Forced into "Panty Worship!" (F/M)

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Forced into "Panty Worship!" (F/M)

Post by LunaDog »

The door opened and I felt a real “shove” from one of my two female captors. “In there with you, little pervert!” as I was pushed into the room that appeared to be some sort of office. One of the women now held me tightly, while the other grabbed both of my arms, pulling them roughly, VERY roughly, behind my back and I felt her tying my wrists together with a length of some sort of tie. Once I was bound securely, I was then pushed onto a chair, another length of tie was produced and between them, my captors now tied my bound wrists to a rail of said chair, fastening me to it.

“Right then, you can stay here while we go and fetch Sarah. She after all is the main “victim” of your disgusting little antics, so it’s only right that SHE will decide just what we do with you!” Her companion then entered this “one way” conversation. “And while you are waiting, I suggest that you reflect upon just what crimes you’ve committed. If it was up to me, we’d be ringing the Police right now, insisting that you are charged, and that the FULL force of the law be bought crashing down on top of you! Which would mean, you filthy little prick, that you’d go onto the “Sexual Offenders Register,” meaning it could make things very difficult for you in terms of getting a job. However, as Lucy has just said we’ll leave it up to Sarah if she wishes to go down that road!”

With that the two of them left, slamming the door shut, and then I heard them locking it from the outside, probably unnecessary as I was tied to the chair, and these girls knew their knots, I wouldn’t be leaving it until somebody else untied me.

BLOODY HELL! What had I got myself into here? It had only meant to be a bit of fun, a giggle! The tears started to roll down my face as the awful reality of the situation that I was now in came crashing down over me. For as that second of my female captors had clearly implied, I could well end up being placed upon the Sexual Offenders Register, and again as she stated that could very well affect my employment prospects! As well as quite possibly deny me a place at ANY University! And I could hear my dad’s voice in my head. “Now you’re officially an adult,” I’d just turned eighteen, “you’re expected to BEHAVE like an adult!” He might even throw me out of the house!

As I awaited the arrival of this “Sarah,” the woman in whom my whole future could depend, I just knew I’d HAVE to grovel to her. I’d have to try and convince her that I’d meant NO real harm by my actions, that I hadn’t realised the very real gravity of what I’d done. And, if she decided on some other course of action that didn’t involve the Police or the Law, then I’d just have to accept whatever punishment that she decided to inflict upon me.

For I WAS completely guilty of the crimes that those other two women had stated I’d committed. And what was my crime? What had I done to Sarah, that meant my fate was now completely in her hands? I believe that it is referred to as “Up-skirting!”
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Post by LunaDog »

You see, back then I was the “college” nerd. Actually, I wasn’t at college, I was still at school, studying for my “A” levels. Although I was fairly fit, not overweight at all, I didn’t “do” sports, especially those involving a “team” at all. I used to walk a lot, and if I wasn’t walking I was cycling, although by then I was learning to drive. I didn’t overeat, binge on junk food or drink alcohol to a large degree. But I was a computer “geek” and also had a keen interest in photography. And it was that hobby which had led me down my “path into crime!”

For I had “set up” a small camera on a stairway leading up to the Lady called Sarah’s home. I’d found a spot that she passed over, and where my lens would gain a momentary “glimpse” up her skirt as she passed over, and yes, Sarah nearly always wore skirts instead of trousers, usually VERY stylish leather ones. As it was, I’d set this whole thing up VERY well, and had, unknown to me yet, gained some impressive “shots” of Sarah’s lingerie, under her skirt.

What I didn’t know, well up until now, was that a freakish light situation one day had led to Sarah discovering my little “photo-shot” equipment. And being the very astute Lady that she was, she decided not to act and disable it, but wait until the time came for me to retrieve my ill-gotten gains. Of course, I fell right into her trap, Lucy and her friend Amy were ready to pounce upon me as I did just that. So now I had to just simply sit and wait for Sarah to decide what she wanted to do with me.

