Wron time, wrong place (M/M)

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Wron time, wrong place (M/M)

Post by squirrel »

Since the old forum is dead for now, I've decided to repost all my stories here. Hope you enjoy them :)

My name is Mike, I am twenty two and I live in a big city. My parents died two years ago in a car accident, leaving me alone in this world. I have no brothers and or sisters and all my further relatives live so much away from me it’s almost impossible to meet or keep in touch for longer periods of time. Well… There is my dad’s brother, Jack, he lives in the same city as me, but he is always very busy and we are only able to talk for a few hours maybe once a year... So I am practically on my own.

I am a tall guy, over 185cm, love working out at the gym and being in a good shape. I have very short blond hair and green eyes. Girls love that and I have been dating lots of them. However I also like guys a lot, which probably makes me bi. I am cool with that; just like to see muscular men. I have always suspected I had those… leanings, but I was fully aware of it when I first went to the gym at the age of 17. Lots of masculine guys, sweaty and musky atmosphere gave me a real hard on…

I have a close friend; his name is Brad and he lives on the suburbs and works as a construction worker. I guess I got friends with him, because of his six pack and that cocky attitude, but it doesn’t matter; we both like hanging out with each other, so there is no harm in admiring his muscles now and then.

One Saturday evening we were at the pub near my work, drinking beers and chatting. Unfortunately he drank much one than necessary and got awfully drunk. There was no way he could drive so I tried to call his father and ask him to pick up his son. But he didn’t answer and I was stuck with now completely drunk dude. Normally I would have dragged him to my apartment and let him sleep there, but I knew he had to be home next morning so I decided to drive him home. I took his car keys and force marched my buddy to his own car and placed him at the passenger seat. I buckled him and off we went. Luckily I didn’t drink too much.

The drive wasn’t that long, but having to watch the road and taking care of my friends it was a nightmare. Anyway, I finally managed to get to his place and me and his dad carried Brad to his room and put him on his bed. I was about to make a phone call for a cab, when his dad said:

“Mike, take Brad’s car, he won’t be using it anyway. I’ll send that idiot to your place tomorrow, he can pick the car up. If he gets sober, that is… God, what a kid….”

“Thank you, Sir, that would be great. It’s late and there aren’t too many cabs in this neighborhood…”

I took Brad’s car and headed home. After a few minutes I saw a police car approaching and signalizing me to stop. I cursed under my nose and did what I had to. The police stopped too and two cops came to me. I put my hands on the will and waited.

“Good evening Sir, I am sergeant Neal. Can we see your driving license? And get out of the car, please.” One of them said and saluted.

I looked closely at him. He was awfully handsome, around thirty years old, clean shaven, muscled.

He looked so well in the uniform and his police leather gloves I immediately got a bulge in my pants. I gave him the documents and stepped out of the car.

“Is anything wrong officer?” I asked in a friendly tone.

“No, not at all, son. Just a routine, you know.”

I saw his buddy go behind the back of Brad’s car; he also was very handsome, not as much as sergeant Neal. Probably he was about to check the back lights.

“You have a lighter, son?” I heard Neal ask and saw he was now holding a big cigar in his hand.

“Sure, here you go.”

I gave him the lighter and saw him put the cigar between his teeth and light it. He puffed on it gently for a few seconds and inhaled deeply. I was mesmerized by that and realized the stogie made him even more masculine than before. My raging boner was hard to control now, but that was the least of my concerns. I heard the second cop come closer from behind and after a split second he had his gloved hand over my mouth and his gun was aiming at my temple.

“MMPPPHHH!!” I tried to shout, but the guy was silencing me very effectively.

“Listen, dude.” I heard him speak. Sergeant Neal ( or whoever it was ) was still sucking on his big cigar as if nothing happened. The guy behind me carried on: “You’ll now put your hands behind your back and let my buddy cuff you. If you do anything stupid I won’t hesitate to blow your head off!”

My mind was raging. I heard rumors that some criminals were in possession of cop uniforms to kidnap
people and demand ransom, but I never thought I will be one of those victims! I was scared like shit, so I nodded my head and soon I felt the handcuffs lock on my wrists; tightly and not very comfortably.

“See, that wasn’t that bad.” Neal said and they marched me to their car.
Neal got at the back with me and his companion was to be driving. Before he started the engine I saw Neal taking some material from one of the pockets on his uniform.

“Open wide, kid.” He said and started pushing the rag inside my mouth. “You’re to keep your lips shut, if I see you part them, we’ll shoot you immediately.” He added when the rag was completely behind my teeth.

“Ok, nice and quiet.” I heard his companion.

“Don’t break any speed limits, Dave. We must deliver him on time and we don’t want to be stopped by real cops, huh?” Neal laughed.

The car started and I was off to unknown…
Last edited by squirrel 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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“Neal, give me a cigar and the lighter; those kidnappings always make me a little nervous.” Dave said.

“Yeah, it’s always a risky stuff, man. But we’ve got what we wanted and the boss should be pleased.”

Neal handed his buddy a stogie he took from his uniform chest pocket, and then the lighter. Soon the police car was filled with cigar smoke and I was forced to smell it. I wouldn’t complain even if I could; the sight of a masculine, handsome cop holding a cigar was a big turn-on for me and, even in the situation I was in, I didn’t want to lose an occasion to admire such hunks.

“Hey, Dave, I think our new friend likes it.”

“What the fuck are you talking about??”

“About the bulge in his pants.”

Sergeant Neal was right; being cuffed and gagged was exciting and it made me quite horny. He put one of his hands on my crotch and started massaging it. He put his cigar into his mouth and used the other hand to rub his own manhood, which, as I noticed, was also erect now. I looked at his face and let out a moan through the sock. I wanted to spit it, but didn’t dare; I didn’t know if the guys were honest when they threatened to kill me and I didn’t want to risk it. I realized the whole scene must have been extremely awkward…

“Leave him alone, fucker! You’ll have plenty of time to deal with him later, what if someone sees us?!” Dave seemed really upset and nervous.

“All right, all right, chill out, buddy.” Neal took both hands from the crotches and placed them behind his head, still puffing on his stogie.

“Sorry for my friend, kid, but he’s right. We would be in deep shit if someone saw us. You’ll have to wait a few more hours for me.” Neal said to me and winked.

A few hours? Where the hell were they taking me? And one more thing appeared in my mind: I was definitely being kidnapped by fake policemen and none of them cared if I saw them or not. It could mean only mean one thing: they were going to kill me in the end. When I realized that I started shouting in the gag and struggling.

“Hold him still, Neal.” I heard Dave speak.

“What the fuck, kid?”

Sergeant put his arm around me and pressed me to his body. He grabbed my jaw in his hand and turned it to his face.

“If you don’t stop this we have a teaser in the car. It can be really unpleasant, especially if you’re cuffed and gagged. If I were you, I would stop whining and take it like a man. Plus, you can save yourself a lot of pain. So how will it be, will you calm down?” Neal’s tone was much more stern now, there was no sign of sympathy in his eyes.

I gulped and nodded my head. I tried to relax and calmed my breathing. When my captor was satisfied he let go of me, but moved a little closer; he probably wanted to have me under control if I started struggling again.

“Here, take the teaser, just in case.” I heard Dave and saw him handing his buddy the device.

