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Dear friend,
I'm not sure how to start this journal and I'm not even certain if any of these letters will reach you. Still, I hold on to the hope that someone across this vast blue ocean will read my notes and find some measure of worth in them. And so, on these yellowish sheets of paper, I now scribble my life's story. For it may be short, but uneventful it certainly is not.

The content of these letters may be shocking, dear friend, but so is the nature of life here in these barren tundras of Norrmannaland, or as the overlords call it, "Noregr". Although the land of heathens is now my home, know that it was not always so. A proud patriot of upper Caledonia's northernmost coast I once was, until that fateful night many moons ago - the night of the raid.

The untamed lands of these wild and pagan Norsemen may indeed lay claim to the shell that is now my body, but my heart remains with you, beloved Caledonia. For even as I watched your windswept shores and lush green pastures grow smaller in the distance, I knew with utmost certainty that part of me would remain captive of your beauty. From now until death.

Alas, a scholar in training I may have been, but getting ahead of myself I certainly am.
Forgive me, dear friend. Let me start from the beginning.

My name is Jamis. Jamis Thompson, to be more precise. Born in A.D 817, to parents unknown and raised at the Freswick town orphanage I was. Even as a wee lad, the world of literature and science had held my interest. These Norse terrors who came to our lands uninvited and took the shape of brutes and pillagers normally had little use for physically diminutive men of my ilk and stature. My rudimentary knowledge of their harsh tongue is no doubt what saved me, for on the night of the raid, I managed to surprise one of the brutes by piecing together a rudimentary plea for mercy, even as he held me half a meter above ground and had my neck in a vice-like grip.

Our small town of 200 souls was overrun almost instantly. The first warning cries hadn't even made it to the village square that three Norsemen longships had already beached on our sandy shores. Some of the villagers made for the hills, hoping to escape the incoming onslaught while a dozen of our bravest men attempted to mount a semblance of defence. Their efforts, though valiant, proved too little too late. The intrepid defenders were cut down with a savage ferocity the likes of which I had never seen. Our ageing town mayor's pleas and attempts at bribery also fell on deaf ears. The severing of his grey-haired head was the blow that finally silenced his tongue.

Houses were set ablaze, townsfolk were slaughtered like cattle, and valuables were plundered and stolen. Screams of women and children echoed across the night sky, even as great plumes of smoke rose up from every building.

When finally the bloodthirsty beasts broke through the barred doors of Freswick's century-old monastery, the only defence standing between them and the terrified monks who'd spent the last few years raising me was my sword-bearing self. And my oh my, what an insufficient defence that was.

One of the brawny goliaths approached me, slowly, toyingly. Even from a distance, his seven-foot-tall frame seemed impossibly large. The frightening helmet and scarlet warpaint clad over his ruggedly handsome features did little to hide the feral bloodlust in his icy blue gaze. These men - if they could even be called that - were predators. They were godless and they lived for the kill. You could see it in their eyes.

Brother Fred and Brother Ulric pleaded with the approaching Norsemen, just as our mayor previously had. The other monks fell to their knees, praising the Lord and asking for his blessing. All of it was for nought, of course.

I wanted to save them. I wanted to save them all, but the dull iron sword I held in my quivering right hand was as foreign to me as the steel helmet sitting loosely atop my head.

When the sound of Ulric being gutted alive resonated across the stone monastery's echo hall, I thrust my sword forward in an ill-fated attempt to impale my one, towering assailant. His predatory blue gaze, however, did not leave my terrified hazel orbs even for a second as a double-sided axe twice the size of my head batted my attack away; sending my sword clattering to the cobblestone floor.

With my eyes still locked on the terrifying monstrosity-of-a-man that kept approaching my unarmed form, I backed away in a panic and ended up falling backwards. A calloused hand that surely dwarfed even the largest of bear paws reached down to grab my comparatively puny neck, and then I felt myself being pulled up off the floor and lifted right off my feet.

