A winter night (M/mm)

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A winter night (M/mm)

Post by alkaid_ »

This is a sequel from another story named A stormy night http://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8 ... 9f#p111393

Hope you enjoy it


Javi, darling… your father just call me. He tell me he’s late, but meet hit at Patio Central Town. So we’ll pick you up at Pablo’s home a lil after 9…

Yeap mommy… but don’t worry, It won’t be necessary because I gonna spent the night at Pablo’s place.

Javi, don’t begin… you don’t send yourself alone, kid!

No mommy, my dad had already let me chance to stay at Pablo’s home this night.

Wait kid… when did you tell me about it?

Well… it’s because I asked my dad at first and he tell me yeap.

And do you think I’m invisible or what do you think?

But mommy… everytime I ask you for any permission you always say me ask your father first… so I asked for a chance him first.

Nothing Javi… you already don´t ask me yet!

That’s not true mommy… I sayed you since last wednesday when I returned from school… I also told you yesterday and I told you again this morning but I think you didn’t pay attention to me… as always you do it…

Javi, don’t do it!

But mommy…

But mommy nothing… do you think I’m a ghost or something?

No mommy… but I sayed you lot of times and you sayed me yeap… but as always you forget everything what I tell you.

Awkward silence and a sigh.

Well kid, at what time are you going to arrive at home?

Same last time, at noon.

Javi, remember that: tomorrow is the thing with your Isabela and aunt Lety…

Nope mommy… it’s will be next week.

No Javi it’s tomorrow

No mommy… it will be next Saturday… my day sayed me.

A new sigh and awkward silence.

Well… I wanna talk with Pablo’s parents.

For what mommy?

Because I need talked with them, kid.

Well… it’s just Pablo’s parents aren’t at home.

Well… tell them call me when they come back…

It’s just… Pablo’s parents aren’t gonna come back… today…

What do you say Javi?!?!?!?! No way kid, that’s cant be possible!!!

No mommy… wait…

Nothing Javi… where are your friends parents?

Pablo’s dad went to Monterrey since Monday for business things… and his mom fly to Veracruz this morning because an emergency.

Wait kid, you and your friend can’t stay alone in Pablo´s home… If you wanna you and your friend can come home…!!!

It’s just that mommy!... my dad let me stay here and me and Pablo not gonna be stay alone at night.

Be kind kid…

Yeap mommy… Pablo and me… we will not be alone at night.

How’s that?

Álvaro is whit us, he’s Pablo’s older brother… like the other time.

And that Álvaro, how old is he?

He turned 24 last month.

Hey… but I’m sure your friend’s brother has things to do.

No mommy… he tell us he gonna stay whit us.

Call me with your friends brother… I wanna talked with him Now!!!

A little noise.

Yes… hello!

Yeap… hi! Who I’m talking to?

I’m Álvaro, Pablo’s older brother.

Young man, good night, I’m Javi’s mother… hope my son don’t made you any trouble.

Jajaja… Don’t worry mrs… Javi’s not problem for me… he and my brother have been waiting good time since hours ago.

I don’t wanna made you uncomfortable… I’m know you’re young and probably you have a plans and because my son you must canceled.

Jajaja… No way mrs… I’m working… well, I’m gonna work all the night.

You sayed you going to work all the night? That mean you’re not gonna be at home?

No mam… let me explain you… My bosses change my shift every 2 months… now I had night shif until end year… and for everybody who work at night shift can made home office… so I’m gonna spent the night wake up and making home office.

Hey, but are you not gonna be distracted by 2 kids like Javi?

No Mrs, It’s nothing… they are gonna be very busy and entertained with his things…

I’m only ask you he don’t gonna go to sleep to late…

Don’t worry mam… I gonna take care…

Thanx… please, can you put me with Javi again?

The lil noise hear again.

Whats up mommy?

Right Javi… can I give you some change clothes at Pablo´s place?

No mommy… I don’t need it… I’m already brought the backpack I take to the swimming class with a change of clothes since the morning.

A sigh.

Right lil pie… but if you return later than noon we gonna take a long chat, you understood?