I closed my eyes and started to think. What options did I have? Actually none… Even if somebody saw me it wasn’t unusual to see a guy handcuffed in a police car. And the gag was definitely invisible for anyone; there was no tape on my mouth, so no one could know I had a wad of some cloth inside it. I was screwed and there wasn’t even a glimpse of hope for me.

“Not much longer, kid.” Dave said after what seemed like half an hour.
I looked around and saw we were heading to a lone house outside of town. I have never been in this neighborhood; actually I didn’t like travelling too much and I felt best at my own home. The house was small It was deep in the night by now, but there was light in one of the rooms of the house. I feared that this was the end of my journey through life and started moaning again. This time the guys didn’t care much about it; there was nobody around to hear me.

“Just one more thing we get out.” Neal said
He was holding a huge roll of extra wide duct tape in his hands. He unwound some and ripped off a long piece. He plastered it on my mouth sealing the gag inside my mouth. He smoothed the tape and patted me on the cheek. I tried to move my jaw and realized the tape was incredibly sticky and getting rid of this single piece would take some time.

“It’s just temporary. Now, get out!”

Dave opened the door and forced me out of the car. Both of the guys grabbed me by my arms and they marched me into the house. The unlocked the doors and we went in. I looked around and noticed something strange: it had only one large room with little furniture and the kitchenette. The only two separate rooms must have been a bathroom and probably some kind of an office. There was also one door which I presumed led to the basement or something.

“Boss, we’ve got the kid, everything went smoothly.” Dave called to someone who was in the office.

Neal turned on the light and soon I saw who the boss was. A huge dude came out of the office; he was also wearing cop uniform with leather gloves. I looked at the guy’s face and my heart sank. I knew that guy….

“You fucking morons!! You’ve grabbed the wrong guy! This is my fucking NEPHEW!!!”

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Post by squirrel »

“What?? No! Boss, we stopped the right car! I checked!” Sergeant Neal said, obviously shocked.

“And did you look at the name on the driving license, you fucking idiot?!” My uncle yelled back at him.

“Uhm, well… I”

“Of course you didn’t! No what the fuck am I supposed to do?!” My uncle was clearly furious.

I started struggling again and moaning into the tape, which came a little loose due to the sweat I was producing.

“Fuck, I have to think. I can’t make this decision now. The kid has to stay here, can’t have him walking around talking about fake cops, who kidnapped him. Neal, take that fucking tape from his mouth and hand gag him.” My uncle went to the office again.

He came back with a bog box and put it on the floor. He took two tennis balls from it.

“I’ll put the balls into your hands, hold them tightly and don’t make me knock you out, kid. I’ll do it if I have to.” My uncle threatened and lit a big cigar.

I put my hands around the balls. Soon I felt a sound of the duct tape being pulled from a roll. I felt the tape around my hands, my uncle was turning my hands into duct tape fists. My fingers were pretty much useless to me now. He kept wrapping my hands with the tape for quite a while until he was satisfied.

“Good, now on the ground!” He ordered me.

With sergeant Neal still glove gagging me the three of them forced me on the ground and on my stomach. Although I tried to fight them, they were much stronger than me; besides, I was still handcuffed and so my efforts to struggle and escape were futile; I only ended up sweating like crazy and exhausted.

“Neal, keep him silent. Dave, grab his hands and put them behind his back, parallel.” I heard my uncle say. I felt the cuffs being unlocked and taken away.

I felt my arms being forced and soon I could feel rope around my already taped wrists. Dave was holding my arms together and my uncle was doing the tying. He roped my bare forearms from the wrists to the elbows, making sure it’s tight as hell. I moaned after every tightening of the ropes, and he did that a lot. When my arms were covered with rope my uncle took the two loose ends of the rope, circled my shoulders and armpits with them and then tied the ends together to my elbows. Now there was no chance the rope would slip. I grunted into my gag again.

“Stop whining, kid, it won’t help you.” My uncle said and took several deeper drags on his cigar.

I felt him tie another rope around my left elbow. He tied the knot and wrapped the rope around my torso for sixth times before tying the loose end to me right elbow. He repeated the process at the level of my forearms and wrists. They rolled me on my side and I saw my uncle take a really long coil of rope from the box. He went behind my back and tied it to my wrists, then he moved the rope under my butt, around the crotch, then up around my shoulders and down to my wrists again. He wrapped the rope around me five times like that and tied the loose end to my wrists again. My arms were completely pinned to my back; there was no way I could free myself without help.

“Dave, bent his legs.” Came my uncle’s short order and I felt my legs being lifted and held together.

My uncle bound a new coil of rope just below my knees and circled my whole calves with it, tightening it after each wrap. When he came to my ankles he made a tight knot. He grabbed another coil and soon my thighs were roped from my butts to my knees; my legs mere now actually mummified with rope. But my uncle wasn’t done yet. He took some more rope, put my left foot on the right one and tied them together. Another flawless knots – I thought to myself.

“Boss, he’s trussed up all right, he won’t be going anywhere.” Neal said and laughed. So did my other captors.

“Definitely, buddy. But there is some more work to do on this kiddo.” I heard my uncle.

He was now standing over me; I could see his police boots only. He took a short break from tying me up to suck on his cigar. I couldn’t do anything but lay there and await my fate. After several minutes spent in silence my uncle said:

“Dave, bend his legs and make sure they go as far as they can.”

Dave did what he was told and soon my legs were bent so much, that my heel were actually past my wrists. I moaned in pain, but they paid no attention to it. I soon felt another rope being tied around my ankles and wrists, connecting them together and making incredibly tight and uncomfortable hogtie. My uncle grabbed another piece of rope, longer one this time, and tied my ankles and wrists to my elbows. I was stuck and couldn’t even move a muscle.
“What is he gagged with?” My uncle asked

“A wad of cloth, chief.” Neal replied. He was still hand gagging me and the pressure of his gloved hand against my mouth didn’t weaken even a little.

“Not enough, wait here and hold him still.” I saw my uncle open the door and disappeared behind it.

“mmmpphhhhh” I tried to talk to the captors.

“Not a chance kid. Boss tied you and you’re supposed to stay this way. Not that you could do anything about it anyway.” Neal said sternly, with a smirk on his face. “And maybe later me and you can have some fun, kid.” He added and touched my crotch. I shrugged but had to admit that was tempting…

After a while my uncle came back from wherever he went and knelt beside my head.

“Neal will now remove his hand from your mouth. These two socks – he showed me the material in his hands – go inside anyway, so just open your mouth wide and accept that like a man.” My uncle said with the cigar between his teeth. I nodded.

When the glove was gone I tried to spit the material from my mouth, but my uncle was much faster than me. He hold my jaw with one hand, making me open my mouth and pushed one of the socks inside. Then he did the same with the other sock and my mouth was stuffed so well I couldn’t even move my tongue.
My uncle took something from the box and gave it to Neal.

“I’ll hold his jaw open and you gag him, Neal.”

Before the ball went between my teeth I had a chance to see it; it wasn’t big, it was huge. Enormous. I knew perfectly well that it would hurt like hell to be gagged with it and I wasn’t mistaken. The ball made my jaw stretched to the limits, and after only a few seconds it was painful. My uncle took the leather straps of the ball gag and fastened it behind my head so tight I wanted to shout. But only very quiet moans came out.

“Now the tape.”

My uncle took the roll of extra wide duct tape and unwound some. He wrapped the tape around my mouth over twenty times, smoothing and tightening it after each wrap. I looked him in the eye, but they were cold. No sympathy.