There was another factor in the equation here. I was a virgin; I’d barely even kissed a girl before let alone gone to bed with one! I mean, like I say I was a real “nerd” and believed that no self-respecting woman would EVER be interested in a relationship with me.

This “Sarah” kept me waiting for quite some time. It was almost an hour before I heard the door of my “cell” being unlocked, and the same two women enter, accompanied by Sarah, whose name I’d only discovered having been captured by Amy and Lucy. Sarah, a VERY attractive blonde-haired Lady in her early thirties, carried a laptop computer in one of her hands, and a bag the contents of which I couldn’t, see in her other.

She smiled at me, which naturally surprised me somewhat, and then sat herself down on a chair, facing me across the desk that was between us. Please get on with it, I thought, this waiting is SUCH torture. Now she switched on her computer, and I noticed a U.S.B. stick, hanging out of its side. One I recognised, yes it was the one from my equipment, obviously with the “fruits of my labours” on it. Switching it on, Sarah pressed a few buttons, and one of my images came onto the screen, Sarah enlarging it as much as she could. Finally, she spoke.

“Well young man, you’ve managed to achieve something that not many people can do. I’m NOT an easy woman to impress, but you have done so. Well done!” She pointed at the screen of her laptop as she started to scroll through my “work.” And I could clearly see that I’d done my “job” well, most of the images were clear and in focus. “Yes, look it’s obvious that you know what you’re doing, like I say I’m VERY impressed with the quality of your snaps, in fact I intend to keep most of them, they really do show me off well.”

Yes Sarah, I thought, this praise is all very well, but what are you going to do to me? Suddenly her facial expression turned a little more serious and I sensed that I was about to find out. “Now then, this is all very well,” she started, “but did you REALLY think through your actions. What I want to know is what were you hoping for? I would imagine that you are sexually inexperienced, so didn’t consider the effects of your actions on your potential victim’s feelings. Are you sexually inexperienced?”

“Yes Ma’am. I’ve never been to bed with a girl before.”

“A virgin, eh? Yes, I’d imagine that you are. And no doubt you did this just as a bit of a “giggle,” am I right?

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Less of the “Ma’am if you please, I think that I’d like you to address me as “Mistress Sarah.” Ok?”

“Yes, Mistress Sarah.” Thinking that I’d better not piss her off anymore.

She looked at me intently, before continuing, “I believe you, and also that you meant no REAL harm. And, as your “victim” I can say that, as I said just then I’m actually impressed, and well, flattered. Like I say there’s some good quality here. But just because I AM not easily offended, that doesn’t mean EVERY woman has my thick skin. There are women, some of whom I know personally, that would find your antics VERY offensive and indeed distressing, not to mention humiliating. It could even affect their mental health, to have been targeted like this. I don’t suppose for one minute that you EVER considered that, did you?

I hung my head in shame, because Sarah, or should that be Mistress Sarah, was completely correct. “No, Mistress Sarah, I must admit that possibility never occurred to me.” In a very submissive voice. “I apologise from the bottom of my heart, you’re right, what I did was very wrong, and I’m deeply sorry.”

“Again I believe you. At the end of the day you’re just a very immature young man, with lots to learn in life. Hopefully you will learn from this, that a woman’s private areas are PRIVATE!”

“I fully intend to, Mistress Sarah, please believe me!” And I MEANT it!

“Again, I’m happy to. So, the question is, what do I do with you now?”

Once more she stared intently into my eyes, as if seeking to un-nerve me. And, if that WAS her intention she succeeded, after a few seconds I turned my head. And then she smiled, and that just lit up her already beautiful face even more. “There’s NO doubt in my mind that your actions were more mischievous rather than malicious. You meant NO harm, because you hadn’t fully thought out any potential consequences. Therefore, I’m NOT going to call or involve the Police here, you won’t have to worry about going onto the Sexual Offenders Register. I don’t even intend to inform your parents.

