The Farm Boy and the Bully (M/M) (Chapter 7, June 22)

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The Farm Boy and the Bully (M/M) (Chapter 7, June 22)

Post by Bootmark »

This is a story I wrote for another web site. I'm retelling it here with more emphasis on the bondage aspects of the story. Sorry but the bondage doesn't happen in the first chapter. But it is coming very soon.
This story involves male on male sex and some other fetishes. It involves two 21 year old men, both lonely, discovering their common interests.

Chapter 1 - The Chance Meeting

Kole sat looking at the carts of groceries as he contemplated how his life had gone off track. He was going to college to study agri-business. He would make more money farming than his Dad had done. But then, after only two years of college, the unthinkable had happened. His Dad developed cancer and passed away quickly. His Mom sold the farm, moved back to the city where she grew up and continued teaching school, only now in the city. The city just wasn’t the place for Kole.

Kole managed to afford a small apartment in the small town, close to the old farm. He got a job in the curbside department of the local grocery store. Sometimes he filled the orders, but mostly he loaded the groceries into the customer’s car. Every day he still looked like the farmer kid: Wrangler jeans, brown square toe Ariat cowboy boots, only now there was no ball cap, and his shirt had the grocery store logo.
But his mind longed for the past, where he knew his life’s plan. He was so consumed with farming in high school that he never dated, rarely attended school events, and loved the outdoor work that came with farming. The hard work had made him muscular and tanned and with his dirty blond hair and brown eyes, every now and then someone would tell him he looked very handsome. He’d just turned 21, not that he had celebrated the fact, last month.

Today was especially miserable. It was a hot southern summer’s day with popup rain showers. It seemed every time it stated raining, he had to take an order to a customer. He would grab the store-supplied poncho and head out. The poncho didn’t help much. He was damp from just below his crotch down. His hair was wet. Then came one last order and then he could clock out and go home. “J. Foster” was the name. The only Fosters he knew were the family that owned the local car dealership, the dealership where his pickup came from 15 years ago. He assumed Mrs. Foster was outside waiting for her groceries.

Jacob was finishing up the afternoon’s paperwork at his family’s car dealership. His father managed the dealership but loved selling. Jacob ended up with most of the administrative duties. But he had a nice office with glass walls where he could watch the cowboys, farmers, and other booted guys come to shop for a new vehicle or get their existing vehicle repair. And those were mostly farm trucks and Jeeps. This was farming country, after all. And Jacob looked more like a gentleman farmer – highly polished black cowboy boots with khakis and a polo shirt at work, the same boots with jeans on the weekends.

Jacob wasn’t too excited about his evening plans. He was going to grab a grocery order he placed online and go home and eat alone. He’d probably pull out some of his DVD collection and watch some old TV shows where the booted hero ends up tied up and in danger. Secretly Jacob would love to grab an unsuspecting booted customer, rope him up, and have his way with him. But that opportunity had never presented itself. He instead had spent high school content on bullying the farm boys, especially the ones who wore the dirty boots to school and let their white underwear band show above their jeans if their shirt was too short. He lost count of how many wedgies he gave out in high school. The poor farm boys never saw it coming. Jacob grabbed their underwear and lifted until their boot heels left the ground or their underwear ripped. Jacob was tall and a football player, so there was never any revenge from those farm kids. Jacob longed to take his bullying further, finding a country boy to tie up and take hostage for his dirty desired. He grabbed his car keys and headed out.

