Betrayed! (mm/mm)

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Betrayed! (mm/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Tom leaned against the wooden work table, craning his neck to inspect its contents: Two rolls of duct tape, a couple bandannas, a few coils of ropes, a feather, a few cloth pegs and various tools. The blonde boy was dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a white t-shirt with a black skull on, a blue bandanna with white spots covered the lower half of his face. The boy put his toy gun away behind his back, in his waistband and looked at the room around him.

The garage was mostly empty, a few boxes piled at one side and a wooden chair. There was a kid in a corner, sitting against a wooden post. He was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a grey polo shirt with red stripes. His hands were pulled behind his back, around the post where a rope tied his wrists. A second roped pulled his elbows together and wrapped around his chest, just above his stomach. His legs were stretched in front of him, ankles bound together, the same with his knees. His face was obscured from view; the lower half covered by a single strip of silver tape and the top, by a black and white bandanna. A tuft of messy black hair stuck out from his head.

Tom smiled watching Luke absentmindedly rocking his feet on his heels. For a kidnapped boy he was remarkably quiet, not that he had accepted his captivity. From his position, Tom could clearly see him fidgeting with the knots, not that it mattered. The boy was quite proud of the way he tied Luke

With Luke tightly restrained, the only thing to do was waiting for his rescuers to arrive. He could of course take that time to torture the prisoner but he would be exposed to being caught by surprise. Better to wait until everyone was captured before having fun with his prisoners “What do you think they are planning?” he asked Luke attempting to strike some conversation. Waiting could be really boring.

Luke tilted his head and shrugged “This will work right?” Luke nodded. Tom smiled, Luke might prefer to be the one doing the tying but he looked rather cute when tied up, he really should get tied up more often. Perhaps if everything went according to plan he might be able to get the boy tied up once more.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming from the side door. Luke jolted and turned his head towards said door. Tom smiled and pulled his gun out, walking away from the door. It was showtime

The door slowly opened and a brown-haired teenager cautiously stepped inside holding another toy gun. His eyes first fell upon the bound hostage “Hey Luke” he smiled “we though you might need some help” the moment he gave a step forwards, he felt the barrel of a gun against his head

“How nice of you to join us” Tom smiled holding his friend at gunpoint “Now drop that gun”


Tom blinked confused, the rules said that they had to act as if the guns were real “What do you mean by no?” Dylan smirked taking advantage of Tom momentary distraction and charged at him, wrapping his arms around his body and spinning him around until he faced away from the door. The two struggled for a moment and Dylan was clearly having the advantage until Tom recover control of his gun and held it against his attacker’s chin “Did you really think this would work?” he asked panting as Dylan raised his hands “The only thing you accomplished was pissing off your future captor!”

Despite being totally defeated, Dylan’s smile remained on his face “Actually, I also managed to distract you so Max could sneak upon you from behind”

Tom’s eyes opened wide but before he could turn around he felt a gun against his head “Hands up” he heard a familiar voice behind. He sighed and did as told. Slowly turning around to see the smiling redhead holding a gun. The boy knew it was over. Dylan snatched the gun from his hands and stepped around him, holding him at gun point

“I’ll keep an eye on him, you take care of Luke!” Max nodded and rushed towards the hostage, hurrying to untie him

“It’s not fair” Tom sighed “It was two against one, there was no way I could win”

“Maybe, but you didn’t complain at first” Dylan pointed, meanwhile, Max hand untied Luke’s upper body and was now helping the boy with his legs. Luke pulled his hands in front and lifted the bandanna from his eyes, blinking to get them used to the sunlight

“Dylan, grab these ropes and tie his hands” Max instructed handing Dylan the ropes that had been tying Luke’s arms “It’s time to interrogate him about his bosses” he grinned “Unless you want to make it easy for us”

“I’ll never talk!” Tom exclaimed. Max helped Luke up and turned around to face Tom

“Brave words, for someone who is going to be interrogated by Luke” to his surprise, Tom returned the smile

“You are right, you really should be more worried” Max frowned confused

“What?” he asked breaking his character “No. You are the prisoner, we were going to let Luke take care of-” he was interrupted by an arm wrapped around his neck. In his shock, he was unable to prevent his gun being stolen from him and held against his head. Dylan’s eyes opened wide and Tom grinned ear-to-ear “Luke?”