Yeap mommy…

Don’t be go to the bed to late… I don´t wanna you stay awake.

No mommy…

Javi and his mom sayed goodbye and next hear the sound when a phone call ending.

Don’t go to sleep lil pie… lol… Pablo made a prank of the way like Javi’s mom used when she put herself as a loving mother.

Ahh… shut up, asshole… Javi try to hit Pablo with his elbow, both kids are sitting back to back… tied back to back.

It was almost 7 at night and It was already dark.

It was 5 months later since that rainy day when Javi have to spent the night at Pablos’s place, with his ankles and wrist tied and gagged and blindfoled.

Javi had spent several weeks lot confused. He didn’t know what he felt after that experience.

Javi knew the experience of not having a good sleep time, that’s happened when he felt sick because flu, fever or stomach pain or diarrhea. But having spent a whole night bound gagged and blindfoled was the worst thing he had ever experienced in his life.

The next morning when his older bro’s fried untied him he felt a big heaviness in his body. He felt all numb and sore. His arms were numb after spending more than 12 hours tied behind his back. Javi compared how pain and numb he felt at that time with the time he helped his father with a garage sale they had done last year at his grandma’s home. That time his father ask him for help to carry lot of heavy boxes stuff and things and Javi ended empty and in pain.

The kid must to sayed lot of excuses when he arrived at home that time. He must sayed that he had an accident with a hot sauce in his face at breakfast time at his friend’s home. That way he can explain why he had a flushed and scratched face and eyes. Javi also asked Pablo to let him use a sweatershirt to hide to his mother the red rope marks who are still visible on his wrist. Javi need wet his shirt he wore last day to explain his mom why he was forced to ask his friend for his clothed.

Sorry mommy… it’s just my shirt got wet yesterday when when I wanna went out Pablo´s place and come home… and it didn’t dry because it rained until very late at night…

Javi didn't know if it had been fun, or if he had fallen in a bad joke from his friend's brother. Javi didn’t know If Álvaro was an bully. Javi wondered if Pablo was frequently tied up by his older bro or if it had all been all planed by Pablo just for keep him tied up.

At least Javi knew that Pablo was tied up all night. When Álvaro untied him he asked Javi to untie his lil bro because he was late to take a shower and go to work.

Despite all his thoughts and doubts, Javi continued to spend several days of his summer vacation at Pablo's house, playing video games, chatting on the internet, reviewing some comics or watching movies, series or soccer games.

Sometimes Pablo's parents came to see Javi at his house. It was rarely when the 2 kids spent the afternoon with Álvaro. And when this happened they hadn’t tried an escape challenge again. Not even any of the three talked about what had happened that stormy night.

Thus the weeks and months passed. Javi returned to class and continued with his doubts, not knowing what to feel or what to think about of that night. Had it been good? a game? a funny joke? Or he had been betrayal by his friend? Or if his friend had and abusive old bro?

Any way, never change between Javi and Pablo, they still be the best friends they were. And when Pablo sayed anything about Álvaro Javi never made any gesture or grimace or word that showed he was anger with his old bro friend.

But in the next months Javi was finding answers to what happened that night. One day he was helping his dad pack some boxes. His father took with him a package of three rolls of ducktape, he gave one to his son and the other was used by the man.

Javi packed the boxes in the way what his dad had taught him minutes before and at one moment Javi cut a small piece of tape and stuck it to his wrist. Javi still made his work for some minutes with the lil piece of ducktape stuck in his wrist skin. When Javi finished the boxes he had almost the half ducktape roll and the kid cut a piece of he tape, long enough to cover his lips.

He placed the tape over his mouth, barely touching his lips, and then pulled it back. Javi left his little game when he noticed that his father was looking at him with a strange face.

What are you doing lil kiddo?

Javi looked a little embarrassed at his father. With a little fear of what his father might think and tell him...

Nothing... it's just that... I saw a video of people walking and protesting and wearing this tape on their lips...

Days before when he was taking breakfast before to go to school, there was a news on television of journalists who protesting because the murders of other journalists that had not been solved by the police. Several of the protesters were walking and wearing a piece of ducktape sealing their lips.

