left for college you've never acknowledged her at all. It wasn't until we were in high school that I could see it for myself, and by then it was too late. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. You didn't want Janie. Well," Trent shook his head and laughed as he looked down, "you finally got what you wanted," then he got serious again, "You don't have her anymore."
"I love you," Amanda said as Trent stepped back outside.
"I just wish she had waited a day to explode like that."
"Janie, Janie," her father said, "Why don't you go Black Friday shopping with Trent just to get away?"
"OK... let me change and clean up a little."

Janie went in the back way and changed into red trainers, tank-top, and bandana headband. Soon, she was out front again.

"Let's show those little creeps what a tandem we are. Amanda, I'll need you after we come back."


"Now, now, girls! Be calm!" Hannah said as Zoe and Joy both cheered on the Vikings after dinner.
"They like their football!" their mother laughed.
"I see that, but hockey is so much cooler!"
"Let them be, and get them back later!"
"I should get them back now!"
"I'm saying nothing more except that it's time for dessert!"
"Thanks, Mom!"


"MMMMM!" grunted Erin, Kristina, and Bridget in unison.
"OK, Mike, explain this game to me."
"I've kidnapped the girls, and then you have to win back their freedom by beating me at a game of your choice!"
"So this is how you played as children?"
"Yep! It's a great way to do something while watching the football games too!"

It wasn't sufficient that there had been TUGs yesterday. Nope. TUGs were a way of life in the Sjaastad houesehold, and here even Dad would watch and comment. Bridget could be herself in her own home again since her father had put away his second wife while saying "he clearly isn't meant to be married." Mostly he and Erin were interested in the ball games though; Sera and Kristina couldn't care less; and Mike and Bridget were casually interested.

"What about a board game?"
"Ever play Sorry! before?"
"Yes, but not much. Board games aren't played much in a house of 8! Maybe we do best of 5 Go Fish?"
"What?!" Mike laughed.
"Yes, I still play go fish; I have... nephews...," Sera was afraid to mention Benny.

In a row were three cowgirls... all three girls had cowgirl boots anyway, but only Kristina's were handy. But Erin was in blue jeans, Bridget a bright blue skirt, and Kristina a dark blue skirt. All three had navy blue plaid button-up short sleeve shirts, and Bridget had added a bright blue bandana neckerchief as well, but that had been used to blindfold her. All three were roped at their ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts and gagged with a sock and a navy blue bandana cleave gag. It was as much fun for Sera to see the sisters together as it was for them.


"Come on, Gianni!"
"How many more people will I meet?"
"You don't have to remember them all. Just that they know you're alive."

Giovanni was overwhelmed. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-grandparents, first cousins, second cousins... how did they keep track of each other! No wonder they had rented out this big place for Thanksgiving! No wonder Jenny and her mother had made 8 pumpkin pies!

"If we get married, you better be careful who you invite!"
"But they're all family! I went to all theirs!"
"Your life is too happy-go-lucky to be real."
"It's only happy-go-lucky because you're here right now. I love my family, but I love my friends more than most of them!"
"You're a special girl, Jenny."


"Now you've had dessert, Joy, and the football game is over. You have 30 minutes to spare. COME HERE!"

Both Fredericks girls wore Minnesota Vikings jerseys... Joy had a purple skirt with hers, and Zoe had Vikings pajama pants since she was home all day anyway. Joy unsurprisingly had a purple kerchief bandana as well.

Joy got roped at her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. A blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief gagged her, and she was hogtied from ankles to elbows. One Fredericks girl was silenced.

"Well, gonna take me too, Hannah?"

And Hannah did quite well, binding and gagging Zoe the same way. She then dragged them both into Zoe's bedroom while their father napped and shut the door.

"Two prisoners of love at my disposal, but I have to release this one in not too long!"
"Look, friends!" Hannah said as she took selfies with them.

After 20 more minutes, Joy was freed, but Zoe was kept back. By the time Joy would return, Hannah would probably be asleep. Depression does that to a person: early to bed, late to rise.

"You have fun, Joy! Say hi to Caleigh for me!"
"I will! See you tomorrow!"


"Thank you so much for having me over for Thanksgiving!"
"It's our pleasure, Joyce! We were going to have an empty house this year, and having you over was better than going to a restaurant."
"I've missed being around family so much."
"We're glad Ryan met you."
"I struggle mostly with jealousy now... that almost all of my friends have their grandparents and some have great-grandparents, and I don't have any of that. But I am so grateful that eventually I will have new parents!"
"There are still memories to be made!"
"That is for sure! Good, good memories!"
"Thanks for coming over!" Mrs. Poole gave Joyce a hug .
"Thank you for having me!" Joyce gave her a hug back.
"See you at Christmas break?"
"I hope so!"

Like that, Joyce, as the sun set even over Florida, began the 45 minute ride back to the Patterson residence while completely unaware of what was happening. She was grateful that Ryan was also from Florida, even if he was from Tampa instead. It was obvious God meant for them to be together.


"We kicked tail in there!" Janie said with a laugh.
"We sure did! Once again, the Patterson's sack Orlando on Thanksgiving."
"Too bad Amanda is preggers and couldn't join us like normal."
"I'd rather she be pregnant though!"
"I look forward to being an auntie!"
"You want that so badly!"
"I know."
"Janie, I want you to know I'm sorry I never spoke up earlier in your life... never stood up for you."
"You're fine, bro. You will always be the #1 man in my life aside from the husband I haven't met yet!"
"I could have done more, but you handled yourself well."
"Trent, I don't get it! Why doesn't she love me?"
"I don't know, sis."


"Well, that's one hand I won! Do I get to free one girl?"
"I choose Kristina because she's young and cute and innocent."
"In fact, let's change it. You have to keep winning games until you're all free. If you lose the next hand, I take you prisoner and Kristina has to play to free you girls! "
"OK! Come here, kiddo."
"You have a way with children!" Mike laughed as Sera untied Kristina's wrists.
"Yeah, I have a sister her age... you can undo the rest. I guess I haven't been fair though."
"Because I have my own child... my own son."
"I knew that. Bridget's mentioned it. Why didn't you mention him sooner yourself?"
"Because I feel ashamed every time I talk to someone new about him... it's not easy having been the school floozy."
"Let's keep playing. Now that that's cleared up, let's move on!"
"You're good."
"Sera, there's one thing Bridgie was right about."
"Yes, Kristina?"
"You're a good person."
"See, we all see it," Mike encouraged her.

Was Bridget's plan working?


"Hey, Joy! Ready to terrorize Minneapolis with the Rondell's! We have a minivan, and we always go as a family!"
"This will be fun and different! Say, who's that squirming back there?"
"That's Tyler getting untied! He lost the game. We'll be back by 8PM. Plenty of time for more fun!"
"OK! I just got 30 minutes at Hannah's hand. She says to greet you by the way."
"Ha ha! Come meet the the clan in the van. It'll be fun!"

Joy sat in the back bucket with Caleigh and Eva while Tyler and Ken sat in the middle; Dad drove with mom shotgun. Soon, they all were introduced to Joy and Joy to them as they made their way to their respective destinations. It wasn't the shopping as much as the friendship for Joy.


"Are you OK, Janie?" Amanda asked as Janie shuffled into her room.
"Get in here. I need your help. Hey, Joyce."
"What's wrong, Janie? I came back to all chaos and fighting and shouting."
"It happened. THE fight. In front of everybody."
"OH. MY. GOD."
"I need to destress. Make it heavy, tight, tense, strenuous, painful... just don't harm me."
"As you wish...," Amanda said with concern.
"OK...," Joyce agreed.

So they put Janie in a tight hogtie, binding her wrists, forearms, elbows, feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, breasts, and waist/crotch. She was hogtied from ankles to her harness. She was gagged with a red ball gag with black straps. Then ran rope from her braid to her feet to force her head up.

The stress was apparent in her eyes, and Joyce was convinced this was making things worse instead of helping. Janie cried a lot but shook her head when asked if she wanted to be freed. She groaned a lot and fought and struggled in an uncharacteristic way. Finally, after an hour of enduring the torture, she motioned for that to be ended and motioned to be put in bed.

"Are you OK?"
"Nuh uhh! Eh ee eee!"
"I'm going to sleep in here."
"Nuh uh!"


"You're good at this!" Mike watched as he lost all three games.
"More experience!"
"I guess I am your prisoner."
"You sure are, Mike!"

Sera was a bit excited to tie up Mike although she did him the same as he had done the others with ropes at his ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and chest with a stuffed cleave gag. Sera couldn't believe it.

"I did it!"
"I tied him up. I tied up a guy."
"Nothing weird about that."
"Yeah, but Brigida," Sera whispered, "He's cute and nice even if he's misshapen from playing hockey in high school."
"Call me Cupid."
"I'm so glad I came with you for Thanksgiving!"



Joy was pinned. After shopping was done, Eva and Caleigh had grabbed Joy and forced her arms behind her. They combined to hold her down and hand-gag her on the ride home. Likewise, they combined to carry her in and rope her up at her ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts while gagging her with a sock and a handkerchief cleave gag. They brought Joy into the attic/guest room and left her in the dark on the bed.

The moonlight poured into the room. After a while, a voice stirred in the darkness.

"Hey, you having as much fun as I promised?"
"Mmm hmmm!"
"Ready to get untied and go home?"
"Mmm hmmm!"
"Thanks for coming over, Joy. Maybe you can come over on Saturday for an afternoon of Rondell style TUGs?"
"Mmm hmm!"


"Janie, let me untie you," Amanda begged around 11PM, two hours after they had left.
"NNNN!" she shook her head as Amanda undid the gag.
"Why not?"
"Because, Amanda, I know if I have the chance... I'll hurt myself. OK?"
"Janie, Trent and Lauren and Joyce and so many more of us love you."
"But not my mom. No one can replace a mom."
"Lauren wants to talk to you too. Would you? Please? She's been crying all night with worry."
"I'll talk to her. She'll help. That predicament did help and hurt... destress, but upped my mental anguish."
"Joyce said that would hap... she's calling now."
"Hi sis."
"Janie, please tell me you're OK."
"I'm tied up at my request for my own safety."
"Why didn't you tell anyone about this?"
"I did but refused help like a fool."
"Janie, promise me you'll keep yourself together to get back up here."
"I will. I'm tired, sis."
"OK, but I'm praying for you. And I love you."
"I love you, Lauren. Good night."
"Good night."
"Now, Janie, what do you want me to do?"
"Give me some slack. When I'm ready, I'll get out of this."
"OK. We'll talk tomorrow."
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 157: Memories LXII - Turkey Day Stories 2

On this Thanksgiving, 15 year-old Sera woke up and cried and cried and cried. Her mother came into her bedroom and sat next to her.

["What's wrong, Serafina?"]
["Why did I do it? I failed my family!"]
["I had a baby and ruined our lives!"]

Depression was really hard on Sera. Most of the time it manifested itself like this: extreme sadness and lots of crying. More often than not Sera didn't even know why she was sad. She had started a prescription regimen after seeing a psychiatrist about it.

["No, no, no Sera. Look at baby sleeping there. It's Thanksgiving, and today you should be especially thankful for him."]
["I try to be, Mom. I love him so much, but I--"]
["Stop it. You can't change the past. He is here, so let's cherish him."]
["OK, Mama."]
["I'm thankful for you and your father and siblings."]
["I am am trying to make a good thing of this. Really I try."]
["It'll get better, sweetheart. I promise."]
["I hope so."]


"Erin, are you OK?" asked Bridget.
"I'll be fine," her sister reeled.

Accidents happen in the kitchen, and Erin, home from school, had burned herself badly while making oatmeal for her and her sister to eat for breakfast. It was a sad Thanksgiving as the court had decided Kristina would spend the day with their mother.

"Aww... sis... you take care of that. I'll finish breakfast."

It was an inauspicious start to the day. Hopefully the afternoon would be better! All would be fun since Dad's parents were coming over along with great-grandpa!


"Tight enough?" Lauren asked Janie.
"It sure is!"
"Enjoy. Let me know when you're done."

High-school junior Janie was trying her first ever strappado. It was a first for any of them, actually. But, for Janie, it was just great to have her favorite person home for Thanksgiving.

Ropes bound her ankles, thighs, wrists, and elbows, and the strappado left her a bit hunched over. For communication, Lauren hadn't gagged her. Big sister sat working on college homework while they waited for dinner to cook.


"There, Joy! You're an early Christmas present!" Zoe told her 16 year-old sister.
"Nnnn uh-mmmmmmmm!" Joy was indignant.
"Such a sticky mess! And a bow on top!"

Joy and Zoe were having fun. In their house, the tree went up on Thanksgiving night (normally), and it was quite the tradition. Zoe decided to wrap up her first present of the season.

Joy was tape mummified. First, Zoe had taped Joy's crossed wrists, breasts, ankles, and thighs. A sock, a knotted purple bandana, and 6 layers of tape gagged Joy, and a blue bandana blindfolded her. Then Zoe did the usual photos and videos as they always did. After that, she taped Joy from ankles to shoulders. In all, it was two rolls of duct tape, and Joy was stuck and had a present bow on her lips as well.

"You're the cutest present I've ever seen!"
"It's cuter when you grunt and struggler!"
"Hmph!" Joy stopped.
"Hey!" Zoe kicked her lightly.
"Mmmmmmmmm! Unhhhhh!" Joy started again.
"I so got this on film, and your friends will wish they were in your place!"
"Yes, we love you, Joy!l"


"Save it for after, OK?" Ken warned Caleigh and Tyler about TUGs.
"Oh, all right. We can wait."
"Eager beavers."
"Cutest beavers ever."
"Big words from the pizzeria!"
"Ken! You... I... I'm going to my room!"
"Caleigh! Wait! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry!"
"Nice going!" Eva chided her big brother.


"Yeah, Gianni?" Sera replied sadly as she fed Benny.
"Are you OK?"
"No. I guess it will pass."
"Did you take your medicine?"
"Not yet... Giovanni Maria Nicola Randaccio what is into you?" she took the bottle out to "burp" her son.
"What's into you Serafina Arcangela Cherubina Bonifacia Randaccio?"
"You haven't cared for me one day in the past 10 months."
"And I'm sorry, Sera, for not being here for you for those 10 months. I'm sorry for turning you away when you needed your big brother more than ever. Forgive me, Sera."
"I love you, Gianni! Of course I forgive you if you forgive me."
"Of course, Sera. Of course... may I... may I hold my nephew? He is my first nephew even if by 7 hours."
"Here you go."

On Benny's first Thanksgiving, Sera and Giovanni reconciled after 10 months of enmity that had started with Sera's pregnancy.


"Hi, Mrs. Kristensen!" Nichole said as she entered the house.

Now, Nichole was so welcome in this household that, prior to her moving in, she was allowed to just let herself in so long as the doors were unlocked. But, when she did in this fashion, something was wrong. She dashed in and shut and locked the door behind her, and her eyes were bloodshot while she wore navy blue sweatpants, a matching hoodie, and a matching kerchief bandana.

"Why Nichole Blakely! Jenny and Lars are out shopping but will be back soon. Sit down! I'll get you some pie."
"Th-Th-Thank you!" Nichole choked out.
"What's wrong? You're scared out of your wits."
"Are you sure?"
"My da--- Well, I got ano---"
"Your father is beating you again?"
"YES! One brother 'accidentally' tripped me, and another 'accidentally' pushed into the wall so hard I got bruised."
"I shoved one of them back, so I got the walloping because of it. When they do anything, it's always an 'accident' even it's a haymaker."
"Nichole, I could---"
"No need. I can handle myself."
"Yet you're scared to death."
"One of these days... one of them's going to try to kill me."
"Nichole, let us help you."
"I can't have Jenny... or anyone else... besides you and your husband knowing. Then I will really get pounded!"
"Did he use the belt this time? I can see it in your eyes."
"Mmm hmm!" Nichole started to cry.


"Oh, Joy, I am the luckiest big sister God ever made because he gave me you!"
"Now, I've set my alarm for 4AM. I'll stay in her with you all night and get up so I can cut you out with plenty of time to get ready to go shopping."
"Nnnn ayy!"

This was long before they knew anything about TUGs beyond what their imaginations or TV had taught them. Zoe was in college and such, but she never searched anything TUG related besides her favorite site for reading stories. Thus, stuffing her sister's mouth and leaving her all night wasn't a concern, but she still slept next to her sister anyway.


"It's only fair!" Eva said.
"MMMMMMM!" Ken grunted into a gag.
"You hurt her feelings."
"I theh I thorr!"

Ken was roped at his wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs and hogtied from wrists to ankles. A double-knotted white handkerchief gagged him. Eva had avenged Caleigh.

There had to be some amount of solidarity to survive in this TUG crazy family!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 158: Black Friday

"Trenton, Trenton, come here!" Joyce burst into the bedroom.
"What is it?!"
"Janie ran away!"
"She cleaned out her room and everything!"

The bedroom was empty. The drawers were all empty. The closet was empty. All that remained were a plaque and two trophies noted "For Mom & Dad". Besides that and the pile of rope from the previous night, every trace that Janie had ever been in this room was gone.

"Trent," Joyce was sobbing, "You don't think she?"
"Not the Janie I know. She left a note!"
"What does it say?"
"'I took the first bus to the airport and am on the first flight to Minneapolis. By the time you read this, I will be halfway there. Janie.'"
"Why?! Trent? Why?!"
"I didn't even get to say goodbye!" Amanda sobbed, "My best friend... We were supposed to be getting ready to meet Ashley for a beach... but..."
"She needs professional help. She has way out of control problems," Trenton said wearily.


"What the heck?" Caleigh saw the notification light on her phone glowing when she arose.

Caleigh looked with horror as she realized what had happened. She didn't know if Janie was being extremely selfish, especially to drop-kick her friends and siblings like this, or if Janie desperately needed help. But Caleigh promised to pick up Janie from the airport, which meant scrambling out of bed and telling all the rest of the group what was happening.

"Conference call," she texted them and got Sera, Jenny, Joy, and Lauren on the line.
"What's up?" Joy asked.
"Girls... Janie ran away from home last night, and I am on my way to get her at the airport."
"WHAT?! No no no no no no!" Lauren immediately hung up.
"She what?" Jenny asked.
"I can't believe if either. She went ape$#¡+ yesterday, and this is the result."
"I know what I am doing. Talk later," Sera hung up to pray a rosary.
"It's up to you, Caleigh. You're the last one between her and a psychiatrist."
"I know," Caleigh said with worry.

The Janie that Caleigh picked up was a very different person. She was still sad and depressed and in anxiety over the previous, but she finally had one thing about her: she was in control of her life finally.

