All Inclusive Fitness: A Weekendverse Story (MM/MM)(Concluded 8/04/22)

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Post by Bradstick »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] Take all the time you need for the next chapter, we will be here when you’re ready!
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Post by gag1195 »

Part 16: Madder than a March Hare

Liam followed, letting Connor keep a firm grip on his hand. The leather, which seemed intimidating, dangerous, and seductively forbidden wrapped around Bull’s hands, felt different now. Those same gloves now felt warm, comforting, enticing when worn by the personal trainer. It did leave a question in Liam’s mind, though.

“Um… You planning on taking those gloves off anytime soon?”

Connor looked back over his shoulder and smiled. “After seeing you go crazy for them? I may never take them off again!” He squeezed Liam’s hand and the model blushed. “Maybe we should see if Kyle’s gloves fit you. I’d love to see you in those gloves, black leather restrained by white ropes…!” Liam turned crimson now, but smiled back at the suggestion.

Connor pulled the heavy glass door to the workout space open, holding it so Liam could enter. Liam reviewed the last few hours in his mind, trying to make a note of everything the two of them would need to clean up. Stray bits of rope and tape had been left all over. Connor would also insist that they remove the weights off the weight bench and return them to their correct spot. And then of course there was… Liam looked down at himself, registering for the first time in a while that he was shirtless. Right… my shirt and cup… can’t forget those.

Then they could get some answers from Kyle and Santiago. Liam was desperate to know why they had done all of this, what their reasons were.

“Fuck!” Connor hissed as the pair rounded the corner, and Liam instantly saw why. Santiago lay on the floor where the new couple left him. The massive captive remained sedate, no struggling or straining, and his cock still raging. But that wasn’t the issue. Next to him, where Kyle should be thrashing away, was an empty space. Well, not entirely empty. Santiago’s knife and some crudely sliced and discarded duct tape told the story.

Kyle was gone. Connor and Liam had forgotten to search Bull’ pockets for his knife, and now Kyle had cut away his ankle restraints. Liam reasoned that his wrists were still cuffed behind his back. Connor had very obviously claimed the keys from the captured Hare.

Connor leaned over Santiago and smacked him in the chest. “Where did that shit stain go?”

“Mmmmm fffmmmmm hmmmm!” Santiago whimpered, shaking his head.

“Ugh!” Connor huffed. He scooped up Bull’s knife and folded it closed, pocketing it. “We gotta find him!” Without waiting for Liam to respond, Connor began anxiously looking around, moving in and out of the rows of weight machines.

Liam nodded, not that he really needed to, and followed Connor’s lead. The model went back around the corner to investigate the cardio area. He tried to think like Kyle. They were about the same height and build. Where could I hide without using my hands? Liam looked around the stair climbing machines, the leg crunch machines, those that had the largest size. He ducked around the rows of ellipticals, cast his gaze over the treadmills. Nothing.

Liam continued back towards the door to the lobby. They hadn’t heard the door open or close, so Kyle had to still be in this massive room. But where?


A sudden slam crashed into Liam, knocking the model off balance. He fell, only just managing to protect his head from the full impact against the floor. “Wha-”

Dazed, Liam looked up to see a still cuffed and gagged Kyle, a frenzy in his eyes. He was pissed alright. Whatever his and Santiago’s plan was, getting captured was not part of it. He had managed to stay upright in his almost-tackle of Liam, and seeing his opening, bolted towards the door.

Liam struggled to get himself back up as Kyle shouldered into the glass door. Heavy as that door is, but Kyle was too determined to let that stop him. He pushed, he thrashed, and managed to brute force his way through the door.

“CONNOR!” Liam called. They had to get Kyle before he somehow managed to get through the front door. It was locked, and his hands were still trapped behind him, so that would slow the wily Hare down, but the blonde man had proven his resourcefulness.

As Liam finally pushed himself back up, he was almost blindsided by the mass of muscle rushing past him. Connor just barely managed to step around Liam and pursue Kyle out into the lobby. Liam shook his head and followed.

Kyle had indeed reached the door. He was turned away from the main entrance, his gloved fingers desperately flicking the deadbolt, trying to quickly finesse it open. He was screaming into his gag, clearly frustrated with the uncooperative door. He was looking behind him, trying to see the lock over his shoulder.

Too late, Kyle looked up and saw his doom. Connor, muscular arms spread, back tensed. The redhead descended upon his prey, and not even Kyle’s impressive speed could save him.