“Stay here quietly. I have to think what to do with you, kid.” My uncle said and he and his companions left me alone.

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Post by squirrel »

My uncle and his two companions left me trussed up on the floor and entered the office. I could hear them talking but it was impossible for me to say what they were talking about. I was bound tighter than I could have imagined. My palms were all covered in duct tape and my forearms were tied together with rope behind my back. My legs were roped, bent, and connected to my wrists and elbows; the hogtie was awfully strict. And the gag: a wad of cloth and two socks made my mouth completely stuffed. The much oversized ball gag made my jaw stretch to its limits. But that wasn’t everything; my lower jaw was all covered with duct tape. My uncle was merciless and wrapped incredibly sticky duct tape around my mouth over twenty times, sealing the gag in place.

My bondage was so strict that after only a few minutes I was sore and numb. But at the same time I found my predicament extremely arousing. The three hunks that tied me up were nicely muscled and handsome. The police uniforms and cigars perfectly underlined and enhanced their masculinity. Even the fact that one of my captors was my uncle, the only family I had, didn’t bother me. I wasn’t turned on by him per say, but by the situation he and his buddies put me in. I realized I was oozing pre-cum. After a few seconds of rolling and rubbing my manhood against the floor I shot my load. It was amazing; the waves of pleasure were flowing through my body. I have never felt anything like this with any of the girls I was with.

I was still panting from the best orgasm of my life when the door to the office opened and my uncle and his friends came out. I turned my head towards them and the sight of the fake policemen in their uniforms got me horny again. I squirmed on the floor an moaned into my gag. My uncle came closer to me, with his cigar in his mouth. He rolled me on my side with his boot and the wet spot all over my bulge was clearly visible now.

“Holy shit, chief, the kid wet himself!” Sergeant Neal said and burst into laughter; his buddies joined him.

“mmmhmmm” I tried to moan.

“Yeah, it seems he really did.” My uncle said when he stopped laughing.

He patted my bulge roughly, which made me want to pull back. Unfortunately there was nothing I could do about it and he could do anything he wanted to me. When he was done mocking and playing with me he took a drag on his cigar, blew the smoke out and said to me:

“Listen Mike. Neal and Dave screwed up today, that’s for sure. And you are the one who will pay the prize for their mistake. I can’t have you walking around the streets bruiting around the fake cops. So you have to remain with us and you’ll be trussed up and gagged all the time. The fact that you’re my nephew won’t help you here. In fact, this is quite handy; I know I am your only family and nobody is going to look for you. This means we can keep you for as long as we want.”


“Shut up, kid!” My uncle slapped me painfully on my cheek. “You’re in no position to decide here. If we find a good way to assure ourselves you won’t go to the authorities, we’ll let you go. Probably. But for now just relax and get used to being completely tied up and silenced. We’ll untie you for fifteen minutes every morning so you can use the bathroom and remove the gag twice a day for five minutes to give you food and drink. Whenever you misbehave you’ll miss the meals and the bathroom break.” He added sternly.

“Plus, I think you might find your stay here quite amusing…” He grabbed my dick and squeezed it.
“Someone should stay with the brat, boss. He’s trussed up all right, but just in case we shouldn’t leave him alone. ” Dave suggested lighting up a fresh cigar.

“Maybe you’re right. The kid might like it, but who knows what he’d want to do if nobody isn’t looking.” My uncle said after a short while.

“I can stay with him, chief. You and Dave go do the business, I’ll stay and keep an eye on him.” Neal suggested.

“Very well, boys. Dave and I will do the job and we’ll all meet here tomorrow.”

Sergeant Neal knelt next to me and took my mobile phone, house keys and my wallet. He gave them to my uncle.

“Here, the kid won’t need it for some time.”

My uncle took everything and hid it in his pockets. He took Dave with him and they left the house, locking it from outside. Soon I heard the car engine start and they were gone, God knows where.

“Seems to me, kid, we’re on our own now.”

Sergeant Neal stood over me with his boot on my cheek. I watched him with the corner of my eye as he put the cigar in his mouth and started to take his police shirt off. I moaned with excitement when he revealed his muscled chest and a perfect six pack. He was already producing some sweat; for me it looked like his masculinity was leaking out with that bids. I was so horny again… I definitely wasn’t thinking with my head now. Or at least not with the head I was supposed to think with.

When he was bare-chested he rolled my on my back and leaned to my face. Without taking the cigar out he said:

“Tying and gagging guys is what makes me going, kid. You’ll love it!”

He started massaging his enormous bulge…

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Post by squirrel »

After my uncle and one of his companions left the house I was alone with sergeant Neal. In the distance I could hear the engine of the car fading away. My captor was already shirtless, puffing on his big, fat stogie and all covered with small beads of sweat. The sight was mesmerizing; his masculine chest and perfectly muscled abdomen made me whimper and groan with excitement. Although just a while ago I had climaxed I felt so horny I could barely stand it. But being trussed up like a wild animal I had no choice.

“Let’s make you a little bit more comfortable, shall we, kid?” Neal said and knelt next to me.
He rolled me on my stomach and I felt him untying some ropes. Since I was bound really well it took him some time to finally undo the knots. When he tossed the ropes aside I realized I could stretch my legs again; sergeant has undone the hogtie and I was grateful for that. I sighed relieved and eagerly awaited what he had in store for me. I didn’t have to wait long; Neal rolled me on my back an sat on my hips with his ass on my manhood. This made me want to jump with excitement.

“You look gorgeous all trussed up like that, kid.” He said and took a deep drag on his cigar. He bent towards me and kissed me on my taped lips.

“Mmmmm!” I tried to talk.

“Yeah, I know. The view is magnificent, but I can still make it even better.”

He sat back on my hips and put the cigar between his teeth. He grabbed my shirt and pulled hard. Soon I heard the cracking noise and I watched him tear my shirt apart. He literally tore it into pieces, taking his time to remove the material from under the ropes. When he finished I was shirtless, just like my captor. I had developed some muscles on my own, which my captor noticed.

“Nice muscles, kid” He commented while rubbing my torso with his gloved hand.

“MMMHHH!!” I tried to struggle a little but he slapped me on my cheek.

“Don’t fucking move!!”

I calmed down and sergeant got up. He puffed a little more on his cigar and put it in the ashtray on the table. He came back and stood over me; man, he was overwhelming. I couldn’t get enough of his masculinity. He put his police boot on my roped chest and pressed a little. He smiled when I groaned and pressed even harder. He was obviously enjoying his dominating position. After several minutes of tormenting me Neal went to another stage.

“Let me show you how pleasurable your stay here can be. If you don’t cause us any troubles you’ll get much more of this.” He said and sat on my thighs.

I watched him lean towards my stomach and then felt his tongue on my bare skin. He was licking my sweat! The feeling was sensational and arousing as hell. I watched him run his tongue all over my six pack and around the ropes binding me. From time to time he kissed my skin and sucked the sweat. It was more that I could handle. I was totally drunk by that. I moaned and groaned and wanted to shoot my load again. But sergeant was very careful not to touch my manhood, so I was stuck.

“You’re so fucking tasty, kid!” I heard him speak.