"Caleigh, as long as she is there, I'm not wanted. So I left. I can still visit Trent and Ashley when I want and am able, but I don't need to be around her. I'm done with letting other people ruin my life. I was a sex addict when I thought marriage was all it; I was miserable when Lauren was running my life; and I hated letting my mother control my psyche."
"Janie, that's good to hear. Tell me: do you feel like a drama queen, or like you're taking care of yourself."
"Caleigh, last night after all that I bullied Joyce and Amanda into tying me into a situation where I experienced physical pain. And I realized it didn't help at all, although fighting the rope did help me to burn some pent up energy. But the pain added to my pain, and the stimulation added to my angst. At that moment, those things hurt me more.
"You're saying it made things worse?"
"It did. I think so anyway."
"Do you think those things are bad or that it was a bad time?"
"I need a break, but it was a bad time mostly."
"Do you worry about hurting yourself or others?"
"Only myself... because I feel like I'm worthless... but I know others disagree."
"Are you worthless in your eyes?"
"Not right now. Happiness is proportional to my love of God."
"How so?"
"Quit playing psychiatrist now."
"Janie, I support you as long as you're making healthy decisions, but what about Amanda, Joyce, Trenton, and Ashley? Were you a good friend and sister?"
"It was better to leave than to keep being miserable. I wish I had seen Ashley, but I couldn't ruin her day in this way. Better to leave them sad that I left than drag them down with me."
"I see that."
"I wish my mother had aborted me like she wanted."
"Don't say that."
"She'd have spared me all this."
"And deprived us of the joy of knowing you."
"Caleigh... I am realizing slowly that I'm not just battling myself... I'm battling trauma and maybe mental illness."
"I hope it's not true, but... don't take this personally... I think you're right."
"Why do all of my friends understand me better than I do?"


"God, please don't let anything happen to Janie. I need her," Lauren prayed by herself as she choked tears.

"Lord, my friend needs help... help me to be there for her, and make sure she gets what she needs," Joy prayed silently while crying.

"In the name.... Amen," Sera began a rosary immediately with Bridget next to her, not knowing that Joyce, Trent, and Amanda... even Giovanni and Roberto... were doing the same.

"Dear God, Janie needs you so much. Fill her life...," Jenny said.

"God, I've never talked to you much... Take care of Janie," Hannah said quietly.

"Dear Jesus... Janie needs to feel your touch. Even if she is still sad, please touch her so that she knows You always care," Nichole said her own.


"Caleigh, I'm tired and want to sleep, but I'm scared."
"Let's bring you up to the guest room in the attic. You can sleep there."
"Would you mind tying me up for sleeping?"
"Janie, if it makes you feel safe, I will."
"Let's get you up there. Everyone else is shopping I think."
"All right. Let's do this. Cozy attic.
"Yeah. Weren't you wearing that last night in the photos I saw?"
"Yeah... whatever."
"I like this," Janie sat on the same bed Joy was left upon the previous night.

Janie, still in her red sneakers, socks, trainers, tank-top, bandana headband, and ponytail holding her braid, was tied at her wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs. Caleigh ran a rope from Janie's ankles to the footboard. Once again, she was gagged with a red ball gag with black straps, but this one belonged to the Rondell's. Finally, her headband was pulled down as a blindfold.

"Janie is safe with me," went a group text from Caleigh, "She's sleeping safe and sound."
"THANK YOU!" Lauren texted.
"I have some things to do but will try to come over," Jenny responded.
"Take care of her :(" came from Sera.
"Tell her I love her!" from Nichole.

The rest expressed themselves similarly or with emojis. Caleigh was overwhelmed with this sense of responsibility. Everyone was looking to her to take care of Janie. For the only junior girl in the group, it was a lot of responsibility, but she could handle it no problem.


"Gianni, want to join me on my Thanksgiving college tradition?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"I actually visit the cemetery."
"Why now?"
"Well, it's just when I have time, really. So, I give two holiday visits: Thanksgiving time and Easter time!"
"Sounds pleasant. This won't be weepy will it?"
"No. It's peaceful."
"Sounds like a good setting for a mafia hit, but hey!"


"That knock pattern can only be our friend Casey!"
"Hey, girl! I hear you have problems!"
"Not me, but a friend."
"If you're a good friend, their problems are your problems!"
"True, true!"
"Been a while since I've gotten to chill out!"
"It's so cold out! Can we get you a drink?"
"Nah. Joy, Hannah, I don't know about you, but I love what I am studying in school."
"That's so good to hear!"
"Therapy was no joy ride... but I hope to make it not miserable for others."
"That's so noble! Zoe, you remember Casey too, right?"
"I'm just impressed you are all friends after so long!"
"Girls, Zoe needs to relax after a morning of Black Friday shopping."
"I sure do not!"
"Let's help her," Casey responded.
"For sure!"


"Mmmm!" Janie awoke and forgot about where she was initially.
"It's almost lunch time. Everyone is dying to meet you!"
"Mm ay!"
"You fell asleep instantly and didn't budge. I couldn't get a decent struggle film out of you."
"Ha ha!"

Janie made her way down from the attic behind Caleigh and then down to the first floor. There, she finally met the Rondell family.

"Janie, these are my parents Brad and Jill, and these are my siblings Ken, Eva, and Tyler!"
"Nice to meet you!"
"Everyone, this is Janie, the future softball hall-of-famer!"
"Nice to meet you!"
"Great to meet her after so long!"
"Welcome! Caleigh told us a little bit about what's going on."


"So many Scandinavians... wow!"
"I think it's cool. I just come in, plant a few flowers near my loved ones, and hope I see them again in spring!"
"You're such a positive girl!"
"I try my best!"
"Is that your brother?"
"Yeah, that's him."
"Oh, look at the little photo."
"That's how I remember him."
"Jenny, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves before we get too emotionally involved."
"We're moving too fast. Let's slow down our relationship and enjoy the moments more."
"Moments like this?"
"Yes, these moments. I want to cherish them if things work out. Not lose them in a blur."
"You're wonderful, Giovanni."


"Lauren, honey, are you OK?"
"Yeah, I am fine. It's just... well... Zack... we did it."
"Did what?"
"Did it?"
"You mean?"
"No doubt. Seen it before. We're going to have a baby!"
"Oh, sweet! YES!"
"Let the name wars begin!"
"I'm glad you got something happy after the last 18 hours."
"Would you believe it? I know Caleigh will take care of her."
"I want to hide this from mostly everyone until Christmas, OK?"
"I was going to ask you about that. I love you, Lauren."
"I love you too."
"Damn Trent had to fool around before the wedding and beat us to it," Zack joked.
"I love that fool too."


"Well, what a $#¡++y day getting $#¡++¡€r," Trent said as he put down his phone.

Trent, Amanda, and Ashley were at Ashley's family's house discussing the Janie situation with her. They were eating lunch, pizza from Papa John's, when Trent's phone rang. After a long discussion, he had returned.

"It was my dad. Janie's not nearly at fault, but she was the straw that broke the camel's back."
"What?" Amanda asked as she spread cream cheese on her pizza.
"What the hell?"
"Pregnant appetite. Go on!"
"Anyway, he and Mom had a huge fight over it. Mom thinks Janie is a scumbag and is being selfish. Dad thinks Mom is the selfish scumbag."
"Oh, brother," Ashley groaned.
"It's over."
"What is?"
"Their marriage. Dad said if it's between us and Mom, he's choosing us. She'd rather leave than accept Janie. She even saw the trophies Janie left behind and pushed them off as forgeries."
"She can freaking Google Janie and see she's a legend!" Joyce was dismayed.
"It's over. I just hope it doesn't mean they sell the home... I have so many memories of all of us there."
"Trent, are you crying?"
"Yes... because this only means Janie was right... Mom never wanted kids to love them."
"Oh, Trent, perish the thought!"
"Narcissistic b¡+c#."
"Don't talk that way about your mother."
"I need time to think."


"Mmmmmmm!" moaned Casey.
"Should have known better than to test the orange Gangsta Brat!"

Hannah meant it too. She was being a brat indeed to tie up Casey. She was orange, too, in orange sweatpants, a blue t-shirt, and an orange kerchief bandana. Joy, her co-kidnapper, was in pink sweatpants, a black t-shirt, and a pink kerchief bandana. The two sat on top of one victim each.

Casey, in pink jeans and a green t-shirt, and Zoe, in black leggings and a red long-sleeve t-shirt, were tied and gagged simply and the same. Ropes bound their ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts, and both were gagged with a sock, a red bandana, and 6 layers of duct tape. Similarly, each had a purple bandana blindfold.

"Having fun with your new life?"
"I sure am! I had forgotten how good friendship was. I was an only child."
"Kind of life Casey and Jenny!"
"Kind of!"
"Ever try talking to your parents again?"
"I can't."
"You can't?"
"They moved and changed their phone numbers."
"Let's work on that."
"Mom's side won't even acknowledge my existence. They even all blocked me on Facebook!"
"Dad's side?"
"Everyone's dead except Grandma and an uncle."
"That's where we begin! Let's get you back to your family, Hannah."
"I would like that so much! I still love them and miss them."


"All of you, thanks for having me," Janie tried to smile.
"Janie, let's go out for the day and just try to forget. Something fun!" Caleigh suggested.
"I don't know... Can't go fishing or swimming."
"Ever gone hunting?"
"NO! Not me!"
"You've TUG'd enough for one day... Tomorrow we'll have a TUG hunt, but for today..."
"Today I want to go to the gym! THAT will burn off some angst!"
"Let's eat lunch and go!"

During lunch, Janie decided to turn her phone back on... and see what had happened.

"I really screwed up everything for everyone!" she groaned.
"What's wrong?"
"My mother walked out on my dad."
"Well, maybe this is the beginning of a renewed and better relationship between you and your dad."
"Don't sweat it now. Today is for relieving stress, not adding it."

Janie went for it all at the gym, particularly the punching bag. THIS was the stress relief she had needed; being tied up wasn't able to provide this kind of energy outlet. With each punch, Janie felt a little more weight come off her shoulders.


"Zack, when it rains, it pours."
"What's up?" Zack asked as they waited in the airport for their flight from Indianapolis to Minneapolis.
"My parents separated today... Trent's distraught... and Janie still won't talk to me."
"Maybe Janie needs space right now."
"That's a really good idea."
"Your parents... maybe Janie is smarter than we realize."
"We know she's smart."
"She saw the flaws... flaws in your mother..."
"Zack, my mother isn't any more flawed than the rest of humanity."
"Let me finish. Maybe she exposed your mother's true personality. Maybe she is a narcissist."
"Don't you dare go there. Are we going to have our first fight?"
"Just think about it! We'll talk after we're back in Minnesota."
"All right..."

Lauren didn't want to think about that possibility. Her mother couldn't be that, could she? She really was loved by her mother, wasn't she? Or was it all a masquerade for the glory of flaunting her children... and Janie really had messed up her plans for a self-serving life? And maybe Janie really had shown the world what a manipulator she was?


"Giovanni, thanks for visiting," Jenny said as she stopped in front of the airport.
"It's been my pleasure. Just sorry I couldn't stay longer. But, I have a race to coach tomorrow!"
"Maybe we'll see each other at spring break or Easter?"
"I think we will."
"Until then."
"See you."
"Bye," she gave him a peck on the cheek before he got out.
"Bye!" he waved and smiled.
"Did I just? Jenny Danielle Kristensen, you naughty girl! I am my mother's daughter for sure!"


"Well?" Joy asked Hannah.
"Grandma wants me to come over ASAP!"
"Joy, can I go? Please? She's only a couple minutes down the road from here! I miss her so much!"
"Why are you asking me?"
"Because I don't have my car!"
"Oh, well... I'll bring you since I cam tell you don't want to borrow it."
"Thank you Joy!"
"Mom, can you please watch these two for five minutes?"


"Feel better?"
"Caleigh, I feel like a new girl! That was what I needed so badly! I might come back tomorrow morning!"
"I'm so happy you feel better!"
"Thanks for everything today!"
"Janie, thanks for being my friend."
"I was afraid to ask anyone else for help."
"Why did you leave like that?"
"It was for my sanity. There was evil in that house."
"I understand."
"I'm glad we made good out of this."
"Me too!"
"Maybe it's all good from here on out!"
"Let's pray it is!"
"Thanks, Caleigh!" Janie gave her a hug.

Janie was finally seeing a positive tilt in her life thanks to the love and care from her friend Caleigh.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 159: The Chair

"Well, how do you feel up to some indoor fun with your new friends?" Caleigh asked.
"What kind of fun? I want to shower first so it's relaxing. I want to just chill out."
"Sounds like a great time to be put in The Chair."
"The Chair?"
"Yeah, you and me together!"
"Wait, how?"
"Shower and come see after."
"All right then."

After both had showered, Caleigh brought Janie into the bedroom where there were piles of drawing pads on her bed with nothing more than Caleigh's name and two dates on them (start and end). There was no organization beyond that, and Caleigh sat on the floor and grabbed a pad.

"These are my journals... my life story. You can see, there's at least one for every day."
"You've gotten so good over the years!"
"So many drawings... trees, houses, TUGs, horses... a Western jail?!"
"I've told you about that before!"
"Oh, yeah, that's right! Crazy stuff out here!"
"This one's too old... maybe this one," Caleigh tossed one pad aside and grabbed another.
"You draw so much!"
"Oh a day, as I said, with a journal entry written on the back! Like this one!"
"'Spent a great day with cousins. Lots of fun and even got muddy.'"
"Here it is!"
"A chair with two seats and one back?"
"Where did you get that?"
"Ken made it in woodshop!"
"That's so cool!"
"It'd be really cool to be tied up with my best friend on it!"
"It wouldn't work! My harness will be a choke rope for you!"
"Nonsense! I'm 5'6"!"
"And I'm 6'1"!"
"Carl's that tall, and I've been tied with him in it."
"OK then!"
"Let's get Eva and Tyler. Ken's already working on a Christmas present."
"With wood?"


"You seem pensive, Jenny."
"Yeah, I am, Mom."
"Is it about your Giovanni?"
"Yes, it is."
"You're more smitten with him than you ever were with the creeper?"
"You got it."
"I love seeing you so happy," Emily hugged her only daughter, who instinctively curled up right next to her.
"Stupid question time Mom."
"Am I so small because I was a preemie?"
"I don't think so, but it's a blessing to still be able to cuddle my little girl."
"I love you, Mom. Thanks for everything you've ever done."
"I love you, too, Jenny Danielle."


"MMMMM!" Zoe struggled in darkness as she remained tied, gagged, and blindfolded for what would turn out to be 3 hours. She had spent the time next to Casey well, though, deciding how that evening they would get revenge on their well-meaning friends/sister She was going to get back at her sister and love her to death while doing it.

Casey grunted a lot. She was much more of a struggler than Zoe, Joy, or Hannah were. She squirm and threw herself around, with Joy occasionally pulling her away from objects. As if it weren't long enough, soon Joy left to bring back Hannah.

Revenge would be sweet.


"So, that's Black Friday Midwest style. Shop, kill a few people, eat lunch, and come home."
"It's Sjaastad style anyway. We just enjoy the fight to get items that no one else wants in the first place."
"I believe it!"
"It's like an Indian Jones movie!"
"I never liked those."
"Loser. What did you get?"
"A mixer. I made a deal with my parents that they would let me pick out a mixer for myself for Christmas, and that'd be my 'present' for the year."
"Won't it stink being there and having nothing under the tree for you?"
"Are you silly? It's about family, not stuff."
"I know, but it still sounds sad to me."
"Nah, the fun is being with my family."
"What about you Mike?"
"I keep my findings a secret for a month still."
"Oh ho, Michele, what have you for Brigida?!"
"Who says it's for anyone in the room?"
"He's pulling our legs," Bridget said.
"No, I got stuff for you here, but I know you're not that devious. You'll be shaking the presents under the tree."
"He's right," she looked at Bridget.
"Brigida, you naughty girl!" Sera got up and walked toward her, picking up rope along the way.

Suddenly, the navy blue girl looked imposing to the... navy blue girl. They were in their matching rowing outfits of navy blue sweatpants and a blue-and-white striped tank-top, but Sera of course had a bandana headband holding back her black wavy hair. Bridget gulped in mock fear as her wrists were tied behind her back.

Sera went for a chair tie, putting Bridget in a rolling chair and binding her ankles together and to the center post with the same rope. She ran another rope from Bridget's wrists to the center post. She simply gagged the rower with a knotted navy blue bandana.

"Cute and simple. Like us!" Sera said as she took a selfie.
"You thed ith!"
"I love you Bridgie!" Sera hugged her.


"So, this is it. We'll be fine!" Janie studied The Chair.
"I think you're right now that I think more!" Caleigh agreed with Janie.

Both were in blue jeans. With hers, Janie had a yellow-and-black long-sleeve flannel button-up shirt and a yellow bandana headband with her hair rarely free. Caleigh had a short-sleeve red-and-blue flannel button-up shirt. They sat down and let Tyler and Eva do their magic.

Janie and Caleigh's respective wrists were tied together and fastened to the center posts of the chair. Each had their ankles and knees tied to the chair legs, and they received combo-harnesses and waist ropes. Each one was gagged with a traditional sock and pink bandana cleave gag, and they were blindfolded with white bandanas.

Now the game was to escape this imprisonment. This was a game that must be played the Rondell way, and Janie knew she was best off being tied with Caleigh. For the first time in a few days... Janie was happy.


"Mom, if it doesn't hurt too much, could you tell me more about Daniel?"
"What do you remember?"
"Until you told me, I never put together he was my brother. Hard to remember someone who lived in the hospital his last 6 months. I just remember he loved playing with me and was always happy even when he was dying."
"You summed him nicely though. He was a lot like your father at the same age, or so Grandma says."
"Was he as much of a roughhouser as dad?"
"He never got big enough, but he seemed like it. He like climbing around and stuff. We had to pull him down from climbing on things a lot."
"I visited him this morning and got a little lost wondering what life would be like with him still here."
"For one thing we wouldn't be in a two bedroom house!"
"Have we been here 17 years for real?"
"16 years, 3 months, and 19 days."
"I'm glad we're here... I've made so many amazing friendships under this roof."
"I know Daniel would be proud of you. He slapped a classmate in pre-K for saying something mean about you."
"He did!"
"He got suspended even for it! He never did get to go back..."
"I miss him."
"So do we, sweetie. But we're happy we got you even if we never got to have more."


"How was it?" Joy asked.
"I forgot what it was like to be loved like that! She missed me so much and was so happy to see me."
"We cried for an hour just hugging and talking... she didn't know what happened to me too much."
"You didn't scare her I hope."
"No one brags about being a prison b****. Or kidnapped. Or molested. Or being left to die. C'mon, Joy!"
"In minors prison?!"
"Maybe there's hope. She gave me my parents new address and phone numbers."
"I know what we're doing then!"
"Tomorrow, we're getting you all dolled up. Nice clothes, a hair-do, and all that! And we're getting you posed for a Christmas card!"
"Joy, you're the sweetest thing ever! That's what my grandma said I should do!"
"Maybe we're long lost distant cousins!"
"We're home already."
"Joy, this has been the best Thanksgiving I've had since high school. Thank you so much."
"Let's see the captives!"