Kole grabbed the delivery cart and headed out. Of course, it was pouring rain. And the wind had kicked up blowing the rain up and under his poncho. Water was running down inside the poncho. He was getting wet everywhere it seemed. He watched his boots, which should have been out on the farm, instead splashing through puddles in the parking lot as he headed to the parking spot where a new Jeep Grand Cherokee was sitting with dealer tags. As he approached the rear hatch popped open. He started loading the groceries as he’d done so many times before.
Then suddenly beside him, under a large golf umbrella, was J. Foster. It wasn’t Mrs. Foster. It was Jacob Foster, the Foster’s only son (there were two older daughters) who was about a year older than Kole. Kole and Jacob had attended different schools because they lived on opposite sides of the county line. But Jacob was well known – the relatively wealthy family, the good looks. Lots of people were envious of Jacob. But yet it was Jacob, standing beside him, handsome as ever with dark hair and dark eyes in a black polo shirt, khakis, and cowboy boots (shiny, pointed toe expensive boots, possibly Lucchese, that Kole could only dream of owning) and holding an umbrella to make Kole’s miserable job easier. Noticing Kole’s name badge, Jacob introduced himself “Hi, Kole. I’m Jacob.” Jacob apologized for making Kole come out in the nasty weather, Kole expressed his gratitude.

The groceries were loaded. Jacob again apologized for ordering groceries on such a miserable day. Kole could tell Jacob was genuinely sorry. Then Jacob asked Kole when he was off work. Kole said he was finished now. The Jacob said “You must come over to my place. I’ll whip up some dinner and we can have a couple beers.” Kole stammered, “Sorry, I don’t have a change of clothes and I’m soaked.” Jacob would have none of it. “I’ve got a washer and dryer. It’s the least I can do. I’ll loan you something to wear while the laundry is going.” “What the heck, I’m up for a couple beers” Kole thought.

After a bit more conversation, Kole returned to the store and clocked out. Then he was following Jacob’s new Jeep across town in his pickup. The pickup was about all he had left of the farm. Why was Kole doing this? He guessed it beat feeling sorry for himself in his small apartment watching reruns on TV.

They arrived at a rather nice town house. Jacob and Kole hauled the groceries inside. Jacob again apologized to Kole who was soaked through and through. Kole thought he caught Jacob catching more than a passing glance at his rain-soaked crotch but decided he was probably imagining things.
Jacob directed Kole to the upstairs bathroom to shower. Jacob brought some clothes for Kole to change into. Kole stepped into the warm shower and felt better already. Jacob knocked and opened the door saying ”Just gonna grab your wet clothes and boots.”

Kole finished his shower and dried off. What he didn’t see was Jacob sniffing Kole’s underwear and boot socks as he headed toward the laundry room. The pungent odor of the socks intrigued Jacob. He then took a whiff of one of the boots. Wow, it was strong, somewhat nastier than Jacob had expected. Jacob started the laundry and put Kole’s boots near an air vent where they could dry.

The clothes Jacob laid out for Kole weren’t really Kole’s style. A green polo shirt and fancy black underwear? Oh well, it and a pair of jeans all fit well enough and Jacob threw him a pair of socks. “Put on these socks and I’ll find a pair of boots for you. We’ve got to go back out because I forgot something on my grocery list.” Plus, to be honest Jacob wanted the handsome farm boy beside him to be wearing boots. “The boots make the man” Jacob thought to himself.

Jacob handed Kole a pair of black pointed toe Lucchese cowboy boots, slightly different from the ones Jacob was wearing and probably lizard or something else fancy. “Probably worth more than my truck” Kole thought to himself. He put the boots on and they fit fine. Kole commented “Guess it’s lucky we are the same size!”

They hopped into Jacob’s Jeep and headed down the street. Jacob pulled into the convenience store. He returned with a couple of brown paper bags and sat them in the rear seat. Jacob claimed back in and said, “I can’t believe I invited you over for a beer when I didn’t have any beer!”
To be honest, the beer wasn’t at all important to Kole. He had beer a few times, but never more than a one per night. He was just enjoying relaxing with another person, something that was lacking in Kole’s life. He certainly had little in common with his co-workers so the conversation there was minimal.