He moved up a little and reached his gloved hand to my face. He covered my eyes and moved his thumb under my nose. I was blindfolded and forced to smell his leather glove. I felt his tongue on my chest; he was licking the skin around my nipples. He moved up again, bent my head backwards and went to my neck. When his tongue touched it I shivered; the feeling was incomparable to anything I have experienced by that moment.

“mmmm” I moaned with pleasure.

“That’s right, kid, just relax and enjoy…”

Sergeant Neal removed his hand from my face and laid on top of me, crushing my bound hands. I groaned, but he took no notice. He grabbed my head and started kissing me over my duct taped lips. Man, I wanted to kiss him back. But with two socks inside my mouth and oversized ball gag between my teeth there was no way I could do it; this frustrated me a little and made my captor laugh. He loved the control he had over me…

After some more time of kissing my gagged lips sergeant stopped and sat on my chest. He moved his crotch to my face and started rubbing it. I moaned desperately, my eyes focused on the huge bulge.

“You want this soldier, kid?” He asked and squeezed his dick.

“MMMM!!” I nodded vigorously.

“You’ll have to earn it, boy!” He slapped me on my head. “Just a little preview today.”

I watched him unzip his trousers and saw what he was hiding under it. There was a jockstrap which probably used to be white long ago, but now it was dirty yellow. It had many stains from cumming and it was all covered with sweat from his groin and manhood. I noticed it had also some fresh stains from the pre-cum… Neal grabbed his dick with his gloved hand and massaged it for a while. After e few seconds I saw the jockstrap darken. Neal shot his load right in front of my eyes. The semen flooded the whole front of the jockstrap. I gulped.

“Fuck, kid, that was great!” I heard my captor and looked at him.

He was panting and breathing heavily. He zipped his trousers again and got up. He went for his cigar and relit it. Without saying anything to me he moved my body to the table and grabbed the rope. Soon I was hogtied again, as tightly and severely as before. But there was something new: sergeant rolled me on my side and bound my crotch to one of the legs and my torso and neck to the other. I couldn’t even lay on my stomach anymore…

“I don’t want you to shoot your load again, kid. You need to earn that privilege. And for cumming before, you’ll get punished tomorrow. Your uncle and I will think of something.” He patted me and went to the office.


I watched him enter the room and soon the light was off. He must have went to sleep. I was so screwed now; not only bound and gagged, but also horny as hell… I tried to free anything from the rope but it was pointless. Tired I began to doze off…

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Post by squirrel »

I tried to get some sleep, but being trussed up like a wild animal and tied to the legs of the table made it quite difficult; I woke up every now and then. The position was awfully uncomfortable and the ropes were digging painfully into my skin. The huge gag I had in my mouth didn’t help either; my jaw was stretched so much I couldn’t even move it an inch. But the worst of all was my throbbing manhood; I was so horny and aroused. I needed a relief and I needed it quickly. But sergeant Neal did a perfect job tying me to the table and now I couldn’t even rub my cock against the floor, which was unbelievably frustrating. Finally I managed to fall asleep somehow…

When I woke up later the sun was already high in the sky. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall; it was twenty past ten. Sergeant Neal must have already got up as well, because I could hear him in the office. I tugged on the ropes in a desperate hope that some of the knots got loose over the night. Of, course they weren’t and I was still stuck to that damn table. I groaned into my gag.
Soon my captor came to me.

“Slept well, kid?” He asked, obviously teasing me. He was wearing his full cop uniform again and had leather gloves on.

“mmmmmhhhm” I tried to speak, but bare audible sounds came out.

“Thought so. You need to use the bathroom?” I nodded.

He knelt beside me and started undoing the ropes, holding me to the table. When he was done I landed on the floor. Sergeant started untying my legs, which took him some time; first he undid the hogtie and then unwrapped my legs from the rope cocoon. It was a huge relief to be finally able to move my legs again. I was then stood up by my kidnapper and walked to the bathroom.

“mmmpph??” I looked at him puzzled when he stood me up in front of the toilet.

“Sorry, kid, but no more freedom for you today.” He laughed and went behind me.

He unbuckled my belt and then pulled my trousers down. I was now standing there in only my boxers with quite a tent in the front. I blushed a little and moaned. Neal grabbed me from behind and glove gagged me again. With his other hand he took my dick and pointed it at the toilet. I started peeing and let out a sigh; finally I was able to empty my bladder. While I was doing my business sergeant was gently kissing my neck, which sent shivers down my spine and made me aroused again.

“Nice, time to get back.” He said when I finished.

He put my manhood into the boxers and then pulled the trousers up. He buckled my belt and grabbed my arm. He marched me to the living room again and forced me on the ground. I tried to struggle and yell; I definitely didn’t want that strict hogtie again. Sergeant Neal took no notice of my whimpers and roped my legs from my ankles to my knees first. Fortunately, he didn’t hogtie me this time but simply rolled me on my back.

“Always wanted to have a footstool.”

I saw my kidnapper sit on one of the chairs and put his two booted foot on my body. One landed on my gagged mouth and the other one on my crotch. I could smell the wonderful scent of leather.

“Stay put, kid, while I enjoy my cigar and read the paper.”

I looked at him and saw him light up another of his cigars. Soon there were clouds of smoke around his face and a familiar aroma hit my nostrils. The smell, cigar smoke mixed with the leather from the boots was driving me crazy; not only was I now looking at a muscled cop, but served as his footrest and forced to inhale that wonderful scent. Man, I thought I would explode from the tension…

Sergeant Neal was reading his newspaper and puffing on the cigar for some time, when I heard the car approaching. The engine stopped and I could hear the doors open and then shut. After a few seconds the door the house opened and my uncle went in, dressed in his full police uniform.

“How was it, boss?” Asked Neal still looking at the paper.

“According to plan. This time at least He behaved?.” My uncle asked pointing at me with his chin.

“Not so well, I guess he needs to skip a meal, boss.”

“MMPPHPHH!!!” I tried to struggle and yell. I was hungry as hell and needed to eat something… Or at least drink.

“You see? He shouts and struggles all the time.” Neal said with a smirk

“Fine then, let him spend some more time with that gag in. He must be really loving it.”


My uncle came to ma and rolled me on my stomach. He told Neal to bring the ropes and tape. I tried to resist but it was a lost battle. Neal came back and they both hogtied me even tighter than before. I yelled into my gag, but it was no use. My uncle was merciless and it didn’t matter for him that he was binding his own nephew. When they were done I was trussed up again with no options to free myself; my uncle wasn’t satisfied yet and rolled my on my side. He grabbed my chin with his leather gloved hand and said:

“If you want to stay like this for few more days, keep struggling. But from now on, you’re not the only one who would be punished for misbehaving. Look!” He pointed at the door.

Soon Dave came inside with a guy on his shoulder. The guy had his hands handcuffed behind his back and his mouth was taped shut. He was also blindfolded with several strips of duct tape over his eyes. The guys was probably unconscious. Dave tossed him on the floor and I looked a bit closer at his face. My heart sank: it was Brad, my best friend.

“You see, fucker? Whenever you do something wrong, he is gonna be punished as well.” My uncle chuckled. I looked at him, frustrated and terrified.

“Seems to me we finally found a way to keep you perfectly quiet, kid.” Neal said and all of them laughed.