“Yep” Luke smiled holding Max hostage “Now Dylan, drop your gun and raise your hands or Max gets it” Dylan glared at Luke yet did what was told, slowly placing his hands behind his head

“Traitor” he snarled

“Luke… how could you?” asked Max with a high-pitched voice, sounding genuinely hurt “we are best friends!”

“Sorry Max, but evil pays better” Luke smiled patting Max’s cheek, Max expression turned cold as he gave his friend a look of disgust

“After everything we’ve been through? Does Ouagadougou doesn’t mean anything to you?”

“Get off your high horse, if you’ve been really my friend you wouldn’t have slept with my wife!” Max’s cheeks turned red as he avoided his look

“It was a one-night mistake… and don’t think I don’t know it was you who sent those Russian agents after her!”

“It was her fault” Luke snarled “You turned your back on me first! After I saved your life at Shanghai!” Dylan and Tom looked at the others with wide eyes and exchanged quick confused looks

“We were even after the incident in Kathmandu!” Max replied

“Oh, don’t you dare bring up Kathmandu!”

“Guys!” Dylan interrupted “Can we cut this and just get tied up?” Luke and Max exchanged looks and let out awkward laughs momentarily breaking character. They might have gone a little overboard with their backstory.

“Sorry about that” Luke gave them a ginger smile before shoving Max towards the center of the room while Tom did the same with Dylan

“Well, well, well, two agents captured” Tom grinned “You better keep your hands up!” he added. The prisoners stood straight, their hands behind their heads, looking at their captors solemnly. Both were wearing a pair of green camo shorts and black t-shirts. The coincidence of their similar outfits was wat prompted Max to suggest that game in the first place.

“Okay, both of you take off your shirts!” Luke added. Max and Dylan exchanged confused looks

“Umm… you told us not to pull our hands down” Dylan pointed

“Yeah, make up your mind!” Max teased

“Uhhg! Take off your shirts, THEN put your hands up!” Tom grunted exasperated, pulling his mask down his neck. Both kids obeyed, removing their t-shirts and tossing them on the table before placing their hands again behind their heads. “On your knees” Tom added, he was enjoying being in charge for a change!

Both boys gave him a “You’ll pay for this” look and got on their knees. Tom noticed Luke was looking enthralled at Dylan’s bare torso.

“Hey Luke, aren’t you going to boss them around?” Luke was quickly pulled back to reality and sheepishly nodded

“Yeah… sure… ummm… Max, get up and walk here” he aimed at the pole where he had been tied not long ago

“Okay, now on your knees”

“Get up, on my knees, get up, on my knees. Wanna pic one?” he snarked yet did what was told. Meanwhile, Tom led Dylan at gunpoint towards the chair and made him sit on it, ordering him to hold his hands in front
“It’s not too late for a heel turn” Dylan said while Tom bound his wrists together “Help us out and we won’t get any revenge on you”

“Asking me to betray my friends?” Tom pulled his hands over and behind his head, tying his firsts to the backrest of the chair “And I thought you were the good guys!” Dylan didn’t reply. He merely tested the ropes around his wrists while Tom wrapped more of them around his chest and waist to keep him still. Finally, he spread his legs and tied each ankle to the legs of the chair. He didn’t bother to remove his black adidas from his feet; there was plenty of exposed skin to torture

Luke had done something similar to Max. He was on his knees, his legs went around the pole, tying his crossed ankles behind it; his hands went above his head and behind the pole, tied together and linked to his ankles. A rope was wrapped around his bare torso and waist. Both prisoners examined each other’s bindings and gave subtle nods of approval. They were impressed with their captors’ handiwork.