I desperately wrapped my own meagre hands around the giant man's forearm, but that was more in an attempt to prevent my own weight from breaking my neck than to escape his vice-like death grip.

The murderous beast brought me up to his eye level, looked at me square in the face, saw the fear in my eyes and snarled in disdain, no doubt thinking to himself what a pitiful prey I had been.

I still remember seeing my life's memories flash before me, and vaguely recall parting my trembling lips and voicing out a series of pleas and whimpers in the vile tongue known to my kin only as Norse. The monks and priests had always discouraged me from studying such things but never had they expressly forbade it.

"Mis...Miskunn-samr, orrostumaðr. Miskunn. Miskunn." I pleaded, begging for mercy in the language of northern heathens.

The towering goliath's head cocked to the side as he picked up my desperate attempts at formulating comprehensible words in his mother tongue. His icy gaze remained that of a killer's, but his curiosity had obviously been piqued just enough to postpone the inevitable crushing of my neck.

I repeated the word mercy "miskunn" several more times before he finally released his suffocating grip; sending me crashing back down to the floor and causing my fearful gaze to be cast upwards. The other Norsemen slowly converged on my position as the last of the unarmed monks had been impaled and gutted like a fish.

The last thing I saw was the terrifying faces of five merciless behemoths as they loomed above me from their unbelievably hulking vantage points and debated whether or not I was worth being taken prisoner. My rudimentary understanding of their harsh tongue allowed me to comprehend the precariousness of my situation. My fate was being decided.

"Miskunn. Misk..." I tried whimpering again, only for the disabling blow of an axe's flat-side to knock me out in a cold daze and send my helmet flying across the bloodied room.

I very vaguely recall being lifted up off the monastery floor and flung over one of the towering leviathan's impossibly broad shoulders. My surroundings grew hazy as my body slowly went limp and my vision blacked out.

On that fateful spring night of Einmánuður's 12th day, A.D 841, I would forever cease to be a free man.
My name is Jamis Thompson, and this is my story.




* Caledonia - Old name for Scotland
* Noregr - Old name for Norway
* Norrmannaland - Old name for Norway (used by foreigners: Celts, Bretons, Saxons)
* Einmánuður - The month that corresponds to our calendar's March/April period
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Post by Bradstick »

I will say, Vikings have always been a turn on for me. They are huge sweaty and overall just massive in size and personality. This story had a great concept and the first chapter was already amazing.

I’m curious what those Vikings are gonna go with him. This story has a lot of potential and I would love to see how this story evolves! So I would love a follow up chapter!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Historical fiction on a forum like this, yes please. This starting chapter is great, sets out the world and how the main character ended up in his current situation. If you decide to continue with this, I'll be happy to read the follow-up chapters.
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Post by Stormee »

As a gamer who plays For Honor and in desperate need to play Assassin's Creed Valhalla, this is descriptive story of how Vikings were back then. Perfect story starter and can't wait to know more of Jamis. I can't wait to see what they'll do to him since he's part of the Norse men with their language.
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Post by gag1195 »

Interest definitely piqued! I'm always a sucker for good historical fiction, which this very much is shaping up to be!
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Post by ShadowHusky »

Yessssss! Historical fiction! I am so excited for this!
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Post by GoBucks »

Becoming the captured slave of Neanderthal Viking men sounds great!! :D
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Post by Ossassin »

Now let’s see how this delight goes. I’m looking forward to this.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Omigod, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], there's nothing I like more than a story set in the past, any time period really, but the Early Middle Ages offers such possibilities with Viking raids and feudal lords.

