Don't touch my stuff (F/M)

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Don't touch my stuff (F/M)

Post by Aris34 »

Decided to return to the forum after a long break. I thought up this story a few days ago and wrote it out on my phone. Thought you guys might appreciate it!

He looked good. Handsome, in his own weird way. Jace sat across from me at the dinner table. His lean figure hunched forward, listening to my mum ranting about some drama at work. He was wearing a buttoned up light-blue shirt, black jeans and trainers. He had dark blond hair and glasses with a little bit of facial hair. I didn't exactly feel like Cinderella by comparison. I wore a black tank top and baggy sweatpants. My dyed blonde hair was in a messy bun and my glasses made me look like a kooky auntie. Hardly the most flattering look. Even so, I felt his gaze admiring me. There was something about the way he looked at me that implied he wanted me.

We were both 18, though he was a few months my senior. Jace was staying over at our house for the night. His house was getting some repairs done. Apparently the plaster of his bedroom ceiling had broken, forcing him to sleep somewhere else. His family and ours had been good friends for years and my Dad had jumped at the opportunity to let him stay here for the night. My parents made a big show out of it, hosting a small dinner party for our guest to give him a warm welcome. I had somewhat mixed feelings about his presence.

I noticed him looking around nervously. I tried not to stare, but it was difficult. He looks tense. Something's bothering him. Jace had a bit of a dust allergy, and our house was far from clean. He'd spent much of the dinner trying to cover his nose and eyes' complaints. I found it endearing that he put in the effort to look tidy, even if it caused him pain.

He sneezed. "Sorry Mrs Hadley, is it okay if I go to the bathroom again."

She looked at him sympathetically. "Is your nose still runny?"

He nodded.

"Then go on up," she said. He made a move to leave. My mum suddenly perked up. "Oh wait, actually, I have a box of tissues somewhere in the cupboard in the sitting room."

"Oh no don't worry," he said hastily. "I'll sort this myself."

She smiled. He walked off down the corridor to the staircase. My mum went back to her story. I sat back in my chair, bored, wondering when one of them would take the hint and bring out the dessert. I checked my phone. 6% battery. I sighed, it felt as though my phone was eating up its battery faster than it used to. Perhaps it is? Is that a thing that can happen?

"Sorry can I quickly go upstairs I need to charge my phone," I said.

They nodded dismissively. I made my way out of the kitchen and up to my room. My bedroom was on the 2nd floor, up two flights of staircases from the ground floor. The top floor had only that, a small bathroom and a tiny loft space. I passed the first floor bathroom, the door ajar. That's strange, I thought. The bathroom was completely empty. I could have sworn Jace went there a few minutes ago.

I ignored the thought and continued up to my room. My feet loudly creaking against the steps. As I got up to the landing I heard the toilet of my bathroom flushing. What the... Jace came out of the bathroom, looking rather sheepish.

"Uhm, why are you up here?" I demanded. "You do know we have a bathroom downstairs as well?"

He flushed. "I wanted to see how the view looked up here." He laughed nervously, glancing briefly out of the window overlooking the grey junkyard next door.

"Really?" I sighed. "Whatever, just don't come up here again. This is my area, no one else's."

He nodded then walked quickly past me downstairs.

What was that about? I thought, turning back into my room. I shut the door behind me and looked around for my charger, my mind still occupied by Jace's weird behaviour. As I searched through the room, something felt slightly off. I usually kept my room very neat and tidy - and it was. It was a small room, with just enough space for my bed, drawers and a small closet. But I couldn't help but think something was wrong.

I finally found my charger and plugged my phone in. Something didn't feel quite right. Slightly off.

I had my answer when I looked at my drawers. The top draw was slightly open. Call it force of habit, call it OCD, but I always, ALWAYS fully shut the door to my drawers. Always. And this time it was slightly open. Just slightly.

I opened it, delicately, looking down upon its lacy contents. If I hadn't been suspicious, I wouldn't have noticed anything. But now I had the keen eyes of a hawk. Something was wrong. Very wrong. I always kept my drawers neatly stacked, even my underwear. Yet now, as I looked at the carefully organised rows of briefs, thongs and folded bra cups, I saw they had been slightly scrambled. Crumpled where they shouldn't have been. Like someone had been nervously rifling through them. That was when it all made sense.

