Justin's Diary (multiple M/M) Update 04/07/2021

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Justin's Diary (multiple M/M) Update 04/07/2021

Post by cj2125 »

Okay, this is my first story for adults, I really hope you like it! Before starting though, a couple points

1. This happens in the same "universe" of my other stories, of course given the age of my regular characters they probably won't appear here (except for one that you'll notice soon)
2. Unless stated otherwise, all characters are 18 or older


September 2nd 20__

Dear Diary:

I can’t believe I actually wrote “Dear Diary”, what am I? A 12-year-old girl? Anyway, my mom gave me this diary for my birthday. Why would you give an 18-year-old a diary is beyond my comprehension but here we are so I might as well start writing on it. Not that anything interesting might happen, nothing has happened so far in my life but hey, it’s my senior year so I might as well record it for posterity.

Since this is my first entry (and the most interesting thing that happened today was when a delivery guy knocked on our door by mistake), I think I might as well start by writing something about me: My name is Justin Gale, as mentioned before I’m 18 years old and attending my 12th year at Cleveland High School at Hempborough, __. I do well in school, not amazingly well but I don’t have issues with my grades. I do particularly well in History and Math… my worst class would be PE but that’s not even a real class so it doesn’t count! Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t consider myself out of shape, in fact this summer I picked up the habit of riding my bike round town, a good exercise if you ask me. I’m about 6’ tall, have messy black hair and brown eyes. I’m won’t consider myself exactly skinny but I’m certainly leaning that way.

Ever since my parents divorced when I was 4, it’s been me and my dad (and his occasional girlfriend… right now he is in a serious relationship but I doubt marriage is in the future). My mom remarried and I have a step-brother my age, a nice dude but since they live two hours away I don’t see them a lot.

I know exactly two songs in guitar, like to draw and play videogames, specially MRPGs and platforms, have a mild fear of spiders (those are devil spawn creatures!) and when I was seven I broke my arm while trying to make some orange juice (long story, just don’t ask).

What else to say about me? Well, I’m gay. I’m not exactly shy about it but you won’t see me in a pride parade. I would love to turn this book into a recollection of the struggles of a gay teen trying to be accepted but nothing of that nature has happened, of course you always have your jerk and asshole but most people had been pretty chill about it. I had my first (and only) boyfriend when I was 15; Robbie, he was nice but we lasted barely a year, since then this stud has been single! (thank god nobody is reading this!)

And that’s all that I’ve got to say for now, I’ll try to write everyday about my life but as I mentioned, nothing really happens around here so don’t get your expectations high.


Well, actually there’s something more, since nobody will read this diary I guess I might as well say it here… I like bondage. It’s fun how THAT is a bigger secret than me being gay but I really haven’t told it to anyone, not sure why really. Even since I was a kid I enjoyed watching other people on TV and movies get tied up, I remember enjoying hearing them moaning under their gags and watching them struggle. Unfortunately, none of my friends seem to share my interest. My only experience with bondage was once with Robbie, he agreed to let me tie his hands in front of him with a scarf, we made out on his couch for a while but he soon asked to be untied, admitting that it wasn’t his thing.

While growing up the opportunity to get tied up never really materialized so I don’t really have any experience to share apart from some self-bondage I’ve tried, and that it’s not even good at all, it usually has me loosely tying myself with some belts and relieving some of my fantasies. It’s really not a big deal although I’ve found myself at school looking at some cute guy and fantasizing about tying him up or him tying me up; of course, I know that will never happen. Maybe when I get boyfriend with whom we can get intimate I might convince him to tie me up; until then, I guess I’ll keep practicing with my belts and doodling drawings of guys tied up only to scratch them immediately. Life is not fair

September 17th 20__

Dear Diary

I was fearing that this might become a repetitive routine but at last! Something interesting happened! During lunch, Josh laughed while drinking soda and spit it all over Gwen, the look on their faces was priceless, specially since we all know Josh is crushing after her hard.

Oh, and I have a date with a cute guy :)

Well, I wouldn’t consider it a date per se, we were assigned a project together. Let me explain.

It was Mr. Richardson’s idea. When he announced he was giving us an assignment to work in pairs I immediately moved towards Lily, my usual partner in crime. But to my surprise, Mr. Richardson stopped us to explain that he would be making up the pairs. As you may imagine (did I just suggested a diary can have imagination?) I felt a little bit anxious, group projects can’t be a nightmare if you get the wrong partner. What if I ended with Rachel Sullivan or Adam Lopez?

I got paired with Zachary Hausman

You don’t know who Zack is? Well I wouldn’t be surprised, we are from different social circles. He is a little bit shorter than me, slim, with red hair, a cute freckled face, dreamy blue eyes… eh... I mean…to hell with it, I have a small crush on him! It’s not only about his built (although I won’t deny having checked him out at the lockers) but also, he is funny, cool, confident and easygoing

After the class was over he pulled me aside, placing his arm over my shoulder and asked if we could meet that Friday after classes to work on the project. I smiled and nodded, not even carrying that he was grossly violating my personal space. After figuring out a couple more details, we agreed to meet at my house “Then it’s a date!” he winked and walked away

You heard it? He said it! Not I! It’s a date!

Okay, back to reality, Zack is straight, he has a girlfriend… I’m aware that this is going to be just a study meeting, we’ll work on the project, maybe order a pizza and then we’ll part ways, I know nothing will happen but I’m allowed to fantasize right?


Update: My dad just came home, he told me that he’ll be traveling for work this weekend, he is okay with Zack coming to work though, he even offered to leave some money so we can buy food. That means I’ll have the whole weekend for myself and Zack. Of course, nothing will happen.
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Post by cj2125 »

September 30th 20_

SOMETHING HAPPENED! What’s wrong with me? After what happened I should be curled in my bed! Or taking showers every day! Why is my distress coming from the fact that I’m not distressed at all! I ACTUALLY ENJOYED MOST OF IT! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?

Okay, deep breath, I guess you need an explanation, specially sine I haven’t written in two weeks. As you might have guess, it has to do with my “date” with Zack, you see… we were robbed. A house invasion… a guy broke into the house while we were studying, well not really, I let him in. We are okay! At least physically, thankfully we weren’t hurt but… something else happened, I don’t know how to explain it… only me and Zack know about it that I’m aware of although I haven’t really talked with Zack since then. Maybe I should start from the beginning.

The afternoon went smoothly. Zack and I drove back home after school, I gave him a quick tour, we grabbed a bag of oreos, a couple sodas and set to work. Well, apparently Zack it’s a little bit lazy but a few punches in his arm were enough to convince him to get off his sorry ass and start working. We made good progress and really it looked like we will finish it earlier than expected. It was nice working wit him. Then the doorbell rang.