Just be careful lil kiddo, don't hurt yourself.

Javi's dad had also noticed the piece of ducktape stuck to his son's skin hand but didn't say anything. Javi just stayed still, feeling lot of adrenaline over his body, like the time Álvaro carried him on his shoulder that rainy night, that night where he had been tied up by his old bro friend.

A few weekends later, in a very saturday morning, Javi saw that his father returned to his house with a bag with lot of rope.

Hey son!, come here and help me, I have to change the curtain rope.

The rope that his father had brought was slightly thinner than the one Álvaro had used that night. Javi's father gave his son the instructions that he had to do for cut the rope they need to make his work.

Look at this son, you are going to take the end of the rope and you are going to stretch it as long as your arm. You're going to do it three times... no, better four. You are going to cut the other end with the cutter and then you are going to use the lighter, you are going to burn the ends so that the rope doesn’t unravel...

Javi was happy to be alone with his dad that morning and helping him do those simple home repairs. Javi's father grew up learning to do those kinds of things like plumbing and electrician, or mechanic thanks to his father and he wanted to do the same with his son.

But Javi's momr was a bit overprotective and was always afraid that her son could get hurt doing that kind of work. And must say that she was afraid that Javi would be interested in some job and at the end the kid wouldn’t want go to the university and the kid wanna be mechanic, plumber or electrician and with that he would break the dreams of Javi's mom who wanna have lawyer or doctor in the family.

Javi measured the six lengths of rope that his father had asked for and when he finished the work
he had almost three lengths left of the length that they were going to use for the housework. Javi was alone, his father had gone to the door of the house to receive the delivering breakfast order and that moment Javi took the chance to cut a length of rope the size he had measured before.
The boy sealed the ends and ran to his room to hide it. That same night, when he was alone in his room, he took out that piece of rope and started playing with it. He had searched the internet for a video of how to do a slipknot and when he managed to do it he started playing again.

He tried to move it like a charro or a cowboys did. Then he undid the knot and began to wrap the rope around his right wrist. The 2 ends of the rope were left hanging and he took them with his left hand when the rest of the rope was wrapped around his right wrist.

Javi felt the rope in his hand, coiled and he felt that same adrenaline from that night. That strange feeling in the stomach when he was tied up and Álvaro carry him and take him from the living room of his house to Pablo's room.

Javi didn't know what to feel, so he unwound the rope from his hand and hid it in the bottom of the trunk where he kept his socks. It was the place that he knew that not even his dad and especially his mon were going to look for something strange.

A few weeks later Javi and his mother were eating and at the same time they watching the Javi’s mom favorite soap opera. What’s happening in the TV was calling Javi attention.

Inside a house there was a woman maybe older than 50 and a boy between 15-16 years old. The lady was the mother of that boy and she also the wife or lover of a guy who looked like a drug dealer.

Suddenly, 4 bad guys broke into the house and they carring heavy weapons. They threatened the woman and her son. One of those burglar hit the lady in his face with his riffle butt and another dude grabbed the hair and dragged him out of the house and into a truck. When the boy was put in the truck, the woman got up and ran to the door house screaming and asking for help.

Javi looked at what was happening out of the corner of his eye but began to pay more attention to the story when minutes later the burglars arrived in the truck at a warehouse, they took out the boy who already had his hands tied behind his back and his eyes blindfolded with what looked like a strip of ducktape over his eyes.

The guys walked the boy into a room, laid him out on a mattress on the floor, and then put a chain around his right ankle while the other end was bolted to the wall of that room.

Javi looked discreetly at that scene and once again he felt that strange sensation in his stomach. In the following days, Javi was attentive to what was happening with that boy who had been kidnapped by that group of drug drealers who were looking to ambush his mother's lover.

For the next 3 days there were scenes of the boy with his hands tied, blindfolded, chained to the wall in that room. In one scene the kidnapped kid was gagged with a handkerchief between his teeth, at another scene the kid was threatened by a fat, bad-looking guy. At another scene the kid was hit in the face by the boss of those assassins and at another moment that boos recorded a video to send to the boy's mother.
Thus 3 days passed, with Javi waiting anxiously for the scenes of that kidnapped and tied up kid appeared at the soap opera. He discreetly watched each scene. The end was with the boy being taken out of that room and taken to the back of a suburban truck to take him to the place where there was going to be an exchange of money but it was a trap for the lover.