I cannot wait to read this Viking sage sacking the scholar Jamis Thompson! :D :twisted:

Pray, continue my Lord!!! :D
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's a pretty grim start for our hero but I'm quite impressed by the unique setting and authentic narration. Great work!
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Post by Subexplorer71 »

yes please this sounds very tantalizing. I'm definitely intrigued to find out how this story will unfold. Perhaps a sex slave when they are away from home and women are not around lol.
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Post by wataru14 »

Well, it should be no surprise that I'm already hooked on this. Another epic tale in the making from the master.
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Post by socjuc »

Well for me normally this era of reading I never read. BUT! if [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] is a writing it, I am a reading it. :lol:

I think this is difficult to write, to know how to document the language, the atmosphere, the 'norms' of those times.... this is ambitious!

So far a very captivating start... Jamis has survived his encounter thus far. Something was seen in him to decide to keep him :)
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[mention]Bradstick[/mention] [mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]Stormee[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]
[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]Subexplorer71[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]privateandrews[/mention] [mention]that1kid13[/mention]
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Einmánuður 12th, A.D 841


As it turns out, I wasn't the only one who ended up being taken prisoner that night. In total, twelve of us had been deemed worthy; five men and seven women. The rest of the villagers had presumably fled to the hills, perished in their burning homes or died at the end of a sharp blade. Either way, I had yet to determine whether those of us still alive were the lucky ones or not. Norsemen weren't known for their mercy, and local knowledge of what they did to their prisoners was severely lacking. The one thing we did know, however, was that the unfortunate few who were deemed worthy of being taken to the northeastern land of heathens never returned.

Prisoners were rarely taken, but when they were, it was usually on early springtime raids like this one. Women of remarkable beauty were distributed among the Jarl and his fiercest warriors. Able-bodied men were also prized commodities at this time of the year, when the snow had melted and the fields were ready for their seasonal ploughing. In other words, the women were to be taken as spouses, while the men would typically serve as labourers and farmers; an especially gruelling task considering the harshness of those cold northern tundras.

In any case, the night was already nearing its final stretch by the time the brutes had queued us up into three lines and finished loading the spoils of their plunder into the dreaded longboats. Myself and the other four men were lined up one in front of the other and forced to kneel on the pebble-lined beach as the sobbing women were separated into two groups and forcibly loaded into the first two seafaring Drakkars.

The poor sod kneeling in front of me - a normally joyous fellow by the name of Paul - decided to get up and make a run for it, most likely fearing the fate that would befall him once we reached these much-feared Norse lands.

The thirty-year-old man didn't even make it off the beach that an oversized hatchet had buried itself deep between his shoulder blades; bringing his would-be escape to an untimely halt and causing his lifeless corpse to fall facedown in the sand.

Several of the women gasped and cried out upon witnessing the spectacle. Myself and the remaining three men simply shuddered and kept our heads down while the towering barbarians laughed in unbridled amusement. One of the older brutes - a particularly fierce-looking goliath that looked to be in his late 40s - retrieved the throwing axe from Paul's upper back and then used it to sever the dead man's head.

The crunching of sand and stone grew closer as the two-metre-tall savage approached us, with his bloodied axe in one hand and Paul's grotesque head in the other. Neither myself nor the three men in front of me dared casting our gazes up. We were all visibly shaken and distraught, even more so when Paul's severed head was unceremoniously dumped to the ground, right next to our kneeling forms.

The crying man at the front of the line whimpered upon seeing his friend's lifeless eyes staring back at him. He threw up on the sand, and I ended up doing the same just a few seconds later.

Deep laughter punctuated the already ghastly sound of our once-quaint town burning in the distance. But the brute who'd dumped Paul's head next to us bore no expression of amusement on his grim dirt-ridden face. He was sending us a clear message. Attempt to make a run for it, and pay the ultimate price. A nonlethal demonstration would've surely sufficed, but that was not the way of these nordic brutes.

I still remember my heart nearly beating out of its chest when we were finally made to stand up and herded towards the remaining Drakkar. The three men in front of me had little problem stepping into the beached ship, but due to my relatively meagre frame and unimpressive height, I was unable to climb aboard. That is, until one of the oversized leviathans took note of my problem and used his unbelievably massive hands to lift me up into the boat as though I weighed no more than a small child.