"MMMMMM!" greeted Casey and Zoe.
"Time to let you two go! At least Casey got a few ropes undone, Zoe!"
"I could keep this one forever. She's the only one who was around when I escaped my life."
"She's a good girl, that Casey! She sure transformed, but so did you!"
"I see some time together in TUGs for us this evening."
"So do I!"
"You free them. I'm gonna talk to Mom. After that's done, we can put up the Christmas tree!"
"Oh, yes!"


"Poor Bridgie, all alone in being tied up," Mike said.
"Maybe she needs her Gangsta Chick rowmate and roommate tied with her," Sera responded.
"You or Erin, but Erin and Kristina still aren't home!"
"I guess it's me!"

Sera got tied with similar comfort: wrists, ankles, and hogtie. A knotted blue bandana cleave gag silenced her as well. Bridget and Sera looked at other and smiled as Mike used Sera's phone for photos. What a friendship this was!


"Comfy, honey?" Chris asked Nichole.
"Mmm hmmm!"

Being celibate didn't mean they couldn't do some quiet TUG cuddling or spooning. Nichole was already in her blue camouflage pajama pants to go with her pale blue pajama shirt and blue camouflage kerchief bandana. Ropes lovingly bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs, and a knotted white handkerchief gagged her.

Chris was holding her tightly as they were already home and in his small apartment. Their little Christmas tree was up, and it's glow was the sole light in the room. Nichole always felt bad after flying, and Chris always got motion sickness during travel. They felt lousy and decided to feel lousy together after eating a Happy Meal each like two little kids.

It was an idyllic moment though.


"Hmm hmm hmmmmmm!" Caleigh sung as she did her usual magic.
"Hmmmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm!"

Caleigh was making the wrists look like child's play. Janie had shaken her legs most free, but Caleigh was amazing with the wrists. It only took her 45 minutes to figure it out, making their imprisonment be an hour in total!

"You are so good at this!"
"Think this is something? Wait until Joy and the others come here tomorrow for The Hunt!"
"The Hunt?"
"I'll explain it..."


"You are talkative today Jenny!"
"Because I love you and can tell you nearly anything and it will make you happy!"
"You're right, Jenny. You are. I'm so happy I took these days off to be with you!"
"Now, it's time for you to relax while I make dinner."
"I wouldn't do that, Jenny!" called out her father, "I think I accidentally bought dinner!"
"Oh, dad!"

"So, we've had a lot of time to talk, but you being at work," Mother started.
"So many amazing developments in our little girl's life."
"She's not so little anymore, Lars."
"She's 7 inches shorter than you; don't kid yourself."
"Heyyyyyy!" Jenny laughed.
"Also, my sister said there were a dozen or more untouched pies from yesterday, so she brought me a couple at work today. I put them in the fridge when I came home."
"Thanksgiving has brought us so many blessings this year!"
"Let's hope your new boyfriend ends up being another!"


"Hey, Mom? Can we call Shandra?"
"For what?"
"Hannah hasn't had a real hair cut in... 6 years? It's not the length, but it needs some TLC."
"What has gotten into you, Joy?"
"Hannah wants to reunite with her parents, and her grandma suggested sending a Christmas card."
"And you want her to look nice and pretty?"
"Well, yeah."
"If you and your friends will pay 75%, we'll cover the rest. It's not a cheap thing."
"I know!"
"Joy, you're becoming a remarkable young woman."
"You've picked good friends to have in your life."
"Thanks Mom!"


"I'm sorry, Trent. I really am."
"Dad, I don't blame you at all... we all contributed to this."
"I never thought I was playing favorites, but I also never thought for a second that your mother felt this way."
"You were manipulated... we all were manipulated and fell for it."
"I never thought for a second Janie could be right about these things."
"Dad, she's really quite the intelligent young woman, and when she grows up she will just make you so proud."
"I still have time, Trent. It's a long distance, but I want to see my baby play softball before she graduates."
"What shocked you the most besides Mom?"
"I never really paid attention to things. I knew your little sister was smart; obviously I let her be skipped ahead and encouraged her to do dual enrollment courses at UCF. She did all that, worked at Publix, played softball, and still had time to be good daughter, friend, and sister. I'm proud of her... as proud as I am of you and Lauren."
"We love you, Dad. Really we do."
"Look at this, '2013 Florida State Softball Player of the Year: Janie Patterson.' Imagine how Lauren feels."
"Or everyone else in the state to be creamed like that by a 12 year-old against 14-18 year olds?"
"She's so talented in so many ways."
"You know what her best talent is? Being a good person."
"I saw that last night when she blasted your mother in front of everyone... her only concern was loving us."
"She was sick of being unloved. Your mother calls you every week even though she's in West Palm Beach."
"Janie's mother wouldn't give her the time of day."
"It sucks."
"How is Amanda taking it?"
"I was afraid for her and the baby for a while."
"Janie's not the only smart overachiever here... look at you too: you're finishing a year early too. You work, you have a wife, and you're awaiting your first baby."
"You raised us well."
"I'm glad I did that."
"Amanda and I even have the names picked out depending on whether it's a boy or a girl."
"'Janie Lauren Kathleen' if it's a girl; 'Michael Robert' if it's a boy. But you didn't here me say that."

Dr. Michael E. Patterson smiled at that. Janie and Lauren were obvious as was Michael. Robert and Kathleen Sandoval were Amanda's father and her favorite grandmother. Father and son bumped fists and went about their evening.


"I have had so much fun, Bridgie!" Sera laughed as she looked at the decorated real pine Christmas tree.
"Sera, be honest since I told you I brought you here to see... what do you think of Mike?"
"He at least accepts Benny and would probably be good for him. But are we good for each other?"
"Think about it. No one says you have to make a move now or that you need whirlwind romance."
"I know. I'm just scared of it all."
"Scared of what?"
"Of being betrayed again. A true friend might do something that hurts you, but only a lover can truly betray."
"That's deep."
"Right now... I need to sit tight and let him make the move. I prefer ambition."
"If Mike likes you enough, you'll see."
"We better sleep. Long car ride ahead tomorrow."
"You're right."


It suffices to say that, at the end of the day, in Joy's room, two girls, still in their clothes were tied up and sleeping. Each had her wrists in front and pulled up to the opposite soldier. Their ankles, knees, thighs, and waists were tied together. A dual breast harness pinned their torsos together. Both were gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief, and both had a pink bandana blindfold.

It was a perfect end to the day for Joy and Hannah.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 160: The Hunt

"I am so, so happy you decided to come join us," Caleigh said to her many extra friends at her house.
"You're lucky Caleigh because you play TUGs with your friends."
"We'll make it work."
"What is the game?" asked Joy.
"Hunting! Sort of..."
"Sort of?"
"It's nerf gun hunting!"
"Wait, what?!" Jenny was surprised.
"Look... there's... me, Ken, Tyler, Eva, Janie, Jenny, Joy, Hannah, I forget you, and I don't know you."
"Forget me?" Casey moaned.
"I'm no good with names."
"She's a stereotypical blonde," Jenny explained, "Unlike me!"
"Hey! Even you, Jenn?"
"This is Casey, and this is Joy's big sister Zoe."
"Oh, Joey and Zoe!"
"No one ever said that to me."
"Whatever, Joey!"
"Stop it, Zo!"
"That's 10 of us!"
"Took her that long to count!" Ken teased.
"Well, what's the game?"
"It's easier with numbers divisible by 3... I wish Carl and Olivia were here."
"Well, they're not! Make it 4-3-3," Tyler bossed.
"I like this dynamic," Janie smiled, "Just like home!"
"OK, 3 are hunters, 3 are rescuers, and 4 are runners!"
"Explain, slowly," Casey asked, "It takes me a while to process these things, so make it clear."
"Hunters and rescuers have Nerf guns; hunted are unarmed. The goal is for the hunters to Nerf the 4 hunted. Once a runner is downed by a hunter, they're out of the game. Rescuers want to get the hunters. A shot rescuer or hunter can be saved by another one. If a runner gets a person, which is hard, that is out."
"So, basically, we're poachers, PETA, and wild animals? Poachers shoot animals; animals eat poachers and PETA; PETA shoots poachers?" Hannah clarified.
"Basically! The twist is that you tie up your victims. You may only use a cleave gag on someone."
"Let's just assign the teams... we're going to need a lot of gags! Oh, let's see... I randomly assigned the teams."
"The rescuers are you Hannah along with Eva and Zoe!"
"The runners are me, Tyler, Janie, and Casey."
"Well, I don't get to use my specialty!" Jenny laughed.
"That leaves Jenny, Joy, and Ken as hunters!"
"You so rigged that!"
"I assure you I didn't!"
"Liar!" yelled Zoe.
"Big lie," doubled Joy.
"Well, hunters get camouflage bandanas for arm bands; runners get none; rescuers get yellow."
"We're being hunted!" Janie looked at Casey.
"For gags, hunters use red bandanas; runners use black; rescuers use pink. Once gagged, they're captured, so gag quickly! Runners, once you're shot by a hunter, you're dead, tied or not."
"Too many rules."
"It's just like color wars! Only we're adding TUGs to it!"
"In that sense... LET'S DO IT!" Janie accepted the challenge.
"I guess we're teammates now," Joy smiled at Jenny.
"I have never fired a Nerf gun in my life," Jenny looked at it in confusion.
"But you're fired real ones!"
"What non-city-slicker Minnesota girl hasn't?!"
"These woods are small enough we can hear you yelling, so everyone will know if you cheat," Ken warned with a smile.

The hunt was a favorite game among the Rondell's, and Janie and Hannah saw why immediately. Janie realized she had an advantage because of her size, and Hannah had experience sneaking through woods... courtesy hiding from cops as a teenager.

"Now, Janie, our best strategy is to first get good hiding spots so that one of us can nail a hunter."
"I like that. One of us can be decoy, and the other attacks."
"Sounds like a smart plan for me. Let's split up: me and Casey, you and Tyler. Everyone?"
"Sounds good."

As they set a trap, Tyler asked Janie questions.

"Every watched Indiana Jones or Lara Croft."
"Heck, no!"
"What do you watch?"
"Chick flicks!"
"Another one... GROSS."
"You asked. They walk over here, you yank, and I tie them up?"
"Yes, you got it! I'll be under these leaves. Pile them up to look like the hillside."

"Caleigh rigged the lineup, eh?" Jenny asked Joy.
"She's trying."
"Look, camo heads," he said in reference to those two's camouflage kerchief bandanas, "Keep an eye out, especially above. Everyone is after you, and there's three of us against 7 of them. But four will be trying to be sneakier than the rest."

The shed was a remarkable little structure. Now, it was about 6" square, made of wood, tarred over the outside, and had a painted white roof to reflect the sun. It even had one window and holes for pointing a Nerf gun through.

"Eva, Zoe!"
"Where are you?"
"Up here!"
"You maniac! You climbed a spruce tree?"
"It's evergreen and thick!"
"You're thick headed!" Zoe callously remarked.
"That too."
"I like that idea and might try it!" Eva went into bush not knowing it had berries."
"I'll run patrol!"

You hide in this hole, Casey, and I will be in the gulley. I can guarantee someone will look inside here and not notice me on the ground."
"That's why the camouflage T!"
"Yes! Pile leaves on me. Thank the Lord it's dry in here!"

Sure enough, Caleigh was right about this. Zoe came walking along and looked in the hole while Caleigh reached for her ankles. Unfortunately for Zoe, she wasn't allowed to shoot Casey, but she tried anyway.

"You're eaten! Num num!"
"Mmmm!" Zoe moaned as Casey quickly clamped a hand over her mouth.
"You're Joy's sister? I see the resemblance!" Caleigh bound her wrists.
"She sure is!" Casey applied a tight knotted black bandana cleave gag.

For simplicity, they bound Zoe's elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs and left her in the gulley grunting and gag talking. Her pink shirt and bright blue leggings made her stand even more.

"Now to the shed. Ken, Jenny, and Joy will be there planning! Let's take one for the team!"
"We commit suicide?!"
"Um... Yeah! But take out two hunters with ourselves! Remember gag first for the capture!"
"Suicide mission, sure. Get tied up at least," Casey shrugged her shoulders.

Jenny was glad she had bought camo leggings and a camo tank-top last time she was clothes shopping as it was now quite the convenience for her to be in all camouflage! Joy, on the other hand, had worn a brown skirt and blouse. Ordinarily she didn't dress monotonally, but this was an exception. Ken had camouflage cargo pants and an army style t-shirt. They waited until Jenny caught a glimpse of Caleigh.

Caleigh and Casey hadn't dressed specifically for this at all. The opposite was true. Caleigh had black leggings and a blue t-shirt; Casey had blue jeans and a University of Minnesota t-shirt.

"Get ready!" Ken said in a soft voice.
"We got this," Jenny said.
"Steady... aim well."
"Casey, I'm hit!"
"Dang... I'm hit too!"
"Gotcha!" Jenny, Joy, and Ken high-fived each other.
"You're staying in here for sure now!"

Casey and Caleigh were roped at their wrists and ankles and frogtied. They were gagged per the rules and left in the shed. Now, they were stuck, especially once Joy cheated a little and put handcuffs on both of them, but she didn't trust Caleigh not to escape.

Now it was them, Hannah, Eva, Tyler, and Janie left, or 3 vs. 2 vs. 2. Janie, though, decided to take on the Hannah-Eva problem by herself.

"Where you going?" Tyler asked.
"To go eat a rescue team member!"

Hannah was clever to be in the tree, but blue sweatpants, a matching hoodie, and a matching bandana headband didn't exactly blend in. Eva more carefully had dark green leggings and a brown t-shirt and a brown bandana mask. Janie cautiously crawled up behind Eva and reached into the bush.

"Gahmmmmph nuh umm hum mmmm gmmmmmmm!"
"Eva?........... Dammit!"

Janie tied up Eva by roping her ankles, thighs, and wrists and hogtying her. The gag was as prescribed in the rules. Janie's blue jeans, blue t-shirt, and blue bandana headband didn't seem so foolish anymore. Now, she would try to take out a hunter!

Jenny, unsurprisingly, more or less, maybe deliberately, into a position where Janie just absolutely nailed her and kidnapped her without even a fight. The girl was quickly roped and gagged just liked Eva. Jenny made some happy squeals.

"You let me kidnap you!"
"Mmm hmm!"
"That's why we love you, Jenny!"
"Dead!" Ken cackled.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

And as quickly Janie was frogtied like Caleigh and Casey. This left Joy and Ken for hunters, Tyler for runners, and Hannah for rescuers.

"What was that?" Hannah asked herself as she felt something bounce off her.
"Get down here! I just killed you!" Joy ordered.
"That was you? Dammit!"

Hannah was then put into the frogtie and gagged as had her comrades who had been taken by the hunters. The rescuers had been blanked.

"Tyler! Come out! It's useless as long as Joy and I stay together."
"Aw... rats!"

And so Tyler joined the legion of the frogtied. Soon, Ken and Joy had all of the captured people by the house where they could all be watched. Everyone was happy and smiling, and after lunch it'd be time to spent one last evening at home. The morning would be Sunday, and the afternoon would require a return to Minnesota Tech.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 161: Reunited Again

The girls made their own ways back to campus.

On Saturday morning, Joyce had a disappointing flight home without Janie although Ryan was on the same flight.
Lauren had been back since Friday as had Nichole and Chris.
Sera and Bridget drove home on Saturday morning.
Joy, Jenny, Hannah, Caleigh, and Janie were working their way back on Sunday after church.

"You OK, Brigida?"
"I've been thinking is all."
"What did you think of Mike?"
"I don't know. He passed the Benny test though... he seems too cold for me."
"Well, he said you were too warm, so I guess that's even."
"Bridget Sjaastad are you crying?"
"I so badly wanted to, well... Yeah..."
"Wanted to find me a boyfriend?"
"Mike's a nice guy, Bridgie. He's just not my type."
"You're right... I tried."
"I'm touched that you tried though."
"Don't worry; he's out there for me."
"We're almost there. Joyce will be waiting for us."

Inside the dorm, Joyce was talking to Lauren and breaking the bad news to her.

"Lauren, how was Thanksgiving with Zack's grandparents?"
"Great aside from the Florida drama. Yours?"
"Same. Ryan's parents are in love with me."
"It all went in a blur."
"Lauren, I asked you to come for another reason besides Janie and talking."
"Sit down."
"Uh oh."
"Lauren, we know that Janie obviously exposed some problems in your family."
"Well, yeah... Think how I feel?"
"There's more to it than that."
"Your parents are separated and filing for divorce."
"Oh... my... I... I...," Lauren's voice started to crack.
"I'm sorry, sis."
"Damn it all! All my childhood memories seem to be vaporizing!"
"Don't let that happen."
"You don't get it... everything was all a front for my mom's narcissism. It was all about her."
"No, your parents loved you, but you lost them. I still have a mother who it turns out was using me!"
"Your dad and bro are devastated."
"Think I'm happy? Why could only Janie see it? She's been my biggest blessing and curse!"
"Are we interrupting?" Bridget entered with Sera.
"No, just helping each other through drama."
"I know that look. Lauren, I'm so freaking sorry."
"It's so f***ed up!"
"Come here. It's OK to be a big cry baby right now. Let it all out."
"My mother doesn't love me! All those years thinking my mother was normal only to find out she's a twisted freak."
"Keep it coming."
"My poor dad... Gave his life for a woman who was a manipulator."
"I know the feeling... the pain of watching a family break apart."
"Who else doesn't really love me?"
"I know we love you for real."

No one had ever seen Lauren like this. Her heart was broken, and her trust was destroyed. She felt like she couldn't trust her mother anymore... or her sister for that matter. She knew she had her friends, her brother, and her husband though.

"Want to destress in the patented Sjaastad-Randaccio method?"
"Sjaastad-Randaccio method? Sounds interesting. I need to destress and get a smile on my face."
"It'll just involve a little rope!"
"Sure. We can try it."

Lauren, in blue jeans, a purple and black plaid button-up long-sleeve shirt, and a purple bandana headband with her hair in a bun, was tied up comfortably at her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch. A rope ran from the harness to the hook in the room. Sera gagged her with her black ball gag with blue straps.

For Lauren, 30 minutes of tickle torture at the hands of the namesakes followed. There was tickling mixed with hugs and words of encouragement and just non-stop love for the entire time. Lauren's heart warmed as she realized that everything would be OK for her and that her friends would help fix things with Janie.

As if that wasn't enough, Sera and Bridget then detached Lauren from the hook, laid her on the bed, and ran the same rope to her ankles to hogtie her for another 15 minutes of torture. It was the true Sjaastad-Randaccio way: athletic and tough, requiring endurance, and leaving you dead tired. They then left Lauren to struggle for 45 minutes.