They returned to Jacob’s place. Kole was directed to sit at the kitchen island where he could watch Jacob cook. An opened beer soon appeared in from of Kole. Jacob worked on a beer as he threw dinner together. The conversation soon brought out facts the other didn’t know. Kole explained how farming kept him busy, how he never played sports, how he never even really dated, how much he missed the farm and his college career that was cut short after his Dad passed. Jacob explained that he would prefer to be known as Jake although that rubbed his family the wrong way, that he’d gotten a two-year business degree to help in the family business, and that he had played football in high school. Jacob even said that he was a shoo-in for Homecoming King but made it known that he didn’t want the title and wouldn’t show up if elected. Jacob also said he’d rather be driving a Wrangler than the Grand Cherokee his family’s dealership provided. Jacob ended up doing more of the business work simply because his father would rather sell cars than keep books. Over the beers, two strangers bonded.

By the time the first beers were done, dinner was ready and they ate at the kitchen island. “Nothing fancy” Jake had said, but Kole hadn’t eaten so well since his last trip to his Mom’s. A second beer with dinner and Kole was starting to feel a slight buzz from the beer.
Jake suggested heading to the living room and watch some TV. Kole went in and sat on the couch. Jake followed and handed Kole a glass. Jake said “this is a great bourbon.” Kole knew his Dad kept bourbon around, but he’d never tried it. Kole took a sip. It burned his mouth, throat, and stomach. Jake must have seen the look on his face and quickly returned with a glass of cold water. “Take a sip of the bourbon, then a sip of water. It will go down better that way until you get used to it.”

Jake turned on the TV and said, “There’s really nothing good on so let’s watch some old reruns. Hope you don’t mind, I’ve got the Dukes of Hazzard in the DVD player.” Kole said, “Don’t mind at all, they’re just good old country boys like me.” Jake smiled at that remark. Kole continued slowly sipping the bourbon. Soon enough, Bo and Luke ended up tied up by the villain of the day and were trying to work themselves free. Kole commented, “As many times as they get themselves into trouble, you might think they enjoy being tied up.” Jake’s dick sprang to life when he heard that. Jake wasn’t sure, maybe Kole was getting a boner too.

It was obvious that after two beers and a healthy glass of bourbon, Kole was in no shape to drive. Jake directed Kole upstairs. Again, Kole felt Jake was starting at him, but this time at his butt and the borrowed boots. Jake was making plans, but not tonight. He didn’t want to scare Kole off, but instead lure him into Jake’s deviant plans.

Jake apologized for not have a guest room. The second bedroom was his office and game room. But Jake assured him the king size bed had plenty of room for them both. A clearly buzzed Kole removed his clothes and crawled under the covers. Jake said “Hope you don’t mind if I sleep nude. It just feels better.” Kole was surprised. Such a thought had never crossed his mind. For whatever reason, probably the alcohol, Kole reached under the covers and pulled off the borrowed black underwear and threw them on the floor.

Kole was tired from work. A full stomach and a little alcohol and he was soon fast asleep. A few hours later Kole woke up horrified. He’d somehow rolled over and was spooning Jake. To make matters worse, his dick was hard and jammed against Jakes’s ass! Kole quietly rolled over to the edge of the bed and vowed to stay there until morning! Jake, however, noticed this and a smile crept across his face before he went back to sleep.
The next morning, Kole woke up to hear the shower running. Jake popped out wrapped in a towel. “Next!” he called. Kole showered up and when he exited the shower, he saw his clean clothes laying on the bed. His boots, now dried out, were also waiting for him. Kole slipped on his more traditional underwear (white Fruit of the Looms) then his Wranglers, socks and boots. But his t-shirt he wore under his work shirt was missing. He always wore one under his store shirt.