“Well gentlemen” Tom smiled looking at the bound kids “We can do this the easy way… where is the vault with the money?” once more Max and Dylan exchanged looks before Max suggested it was in some part of Tom’s anatomy. Tom frowned and stepped forwards, swinging his palm at Max. Unfortunately, he miscalculated his strength and speed, ending hitting Max for real, leaving a red impression of a hand on his cheek

“Ouch!” Max whined

“Sorry!” Tom exclaimed, Luke and Dylan found it hilarious; Max, not so much. “Okay” Tom sighed going back into character “It’s time to start the interrogation!”

“Let’s start with Max” Luke proposed, picked up a knotted red bandanna and held it in front of Max’ face

“You know I won’t be able to talk while gagged right?” he smirked yet opened his mouth to be gagged.

“We know…” Tom rolled his eyes. Luke, the resident torture technician, had suggested earlier, while planning his betrayal, that Dylan and Max were more likely to surrender when seeing a friend suffer than themselves, a noble side of them that the villains could easily exploit “… Dylan is the one supposed to speak” he explained “We’ll just torture Max until Dylan tell us what we want to know”

Dylan’s eyes opened wide and exchanged glances with his friend. Max shook his head giving him a look of “For the love of god, don’t tell them anything!” that was promptly obscured by Luke putting a bandanna over his eyes, the same black and white one that had blindfolded Luke earlier. As a final touch, Luke pulled out a pair of rubber earplugs, those used by divers, and pushed them inside Max’s ears plunging the kid into a complete silence

“Nice idea those plugs” Tom smiled patting Luke’s back

“Well, thank you” Luke returned the smile “That way he won’t know what Dylan said and…” he flicked Max’s head. The boy jolted letting out a nervous gasp making Tom and Luke laugh

“Okay, last chance Dylan, are you talking?”

“NEVER!” Dylan shouted, Luke immediately dug his fingers on Max’s sides. The kid burst out laughing, his back was arched, his hips swung sideways trying to get away from Luke’s fingers, his head bounced on his arms and muffled begs escaped his mouth, interrupted by his laughter. Luke’s fingers kept running across Max’s ribs, exposed armpits, belly, even he slid them under his short’s cut to get his soft thighs. All the while, Dylan looked at his comrade with a tense expression. Even though Max had made it clear that the vault’s location should never be revealed, Dylan’s nature made it hard for him to watch his friend being tortured. Little did he know things would get worse

“Ready to talk?” Tom asked Dylan. The boy looked at Max. He was resting against the pole, completely exhausted, his face was red and tears mixed with sweat were already running down his cheeks. Taking a deep breath, Dylan glared at his captors and shook his head “Fine, time for the pegs!” Dylan now looked really concerned for Max’s wellbeing.

While looked picked up the wooden pegs, Tom had an idea “Wait, first get a string!” Luke tilted his head “We can run it through each peg, that way…”

“Pull them all at once! That’s brilliant!” Tom smiled proud of his idea while Luke patted his back. Both kids headed towards the worktable and start crafting their new device. Five minutes later, they both turned around holding a necklace of cloth pegs. Dylan gulped, just seeing that monstrosity made his skin shiver. “Last chance to speak” Dylan glanced at Max and shook his head, although less secure than before. Tom picked up one end of the “collar” and crouched in front of Max. The boy kept turning his head in every direction, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on. The moment he felt Tom’s fingers over his chest, he whimpered and nervously wiggled his torso. Tom grinned diabolically and placed the first peg on Max’s right nipple

“MMMPHHH!” Max screamed instinctively arching his back, Tom kept a hold of the peg, slightly twisting it while Max cried in pain. For someone who usually was at the end of the ropes, there was certain allure in being in control of the situation, having someone stronger than him at his mercy. He picked the second peg and placed it below Max’s nipple, the third below the second and so on until he reached his navel, after which he went up again putting the last one on his left nipple.