After a shootout where several thugs from both sides died, in the end the lover and the mother were able to reach the suburban and in the back they found the boy lying down, bound at wrist and ankles, gagged and blindfolded with handkerchiefs. The boy scared and crying and at the end he was free.

Every time when the soap opera chapter ended, Javi got up from the dining room, took his dishes to the kitchen sink and told his mother that he was going to his room to do his homework. But Javi lay down on his bed, looked at the ceiling and thought about what he felt. In that strange feeling that he felt in his stomach and in his heart after seeing those scenes. The doubts about what had happened that stormy night at Pablo's house seemed to have an answer.

One day before going to school, Javi took the piece of rope out from his hiding place and put it into his backpack. When it was rest time he took out the rope and began to wind it around his right hand. Javi was left-handed.

He made some movements with the rope trying to get Pablo attention an his friend see the rope.

What do you do with that Javo?

I do not know, my friend…

Javier didn't know what else to say. He was afraid that his friend would tell him that he was a weirdo and something would happen at school and with his parents. But he also wanted to know that Pablo was willing to take on a new challenge, so he carried that rope every day, playing silly games like pretending that the rope was some nunchucks and hitting Pablo with it.

The rope was long enough for the slipknot to catch Pablo as if he were lassoing him like a cowboy do with a cow and one day at rest time Javi ended up catching his prey, he caught his friend with the rope at the height of his chest and also caught his arms

What a fuck dude… you're an asshole!

Pablo used his strength to try to separate her arms from him and open the knot. Pablo was an athletic boy and he was beginning to gain strength and muscles because he had been training in the gym since a few weeks ago together with his old bro Álvaro.

Pablo was stronger than Javi, he ran a few meters and and drag Javi as what happens when a lil kid go to the street and walked with a big dog. Pablo took advantage when Javi trying to catch his breath and managed to open the slipknot enough to have a bit of slack in his arms and began to pull on the end of the rope that still in Javi’s hands

Pablo freed himself from the rope and took the rope from his friend. Then he took advantage of that slipknot and lassoed his friend and the rest of the rope went around his friend's waist and arms.

Now you will see... you're going to see what it means be a cowboy, lil pussy...

Both boys laughed very funny. Suddenly Pablo was the one who began to talk about what happened that stormy night.

Hey dude!… what a fuck that night…

Pablo confessed that he had a hard time sleeping that night. That he sometimes woke up and tried to struggle to try to free by himself and win the 500 pesos that his old bro had offered. Javi knew that that had been the only time that Álvaro had tied up Pablo and that sometimes his brother made some jokes of Pablo for what happened that night.

We need to have our revenge.

Javi said it convinced, with some courage. Pablo thought it a little unsure but in the end he sayed yes.

It was the first days of december and it was the perfect chance for that. Javi and Pablo were working in a science project school. Their project is about eartquekes and why Mexico suffer lot of earthquakes. The boys already knew when they must made explain his project at his class so they be agree meet at Pablo's house the Friday before the date they must present his project.

Pablo already knew that his parents were going to be away that week and that his brother gonna do home office at night, they just needed to convince Javi's parents to let him spend the night at Pablo's home and Álvaro doing escape challenge again. Pablo knew that this was the least complicated part of the plan.

And so Javi arrived at Pablo's house. Both had already worked before with some project topics. They had been looking for animations and videos on the internet to complete their presentation. Making the power point presentation was a simple thing because almost everything was almost did it, it was just a matter of making the same design in the letter and the same images.

It was just later 5:30 in the afternoon. Álvaro had already woken up 15 minutes ago and Pablo convinced him without much difficulty to do an escape challenge again. Álvaro accepted but he returned to the same condition as he had done months before: 2 hours or they would spend the whole night tied up again.