I knew I should have checked first, who would be calling at 8 pm? But at that moment I didn’t even stop to think. I merely strolled down the stairs without a care in the world and opened the front door, immediately becoming close acquaintance with the barrel of a gun. My heart stopped, my short life flashed through my eyes as I became convinced that it would end right there

“Say a word and I’ll shoot you” for the first time I noticed the gun’s owner. He looked taller and more buffer than me, dressed in a black hoodie with a red bandanna and dark sunglasses covering most of his face. I was too scared to process what was going on. My body moved on its own, raising my hands and stepping back while the man walked inside “Turn around” I complied and felt the cold barrel against my back as he made me march towards the living room

“Who was at the door?” I heard Zack’s voice and my heart skipped a beat. With the shock I had forgotten about Zack! I could feel my throat dry, what did I tell him? If I tried to warn him, the man would certainly kill me! Did I lie and aid everything was okay? Maybe the guy would just take my wallet and run…

I didn’t have to ponder to long since Zack came running down the stairs looking for me. The moment he stepped into the living room, his smile faded. A look at me and the man was enough for him to realize what was going on. “Don’t try anything or I’ll shot him!” the man barked pressing the gun against my back making me wince. Zack immediately raised his arms

“It’s okay, it’s okay” I could feel the stress in his voice “We’ll do what you want, just take it easy man” Mr. Robber made him stand against a corner of the room and immediately shoved me forwards, I almost lost my balanced but Zack caught me in time. I only had enough time to give him a grateful look before our captor spoke again

“Okay kids, I’m here to rob this place, you better do what I tell you and nobody get’s hurt understand?” we quickly nodded. By this point I had figured that he would need to keep us out of the way and the possibility of being tied up came up. To my surprise and concern I found myself looking forwards to it, the idea of me and Zack tied together was incredibly arousing and I felt my underwear getting tighter. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Take off your clothes!” we both stood still, looking at him confused, did he really asked us to strip? He barked the same instructions, this time waving his gun at us. With no room for doubt, we reluctantly stripped of our clothes. At least he didn’t say anything when we left our underwear on!

So, there I was, standing against the wall in nothing but my grey boxers and a pair of white ankles socks. To my side stood Zack, he was wearing a pair of black boxer-briefs that nicely hugged his butt and a matching pair of crew socks. While the man rummaged through his gym bag, I looked sideways at Zack. He was standing straight, arms crossed over his chest, eyes set on the intruder. I took the chance to once more admire his toned torso and biceps; down I could see a bulge under his boxers and I immediately felt my own bulge growing up; he looked sideways at me and our eyes met, making me quickly blush and look aside, did he noticed I was checking him out?
My thoughts were interrupted by the robber as he pulled a coil of rope from his bag “Alright kiddo” he threw the rope at me “Tie his hands! And better make it tight or you’ll regret it!” my heart stopped, was I really expected to tie Zack up? Despite fantasizing about a moment like this for ages, I found my fingers trembling as I uncoiled the rope, breathing grew heavy and sweat started to from on my forehead.

Zack must have noticed my nervousness for his smiled trying to reassure me “It’s alright Justin” he turned around pulling his hands behind his back “Just do your best, we’ll be okay” I returned the smile and nodded, picking up the rope and looping it around his wrists, cinching it in the middle.

I had barely finished tightening the knot when the robber shoved me aside and spun Zack around to see his bindings “Good job kiddo” he patted Zack’s back and pushed him towards the couch. I could helplessly watch as Zack stumbled forwards and fell face first into the cushion. “You turn” I felt his hand on my shoulder as he spun me around, the gun against my bare skin.

I didn’t fight as he pulled my hands behind my back and lashed them together. I winced when the rope bit my skin but he didn’t seem to have any concerned for my well-being. As the ropes tightened around my wrists, I could feel my member growing and blood rushing to my face, I really hoped nobody would notice it.

Once my hands were tied, he grabbed my shoulder and made me walk towards the couch. Zack was already sitting down, glaring at us. The robber made me sit besides him and pulled out a second piece of rope. He grabbed my ankles and held them together, lashing them with the rope and cinching it in between. As he moved on to Zack’s ankles, I tested my bindings, writhing my wrists and ankles and twisting my torso. The ropes were tight, allowing little movement for my limbs. It dawned on me that this was really happening, I was truly bound with no chance of escaping!

The robber walked behind us, instinctively I tried to turn my head by he pressed his gun against it “Look straight!” he barked, I gulped nervously and obeyed, looking ahead of me. I heard him rummaging through his bag and then the familiar sound of tape being ripped off. I closed my eyes and braced myself as a long strip of tape as pressed over my mouth. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Zack receiving the same treatment. He looked good gagged.

The intruder once more stepped in front of us, looking down apparently pleased by our situation “Okay boys, I’m gonna clean up this place, you won’t try anything right?” he asked casually waving the gun, we both quickly nodded and watched as he picked up his bag and headed upstairs.

As soon as he left, we looked at each other. My eyes scanned his body, starting at the visibly bulge on his crotch, up his flexed abs and glistening chest, past the tape covering his mouth until they met with his blue eyes.
“Nhh hghn?” he asked, I nodded reassuringly and tried to smile under the tape. Zack returned the smile and scooped closer to me until I could feel his bare arms against mine. I closed my eyes trying to take in the moment, feeling Zack’s soft skin, listening to his muffled grunts and moans; I looked at him and saw how he was squirming against the ropes, his eyebrows burrowed, his nostrils flaring, his muscles flexing as he writhed his wrists, beads of sweat running down his forehead. It was just like in my fantasies!

“Trying something?” of course in my fantasies there wasn’t a psycho holding us at gunpoint. Zack let out an annoyed grunt and hanged his head low when our captor returned. He shoved him forwards to inspect his bonds “Nope, not getting anywhere. But since you seem to like to struggle I might as well make it more challenging for you” he ruffled Zack’s hair, ignoring the deathly glare Zack gave him and walked to the dining room. We both exchanged concerned looks, wondering what he was planning now.

We didn’t have to ponder for too long for he returned carrying a chair that he placed across the coffee table. He pulled Zack from the sofa and made him hop toward the chair, unceremoniously pushing him against it. I could only watch as the man wrapped more rope around Zack’s chest and waist, making him grunt as he tightened the knots. Zack’s chest was bulging from the tight ropes; next he kneeled down and untied his legs, spreading them and tying each ankle to each leg of the chair.

With his legs spread, it was now impossible for Zack to hide his bulge, it was painfully obvious for all of us present. “Ha! Don’t tell me you enjoy this shit?” the robber laughed. I could see Zack’s legs tense and pull at the ropes in a useless attempt to hide his crotch, his cheeks turned bright red and he vehemently shook his head. The robber was having none of it, he pulled out his gun and held it against Zack’s chin “Tell me the truth!”

“Lmhvm hnm hlhnm!” I shouted trying to save Zack’s dignity but the robber merely ignored me, his whole attention was on Zack. My fellow captive closed his eyes and reluctantly nodded. The robber grabbed his crotch making Zack’s eyes open wide and a muffled gasp escaped his gag

“That’s what I thought” he lowered the gun and turned to me, our eyes locked for a moment and I knew I was probably screwed. “What about you?” he asked walking towards me “You are a little pervert too?” I instinctively pulled my knees against my chest. That was the wrong move as he shoved me against the sofa and pulled my legs down, grasping my by-this-point-hard bulge. I whimpered and closed my eyes letting a moan escape my mouth. The robber laughed and shoved my face against the cushions, slapping my butt. He picked up another rope and tied it through my ankles, pulling them back against my wrists.

As he stepped back I try to pull my ankles only for the ropes to get tighter “I wouldn’t do that kid” the intruder laughed groping my left thigh. I buried my face on the fabric and let out another moan. My brain was a mess as the only thing I could think was the need for some kind of relief on my crotch.

“Well boys, it’ been a pleasure...” he walked towards Zack and squeezed his right pec. He closed his eyes letting another moan, apparently, he was in a similar position as I was, it was telling that when the burglar ran his hand over Zack’s crotch, he seemed to truly enjoy the touch, letting out a couple satisfied moans. “But I’ve got to go now”

“Mmphh!” I mumbled watching him walk away until he exited through the front door leaving us alone.
So here I was, hogtied and gagged, victim of a robbery. Zack was tied to a chair in front of me, his muscles bulging, sweat running down his smooth skin, his hair messy and damp; I could see his dick pushing against the fabric of his underwear, a few wet spots already appearing on his boxer-briefs. I wasn’t any better. My cock was pressed between the cushion and my own body, screaming for some kind of relief.