For her part, Lauren enjoyed it to the fullest knowing that after the semester ended TUGs would take a break for another 7-8 months.


"What number is this?" Nichole said as she answered her phone on Sunday afternoon.
"Hello. Who is this? What do you want? Yes... Yes. How do you think I feel? I almost died!"
"Who is this?" Chris demanded.
"My mother," Nichole mouthed back.
"No, you look here... He tried to kill me. In fact, he's serving 20 years for attempted murder. I'd love to send you a photo so you can see what happened to your little girl. You're trying but only making things worse. You're sorry for not being a better mother? And for not doing anything to help me? Look, as long as you're genuinely sorry, I'm more than happy to forgive you. You carried me for nine months after all. OK, eight months, 27 days. It's hard to call you 'Mom' after calling other people that for the last 15 years because they actually were here for me. Look, I'm willing to give you a chance, but just give me some space. And stay the f*** away from Claire, OK? After 6 years of getting the $#¡+ beaten out of me it's hard to be nice. There's still part of me that loves you, but the Blakely men and everyone on that side can get f***ed by a Mack semi-truck for all I care! Give it a rest; I promise to talk to Claire and call you back in a week, OK? Fine. Good night."
"That was..."
"F***ed up. Jenny's my sister. Lars and Emily are my parents. You're my husband."
"And she is?"
"A stranger... a monster... a nightmare... that wants to reform but is trying too hard."
"Are you OK?"
"I feel safer when... we're holding each other."
"I do too."
"That's the most manly think you've ever said to me... admitting such vulnerability."
"Want to be tied up?"
"As long as my legs stay together."


"You may ride home in this car, but it's only fun if someone is tied up in the back," Jenny said.
"Fine!" Caleigh volunteered.
"I'll be your co-pilot!" Janie added.
"Sounds great!"

It was bitterly cold outside, so it was easy to hide the tying. Rope tied Caleigh's ankles, thighs, and hands in front. A belt pinned her arms to her torso. The black ball gag with red straps gagged her. Caleigh got a scarf wrapped around her face and a quilt pulled her body.

"Mmmmm!" she approved as the journey to Minnesota Tech began.

"You OK, Janie?" Jenny as on the way.
"Not really. I need professional help. I have great friends, but a professional would be better."
"You're OK, Janie. If you think it'll help, try it."
"I hope so."


"It's going to be OK," Hannah kept saying softly as they pulled up in from of the dorm.
"You're dreading this for some reason?"
"Because in three weeks I will be spending the next month living in a car."
"What the heck are you talking about?"
"I left that house. The dorm is my home, Joy!"
"Talk to your grandma. She's lonely and might like the thought."
"I couldn't do that to her."
"Try it, or I am kidnapping you for real and keeping you prisoner in my cellar!"
"I could never. I'd have a panic attack for real! I was left to die in a cellar!"
"I would never do that to you!"
"Thank God! My sarcasm detector isn't too good."
"We'll help you, Hannah. I will, for sure!"

"Ah, dorm, sweet dorm!" Joy said when they entered.
"Dropping off Caleigh first!"
"Gotcha! Come in and warm up."
"Say, do you?"
"Shhhh!" Hannah hushed her, "Listen."
"Sounds like... Nichole?"
"Oh, look at them cuddling!"
"It has been an interesting break!"
"Let's act like we're unaware."
"Hi, Nichole!" Joy blurted.
"GAH!" Chris woke up.
"Mmm hmmm hmmm!" Nichole laughed into her gag.

Nichole was tied securely at her ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist and gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief. She wore blue jeans, a navy blue sweatshirt, and her beige floral bandana as a kerchief.

"You two were so cute!"
"May I take her?"
"Sure. Just cuddling," Chris smiled.
"I missed you so much!" Joy hugged her, "But that makes reuniting so happy!"
"Now, come here gorgeous. We brought goodies home for you and hubby and everyone!"
"Let's take that out and cut you each a piece of a homemade apple pie."
"Thank you girls for thinking of us!"


"See you!" Caleigh wanted to walk home even in the cold.
"What's so funny?" Jenny asked Janie.
"Caleigh set up this elaborate stuff and that stupid game to try to get Ken and Joy together!"
"Yeah, and?"
"Ken was more interested in me, I think!"
"You didn't seduce him!"
"NO! He visited me on his own last night, and we chatted, but nothing like that."
"Visited you?"
"Jenny, I'm dangerous to myself and have been getting tied up for bed every night because I'm scared I will hurt myself."
"For real?"
"What did you chat about?"
"Joy. Now, I'm gonna go and talk to my sister. Bye! Caleigh, wait up!"
"Double crosser!"
"Say, what's up?" Caleigh asked.
"I need to talk to Lauren."
"Ah, OK. Why was my brother talking to you last night?"
"He was asking me questions."
"About what? Does he like you?"
"We were talking about Joy."
"OK... And?"
"We'll see. He met a lot of impressive ladies in a short time. I think he's mostly just glad to meet your friends."
"That's what was conveyed to me."
"I like him, Caleigh. He's not just a guy, but one who knows what behavior is allowable."
"I'm glad you're doing better."

"JANIE! Oh, my sweet baby sister! I've been worried sick!"
"Lauren, I'm so sorry for it all... it's all my fault. I should have kept my fat mouth shut."
"You did the right thing even if in an ugly way. It's been gut wrenching for me though."
"I ruined our family. Destroyed it even."
"Now, that's not true."
"Our parents are separated!"
"Janie, you survived before. This just formalizes it."
"I ruined everything for you, Dad, and Trent."
"Stop it! I am in desperate need of help. I need to see a psychiatrist ASAP."
"I left Florida because I was afraid I would kill myself. I am so scared that I had Caleigh tie me up for bed."
"Lauren, I am doing everything I can... bear with me."
"You have my support."
"Sis, thank you for being here my whole life."
"You're welcome."
"I'm ready to get the help I need. Sis, I want you there with me this first time; you're always so fearless with these things."
"You want to go to the counseling center?"
"If you'll come with me. Tomorrow."
"I will."

Janie knew everything would be all right.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 162: Another White Bandana Gang

Everyone was excited to be together again after a week especially since the next two weeks would be chaotic. Sera, Hannah, and Nichole thought they could make it special by volunteering the White Bandana Gang to kidnap one person each and then be kidnapped themselves.

Nichole, Sera, and Hannah each had white sweatpants and a white kerchief bandana. Sera had a black t-shirt; Nichole's was purple and long-sleeved, and Hannah had a white Minn Tech sweatshirt.

"Who do you want? Someone you haven't seen since before the break." Hannah asked.
"My beloved :) " Nichole responded.
"My dear paesan :D" was Sera's.
"I'll take Bridge then! Then Janie and Joy can have us!"
"Sounds good to me."
"It's time for a hostage video XD"
"I know you're planning something :P" came from Jenny.
"How did you get in this?!"
"You accidentally added me to the group text xD I won't tell a soul; I look forward to it."
"We'll see who makes a better hostage video!" Sera challenged.

That night, the hostage videos began in a very typical fashion: with rope. Jenny got comfortable in pink camouflage pajama pants and a brown t-shirt with her pink camouflage bandana headband and pink ponytail holding her braid. Ropes bound her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist/crotch.

"Hi, everyone, Jenny's again in trouble. Seems to happen a lot. My fault for being 5'1" for sure!"
"Look happier!" Nichole teased.
"I'm kidnapped by my beloved Nichole, who's always kidnapping me it seems. Pays to be loved for sure."
"Loved is an understatement."
"Anyway, I don't know what Nichole wants, but answer her demands soon," Jenny played sad, "She's going to gag me!"
"I always do!"
"Mmmph!" Jenny got a sock and a brown bandana cleave gag.
"I need more likes than the other hostage videos that will follow, or I'm keeping her like this all night!"
"MMMMMM!" Jenny groaned.
"See ya!"

In another place, Hannah and Sera took their respective hostages.

["My precious fellow Italian!"] Sera said as she tied up Joyce.
"Thank you!"

Joyce was imprisoned simply with zipties at her ankles and thighs and handcuffs at her wrists with another ziptie from her ankles to the footboard of her bed. The thumbcuffs further restrained her. Joyce was in comfortable pink flannel pajamas.

"Feeling good, Bridgie?"
"I sure am!"

Bridget was still in her blue jeans, cowboy boots, and solid pink button-up long-sleeve shirt. Like a cowgirl, she was hogtied from ankles to wrists and ropes bound her ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and below her breasts.

"You first!" Sera said as she masked herself with a white bandana.

"Friends, Bridget's in trouble. Look at the poor thing. Someone hogtied her... how sad!"
"A little help here. Please?"
"I DID IT! Now, if you want poor Bridget to go free, she needs to get more likes on her hostage video than the others."
"Please? I'm such a nice young lady."
"The cowgirl needs your help!"
"MMMM!" Bridget was gagged with a sock and a blue bandana.

"Help me!" Joyce started hers, "I've been kidnapped by some maniac who doesn't speak English!"
["I am going to gag her. If she doesn't get more likes than the other two hostages, she stays zipped all night!"]
"I'm going to need more likes than Bridget and Jenny, or I stay like this all night long!"
["Move quickly!"]
"Please help me! MMMMMMMMM!" Joyce got her own ball gag in her mouth.

"Y'all are OK?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Now we wait for Caleigh to arrive. You can go, Hannah, whenever you want."
"All right. Good night, girls!"

"Sorry, Jenny, but right now you're trailing Joyce by one vote. Her video is so adorable though!"
"Ah af oo uhlee!"
"Yeah... too bad for you!" Nichole folded a pink bandana.
"Yeah," Nichole blindfolded Jenny.
"You two are so freaking cute!" Janie smiled.
"How are you, girl?"
"Better. The counselor I spoke to for 15 minutes says I'm a mild case compared to most!"
"You'll get there, Janie."
"I know I will."
"Let me change Jenny's gag," Nichole unknotted the cleave gag.
"Bye Mister Sock!" Jenny spat it out.
"Stop it!" Nichole cleave gagged Jenny with the bandana.
"Thath ith?"
"MMM!" Jenny got a strip of microfoam tape.
"Enjoy! Time ran out! You're stuck; Joyce is free!"

"Sorry, Bridget! But Joyce won!"
"MMM!" Joyce was happy.
"Sera, you make these things amazingly well," Caleigh complimented her.
"Hannah would too... but that's for another night," Sera joked as she tossed the keys to Joyce, "Kidnap me!"

It was proper that Sera be tied up with Bridget's white rope and be tied just like her: ropes at her wrists, elbows, below her breasts, thighs, and ankles with a hogtie making it secure. Her gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief, and Bridget's gag was replaced with a similar gag but with a blue rubber ball. Both were blindfolded with a purple bandana. Caleigh showed her friends the kidnapped gangster.

"All right, I ought to go," Caleigh started.
"Stay a while. You never visit us 3!" Joyce, "And enjoy our craziness."
"Oh, all right! I guess I can make a diary entry!"

"Nichole and Hannah, you're charged with having fun and kidnapping young women. Your punishment is to be kidnapped yourselves!" Joy proclaimed.
"Sounds cool to me!"

Nichole and Hannah got a different treat: their wrists were left in front and were crossed and tied together behind their thighs, which were also bound, and their wrists were fastened to that. Their ankles were also tied. Their gags were also blue rubber balls threaded with a white handkerchief, and they were gagged with red green bandanas.

Everyone was happy as Nichole, Hannah, and Sera's plan had worked to absolute perfection. They were tied up, the two victims were tied up, and everyone was having fun. It was good to be together and loving each other in person once again!
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Post by hafnermg »

I am really impressed with Janie it takes a lot to stand up for yourself against family. It takes a lot again to admit her own mental state to herself and even more to tell her friends and especially Lauren. And then even more to admit she n ends professional help. I'm rooting for Janie and all the girls.
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

hafnermg wrote: 2 years ago I am really impressed with Janie it takes a lot to stand up for yourself against family. It takes a lot again to admit her own mental state to herself and even more to tell her friends and especially Lauren. And then even more to admit she n ends professional help. I'm rooting for Janie and all the girls.
You are right about that. Admitting such things is hard; it's even harder to be open about it with friends and loved ones.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 163: A Hug and a Kiss

"Thank you, hubby!" Nichole gave Chris a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"You're welcome; I know the cold causes you pain."
"The coffee is always appreciated."
"See you for dinner."

Nichole was one happy gangster in her navy blue sweatpants, matching school hoodie, and navy blue kerchief bandana. Little did she know what Chris had planned for her... for them.


"I missed you, Roberto. In a good way."
"What are you thinking, Brigida?"
"I'm thinking that maybe it's good for us to see each other infrequently... absence makes the heart grown fonder, right?"
"I guess. Maybe you're right. Christmas break will be good for us."
"I think so. These past 6 weeks for us have been a whirlwind of happiness... I don't want us to suffer burnout."
"OK, let's take it easy then."
"OK. I'll see you on Sunday."
"See you."


"Caleigh, can I talk to you about something?"
"Sure thing, Lauren. What is it?"
"It's something important, but it must be kept extremely secret as it relates to Christmas."
"OK, OK, OK... I have never divulged a Christmas present."
"If you do divulge it to a soul, I will kidnap and torture you. And I know what you don't like in TUGs!!"
"I swear to God I won't tell anyone anything."
"OK... let me take a deep breath because you're the first soul to know this besides Zack."
"I'm pregnant."
"Ummm... that's cool?"
"That's all you can say."
"I'm trying but so much is flying through my mind I can't come up with better! Just take the hug!"
"You're such a blonde, Caleigh!"
"I know. Congratulations! Janie got her wish."
"Wait, what wish?"
"That day Janie set you up for Zack. I teased her she was setting you up to be a mother."
"Get your mind out of the gutter."
"I know biology, Lauren. That was it!"
"Now I have to tie you up! No talking to anyone about this. Understood."
"Of course I won't tell anyone lest you change your mind and punish me by not tying me up!"


"Joy, would you come with me on a walk?" Janie asked sadly.
"Joy, your family is perfect."
"No, we're not. We've all had fights."
"OK, maybe I meant normal."
"Is it normal to be sad over this?"
"Yeah, it is, even for an adult."
"It's all my fault. I should have said nothing and just left so they could all be happy."
"You did your siblings and dad a favor: you helped them find themselves."
"Bad things come in threes."
"Don't say it."
"Two already happened this morning..."
"Uh oh..."
"Look at my arm."
"Oh, what the heck?"
"Person on a bicycle hit me and knocked me into the pavement."
"What's next?"
"We'll find out. My phone is ringing!"
"Hi Mom!"

Five minutes later, Janie was hugging Joy tightly as she cried her eyes out. George R. Henderson, Joy's mother's father, had passed away in his sleep at the age of 79. Joy was absolutely devastated and let it all out so she could resume her classwork.

"I'll tell everyone else myself, OK?"
"I'm here Joy. We got you."
"What were we talking about?"
"I was going to ask you to come with me to my next therapy session because I'm scared, but you need me right now."
"I'm going to miss him so much."
"Right after Thanksgiving too... did you love him?"
"Oh, did I!"
"That's what counts, sweetheart. Now, get along to your class before your late."
"Yes, Mom," Joy joked.
"See ya!"

In due time, everyone knew what had happened. In Italian style, Joyce and Sera both gave Joy a hug and a kiss and their apologies while others just hugged her. There were tears on and off throughout the day, and more tears were to follow.

Nichole, when she was home alone as her classes ended sooner, had a strange man enter her apartment. He grabbed Nichole, who struggled as best she could until she recognized the person grabbing her, then she turned it up to give the person their fullest enjoyment as ropes bound her brutally at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Her shoes were taken off and thrown aside and her socks were jammed into her mouth and held in by a navy blue bandana cleave gag and 9 layers of duct tape. Then another navy blue bandana blindfolded her. After this, she was taken away in a car, putting on a squealing and screaming act the entire way... the taste of her socks made it easier.

When the others entered, they found drawers opened, stuff tossed about, Nichole's phone on the counter, no Nichole, and a ransom note. Jenny's first reaction when she read the note was the panic.

"'We have your sister. If you want to see her, come to 816 Maple at 6PM and bring the giant girl with you.' Janie, somebody kidnapped her?!"
"OK, Jenny, calm down. Whoever did this knows you and Nichole call each other your 'sister,' so it has to be a friend."
"I...I guess," Jenny's chest heaved with panic.
"It's OK. To want us specifically means my sister is involved somehow. I don't recognize the handwriting."
"Neither do I."
"It's a prank, so let's see it as one."
"I... I'll try my best."
"She's OK. Heck, maybe she had a wild time with her husband."
"Oh, Janie!"
"Just saying..."
"Janie's probably right, Jenny," Joy sided against Jenny.
"Are you in on this?"
"No, just being practical."


"Are you OK?"
"Nmmm!" Nichole was still fully into this.
"Fine then."

Nichole wasn't missing an opportunity to ham up even if it was a rude way for Chris to get Nichole's friends to see the apartment as it was all decorated. Soon it'd be their first home together. Lauren and Zack were happy to help with the latter having nabbed Nichole.

Someone must have shared about Nichole's distaste for sock's for Zack to have such a cruel idea as that. But, again, Nichole was fine with it because she understood the ultimate goal: none of Nichole's friends knew where the apartment was located yet, and they were waiting to have a house warming party. Being as quiet as they were, though, Nichole and Chris didn't want anything more than their friends being over; they knew a formal gathering would result in gifts however.

Nichole was for her part happy to act as the bait for this operation. She just wished Chris could pay her with more than a kiss or two. But, then it'd end in bed, and a broken promise between them. This was hard! So, Nichole played more to entertain Lauren than her husband.

Little did Nichole know that in the living room, on the couch, was Caleigh, tied just the same but wearing black slacks and a pink button-up shirt as she had given a presentation that day. Her game though was a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief, and her blindfold was a yellow bandana. Lauren had promised!


"Are you ready?" Janie asked Jenny as they stood near the apartment door.
"I am ready," Jenny said while shaking her head as a "No."
"OK!" she knocked.
"You came," a masked figure peered out.
"Oh, Zack, cut the $#i+ and just bring us in to kidnap us!"
"Who's Zack?"
"You're either Zack or Chris!"
"Not at all!" he pointed an obviously fake weapon at them... obvious to everyone but Jenny.
"OK, OK, we're coming in," Jenny said.
"Yes, sir."

Before they could study anything, Janie and Jenny were both blindfolded with black bandanas gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and 6 layers of clear tape, and their wrists were wired behind their backs. Both then were similarly wired: forearms, elbows, feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and breasts with a waist/crotch rope so as to not chaff too much. They were hogtied from harness to ankles. Janie also had cotton balls duct taped into her ears.

Jenny at this particular moment didn't know why, on such a cold day, she had chosen to wear lime green trainers, a brown tank-top, and a pink bandana headband with her braided hair in a piny ponytail and pink socks and sneakers on her feet, but she would soon regret her choice.