“I can see why you like torturing them so much” Tom told Luke, watching Max howl and squirm, the boy gave him a strained smile “Hey, don’t feel bad” Tom smiled placing his arm over Luke’s shoulder “They are mostly okay with this right?” of course Max wasn’t in any position to answer.

Dylan shrugged “I guess, if Max can take it” Luke beamed at Dylan

“See?” Tom sighed “Now, how can we break Max”

“Break him?” asked Dylan concerned, his resolve to keep the secret was rapidly falling apart

“Just figuratively speaking” Tom assured Dylan

“Well…” Luke smiled “We could give him a pink belly?” Tom didn’t waste time picking up a plastic ruler and hit Max’s stomach, just below the lowest peg; every time he moved, the pegs pulled at his skin so Max could do little but growl and try to remain still

“This is fun” Tom chuckled “we should do it more often”

“Betray my friends and torture them?” Tom nodded “Yeah, sounds fun… ready to the grand finale?” Tom once more eagerly nodded

“Do you want the honors master Luke?”

“Oh no, why don’t we do it together master Tom?” Luke grinned crouching besides him. Dylan looked horrified as each boy picked one end of the peg chain and, at the count of three, they tugged at the string, pulling each peg from Max’s skin. The poor boy screamed at the top of his lungs and madly struggled while, to increased his torment, Tom repeatedly patted his red skin. “Ready for round two?”

“No! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!” Dylan shouted, he couldn’t bear watching Max go through that torment again “It’s under my parent’s bed! The vault it’s under my parent’s bed!” he exclaimed. Tom and Luke exchanged satisfied looks that quickly vanished when they noticed Max’s state. Apart from his clearly red chest, the boy was heavily breathing, a layer of sweat covered him from hair to toes, the ropes were already leaving burns on his skin, a thread of drool run down his chin and onto his chest and new tears were running down his cheeks

Tom frowned, unlike Luke, he wasn’t so used to torturing Max to his breaking point “Is he okay?”

“Yeah” said Luke not sounding too convinced

“Sure?” asked Dylan trying to lean closer to get a better view, Max let out a sorrowful sob. Luke grabbed the bandanna and pulled it down from his mouth allowing Max to freely speak


“He is okay” the three said in unison.

Tom pulled Max’ blindfold over his head, giving the boy a few minutes’ to adjust to the light; meanwhile, Luke picked up a green knotted bandanna and headed towards Dylan

“Hey, you don’t have to gag me, I swear I told you the truth about mphhh!” Dylan shook his head trying to get rid of the gag, Tom noticed Luke smiling at the faces Dylan did. Max was still angrily glaring at them, teeth burrowed in the bandanna, nostrils flaring. Tom chuckled and pulled his earplugs out.

“I know you are mad but hey, you told Dylan not to speak no matter what” he explained “Besides, was it really that bad?” Max nodded and arched his back, showing off his still red chest “Oh yeah, we might have gone a little bit overboard but did you really hate it so much?” Max let out a sigh, rolled his eyes and reluctantly shook his head “Hey, if you promise to keep the secret I’ll tell you something that might brighten your day…” Max cocked his head intrigued and nodded. Tom leaned forward and whispered on his ear so only he could listen “Once we find out where the vault is, I’m planning on turning on Luke, so he’ll be joining you soon” Max grinned and nodded his approval. Tom figured he would feel that way, after all, a traitor didn’t deserve anything better.

“Ready?” Luke already had blindfolded Dylan and plugged his ears. The prisoner looked extremely tense, nervously looking at different directions, tugging at his bindings, sweat already forming on his forehead. Tom nodded and pulled the Max’s gag down, letting the wet bandanna hang around his neck like a collar
“Wow” Max exclaimed looking at his torso, it had mostly recovered its original color although the pegs’ bite marks were still visible. He tried to shift his body and rubbed his arms against the pole “Guys, the ropes are kinda hurting my arms, can you change position?” Luke and Tom exchanged looks and voiced their opposition at the same time, apparently, their own laziness outweighed their friend’s comfort. The best part was that Max wasn’t even disappointed “It was worth the try”

“Well Mr. Max” Tom grinned standing up “Are you going to tell us where the vault is?”
Max grinned “NEVER!”