I started struggling, writhing my wrists and grinding my body against the couch but the friction only increased my arousal. I kept squirming, trying to keep my head clear, to forget the feeling of pleasure, the thought of being trapped; but it was impossible, not only was I tied helplessly but Zack was having his own battle too. He madly struggled against the ropes, the chair creaked beneath him, shimming across the floor. He kept thrusting his hips forwards as if trying to get some friction on his crotch; his moans grew more desperate. The sight of him only turned me further on and soon the notion of escaping abandoned my mind, I just kept grinding against the couch, rubbing my crotch against the rough fabric, wriggling my wrists and ankles with the only aim of feeling the ropes tight around them, letting out moans and grunts only to get aroused by my own gagged sounds.

I kept thrusting, eyes closed, feeling a knot in my stomach, everything turned into a blur around me, Zack’s moans were just a background noise, the only thing I could think were the ropes binding me, my aroused member and the surface I was grinding against. Finally, with one last thrust a huge feeling of relief invaded me, I collapsed exhausted, feeling a warm liquid oozing around my cock.

I was in heaven. I’ve never felt so good before… and slowly reality started coming back, the context of my captivity, my recent actions and the fact that Zack had witnessed to all of them, oh god Zack! I brought myself to orgasm in front of him! Nervously I opened my eyes and rolled my body sideways to have a better look at him. Zack had stopped struggling and was looking back at me but there was no judgement or disgust in his eyes, only… envy? He was looking at me with desire, as if he wanted to have what I had just accomplished, soon I could tell why, the wet spots around his crotch were larger than before yet his cock stayed as hard as ever. He was looking at me with lust.

As I relaxed my muscles, I felt something loosen behind me, with all my frenzy I haven’t realized that my sweaty wrists had managed to slip through the ropes, it only took a couple more tugs before I was able to release my hands. I didn’t wasted time in pulling the tape from my mouth and untying my ankles. Now that I had recovered my freedom, I moved towards Zack, ready to release him when I noticed he was looking at me almost pleadingly. Even though he hadn’t said anything, the way he kept shyly thrusting his hips forwards spoke enough. Just like I had been a couple minutes ago, right now he was looking for a different kind of release.

Tentatively I grabbed his waistband and pulled it down, releasing his cock. He didn’t voice any objection, merely kept watching as if I was opening a present. I don’t know why I did it but I grabbed it and started stroking it; at first slowly, then going faster and faster. Zack smiled under the tape and closed his eyes, letting out soft moans that grew louder the further I went, soon he was madly struggling against his ropes, rocking his hips at my pace, breath growing heavier until he was screaming at the top of his lungs

“Hm'm ghnnh ghm! Hm'm ghnnh ghm!” by the time I figured what he was trying to tell me, thick white ropes were shoot from his cock, splashing his thighs and chest. I kept a hold of his member until the last drops had been expelled. Zack closed his eyes and hanged his head against his chest; he would have collapsed if not for the ropes holding him

“Are you okay?” I asked genuinely concerned, just like me, common sense seemed to be returning to him for he weakly nodded, eyes still closed, breath heavy and cheeks flustered. I walked behind him and untied his hands followed by his torso. He pulled the tape from his moth and fell back on the chair, leaving me the job of untying his legs.

“Are you okay?” he aske me, I looked away from his ankles to stare at his blue eyes, was I? I had been victim of a robbery, had been tied up and groped by a stranger…


The next awkward hours went quite quickly, Zack went into the bathroom to clean the cum from his body while I discarded my dirty boxers in the laundry basket and got changed into a clean pair. We got dressed and I called the police. The guy had stolen some cash, my dad’s watch, our cellphones and wallets and my laptop (Dad is going to buy me a new one this weekend)

When the police arrived, we had to make a recollection of what happened. Describing how he made us strip and tied us up “Did he do anything to you while tied up?” the agent asked.

“He threatened us with his gun” I said

“Anything else?”

“No” we both replied in unison, even though we didn’t discuss it before, at that moment it became clear that whatever happened was a secret between both of us. Zack’s parents came to pick him up once our declarations were taken

“You sure you want to stay alone?” he asked me on his way to the door “You can stay at my place if you want”
I rejected his offer, this my sound weird but after everything that happened, I need to be alone, there were far too many things going on my head right. A soon as everyone had left, I locked the doors and went straight to my room, stripping down to my underwear and climbing in my bed yet I couldn’t sleep that night. One might think that I was scared, picturing the gun against my forehead or the guy groping my thigh yet strangely enough, none of those things seemed to bother me; I could only picture Zack tied to the chair, moaning helplessly in arousal, struggling for me.

I’m messed up, aren’t I? Who gets robbed and only thinks how hot the experience was? The teacher said that we didn’t had to present the project (that was good since it was lost with my laptop) and Zack and I didn’t talk too much after that. I don’t mind it, we weren’t exactly friends to begin with and each of us went back to our respective groups. Zacks girlfriend seems to have stuck to him like glow, never leaving his side during the day, perhaps it’s her way of making sure he is okay. My friends have also been there for me, to make sure I don’t have PTSD or something like that but I don’t feel bad, nobody can know this but I enjoyed the experience. Jesus, I must be really, really messed up! I am explaining myself to a diary for crying out loud! Perhaps I should take my dad’s advice and go see a psychiatrist

Bu you know something diary? After seeing Zack’s behavior that night, I’m not only sure that he enjoys bondage as much as I do, but that he might feel about that night the same way as I do

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Post by TightropesEU »

Wow a hot story, I remember having same kind of rope bondage dreams and thoughts at Justin's age
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Post by Canuck100 »

*gulp*. This story was awesome and ... enjoyable :D

I really liked the diary format.
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Post by MaxRoper »

A very hot story and a nice combination of nonconsensual and consensual action. The build-up and inevitable release are particularly well told. A change from [mention]cj2125[/mention]'s usual fare, but equally enjoyable.

Another great tale from one of our master storytellers.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That was a very nice change of pace from your already great other stories.

Don't get me wrong, your humourous and fluid style still is there but it was enjoyable reading an adult story with it.

Thanks for this, you've made a great job.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by Bound Down »

I loved the story! The way it was framed in a diary was a nice touch as well.
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Woof! Man, I loved this story. So hot. Write more stories like this please. I love kidnapping and robbery storylines a lot lately
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Post by gagged-cowboy »

Really a very well written and enjoyable story. I loved it.
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Post by fratboydanny »

This was an incredibly good read [mention]cj2125[/mention]. As others have commented, I really enjoyed the diary format. I hope we will get to read more of justin’s diary!
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Post by LK3869 »

Ho gee! Was surprised to find you in the adults section but knew it would be good... Also surprised you went for some ( moderate but still... 8-) ) non-consensual event almost right from the start but the way it's told is just so... wow.

Like it's been said in previous comments, the combination of "C" and "NC" is so well balanced it renders the motivations behind those "being robbed by strangely motivated intruders" cristal clear. You want something so badly and believe you will never get it by consensual ways, so you/we dream someone will impose it on us. ( same thing for the whole bondage attraction IMO, from sex to bondage and consensual bondage to NC bondage... )

And Justin's introduction before the incident helps, such a sweet part and the diary format is ideal for that.
Want more!
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by harveygasson »

Hugely enjoyable story! Loved the diary format for the story I felt it worked really well and your development for his own entries were great. Brilliant story through and through
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Post by Trickster »

Great story. Very descriptive and intense!
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks for the comments! As some of you may know I was planning on writting an adult story for a while now and this is my result. Ever since I conceived my first story on the forum( The Midnight Game ) I had the intend of, aside of the usual innocnet scenarios, explore my own more intimate fantasies while staying in the universe I was creating. Hence I made the character of Zack, choosing his age so that he would be in the umbral of adulhood by the time I was ready to write more adult content. Interestingly enough, in my original drafts for Justin's story was more compressed (with a clear begining and ending and just a few parts long) and the tone was quite different from the final product but I'm pleased of how it turned out. Specially glad the the diary format worked out

I chose this scenario as a first story since the non-consesual/consesual scene (usually by way of a robbery/kidnapping) has always been a fantasy of mine (and for what I can see, of other people as well).