After some quiet whispers, in another room, the nabbers, indeed Lauren, Zack, and Chris... with Roberto helping as well, decided to scare Jenny as a prank; it was Lauren's idea and execution though. Janie was completely confident and knew exactly what was happening, and they whispered as much to her.

Jenny, for her part, was put in the bathtub, and the drain was closed. Her blindfold was removed, and the water was turned on. Jenny, in her naïvety, fell for it and started squealing and crying. To provide some more time, Lauren ran a rope from Jenny's braid to her feet.

Suddenly, found the desire to try to escape, but her years as a rope bunny left her completely unable how to even attempt such an escape let alone succeed. She groaned as she faced the end. The blindfold was re-added so that Lauren could quietly film and show all four victims and how only one was clueless and panicking still. Then it came off again.

Jenny looked at Lauren not knowing it was her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt more and more of her body getting wet until the water finally turned off. Then Jenny watched as Lauren pulled on the crotch rope a couple times and then played with her breasts a little.

"Boooooobiies!" said Lauren in a normal tone and removed the mask.
"MHM?! HMMM?! RRRRRRRRR! UNH MMMMMMM!" Jenny was completely outraged.
"Jenny, I had no idea how far you were going to let us go. We were certain any fool would know by now who it was."
"MMMMMM! I IGH AY OOH RRR HIH!" Jenny sobbed uncontrollably.
"No, you don't hate me... Jenny, this setup was elaborate and done for two reasons, one of which I wanted you for."
"OH A-AY!"
"Want me to turn the water back on?"
"It's an interesting peril to be put in by my sister or Caleigh so that Zack has to save me," Lauren got quiet
"Yeah, they've done it to me once each. Hogtied me in the tub, turned on the water, and told Zack to save me. It works best with a husband."
"HMPH!" Jenny turned away.
"I had to free you because everyone else is being too slow in getting here. When they get here, would you put on an act, for me? I want you to be the second person to know a secret that you can't share with anyone."
"Ughhhh... ohay. Uh ih uh eecrih?"
"Jenny, smile... be happy.... you're going to be a godmother."
"Baby number 1 is on the way, and I already know I want you to be the godmother."
"Stop it! Only I am allowed to tell anyone, and Janie cannot know no matter what! It's her Christmas present."
"Oh ay... oh ay."
"Thanks!" Lauren gave Janie a hug and then a kiss on the cheek, then put her mask back on and turned the tub back on as she sat down on the toilet, "I'm going to be here with you!"


"Janie said to come here," Joy said, "She said it's fine and elaborate."
"OK, then," Sera shrugged, "Probably a crazy prank."
"GET IN!" Zack ordered them using the same obviously fake weapon.
"Um...," Joy winked at Sera, then used her famous slew foot, "NO!"
"Something's happening in the bathroom," Sera said hearing the tub.
"We'll see...," Joy ran over and opened the door, "Jenny!"
"MMMMMM!" Jenny made a most pitiful face at her.
"Let her go!"
"Make me!" Lauren said in her normal voice.
"Oh, so it was you like I thought!"
"Yes, it was," Lauren turned off the water and pulled the plug, "Welcome to Nichole and Chris's first home."
"So this was the trap to make sure there was no housewarming party."
"Indeed it was. And we needed accent pieces for Nichole's friends. Nichole's on the bed; Caleigh on the sofa; Jenny in the tub; Janie on the living room floor; and by now Sera in the kitchen."

Sera was indeed in the kitchen as Joyce had, without much though, provided Zack and Lauren with Sera's wire. Now, in the kitchen, Sera was seated in a chair with wires binding her wrists, elbows, breast, waist, ankles, and thighs. Another piece ran from her ankles to the underframe of the chair. She was gagged with a pair of her own socks, apparently taken from her previous day's laundry, a black bandana, and strips of clear tape. It was a match for sure, and Sera wasn't sure why people now felt obligated to gag her with her own used socks.

"Well, Nichole and I got what we wanted," Chris explained, "We have our housewarming without it being a party."
"Really a lot of effort for this," Roberto took off his mask, "A lot!"
"Well, it's really because we didn't want too much hullabaloo."
"I'm impressed," Joy said.
"We've all pitched in for pizza. Get Bridge, Joyce, and Hannah over here!"
"Poor Jenny, wearing shorts and tub tortured on a cold day."
"Go ahead and play with her," Lauren whispered to Joy.
"OK. Hey, friend," Joy closed the drain.
"Just a little fun. Was this your blindfold?"
"NMM HMM MMM!" Jenny got the black bandana back over her eyes.
"Oh, come on... I won't hurt you! Just ham it up for a film. It's the closest we'll ever get to being bondage models."
"MMM!" Jenny hammed it up as the tub started filling again, and Joy filmed it.
"You see, Jenny, everyone but you saw right through all this. That's why it worked. You're too innocent."
"I love you so much, Jenny. Let's end this and dry you off."
"NN OOH!" Jenny said as the hogtie and hairtie were undone.
"Poor baby so scared," Joy helped her stand up and gave her a hug and a kiss, "I'm so glad we're friends."
"Sit on the toilet while I get a towel."

Soon, Jenny's body was dry although her clothes and hair were still wet. Joy laid her back in the tub and hogtied her anew, but this time there were towels between her and the tub. By this time, the other girls had arrived. They admired the little Christmas tree and explored the apartment, greeting each girl they found along the way. It was a pleasant abode, and in 10 day's time it would be Nichole's new home.

Pizza was the perfect topper to this, and Sera was glad to lose the horrible taste of old worn socks and replace it with cheesiness, although she felt the pizza was inferior to her own and said as much. For her punishment she got regagged after being fed her dinner, while Jenny, Caleigh, and Janie were released, and Nichole, Sera, and Joyce stayed behind with Chris and Lauren. Eventually, they returned to campus. Lauren took Sera and Joyce in her Jeep as this was the extend of the people she wanted to share her news with; Chris brought a still bound Nichole home in the car.

"What's the news?" Sera asked as the trio walked to the dorm.
"I'm going to be mommy."
"Congratulations on doing it the right way!" Sera joked.
"Yeah, you're good. How about that Joyce? A real child who will call you auntie unlike your real nieces and nephews."
"Uh, yeah, great! Are you excited?"
"I am, and no besides y'all will know! I've only told Caleigh in case I get morning sickness, Jenny because she's my bestie, and you two for obvious reasons. Sera's a mother, and you're my next bestie But Janie can't know."
"Lauren, I'm trying to be happy, but I have a cloud hanging over my head."
"What cloud?"
"I never told you, Lauren... only Joy because she was my roommate last year."
"You don't mean?"
"I might be unable to have children because of that b@$+@rd."
"Joyce, no!"
"Ryan and I have talked about it already... he's OK with the prospect... it's part of why Janie and I get along so well... we're the two in our entire respective circles of friends who wanted to need military barracks for them all."
"Joyce, give it over to God," Sera said.
"It's not enough I lost my parents; I lost my own body too."
"Joyce, I'm sorry... I didn't know," Lauren was apologetic.
"I'm happy for you, Lauren; I'm just jealous."
"We love you, Joyce," Sera gave Joyce a big hug.
"You're my favorite gangster girl," Joyce smiled.
"I'm not your favorite girls period?"
"You have to fight Janie and Lauren for that title."
"I'm game. I'll take them on!"
"You're a spunky girl, Sera!" Lauren liked this side of Sera.
"It's the side that makes me the most fun to kidnap. Speaking of that, Joyce, you gave them my dirty socks?"
"And my wire?"
"Come in here... a naughty girl needs to get punished. Good night, Lauren."
"Good night!"

Joyce looked forward to the tickling to come.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 164: TUGs, the Next Generation

"What... have... you... done?!" Joyce asked when she entered the room and saw Sera.
"Joyce, this is Allie. Allie, this is Joyce," Sera calmly introduced the two to each other.
"Um... hi...," Joyce meekly waved.
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" shrieked Allie in a muffled tone.

Alyssa Brzylewski was in black leggings and a white t-shirt with her hair held by a white headband. Her typically Polish dark brown hair contrasted the typically Polish tone of her skin. Ropes bound her effectively at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs, and she was hogtied from ankles to harness. A sock, a black bandana cleave gag, and 9 layers of gray duct tape gagged her.

"This is how I was introduced to TUGs! Surprise!"
"True, true... she's not hurting you, Allie. Just enjoy that your crewmate has you captive."
"I only screamed like that when Paulsen was... nevermind."
"Right? She's freaking out when it's just a game. She likes rowing but refuses to try a new sport!"
"GRRRRRRRR!" she growled at Sera.
"Hey, Sera, wassup?" Bridget entered the dorm.
"Allie came to visit!"
"So you kidnapped her?!"
"Yeah, something like that."
"Allie, please calm down and let me explain. Please."

Alyssa was soaked in sweat, and her chest heaved heavily as she was in a lot of distress. Nevertheless, she stopped her panic at her senior teammate's request.

"Look, this is just a funny little game we play among ourselves. I grew up playing it with my siblings and play it with some of my friends, including Sera. No one gets hurt, and the point is to just have fun. Imagine yourself as a helpless damsel or something. Try to escape even. There's a decided thrill in being helpless at the hands of a person who cares about you and would never hurt you."
"It can be as athletic or cozy as you like."
"Allie, it's OK. No one's hurting you."

Allie tried to calm down. Here she was having been trapped by her coxswain and now one of her team captains was trying to turn it into a sport. It wasn't the game that upset Allie as much as the intro. It was the lack of consent that infuriated her.

Allie sighed because she had trusted Bridget's every word from when she first visited Minn Tech last fall and when she visited in spring AND when she signed with the school. Bridget had taken her under her wing in everything else, so she was probably being truthful again. With a sense of trust in what Sera was doing, Allie began her struggle anew.


"Jenny, guess what I found out today?" Janie asked.
"Your shoes don't work anymore?"
"How did you?" Janie looked at the split seams, "It's kind of obvious, I guess."
"What did you learn?"
"A frosh teammate... her brothers used to kidnap her when they were kids."
"I invited her over and hope we can rope her in if you will."
"What's her name?"
"Caroline, but she goes by Carrie. She's from Quebec!"
"When's she coming by?"
"In about 30 minutes. Get me ready for her!"
"All right. Then you can enjoy yourself for a bit first."

Janie was in her all-blue outfit: sweatpants, t-shirt, ponytail, and bandana headband. Her red shoes and the red rope that bound her ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts were a nice compliment, as was the sock and red bandana that gagged her. She quietly sang to herself as she enjoyed her captivity on Jenny's desk chair, which was a source of amusement to Joy and Nichole, who promised to not interfere in the meeting.

"Well, hello. May I help you?" Jenny asked in a friendly tone when she answered the door.
"Hi! Is Janie home?" asked a girl who was about 5'8" and looked more Irish than French-Canadian.
"Are you Carrie?"
"Yes!" answered the girl who wore a black skirt and a pink t-shirt. Her hair came down to chest level but was in a messy bun.
"I'm Jenny. You've come to the right place. I admit when Janie said French-Canadian I was expecting a different look."
"I get that a lot. My Mom is Irish-Canadian, so I have her hair and my dad's looks. A French girl with Irish hair."
"Janie didn't tell me much except that she was hoping to have fun. Come on in."
"She said something about getting tied up."
"She said your brothers tied you up when you were little."
"I have 4 brothers. I'm the middle child. The older boys did it to pick on me, and the little ones did it to play with me."
"How long has it been since you last played?"
"Oh... since Johnny was old enough to stay home alone... so, since I was 14 or 15? Our parents didn't disapprove; we just mostly did it when they weren't home."
"Janie failed me twice. Your English is great."
"My mom again; she's from Toronto, Dad's from Quebec City and still mad the Nordiques left."
"Ha ha! I appreciate that! Hockey's the only sport I watch."
"Ever played hockey?"
"Only small group hockey with friends and family. It's so much fun except when you're as short as me."
"I believe that for sure."
"So, back to your brothers... what were your games like?"
"We only had a couple bandanas, a little rope, and some duct tape. Couldn't even really tie up more than one person."
"Good enough. I've seen more than that."
"So, where's Janie?"
"Right here!" Jenny opened the door.
"Haaaaa!" Janie waved.
"Well look at you! It's just like a remembered, only you're cute and helpless!" Carrie squeezed Janie's cheek.
"MMMMM!" Janie pulled away.
"She has Mommy issues, I see!"
"Actually, she does. Another story. Study her and let me know what you think."
"Well, she's tied a whole lot better than any of my brothers ever could do, and we were pretty clever!"
"I must say I like it though!"
"Do you want to try?"
"Sure! It's been so long! I can take it!"

Jenny carefully started with Carrie's wrists, then elbows, then breasts, then thighs. When she got to Carrie's ankles was when things got weird. Things got really, really weird.

"What the heck?!" Jenny exclaimed in horror.
"What's wrong?" Carrie asked her.
"Your... leg... fell off?!"
"Oh, yeah, that happens sometimes."
"You have a prosthetic?"
"Yep! I had cancer in the bone when I was little and, well, they had to take the whole foot but nothing else!"
"Yeah... so my brothers usually just duct taped me right on the skin when I was little because I can shake the rope off!"
"This has much potential."
"Well, tape it! I wore the skirt to make it easier on you!"
"Here I thought you just liked to be pretty."
"Well, yes, but not like this usually. I normally hide that foot because I got tormented in school once I started having classmates who didn't know me and what happened."
"Awww! Poor baby!"
"That's why I was wearing socks, but I see you still tried to steal my foot!"
"OK, it is funny in a way. We can so prank people with this."
"Yes, we can."
"How about some tape instead?"
"Yeah, let's."

Janie laughed as she knew about Carrie's foot and wasn't able to say anything because of her gag. Jenny was such the perfect person to be doing this with Carrie, and Janie was happy to see how well they got along.

"There, all nicely taped there!"
"It's as comfortable as I remembered!"
"Want a gag!"
"Whatever you did to Janie!"

Jenny gagged Carrie with a sock and a camouflage bandana. It was a nice fit for her, and Jenny laid her down on the bed to enjoy her struggle.

"I always take selfies with my friends. No one sees it except people we trust in a closed group. Are you my friend?"
"Mmm hmm!" Carrie couldn't help but trust the sugar-hearted Jenny.
"You too Janie!"
"May my roommates come in? They want to meet my new friend for sure."
"Mmm hmm!"
"What a difference this is from the screaming bloody murder Sera shared!"


"MMM HMMM UGH! MMMMMM!" moaned Allie.
"Are you calmed down now?" asked Bridget with concern.
"Would it make you feel better if I tied up Sera, and you saw she's OK?"
"Hmmmmmmmmm MMMMM!" nodded Allie. Prove it's harmless!
"Come here you!"
"Hey, Bridgie, now be nice!"
"I'm stronger than you! You're done for!"
"You're always rougher with me than anyone else."
"Because I love you and you can take it!"
"Sleep with my brother and now think you're already my sister-in-law!"
"I'm better than an in-law. I'm a best friend!"

Allie watched with curiosity as the two wrestled and fought until Sera's wrists, forearms, and elbows were tied while Bridget sat on her legs. Sera's ball gag silenced the girl who wore blue jeans, a green t-shirt, and an Italian flag bandana headband. Bridget was teasing Sera constantly was she tied her breasts and then her waist. Sera's legs kicked the entire time, and she seemed to be having fun as her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs were roped and even as she was hogtied from ankles to harness. It felt good to see Sera tied up so thoroughly.

That's when it clicked for Alyssa. It felt good to tie up someone and be in control, and Sera enjoyed not being in control as well. That's where the fun lay! She must enjoy that Sera was in charge before and now Bridget controlled both of them. It was also a bit different because Bridget and Sera were such close friends, but there was a sparkle in Sera's eye that gave Allie some comfort to enjoy this.


"You two OK?"
"Mmmm hmmm!"
"I'm glad. Carrie, maybe soon you'll be the newest member of the Cool Girls' Club! First, meet my friends!"
"Hi!" Joy and Nichole entered.
"Carrie, Joy and Nichole. Girls, meet Carrie. She's a freshman 3rd baseman on the softball team."
"Hi, Carrie! Welcome to our circle!" Nichole greeted.
"Nice to meet you! We overheard what you went through, but we promise not to tell anyone. Let them be surprised!"
"MMM!" she waved back.
"Now, you two girls enjoy yourselves for an hour. I'll be here working, OK?" Jenny said.

Oh, how happy Janie and Carrie were! Carrie because she had made some new friends, and Janie because her protege was more than happy to join in TUGs! The more the merrier!


"Allie, I'm sorry you got scared. I had wanted to introduce you, but I was afraid to do so."
"MM mmm ayy!"
"Let me untie you."
"NNNNNNN! Eha ie ee; Eha eleathe ee!"
"OK then. You might be there a while then because I have class!"
"Oh ay!"
"You sure?" Bridget asked.
"Mm hm!"
"OK then!"

Allie was kidnapped by Sera; and she was being freed by Sera. It wasn't so bad once you got used to it... in fact, it was kind of energizing and stimulating. The longer she was tied up the more she liked it and wanted to stay tied up.


"How was it?"
"Great!" Carrie said happily.
"As good as I hoped."
"I'm glad you're happy!" Jenny hugged both.
"So are you the official nabber?"
"Me? NO! I'm the one who likes to be tied up most, and I really like it super tight."
"Who likes to be a kidnapper more?"
"Hmmmm... Joy and Nichole really relish it as do Lauren and Bridget. Janie, me, Hannah, and Sera really like being tied up. Caleigh and Joyce like both about 50/50, but none of us ever say no either way. It's just that group of 4 is most likely to ask to specifically be tied up. The term for us is 'Rope bunny'."
"We're all good-natured about it though," Joy laughed.
"You all are too nice... it seems surreal."
"Oh, we have our bad sides... just our nice sides are more commonly shown."
"I'm glad Janie invited me over! I've got to go! But maybe this weekend I can come back over. First-year stuff, y'know?"
"We know. You've got other friends and stuff, which is good! We just happen to be best friends here already, but you know? I do stuff with my track and CC friends. You and Janie have softball. Bridge and Sera have rowing. We all have our non-TUG circles. Nichole here is married!"
"This might be the start... of something special."


As she promised, Allie said nothing until both she and Sera were untied and Bridget was ready. Then she sat down with them both.