The boys were waiting in the living room but Álvaro had another plan, he told them to go to the back yard of the house. There he made the kids sit on the grass, under the shade of the tree that was in the far corner of the garden. Álvaro told the boys to sit back to back. He tied Pablo's right wrist to Javi's left wrist and Javi's right wrist to Pablo's left.

Then the older bro use long ropes to bind the boys together and make them stay strictly tied back to back. And then use some ropes to tied the chest ropes to the boys hands. Álvaro continued tying the boys ankles and then took out a roll of ducktape to gag the boys' but leaving their heads firmly attached.

Álvaro looked down at his work while Pablo and Javi looked up at the older brother's mocking smile. Both boys fought and fought. They struggled trying to loosen the bonds but the knots were out of reach of the boys fingers.

Álvaro returned to the home to take a shower and eat a lil snack while the kids were tied up in the garden and struggling to free themselves. Álvaro sat down on the couch in the living room and watch some TV when he began to hear the sound of a cell phone that was on the table. He recognized the phone as the one from the last time, it was Javi's phone.

Álvaro ran out to the garden where Javi and his lil brother were tied up.

Your mom is calling...

Álvaro tore off the tape that keep gag and tied Pablo and Javi heads and the two boys could already speak. Álvaro answered the call and activated the speaker, like the last time...

Javi kept trying to punch his friend back and ribs with his elbow, Javi try to take advantage of the way he and his friends were tied but couldn’t hit his friend easily. And Javi was almost 10 centimeters shorter than Pablo as well as a rather skinny boy, couldn't do much when his friend who was tied to his back fight and struggled against him.

Álvaro see the scene of the 2 boys tied back to back struggling and fighting and how the lil kids stopped working as a team to free themselves and now they were fighting against each other and laugh a lot.

Both boys struggle and fight from one side to the other until they finally ended up lying on Pablo's right side. They both began to scream in pain because the weight of their bodies had fallen on their arms and was hurting them.

Álvaro kept laughing and the boys looked at the young adult with some hateful eyes. Not that true hate but like when you say I hate you to a friend who is enjoying a kind of embarrassing situation.

It was enough for Álvaro when Pablo and Javi started shouting for help, so he helped the boys sit down again. Álvaro took the roll of duck tape that he had left on the field table that was in the garden and returned to gag and tied the 2 boys head.

Álvaro returned to the house but before he told the kids that he would give the boys 2 more hours to free themselves or they would spend the whole night tied up. Álvaro returned to the living room to take a short nap before going to work.

It was almost 9 at night when Álvaro returned to the place where the boys were. Pablo and Javi continued as he had left them: tied back to back, sitting on the grass in the backyard with their mouths gagged and the ducktape holding their heads. Both of them weren't just tired, they were also beginning to tremble with cold.

Nobody at home knew it, but the weather forecast had said that afternoon and evening will be colder. Pablo wore a light sweatshirt and Javi wore the vest and sweater of his school uniform and both wore the simple pants of the school uniform. But at that moment Javi was regretting not having listened to his mother that morning when she told him to put on the jacket that she had just bought him days before and that was special for cold days.

Álvaro was prepared for the cold weather. He was wearing a warm sweater and sweatshirt. He also brought him a cup of hot chocolate. He saw something funny to the boys who suffered from the cold of the night. Álvaro also had more ropes.

Well kids, it's time for me to get you ready for the night… I have to go to work at 10:30 so I have to hurry.

Álvaro cut the ducktape that gagged and kept the boys heads together and then began to untie the boys' hands but he warned Pablo not to try to loosen the rope that had them tied around the chest and waist.

Don't even think of anything, Pablito... or you're going to suffer all night...

You already know Pablito, behave yourself lil kiddo!

Javi started to laugh, he knew Pablo hated when people talked with diminutives and called him Pablito.

You 2… both… suck my balls…

Álvaro just gave a low slap in his lil bro head and then took Javi's hands and tied them in front of his chest. Then he stood in front of his brother and did the same. When the boys finally had their hands tied in front of, Álvaro began to loosen the rope that kept the boys tied back to back.

When they were free, both boys ended up lying down on the grass in the garden. They were so tired and feeling cold that they had neither the strength nor the desire to continue fighting to untie themselves.