I've never thought about this, but [mention]LK3869[/mention] has made a valid point. When growing up, the inability to achieve a bondage experience in a consesual way (since not many of us had the luck of having friends or partners willing to help us with those fantasies, specially during our teenage years) might make us develop a subconcious desire to be dominated in non consensual ways. Robberies and kidnappings are the most common "socially acceptable" reasons to be tied up so I guess it's normal for the like of us to devise these fantasies around those scenarios. I personally have fantasied about being tied up by robbers even before I fully understood what sex was and even today I find the idea of a hired kidnapping, as some companies might advertise, quite appealing.

As for the writting process, it was hard finding the perfect balance between NC and C, in fact the original draft of this entry was far more darker (let's say that the robber went farther than just groping them), which, in my opinion, made Justin's positive reaction in the end ,a little less believable. In the end I'm please with Justin's overal view of the situation "I liked it but woulnd't go through it again"

Now, for those of you who ask, yes, there will be other parts, of course not all of them will involve a similar scenario like this one since my main focus was Justin and Zack's relationship (also I doubt Justin will be so unlucky to get robbed/kidnapped every week :lol:) but I hope you still like the next installment (which I should be posting tonight or during the week)

Oh, and also I oficially have written stories for the three main sections of the forum (Real, Fictional and Adult) so YAY! :mrgreen:
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Post by gagged-cowboy »

I am really looking forward to sequel.
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Post by cj2125 »

October 8th 20_

Dear Diary:

I’ve got invited to a party. Don’t act so surprised, I do get invited to parties you know? Jena Carmichael throws this party every year and invites everyone in our class. To be honest I don’t feel like going, really never have been a party guy (surprised?). Still it’s part of the school social code that when Jena invites you to a party, you smile at her and tell her you’ll go; although I have made up my mind that I’m going to spend that Friday night playing videogames in my room.

Guess who I ran in the boy’s restrooms? Zack out of all people! We haven’t really spoken since the incident… you know which. Sometimes we’ll cross ways at the hallways and nod at each other without further interaction so it was a surprise to run into him face to face. And the moment I saw him my cheeks turned red, the image of him tied to the chair immediately popped up in my mind. I must tell you there is nothing more awkward than standing side by side in the urinals! “So… how’ve you been?” he asked trying to look ahead of him

“Good…good… you?”

“Same” we both stayed quiet as each of us finished our “business” and move on to the sinks “So, you’ve coming to Jena’s party?”

“Not really” I shrugged, I could still hear his moans in my head. “You?”

“Of course!” he smirked “I never miss it! Too bad you aren’t coming” well, at least there is a reason to go, too bad it’s not strong enough.

Naturally, when my friends were discussing the party during lunch I voiced my intention to skip it. They were quite understanding and supportive

“Are you insane?” yelled Fred “You aren’t skipping that party! You’ll be there even if we have to drag you!” I looked at Geoff since usually it’s him who tends to understand me but to my surprise he stood with Fred on this. After an hour of non-stop pestering I was compelled to agree to go to that stupid party. Still I have one ace under my sleeve! Ever sine the robbery my dad has been quite overprotective of me, not that I can blame him, so there is no way he’ll let me to an unsupervised party with horny teenagers, alcohol and probably drugs! I guess I won’t be going!


Update: How can I put this… I mentioned the party to my dad and he… well, he said “I think after what happen going out with your friends might be good for you, I was a teenager too and parties weren’t as wild as the movies put them. Besides Justin, I trust that you’ll be smart enough not to do anything stupid so sure, go ahead and have fun!”

Why does he have to trust me?!!!!

October 13th 20_

Dear Diary:

Yesterday was Jena’s party. It was fun. I had fun. Everything was alright.

Okay, a lot happened.

The party was okay. She lives just a few blocks down the street so I didn’t need to drive there. I basically stood with the gang ready to fool around, have some awkward dancing in the corner and roll our eyes at the fact that Josh and Gwen seem to need to suck each other’s’ mouths to breathe. Everything would have gone as usual if not for Fred. Dam I hate Fred! That idiot showed up with a bottle of rum he sneaked from his parents! Naturally we wouldn’t want to waste it so we got ourselves some coke and started drinking it. Now I know what you may think but I am an adult and it’s perfectly legal to drink in other countries and why am I trying to justify myself to a book?

Anyway, apparently having an open bottle is a good way of meting people since we were surrounded by kids that have never talk to me in school! Now, I wasn’t drunk! I swear! I just drank a couple cups, and four beers, and a couple jello shots, and something weird someone offered me. Okay I might have been a little tipsy but I swear I was okay! You want to know who was completely wasted? Zack!

I ran into him when I was going back home, well, he ran into me. I was walking down the porch’s stairs when he sneaked from behind and placed his arm over my shoulder. “Justin! Glad you came man!” his red hair was tousled, his eyes were beady, his smile was dopey and the three top buttons of his shirt were open. He really looked cute like that “Buddy…” he slurred his words “I’m staying at your place tonight”

“What? No!” I exclaimed as we bot stumbled towards the sidewalk (I blame that entirely on Zack’s state of intoxication! I was perfectly fine!)

“Come on dude! My house is two miles away and you can’t let me sleep on the streets!” he asked making puppy eyes, adorable puppy eyes. Still I shook my head and tried to leave when he jumped on my, trapping me in a hug

“Pleaseeee!” okay, confession time. That hug wasn’t that bad, in fact it was quite enjoyable! Specially when he started rubbing my chest “You know you want it!” he hummed resting his chin on my shoulder

“No, I don’t!” I laughed and struggled trying to get him off me “Let me go Zack!”

“Not until you say yes” he grinned and nuzzled his nose against my neck. Now some people might find this gesture romantic. I am extremely ticklish on the spot. I’m gonna say that it was the tickles what finally beat me. Yep, that’s the reason I finally agree to let him come home with me. He tortured me until I agreed!

When I finally conceded, he let out an adorable shriek of delight, placed his arm over my shoulders pulling me closer and we started walking down the street.

The farther we got for Jena’s house the more deserted the streets became. We walked in silence, just enjoying the night; I closed my eyes feeling the refreshingly cold air on my face. Zack seemed quiet too, swinging as he walked besides me, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

We finally arrived at my place where it took me far longer than it should to open the dam door (I blame it on the darkness! Not any type of inebriation I might have!) and the two of us sneaked into my room silently giggling, making sure that my dad wouldn’t hear us coming in. Once inside, with a surprising speed, Zack stripped down to his boxers and jumped on my bed, laying on his back with a hand over his eyes. I stood still, watching his skin glistening under the light from my nightstand, his hairless chest moving along his respiration, the muscles on his arm flexed as it rested over his face, the trail of red hair coming up from his waistband up to his navel and of course, the way his tight blue boxers nicely shaped his firm thighs and crotch. It was truly a lovely sight

“You’re checking me out, aren’t you?” he teased without opening his eyes

“Nope” I quickly said blushing; ignoring his cocky smile, I spun around and headed to my bathroom. As I emptied my bladder, the reality that I would be sharing a bed with Zack dawned on me and with that the fantasies of what would happen that night. Images of him tied to my bed crossed my mind, once more I recalled his muffled moans, his hard cock oozing precum. By the time I pulled my zipper up, my own cock was already pressing against my jeans. But should I do it? We haven’t talked about what happened during the robbery and although it was obvious we enjoyed it to some extent, those had been extraordinary circumstances, would he willingly accept now?
I was still pondering whether I should act or no when I exited the bathroom and was surprised to find my bed empty. I didn’t have to worry about Zack’s whereabouts for too long since a hand was quickly clasped over my mouth while an arm was wrapped around my chest. Next thing I knew, I was facing the wall, being pinned against it. I could feel Zack’s breath on my neck, his chest pressed against my back keeping me still and his hard bulge pressed against my butt; how I wished there weren’t any clothes between us at that moment!