"OK, now, how was it?" Bridget asked.
"I was so upset by what Sera did. I was scared and hurt; I thought she was going to molest me or something."
"Let it out."
"I thought at first you were kind of crazy... in a dangerous way, but."
"But what?"
"When you came in and explained it all, and then tied up Sera. I saw a twinkle in Sera's eye... and it made me feel peace. When I saw how happy she was to be tied up and how much fun you had tying her up, I realized that there was a mutual goal of happiness here. I'd like to try it again so time. Once I calmed down... I could have stayed like that all day and all night. It was so chill there with no access to any devices or anything."
"You liked it then?"
"I did."
"I'm sorry I scared you, Alyssa. But, getting grabbed like that was how I was introduced to these games, only in my case it was a mistake. So I thought that was how I thought everyone started."
"It's fine now. I'm sorry for getting so mad even when the first thing you said was, 'Don't be scared; it's a game.'"
"Forgive me?"
"Oh, yeah! That'd make a great intro routine though for future rowers! Tie them up and make them think you're throwing them into the river."
"That's hazing; we don't haze. The Tau Iota Epsilon sorority is for people who like hazing or sexual play."
"That was the first I had ever been tied up. Why'd you pick me?"
"Because you're a happier person than the rest, and you already worship Bridgie."
"Smart, sensitive... why does no one on the crew like you even though you're coxswain? You're such a nice girl!"
"It's a long story... short version is that I'm a mother."
"You? I can't even tell! Wow!"
"I had so withdrawn from everyone that until I met these two last year I had lived solo every semester and was on antidepressants."
"I get it, girl. I take them too. Everyone's different though; some outgrown; others don't; others just find their niche. It's not as happy-go-lucky as you think."
"I totally get you though... my best friend has a single mother. Had a baby at 17 and didn't get married until she was 33. It was truly awkward being a bridesmaid for my best friend's mother's first wedding."
"We all have our stories."
"Exactly... let's hope today is the start of a new and happy chapter in our stories."
"I'm so happy this worked out well!" Bridget interrupted.

Bridget, Joyce, Sera, and Allie each made new friends that day.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 165: Last Bandana Gang of the Semester

Jenny, Sera, and Janie decided that their new friends should, before finals, be introduced to the dimension of their games known as the "Bandana Gang." This occasion, of course, meant, yet again, the red gang was on the loose.

They were red indeed on a suddenly warmer day... warm enough Jenny and Sera had trainers on for time in the gym. Jenny had brown trainers and a pink tank-top. Sera had red trainers and tank-top. Both had red kerchief bandanas, but Jenny's was solid red. Janie had blue jeans, a red-and-black plaid long-sleeve button-up shirt, and a red bandana headband. Jenny and Janie both had red ponytails holding their hair in a braid.

"Got a bad plan, eh?" Joyce asked her friends.
"Plan to officially induct the new girls into our club!" Jenny smiled.
"Oooooh... I like it!"
"What is the plan?"
"Just bring them in and kidnap them. Janie gets the feisty rower, and we get the rope bunny softball player."
"All right. What is the softballers name?"
"Carrie. The rower's Allie."
"Oh, I met her before! I went to practice with Janie one morning!"
"It should be great. Tie them up, and then offer ourselves as prisoners to make them more comfortable."
"One last Red Bandana Gang for the year, eh?"
"You got it!"
"I love you girls."


"Teach us your ways, masters!" Alyssa said nervously, "I'm excited and anxious."
"We'll be nice to you," Sera assured her.
"We're just going to be more... average... with it," Jenny explained.
"Meaning?" Carrie asked.
"We're just going to grab you the way we more normally grab each other."
"Especially when it's a Red Bandana Gang attack," Janie grinned.
"What's a 'Red Bandana Gang' though?"
"'Bandana Gang' means some of us wear matching bandanas and team up to tie up someone person or persons."
"So you're red for tying us up?"
"Right! It started with my friend Nichole, and it slowly spread to more and more of us," Jenny explained.
"I started independently as did Sera. Color just depends on our personal preferences really."
"Makes sense among TUGgers," Carrie understood.
"I get it," Allie nodded.
"Now, let's just go about it things normal. Like this!" Jenny and Sera went at Carrie.
"It's go time!" Allie watched Janie come after her.
"Make it easy!"
"Did you just handcuff me?!"
"Me too!" Carrie groaned.
"That's cheating!" Allie protested and laughed.
"Well here comes rope then!"
"I'm not... going... down... so easily!"

Never had any of them encountered someone who fought quite like this. When she wanted, Janie could fight with even more strength, but Allie was small like Bridget and just as strong. Janie, however, was impossibly strong even for this girl, and she found the cuffs replaced red ropes before more ropes bound her elbows, breasts, ankles, knees, thighs, and waist. Janie gagged her with a red sock, a red bandana cleave gag, and strips of red duct tape. Janie then ran rope behind her neck and around her thighs and then from ankles to elbows to ball tie. Finally, Janie blindfolded her with a red bandana.

Allie howled into her gag, and she moved as much as the bonds allowed her. Now that she knew what was happening, this was a lot of fun to get herself into. Allie was certain she'd make an even better kidnapper though!

Carrie had just melted on the other hand, and she found herself tied the same in Jenny's distinctive pink rope. She was gagged and blindfolded the same and happily enduring the same punishment. Unlike Allie, Carrie was 100% a rope bunny through and through.

No surprise, films and videos followed along with red bandana masked selfies. Then it came time for Sera, Janie, and Jenny to be kidnapped themselves by Joy, Nichole, Joyce, and Bridget.

Jenny and Sera were tied the same way by Nichole and Bridget, respectively. Their arms were boxtied behind their backs and held by a breast harness and crotch rope. Their legs were tied in lotus position, and they were seated on the floor. They were gagged with socks, knotted red bandanas, and strips of red duct tape, and they were blindfolded with red bandanas. Finally, they had ropes from their harnesses to their knees to make them be slightly bent over.

Janie got a "big girl" tie from Joy and Joyce. She was tied spreadeagle on the bottom bunk of her bed with binder clips from her breasts to the slats above her. She was gagged with a sock, a red bandana cleave gag, and strips of red tape.

This time it could not be really said that they were defeated as it was a voluntary surrender and even planned as such. Meanwhile, in another place...


"You're cute when you're stuck!" Caleigh teased Lauren and Hannah.
"Yeah, sure!" Lauren talked back to her captor.
"Thanks for not gagging us!"

Both were chair tied with ropes securing their ankles and knees to the legs of the chair and their wrists and elbows tied to the sides of the chair back. Ropes pinned their breasts, waist, and thighs. Hannah was in blue jeans and a black t-shirt; Lauren was in bright blue trainers and a black sports bra with her hair on a rare day with nothing in it.

"You're welcome. I'm going to go enjoy myself."
"Lauren, would you really consider me as a roomie? I know I'm a lot to handle..."
"I'm willing to talk about it with Zack for sure. But it sounds like you have sleep troubles."
"I do... just last night I woke up in a sweat... at least I wasn't screaming like I have done probably 12-14 times total since that nightmare."
"I never really got what happened."
"I discovered my boyfriend, who was way older, cheating on me... so he taped me up in a basement and left me and the girl who he was cheating with down there to starve to death. It took me 2 days to escape."
"Just thinking about that makes me want to cry. You're such a nice girl!"
"I wasn't a nice girl, Lauren. I was druggie and a criminal. I deserved the time I spent in prison."
"Hannah, don't cry. You didn't deserve how others deceived you, or abused you, or used you."
"I just want to be somewhere I feel safe. I live in fear of my life... just like Nichole did... that he'll come for me."
"No need to be afraid Hannah. We've got your back. I think you'd be better off with Jenny as your roomie."
"Jenny? I can't foist myself on her..."
"She needs a new roomie anyway!"
"I get it... I'd be too much for you to handle, and while you seem like a person who takes charge and is very caring that you wouldn't do well with my particular problems." for you.
"That's basically it... Sorry, but I'm not the right person."
"It's all right. I'll ask Jenny. Thanks, Lauren. Is it OK if I still crash your couch for tonight?"
"Yes! You're loved, Hannah."
"I know! I love you too!"


"Enjoy, dear. I'll be back soon!" Amanda said.
"MMMMM!" Trent responded.
"Now all three Pattersons are kidnapped in different buildings!"

Trent took all the rooking for both of them now given Amanda's state. He enjoyed it anyway. Ropes tied his wrists, elbows, chest, ankles, and thighs, and he was hogtied from ankles to wrists. The red ball gag with black straps gagged him.

Amanda walked carefully to the restroom. Now in her third trimester, baby was clearly giving her increased mass. As such, Trent and his father decided that she needed to be in the downstairs guest room, and so they moved their bedroom downstairs so that Amanda wouldn't have to climb them. At Christmas, the guests would have to be upstairs.

Amanda was praying with her fullest that there'd be guests at Christmas. She so badly wanted to have a chance to send Janie off to her last semester of college.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 166: Finals Week

The driving schedule gave little to no time for TUGs, so much so that after the events of the prior chapter there were no TUGs at all until Wednesday in finals week. Wednesday was a day they all dreaded because only one of the girls did not have a final on Thursday (a few had them on Friday), and that was Bridget.

"I'm all done!" Bridget walked in around 11AM.
"Done? Brigida, no! You're not packing your bags are you?" Sera was indignant.
"Why not? I can surprise Kristina and be home even earlier than she thought!"
"You could, but I have other plans!"
"SERA!" Bridget was surprised that Sera was so attached to her and started kidnapping her!
"This will hold you!"
"I think so!"

Bridget found herself wire at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. A blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief tightly gagged her. Sera laid Bridget on her bed and ran rope from her ankles to the bed frame and then blindfolded her with a navy blue bandana. Sera gave her a kiss.

"There, now you can't leave us so soon. I have tests and study sessions until 6! See you!"

Bridget, in her navy blue skirt and pink button-up long-sleeve shirt, was stuck until at least 6PM. At that point, it'd be too late to go home. Sera, the navy blue gangster girl who wore navy blue sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a navy blue bandana headband, was going to get hers later.


"Sera, did you do this?" Joyce asked as she and Sera walked in.
"Yes, I did! I wasn't letting her leave so soon!"
"You've been naughty, Sera!"
"What are you going to do?" Sera asked defiantly as she put her bags down.
"Kidnap you and torture you," Joyce said calmly and with a smile.

Joyce was ready indeed and smartly lunged to handcuff Sera's hands behind her back. This left her helpless against the rope that bound her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and bare feet. Her feet were bare as Joyce stripped the black sneakers and white socks to jam said socks in Sera's mouth after first knotting them into a white handkerchief.

"UGGG!" Sera groaned at the taste and wondered why this always happened to her.

Joy followed the socks 9 layers of white duct tape. Finally, she slid Sera's headband over her eyes as a blindfold. Joyce then pinned her down by climbing on her for tickling.

"Naughty, naughty girl!" Joyce said teasingly as the torture commenced.

Joyce never paid attention to the exact sequence, but it was after 7 when she stopped and did the same to Bridget. Again, time was lost. Unaware of how long Bridget had been there, Joyce helped them both to the restroom and then let them sleep that way for the night.


The next morning, Joyce quickly freed Sera in a panic when she remembered they had an exam at 8AM, and out the door they rushed, with Sera telling Bridget she'd "Be free when they got back from the test, to make sure she didn't run away on them".

Bridget couldn't believe how quickly this had turned into a full 24 hour TUG! Not that she minded being the way she was, but she did mind the lack of consent involved. Worse was the growl in her stomach. She had to get out of this somehow. Finally, as soon as Sera entered, Bridget began using their sign of distress: a constant snapping of the fingers.

"Bridgie, why didn't you let me know sooner?! I never would have kept you but you never seemed to be fighting much, so I thought you were enjoying it. Oh, I'm such a f*** up! You untie her Joyce!" Sera exclaimed and ran out crying.


"Sera? What's up? You've been crying!" Jenny let her in.
"I've completely screwed up. I got too busy and eager to tie up Bridgie because she wanted to leave yesterday morning..."
"She did?"
"Yeah... and I kept her there all day... then when Joyce saw her she tied me up and kept us all night... then I left her there during our test this morning... and it turned out she was unhappy the whole time and never complained once."
"She never complained."
"She never made much for any noise at all... but she made the snap for immediate release when I came back just now."
"Sounds like she didn't mind."
"I'm sure she did. Jenny, I hurt my best friend!"
"Calm down, Sera. I'm sure she isn't upset with you."
"I'm sure you're wrong."
"You weren't there."
"Sera, calm down. You're overly sensitive with Bridget ever since she started dating your brother."
"Yes, Jenny, you're right... I'm afraid of saying or doing something that affects them. That she'll judge Roberto on account of me."
"What about me? Are you afraid of me too then?"
"I've never thought about you like that... because you're the sweetest person I've ever met."
"Love is unconditional, Sera. If you told me to bury myself alive, I might be hurt, but I'll still love you."
"Jenny, don't mind me, but I need this," she gave Jenny a big hug, "Thanks for loving me."
"No problem. You're a good person, Sera, and I'm sure Bridget knows you meant no harm. Maybe if you had stayed, you would have found out she loved it."
"Maybe...," Sera said as a knock came on the door.
"I bet that's her," Jenny went to answer the door.
"Is Sera here? She won't answer my calls or my texts," Bridget asked.
"She's here."
"Tell her to please check her texts."
"OK... Sera? You have a mile of texts waiting for you."
"Oh, all right..."
"She thinks you're mad."
"Maybe if she had... never mind."
"Bridgie? Really?"
"Sera, I was never mad at you. I just wanted out!"
"I'm so sorry for everything, Bridgie!"
"It's OK. Just think more in the future. Everyone needs to ask when messing with someone else's captives especially."
"Definitely. I love you, friend."
"I love you too, Sera!"


"One for the road, Caleigh?"
"No gag this time, if you don't mind. I just want to enjoy it and decide when I'm free."
"I can do that."

Caleigh thus got one of her favorites: a chair tie. Ropes bound her ankles, thighs, wrists, and elbows. She was pinned to the chair with a breast harness and waist rope, and more ran from her ankles to her wrists. Caleigh thanked Lauren for doing this and enjoyed her position.

Caleigh and Lauren talked about their plans for their upcoming break. Lauren wanted to go to Florida, but she needed to convince Janie to come. Caleigh was going home and would have her cousins over for Christmas. Most of all, they talked about Lauren's pregnancy and how much joy that was bringing them all. Lauren was like a mother to them, Caleigh said, so it was fair that Lauren had a baby of her own!

They talked and talked until finally Caleigh asked to be freed. It was about two hours of time in happy TUGs for them, and they exchanged a big hug. Then Caleigh tied up Lauren the same for one last time because, come January, there'd be no more TUGs for Lauren... at least not this level of TUGs!

So it was mostly quiet during finals week. But Friday would bring a difficult afternoon for some of them.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 167: Saying Goodbye Is So Hard

Friday was a miserable day and a bright day. Today, Nichole was moving all of her belongings into Chris's apartment, which would then be christened "Chris and Nichole's apartment". They were also moving Hannah's stuff, what little there was, into the apartment dorm where Hannah would take Nichole's place.

"Well, there's my car all nicely packed! Want to join me, Joy?" Nichole asked.
"Let's go! I'll come back afterwards, OK?"
"OK!" Janie waved, and as she walked back inside, she heard crying, "Jenny?"
"Are you crying again?"
"All right... that does it!" Janie said and texted her sister to bring the Jeep over, "You're becoming part of a prank!"
"What are you doing to me?!" Jenny asked as rope began to wrap around her wrists.
"You're a housewarming present!"

Jenny had worn brown sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a camouflage kerchief bandana. Now she wore (1) ropes binding her wrists, forearms, elbows, ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, breasts, and waist/crotch, (2) a sock, a brown bandana cleave gag, and 8 layers of Janie-tight duct tape, and (3) a red bandana blindfold. She was stuffed in the bin with airholes, and the lid shut her in while Janie filmed her overreaction.

Janie herself wore blue jeans, a green-and-black long-sleeve plaid button-up shirt, and a green bandana headband. So, Janie figured, one gangster was kidnapped by another.

"What do you need?" Lauren asked.
"I need to get this bin to Nichole's house. It has a housewarming gift. But we need to be fast."
"OK, then. Is this a girl?" Lauren put her ear near it.
"MMMMMMM!" squealed Jenny.
"Oh, it's Jenn! OK!"

Jenny was put into Lauren's Jeep and driven to the apartment where, sure enough, unloading happened slowly as clothes were put into drawers and closets, boxes unpacked, and further such things. Janie and Lauren team lifted Jenny into the mess although each was strong enough alone.

"You missed one bin!" Janie said.
"I did? How could I? Let me open it up and see what I forgot! Probably bedding by the size."
"It's heavy!" Nichole said and then opened the lid, "JENNY!"
"A little housewarming gift from me."
"I just provided wheels for transporting her."
"Well, thanks! I'll leave this on the sofa and hogtie it to keep it safe. In fact, could y'all let us be alone a bit?"
"Sure. You've got this in control," Joy said, "Let's go."

When they were gone, Nichole shooed Chris into the bedroom and removed Jenny's blindfold. Nichole crouched on the floor and looked into Jenny's eyes, which were bloodshot and wet. Nichole gave Jenny a couple of light pets and looked at her.

"I'm just as sad as you are. But I want you to know something: you're forever my sister, and I will always love you and owe you so much. Thanks for being here for me my entire life. This is a time though for us to be happy; I'm moving on from having you constantly by my side to having someone I love and trust just as much as you. We should be happy that that person exists and loves you for all you've been to me and done for me."
"Ah uv ooh oh uh!"
"I love you more, I think. Jenny, saying goodbye is so hard, but for me it isn't goodbye. It's 'until we meet again.'"
"Nnnnn!" tears began welling in her eyes again.
"Jenny, in just a few days, I'll be with you again anyway, because I want to spend Christmas with you. Friends forever, OK?"
"Mmm hmm..."
"Now, you think about that," Nichole put the blindfold back on Jenny, "I'll finish unpacking and make us lunch."

Jenny lay there thinking about what Nichole had said. Overall, she was right: friendship wasn't defined by where you were, but by how you loved each other. Nichole and she would likely always care about each other until the end. She was happy to have Chris as her unofficial brother-in-law and knew that Nichole would never have to worry with him. There'd always be the oneness of spirit between them.

On this positive thought, Jenny replaced her sorrow with a desire to enjoy her imprisonment. She had been tied very well by her friend Janie, and being such a rope bunny basically meant that she was stuck there until Nichole freed her. Jenny accepted this and just took pleasure in the hogtie.


"Janie, please come to Florida with me."
"So I can be miserable?"
"No, so you love your sister and brother and friends and father. Janie, do it for Dad. He wants you there and just doesn't want to admit it to you himself."
"He does?"
"Janie, he's devastated by what's happened; don't take your anger at Mom out on him. Please!"
"Lauren, for him... I'll go to Florida with you. I have no one else to spend it with anyway."
"Come on, Janie!" Joy tried to help, "Do it for your dad. And brother. And friends. Do this, or they will all be convinced you were using them just like your mother did."
"I'm not like my mother!" Janie snapped, "I'd give my right arm and liver if they needed it."
"It's not that I don't love them; it's that I don't love myself. If I go down in my state, I'll make them all miserable."
"They want to help you. They love you, Janie. We love you, but they probably love you more."