“MMMMMMMFMMMMMKRR!” Kyle roared as Connor rushed into him, pinning him between the door and the trainer’s firm torso.

“Not so fast, fucker!” Connor shook his head. “You got what you wanted out of me, now it’s time to return the favor!”

Liam watched as Connor’s arms wrapped around Kyle. Not in the protective way he had embraced Liam. the strength, the force behind this grab was clear. Hare was not getting away. He hoisted Kyle into the air, holding him tight. Kyle, of course, wasn’t not happy about that. The smaller man kicked and flailed, even tossing his head back, anything to try and connect a strong enough hit against the trainer. Liam saw his former tormentor get a few good kicks against Connor’s legs. The redhead winced, but didn’t let go.

He hefted Kyle, adjusting the man’s weight, then carried him back towards the weight room. Liam trailed behind, checking to make sure the gym door was securely locked in case Kyle made another break for it.

But Connor didn’t give him the chance, keeping his impressive arms firmly locked around the blonde. Kyle continued his muffled tirade the entire walk back to where Bull still lay defeated. Connor knelt down on the floor, then allowed himself to fall forward, crushing Kyle underneath him.

“Liam! How’s your rope skill?” He asked, a harsh edge to his voice.

“Uh… it’s…” he thought back to Markus and Peter’s instructions a few weeks ago. Did he remember enough of their lessons?

“Liam!” Connor said, straining to keep Kyle contained beneath him.

“They’re good!” Liam hoped he was telling the truth.

“Then hurry up and get his legs tied!”

Liam jumped into action, fishing a coil out of the nearby duffle bag. He reached for one of Kyle’s legs, but recoiled when the prisoner kicked up a storm. Connor shifted his own weight, pressing his knees down to further restrain Kyle’s attacks.

Liam readied himself, following Kyle’s squirming movements. Then he struck, grabbing hold of the man’s left ankle after an unsuccessful kick failed to make contact with anyone. Liam reached under and grabbed the other ankle, keeping them in place. Seeing this, Connor sat up and swung around, pushing all of his weight onto Kyle’s legs and firmly holding the blonde’s ankles down. This freed Liam to begin lashing Hare’s legs together.

It was stressful. Kyle didn’t wait patiently to be tied up like Peter or Markus had during his lessons. He didn’t want to be tied up and showed it, moving and kicking to keep the rope off of him. Liam had to restart his roping attempt three times before he finally managed to cinch the ankles together. He had looped the rope around four times before he alternated, looping vertically. He tightened and knotted the ropes, and sat back admiring the rope cuffs now keeping Kyle’s legs secured.

Connor gave Liam’s bondage a once over and nodded in approval. He got off of Kyle and the bartender immediately began struggling against the added ropes. But Liam’s ropes were a lot more secure than the duct tape, so there was little chance of him escaping. The smaller man strained anyway.

Connor bent down and happily relieved Kyle of his leather gloves and tossed them to Liam. the model eagerly slipped them on, feeling the warm supple material form against his fingers. “I knew it! A perfect fit!” Connor complimented. The gloves felt great against his skin. They made Liam feel… confident? Powerful? He couldn’t pin it down, but it was definitely a positive feeling.

“Now”, he started after leaving Kyle and Santiago to roll around on the floor once more, “we can finally finish cleaning up!”

Liam agreed, and the two made short work of the night’s mess. Ropes and bandanas were returned to the duffle bag for safe keeping, discarded duct tape was wadded up and thrown away. Weights returned, machines and equipment wiped down once more. Liam put his workout shirt back on, feeling a bit more secure now. It felt weird having Kyle and Santiago staring at his naked chest, even bound and gagged as they were.

He grabbed his athletic cup and told Connor that he’d be right back. The model rushed out to the lobby, to where his own gym bag had been forgotten the moment the trainer had asked him to stay. He tossed his cup in, then quickly checked his phone. Nothing out of the ordinary, but a slew of texts from Peter complaining about dying of boredom, confusion about the opera’s plot, and wanting to stuff a gag in the handsome tenor’s mouth.

Liam wanted to reply, but it was late, and there was no guarantee he wouldn’t let something slip about what happened tonight. He didn’t want to say anything until he and Connor had more information.

He left his phone with his other belongings and rejoined his beau, who was dutifully watching over their prisoners. Connor looked at him and nodded. With the gym back to the redhead’s exacting standards, it was time for their own interrogation.

Connor stood over Kyle, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him up into an uncomfortable sitting position. “You ready to talk? Cause Liam and I would love to know why the fuck you and S.T. did all this!”