I saw that Brad was regaining his consciousness again…

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Post by squirrel »

I was looking at my best friend as he was coming to his senses. It didn’t take long for him to realize what was going on; Brad started to moan through his duct tape gag and struggle, trying to wiggle his hands out of the handcuffs. He probably didn’t know that, but there were three hunks around him now and even if he managed to free himself somehow he would be restrained again in no time. I wasn’t too keen on this situation; being tied up and gagged was fun for me, but seeing someone close to me being in the same predicament, who most likely doesn’t enjoy it was another matter. I had to do everything to guarantee him safety. And the only way to assure that was to obey my captors.

My uncle came closer to my friend, knelt next to him, grabbed his chin in his gloved hand and said:

“Calm down, Brad. Yeah, we know well who you are.” He said when his captive made a surprised sound. Then he continued: “This is nothing personal, you’re merely a tool. You see, we need your father to… do us a favor and there is no better way to achieve that than kidnapping his only son. You’re gonna stay here for a while and we’ll release you as soon as your dad does what we demand. The sooner he performs action the sooner you’ll get free.”

Brad wasn’t too enthusiastic to be held captive, but there was nothing he could do about it. I watched him calm down a little; it was just a matter of time when he gets released. That was probably a comforting thought for him. When he was lying calmly on the floor and breathing more steadily, my uncle took a fresh cigar from the pocket on his police uniform and lit it. Familiar smell hit my nostrils and a nice sensation was building up inside my trousers.

“Now let me explain the rules, kid.” My uncle said to Brad. “Nothing wrong will happen to you, so you don’t have to worry about that. You simply have to remain tied up and gagged for the time being. But since you are a tough kid that shouldn’t be a problem for you. We’ll feed you and give you water and twice a day walk you to the toilet. Do you understand?”

Brad nodded his head; he no longer seemed too frightened. He definitely was a kind of a tough guy, as my uncle noticed, and he definitely could endure some roping. He remained perfectly still and didn’t struggle anymore, he even stopped screaming through the gag. My uncle was surely glad his new victim wouldn’t cause any troubled; he took a long drag on his stogie and patted Brad gently on his cheek.

“I’ll remove the handcuffs and we’ll tie your hands with rope.” He said.

My uncle undid the cuffs. I expected Brad to put up a fight when his hands were free, but he just rested there, awaiting the rope. In a matter of seconds his wrists were crossed and bound together with a cotton rope. The tying was tight, but it didn’t seem uncomfortable. The final knot was tied way beyond the reach of his fingers. Brad didn’t make a sound through all this. I expected the guys to tie his elbows as well, but they didn’t do so. They were much more… delicate with him, than they were with me.

“I’ll remove the tape from your mouth now. I want you to open your mouth wide, so we can gag you properly. You seem like a reasonable guy, but we can’t risk you yelling and shouting.” My uncle said and peeled the tape from my friends mouth.

Brad licked his lips for a second and then opened his mouth. Dave forced some material into it, making sure the mouth is stuffed completely. Satisfied, he took a ball gag, which appeared to be much smaller than mine, and thrust it between Brad’s lips. He grunted a little when the gag was buckled behind his head. The duct tape was next; Neal unwound some from the roll and wrapped it over my friend’s mouth and around his head several times. He was now shut up for good.

“Nice and quiet, that’s what I like.” My uncle commented when they were done.

“Shall I get him downstairs now, chief?” Dave asked.

“Yeah, and make sure he won’t be moving around too much.”
I watched the three of them stand Brad up and Dave walked him to one of the doors. He opened it and started walking Brad down. When he closed the door sergeant Neal and my uncle came to me. They undid my hogtie and to my great surprise untied my legs. I stretched them and let out a sigh of relief; it was so good to be able to move at least some parts of my body. They stood me up and led me to the office, where there were three chairs, a desk and a TV set in the corner.

“Sit down, Mike.” My uncle said and I complied.

“If you promise not to speak, I’ll take the gag out for a while.”

I nodded my head vigorously. I desperately wanted that huge ball gag out of my mouth. I had it between my lips for over twelve hours and it was killing me already. When the guys saw my enthusiastic answer they smirked, but unwrapped the tape and unbuckle the gag and I could finally rest my jaw for a while. They took out the soaked material out and my mouth was completely free. For now at least. It was a great relief and I remained completely silent; I wanted to enjoy my partial freedom for as long as I could.

“Brad will stay with us for at least few days. It will probably take his father some time to do what we want. He won’t see you here, though: he will be either blindfolded, or you’ll have your head all covered. This way he won’t be able to tell who was kept with him. If he would recognize you, I’d have to get rid of him. So if you care about that guy, you’d better do everything to remain anonymous to him. You get that?” My uncle said and I gulped.

I nodded my head. If there was any chance to save Brad’s life I had to hold on to it.

“Glad to hear that, kid.” My uncle came to me and ruffled my hair playfully. “Neal, feed him and give him some water. You can punish him for misbehaving later, the kid has to eat and we can’t let him dehydrate.”

“With pleasure, chief.”

Neal left the room, obviously excited. I knew I was in trouble….

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When Neal left the room I was alone with my uncle. I didn’t dare to speak and just watched my uncle walk to the desk, open one of the drawers and taking a cigar from it. He put it between his teeth and lit it. The office was soon filled with clouds of smoke from my uncle’s stogie. I had to admit he looked very masculine with it, so I couldn’t complain about the smoke. The thing I COULD complain about though, was the fact that my arms were tied for so long now they began to hurt and my whole bondage predicament, although excited at the beginning, started to be very uncomfortable. I knew well that asking my uncle to loosen the knots would result in something nasty; I decided it would be best to just wait and see how the situation develops.

“You need a shower, kid.” I looked at him and nodded.

Without saying anything else my uncle stood me up and walked me to the bathroom. It was small, but was equipped with everything an average man would need. There was a shower cabin, a sink and a toilet. My uncle came inside with me and pushed me at the wall. Still sucking on his cigar he started to undo the rope binding my hands. He took his time untying my arms and tossed the ropes aside. It was now time for the duct tape wrapped around my hands. It hurt like hell when he was removing it; I was sure that no hair was left there.

“Give me the balls, we won’t need them for now.”

I did as he told me and handed him the wretched balls I was squeezing for the past hours.

“Now strip and get to the cabin, Mike.” I looked at him puzzled. Was I supposed to get naked in front of him?

“Come on, kid, we don’t have the whole day! Besides, I’ve seen you naked already. I am your uncle, don’t forget about that.” He said a little frustrated.

I sighed and started to take off my trousers, socks and finally my boxers. When my uncle spotted a spot on then where I had shot my load earlier he smirked. I pretended I didn’t care and entered the cabin. Soon the water was flowing down my body and I had a chance to get rid of the sweat and dirt on me. I washed my whole body and then relaxed for just a little more under the hot water. After a while, not wanting to piss my uncle off, I turned the tap down and left the cabin. I got a towel and dried myself with it.

“Get your boxers and trousers back on and get over here, I need to tie you up again.” My uncle said with his cigar clenched between his teeth and with a coil of rope in his hand. I had no choice: I dressed again and walked to my uncle, who grabbed me by my arm and pressed my chest against the wall again. I felt him force my arms behind my back and then cross them. My wrists were soon bound neatly and the knot was far beyond my reach. Next, my uncle tied a loose end of another rope to my wrists and went down with it; he circled my thighs with it and finally bound the remaining end to my hands, immobilizing my arms completely.

“This should hold you, kid.” He said smacked my head.
He opened the bathroom door and marched me to the office again. There were a plate with four sandwiches on it and a glass of water. Neal was sitting on one of the chairs, calmly smoking his cigar and reading the newspaper. He took no notice of me and my uncle when we entered.