Zack didn’t say anything yet it didn’t take genius to know what was happening. I remained still, debating whether to fight or cooperate, that I wanted something to happen was clear but did I want this? A minute ago, I had been seriously thinking of being the one doing the tying, being the one in charge, yet here, Zack was the one taking control. I tensed a little bit, feeling his hand groping my chest, it felt good no doubt, but I needed more, that moment I realized that I wanted to be the one in charge. I wanted to be the one tying up Zack. I tried telling him that but my protests were muffled by his hand

“Shhh…” he whispered close to my ear, I grunted and tried shaking my head; I tried to fight him off but his grip around my arms tightened. I felt a jolt of pain when his hand pinched my nipple “Stop struggling” I let out a pitiful moan and complied, even though I kept shooting glares at him.

The moment Zack removed his hand from my mouth I tried to tell him to knock it off but as I opened my mouth to speak, a piece of cloth was shoved inside. A bitter taste filled my mouth, I let out an indignant grunt as I realized it was my own dirty sock! Unfortunately, Zack wasn’t paying attention to my complaints; with his hands free, he grabbed both of my wrists and yanked them behind my back. I hear the sound of tape being ripped off and soon after felt it being wrapped around my wrists. I winced as it pulled at my arm hairs but Zack once more didn’t seem to care

Once my arms were secured, he slid his hand underneath my t-shirt, gently caressing my stomach and chest; I closed my eyes letting out a satisfied moan feeling his warm hand over my skin before remembering that I was supposed to fight back. “Drop the act Justin” Zack chuckled when I resumed my struggles “We both know you are loving this” I grunted and shook my head but Zack didn’t seem convinced “Really? Then why are you still chewing on that sock? You could easily spit it”

Dam you deductive thinking!

I blushed and looked away from Zack. He grinned and lifted my shirt over my head, pulling it down my arms until it rested on my wrists. I heard the sound of tape again and felt it being wrapped around my elbows, pulling them together as far as I could, forcing me to arch my back and puff my chest out. I was spun around and ended face to face with him, watching at his blue eyes and cocky smile. God how I wanted to stuff a sock into that mouth!

“Still pretending you don’t like this?” Zack grinned, apparently amused at my glares. I must say that wasn’t the intended effect! “You are cute when you act like that” he added and pinched my right nipple. I jolted and let out a soft moan, even though it was painful, I also found it weirdly pleasurable.

Zack grabbed my arms and lead me towards the bed. One more I put a token resistance but another assault to my nipples persuaded me to comply. Once more he spun me over to face him and forced me to sit on the floor, my back resting against the bed; because of the clear tape, I couldn’t bend my arms comfortably so I was forced to keep my back straight, bending my torso in an obtuse angle. Zack got to the floor too, crawling closer towards me and gently caressing my crotch. This time I lost any pretense of resistance, closed my eyes and let out a moan

“I knew it…” he smiled and unzipped my jeans, pulling them down along by my boxers; I lifted my hips from the ground and straightened my legs to help him out. As my waistband passed down my cock, it sprung out, bouncing off my stomach, already hard from the struggle. Zack watched it as if it was his new toy and gently grabbed it with his right hand, slowly giving it a few strokes.

My reaction was imminent. More moans escaped my mouth as I tried to rock my hips, shifting my torso trying to get into a more comfortable position. Zack let go of my cock, smirking at my muffled protests “Don’t be so impatient” he explained picking up the roll of clear tape that I used to keep in my desk “There will be time for that” he grabbed my left ankle and pulled it up, forging me to lift my leg, then he took a hold of my thigh and pulled my ankle down, pressing it against my leg. He quickly wrapped the tape 5, no 8 times binding my ankle to my thigh. He did the same with my right leg not only rendering them useless but forcing me to keep them nicely spread and away from my crotch.

My breath increased as Zack ran his left hand over my chest, once more groping pinching my nipples although this time was gentler, his right hand rested on his own crotch, groping his bulge. I watched attentively as his fingers ran down my chest, across my stomach until his they wrapped around my shaft. Soft moans escaping my mouth with each step. Waiting eagerly for the true play to start

As if reading my mind, he tightened his grip around my member and started stroking it once more. Waves of pleasure filled my body, I tried to flex my arms and legs only for the tape to pull back, knowing that I was helpless only increased my arousal. His pace increased, I rocked my hips back and forth, leaning my head back to let out more moans, precum was already oozing out, my moans grew louder, I could fell the knot in my stomach. At any time, I was about to explode

Then the bastard stopped

So lost I was in the pleasure that it took me a few seconds to realize he had let go of my cock. I opened my eyes and raised my head. The asshole was looking at me with a stupid grin, his other hand still tucked under his boxers.
“What?” he smiled pretending not to understand the reason of my angry grunts “Oh! You want me to keep going?” I eagerly nodded, slightly thrusting my hips.

He grabbed my cock once more and jerked it again, once more I got lost in the moment, thrusting my hips, writhing my wrists and burying my teeth on the sock stuffed in my mouth. Then he stopped again.

This time I was more aware of his game and lifted my head letting out a frustrated moan “What now?” he asked cocking his head

“Plmhfm lmt mm ghm” I begged him through my gag

“Can’t understand you…” Zack hummed, I took a deep breath and tried my best to enunciate, all the while spreading my legs as far as I could and shoving my hips forwards “You want me to keep going?” I nodded “Don’t know… my hand is getting tired” he ran his finger across my hard shaft making me let out another frustrated moan. He kept doing it, running a single finger across my cock, even grasping it for a few seconds only to let it go, rubbing my tip with his thumb, slightly patting it and circling it with his finger

It was heaven and hell for me! I let out a loud moan and bit the sock, I could even feel tears forming up in my eyes out of pure sexual frustration, soon my pleas grew more demanding, my patience was wearing thin, I needed him to finish soon or at least untie me so I could finish on my own yet Zack didn’t seem to be in a hurry.

“Okay, okay, if you really want it… get on your knees” Without missing a beat, I scrambled to get on my knees, I would have sell all my belonging at that moment in exchange of some kind of release! After some failed attempts, I managed to get on a position comfortable enough with me sitting on top of my legs, my back straight and my eyes looking up at Zack.

My captor was standing in front of me, looking down on his prisoner. I felt so small, so helpless, I knew I was under his mercy. Zack picked up the sock with two fingers and carefully pulled it from my mouth “Do you want me to jerk you off?”

“Yes” I whispered out of fear of waking up my dad “Please Zack, let me cum” Zack smiled, apparently pleased with my response

“First I need you to do something for me” I felt his fingers across my hair “then I’ll do something for you…” he tightened his grasp and shoved my face forwards, pushing it against his crotch.