But Kyle violently shook his head. “Mmmmmm mmmmm!” he glared between his former hostages, putting up almost as much of a defiant front as Connor had.

Connor shrugged, slapped the blonde in the cheek, and pulled out a few coils of rope. He made quick work of pinning Kyle’s arms to his side, wrapping the man’s chest securely in the rope, then attaching the other length of rope to the chest tie, forming a lead. Just like the ones Hare and Bull had used on them earlier in the night.

He used the new chest ropes to pull Kyle up to his feet and began pulling the angry man towards the cardio equipment. The fuming Hare was forced to hop after Connor’s steady pace. Bull had been somewhat slow when he led Liam around, giving the model some time to catch up with his bound ankles. Connor was offering Kyle no such luxury. Liam could see that Kyle wanted to pull, wanted to fight back. But he couldn’t without falling over, so he angrily hopped after his captor.

“You gave us such great ideas tonight, it’d be a shame for them to go to waste!” Connor teased, pulling Hare up onto the nearest treadmill. And like he and Liam were subjected to before, Connor attached the lead to the piece of equipment.

He stepped up and started up the machine, immediately setting it to a medium speed. Kyle growled, but began jumping in place to keep up with the conveyor belt. Liam did not envy Kyle, having suffered through this himself. Will it be enough to break him? He seems pretty pissed…

“You know the drill, buddy!” Connor threatened, his voice smooth and cold. “Tell us what we want to know, and the hopping stops! Until then, better keep marching Hare!”

Liam looked back toward Santiago. The man's eyes were as big as his muscles. Santiago looks terrified. Could we break him more easily? He turned his attention to Kyle pathetically hopping, huffing and groaning into the tape. Then again, I can’t say I’m not enjoying this bit of revenge.

Connor stood beside Liam and wrapped his arm around the model’s shoulders as they began their own torture of Hare and Bull.
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Post by Bradstick »

Ahh yes the well descended payback. I’ve had a pretty bad day so far but this chapter really helped make it better. I was surprised Kyle did not take the knife, even bound, a knife can still by you enough time to escape

Really great chapter and I’m so excited to see what Hares plans were. Also I know Santiago is a villain, but he seems like a confused himbo and honestly I love him for it.
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Post by Volobond »

Paaaaaaaayback is so sweet! And Connor's got some good ideas for those gloves. But yeah, I think we all knew leaving the prisoners alone was a bad idea... but I wouldn't leave out the idea that Peter and Markus might be on the way to interfere...

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Post by Guardianbound »

Phew, close call with Kyle there, great thing Liam and Connor still have the two under their control. Kyle doesn't look like he's going to break soon, Santiago seems like a better option if Liam and Connor want answers quickly. Liam could probably break Santiago just with his irresistible face. But sweet revenge is the priority now :twisted:
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Kyle is just making things harder for himself.

You gotta love how Connor is getting back at him by using the same techniques Hare used on him before. :D Liam should get a nice boost of confidence after getting to be the "dom" for once this night.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Bradstick I'm glad I was able to make your day just a bit brighter! And oh my goodness, yes! Santiago is a beautiful himbo, and we love him!

@Volobond Connor and Liam definitely got lucky that neither prisoner escaped. And yes indeed, Connor has plenty of good ideas for Liam and those gloves!

@Guardianbound Santiago is probably the more likely option, but like you said, gotta squeeze in some revenge first! :twisted:

@DeeperThanRed We should hopefully see Liam's confidence improve now that the perceived danger has passed! And with Connor taking the lead, it will be quite the confidence booster!

thanks for the comments everyone! This week has been pretty tiring, so I haven't had time to write much, so I don't exactly know when the next chapter will be up! Anyways, I appreciate all the support from you all! If you haven't commented yet, I would really love to hear your thoughts! Don't be shy!
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Post by Guardianbound »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago @Guardianbound Santiago is probably the more likely option, but like you said, gotta squeeze in some revenge first! :twisted:
Since they're repeating the torments as revenge, my wish is for Liam and Santiago to redo the sit-ups again, except now Santiago is working hard to kiss Liam, what a sweet role reversal that would be.
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Post by gag1195 »

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! and a special shoutout to [mention]Guardianbound[/mention] for his idea that inspired this chapter and got me out of a bit of writer's block! Thanks!

Part 17: Bullwhipped

“FMMMMMMK…. HHUUUUMMMM… MMSSSSHMMMML…” Kyle huffed out between breaths.