The fucker, I thought. I bet he took something with him. Probably intends to wear it as well, the pervert.

Part of me wanted to go storming downstairs and announce his crimes to everyone in the dining room. I felt the anger burning inside me at this insidious behaviour. What a creep. In my own house, in my own room! I was about to march back to the kitchen in a fury.

But then, suddenly, I had a better idea. A more interesting, mischievous idea. Mum and Dad are leaving for work at 6 tomorrow, but I doubt he will be up until 9 at least. That gave me three hours at least to set my trap. I smiled deviously, slamming the drawer shut. Perhaps there was another way I could resolve this.

I knelt down to the bottom drawer and pulled it out. There was a collection of items at the back, hidden from unwanted attention. I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget, I thought, as I pulled out a coil of soft pink rope.

That's the first part. I will upload the second and third pieces later today if you like it!
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Post by milagros317 »

I like the way this is developing. Please continue.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Aris34 »

Here's Part 2!

I watched as the car pulled away. 5:53AM, they're early. I smiled and put on a pair of soft slippers. I was wearing my sleepwear; a light grey tanktop and booty shorts. Good thing he's sleeping, wouldn't want him to see my morning face.

I carefully opened the door to the guest bedroom. It was slightly larger than my room, with some leftover furniture from the rest of the house. The bed he slept on had a strong metal frame. Perfect. There's no breaking that.

I crept over to him. His bare chest poked out from under the covers. He looked adorable. I carefully picked up his hand and wrapped one of the leather cuffs I had around his wrist. It was a thick, secure faux-leather cuff, with a belt around it that could easily be tightened. I pulled it as tight as it would go without cutting off his circulation. Then I looped one end of the rope through the metal ring.

I'd practiced bondage before, mainly on myself. I'd become a master of hogties. A simple spread-eagle would be easy. I wrapped the other end of the rope around the metal poster and tightened the rope just enough to stretch his arm out. He stirred slightly, making me jump. But he didn't wake. Good. I tied a complex knot, facing away from the bed. Even if he did somehow reach it, there was no way he'd be able to untie the thing. He's gonna be so shocked when he wakes up, I thought, cheekily.

The second arm was more of a challenge. I had to push him over slightly to get the arm out from under him. I wrapped the cuff around his left wrist, like the right one and tied it securely to the nearby poster. I smiled, looking down at my handiwork. His arms were now both spread out in a Y-shape on the bed. Now for the legs. I had to lift up the covers for this part, searching for his right foot. I noticed he was sleeping in just his boxers. I blushed slightly when I saw his bulge. I secured both ankles in much the same way as I did his wrists. Nice and tight, tied to the bottom posters. He was now spread-eagle on the bed in a perfect X shape. I felt proud of myself. There was no way he could reach up and get the knots now. He was truly stuck.

It's not enough though. He could still rock the bed. Maybe if he put in enough force he might break something. I doubted it, but it was still a possibility. He needed to be tied more securely. I ran back up to my room to fetch a couple more restraints; thigh cuffs, strong and secure, more rope, a blindfold and some duct tape.

I rushed back down to his room. He was stirring a little by this point. Probably best if I moved more quickly, I thought. I placed the blindfold carefully over his eyes, in a position so that it obscured his entire vision. Then I tied it in a tight knot around the back of his head. I listened to his sleeping breathing for a moment and wondered if what I was doing was too much. No, he deserves it. I focused back on his invasion of my privacy. I deserve this.

I pulled back the covers on the left side of the bed again and wrapped the thigh cuff around his leg. His skin was warm and it felt steamy to be in such an intimate area. His body was rather fit. And he is all mine for the day.

I pulled the cuff tight then threaded a rope through the ring on the side and tied it to the bed-frame. I then worked my way around to his left leg and did the same there.

Once I was done he was tightly tied down to the bed. I gently lay the covers over his half-naked body. Then I left the room and gently shut the door behind me. Now it's time to get changed.
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Post by Ossassin »

It is rare for me to read something from the tops perspective and enjoy it, but in this instance with this hook I am all for it.
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Post by Svpmissive »

Definitely a very strong start, please do continue.
Either wishing to be tied up or currently tied up.
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Post by DuctTapeSilence »

I’m very excited to read more!
Duct tape can't fix every problem, but it can muffle the sound.
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Post by DioA »

I’m very interested in what she’s going to get changed into. I’ve got to say, I especially enjoy works where the woman is very into the scenario. Reading the subtext, I’m under the impression that she’s looking for a reason to be in control of him.
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

I hope she wears leather in part 2 of the story. 🖤🔥
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Post by gin »

hope a full latex look
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Post by Aris34 »

I'm glad so many people liked the first two parts. Here's part 3!