Jake popped back into the room, dressed the same as yesterday. Kole mentioned his missing shirt and Jake pointed down the hallway to the laundry room. “I must have left it in there.” Kole got up, shirtless with his white underwear sticking out above of the top of his jeans. As he headed down the hallway, Jake came up behind him and grabbed the waistband giving Kole a wedgie. “Just like in high school!” Jake laughed as he kept lifting. You farm guys and your white briefs. I’d grab their underwear and lift until they were on their tiptoes, their boot heels lifted off the ground. Just like now. More fun than lifting weights!” Kole was embarrassed, mad, and for some odd reason slightly turned on by Jake’s behavior– which made him even more embarrassed as his dick was getting hard and Kole certainly didn’t want Jake to see that! Kole heard his underwear ripping some, After Jake let go, Kole quickly unbuckled his pants and discretely pulled his underwear out of his ass best as he could, then grabbed his t-shirt, put both shirts on and headed for the door. “Thanks for a great time” he managed to stammer as he exited Jake’s place. He sat in his truck a minute or two to gain his composure. What had happened? Why had he enjoyed himself so much? Why was his dick hard when he was watching the Tv bondage and later in bed with Jake? Why was the wedgie (which Kole had never had before) so exciting? And now, as Jake waved as he came out the door to his Jeep, why was Kole’s dick starting to grow again?
Last edited by Bootmark 11 months ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Red86 »

Ha, most guys (even girls) I know that grew up on a farm, are ones you generally don't wanna mess with. Generally nice people, work hard and know how to handle problems. Kind of thought Kole would have done something in return to Jake (I know I would have). Clearly these two enjoyed what has happened and will be figuring more out about themselves.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Very promising first part! Looking forward to reading the next chapters
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I like the way the first chapter gave us a throughout introduction to the main characters. I can't wait to read your writing about them getting into actual bondage fun.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Bootmark »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Ha, most guys (even girls) I know that grew up on a farm, are ones you generally don't wanna mess with. Generally nice people, work hard and know how to handle problems. Kind of thought Kole would have done something in return to Jake (I know I would have). Clearly these two enjoyed what has happened and will be figuring more out about themselves.
Sometimes they’re slow to get angry and take revenge, but when they do…
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Post by gag1195 »

A great start to what looks like a fun new relationship! Looking forward to seeing Jake's plans for Kole, and if Kole is quite so compliant as Jake thinks!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Great first chapter. I'm interested to see more of Jake and Kole.
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Pen Dreadful
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Post by Pen Dreadful »

Yep, definitely subscribing to this one.
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A great setup and looking forward to seeing how this story develops. Jacob definitely has plans for Kole :)
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Bootmark »

Chapter 2 - Jake Makes His Move

Kole started work that morning with his head swimming. He was roaming the isles with a hand-held computer picking items off the shelf to assemble orders only because they were shorthanded. He would be glad to be back out delivering instead of assembling the orders, but mornings were slow for delivery and busy for order gathering. As he walked the aisles, his stretched and ripped underwear was a constant reminder of Jake and the wedgie. His cock and balls just wouldn’t stay in place now. Then Kole would have to discreetly try to shift his package which in turn made him start to get hard. He wondered if there was a store apron in the back room he could borrow to hide the bulge.

As the morning progressed, Kole tried to force his whole concentration on his job. Gathering orders soon turned to delivering orders curbside. At least the weather was dry, though it was getting warm and humid as the day went on.

Then right around noon, Kole’s plan to not think about the previous night was shattered. His phone pinged and the text read “You said you don’t work this weekend. Let’s go pack some clothes after work and we’ll go up to my family’s mountain cabin this weekend - Jake.” Without thinking, Kole typed “I suppose I need to pack extra underwear?” Jake texted back “Sorry, I really shouldn’t have done that. Please let me make it up to you. I’ll pick you up after work.” Kole didn’t remember giving Jake his phone number but after two beers and a shot, Kole might have done that. But he found the whole idea intriguing and felt his dick growing again.

The afternoon dragged, Kole shuffled order after order to the curbside area. Seems like everyone must be cooking this weekend. And it got hot. Kole was again soaked, only today it was perspiration instead of rain. Just as quitting time was nearing, he heard the buzz of another text as he shut Mrs. Graham’s trunk after placing her groceries inside. The text simply said “Hey stud – look in the white Jeep Wrangler right behind you.” He turned to see Jake waving at him.

Kole tried to be calm as he walked into the store, clocked out, and headed for the parking lot. He wasn’t sure if he pulled it off or not.