He had been hopping on the treadmill now for about 10 minutes. His face was shiny with sweat, and his manbun was starting to come undone with the constant bobbing motion. A permanent scowl knitted his eyebrows together. Kyle grunted as he tossed his head back, trying to toss disheveled strands of blonde hair out of his face. As much as he could, the furious bartender strained and bucked against the metal cuffs still keeping his hands locked behind his back. He didn’t dare try to shift or struggle with his lower body, not wanting to risk a painful fall.

Liam smiled at the display. It felt good to see his tormentor receive some just desserts. Connor walked up behind the model and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. He had left Liam to supervise for just a moment, and returned with a bottle of water. He sighed in relief as he downed half of it before offering the rest to his crush.

Liam eagerly accepted the bottle, draining it in seconds. He had almost forgotten how amazing water tasted, how wonderful it felt. He also hadn’t realized just how parched he was. He and Connor had suffered through Hare and Bull’s brutal workout, but in the excitement of escaping and turning the tables, his own thirst had been pushed to the side. Watching Kyle keep pace with the speeding treadmill though, that had reignited Liam’s desperate need for some water.

Connor rested his chin on Liam's shoulder and whispered into his ear, “So, what do you think will happen first? Kyle’s bun comes apart completely, or he decides to tell us what we want to know?”

Liam chuckled at that, watching the fraying bundle of hair closely. “Not sure. He seems really angry. I think the bun will be long gone before he gives up.”

Connor hummed in agreement.

Liam leaned in to Connor’s touch, nuzzling his cheek against his man’s. “What exactly is our plan here? What do we do once we get them to talk? We can’t exactly leave them here all night…”

Connor straightened up and rubbed his chin with his hand. He studied Kyle’s hopping form, then turned to look at Santiago, who had not moved from his wide-eyed watching of his partner’s struggle.

“I have an idea of where we’ll go after we’re done here. But”, He raised his voice so their prisoners could hear, “we can’t finish here until we get that information!”

“Mmmmmstmmmmd!” Kyle shot back, nearly losing his footing. He managed to correct his hopping to avoid a nasty tumble, resulting in more angry muffles. Santiago remained motionless and silent.

Connor shook his head. “You two really don’t want to talk, do you?” he walked over to the duffle bag of supplies and fished out two items that finally got Santiago to shake his head and grunt out a clear “mmmnno!”

The redhead held the objects up for everyone to see. In each hand he held the two leather strip whips. He returned to Liam’s side, passing one to the model, placing it gingerly into Liam’s leather clad grip. He kept one for himself and kept his attention on Kyle. Or more specifically, Kyle’s backside.

“I think a nice flogging will loosen those gagged lips of yours, Hare. Don’t you agree, Liam?” Connor lightly snapped the leather flogger in his hand, the sound echoing slightly.

Liam’s eyes were growing wide. Are we going too far? They whipped… flogged us, is it fair to do the same? Liam shook his head to clear his thoughts. Yes! He agreed. They did deserve the same, especially if it sped up their interrogation.

“I think that’s a great idea, Connor!” Liam beamed at the personal trainer.


As if he was waiting for Liam’s permission, Connor struck, lashing his leather flogger against Kyle, connecting with the bouncing butt of the infuriated man. “MMMMMM!” The blonde screamed.


“Tell us what we want to know!” Connor demanded. Kyle screamed again, but continued to glare at his former captive.


“Why did you do this? What was your plan?” Connor questioned. Again, no response except for a cry of pain.


The trainer let Kyle continue to scream and hop, and turned his attention back to Liam. “I’m not sure Kyle is in the talking mood. I’ll see if I can help him with that. Why don’t you see if Santiago is willing to open up?” he nodded from the whip in Liam’s hand to the mass of muscle waiting on the floor, then winked.

Liam couldn’t help it. He blushed. Not only at Connor’s easy control of the situation, nor even the wink, but also at the idea of having Santiago, a man easily twice his size, under his control. He was nervous. Santiago was huge! Could Liam handle him? Thought back to his weekend with Markus and Peter. Both men were bigger than him too, although that wasn’t exactly a normal situation, as the couple was mostly compliant, and Liam hadn’t been the one “in control” until the very end.

But then he looked down at Santiago. The hulking man was whimpering, slightly shaking his head back and forth. His eyes were enormous orbs full of fear. He mumbled into his tape gag, begging maybe. He looks so scared. Liam knelt down next to him. Santiago stared at him, raising his eyebrows in hope. Remorse? Apologetic?