The wave of relief hit me with full force, and I couldn’t prevent myself from breathing a MASSIVE sigh of sheer and utter reprieve. Earning me a VERY stern look from Sarah. “Don’t get TOO carried away young man, this doesn’t mean I’m simply going to let you walk out of here scoff free! All it DOES mean is that I’m going to punish you myself, in a manner that I think is entirely appropriate!” She pointed to the bag she’d carried in with her. “Any idea of what I’ve got in there?”

“No, Mistress Sarah.” I answered, truthfully. She then emptied the contents of it onto the desk, a good few pairs of female panties, HER panties. At the same time, she rewound the “slideshow” of my snaps of her underwear, and in my mind the penny dropped. Now Sarah grabbed a pair of her knickers, and I could see that THEY were the ones she wore in that particular snap, she moved the image on and again grabbed the co-responding pair of her panties. “I think you’re beginning to understand where I’m going with this. Ever heard of “panty worship,” young man?”

“I can’t say I have Mistress Sarah.”

“No, I guess you haven’t, you are still naïve, aren’t you? Well, you are going to find out! Untie him from the chair and bring him girls!”
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Post by LunaDog »

Just then I noticed a pair of panties inside of a separate plastic bag, and Sarah clocked me looking at them. “Ah those, that’s a pair that I’ve specially prepared. You’ll find out how and why in a bit.” Amy and Lucy untied me from the chair, but did not release my bound wrists, and grabbing me they forced me to my feet, and together we began to follow Sarah to her home.

We ascended the now familiar stairs to Sarah’s first floor flat, and entered, following my captor into her bedroom. “Now then, young man, I guess it wasn’t JUST my panties that turned you on, was it?”

“Not sure what you mean, Mistress?”

“Aren’t you? Come on, there’s more items of my lingerie that appeal isn’t there? You and the rest of the male population, from my experience! What else did you hope to include in your illicit photography?” She lifted up her leather skirt, to drop a hint, and suddenly I realised what she was referring to.

“Stockings, Mistress Sarah? Is that what you mean?”

“Well done, stockings, and suspenders of course! EXACTLY what I mean. Have you ever worn any?”

“Of course not! Girls wear stockings, not boys!”

“Is that so? Well, this particular “boy” is going to find out just how it feels to be put in them, isn’t he? Or I could still ring the Police!”

She’d got me, I knew I had NO choice. “Yes, Mistress Sarah, I will wear some if you want me to.” With my head facing down in defeat.

“Good boy, I see that you’ve decided to be sensible. Anyway, I think you’ll find that they DO feel great. And I’m not selling you short, all of MY stockings are classy, expensive and VERY sheer!” Giving me a rather longer peek at the ones covering her own legs as for confirmation of that very true fact.

I was pulled in front of a tall mirror, where I could see myself reflected back, and as Amy held me in position, Lucy started the process of removing my lower clothing, commencing with my shoes and socks. Then came my trousers and underpants meaning that I was now naked from the waist down. My cock, still undecided whether it wished to stand to attention or not, so it was kind of “half-erect,” and my balls were in FULL view!

“Now then, are you going to continue to be sensible? For we need to remove ALL of your clothing, and that means untying your wrists. Are you going to be stupid and try to run for it, or can I trust you not to do so?”

“Mistress Sarah, I give you my word that I won’t attempt to run. After all, where will I run to, half naked? I accept my guilt, accept that I’ve committed a crime against you, and therefore I have to accept whatever punishment you see fit. And I AM grateful that you didn’t call the Police, as you had EVERY right to do so.”

“Good. And once again, I believe you. Carry on girls.”

Now Amy kept her grip upon my body, transferring it to lower down where my skin was already bare, as Lucy first untied my wrist bond, and then lifted my shirt above my head, making me completely naked now. Sarah smiled at me, and I detected a hint of lust in that smile. “So now Darling, all of your clothes have gone, time to put you in some of mine!” She went to a chest of drawers, opened one into which her hands dis-appeared, and emerged carrying a lovely satin basque. “Em, yes, you’re about the same size as me, this should fit nicely!”

