One of These Days… (m/f)

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One of These Days… (m/f)

Post by DuckStewStories »

Continuing the first night I tied my sister Josie up.

“Okay, I’m done,” Stewart said, pushing away from his desk and rolling his chair into his bed. He was usually more graceful, but it’d been a long day. He lifted his glasses and set them atop his long spiked green hair before rubbing his eyes.

Josie mumbled something incomprehensible from her chair nearby.

He slid his glasses back down and looked over at her. She remained taped to the chair, even though he’d offered to free her numerous times over the past few hours. Each time she seemed to say something about escaping.

He couldn’t understand through the tape and honestly didn’t care. She was happy and couldn’t bother him while gagged—although she tried regardless.

Josie had struggled contentedly until she wore herself out. Once she’d run out of steam, she sat cheerfully, allowing the tape to hug her tight as no one had before.

She loved her brother’s hugs, but there was something about the tape. Stewart always said the words, but she knew it would never let her go.

She felt it release its grip and began to panic. First, the air rushed into her lungs as her body pulled away from the chair. A rough hand caught her shoulder and held her tight. Her wrists split free, and the blood rushed back into her hands. She felt them tingle before realizing how sore her shoulders had become.

Stewart appeared before her, wielding his lefty scissors. Again, she felt thankful for the tape—she loved bringing them up to hear him rant. Although he wasn’t wrong, it was odd that they only gave lefty scissors to kindergarteners.

She playfully kicked out her legs, pretending to fight him off. He caught them and cut through the tape. They split apart as if spring-loaded. Again the blood flooded down as if a dam had burst.

“All right,” Stewart said, standing and stretching his back. “Do you want to take that off, or do you want me to?”

“Mmm…” Josie pondered the question. She enjoyed having it on but knew it had to come off. And that it would hurt. She could blame him for wrapping it so tight if she tore it off. But if he did it, she could really lay into him. “Ym.”

Even from behind the tape, he could see her smirk. And he didn’t like it.

“You sure?”

“Mn-hm,” she said, nodding enthusiastically.

“Ehhhh…” he grumbled, pawing at the tape around her mouth, trying to remember where he’d stuck the end.

Josie giggled as her eyes wandered past Stewart and around his room. She always found it a fascinating view into his brain, one he kept hidden even from her. The walls were deep red and covered with a mixture of movie posters and book covers he’d torn off—partially because he liked the art but also so they’d appear ‘stolen,’ making him a criminal mastermind.

Her eyes settled upon something she’d never noticed before; clumped together like a collage directly above his desk were various pieces of art she’d


“MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!!” Josie screamed into the tape as he began to unwind it. It hurt like a bandaid coming off her cheeks, but the tape refused to release its grip on her hair.

“You okay?” Stewart said, pausing.

“Jms hrmy mmph!”

Stewart shrugged and gripped the wad of tape that had formed in his hand. He began to spin his hand around Josie’s head like a cowboy performing a lasso trick.


“You want me to order a pizza or something?” Stewart said after dragging the chair—with Josie still sitting on it—back to the kitchen.

“Can we go to Burger King?”

“Like, out in public?”

He gave her an odd look she’d never seen before, and she wondered if his ‘friends’ hung out there. Suddenly he’d become too cool to be seen out with his sister.

“Oh…” she said. “Yeah, pizza’s fine.”

Stewart cocked his head slightly and raised an eyebrow. “You haven’t looked in a mirror, have you?”

“You don’t have any mirrors in your room.”

“I hate mirrors; you know that.”

“Well, when was I supposed to see one? And what does it matter anyway?”

“Because your face is all red and looks like you just had a shit ton of duct tape peeled off.”

Josie’s eyes went wide. She leaped from the chair and rushed down the hall to the bathroom. Stewart braced himself for the inevitable scream, but none came. Instead, hysterical laughter erupted and echoed through the hallway.

“Are you okay in there?” he called, afraid he’d driven his sister as mad as the Joker.

“That is so cool!!!”

“Oh. All right then. So…pizza?”

“Sure. Can you tie me to the clothesline while we wait?”


Josie nodded enthusiastically, obviously unwilling to take ‘no’ for an answer.

Stewart sighed. “One of these days….”


As they ventured together into the backyard, Stewart wished he’d saved some duct tape. He’d assumed earlier would be the first and only time he’d tie Josie up. And he certainly hadn’t expected her to demand he tie her up outside.