The first sign of his awakening came around 10AM. A loud yell from downstairs. I'll get to him in a moment, I thought. I continued to apply eye-shadow, wanting to look the best I could for the event. I'd washed and dried my hair, applied a full face of makeup plus some rings on my fingers and a pair of earrings. I wore the same sweatpants I'd had on the previous night, plus a very baggy black hoodie. It wasn't exactly the sexiest attire. However, I was wearing something very different underneath.

There were more yells from downstairs, followed by a loud banging. I put down my makeup brush and slowly made my way downstairs. I could hear him calling.

"ANYONE THERE? LUCY? ANYONE? HELLO?" He was shouting. As I got closer I could here the loud rustling of his bed-sheets. He's probably petrified. Perhaps he thinks we've been robbed?

I rested my hand on the doorknob and slowly opened the door. The rustling stopped and a more timid "hello?" Came from his lips. I saw him, lying on the bed, the covers in a twist around his bound body. He was still securely tied up, the blindfold covering his eyes completely. Just as I wanted him.

"Who's there?" He said, his voice shaking. I could see his body was tense. The lower section of his abs peaked out from under the covers. His thick, strong thighs and tight underwear looked delicious. I made my way over to the windows and pulled back the curtains, letting in a dim, grey light. "Lucy? Is that you?"

A sudden wave of embarrassment came over me. Now what? I had him tied up. What do I do now? I felt a bit silly looking down on him, the pretty boy I'd captured and tied up. I tried to remind myself of the purpose of this scheme. He went through my private things. He's a pervert. He probably stole some of my underwear. My underwear.

I realized I should probably check if he'd taken anything. I went over to his bag. He hadn't brought much: a wash-bag, charger for his phone, a book but not much else. There were a couple of spare clothes in there, tossed in messily. I could smell his odor from them. I was almost tempted to put them up to my nose. No, I thought. That would make me just as bad as him.

"Please... please I don't have any money..." Jace said. There was a genuine terror in his voice. I ignored him as I searched through the bag. While rifling through his belongings, I noticed a zipped up pocket on the inside. It wasn't very obvious. If I was going to hide anything in my bag, I would hide it there. I unzipped it and reached inside. I felt the touch of lace on my fingers. Bingo.

I drew the panties out. It was one of my sexiest pairs. A lacy black thong, with a see-through mesh around the front. I strode over to the bed where my victim lay and stood beside him. I placed my hand gently on his leg. He shuddered at my touch and tried to shift away from me.

"Who are you...?" He whispered. "Who are you and what do you want?"

I moved over to his head. I stroked his soft hair gently. Then I undid the knot of his blindfold and pulled it off him. He blinked for a few seconds, adjusting his eyes to the light. Then he looked up at me, wide-eyed. I wish I could have captured that expression. Full of confusion, embarrassment, horror and... possibly a hint of lust.

"Lucy?" He gasped. "D-did you do this?"

I smiled and nodded. I suddenly felt a wave of confidence fill me. Seeing him so helpless and vulnerable. I felt like the most powerful woman in the world. Like a displeased goddess.

"W-why?" He stuttered.

I sat beside him on the bed, brushing a strand of my short blond hair out of my face. "You needed to learn a lesson."

He looked at me, clueless. "A lesson in what?"

"In privacy." I stood up. I reached over and grabbed the covers. Then I ripped them off him, exposing his body. He looked like a work of art. His lean muscular body tied up spread-eagle wearing just a pair of tight black boxers. He shuddered slightly as the cold hit his body. Jace stared down at his predicament in horror. He tested the restraints, seeing that he was completely trapped.

"How does it feel to be so vulnerable?" I asked, teasingly.

He stared up at me, incredulous. "This is... I didn't..." He seemed lost for words. "I didn't agree to this!"