“Sit, Mike. I’ll feed you and give you water.” I heard my uncle; he put his cigar on the ashtray and sat on the last chair.

The meal wasn’t much for me, but I was grateful for every bit of it. It was barely four slices of bread with ham and some cheese on top, but after chewing on some disgusting socks it tasted incredibly. I ate and enjoyed the taste. When I was done my uncle gave me the water, which I gulped in no time. I was thirsty as hell. He refilled the glass and gave me more.

“Neal, come here and help me with him. We’ll tie him to the chair for the time being.”

“Sure, chief.”

Sergeant put his paper aside and walked to me. He roped my left leg to the leg of the chair. He began with my ankle, then went below my knee. He did the same with my right leg. In the meantime my uncle forced my bound arms behind the back of the chair and started roping my chest to it. Soon my whole upper body was covered with rope. Satisfied here they roped my thighs to the seat of the chair; they went all the way from my groins to the knees. As a final touch my uncle tied a rope to my wrists and then connected one end to my left ankle and the other end to my right one. I was stuck.

“Now for the punishment. You know what to do, sergeant.” My uncle laughed and clamped his leather gloved hand over my mouth.

“mmmhmmhmmm” I tried to say.

“Shut your fucking mouth, kid. The more you struggle and yell, the more time you’ll spend on this chair.” My uncle replied sternly

“I’m sure he’ll love it, chief.”

I watched Neal put his hand to the pocket on his police trousers and take something yellowish from it. I recognized it in no time. It was the jockstrap Neal cummed on the other night when he was with me. I knew well it was dirty but I never imagined how filthy it was. It had cum and sweat stains all over it. It probably used to be white, but now it was dirty yellow. I could smell the stench of it very clearly; it was foul, musky, putrid. I definitely didn’t know enough adjectives to describe it.

“MMMMHHH!!” I tried to protest.

“Nothing you can do to prevent it, kid. So be a man and accept my buddies present. It took him much effort to prepare it for you!” My uncle said and they both laughed.

“Hold his mouth open, chief.”

My uncle forced his two fingers into my mouth and pressed my jaw down., forcing my mouth open. With his other hand he pinched my nose shut, so I had to breath with my mouth. When the jockstrap was close to my mouth I noticed something else: it had some fresh ooze on it. Which meant that Neal has cummed on it not long ago. I began to struggle and fight with my bonds, but it was no use. The filthy mass of sweaty piece of cloth was entering my mouth.

The taste was even worse than the smell. Not to mention the fresh ooze that was now filling my mouth along with Neal’s sweat. It made me want to puke; I coughed and gagged a lot, but my captors didn’t care. When the jockstrap was stuffed into my mouth completely Neal pushed something new into my mouth. It tasted like leather and it was very big. It pressed the jockstrap and my tongue down. I couldn’t utter a sound now.

“Buckle the gag, boss and I’ll get the tape.”

My uncle locked the gag behind my head tightly.

“A nice pecker gag, for a nice nephew.” My uncle said and ruffled my hair. “If you hadn’t misbehaved, we wouldn’t be forced to be so rough with you, kid.”


“I know you love it.”

Neal came back with the tape and unwound it. A familiar noise filled the room. Soon my lower face was covered with very sticky duct tape.

“Since this is your punishment, kid, you’re gonna stay like this until tomorrow. And we will add to the time if you don’t obey us.” My uncle said.

I nodded my head, defeated. It was going to be a long afternoon and even longer night…

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When my uncle and his buddy finished tying me up I knew there was no way to escape their tight roping without help. My arms, legs, torso were bound to the chair neatly and professionally. I tried to free myself, but with my uncle and Neal in the office there was no chance to succeed. I could only sit there and taste Neal’s putrid jockstrap they stuffed into my mouth as a most humiliating gag I could imagine. It was pressed against my tongue by some sort of a pecker gag, so my taste buds were permanently in contact with sergeant Neal’s sweat and cum. One part of my brain hated the situation so much, but the other one was enjoying it; I didn’t know which way I would follow yet.

“How about that, kid? You like the taste of a masculine alpha male? You like being helpless and on mercy of a hunk like me?” Neal was definitely having fun mocking and teasing me.

He went behind me and put his huge arm around my neck, bending it backwards a little. Then he carried on, whispering into my ear:

“When you are done with the punishment, boy, you’re gonna taste so much more than that delicious jockstrap in your mouth. You’ll worship the our feet, lick the sweat from our muscled bodies. And if you disobey or show any sign of unwillingness, your little friend from downstairs is going to pay the prize, do you understand?”

Neal was obviously aroused at the very thought of having his feet and armpits licked. The part of my brain that was enjoying my predicament took control of me and I nodded. I also had to take, willingly or not, the responsibility of Brad; I wasn’t sure if they really were going to hurt him to punish me, but I knew I couldn’t take that chance.

“You can have your fun with him later, Neal. He isn’t going anywhere, so no rush.” My uncle said; he was watching me and puffing on his cigar again.

A few moments later Dave returned.

“Everything all right down there?” Neal asked.

“Sure thing, man. I’ve tied him up in a nice hogtie and chained his hands and feet to the wall. Plus, I put a padlock on his ball gag, so even if he managed to free himself from the ropes, he would have to stay downstairs. Quiet.” Dave showed the other a small key he put inside the pocket of his police uniform.

“Good job, Dave.” My uncle said. “Now, since our two guests are secured and won’t cause us problems for some time, we can move on to much more important stuff.” His tone was suddenly more serious.

“Yeah, I sent the kid’s father a picture of his precious son in his current state. Told him we would contact him in a few hours to give him instructions.” Dave told my uncle and sat down on one of the chairs.

“Too shame I can’t spend some quality time with that brat… “ Neal said dreamingly.

“You fucking freak, can’t you think with anything else than your dick?” My uncle was visibly irritated.

“Can’t help it, boss. But hey, calm down, I won’t do anything until I get your permission.” Neal raised his hands up as if he was surrendering.

“The whole operation will last for at least a week.” My uncle changed the subject of the conversation. “Every evening we’ll contact the kid’s father; whenever we aren’t satisfied with the way he’s acting the kid gets punished. That asshole must be perfectly obedient, otherwise his precious boy will get hurt… A LOT. When he calls today you tell him this Neal.”

The three of them were discussing things as if I wasn’t even there. It wasn’t a good sign; since they didn’t bother speaking about their plans with me around, I assumed they weren’t going to let me go. Even though I liked the idea of being tied up and gagged, I definitely didn’t want to spend several months or maybe even years roped like an animal. I started to struggle again, although I knew well it would result in nothing more than making up a sweat. After a few seconds of useless moaning into my gag I went quiet again.

“Seems to me the kid doesn’t like the idea too much.” Neal said in a playful tone.

“Maybe he’s got some better plan how to persuade Brad’s father to cooperate, we must ask him when his gag is off. Not too soon I’m afraid.” Dave came to me and patted me gently on my cheek.

I hated being treated like a child so I grunted angrily behind my gag. It only made the three studs laugh at me.

“All right, I need to go to work now. You two keep an eye on the hostages and don’t do anything to them until I get back. That goes especially to you, Neal.” My uncle said sternly.
Then he came to me.