Luckily their parents were notorious about their privacy—the world only saw what they wanted it to—and allowed the bushes to grow wild to avoid prying eyes attempting to peer into the backyard. Stewart doubted they’d ever expected them to come in handy for such an odd situation.

Again, Josie had refused to help carry any binding material, citing her role as a damsel in distress. Stewart grumbled and hefted the various lengths of rope before playfully shoving Josie ahead with his shoulder.

“Am I finally going to see some of your Boy Scout skills?” Josie said, smirking.

“Of course. You know I’m not going to fuck around with this.” He pushed her against the clothesline post. “You ready?”

“No,” Josie said, frowning.

“All right. Can we order pizza then?”

“No,” she said again, crossing her arms and pouting.

“What?” Stewart said he was hungry and not in a guessing mood.

“I told you, I want you to tie me up onto the cross. You’re not listening well tonight.”

“I’m delirious from writing so much.”

“It better be good. What you wrote.”

“I mean, there’s plenty of words. I think they grouped together well.”

She giggled. After pointing out minor incongruities in his stories, she'd become Stewart's unofficial editor. At first, he’d been irritated but then realized she was right.

“So you want me to crucify you on our clothesline,” Stewart said, looking down at his just over five-foot sister and then up to the almost six-foot tall clothesline. “Isn’t that, like, sacrilegious?”

“Probably,” Josie shrugged. “Do you care?”


Getting to wear the clothes she liked without protest was the only reason Josie allowed their parents to drag her to church occasionally. She could dress cute for the lord, but not herself.

“Me either.”

“Okay, next question, how the hell am I supposed to tie you up there? I can’t exactly hold you up and tie you at the same time.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but he cut her off before she could speak.

“And you’re not standing on my back.”

“Grrrr… You’re no fun.”

“Love you too.”

“Well, go grab the step ladder.”

“Me? Why me? Why the hell don’t you get it? I just want some pizza.”

“You’re the kidnapper. You can eat after you’ve got me tied up.”

“Tied up the way you want, you mean.”

“Of course.”

“Of these days….” Stewart muttered, heading back towards the garage. It was a phrase he often muttered to his sister. He’d grumble it as if the second half was ‘I’m going to get back at you,’ but Josie knew what he actually meant: One of these days, I’m finally going to say no.


As Stewart wandered back through the house, his mind began to wander. After all, from a storytelling perspective, why would someone bind a girl to a cross as she’d requested? Past the obvious: She was annoying and wouldn’t shut up. Although that’s what the gag was for.

“Shit…” he muttered, stopping dead in his tracks just past his room. He’d used up all the tape. What to use for a gag?

He supposed he could just tie her to the clothesline, but shutting her up for once was the best part. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy chatting with Josie; sometimes, she could be a bit much. Whenever she got tired of him, she’d wander off. He’d tried doing the same a few times, but she’d simply followed and continued unabated.

He glanced back into his room and spotted her collection of bandannas.


“Took you long enough,” Josie said, spotting her brother and the stepladder heading back. She sat against the pole with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around, clutching them. Stewart made a mental note to remember that one later.

“I said I’d get it. I didn’t say I’d run.”

“Grrrr… You know I could’ve escaped. Why didn’t you tie me up before you left?”

“Okay, A. You’ve tried to run off before, and I found your ass. So go ahead and ‘escape,’ but I’m getting my pizza first. And 2. I didn’t think about it….”

Josie smirked and tried unsuccessfully to hold back a giggle.

“Now, get out of the way so I can put this stupid stepladder down.”

Josie giddily hopped to her feet and smoothed down her dress. She wanted to ensure she looked appropriately cute tied, and gagged. She hated pictures but honestly wondered how ransom pictures of her would look. She’d have to hint to Stewart to get a Polaroid.

“You should get a Polaroid,” she blurted out as Stewart slammed down the stepladder, shifting his weight on it to ensure sturdy placement. The last thing he needed was for it to tip and for her to fall and break an arm.

‘How did this happen?’

‘Well, you see, I was going to tie my sister to the clothesline but didn’t double check the stability of the stepladder.’

“I’ve always wanted a Polaroid,” Stewart replied, feeling suitably confident in the stepladder. “But why do you want me to get one?”

He glanced towards her, the right side of his lips parting into his razor-toothed grin. Staring at him, Josie felt he finally appeared somewhat villainous. She wasn’t sure she enjoyed the chill it gave her.

“You’re such a hipster. I feel like you’d like one.”

He held out his hand, and she took it, stepping up onto the ladder's bottom rung and placing her back against the pole. He released her hand, and she raised her arms but couldn’t reach the crossbar.