For all his muscles, Santiago was nothing more than a gentle giant, Liam could see that now. He still went along with the torture and torment, but Liam felt a pang of sorrow as he looked at the man’s pitiful face.

Then he felt that surge of confidence well up inside him. Santiago would definitely tell him what he and Connor wanted to know. But that didn’t mean he should get off easy. Payback’s a bitch.

He leaned in close so he could whisper to his hunk of a captive. “I know you didn’t plan for this to happen. And I also know that you’ll tell me why you and Kyle did this, right?” Santiago whimpered again and nodded slowly, trying to remain calm as Liam pressed his hand against the man’s chest. “But, you still helped Kyle tonight, still held a knife to my throat, still tortured us. So, I have to punish you.”

Santiago moaned, shaking his head vigorously. “Plmmmmms… mmmmmno!”

Liam smiled sweetly. “I’m sorry, but fair is fair.” He shifted so he was hunched over Santiago’s booted feet, his hand trailing down the bodybuilder’s perfect abs. He brushed his hand against the bulge in the man’s jeans before continuing his journey down the muscled leg. He crouched over Santiago and loomed over the terrified hulk.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” Liam asked his captive. Santiago scrunched up his brow in confusion. “Crunches!” Santiago grumbled but began hefting his massive frame up to a sitting position. “But”, Liam interrupted and pushed the prisoner back down, “let’s make it interesting. You enjoyed kissing me so much earlier, so…” he held the flogger up in his hand. “You try to sit up and kiss me. If you fail, you get whipped. Sound good?”

“Mmm mmmm!” Santiago shook his head, his eyes pleading with his diminutive captor.

“Great! Let’s get started!” Liam whipped Santiago’s chest, eliciting a cry from the massive man.

The hulking hunk shifted his position and weight, raising his knees up to mimic proper crunch form, which Liam allowed, also adjusting so he was holding down the man’s boots. They were excellent quality, black leather biker boots, something Peter would be very envious of.

Santiago huffed, raising his upper body up, an action made awkward by the cuffs pinning his arms behind his back. Lacking the leverage of unrestrained arms, it was slow going for the behemoth to rise up. He craned his neck as he ascended, trying to close the gap between his and Liam’s faces. Liam didn’t move, staying absolutely still, waiting. Until the last moment when Bull lunged, trying to connect with his gagged lips. Liam leaned back, and Bull caught on his own knees and flexibility.

He groaned in frustration and fell back down, untensing his core. Liam struck, WHAM! “MMMMMMM!” Santiago cried as the leather strips collided with his impressive abs. Even with the black workout shirt he had on, the flogger still stung.

“Oh, so close!” Liam praised in a mocking tone. “I’m sure you’ll get it this time. Again!”

He gave a light flick of his whip against Santiago’s chest as the man began to rise. Santiago wasn’t near as tired as Liam had been during his forced crunch workout, but he was moving just as slowly as the model had. Again he craned his neck, desperately reaching for that gagged kiss.

And again, Liam ducked back at the last moment, earning Santiago a defeated trip back to the floor and another WHACK of the flogger. “Come on, Santiago! You gotta want it!” Liam hyped up.

“Plmmms!” Santiago begged as he tried and failed again to successfully crunch up to a kiss. WHACK! Liam wasn’t hitting hard, just enough to sting, enough for the big man to feel it, but it didn’t stop Santiago from crying out each time.

Liam looked over to Connor and Kyle. The redhead was smacking his captive much harder with his flogger, and Kyle’s screams were genuine. Liam saw that Connor had also increased the speed, forcing Kyle to hop as if his life depended on it. But even still, the blonde had a look of defiance. He wasn’t breaking.

WHACK! Liam struck Santiago’s chest again. Again. And again. Each time Santiago frustratingly failed and Liam lashed out.

Santiago forced himself back up, now expecting to fail and be flogged. He reached the height of his crunch, this time not even bothering to stretch or reach towards his tormentor. Liam saw how defeated the muscular hunk had become, and without even thinking, reached out to grab hold of Santiago’s cheeks. He pulled the man closer until he pecked the outline of Bull’s lips in the tape.

“MMMMmmm?” Santiago moaned, almost melting into Liam’s touch.

Liam leaned back, his face tomato red as realization set in. Did he really just do that? He took a breath then addressed his captive. “Are you ready to cooperate? Ready to answer our questions, honestly?”

Santiago’s eyes lit up, and he nodded as fiercely as he could with his head still being held in Liam’s leather grasp. “Mmmhmmm mmmhmmmm mmmhhhmmm!”