She came to stand behind me herself this time, and placing the basque in front of my body, she pulled it onto and around my form, before starting to fasten the couplings in its rear behind my back. I could not feel the delicious satin material against my skin, and that made my cock’s mind up for it, as it now became FULLY erect! Which didn’t go unnoticed by any of the three females present in the room! “WOW! Sarah, look at his!” Amy screamed. “Oh, yes” replied her companion, “That’ll do VERY nicely!”

But my “dressing up” wasn’t complete of course. With Amy holding my body, Sarah lifting up my left foot, and soon encased it in sheer nylon, sliding the stocking until it was just over my ankle, before putting that foot down and repeating the process with my right. With both feet firmly on the ground again, Amy let go, as Sarah ordered me to place my hands upon my head, in a true surrender pose. And then, VERY firmly, told me not to move during the time she’d finish the task of the fitting of “my” stockings.

No, a problem surely, I hear you ask? Well, it wouldn’t have been if Sarah’s tongue hadn’t licked and generally “played” with my balls and that erect cock, as she moved the stockings upwards upon my legs! Teasing and tormenting me so much that I REALLY struggled to keep still. And my captor was VERY careful to make sure that she didn’t take me beyond “THAT” point, but taking me very close, leaving me almost shaking in frustration and unfulfilled anticipation! Finally, to my immense relief, stocking met suspender, and thankfully Sarah ceased that particular torture.

“Hold your hands in front of you!” Sarah commanded, as Lucy approached, carrying a pair of solid leather cuffs connected by a small length of chain. Sarah now encoiled both of my wrists in leather, fastening up the cuff’s buckles, and then holding them inescapably locked with two small padlocks. “On the bed, please!” She now commanded.

Sarah’s bed was covered in black satin, and yes, that did feel utterly delicious, and it also featured a very high metal lattice type headboard. ( Just like the bed featured in [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] 's bed in your avatar, yes, good Sir, THAT was the inspiration for the bed in my story) “Arms above your head!” Once I’d complied Amy now grabbed my cuffed arms, pulled them above my head and, using a small padlock, locked the chain of my cuffs to a stay of the bed frame. Meaning that I was now fastened to Sarah’s bed, inescapably!

Sarah asked me to slightly arch my back, when I had complied, she slid a pillow onto the gap, to give my body support. Meanwhile Lucy hadn’t been idle. For she placed each of my ankles into leather cuffs as well, cuffs with a length of rope attached to the “D” ring. No Amy and Luck took hold of one of these ropes each, pulled them towards their respective bottom corner of Sarah’s bed, and then fastened the rope to the little wheels, unseen by me of course, at each bottom corner of the bed. Meaning I was now held in complete bondage, I belonged to the bed, and as said bed belonged to Sarah, obviously by default, so did I now!

“Humiliated, Darling? I hope so, appropriate punishment for the possible humiliation you could have caused members of the female race, don’t you think?”

“I guess so, Mistress Sarah.” I conceded.

“But before I commence the “business” of the day, I’ve one more little “treat” for you, my Darling. Do you remember that “special” pair of my panties, the ones separate from the others?”

“Yes.” I was beginning to get a bad feeling about all of this.
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Post by Mr Underheel »

Great job! This really speaks to my frame of mind today! I appreciate it!
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Post by LunaDog »

Well thank you, good Sir! I hope that you'll continue to enjoy the rest of the story.
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Post by LunaDog »

“Time for you to find out, just as I promised you, what I did to them and why. And what I intend to do with them now. You see, one of the reasons why I made you wait SO long before I came to you, once my girls had captured you, is that the sight of your “artwork” turned me on SO much. So, I played with myself, bringing myself to climax and made myself cum in this particular pair of my panties. Just for you. While you are “worshiping” my other pairs, my scent and the taste of my arousal will be constantly reminding you of what you did to me! Guess where they are going?” As Sarah held them right in front of my face, allowing me a full sense of the smell of her cum and climax already.