“Who’s got the vintage record player?” he said, taking her hand once more as she ascended another rung. This time her hands reached just above the post, her wrists flat against it. She looked as if trying to begin a Y.M.C.A. cheer.

“Those sound better,” she said.

“I know how you sound better…” he muttered, attempting to untangle a length of rope.

“Hey!” she said, although she did agree.

Stewart paused and looked her over. Although tying her wrists first seemed obvious, securing her legs meant her bodyweight could be held lower, leaving the strain off her shoulders.

“All right, don’t move.”

Josie put her feet together and pressed her calves against the post. Stewart unfurled the first length of rope and folded it in half before wrapping it around her legs, just below the knees. Once he’d gone around a couple of times, he slid his fingers between the rope and her legs.

“What’re you doing?”

“Making sure I don’t cut off your circulation.”

“Did they teach you that in Boy Scouts?”

He glanced up at her. “I think maybe I’ll gag you next.”

She giggled, and he resumed tying, wrapping the rope through her legs before finishing with a neat bow. Josie stared down at his ropework as he unwound another coil, fascinated by its intricacies.

“If you must know,” he said, again folding the rope in half before wrapping it around her ankles and proceeding to secure them, “I have a book they gave us on various knots for securing tents or some shit. I don’t know. But I study them so I can try and write them for my stories.”

Josie loved the feeling of the ropes coiling around her ankles. She felt its rough texture through her tights, gently rubbing against her shins, a coarse massage for her legs.

“Hmmm…” Stewart said, staring down at her legs.

“What?” Josie said, “This is so cool!”

“Not that. I want to tell you to move your legs so I can climb up there, but you can’t.”

He looked up and gave her a wink. She couldn’t help but giggle. He grabbed another couple of ropes and tossed them over his shoulder before lifting his foot high and stepping up onto the third rung. Josie held out a hand and helped pull him up.

“Helping your kidnapper up? Best sister ever.”

“Grrrr… Maybe I was just tricking you.”

“Good luck getting down,” he said, firmly planting his feet in case she did try to shake him off.

“Nah. I’m too excited,” she said, holding her wrists back against the crossbar.

“I’m glad one of us is.”

“You’re not?” she said, her tongue sticking out in her mischievous smirk.

“I’m excited for pizza.”

“Well, hurry up, and you can order it.”

Stewart pulled a coil of rope off his shoulder and flung it like Indiana Jones with his whip. It wrapped around the post, and he expertly caught it, pulling the rope through the loop. He wound it around, crossing it over and forming an X over her wrist.

Josie could barely flex her wrist; bending her palm forward only succeeded in the coarse rope digging deeper into her flesh. She couldn’t wait to see the marks it left. As Stewart began to work on her other wrist, she closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of the rope binding her to the wood post. Both were so rough but felt better than silk on her skin.

“Good?” Stewart said, giving each wrist a slight tug. Neither moved.

“Yeah. Well…I mean…”

“You want me to cut you free?” he said, concern flooding his voice.

“NO!” Josie practically screamed.

It caught Stewart off guard, and he tipped backward. Josie watched helplessly as he lost his balance and slipped from the ladder.

He managed to land in a superhero pose. Looking up at her, his face was a mixture of ‘did you see that?’ and ‘WTF, Josie?’

She attempted to smile at him, even going so far as to show her teeth. “You okay?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just…um…Could you tie a rope around my neck too?”

Stewart looked at his sister and then at the remaining rope. “Oh, I’m gonna strangle the shit out of you….”

“I don’t want you to strangle me. I just want—“

Stewart was already back up the ladder clutching the rope. Another Indiana Jones-style whip, and Josie felt the coarse rope against her neck.


She looked to Stewart, who grinned down at her. “Just kidding.”

The rope loosened, and air rushed through her windpipe and filled her lungs. A part of her missed the feeling of the duct tape squeezing her chest when she breathed. She turned her head to glare at her brother as he wound the rope around the top of the cross and fed it back down. She felt the rope chafing her skin as he knotted it behind her head.

“You all right?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded. It wasn’t as enthusiastic as Stewart had expected but more introspective. A look he usually gave, trying to wrap his brain around something new he wasn’t entirely sure about but thought he liked.

Josie giggled. She’d made up her mind, and she liked it.

“What’s so funny?” Stewart said.

“You used up all the tape,” she replied, poking her tongue out at him.

Stewart pulled her green bandanna from his pocket. “I know.”

“Hey! That’s mine!”

He rolled it tight in his fingers. “Fine, here.”