Not being as ticklish as Max, Dylan fared better during the ticklish session, even though they used the feather to tickle his armpits and belly. He still ended sweaty but the stream of tears was less noticeable and judging by his grunts and squirms, it was clear he still had energy left. Tom also suspected that part of the tickle’s failure was because Luke seemed more interested in feeling Dylan’s body than actually tickling him but he decided to keep his suspicions to himself. “I’m not telling you anything!” Max exclaimed, leaning against the pole as if he was pleasurably resting

“Don’t worry, it’s time for the plan B” Luke smiled, Tom gave him a confused look, especially since they haven’t discussed any plan B. Luke winked, mouthing “watch this” and pulled a pair of tweezers from his pocket. He leaned closer to Dylan, examining his armpits and motioned Tom to do the same. Dylan, like the rest of them, was still quite young so he didn’t seem to have any body hair past his arms and legs but, a closer look revealed a few wild brown hairs growing up from his armpits

“That’s fantastic” Tom smiled and watched as Luke picked one of those hairs with the tweezers and swiftly yanked it

“Mmphhh!” Dylan jolted letting out a pained cry, even Max hissed with sympathy. Luke and Tom chuckled and pulled another and another, alternating between each armpit so Dylan wouldn’t know what comes next. The boy could only cry and squirmed although by the time most of his (admittedly small) armpit hair had been removed, the boy was madly shaking, shimming the chair against the floor.

“I found more!” Tom pointed at a few hairs growing below his belly button. The boys soon assaulted those too and when they were gone, they continued pulling the hairs from his nose, eyebrows and the far larger amounts on his bare legs and arms. Dylan was now madly struggling and cursing under his gag, red spots were appearing where once had been hair. Despite his evident suffering, Max resolved seemed far stronger than Dylan had been for he remained relaxed, enjoying the show

“Is that the best you got?” he asked once they had decided enough hairs had been pulled off Dylan’s skin. Tom knew he had a point, they were running our of ideas since Dylan was physically tougher than Max and Max was mentally tougher than Dylan, a bad combination for that particular brand of torture
“We could use the itchy powder” he suggested

“Or the peg collar?” said Luke. Suddenly Tom had an idea that might finally break Max’s resolve

“We can shave his head!”

Max smiled vanished “What?”

“What?” asked Luke horrified, looking at Tom as if he had just suggested ripping Dylan’s hear and eating it.
“Follow my lead” Tom whispered before raising his voice again “Yes, we shall shave every bit of hair from his head!” Dylan kept looking around, unaware that his brown locks were in mortal danger

“You wouldn’t do it” said Max “It’ won’t be fully grow by the time classes start! He’ll kill you!”

“No, he’ll kill us both, I cut his hair but you could have stop it at any time by telling us the vault” Luke’s eyes opened wide, Tom was glad he had caught up with his drift

“Oh yeah, he is gonna be furious with you too Max” Luke pointed, Max nervously looked at them and tugged at his bindings

“You are bluffing! You wouldn’t hurt your best friend for to win a stupid game!” cold sweat was running down Max’s forehead

“And would you? Would you let him go bald just to win a stupid game?” Max grinded his teeth. Both kids had a staring contest trying to determined who would give up first. Max was the first to blink “Luke, the scissors!”