A few of the brutes laughed when the man then referred to me as "Mjólka-drykkyumaðr". It took a while for me to understand what it meant, but the rough translation was something along the lines of "milk-drinker", a derogatory term used to describe physically inferior males such as myself. From that moment on, I would cease to carry the name "Jamis" and would instead be referred to as "milk-drinker".

I must admit, dear friend, I was genuinely surprised when the savage brutes forced myself and my fellow Caledonians to lie stomach-down in the centre of their wooden vessel. The Romans down south were infamous for using slave labour to row their boats. These Norsemen, however, obviously didn't function in the same manner as the imperialistic southlanders. They saw rowing and most physically gruelling tasks as being honourable and manly; something which should have been evident given the downright impossible girth of their arms, legs, necks and shoulders.

Myself and my three quivering compatriots remained motionless on the floor of the wooden ship as a dozen towering behemoths jumped aboard the seafaring craft.

Our limbs were cruelly trussed up with coarse ropes before our bodies were forced into the most strenuous of hogties; causing both myself and my fellow prisoners to wince and cry out. The knots were unnecessarily tight and the restraining of our ankles all the way up to our bound elbows was both immensely painful and unreasonably strict.

The name "milk-drinker" once again came up as one of the burly Norsemen assigned to restraining me wrapped his unbelievably broad fingers around my comparatively puny wrists and forearms. Even though he apparently found some level of amusement in how small-boned and modestly built I was, his expression was one of stark disapproval and bewilderment.

"No meat on this one. He should go with the women." he growled, speaking in the harsh tongue of barbarians and causing several of his comrades to let out deep snorts and chuckles.

"Why bring this man-child with us? Too weak to plough the fields. Too small to cut down the wood. Useless." spoke another.

"He speaks our tongue. He lives, for now." came an especially gruff voice.

One of the other brutes entered the small assemblage of warriors gathered around me before squeezing my butt and yanking my head up so that he could inspect my facial cavity. The 30-something-year-old man's face was partly covered in dark blue tattoos; something which contrasted quite vividly with his partially-braided wheat-coloured hair and the short beard that adorned his powerful jawline.

"Milk-drinker too skinny." he grumbled, eyeing my terrified face as though trying to find some sort of redeeming quality besides my rudimentary understanding of his tongue. "Clean teeth. His mouth make good hole. Maybe I take him as hūs-frūghæ." he finally added, drawing cacophonic cheers and hollers from the other burly leviathans.

A shiver ran down my spine as the fear-inspiring words left his cruel mouth. I couldn't be certain, but one of the words he'd employed; "frūghæ" sounded awfully close to the Norse word for woman or wife.

Another hand reached out to grab my pert buttocks before two of the other brutes took turns pulling my head up by the hair and scrutinising my facial features. One of them even inserted his beefy fingers into my mouth and used them to stretch my lips apart, apparently interested in seeing what sort of girth my orifice could accommodate.

Their limbs and bodies were terrifyingly colossal. Their heads stood half a meter above my own. And their unmistakably handsome features were clouded behind thick veils of animalistic hunger.

I gulped, visibly mortified of what they might do to me. But the brutes didn't care. They just sneered and laughed derisively before ruffling my hair up and once again referring to me as "milk-drinker".

As soon as my fellow captives and I were securely trussed up, the twelve towering goliaths assumed strategic positions around the narrow ship: one at the bow, one at the aft, five on port and five on starboard. The sun had already begun crawling up the horizon by the time our Drakkar had joined its two sister ships in departing from Freswick's rocky shoreline. The welcoming dawn, however, did little to appease our troubled thoughts as the ruthless barbarians took us across the northeastern waters that separated us from their homeland.

None of us would be coming back, I knew.
We were on a one-way journey. A one-way journey to the feared land of heathens.