I could feel the hard bulge against my face and immediately knew what he wanted me to do. Without second thoughts, I took a long sniff of his crotch, taking in the strong odor emanating form it and set to work. My tongue started running across the fabric of his underwear, leaving a small trail of moisture behind, slowly discovering the shape of his cock. Then I started working with my lips, kissing his member, wrapping them around his shaft gently sucking it. Zack’s grip on my hair slowly loosened. Without any need of him telling me, I picked his waistband with my teeth and pulled it down, letting his cock spring to life against my face.

It was the first time I got to take a closer look to his shaft, long and circumcised, small veins ran across it’s surface and a transparent drop hanged from his tip. I opened my mouth and took it inside. This was the first time I’ve ever done this and to be honest I wasn’t sure what to do know so I merely made it up as I went, firstly running my tongue across its surface before tightening my lips around the base and rocking my head back and forth.

I look edup for any sign from Zack and was pleased to know that he was out. His eyes were closed, his hands were resting behind his head, his lips were partially open letting escape soft sighs; soon he started swinging his hips, following the movements of my face. I kept sucking, managing to achieve my own rhythm. I could feel his warm cock inside my mouth throbbing, a salty flavor spreading across my mouth. Soon Zack started muttering the most cliched things you could expect from a situation like this

“Oh Justin… yes… that’s good! Don’t stop!” I was half-expecting for him to start screaming Jesus’ name when out of nowhere, his body stiffened and I felt something bitter inside my mouth. Now I’m no prude, I’ve seen enough porn to know how this is supposed to work yet in none of those videos they describe how semen tastes. I was taken by surprise and immediately yanked my head away, spilling Zack’s juice over my face and chest and spitting what few drops fell in my mouth. We both burst out laughing

“Dude, what the heck!” Zack smiled whipping his flaccid cock

“It was my first time!” I exclaimed blushing

“You’ve never gave anyone a blow job?” Zack crouched in front of me picking the wet sock that until recently had been stuck in my mouth and gently rubbing it over my chin and chest, cleaning the cum away

“Have you?” I replied and to my satisfaction, Zack blushed and shook his head

“You did well” he patted my head and I flashed him a grin. It’s good to know I can give good blowjobs. I leaned back against the bed while he adjusted his boxers, tucking his cock away. I watched him in silence, waiting for his part of the deal, yet he didn’t seem in any hurry

“Uhmm, Zack?” I finally asked and when I caught his attention, I rocked my hips showing him my still very hard cock

“Oh right!” he smiled crouching in front of me “You want me to help you” he grabbed my cock and started stroking it once more. I closed my eyes satisfied and happily nodded. Already feeling the pleasure building up once more

And then he let go

“I’m going to sleep”

“What?” I watched dumbfounded as Zack got up, he was messing with me, right? Unfortunately, it soon became clear he was serious! Naturally I gave him a piece of my mind and naturally, he stuffed the sock in my mouth

This time I was having none of it and spit it out, doing my best to crawl towards him demanding he hold up his part of the deal “I said I would do something for you…” he stuffed the sock back in place. Before I could spit it again he picked up the roll of clear tape and wrapped it a few times around my head muffling my protests. I was so mad at him that I didn’t even noticed the bitter taste of the sock!

He picked up a pair of scissors from my desk and walked back to me, ignoring the glare I was giving him. Then he pushed my back, forcing me to bend over, I heard the scissor cutting something and soon felt the pressure on my elbows diminishing. Only then did I realized the toll the tape had been taking on my arms!

“See? I did something for you” Zack explained “Now you can sleep better!” Although the gesture was appreciated, it was far from what I really wanted at the moment. I angrily writhed my wrists and shook my body, trashing against the tape. Zack, meanwhile, happily climbed back into MY bed and turned off the lights “Good night Justin”

“MMPHHH!” I snarled glaring at him but unfortunately my death glare had zero effect on him. Once I realized that my eyes were powerless. I tried to break free. Gracefully falling face first into the wooden floor, I squirmed like a worm, not only trying to fight against the tape but also trying to get some help for my poor dick by grinding my body against the surface

Now, before you judge me for fucking my floor (I need to remind myself that diaries don’t judge people), you must understand that at that point my brain was boiling on a soup of hormones and alcohol so as you might have guess, my decisions were far less rational. At that point I didn’t care about things like comfort or vengeance, my only objective was to get rid of my arousal either by finding a way to stimulate my member, or release my hands so I could finish what Zack started

Despite my efforts, the tape didn’t bulge and, unlike my sofa, the floor was too hard and cold for me to repeat my previous trick so by the time exhaustion finally caught up to me, I was angry, frustrated and incredibly horny.
I might have doze off a bunch of times that night but I wouldn’t call any of them a real sleep. At least by the time Zack woke up, the hormones and alcohol had washed off my body, leaving behind a semi-erect dick and a throbbing headache.

“Morning” Zack grunted getting up from the bed, judging by his looks, he might be experiencing the same hangover as I was “Got any aspirins?” I let out an annoyed grunt, weakly shaking my legs “Don’t worry, I’ll look for them” he stood up, completely ignoring me and headed to the bathroom. I was far too tired to do anything else than let out a weak moan and glare at him from my spot on the floor.

I had to endure the next fifteen minutes laying on the floor while Zack went on with his morning routine; during said time my little buddy down there woke up too. Sometimes morning woods can be so inopportune! “Don’t tell me you are still horny?” Zack teased while getting dressed, although I could notice a red shade on his cheeks. I glared at him once more “Do you want me to give you a hand?”

I used all of my willpower to shake my head. I was done begging him! “Suit yourself!” he shrugged and picked up my scissors, rolling me over to my belly and placing them on my hands “I guess you can get out on your own now” he smiled and headed towards my window. I watched horrified as he opened it and gave me a wink before jumping into my backyard. Leaving me alone. Tied up. Naked

I’m going to kill him!

Okay, to give him credit, with the scissors it did take me just a couple minutes to get untied but he didn’t have to be an ass about it! As soon as I got free I truly realized how bad I was feeling, my body hurt as much as my head, my stomach was growling despite me not being hungry and the light that filtered through my room seemed to burn my eyes.

So, I gave my first blowjob and had my first hangover. Yay

I didn’t even bother to get dressed, just closed the window Zack left open, closed the blinds and collapsed unconscious on my bed.

During breakfast/lunch, my dad told me he figured I have brought someone in the house, but since he never found out what we did I didn’t get into trouble. Although he warned me that next time I should tell him. Also, he had some fun blasting loud music in my ears despite repeatedly telling him I had a headache! I have the feeling he didn’t bought it when I swore I didn’t drink anything last night

I really feel conflicted about this diary. I’ll admit that being under Zack’s mercy was fun. And for my first blowjob it was a good experience (not to mention, apparently, I’m awesome at giving them!) but Zack was an asshole. He shouldn’t have left me all night horny… but at the same time, I can’t stop thinking how much I enjoyed it at first. How much I liked being teased like that, driven to edge only to have it denied! Also, I can’t stop thinking that, if I had been the one tying him up in the first place, probably I would have done similar things to him. Do I have the right to be angry of something I would have done any ways? I think I need to start thinking about what exactly I like about this game

Last edited by cj2125 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LK3869 »

Gentle Justin dicovers life ... with the bitter after-taste :P
All good from the overall storyline to the smallest details.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by mikeybound »

What a delightful story! Hopefully this isn’t the end of their experiences.
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Post by gagged-cowboy »

Wonderful continuation. I am really looking forward to more parts.
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Post by fratboydanny »

Wow! I love this latest diary entry. Incredible detail and great overall story line. Very nicely done [mention]cj2125[/mention]. It is hard to believe you have never written an adult story before. This is perfect. I can’t wait for more.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Another excellent entry. The writing is flawless and it feels real, as if it happened to me. Really good stuff.
I'm definitely looking forward to more.
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Post by harveygasson »

Seriously fantastic continuation! So mean yet so wonderful
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Post by cj2125 »

October 15th 20__

Dear Diary:

Funny thing, sometimes you wish for something to happen; yet by the time it finally happens you have moved on, perhaps you have outgrown it, perhaps you realized you have different interest or perhaps you have found out that he was a jerk that used you for his own satisfaction before leaving you tied up! Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself.