“Hope you know what you are doing” Luke whispered as he handed him a pair of scissors. Tom hoped that too. He walked towards the unsuspecting Dylan and yanked a bunch of his hair, the boy let out a gasp although Tom was sure his reaction would be more violent if he knew what was about to happen. He held the scissors on his right had and moved them closer to the brown hair, trying to keep a steady pulse, nervously he opened the blades…

“WAIT!” Max shouted “Under his parents’ bed! The vault is hidden under Dylan’s parents’ bed!” Tom dropped the scissor and exchanged high fives with Luke, they won the game

“That was fantastic!” Luke exclaimed removing the earplugs from Dylan’s ears “I can’t believe you came up with that!”

“Me neither!” Max grunted, glaring at Tom “I can’t believe you were going to shave off Dylan’s head just to win this!”

“WHHMM?” Dylan exclaimed horrified and raised his eyes, looking for any sign of damage to his precious hair

“Me neither” Tom shrugged “That’s why I was bluffing!” Max chuckled and rested his head against the pole

“Well played” he grinned at Tom, his captor crouched over picking up the wet bandanna and pulled it up. Max didn’t offer any resistance and opened his mouth so the gag could go inside

Suddenly, Tom felt a gun against his head, it didn’t take a genius to know what was about to happen. The boy merely sighed and raised his arms “et tu Luke?”

“Sorry” Luke smiled “but I decided I can get rid of you and keep the money for myself. No hard feelings, right?”
Tom smiled as he felt his hands being yanked behind him “Not at all, I was planning on doing the same thing to you” he admitted while Luke tied his hands with some rope

“It has been fun though” Luke picked another rope and started wrapping it around Tom’s chest. Dylan and Max watched the proceedings with big grins on their faces “We should partner up more often”

“It would… be a pleasure” he winced when the ropes were tightened “I’m sure Max and Dylan will love it” both kids gave their prisoners evil grins. Max and Dylan exchanged glances and let out nervous laughs. Tom followed Luke’s instructions and lay face down on the floor while Luke tied his ankles together and pulled them towards his wrists


Tom wiggled his body, testing his bindings “Not really, but I guess you don’t care?”

“Exactly!” Luke giggled ruffling Tom’s hair, the boy returned the smile

“So, what are you going to do with us?” he asked and pressed his lips close so Luke could put a strip of duct tape over them

“Well, I leave you here while I collect the money…” Luke scratched his chin pensively “then I’ll come back and keep torturing these two” he jerked towards the other prisoners “Don’t worry, you can watch!” Tom smiled; Dylan and Max let out indignant grunts. Tom for his part merely smiled and watched as Luke gave them an exaggerated bow before leaving. Once alone, the boy closed his eyes and tested his bonds although it was no surprise that he didn’t seem to be loosening any time soon, he could hear the muffled grunts of his bellow captives, no doubt trying, and failing, to escape. He always knew Luke had a diabolical mind but he never really gave it a thought. Working with him had been really fun, not to mention there was some payback to behave and he relay wanted to have Luke tied up again.

He rolled on his side and checked the other prisoners: Dylan was sweating and panting, he had managed to lower his arms a little bit but still seem tightly restrain to the chair. Max’s face was red again, he was moaning and arching his back while evidently trying to pull his arms down. Suddenly, with a single tug, he managed to slip his wrists free, pulling them down his lap. Everyone, even himself, seemed surprised by the feat. Then Max exchanged looks with Dylan and both kids turned to Tom with a huge, mischievous grin. Tom gulped and started crawling away from them while frantically trying to pick up the knots around his wrists

This was going to suck
Last edited by cj2125 6 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Rule Number One: never betray someone who can get back at you. :D

Well done!
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Post by Xtc »

Nice one.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by alkaid_ »

INteresting ending...

He never expected be betrayed.
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Post by harveygasson »

Another brilliant story! I love these four. Keep up the fantastic work
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Post by Veracity »

Really enjoyed this one. I especially enjoy the moments that call attention to the fact that this is all just a game, and a character says, hey, can we get to the good part already. Made me laugh.
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Post by Chris12 »

Really nice. Tom and Luke didn't really have much time together before this so it was nice they could catch up.
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Post by Thatworm »

I love this story :o :lol: :D
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