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Post by Stormee »

Poor Milk-drinker, off to a new world where he'll be treated poorly under the brutal warriors. Seems like one of them has already taken a fancy to him. Doubt he'll be treated fairly considering what happened to the guy who tried fleeing. Welp, that's vikings for you, brutes if you ask me. Can't wait for more, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]. You got so many ideas to be written down I bet.
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Post by Bradstick »

The story got even hotter! This is definitely something I hope you continue because my god is it hot. This story has some dark tones like the death of Paul which always makes for interesting story. Then you combine with the how little they see him. He couldn’t get on the ship by himself and needed the help of one of those godlike Vikings to lift him up which was super hot!

Then we get the whole “milk-drinker” nickname and the other taunting. The scene where they checking out his mouth and feeling his ass was also great! I have feeling he will be drinking something milk-ish pretty soon here ;)

There was also the part where they talked about making him his wife. That kind of reminded me of the relationship between Steven and Nick where Nick sees him as a wife. Espically since, as you stated in the rowing scene, these Vikings like to be physical and want that more submissive wife which again reminds me of Steven/Nick. Granted this story we are seeing “Nick” become 10x more animalistic and uncaring towards him. Overall I can’t wait to see where you take this.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago
Then we get the whole “milk-drinker” nickname and the other taunting. The scene where they checking out his mouth and feeling his ass was also great! I have feeling he will be drinking something milk-ish pretty soon here ;)
What milky white substance might you be referring to? Viking longships don't have cows do they? I think it's interesting how they're not looking for another labourer by forcing their prisoner to get stronger, instead keeping him as a wife.
Not sure if it will happen but looking to see if one of the vikings falls in love and becomes more protective of his prisoner, instead of letting him get passed around and abused.
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Post by Bradstick »

Guardianbound wrote: 2 years ago
Not sure if it will happen but looking to see if one of the vikings falls in love and becomes more protective of his prisoner, instead of letting him get passed around and abused.
That kind what I’m hoping happens as well. He gets passed around and one of the Vikings get jealous and takes him. This part is pure theory but maybe one of the clan leaders chooses to take because he can speak their language as well as the language of all their slaves/forced wife’s.

Having that translator wife might be something a leader is looking for. But again that’s just an idea. Who knows what will happen but I’m super excited to find out!

And [mention]Guardianbound[/mention], I don’t believe there are any cows on that longship, but there are 12 bulls if you know what I mean ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

From bad to worse and then worser still for poor Jamis. And his suffering is just beginning. He has a long road ahead of him with what these Vikings are implying-or outright stating!
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Post by ShadowHusky »

I think is the story I'm most excited to see more from. You've really done your research into these topics. Homosexuality wasn't uncommon in the viking era, the paramount was with dominance. While it was very important to their heritage that they marry and have children, it was common that Viking men would take advantage of their male and female thralls. Having a sex slave or a concubine was allowed for male vikings, however having sex with another's wife was strictly prohibited.

Sexuality wasn't categorised in viking times, all that really mattered was dominance in the sexual part of the relationship. In Viking society, there were only two insults so deadly they would give way to a murder. The first was to accuse a man of cowardice in a battle. The second was to accuse a man of being an ergi, the one who is being penetrated.
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Post by wataru14 »

I love that you're using the language. Its touches like this that make me hunger for more. The detail and care that you're putting into the subject matter is astounding, but no surprise considering your long-time interest in the setting.

And I just finished beating Assassin's Creed Valhalla this week, so I'm still in the Viking mood! Bring it on!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Jamis should be well aware that it's not going to be easy surviving among these Northern folk.

I wonder if we're going to be introduced to the rest of his fellow thralls and other Vikings. It can be interesting to see how his treatment differed from the others due to his language skill and even more pronounced lack of stature.
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Post by GoBucks »

Being the "milk drinker" for a group of animalistic Vikings doesn't sound so bad does it? ;)

And you know Norse? You never cease to amaze with your knowledge!
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Post by Ossassin »

So far everything seems very neat. All the characters and dialogue make sense and while we have only had a taste of a hogtie the future looks fun :D
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