Janie was silent from then until they got home. She didn't realize just how severely her judgment was clouded by what she now could identify exactly. She loved Dad, Trent, Amanda, Lauren, Ashley, Joyce, Joy... all of them. But her mind was that much more consumed by hatred for her mother.

When Janie and Joy were dropped off, Janie just silently gave Joy a long, heartfelt hug. They stood in silence as both girls needed it. Janie was grieving over the battles in her mind, and Joy was still grieving over the death of her grandfather. Without a word, they entered their dorm.

"Hi!" Hannah greeted them.
"Is this everything? One suitcase and a box full of books?" Janie asked incredulously.
"Yes, this is everything in my world."
"What happened?"
"When I was in jail... my parents got rid of or sold off everything I owned except my clothes and my bed..."
"Oh, Lordy..."
"Well, want to unpack yet?"
"No, this is the same suitcase I'm bringing home. While you were gone, I put all my stuff in the desk."
"Well, then, let me pack, and we can go!"
"Jenny said she'd bring me home so that you could take Caleigh."
"Oh, all right then!"
"Then you have time!" Janie said with a grin, "White gangster girl!"

Hannah, in white sweatpants, a black t-shirt, and a white bandana headband was tied on her new bed in a St. Andrew's cross and gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief. Janie then blindfolded her with a black bandana.

"Rest well until Jenny gets you!"


As the day went on, the split up began. Jenny was fed lunch by Nichole, and they watched a movie together. Around 1PM, Joy and Caleigh left; then at 3PM Jenny and Hannah left. Joyce had left for a flight to Florida as she wanted to visit some friends and family before Christmas with the Pattersons. This left Janie in her dorm, and she was just really overall taking her time in temporarily hijacking Caleigh's room until she, Zack, and Lauren went to Florida. Sera and Bridget were also still around.

"I'm gonna miss you, Bridgie, even if it's just a couple weeks. I wish you could come with us for a week."
"I wish I could afford it, but I can't. Even with scholarships, I've burned through nearly all I saved in high school."
"I know. But, I'm going to be with Benny again for that time."
"Won't it be wonderful?"
"Yeah... tomorrow's a big day; we'd better get our shut-eye. Thanks for staying with me a while longer."
"I was worried your depression would kick in if I left you."
"You did that for me?"
"I did a lot of thinking when I was tied up for 25 hours in a row!"
"Bridgie? Would you tie me up for the night?"
"Sure thing!"

Sera took a shower and came out in her black underwear so that Bridget could rope her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. She gagged Sera with her black ball gag with blue straps and blindfolded her with a black bandana. Finally, she ran a rope from Sera's ankles to the foot of the bed and filmed and photographed her last captivity of Sera for the year.

After 30 minutes of tickle torture, Bridget left her alone so that they both could go to sleep. She had no idea how happy she had made Sera.


"Hey, Janie."
"Oh, hi, Brayden," Janie responded to the baseball player.
"Looking pretty this evening."
"Thank you. How are you?"
"Good, and you?"
"Pretty good. Didn't think you'd still be around."

That conversation was the start of a night that would see Janie leave the gym in handcuffs to get a stern reprimand from school security. How long would she be able to hide that from her sister and friends?


The next morning, Roberto and Sera were brought to the airport by a rower who lived in the Minneapolis area anyway. It was an early, 7AM flight. Around 9AM, Bridget began her 4 hour car ride to Minnesota. Finally, around 10AM, after much mental anguish, Janie went to her sister's house.

The fall semester was officially over.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 168: Family
Monday, December 18, 2017

Sera knew the Italian flag bandana mask that she used in lieu of a scarf would make her stand out because the blue jeans, red long-sleeve t-shirt, and red kerchief bandana wouldn't. This was because the shirt and kerchief were hidden under a blue winter jacket and a matching winter hat. Blue wasn't her usual color, but it was the only color not already used by another girl in her home. Sera didn't mind as it was the blue worn by the Italian national soccer team.

The winter hat was something Sera had knit herself, as were the matching blue mittens. It wasn't an activity she ever did at school, but she had learned from a friend at church while a teenager. Such craft work was relaxing for her.

Alongside was her little brother, Roberto. They were waiting at the airport for the familiar black Alfa to arrive. Roberto, several inches taller, had black sweats, a black winter coat, and a matching hat, also knit by his sister. They chatted a little while waiting for the car to arrive, and eventually it did.

The car, with its tinted black windows, pulled up and the trunk opened. Brother and sister put their bags in the trunk. Sera got in the backseat with hope, and Roberto opened the passenger door.

["My baby!"] Sera greeted her son with a big hug.
"What a surprise!" Roberto said.
["Surprise,"] came a familiar voice.
["Oh... my... God... MILIO!"] Sera shrieked. She hadn't seen her idol in two years.
["Big man's here! All the way from AC Milan! Emiliooooo Rannnnnndaccio!"]
["Three of my favorite men are in this car... missing a few other favorites though!"]
["I knew you'd both be happy to see me."]
["Aren't you playing today?"]
["Hell, no! I had to have surgery and told them I'd have it here and recover with my family for Christmas."]
["I go tomorrow, and go back on the 27th."]
["Nice, man!"]
["What about Giorgia, Teresita, and Giuliano?"]
["School and all that crap."]
["I'm so happy I could cry."]
["You would!"]


"Here we are, Chris."
"It's almost here. January 3, it begins for real."
"Give or take. We'll see."
"I can't wait for you to be at my 'house' on Christmas. Damn phone again!"
"I can wait."
"Her again. Hello? What do you want? I'm fine. Yes, I'm all grown up now, not that you were ever here for me. Where were you when Dad wrongfully belted me for things my brothers did? Where were you when he'd punch me or smash me into walls? Or when one of those monsters would touch me inappropriately? Where were you? Drunk. High. Out of the house. But never there for me. Here I am married and happy. I don't need you. I'm trying to give you a chance to reclaim what you lost, but so far you've been nothing but a giant f*** up. I'm willing to keep talking to you, but you have to prove you're worthy of seeing my face, you junkie! Keep trying... I'm... I'm praying for you. All right... bye."
"Are you OK?"
"No, Chris, I am not. But I think she understands now what I need."
"What do you need?"
"Just to cuddle... you're the only person who's ever held me, and I plan to keep it that way."


"Jenny, talk to me. You don't normally come home and play your games like this."
"Not yet, Mom. I'm not ready."
"Jenny Danielle Kristensen you've just been sitting here crying your eyes out."
"All right... I have been."
"What's the matter? Anxiety over your best friend leaving you?"
"Mmm hmm."
"Is there anything I can bring you?"


"You're thinking, Joy!"
"You're right, Mom!"
"About what?"
"A man I met a couple weeks ago."
"And how I've failed you and am not the sweet innocent girl you think I am."


"Kristina! Oh, my favorite girl!"
"This will be the best Christmas break ever. I promise you that!"
"Oh, I'm glad to make your life so happy."
"I look forward to my big sibling's visits so much... but especially yours."
"Let's make sure this one is one to never forget!"


"Janie, you've been staring like that for 2 straight hours," Lauren observed, "with breaks to pee and check your phone."
"Huh? Me?"
"You're zombified. Are you all right?"
"I'm... distraught..."
"Why this time? I'm here for you."
"I don't know! Get off my back! Lauren, quit making things harder for me by trying too hard to make them easier!"
"Need to destress in a non-violent way?"
"TUGs or a trip to the gym."
"Let's do both, hmm?"
"Well... all right... Lauren, last night, I was with one of the baseball players."
"You didn't?"
"Sort of..."
"What does it do for you?"
"I hate myself so much... and it feels relieving when a guy says I'm beautiful. I just... go stupid and seduce them at that point."
"I tell you that you're beautiful and that I love you and that you're smart and that you're a good girl."
"I know you mean it. Problem is my view of myself. I crave reassurance from people who don't really matter."
"So you weren't at the gym last night."
"I was at the gym! Worse... I got... arrested because... we got... caught."
"Oh, Lord! So that's you everyone is texting about?!"
"I didn't lie. It was me and Brayden."
"You lied all right! On the floor! Let's go... and not meet any men, OK? It'd be easier on me if you were lesbian."
"Well sorrrrrrrrry!"
"Janie, why won't you stay out of trouble?"
"Lauren, why won't you accept that I'm not a good person and that I struggle with addiction?"
"You are a good person inside; and you're getting help for it."
"I'm trying, Lauren. I really am trying. Even if I'm not watching it, I'm still mentally addicted to p0rn."
"I get what you're saying... or trying to say."
"I think you do. Thanks for trying so hard to be helpful."


"MMM!" moaned Caleigh into her gag.
"Welcome home, sis!" Tyler said as he hogtied her, "I missed you."

It was simple: wrists, ankles, and hogtie; a sock and a strip of microfoam tape gagged Caleigh. Caleigh was in blue jeans a black button-up shirt, and this was a very typical way to come home from college for her. Nothing left to do but have fun!

Caleigh loved her family and thought back to other occasions she had been been surprised and tied up around Christmas time...


"Benny, my Benny. How happy Momma is to be with her boy!"
"Is Uncle Emilio your favorite brother?"
"YES!" Roberto answered and smiled at Sera, "But she loves all of us."
"I do love all of you!"
"I love all as well, especially little man here."

Sera didn't know which was more exciting: being with Emilio or being with Benny. Both had a special place in her life. Emilio solidified his at Christmas some 7 years ago now...


Nichole and Chris didn't even have to say anything for their love to communicate to each other. Their actions and reactions spoke volumes of words. Moments like this strengthened Nichole's faith.

In the background they played cheesy Christmas music. This was their second Christmas as a married couple, but it was their first like this. It was perfectly appropriate that, outside, light snow was falling. Winter's light kiss fell upon the earth as Chris's light kiss fell upon Nichole's cheek. He then arose to make them each a cup of hot chocolate.


Jenny said nothing more. Her mother understood the pain fully. In Emily's case, it was letting go of her baby boy forever; in Jenny's, it was letting go of her best friend and sister. Both hurt deeply though.

"Do you really think of her as a second daughter?"
"I know Dad does, and I know I do."
"So you're going to miss her too."
"Yes, just in a different way."
"In fact, look at this picture she just sent."
"'You have the best son-in-law,' and looks like hot chocolate."
"See how happy she is?"
"How about I make you a cup of hot chocolate too?"
"Then I can tell her that she has the best sister?"
"See how she loves all of us? You're particularly special though."
"I think I get it now."

Jenny was still crying a little. How long their friendship had been. She remembered so many Christmases... but one in particular stood out.


"Joy, what do you mean?"
"I mean that I've lived a lie my entire life, and only this past semester have I have done right."
"I don't know what you mean."
"I mean I've sneaked alcohol into your house and gotten drunk both here and elsewhere. I've had dozens of affairs. I'm not the daughter you thought you had."
"I appreciate your honesty, Joy."
"Mom... I'm sorry."
"Is that why you always dress like a little Eastern European?"
"Mmm hmm."
"Does it help you be a better person?"
"Well... it does actually."
"I'm proud of you for not only admitting this to me but also for taking matters into your own hands and stopping."
"Zoe helped me more than you know."
"You don't realize that Zoe got all her ideas for helping you from me."
"You knew?!"
"Only about the sex. You see, Joy, a mother always knows. I knew you were in trouble and asked Zoe. She can't lie to me even when she tries unlike you."
"You don't need anyone to feel fulfillment. True love might not come until you're 25 or 35!"
"I know that now."
"Don't throw away yourself away on short term pleasures."
"I'm trying."
"This doesn't mean you can't have fun; it just means don't do things that'll hurt you physically pr spiritually. A little rope game with friends doesn't hurt you; but alcohol and sex with strangers can hurt you in many ways."
"I wish I knew it sooner."
"I was the same way at your age; but then I met your father and gradually put it all aside because I wanted to be worthy of him. Turned out he waited so long to talk because he felt unworthy of me."
"I hope I have a marriage as good as yours. You have spats, but always love each other."
"Now, Joy, maybe we should have mother-daughter time on the sofa."
"I can help!" Hannah said and scared them.
"How long have you been there?!" Joy demanded.
"I came over when I heard you say you weren't so innocent. I feel you, Joy; gosh, do I feel you."
"You can help us."
"As long as I get my share!"


Bridget looked at her hogtied sister on the floor. The girl in a black skirt and a pink blouse simply had ropes binding her ankles, thighs, wrists, and elbows. She wasn't gagged though.

"Your new TUG buddy... what's her name?"
"Kara. I asked her to come over tomorrow so you could meet her."
"Oh, that'll be nice! Do you get tied up much?"
"Not by her; sometimes Mike comes over, and we might play."
"Does Kara know how to tie someone?"
"I'm not a good teacher like Mike and Erin are; I'm like you."
"Don't make me gag you girlie!"
"I'll be good!"
"I'll fix up some goodies before Dad gets home!"

Bridget thought of past Christmases when she was the one excited to welcome Erin home from college...


"Janie, feeling better?"
"Yeah, but I could still stand to be tied up."
"OK, kiddo... nice and tight?"
"Tight... and would you put on a movie for me after about 30 minutes? Please?"
"Sure thing!"

Janie, in red sweatpants, white sports bra, and American flag bandana headband with her braid held by a navy blue ponytail, was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana. Ropes bound her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs.

Janie didn't know it, but Lauren was crying. She was crying because she was heartbroken to see her sister suffering so much. Lauren wanted Janie to get the help she needed and was proud of her, but at the same time she shared the pain Janie felt.

Janie grunted and struggled on the sofa. It felt good to release her angst in a harmless manner like this. She could fight the rope and moan into the gag with little consequence. She quickly worked up a sweat and was quite tired already from the gym, but she pressed on until she was completely exhausted and drooling all over herself. Then she relaxed to enjoy the movie.

Today's selection was apparently Cinderella. Lauren sat down with Janie, teased Janie about her "Boobies" a little, and then started the film. It made them remember one Christmas in high school...


On the loveseat was Hannah in orange sweatpants and kerchief bandana with a blue long-sleeve t-shirt. Fabric scraps bound her ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and above and below breasts, and another hogtied her. She was gagged with a sock and a blue bandana.

On the sofa was Joy in a gray skirt and bandana headband and a blue t-shirt. Ropes boxtied her wrists and held them in a breast harness with crotch rope and then more bound her ankles and thighs. She was gagged with a sock and a pink bandana.

Mrs. Fredericks sat with arm around her daughter as they watched TV together as a trio. It was a perfect little moment that made Mrs. Fredericks, Joy, and Hannah each have memories of the past...
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 169: Memories LXIII - Christmas Stories 1
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sera never knew teenage years could be so genuinely nightmarish. She knew the nightmare was her own fault though. Her parents had told her that, since she was pregnant and with it would come many changes to their lives, she needed to tell her siblings, in general terms, what was happening. At dinner, Sera felt a lump in her throat and struggled to enjoy their magnificent spread.

The table was full. First an antipasto of meats and cheeses and a salad. Second, a "pasta al forno". Third, a bracciole. Finally, dessert which consisted of a mixture of American style pies.

"Sera, would you please?" her mother said to her after dessert and after the relatives had left.
"Yes, mother."
"Children, we want your attention," Mother announced.
"Thanks, Mama. Everyone, I want you all to know that your sister isn't quite the saint you thought she was. Yes, she can knit a nice pair of mittens, but that's about it. I'm not sure what to say really because I don't really quite fully understand what's happening. I'm sure you've all noticed I've been putting on weight and that I've been extremely unwell lately."
"I think I understand," Emilio nodded while speaking in a caring tone.
"You and Giorgia should. I'm sorry for failing every one of you like this, because I've made a mistake that's going to affect every single last one of us."
"Sera, what's wrong? We're here for you," Giulia encouraged her.
"I'm...," she choked a little, "I'm going to have a baby," Sera blurted and ran out of the room in tears.

Sera buried herself in her pillow sobbing. In spite of all the happiness at opening presents and the wonderful visit from family, this had been the worst Christmas ever. For her, this was the greatest nightmare ever, and it was nearly impossible for it to get worse.

["Serafina. Serafina? Where are you?"] her oldest brother called her.
["Go away!"]
["Serafina, it's going to be OK. Mom and Dad support you; I'm going to support you in any way I can. Giorgia and I understand fully what's happening. We love you. I'm proud of you for having the courage to admit it to us."]
["Emilio, I've brought disgrace to us all!"]
["No, you only bring disgrace if you don't learn from it. You bring a blessing if you accept this trial and instead decide to be the best mother you possibly can to your child."]
["It'll have no father."]
["No father and good uncles and grandpa is better than a bad father."]
["I still love you Sera as much, maybe more, than before today."]
["I love you, too, brother."]

And now you understand why Emilio is Sera's idol and favorite brother. For all the distance (temporary) this event put between Sera and Giovanni, Sera and Emilio got that much closer. The next year would be the opposite: perhaps Sera's happiest Christmas ever.

Sunday, December 25, 2010

Janie looked under the tree with a bit of sadness. Being 13 and in high school was overrated, especially when she knew everyone at school would ask her what she had gotten. It would be the usual: Mom got her clothes and underwear, and Dad and siblings got her the fun stuff. Her best prospects always lay with Dad or siblings, especially siblings, getting her something nice and labeling it "From: Mom and Dad".

Soon, they were unwrapping a variety of things, including a new Playstation among other things. Janie was right that she got the boring clothes and underwear, a new cell phone case, and similar things. But there was no "big surprise" from Lauren or Trent.

To say the least, Janie was put in a dour mood by this, but she hid it well because there was a lot of fun to be had playing a Playstation! So, between that and other factors, Janie more or less forgot. Christmas dinner was delicious as were Lauren's desserts. The two younger siblings were proud of their talented big sister.

It seemed wrong for their to be such a fantastic kitchen, and only Lauren ever really used it regularly. There was a lot of take-out and restaurant food in this house... assuming their mother even had them come. Much of the time just their parents went out, and many times only one or zero parents were home.

At night, Janie went up to her room and went up to her room in disappointment. Overall, it was a split between a bummer and a blast. When Janie walked in, there was a box on the bed all wrapped well and with a bow on it; the tag read "To: Janie; From: Lauren and Trent."

"You sneaks!" Janie muttered under her breath.
"Open it," Lauren said with a grin with Trent behind her.
"I will since you clearly want me to!" Janie opened the box with excitement and paused.
"Keep going!" Trent pushed.
"Oh, wow! Thank you!" Janie opened and inside found several pieces of red rope and a couple handkerchiefs.
"Enough to keep your big sister down; and she's been awfully naughty hiding this gift from you," Lauren teased.
"Is she tired and sleepy?" Janie asked.
"I think she is!"

Lauren changed into her "pajamas," which mean purple trainers and a matching sports bra. Janie excitedly roped her sister's wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs. She knotted a handkerchief and cleave gagged Lauren before adding some strips of duct tape.