He jumped up in the passenger seat of the Wrangler. Jake explained it was a customer loaner and he can sometimes use it. Plus, he explained it’s better in the mountains than the Grand Cherokee and the open top allows fresh air for the trip. Kole gave directions to his apartment and tried not to stare at Jake, who looked even better now that he was in jeans, a t-shirt, a ball cap and the Lucchese boots he had lent Kole last night, rather than in khakis and a polo shirt.

For his part, Jake tried to follow the directions and not stare at the hot former farm boy beside him. He had hoped he hadn’t blown it over the wedgie incident – but here was Kole beside him so it looked like all was good. Kole texted his manager and said his old truck would be in the lot over the weekend. Why hadn’t he had Jake follow him and leave the truck at his apartment? “Guess I wasn’t thinking clearly” Kole thought as his dick and balls shifted around again in his stretched underwear. And his dick started growing again.

At Kole’s apartment, he asked Jake what he needed for the weekend. Jake said “some nice jeans, casual shirts, your everyday boots most of the weekend. For one night you’ll need a nice shirt, a really nice jeans or khakis, and a fancier pair of boots if you have them.” Kole said “You’d better come inside and help me pack.”

Kole’s apartment was small, but well kept. Jake followed him into the bedroom as Kole grabbed an old gym bag out of the closet. Kole grabbed some underwear (jake noticed it was all white Fruit of the Loom briefs) and socks and put them in the bag. He added a couple pair of blue jeans and a nice pair of black jeans. Based on Jake’s recommendation Kole selected a couple t-shirts, a sleeveless shirt and a long-sleeved shirt in case it was cool in the morning. He called Jake over to the closet. “Pick a shirt that you think will work when you said nicer shirt.” Jake grabbed a shirt from the closet. Then Jake saw Kole’s other pair of boots and grabbed them– a pair of black Justin traditional pointed toe cowboy boots Kole hadn’t worn much since the horses were gone from the farm. Kole removed his store shirt and put on his ball cap. “This all should do. Let’s hit the road.” Jake said.

Curiously Kole wondered what Jake had packed from his closet but wondered silently. Jake had packed much more than clothes, but he certainly was going to keep that a secret for now. They stopped for some snacks and some soft drinks then hit the road. Kole thought “Dammit, I wish I’d changed my underwear at the apartment” as his stretched undies failed to hold his junk in place and his dick wiggled around and grew as they headed up the highway. Kole tried to be discrete when he shifted his dick and balls around, but was sure Jake was watching. As they enjoyed the open-air ride, they talked. They talked about people they knew - though there weren’t that many mutual friends. By far, the largest category was people Kole went to school with whose families shopped at Jake’s family’s dealership.

Jake remembered being at the dealership back as a kid around the time Kole’s Dad bought his last farm truck 15 years ago – a Dodge Ram 1500 with a Hemi and 4 wheel drive. It had lasted well as evidenced by it still being Kole’s daily transportation. Jake claimed to remember the family coming in five years back to purchase a new Chrysler 300 for Kole’s Mom. Jake shocked Kole by telling him he recalled Kole looking at the Dodge Challenger out front while the negotiations were underway for the Chrysler. What Jake didn’t mention was how Kole’s boots echoed as he walked across the tiled showroom floor to go see the Challenger outside - and that’s why Jake remembered Kole. And Jake never mentioned his desire back then to capture, tie and gag the farm boy while he was separated from his family.

Oddly neither of the two realized there were almost no girls mentioned in their conversations.

As they reached their destination, the mountain air felt much cooler than when they’d left town. Jake parked the Jeep under the carport, and they carried in their baggage and food. Much of the food was the food Kole had put in Jake’s car just over 24 hours earlier.