“That’s not what— Mmph!”

He secured the bandanna between her teeth and tied it tightly behind her head. Her cheeks bulged over the cloth, and her eyes glared at him.

“Mn hmt ym….”

“Love you too, sis,” Stewart said, hopping down off the stepladder. No superhero pose this time. He was hungry.

“I’m gonna order us a pizza. You gonna be okay for a minute?”

“Mn-hm,” she nodded and smirked around the gag.

“I guess…” he looked at the stepladder and shrugged. “Moment of truth.”

He yanked it from beneath Josie’s feet. She barely drooped; his knots held firm. Josie moaned excitedly as the rope’s remaining slack became tense. She’d partially expected to drop and suffocate, but the rope around her neck barely squeezed. She turned her head again and felt it run its rough fingers along her throat.

“Thank god we’ve got a cordless phone….” Stewart muttered, heading for the house. “I’m gonna get us a large mushroom pizza. That okay?” he called back.

“NMMMMM!!!!” Josie screamed into her gag.


Stewart unfolded a lawn chair a few feet from the clothesline. Far enough, Josie wouldn’t feel suffocated, but close enough, he could cut her down if the situation became perilous. He brought a book and—instead of the scissors Josie had expected—the machete he kept mounted on his wall in case of zombies.

“Whr ym rmdmg?”

He held up the cover so she could see, and she tilted her head, staring expectantly at him.


She nodded and smirked.

“One of these days…” he muttered, flipping back to the beginning of the book. “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home….”

Josie smirked and struggled against the ropes as Stewart read to her.


“How’s your day going?” the pizza man said as Stewart handed him the cash.

“Not too bad,” Stewart replied.

“Doing anything fun?” he asked as he passed Stewart the pizza.

“Got my sister tied up out back.”

The pizza man paused and waited for the punchline.

“Have a nice day,” Stewart grinned and closed the door.


“All right, pizza time,” Stewart said, grabbing his machete. “I always wanted to use this thing.”

“Mn mm…” Josie protested, shaking her head.

“It’s time to eat, dude.”

Josie opened her mouth and tried to push the saliva-soaked bandanna out with her tongue.

Stewart sighed and grabbed a slice of pizza.

“One of these days…” he muttered as he climbed the rungs of the stepladder. He pulled the bandanna from Josie’s mouth, and she left it open for him to feed her a slice of pizza.

As she swallowed, she felt it pass the rope held tight around her throat. Pizza had never tasted so good.
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Post by Dpsiic » story but you should never tie anything round someone’s neck
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Post by some_wanderer »

Another great story indeed. 👏👏👏👏

Wish I had a sister like Josie.
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by DuckStewStories »

some_wanderer wrote: 1 year ago Another great story indeed. 👏👏👏👏

Wish I had a sister like Josie.
She’s the greatest. Still annoying and inspiring me every day.
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Post by Koirtza »

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Post by DuckStewStories »

Koirtza wrote: 1 year agoPerfect
Thank you!
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Post by KamenRiderOrange »

I've lurked on the board for a while, but this is the first story I've had to comment on. I can really feel the sibling vibe here, but not in a creepy way. It just feels like a brother and sister who get on each other's nerves but love each other. You in particular come off as really chill, especially the part about being an ally because your parents were unsupportive. Major chad move there. And the part where you close the door on the pizza guy was super funny.

Also, speaking as someone who isn't her brother, that outfit Josie was wearing sounds cute as hell. I'd kill to see a girl (who's of age) tied up wearing that who's as clearly into it as she is.

Great story, and I'll be watching for more, assuming there are any!
Last edited by KamenRiderOrange 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Excellent story
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Post by DuckStewStories »

KamenRiderOrange wrote: 1 year ago I've lurked on the board for a while, but this is the first story I've had to comment on. I can really feel the sibling vibe here, but not in a creepy way. It just feels like a brother and sister who get on each other's nerves but love each other. You in particular come off as really chill, especially the part about being an ally because your parents were unsupportive. Major chad move there. And the part where you close the door on the pizza guy was super funny.

Also, speaking as someone who isn't her brother, that outfit Josie was wearing sounds cute as hell. I'd kill to see a girl (who's of age) tied up wearing that who's as clearly into it as she is.

Great story, and I'll be watching for more, assuming there are any!
Thanks! And there will be plenty more. We’ve been reminiscing a lot lately.
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Post by DuckStewStories »

WyattW5 wrote: 1 year ago Excellent story
Thank you!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great story of sibling bondage.
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