“You know, Mike… I’m working on a pretty nasty case right now. Two kids are missing and no one knows what’s happened to them… No witnesses, no traces, no fingerprints. If nothing changes, we’ll be forced to close the case for good. But who knows, maybe there will be a phone call from a despaired father, whose son was kidnapped? How do you like that, kid?” He said teasingly, looking me straight in the eye.


“Quiet there! He snapped me on my face.

“See you tomorrow, boys.” He added and left.

I was alone with two dudes, one of them really horny and unpredictable….

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Post by squirrel »

It was already dark outside when my uncle, in his full policeman uniform, left the house, leasing me alone with Neal and Dave. Well, someone else was with us; my best friend Brad was hidden somewhere in the basement. As far as I knew, he was bound, gagged and chained to the wall. But unlike me, he was at least left alone. I, on the other hand, had to endure my uncle’s buddies, who were mocking and teasing me. Especially sergeant Neal was enjoying himself; it was obvious that he loved having completely restrained guy to play with.

“So, what are we going to do know? You want to play with him for a while? Neal asked his companion pointing at me and wit a devilish grin on his face.

“No, and neither will you! The boss told us clearly not to do anything with the kids. It will be much better for both of us if you don’t oppose him. Dave replied angrily and added: “I’m going to take a shower, don’t you dare do anything stupid!”

“All right, all right, chill out, man! I promise I won’t even touch the kid…” Neal said in a conciliatory tone.

Apparently Dave wasn’t sure if he could trust his partner in this case, but after some hesitation he left the room, leaving his horny friend with me. I struggled a little in my chair, but, of course, it didn’t work. I watched my kidnapper walk behind me; soon I felt his strong arm around my neck and his face right next to mine.

“You look so fucking good all trussed up like that.” He whispered into my ear while gently caressing my chest. “I just need to think of a good way to get rid of Dave for a few hours and then you and I are going to have some quality time together.”

I gulped. In fact it was all I could do at that moment. Tied up and gagged as I was, I couldn’t do anything to prevent that thug from doing whatever he wanted to do to me. Probably, in other circumstances, I would enjoy being overpowered and helpless, but Neal wasn’t definitely someone I could trust. What was even worse, I couldn’t warn Dave or persuade him deal with his buddy.

“Enough of this shit.” Neal said after several moments. “You’ll have to wait a bit for you fun, kid.” He added with a smirk and patted me gently on my cheek. I moaned a little, but that only amused him.

He walked to the desk and grabbed one of his thick cigars. He put it in his mouth and lit it with a lighter. He puffed on it several times, exhaling lots of smoke. When he was finally satisfied he told me not to go anywhere and left the office. He went to the TV, turned it on and sat on the couch in front of it. I could watch him through the window in the office wall; from time to time he cast me a glance and smiled around his stogie.

Half of hour later Dave came back into the office to check on me.

“mmhhmpph” I tried to speak but Neal’s putrid jockstrap and the pecker gag muffled my cries nicely.

“Yeah, yeah…” He said without even looking at me.

When he was done he walked to the office door.

“Neal, move your fucking ass to the station and grab us some beers.”

“And what the fuck am I, your servant?!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, dude. We need the food, too and I am not leaving you alone with the kids. So don’t be an asshole, grab the money and go.”

After some more arguing Neal finally got up from the couch, took his wallet and left the house. Dave watched him silently; when Neal’s car was gone Dave walked into the office and took a cigar. Soon the room was filled with smoke again.

“You’re lucky I don’t fancy guys, kid.” He said after lighting his stogie. “You do look nice roped up to that chair.

What the hell? Was I really that handsome? But before I could think anything else, I heard someone knock at the front door.

“That guy is unbelievable…” Dave said resigned and went to open the door.

“What the fuck did you forget this ti….”

Dave didn’t finish the sentence. He was totally surprised and I saw him rise his hands up. He walked back a few steps and then could see what shocked him so much: Some guy came into the house; he was holding a gun and aimed at Dave’s face. The stranger closed and locked the door and came closer to Dave. Without a word he punched him in the face, knocking the wind out of him. The blast must’ve been really powerful, if it could make Dave unconscious that easily.

I was terrified, my heart was pounding in my chest and I was breathing heavily though my nose. When the guy came into the office room I could look at him more closely. He was tall and very well
built. He was dressed all in black; his outfit looked like the one that antiterrorists use. He had black leather gloves on his palms and a balaclava on his head; only his eyes were visible. He was also very well equipped; I saw handcuffs, zip-ties, a gun, two knives and many other things I didn’t recognize.

“MMPHHMMPPHHH” I tried to yell, but the gag did its job.

The guy went behind my back and started untying the ropes tying me to the chair. It took him some time to deal with it, but when my torso was finally free it was a great relief. Next he undid the ropes on my thighs. I hoped he would untie me completely and take my gag out, but that didn’t happen. He left my ankles roped to the legs of the chair and my wrists were still tied tightly behind my back.

The next thing he did really surprised me. He grabbed a chair and placed it in front of me. He sat on it and bent a little towards me. He looked me into my eyes for a long time. It was a deep and meaningful look. He moved his right hand to my face and touched it. He squeezed it gently, as if he wasn’t sure if it really existed.

I was totally taken aback… What the hell was going on?!
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While the masked guy was caressing and gently rubbing my face Dave started to regain consciousness. When his moaning came to our ears the stranger got up and went to him. I heard the guy punch Dave again; then I saw the stranger dragging him into the office. He put him in the corner and handcuffed his hands behind his back. A few minutes later Neal’s car arrived at the porch. I looked at the uniformed dude and whimpered a little; he put his left hand on my mouth and his right one on my shoulder, pressing it down a little. It was clear that he wanted me to stay still and quiet. I did, mostly because I couldn’t do much else.

“Dave, get over here, and help me with the shopping! I bought two crates of beer for us!” I heard Neal’s voice when he entered the house.

I stayed put and didn’t make a sound. The stranger grabbed his gun and went out of the office to meet Neal.

“Dave, where…” Neal was stunned when he saw the guy pointing at him with his gun. “Who the fuck are you!? Where is Dave?!” Neal asked loudly, but I was sure there was fear in his voice.

Without saying anything the uniformed guy came closer to Neal and soon my tormentor was out cold. Soon he was dragged into the office and put against the wall next to Dave, with his hands handcuffed behind his back. Just like Dave’s.

“Mmmpphhh” I tried to speak, but the stranger ignored me.

I started struggling again and shouting into my gag. Being kidnapped was one thing, being tied up and gagged was the other. But now it was different. This unexpected turn of events made me scared even more than I was before and I wanted some information at least. I tugged on the ropes binding me to the chair but nothing went loose. After a moment I was sweating like hell and panting heavily. My effort to attract the guy’s attention went down the drain.

The stranger came to the handcuffed kidnappers and started searching them. Ho took the guns, cuffs, lighters and finally he found the keys in Dave’s shirt. Keys to Brad’s chains, cuffs and the padlock on his gag. Satisfied the stood up and I saw him open the door to the basement and disappear behind it. I tried to fight my bonds again; what if that bastard was going to hurt my best bud?

I didn’t have to worry about this much; after a few seconds the stranger came upstairs again with Brad on his shoulder. My buddy was quiet and calm; the guy must have told him something, or maybe given him something that made him at ease. Anyway I was glad to see that my friend was fine.

“Mmmpphhh!!!” I tried again, with the same effect: ignored.