Liam smiled, then called out, “Connor! I think Santiago has a few things to say!”
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Post by Bradstick »

Ahh look at Liam getting some well deserved revenge. As these chapters keep going on I keep falling more and more in love with Santiago. I’m so excited for the next chapter as we figure out what the hell this all about.

Great job as always and this was definitely worth the wait. Absolutely love what your doing with this series!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Wow. Glad that the idea helped with your writer's block. And seeing how you've written it out into this wonderful chapter makes me go :D . Liam is definitely learning to be more confident and comfortable in getting what he wants. Can't wait to find out what Santiago knows about this whole thing. Will it be the whole truth? Connor and Liam need answers!
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Post by Volobond »

I'm not one for pain, but it was wonderful to see Liam and Connor taking a firm control of their former tormentors. I hope that Hare gets even more punishment for not giving in!

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Post by gag1195 »

@Bradstick I was really worried about officially introducing Santiago and Kyle as the antagonists of this story. I have plans for them in future tales in this little universe, and I wasn't sure how they would be received here. I know from some PMs that Kyle has had support back when he was introduced in Liam Learns the Ropes, but it's nice to see Santiago getting some love!

@Guardianbound Thank you again for the inspiration! I initially knew I wanted some sort of role-reversal torture between Liam and Bull, but got blocked on the specifics, so your comment went a long way in making this chapter possible!

@Volobond It was nice to see their well deserved retribution, wasn't it? And not to worry, Kyle will get some more punishment for being defiant and uncooperative! Connor will make sure of it!

@NeedControl A man of few words, but the comment and readership is appreciate nonetheless! :lol:

Thanks for the comments everyone! Next chapter is gonna be big! We're finally getting some long awaited answers! I want to make sure it's just right, so it may take just a bit longer to finish! I know you'll understand!
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Post by Bradstick »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] i actually agree with whoever PMd you. When I first read those before I started reading this story, I really like Kyle. Granted I still love Connor put had I voted when the story first came out, I would have gone Kyle all the way. I’m so happy you brought him back but he is very attractive.

And I’m loving Santiago so much, I’m so glad you brought him into the story.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

“Mmm mmmm!” Santiago shook his head, his eyes pleading with his diminutive captor.
I have to confess I lost it (if you get my euphemism's at this point in the story...

A muscular, big man held captive and at the mercy of a captor smaller than he...

Ecstasy, Baby! :D :D :D :D
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Post by gag1195 »

@Bradstick I know I had some disappointed readers when Kyle didn't win the poll, so this was part of my way to show them some love, they way they showed support for the cool bartender. As for Santiago, he plays a decent role in another story I am tossing around, but I didn't want to wait to introduce him, so this story worked out perfectly!

@KidnappedCowboy I too really love when the bigger, muscular man gets taken down and controlled by the smaller man! That power dynamic, as you said, makes me lose it! So of course, with both Liam and Santiago in this story, it had to happen! :D
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

So of course, with both Liam and Santiago in this story, it had to happen!
So glad it is happening!! :D
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Post by gag1195 »

Part 18: The Truth

“MMMMM HMMMMM MMMM!” Kyle was furious. If not for the tape, Liam was certain that he’d be frothing at the mouth. It was clear that he didn’t want his partner in crime to spill his guts. He stared daggers at Santiago, shaking his head and cursing. Anything to command his fellow captive to keep his gagged mouth shut.

Another smack greeted the blonde. “Shut up!” Connor whipped. “You had your chance, Man-bun!” The redhead reached over to adjust the treadmill trapping the hunk, and for a moment it seemed like Connor was going to take pity on his captive and switch off the evil cardio machine. “Now, you just keep on hopping, Hare, while the rest of us have a little chat.”

With that, Connor upped the treadmill speed and left Kyle to struggle to keep up with the swiftly moving conveyor belt. The redhead smiled as he left his prisoner to huff and curse and hop. He strode confidently towards Liam and their hulk of a captive, whose chin was still being held by the model’s gloved grip. Liam beamed up at his dream hunk and the commanding presence he exuded as he stood over the two men.

Connor crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at Santiago. “So, S.T. Finally ready to talk?”

“Mmmm hmmmm!” the massive man nodded again, eager to end his torment.

Connor knelt down and took over from Liam, who was more than happy to sit back and let the trainer take the lead. Connor began slowly unwinding the tape from around Santiago’s mouth, taking his time so the captive would feel every centimeter of sticky adhesive as it was pulled from his skin, his hair, his stubble.