Today, after classes, I found Zack standing by the school’s main entrance. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that admittedly looked good on him, a red t-shirt and a plaid flannel shirt, he looked good on them, not that it’s relevant. The moment he saw me, he smiled and waved at me. If he had done that a week ago I would have jumped from happiness. This time? I merely glared at him and kept walking towards the parking lots, unfortunately he didn’t seem to catch on subtleties so instead he followed me

“Okay, I deserve that” I glared at him again but apparently my angry look isn’t very effective “I know it was shitty on my part to leave you… you know” he giggled like a 7-year-old! “I was drunk and I thought you would like that” there was a pause but when I didn’t reply he frowned “don’t tell me you didn’t...”

“I did!” I cut him “At least until the last part” I added “I… I liked when you tied me up, I liked when you made me beg… I even liked giving you a blowjob” he gave me a cocky smile “Don’t flatter yourself! But seriously? You had your fun and then ignored me?”

“I thought you’d like that!” he muttered and to his credit he sounded sincere

“Who would like that?” he opened his mouth but apparently, he couldn’t find any good example so he closed it soon after

“Maybe I should have thought this better”

“Maybe you should” I took out my keys and stepped inside my car

“Come on Justin!” Zack exclaimed, I might have told him something really rude before driving off but can you blame me? He absolutely deserved it! I am so done with Zack! I don’t care that he is incredibly hot or that he might be the only person who likes to be tied up that I’ll never know, I’m over that self-absorbed prick!

The good news is that at my place there was leftover pizza for lunch so that greatly improved my mood. Plus, I got a message from mom with some pictures of Steven, apparently my step-brother just won his first swimming match of the season so good for him I guess. He was smiling at the camera, his medal on one hand and his girlfriend on the other. I wonder if others have so much trouble with their love lives. Anyway, I’ve got homework to do so I’ll write you tomorrow


October 16th 20__

Dear Diary:

This time Zack was waiting for me by my locker before classes started. Once more I made a point of ignoring him but that asshole followed me all the way to Philosophy trying to get me to talk to him! At least Mrs. Cho kicked him out but it’s really getting annoying. The worst part is that his recent attention hasn’t gone unnoticed by my friends! Fred asked me if he was trying to hit on me and Lily commented that he looked like a puppy following me all around. He certainly did not look like a puppy! Can that jerk take a cue and leave me alone?


October 17th 20__

Dear Diary:

Once more Zack was waiting for me by the entrance and once more I made a point of ignoring him. At least this time he didn’t followed me down to Chemistry; I was really hoping he would finally leave me alone. Boy was I wrong.

He trapped me in the restrooms during lunch. Literally, he stood by the door blocking my exit. I tried to shove him aside but I’m not exactly the strongest person out there so instead I embarrassingly bounced off him and tripped down the floor… at least he didn’t laugh although I caught a glimpse of a smirk in his stupid, adorable face. I pointedly rejected his offer to help me up and scrambled on my feet by myself. “Are you holding me in a restroom?”

“It’s not my fault you are such a weakling” his grin vanished with my glare “Come on, I said I was sorry!” I mean, he really seemed repentant “At least hear me out Justin!” I would say it was because of my gentle nature… not because he kept making puppy eyes, not at all, that I agreed to hear him out “My parents will be out this Friday…”
I knew where this was going “No”

“…and my brother will be spending the night at his friend’s”


“I know you want it Justin!” he looked at me. That jerk! Of course I wanted it! Even thinking about being tied by him again turned me on but I was determined to resist him! I’m scared that if I started playing along he would treat me like trash again. But there was some part inside of me that wanted to be treated like that. Probably I should see a therapist. Anyway, I don’t know why but I had a surge of inspiration at that moment and figured a way of getting him to back off. I told him I would go… if I was the one doing the tying

“Sure” That firkin answer knocked me off guard! I really didn’t expect that answer, or at least I figured he’d give the notion some thought, not outright answer like that! The idiot actually noticed it since he grinned and bopped my nose “In that case I’ll see you this Friday!” and with that he walked away. It just took me a few minutes to process what just happened.

Zack has agreed to let me tie him up.


October 18th 20__

Dear Diary:

I did something really impulsive today. Something that honestly, I never thought I would have ever done. Dad had asked me to run some errands that evening. Stuff like going to the bank, buying some aspirins, dropping a coat at the laundry. During my trip through Main Street I passed by a particular store that I had noticed a while ago but never felt brave enough to go inside. I stopped as something on the main window caught my attention. Usually they had a female mannequin dressed in some fancy lingerie or some fantasy costume like a maid or a nurse. This time the mannequin was wearing a leather corset, a red ballgag hanged around her neck and leather cuffs were wrapped around her wrists (not attached to anything mind you). I stopped on my tracks and watched the figure completely enthralled. I must admit that I imagined first Zack, then myself wearing those cuffs and gag.

Now I must tell you that I’ve always been curious about what goes into a sex shop and this is certainly not the first time I ever stopped in front of it trying to muster the courage to go inside and take a pick, but always I backed away, can you blame me? What if someone spots me going into the shop? How can I explain why I am there? Well, despite my reservations, I decided that today would be the day. Taking a deep breath, I ventured inside.

The store was empty except for the clerk. A (decidedly handsome) guy in his early twenties with green dyed hair, with a few tattoos on his arms and a metal ring on his lower lip. He barely acknowledged me as I made my way across the shelves. Nothing particularly interesting: Some bachelorette toys, inflatable dolls, sexy costumes. That was until I got to a corner near the back of the store. My eyes opened wide as I scanned its contents: Handcuffs, different types of gags, leather hoods, straightjackets, whips and tools I’ve seen on internet videos but I really have no idea what they are called. I just stood there agape, imagining myself trying those items, wondering if Zack would like to try them too.

“So, you like this?” I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly spun around, eyes wide open and cheeks bright red. The clerk was standing behind me, he was slim, towards skinny; wearing a black t-shirt with the store’s logo and a pair of skinny jeans. He might have noticed my embarrassment for he laughed it off “Relax dude, if we judge everyone here we would be out of business in a week” somehow that made me feel more comfortable around him. I returned the smile and explained to Daniel (as I learned his name was) that I was a newbie in all of this “Well, I’ve got more stuff in the back store if you want to check them out” he jerked towards a small door “They are too large for this place so we keep them stored in there in case a customer asks for them”

My curiosity got the best of me and I nodded, following him into the other room. It was small, dark and crowded. My jaw dropped as I saw the objects in there: Several cages of different sizes, a chair and other types of furniture, all with leather straps attached to them and, in the middle of the room, a large “X” shaped structure

“This baby is the St. Andrew’s cross” he explained noticing my interest on the cross “You can guess how it works” he grinned, I walked towards it touching the surface. Images of me and Zack strapped to that thing crossed my mind, I wanted it so bad! I could even picture myself laying on my bed while Zack squirmed against the cross. But I had to face the cruel reality

“Looks good” I shrugged “but I don’t think I can afford it, and even if I could, there is no way I can explain to my dad why I have this thing!”