Álvaro took a rope to start tying his brother's arms to his chest and his hands to his waist and in a special way that it seemed that he was making a kind of harness with his legs and groin.

Pablo knew that he wasn’t going to have a chance to free himself tied in that way. And he knew it was going to get worse when he saw his brother take the roll of ducktape to tie her legs and thighs above her knees. Javi was tied in the same way, Álvaro told him that it would be unfair if he tied the 2 boys in different ways so he should treat both in the same way.

Javi felt that same feeling again from the time he went to Six Flags at the beginning of the year and ride the most extreme rollercoaster into the park, the same one he felt when he played with the ducktape the day he helped his dad, just like when he saw the scenes of the kidnapped and tied up kid in the soap opera and that was the same one he felt the previous time, the time that rainy night when his friend's old bro carried him on his shoulder, tied ankles and wrist, gagged and blindfolded.

Álvaro take the boys one by one back to the living room of the house. He took them carrying them on his shoulder and sat them on the couch in the living room. There he fed them a cup of hot chocolate and a slice of walnut pancake.

When they finished, Álvaro told the kids that it was time to get them ready for the night. Despite the hot chocolate the boys were still feeling cold. Pablo's house was quite cool in the summer and in the winter it was quite cold.

But first Álvaro took the roll of ducktape, tore a strip and blindfolded his lol bro Pablo and then did the same with Javi's eyes. Then he wrap the ducktape around his lil bro lips and neck. 5 rounds to gag the boy. Later he did the same to silence Javi.

I think that for this time I will let you sleep in my parents bed... I think they will be more comfortable there...

Álvaro carried Pablo on his shoulder and took him to his parents room. On the bed he had already prepared a quite warm blanket. He laid his brother on his back, took off his black tennis shoes and began to wrap him up until he was like a cocoon. He used some rompe to make sure the blanket cocoon stayed firm and didn't come loose.

Javi waited patiently sitting on the couch in the living room. Being alone in this place made him feel a little cold. Maybe because of fear or maybe because of nervousness or maybe because of anxiety or a strange feeling of feeling completely tied down and vulnerable again.

Javi heard Álvaro's heavy footsteps. Pablo's older bro was quite strong, he had played american football since he was 14 years old until 4 years ago when Álvaro decided to stop playing at the University because he felt the sport and studies were overwhelming him.

Being carried on Álvaro's shoulder made Javi feel a lot tickles in his stomach. The same tickles he had feel the time he saw Samantha on the first day of school.

Javi felt that he was lying on his back on the bed. He listened to the whispers that came from Pablo's gagged mouth. Then he felt Álvaro take off his shoes and begin to wrap him in the blanket. Javi began to stop feeling cold, his blanket was quite warm.

Well kiddos... I'm going to my room to work but don't worry, I left the monitor that we were going to give aunt Zara for her grandson, so if something bad happens I'll be able to see and hear you.

Both boys only said something that some whimpers could be heard through their gagged mouths and then they heard Álvaro's heavy footsteps walking away and the click of the light switch in the room. It seemed that Pablo wanted to say something to Javi and that Javi wanted to respond to his friend.

Both of them could hardly move a little but they were finally aware that they were going to spend the night tied up, gagged and blindfolded again. Little by little the warmth of the blanket and the fatigue of the cold gave them up and they finally fell asleep.
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

Amazing story, alkaid. I really really want more about Javi and Pablo.
The slave
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Post by The slave »

I love this stories
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Post by alkaid_ »

[mention]BoudBoy22[/mention] thanx... well, i neee think if I can create a new situaton for Javi and Pablo... lets seee...

[mention]The slave[/mention] thanx you, Im glad you like the story.... there a prequel for Javi and Pablo.
The slave
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Post by The slave »

it's normal my friend it takes at least that to continue to motivate the incredible writers who give us so much pleasure with their incredible stories on this incredible forum
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 218
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Post by alkaid_ »

The slave wrote: 1 year ago it's normal my friend it takes at least that to continue to motivate the incredible writers who give us so much pleasure with their incredible stories on this incredible forum
thanx so much!!!! ;) ;) ;)
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