Naturally I did try to resist this, a stage TOO far as I saw it, but to NO avail. For Lucy grabbed hold of the head that I was frantically attempting to “thrash” about, putting a very effective stop to that tactic. At the same time Amy squeezed my nose, meaning that at some stage I would need to open my mouth to take an inward breath. As soon as I did so, Sarah pounced, and in her panties went. Sarah immediately grabbed the silk scarf she’s placed ready on the bed, and tied it around my head, across my mouth, keeping me from ejected it’s now, VERY UNwelcome contents! As she had predicted her arousal was now constantly present, both in smell and taste, and I had to concentrate hard on not gagging!

Both Amy and Lucy now left that room, and the sexy Sarah sat herself down on the bed, with the collection of her panties and once again smiled at me. “So then, my young friend, your preparations are now complete, you are ready for your just punishment to commence. I, Mistress Sarah, do pronounce you guilty of the crime of Up-skirting!” With that she grabbed a pair from the pile of her panties that I had “photographed,” and began to rub them all over my balls and TOTALLY erect cock! As I delighted in both the feel of the satin material and the motion that Sarah was employing with her panties against my “tools,” I heard her continuing in her “judgement,” as she proclaimed. “For this heinous crime I hereby sentence that you “worship” EVERY single pair of these panties, items that you photographed WITHOUT my permission and authorisation. No matter how long it takes! Oh yes Darling, the next part of your life will consist of you being….” pausing and winking at me, herself also turned on by what she was beginning to subject me to, then finishing,

Last edited by LunaDog 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ak610 »

LunaDog wrote: 1 year ago “Time for you to find out, just as I promised you, what I did to them and why. And what I intend to do with them now. You see, one of the reasons why I made you wait SO long before I came to you, once my girls had captured you, is that the sight of your “artwork” turned me on SO much. So, I played with myself, bringing myself to climax and made myself cum in this particular pair of my panties. Just for you. While you are “worshiping” my other pairs, my scent and the taste of my arousal will be constantly reminding you of what you did to me! Guess where they are going?” As Sarah held them right in front of my face, allowing me a full sense of the smell of her cum and climax already.

Naturally I did try to resist this, a stage TOO far as I saw it, but to NO avail. For Lucy grabbed hold of the head that I was frantically attempting to “thrash” about, putting a very effective stop to that tactic. At the same time Amy squeezed my nose, meaning that at some stage I would need to open my mouth to take an inward breath. As soon as I did so, Sarah pounced, and in her panties went. Sarah immediately grabbed the silk scarf she’s placed ready on the bed, and tied it around my head, across my mouth, keeping me from ejected it’s now, VERY welcome contents! As she had predicted her arousal was now constantly present, both in smell and taste, and I had to concentrate hard on not gagging!

Both Amy and Lucy now left that room, and the sexy Sarah sat herself down on the bed, with the collection of her panties and once again smiled at me. “So then, my young friend, your preparations are now complete, you are ready for your just punishment to commence. I, Mistress Sarah, do pronounce you guilty of the crime of Up-skirting!” With that she grabbed a pair from the pile of her panties that I had “photographed,” and began to rub them all over my balls and TOTALLY erect cock! As I delighted in both the feel of the satin material and the motion that Sarah was employing with her panties against my “tools,” I heard her continuing in her “judgement,” as she proclaimed. “For this heinous crime I hereby sentence that you “worship” EVERY single pair of these panties, items that you photographed WITHOUT my permission and authorisation. No matter how long it takes! Oh yes Darling, the next part of your life will consist of you being….” pausing and winking at me, herself also turned on by what she was beginning to subject me to, then finishing,

Great one 🥵
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