“You can always tell him it’s an art project, you’d be surprised to know the kind of excuses people buy” we both laughed “If you have time I can let you give it a free trial”

Now, if you could talk you’ll probably be screaming “GET OUT!” I don’t blame you. A stranger asks me if I want to get tied up in a dark, private room… I didn’t even consider that possibility at that moment, I just nodded excitedly. I guess I’m lucky.

I removed my jacket, it was warm inside and I figured it would get warmer; and stood against the cross. My green polo shirt stretching against my torso as I raised my arms. Daniel pressed my wrists against the cross and locked a couple of leather straps around them. I instinctively tugged at them to confirm they were stuck, feeling the leather rubbing against my skin. Without missing a beat, Daniel crouched over and pulled my legs apart, strapping each ankle to the wooden structure. “How does it feel?”

“Awesome” I replied truthfully, it was amazing being restrained like that, my back pressed against the cross, my hands above my head. I could already feel my jeans tightening over my crotch. Daniel walked behind me and start rummaging through. I craned my neck trying to see what he was doing by my sight was blocked by the cross
“Wanna try a ballgag?” Now I know what you are thinking about digging myself deeper into that dangerous situation, but I would like to point that he asked for permission first!

“YES!” I couldn’t even stop smiling as he dangled a black ballgag in front of me

“I figured this might fit you” he explained. I opened my mouth and received the rubber ball inside it, digging my teeth on it while Daniel strapped it behind my head. I let a few moans testing it; my tongue was pressed beneath it; my jaws were forced open and the leather straps dug in the corners of my mouth. I was loving it!

Daniel stepped back and instructed me to struggle; I was more than happy to comply. He watched me squirming, twisting my torso, tugging at my wrists, arching my back and shaking my head, all the while letting out a series of unintelligible grunts and moans and trying to keep my saliva from running down my chin. I’m not sure which one of us was having more fun although I was probably winning

Next, he walked once more behind me, I didn’t even bother trying to see this time, I just closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the feeling of helplessness. When I opened them again, he was holding what looked like a leather rag. He spread it in front of me and I was surprised to see the silhouette of a face staring back at me. I didn’t complain as he pushed the mask over my head, adjusting it as it went down until finally it reached my neck. It was warm and slightly snug but bearable

“I figured you’d look good on it” he smiled and pulled out his phone. For a moment I was afraid he’d take pictures of me but he merely put the camera on selfie mode and turned it around so I could use it as a mirror “Like what you see?”

I did, the mask was covering my whole head only leaving three orifices: One for the nose and two for the eyes; a pair of brown eyes looked back at me, the only feature that might identify me at all. Daniel smiled and patted my cheek “You are cute! Too bad you are too young for me” he sighed and turned around to leave the room, closing the door behind.

I leaned back and enjoyed myself. I was locked in a dark room so I’m not sure how long I stayed there. I just hang by the straps, occasionally struggled and moaned, pretending to have been kidnapped, that my captor would come soon to have his way with me. The thoughts of all the things they might do to me only got me more aroused. I closed my eyes resting my head against the wood, imagining Zack also strapped to a second cross. What if we were kidnapped together? What if they “forced” us to play with each other? I even forgot I was mad at him!
The door opened and light poured in, momentarily blinding me. “One of our customers wanted to try the cross” Daniel explained and, to my horror, I heard the voice of a woman

“Oh my! He is cute!” As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw Daniel accompanied by a couple and my heart stopped: I knew that couple! Adam and Rachel Weissman! They were a couple in their early 30’s that moved to my street a few years ago but what on earth were they doing here? Adam worked as a bank manager, his wife was a layer, what were they doing in a place like this? In the back room no less? My breathing increased as I tried to remained as still as possible. If they recognize me I would be doomed! How could I explain why I was strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross?

“Say Daniel, how much for him?” Rachel asked, my eyes opened wide as suddenly the severity of my situation dawned on me. As I pointed out early: I HAD AGREED TO BE BOUND AND GAGGED BY A COMPLETE STRANGER! I started to panic, he was going to sell me to some weirdos who would keep me locked in their basement for their pleasure! What had I gotten into? Why did I agree to something like this? AND WHY WAS I TURNED ON BY IT! I mean fantasizing about it was one thing but happening in real life was completely different! I refuse to believe that my body was looking forwards to being those freaks’ slave! It must have been the adrenaline! That’s it!

Rachel must have noticed the terror in my eyes as she quickly shook her head “I was just kidding honey!” she said waving her hand that actually helped me relax a little bit but now that the idea was in my head I didn’t wanted anything else than to get out of that cross!

Unfortunately, they ignored me from then on, instead discussing whether they should buy the chair or not. I remained quiet too, silently panting. Even in my panic I figured that if I was released right there, the Weissmans would recognize me. Interesting how my brain works. But my position had suddenly become unbearable! My arms were getting num, my jaw was hurting and the mask was suffocating, its leather was itching my skin. After what seemed like forever, they finally headed out, I didn’t even pay attention to know if they decided to buy the chair! On his way out, Daniel turned to me and gave me a reassuring smile

“Relax buddy, I’ll ring them up and get you out of this!”

This time he left the door open. I remained still though, a lot of thoughts going through my head at the same time. Daniel kept his promise though and soon was back, unbuckling the straps from my ankles first and then my wrists, all the while apologizing for the joke

“Want some water?” I shook my head, even though I was thirsty, by that point my guard was still up and accepting a drink from a stranger was in my no-no list. “Hey! I’m really sorry” he pointed as I made my way back to the main store “I really thought you would be able to handle it”

“I was!” I suddenly exclaimed “It’s just that when Ra… that woman asked to buy me I freaked out” to my surprised he smiled and leaned against the counter

“That happens, sometimes a single comment can ruin the mood spectacularly. I remember the first time I was roleplaying with my boyfriend he had me tied to my bed and threatened to cut my dick… it was in character since he was supposed to be a crazy stalker, but as you can guess, I panicked and we called the whole thing off!” he laughed and for some reason I start laughing too! It wasn’t even a funny anecdote! Who would say that as dirty talk? “So, I guess you are trying this stuff with your boyfriend?” he asked me “or girlfriend” he was quick to add (Is it so obvious I’m gay?)

“Neither” I sighed “He is just my…” that was a good question! What was Zack to me? I liked him no doubt but we weren’t exactly friends yet we were meeting for something really close to sex? “It’s complicated” Daniel seemed unimpressed

I lay back on the counter and suddenly, started blurting out everything that had transpired between me and Zack. I don’t know why I trusted this guy but, in his defense, he had treated me much better than Zack during our little session! Daniel just listened carefully to me and didn’t speak until I was done “Am I walking straight into an abusive relationship?” I finally asked

“Couldn’t tell you” Daniel shrugged “but that kid seemed to have no idea of what he is doing if you ask me, personally I think you should talk this out with him first, find out where are you standing. I mean bondage can be awesome but you really should do it with someone you trust, no matter how hot they are, it’s not only about blowjobs or sex after all”

“So, I should call this off?” I asked sheepishly, even though what he said was true, I was still looking forwards to this Friday’s night

“Nah! If you’ll be in charge maybe some revenge could even your situation” he grinned and proceed to give me some nice tips for that night. I won’t go into detail about them since I don’t want to jinx it but let me say that I’m not regretting walking into that store in the first place.

Heck! I even bought a few things, small enough that I could hid them from dad: A pair of handcuffs, a red ballgag and another toy that, if what Daniel said was true, I can’t wait to use on Zack!

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Post by gagged-cowboy »

Splendid continuation. I am looking forward to another part.
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Post by LK3869 »

Rhaa! Another cliffhanger :P
Whatever he bought promises to be fun. I'm wondering if early net access didn't mess with all you younger guys' sense of discovery: straight from the closet to the sex-shop :lol:
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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