"Are you comfortable?" Janie asked.
"Mmm hmm!"
"Good! You deserve to be comfy!" she blindfolded her sister with a red bandana.
"Are you happy?" Trent asked.
"Definitely! Thanks for your part, Trent! But how did you get it?"
"I looooveeeeee Amazon Prime!"
"Sweet dreams, sis!"

It was a very Merry Christmas this year.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

"What a big box!" then 14 year-old Bridget said with surprise as she unwrapped the present, "I wish Erin's flight hadn't been snowed out!"
"I know, Bridget. She'd want you to be happy though and still enjoy the presents," her father said positively.
"True, you never know...," she opened the box and was surprised.
"MMMMMM!" moaned Erin, who was severely ball-tied, gagged, and blindfolded.
"ERIN! Mike, get her out of there!"
"Merry Christmas!"
"We lied to make a surprise like this."
"All of you were in on it!"
"Yes, we were."
"Why are you crying, Bridge?" Father asked, "We thought this would make a happy moment for you."
"I wish Kristina were here with us."
"Why don't you three go see them later?"
"That'd... be... I guess. Come here, you big lump! How long as she been there?"
"She drove all day and night and got here at 2AM."
"I'm glad you all went through so much just to make me happy!" Bridget undid the gag.
"Merry Christmas, Bridget! Now untie me so I can open my gifts and see you open yours!"

To make it better, Bridget even got some new white rope from her brother to use when she inevitably kidnapped friends in college. That Christmas, Bridget learned to appreciate what she was blessed to have. And she had a lot in just one of her three siblings.

Saturday, December 25, 2016

Jenny, at this time a college Junior, opened her eyes and looked at the bed next to her. The night before, Nichole had gone to visit Joy and hadn't come back before Jenny went to sleep for the night. Sure enough, Nichole was in bed, but was she... duct taped? She blinked a couple more times and looked again.

Sure enough, Nichole, still in pale blue sweatpants, a navy blue sweatshirt, and a pale blue bandana headband was duct taped. She was taped from ankles to hips, wrists to upper arms, and waist to neck She was a gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a navy blue bandana and blindfolded with another navy blue bandana. Attached was a note saying "When you find me, wake me; take photos and a film for the group. Was too dark last night. Merry Christmas. Love, Joy."

Jenny did exactly as requested. There was no point asking how this happened, but Joy was careful to do something that the parents wouldn't notice while opening presents. Then, she cut Nichole free and gave her a big hug.

"Best Christmas present ever is being your sister. I love you, Nichole."
"I love you, too, Jenny. That's why I asked Joy to make me a big present. Merry Christmas!"

Saturday, December 25, 2016

Not far away, Joy had her own Christmas surprise in store for her, but her came upon opening her eyes. She blinked and only saw blackness. She moved her arms, but nothing happened. She called for help and got a muffled sound.

She had been so tired from talking to Nichole and then bringing her home that Zoe was able to kidnap her without waking her. It was a simple binding of her wrists and elbows with double-layered bandana cleave gag and microfoam tape gag and a blindfold.

Joy started to move when she felt Zoe roll her on her stomach, climb on top of her, clamp a hand tightly over mouth, and a swimming nose clip clamp over her nose. Joy let out a stifled growl and fought while Zoe stayed on her before removing it after 10 seconds.

"I had to know what you'd sound like!"
"Merry Christmas, Joy! Let's free you! I didn't want to play breath games... just hear the sound."
"Shhhh! Let's get you in the shower."

After the shower, they sat alone and talked for a while about it. Joy understood that it was a curiosity, but what a rude way to do it! Zoe explained the surprise made it more genuine of a reaction, and Joy accepted that... and then broke the nose clip to prevent further such "surprises."

The presents under the tree were a whole lot better for sure!

Saturday, December 25, 2016

Hannah beamed with pride at her little Christmas tree. It was all she could afford on her budget. At this phase of her life, the only Christmas joy was whatever she found. She got no presents; she had no family to give her any; and she had nearly no friends. Or so she thought when she got a text.

"Wanna spend Christmas with my family?" the text from Casey read.
"I can't do that," Hannah responded, "Today is for family."
"Well, you have no family. So for today, you're part of my family."
"Thanks :)"

That Christmas, Hannah realized that "family" didn't require sharing genetics.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 170: Christmas Love
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

"Jenny, get the door, honey!" Jenny said to herself with a giggle.

That phrase is what her father always says when he wants her to answer the door. Usually it's just a package or a salesman. Jenny had gotten a little absent-minded and wasn't ready for what she found.

"I forgot my key!" Nichole grinned.
"Oh, my God! I forgot you were coming today! Nichole!" Jenny jumped up and down.
"Don't just stand there! Let us in!"
"Oh, you brought hubby with you."
"We made a stop at Mall of America on our way over!"
"Oh, then you will need my bedroom to wrap all that stuff."
"For sure!"
"Oh, this will be so fun! Where's Chris going to stay though?"
"I have plans... we'll see what your parents say though."
"We have a small amount of attic space that we could turn into your spot."


"Hannah, what's your plan?" Joy asked her.
"I don't know. My parents definitely got the card and photos by now... but they never contacted me."
"Are you OK?"
"No, I'm not. I think I'll go visit grandma. Would you bring me?"
"Sure thing. Let's talk on the way there."
"Joy, it's clear that not only do my parents not want me but that they don't miss me."
"But your grandma wants you!"
"I want a mom and a dad like you and Jenny and Caleigh and Sera and..."
"And Joyce."
"What about Joyce?"
"Her parents died, Hannah."
"I can't imagine how that would be... well, I sort of can. Only my parents decided their baby died."
"Be patient, Hannah. Maybe they're pondering it."
"I hope so."
"If it comes down to it, my parents won't mind an extra daughter."
"I'm sure they wouldn't."
"I'm surprised Casey's parents didn't do more for you."
"Casey's parents died or abandoned her or something, Hannah."
"What?! What are you saying, Joy?!"
"Casey's adopted."


Bridget was able to at least afford going to the store with her brother Mike and had time since her sister still had class and her father had work. It was nice to be able to spend some real quality time with one of her childhood heroes. But what made her happiest was the question he asked.

"What can you tell me about Sera?"
"Nearly anything that I think she would tell you herself."


["May I come with you to work, Mama?"] Sera asked her mother.

Sera put on blue jeans, her Italian soccer polo, and her Italian flag bandana as a kerchief. She wasn't too worried about her shirt since she always wore an apron in the bakery.

["Want to come Roberto?"] Sera asked her brother.
["To the bakery to help Mama."]

The bakery was like a paradise for Sera. Here was where her mother toiled to make sure the children got the education she wanted them to get. Every morning at 4AM, the chief baker, Louie, came in and started the baking. Then Sera's mother arrived later, sometimes with others like Sera in tow.

Louie was a nice man: he was in his early 60s and had actually started the bakery before selling his share in the store to Sera's mother. The rest of the store was owned by his children who were adults now. Louie was like an extra uncle to all the Randaccios.

["Want to make bread loaves?"] Teresa asked her daughter.
["Sure thing!"]

Sera was happy to do anything to help her mother. Her favorite though was servicing the customers at the front counter. She loved getting a warm loaf or tasty treats for them, giving them a smile, and wishing them a good day.


Caleigh loved shopping for others. Christmas was magical for her because of the love that went into everything. Especially this year though because her brother and sister were in charge of the church pageant. As such, there was a flurry of activity getting everything ready. This gave her time to not only buy stuff for her siblings but to do her favorite part: warp presents.

Caleigh's artistic abilities knew no limits. Even paper was a realm in which she could achieve perfection with a flourish. It was such that she even wrapped the gifts that her parents were giving to her siblings. For her, the thrill was being able to use her gifts for good, and at the moment it was presents for Tyler and Eva.

"I see something else needing wrapping," Ken came up behind her.


Joyce walked in to the house around 9PM and breathed a huge sigh of relief. She turned to her right and saw Lauren, Zack, Trent, and Amanda all watching TV together. She smiled. After a few days with Ryan and his family, it was good to be home.

"Where's Janie?"
"She went to bed early. She's been super stressed." Lauren said with a frown.
"She needs to relax and enjoy Christmas."
"Yeah, she does. Dad's been working doubles so he can take the next week out and be here for my birthday too."
"Well, I am going to go to bed myself as I actually left Tampa at 6:30 and just finally got here!"
"It's OK. We're not going anywhere!"

Joyce went up the stairs, which was awkward for her as she was used to using the guest room now occupied by Trent and Amanda. She would be sharing the bunk bed with Janie, and Lauren and Zack would be in Trent's old room. Joyce was surprised to find the door locked and thought she heard moaning. Always armed with a hair clip, Joyce opened the door with ease.

Joyce turned on the light and had to stifle a shriek. There was Janie self-tied in a St. Andrew's cross and buck naked with a tight crotch rope running to the bunk above; a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana gagged her, and another red bandana blindfolded her. Joyce quickly went back down the stairs and called Lauren over to her.

"What's wrong?"
"Your sister... our beloved Janie... has finally flipped her lid completely," Joyce whispered.
"What are you talking about?"
"I caught her entertaining herself, and I think she got herself stuck."
"Entertaining herself?"
"NO BOYS ALLOWED!" Joyce glared at Trent and Zack, then went back to a whisper, "She's naked."
"That does it."
"I think I know what I need to say."


"Mom, Dad, are you ready?" Nichole asked.
"Ready for what?"
"To meet your son-in-law?"
"Of course!"

This was merely the first time in person. Nichole had video chatted with Chris on the line with her before. It was a very happy occasion in the Kristensen home; Chris happily answered the many questions and told his version of events. At least, it was a happy occasion until there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Nichole said and hopped up to answer the door. Outside was a face she dreaded and recognized.
"Nichole," outside stood her mother.
"Why did you come here?"
"Because you gave me a choice: you or your dad and brothers. I chose my daughters."
"A likely story."
"Your father doesn't only abuse his daughters; he'll never touch any of us ever again."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Look at what that monster did you... You're so disfigured. Your arms... your face... what else did he do to you?"
"Does it matter really?"
"You don't want me anymore. I just want the chance to hug my daughter again... and finally tell her I love her and mean it from the bottom of my heart."
"All right," Nichole looked at Jenny who just nodded, "I owe you that much."
"I'm so sorry for being a bad mother... for not protecting you... for letting you down... and not being there when you needed me."
"You're forgiven... Mom...," Nichole's voice trembled.

As Nichole hugged her blood mother, she remembered what it was like when she was little and things were good. She remembered when they were, more or less, a happy family besides the problems her father caused. She remembered cuddling her mother... and how her father's abuse toward all the women in the house sent them all downhill. Claire ended up in a world of trouble, and Mom turned to alcohol and pills. With that, Nichole's world had crumbled, and now she realized that her mother really was sorry it all.

The appearance showed: her mother dressed like she did those years ago; her face wasn't long from the alcohol; her body was no longer tired from the pain pills. Her mom really did want her baby back and to reclaim what was lost and to start over. It wasn't her daughter she wanted back; it was specifically Nichole the person she wanted back. Mom was genuinely hurt to see her daughter mutilated from having survived her brother's murder attempt. Nichole squeezed her tightly, and then both began to cry.

The Kristensen's watched with mixed emotions. Nichole had been so large in their lives that it felt like watching the biological parents trying to reclaim a child that had been purposefully abandoned as a baby. What would Nichole do now? They all silently prayed that this wouldn't break up what they saw as their family.

"Mom, this is my home and family now. But you still gave me life. Did you really leave him?"
"I had to... swallow my pride... and move back with my parents, but I did it... for you and your sister."
"Would you like to... meet your... son-in-law?"
"If your parents, sister, and husband don't mind."
"Do you mind?" Nichole asked.
"Not at all."

Jenny smiled. Nichole had chosen both. She was still Nichole's sister, and Lars and Emily breathed a sigh of relief that they weren't losing their other daughter. More importantly to them was the genuine spirit with which Mrs. Blakely had come to their house.


"You said you wanted help, Hannah?" Casey asked her.
"Yeah... I need a lot of help. My parents haven't responded to me... and, well... I didn't know you're adopted."
"Oh," Casey's face turned red, and she rarely did so, "I've never let it define me."
"I didn't even know! Sounds to me like it's perfect."
"Short story is that my parents were unmarried, so they gave me up for adoption. I've met them, but meh."
"To be blunt, they didn't give a $#i+ about me. They're dead to me."
"My problem's different though."
"Hannah, it's hard to move on. Maybe Joyce can help? Maybe your grandma will help? Or Joy? I'd love to help, but my parents won't be very helpful to you. But I can provide all the support I can give."
"All right then. We'll see what Grandma can do," Hannah forced herself to smile.
"Now, while I'm here, one of us should get tied up!"
"I agree."
"I think it should be you tie me and then Hannah ties you!" Joy suggested, "Then you get to tie and be tied!"
"True, since I only play with you girls!"

And so two simple hogties arose: both were bound at their ankles, thighs, wrists, and elbows. Casey and Joy were comfortably gagged with knotted blue bandanas and left to struggle. They enjoyed it for about 45 minutes and then helped each other to escape.

Hannah now understood that the gift was having her friends in her life.


"Bridget, we're more the typical cold-blooded viking family, but her warmth endearing."
"Mike, Sera wants three things:" Bridget even showed with her fingers, "(1) A guy who won't drag her to hell or through hell. (2) A guy will fulfill her needs as a woman and respect her life, namely that she's serious about the engineering. She won't be a stay at home Mom, but the kids can't ask for better. (3) Most importantly, a guy who will love Benny."
"(1) and (3) are easier. She sounds like a good mother."
"She is. She loves Benny, and if you aren't nice to Benny then she won't be nice to you."
"I'm thinking about her. I guess it's more I'm thinking that if she's such a good friend to you, then maybe her brother is a good fit for you."
"Yeah, I hope so. So far it seems unreal. He just came to visit his sister, and I saw all of my dreams rolled into one man."
"I pray he's good for you."
"Mike, you're sure you're not right for Sera?"
"I'm sure."
"OK. I'd rather not force something that won't work."
"Hey... you tried anyway!"
"Yep! Well, my coach would freak if he saw me eating a burger and fries. Let's get going so we can get home before Kristina!"


"Sera, what you doing?" Roberto asked her.
"I'm working on my present for mama."
"What's that?"
"A big prayer shawl. I've been working on it every night until after 1AM."
"Whoa! It's big!"
"Prayer shawls are big."
"I sneaked some handkerchiefs and stuff back with me."
"Roberto? You took some of my TUG toys with you? Without asking me?"
"I thought you might like to play once or twice to keep variety."
"Well, I have time right now. One hour only. OK?"
"I figured you wouldn't let me use your wearing scarfs."
"You got that right!"

Soon, Sera was comfortably bound at her wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs. Handkerchiefs bound most of it, and a solitary rope (that Roberto got from the shed) bound her elbows. She was gagged with a handkerchief and a strip of microfoam tape.

Sera quietly struggled and let out some soft squeals for the camera while Roberto shared her predicated with their friends. They did have a lot of fun, and just as soon as it began Sera was back to quietly knitting. As she knit, Sera thought about her blessings.


Caleigh was nicely wrapped up. Tape bound her wrists, elbows, above and below breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs. Then she was plastic wrapped, with the wide big industrial roll, from her ankles to her neck. She was gagged with a red ball gag with black straps and 7 layers of duct tape and blindfolded with a purple bandana. Finally, her head to her chest were wrapped in movers' style plastic wrap, with only her nose exposed.

This was quite the trouble to be in. Being as adventurous as they were, Ken occasionally pinched Caleigh's nose just to annoy her as breathing was about the only thing she could do anything. She didn't mind this at all though. It was good to be so helpless that she couldn't escape!

Caleigh only hated one thing about TUGs: when it made her miss a phone call. Tonight, she missed a very important one from Janie...


"Janie Patterson, what are you doing?" Joyce walked in casually and removed her gag and started slowly freeing her.
"Just some... what does it look like?"
"Like you're imagining yourself in a bondage sex tape. Maybe even a non-consensual one."
"Welllllllll... umm... I... It's not quite... You see, I got stuck... and... Nope... I can't like my way out of this."
"How do you think I feel?"
"To come home to this?"
"Janie, I was r***d by that b@$+@rd! How do you think I feel coming home to find my best friend fantasizing that?!"
"Not 'Uh,' Janie. 'Duh'! You should be saying 'Duh' because you've trivialized the nightmare I lived."
"I... err..."
"No, just shut up, Janie. It's bad enough that you think that little of what happened to me; worse, you think you can sit here fantasizing scenarios that really do happen to people, often getting murdered afterwards. Even worse than that, you think you can lay here physically, sexually, and psychologically harming yourself without hurting me or Lauren or Trent or Amanda. You didn't just fantasize the molestation and murder of Janie Patterson; when you fantasize that, you're doubly guilty because you fantasized the pain we'd all feel if that really did happen to you!"
"No, Joyce, it isn't like that."
"I'm sorry, but I heard the sounds you were making before I entered. I made those sounds once: for real! Only difference is I didn't enjoy it."
"Joyce... I...," Janie removed the blindfold and looked at her, "I'm a monster!"
"You're not a monster yet if you can have that thought. You have hope."
"It all began at Thanksgiving..."
"And has gone so far downhill since. Janie, what is into you?"
"I have nowhere to hide... you have Ryan; Trent and Amanda have each other; Lauren has Zack."
"You're jealous of it. I get that. But, Janie, marriage is so much more than just sex."
"But you've been, sorry to be blunt, such a sl*t for so many years that you don't appreciate what marriage is."
"Look at my home! I don't know what a good marriage is either!"
"Janie, you need to stop," Lauren walked in.
"Have you been crying?"
"Yes, because I'm hurt by what you've done to yourself."
"Lauren, I... I'm... I scare myself too. I'm scared I will hurt myself permanently or..."
"Don't go there."
"Lauren, I can't just bury my thoughts like other people can. Sitting here right now, I'm thinking about what to say to you and at the same time thinking about putting my clothes on and about what Joyce said. I can carry 3 or 4 thoughts at once, and I have to be so occupied that I can't focus in order to avoid it."
"I've never thought about that..."
"I understand you, Janie," Joyce said, "I get the feeling. I know what you're experiencing."
"You do?!"
"You're suffering so much more than I realized. I know who can help you."
"One of the usuals? Jenny? Joy?"
"Caleigh. Why do you think she's such a scatterbrain? She's not the brightest bulb, but she's like this."
"Why her?"
"I get it. Lauren and Trent don't even though their brains are wired the same. Caleigh will, but she has something we all don't."
"Innocence. She knows how to keep her innocence even as people like us bombard her with corruption."
"I can't do that to her."
"Janie, try it. I'm worried you're going to hurt yourself badly, and I can't have my best friend hurting herself. You three are the siblings I never got to have. You, me, Caleigh will get this ship righted. We will."
"Let me get dressed and call her."

Janie hoped this time was different since this approach required she do something rather than not do something.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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