The guy want outside with Brad and after a minute or so came back and started untying me from the chair. I hoped he would untie me completely, but when my torso and legs were free from the chair he forced my legs together and wrapped the rope around them. He was strict and professional; soon my legs were mummified in rope, from the ankles to my crotch.

When he was done with restraining me he checked my gag. Neal’s cum stained, sweaty, putrid jockstrap was still inside my mouth. So was the huge pecker gag, buckled behind my head. The duct tape went a little loose because all the sweat I was produced when struggling but that didn’t seem to be a big flaw for the stranger; it was obvious that I won’t be making any audible noises.

The guy put me on his shoulder without saying anything and walked to the door. When we were outside I saw a car with its trunk open; inside was Brad. I squirmed a little and whimpered. It resulted in nothing; the guy moved Brad a little to make some room for me. He placed me chest to chest with my best friend. He was still blindfolded with the duct tape and couldn’t see me. There wasn’t too much space in the trunk so we were squashed together; I could feel his breath on my face and even felt his heart beating.

The lid of the trunk closed and we were covered in darkness. The stranger got in at the front and started the engine; he turned the radio on and turned the volume a lot. Probably he wanted to prevent anyone from hearing his two kidnapped victims if he was stopped by the police or something.

“Mmmphhhh..” I tried to speak to Brad, but he didn’t reply.

He just laid there, trussed up in his ropes and gagged less strictly than me but also very effectively. He remained calm and just rested. Maybe he already knew what was going on and simply didn’t worry? God, I wished I had known what the hell was going on.
We drove for what seemed a few hours and when we finally stopped I was relieved in some strange way. I don’t know why but my fear was all gone and I even was able to enjoy being trussed up and gagged again.

The trunk lid opened and Brad was taken out. I don’t know when the stranger took him; I could hear some voices but they were distant and I couldn’t understand anything. After a few seconds my new kidnapper was back and took me out of the trunk as well. I looked around.

We were in some sort of underground parking place. There were no cars beside the stranger’s one. He didn’t even seem to bother with being spotted with a tied up and gagged kid with him. We went to the elevator. I saw the guy press the “11” button and the lift went up. When we hit the destination the door opened and we were inside a big room, filled with sofa’s, comfortable armchairs, normal chairs and a small coffee table.

“Mmmpphhh” I tried my luck again.

“Calm down Mike, you are safe now.” I heard a familiar voice. It was my uncle.

He was still in his police uniform, just like he left back then in from the cabin. I was perplexed and didn’t know what to think about it; how was I safe if I was still trussed up and gagged? Wasn’t my uncle the one who treated me like shit for the past few days? I started moaning as loud as I could.

They sat me on one of the armchairs; my uncle took one of the chairs and sat on it, right in front of me. The guy who brought me here was standing next to my uncle.

“Dude, I guess it’s time to show Mike who you are. The kid deserves and explanation…” My uncle said and looked the stranger in the eye. He nodded and started taking his balaclava off his head…

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Post by squirrel »

I waited for the stranger to take his balaclava off.

“Wait a sec.” My uncle said to him. “Mike, look… I know the past few days were tough for you and I know you deserve explanations. So let’s make a deal: we won’t lie to you anymore. If we can’t tell you the truth we’ll simply tell you that. Is that OK?”

I nodded my head vigorously and watched the stranger take his mask off. When I saw the guys face I let out a yelp into my gag. Standing in front of me was my own father. The same father who died two years ago in a car accident. He looked worried and serious. I could just look at him, my heart was pounding inside my chest…

„Let’s get that gag out of your mouth, Mike. I’m sure you have tones of questions to ask… Plus, we need to hydrate you anyway.” Uncle said and came behind me.

I felt him unwrap the tape from my lover face; it hurt a lot but I didn’t care. I wanted that damned thing out as soon as possible. My uncle unbuckled the pecker gag and I started to push the jockstrap out of my mouth, but my father stopped me by pressing his gloved hand firmly over my lips.

“mmphh??” I tried to ask.

“I need to warn you. You are completely safe here and the whole apartment is soundproof, but if you start yelling, I will have to gag you again. Do you understand?”

I quickly nodded my head. The hand was removed and dad grabbed the jockstrap. My mouth was free at last; before I spoke I moved my jaw for a few moments to get rid of the pain. My uncle held a glass of water to my lips and helped me drink it. I gulped the water in no time.

“How come you are here?! For the past two years I was sure you’re dead… I was there at the funereal….” I mumbled my first words, but was too perplexed to think clearly yet.
My dad sat on another chair in front of me.

“I am so sorry, son, that you had go through all that. The car accident was real and your mother died then. But I didn’t; my death was faked. You see… Me and your uncle work for… someone. Let’s call it an “A” organization. And we have lots of enemies, amongst which the… “B” organization is most dangerous. When they found out who I work for, you were in great danger. Few days later the accident occurred.”

I was listening to all this with my mouth wide open. Was my father some kind of a secret agent?

“We decided to use that accident to fake my death and guarantee safety for you. Me and Jack were watching you discretely from the distance and made sure you are safe.. “

“But uncle Jack was with those guys, who kidnapped me… How is that possible? I asked. I already calmed down a little.

“I was infiltrating the “B” organization, Mike. I knew that Brad was about to be kidnapped, but those two morons, Dave and Neal took the wrong guy… you. I had to play rough with you, kid. I didn’t want to arouse suspicion. I am sorry about that.” My uncle said with an apologizing look on his face.

“But why did you tell them that I am your nephew?”

“If I didn’t they would kill you. I had to tell them the truth and hope for them not to report it… higher. We were lucky that they didn’t and I could arrange your rescue. I tried to persuade your dad not to get involved, but he insisted… and I can’t blame him for that. I told him exactly where you and Brad were.”

“Is Brad safe?” I asked anxiously.

“He is fine. He is already with his dad.” My father replied.

“So… what now?” Was my next question.

“We have to arrange some things, Mike. And while we are doing this, you will have to stay here and not go out. You’ll have your identity changed and you’ll go to Europe with uncle Jack. I will remain here and make sure everything is in order. Then I will join you.” My dad replied calmly.

I was stunned. What have my folks got themselves into? I was watching them sit in front of me, still tied hand and foot. They didn’t seem to care about that. But neither did I; I was trying to understand what the hell was going on and how could I get involved in all that shit…

“Can you two untie me, please?”

They did and after several minutes I was completely free. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there for a couple of minutes.

“I know you are furious with me, son. But we did this to for your own good…” My dad started to say but I interrupted him.

“It’s OK, dad. I understand… Plus… being tied up wasn’t that bad.” I smiled a little.

A few months later me, my dad and uncle were in Europe. We bought a small house in one of the big cities and we lived there. From time to time my folks do me a huge favor and tie me up for some time. They say it’s sort of a reward for what they put me through… What can I say.. It’s always better to be tied by my folks than some mad kidnappers 


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Post by chadmc90 »


This story needs to be tagged. If it isn't tagged soon, then I will lock it.[/mod]
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Post by Xtc »

Sorry, [mention]chadmc90[/mention], I've been a bit naughty and tagged it.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by mig137 »

It's always cool to read this story from time to time. The way you describe the tying is great.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]mig137[/mention] Totally agree!
These [mention]squirrel[/mention] classics are among my favourite stories to read.
I make a point of reading all of his stuff at least once a year.

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