“Mmmmmmmmmm!” Santiago couldn’t help from complaining as the pained sensation unwound itself. “mmmm-AAAAH! Mierda, that fucking hurt!” Santiago’s accented voice called out.

Connor tossed the used tape to Liam and immediately shoved his own gloved hand over Santiago’s mouth. “Mmmmmmm….” The wall of muscle whined, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

“Listen, Asshole”, Connor began, anger welling up in his voice, “I’m exhausted, I’m pissed as hell, and I am. Not. In. The. Mood.” He punctuated those last words with a jab of his finger into Santiago’s chest. “So, shut up, and pay attention. You don’t fucking speak a word except to answer our questions. And you better be honest! Nod if you understand.”

Santiago gave a meek nod, a slightly frightened look in eyes. Connor glared, pushed his hand into the man’s face for a moment, then released the hand gag.

Connor looked at Liam and nodded. “Ok, so let’s get started. All of this seemed to have nothing to do with the money. We checked the safe and everything’s still accounted for. Correct?”

He paused and waited. But Santiago remained silent, expectantly watching his interrogator. Connor tensed, then smacked Santiago in the face. Not hard, as far as Liam could tell, but enough to sting. “I asked you a question. Answer.”

Santiago nodded again, trying to compose himself, then stammered out, “Y-yes. It wasn't about the money. You know me, Connor, I wouldn’t steal from this project. I even donated m-!” Another smack, which silenced Santiago’s rambling.

“So all of this shit was just to get me to say my code out loud in front of Liam?”

Santiago nodded, already bracing for another smack of the leather gloves. “That’s right. But we didn’t know that Liam was the safe code, honest!”

Liam sat up, confused. If Kyle and Santiago didn’t know my name was the code… “Then who did?” He finished the thought out loud.

Santiago looked over to the model, and Liam stared back. “Who did know about the code?” Liam repeated. “Who set this all up?”

Santiago opened his mouth, but hesitated. He couldn’t hold his gaze with either man. Connor shot his hand out, grabbing the prisoner by the hair and pulling, forcing Santiago to keep his head up.

“Liam asked you a question. Don’t make me repeat it.” He raised up the leather flogger in his other hand in warning.

“Ah… fine! It was Peter! Peter knew the code!” Santiago hissed out the answer through gritted teeth.

The room fell silent except for the sounds of Kyle’s frustrated hopping, and even that seemed distant. Liam couldn’t process what Santiago had just said. Peter? What? How? Why? Peter! Why would his best friend do this? Liam slowly turned his gaze to look at Connor. The personal trainer also appeared to be grappling with the same questions.

Liam’s mind began working overtime. Peter knew that he had switched to a later session time. He knew that Liam had a crush on Connor. Peter had a convenient alibi with his trip to the opera, ensuring that he wouldn’t be anywhere near the gym at all tonight. Was all of this the blonde model’s convoluted attempt to get Liam and Connor together? I’m gonna fucking kill him.

Connor finally snapped back after that realization. “How the fuck does Peter know my code?”

Santiago almost jumped at the rage barely contained within the redhead. “H-H-He saw it on a sticky note! A few weeks ago, on a clipboard on the desk!”
Connor was clearly not satisfied with that answer. “That just had the numbers! How did he know that they spelled Liam?”

“Peter said he figured it out! Said he was bored at work one day, so he cracked your code! He said it wasn’t hard to match the letters and numbers, only a certain number of options?” Santiago was nervous his response was sounding less and less sure.

But, Liam agreed with the poor captive’s answer. Peter was annoyingly good with numbers. It’s the reason he still had a job despite all his goofing off and slacking. When he did his job, he was frustratingly good at it. Liam put a hand on Connor’s shoulder, and slowly nodded. That calmed the redhead somewhat. He loosened his grip on Santiago’s hair, but didn’t fully let go.

“So, Peter figured out my code, and what? Convinced you two idiots to kidnap and torture us?” Connor pressed.

Again, Santiago nodded. “Sí! He knew the two of you liked each other. Told me and Kyle to give you a push. He knew we would be willing to help, since we helped him and Markus get together. We came up with the plan, the different ways to torture you two. Lo siento.”

Connor released Santiago’s hair, allowing their captive to finally avert his gaze. He hung his head in shame, in defeat. Connor busied himself by clenching and unclenching his fists. Liam crossed and uncrossed his arms. It didn’t feel real. Though in a way, it did. Peter loved his pranks. And the aggressive confidence with which he lived his life was all over this stupid plan. On one hand, it was very sweet. Peter really cared about Liam and wanted him to be happy. How many times had he not-so-subtly suggested that Liam ask out Connor? On the other hand, I’m gonna fucking kill him.