I nodded. "I know you didn't. And I didn't agree to let you come into my room and rifle through my stuff!"

His face went red. "W-wha-?"

"Yeah, I know what you were doing up there. It was very obvious. You sneaked into my room and looked through my underwear like a total pervert."

He shook his head. His face turning an even deeper red. "I never- I would never do that."

I laughed coldly. "Then why are you blushing so badly?"

He shot me a vicious look. I always hated it when people pointed out when my face was red. Clearly he didn't enjoy it too. There wasn't much he could do about it though.

"I know you did. You came into my room, obviously horny and creepily began rifling through my underwear drawer and stole a pair of panties."

"I swear to you I didn't."

"Really? Then explain these." I drew the black thong and spun it around my finger before plopping it down on his chest.

He grunted. "I didn't..."

"Oh come on, we both know you did. You wanted to steal a girl's panties. Maybe wear them and jack off in them, imagining me wearing them."

"No no no." His face had turned an embarrassing scarlet. "This is FUCKED!" He yelled, before shaking uncontrollably about on the bed. He looked to be putting a lot of effort into it; his veins were showing; his face scrunched up in frustration as he shook against the bonds. But he barely moved a couple of inches. The restraints held tight. There was no escape for him. I stood over him, watching him wear himself out. He gave up after a minute, lying back in frustration. "This is so fucked," he whispered again.

"You got yourself into this," I said, slyly, picking up the panties up again. "Now I think I should get to work on driving that message home."

He groaned.

"My parents don't get back until 5PM. And your room won't be properly fixed until tomorrow, am I correct?"

He didn't respond.

"So, now the only thing I have to worry about is your parents asking if you're okay." I reached into his bag and pulled out his phone. I sat on the bed beside him. I held the button on the side and watched as the screen flickered to life. Locked. Of course. I turned to him. "Jace what's your password?"

He didn't answer.

I made a face and sat on my knees beside him, my sweatpants grazing against his side. "Jace answer me."

He looked up at me and scowled. "Haven't you tortured me enough?"

I made a face at him. "Enough? Enough? Oh sweetie, we're just getting started." I didn't know where this sudden surge of sadistic cruelty was coming from, but I enjoyed it.

"This is over the top. Too much. You could have just confronted me."

"Confronted you? About what?"

He looked up at me with flashing eyes. "About the privacy thing." He sighed. "I'm... I'm sorry for using your bathroom."

I cocked my head. "And what else?"

He didn't respond.

I sighed. "Even now, you won't admit to it."

He stayed silent for a moment. "This is too much," he said. "Lucy we've been friends for years. Please. Stop." He looked at me pleadingly.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry," I said. "But if you're not going to confess and you're not going to tell me your password, you leave me with no other option." I climbed over and straddled him; my weight pinning him to the bed. He gasped in shock as I sat right on top of his crotch. I wondered how it felt to have my butt on his dick. He looked up at me in horror as I began to wiggle my fingers in the air.

"No," he gasped. "No no no no please-"

I continued to wiggle them as I brought them down to his chest, slowly. I'd always known Jace was ticklish. I'd teased him about it before. Even so much as lightly poking him in the ribs made him yelp. I remembered one time when me and another friend had tried to hold him down and tickle his armpits. He'd been able to break away from us easily, but the few tickles we'd gotten on him had sent him into fits of laughter. And now I had him tied up, shirtless and exposed. No escape. He was fucked.

I leaned over him, the ends of my hair almost touching his face. "Last chance to tell me your password."

He shook his arms violently, trying desperately to protect himself from my incoming attack. "No please no no no don't-" he cried desperately. I sat up straight again. My fingers were inches away from his skin. He sucked in his chest, trying to escape the impending torture. "Okay, okay I'll do it. I'll tell you!"

"Too late," I said playfully. Then I dug my fingers into his sides.
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful continuation! :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by LunaDog »

Excellent! Thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Please carry on.
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Post by Highpointer642 »

Lucky guy! Can't wait for the next part.
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Post by Speedo »

What an ingenious story, please keep on writing. I would love to read how Lucy will punish Jace furthermore for his misdeed.
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Post by DTbound »

Really enjoying this story so far! Lucy is a great POV character!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Finally caught up on this one - fantastically written, Lucy seems awesome and I can't wait to see what she has in store next!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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