Then a thought occurred to Liam, and he couldn’t stop himself from asking. “Did Markus have anything to do with this?”

Santiago’s head shot up at that question. “No! Peter especifically left Markus out of this. Said he wouldn’t approve of this plan.”

Liam and Connor nodded in agreement at that. Markus could be quite devious, but there was no way in hell that he would willingly go along with this nonsense. Santiago sighed, then hung his head again.

“Santiago, this wasn’t how you planned for things to go, was it?” Liam asked. Santiago refused to look up, but he shook his head. “You two didn’t plan on getting captured. So, what was your plan if we hadn’t escaped?”

Santiago sighed, then grumbled out his answer. “We would have kept up the ruse. Pretended to have taken all the money. We would have tortured you for a bit longer. Then we would have tied you back to back, as if we were in a hurry. It would be loose enough for the two of you to eventually get out of. You would have found that the money was still there, and your feelings out in the open.”

Liam rolled his eyes. That sounded like a Peter Plan. all ideas and no substance. This ideal plan of his ignored like twenty different, but very likely, variables.

“So, what now?” Liam asked, wanting to prevent another round of awkward silence. His question was directed towards Connor, but he didn’t expect Santiago to interject with any thoughts of his own.

Connor looked at the object of his affection. His eyes were cold as steel, but they seemed to melt into the kind hazel eyes that he found so attractive. Connor’s expression softened as he stared at Liam. Then a sly smile formed on his lips.

“We need to get these two idiots ready.” He held up Kyle’s keyring. “We’re going on a little trip!”


Thanks for your patience everyone! This one took a lot longer to finish than I originally planned. I rewrote this so many times trying to get it just right! I wanted the reveal to be a nice juicy cliffhanger, but I just couldn't figure out how to make that work naturally. I am quite happy with how it ended up, and very happy that everything is out in the open now! Seriously, the amount of times I almost let these revelations slip in comments and conversations is ridiculous!

Hope you enjoyed it! If you are enjoying this story, please let me know in the comments! I'd love to hear from you!
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Post by Bradstick »

Ahh Peter was behind all of this! That actually makes a lot of sense! God that I was everything I hoped for the reveal and so much more.

I’m curious what Connor has planned now. I know if they told Markus what happened, he would help get revenge on Peter. I can’t believe Peter was able to organize all of this, it was very thought out and would have worked had they not escaped.

I’m curious why Santiago and Kyle agreed to this. Did they do this to help Liam/Connor get together? Did they do this a favor for Peter? Or maybe this did this more their own sexual pleasure? So many answers that gave me even more questions.

And Connor, why would you leave a sticky note with the safe code on it at your place of employment, that was not smart of him on his part.

And I want to say again, I love Santiago so much. I really hope Santiago makes up with Liam and Connor so they can still be friends, and who knows, maybe more than friends ;)
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I would not want to be Peter right now. of he thought the opera was painful, he isn't going to like the encore.
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Post by Volobond »

Haha, of COURSE! I knew it! :D Lol Markus' lack of involvement was unexpected but now seems obvious - and ooh, Santiago is so cute all captured: I'll keep him prisoner for a while as punishment if Connor and Liam don't want to keep him! ;)

I love your style and creativity, and I'm thrilled at the latest revelation.

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Post by Guardianbound »

Is there going to be 1,2...5 maybe 6 attractive men together all in one room!? which means up to 5 of them in bondage at the same time?! Love the cliffhanger. Great chapter as always :) Second [mention]Bradstick[/mention] on the sticky note comment, how careless of Connor.
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Post by NeedControl »

So so SO GOOD!!! 🤩
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Post by socjuc »

Part 17
Just playing catch up. Love that Santiago has been reduced to a whimpering the mercy of Liam even! Seeing Liam somewhat expressing a dom role through is kind of hot!

Really surprised to see Santiago buckle so quickly through the process....not much resistance there... I mean Liam endured far more. Who is the real warrior here? :lol:

Part 18
Connor's immediate disciplinary action to Kyle after he shot the dagger look was great! Love that immediate retaliation....

As we see in the previous part, Santiago continues with his buckling and he sings like a canary. :lol: Kind of hoping the road trip is a personal delivery of the tied blokes to Markus.... :mrgreen:

PS - the time you take to write this is making this tale the best! Its part of the process :P
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