They rewarded themselves by going out on the deck with a couple glasses of bourbon and a glass of water for Kole. They had quite a view and a lot of privacy. Soon the bourbon was gone and Kole was feeling that warm buzz again. Despite his protests, Jake went for a refill. He handed Kole the refilled glass and again apologized for starting Kole’s day with a giant wedgie. Jake admitted he was a jerk in school and sometimes still thought that way. For whatever reason, Kole blurted out “My stretched underwear was hell all day at work. My balls and my dick flopped everywhere! How sorry are you really?” Jake, sensing an opening, said “Show me how badly I stretched them.” Kole stood up and dropped his jeans revealing underwear that sagged down far away from his crotch and was ripped on one side making the entire crotch lopsided. Jake couldn’t help but laugh a little. So did Kole. Jake said he hoped he could be forgiven.

The guys were tired from the long day and they finished their drinks. They were ready to shower and head to bed. Kole showered first and was soon naked under the covers laying on his side facing the far wall. Until the prior night, he’d never considered sleeping naked! Jake was soon out of the shower. He climbed into bed and shut off the lights. Kole soon felt Jake spooning him – he wanted to say something but it felt good touching another human. Kole was sure Jake was a great guy under the bully persona – even if he’d only seen the tip of the iceberg from the bully. And soon they were fast asleep.

The guys slept through the night. Despite erections poking back and forth as they rolled around in the bed, neither of them were woken up. But the sun came up early Saturday morning and that woke them up. Though neither said anything, they were both amazed by their morning wood.

Jake jumped out of bed and said they had a big day planned but it was a surprise (and even more of a surprise than Kole would ever guess). He told Kole to get in the shower and appropriate clothing for the day would be ready when he was done. Kole showered and returned to find a sleeveless shirt, long sleeved shirt, a worn pair of jeans and his black cowboy boots laid out. He dressed and headed downstairs. Within a few minutes, Jake appeared wearing similar clothes. Jake’s boots were more traditional cowboy boots, not as fancy as he normally wore.

They ate breakfast and they were soon on the road. Jake wasn’t saying anything about what was planned. At the base of the mountain, Jake pulled into a farm and Kole saw the signs offering trail rides. Kole was touched. It was obvious Jake had understood how much he liked horseback riding and had taken it upon himself to try and cheer up his new friend.

Kole quickly explained to the person in charge that he was a fairly experienced horseman but hadn’t been on a horse much in a couple years. He quietly mentioned he wasn’t sure his friend had spent much if any time on a horse.

The cool morning air was refreshing. The horse was great. Kole was having a great time. It looked like Jake wasn’t doing bad either. By then end of the ride, the day had warmed up nicely. Kole stripped of his long sleeve shirt to just the sleeveless shirt Jake had set out for him.

After they turned in the horses, Kole was grinning from ear to ear. He thanked Jake and asked him how his ride was. Jake said “To be honest, I’ve never spent much time on a horse, but this horse was easy to ride.”

They stopped for tacos on the way back to the cabin. During the meal, Jake mentioned how natural Kole looked on the horse. “Did you ever have to work as a cowboy on your farm?” Jake asked. Kole admitted he really didn’t. The cows were fenced and it was rare one got out and had to be chased. But Kole had spent a little time goofing around in the Junior Rodeo when he was 10 years old. But everyone else already had more experience and, even as a kid, the farm had kept him busy. Jake still thought that must have been some fun, and silently wondered if maybe the farm boy has some roping experience on other guys. Kole conceded it was fun, but also a lot of work, and didn’t disclose anything to surprise Jake. Jake joked “Maybe we’ll have a rodeo someday.” But Kole wasn’t sure what he meant by that.

By then, the day was warming up and they headed back to the cabin for a little relaxation. The two riders, still dressed in their horse riding attire, sat in a couple lounge chairs on the cabin deck, enjoying a couple of beers and talking. Jake admitted to being a bit of a jock, maybe not a great one, but he dabbled in football, baseball and wrestling. However, he certainly wasn’t going to mention to Kole wrestling was just too erotic for him to continue the sport past the first year.

Since Jake had asked Kole to someday demonstrate rodeo skills, Kole asked Jake to show him some wrestling moves. Jake was more than willing to do so. Jake explained “First we stand and face each other, square on. We lean in and when the referee signals, we start.” Kole said “I’m the referee, let’s go!”. For a brief moment, they looked like a true pair of wrestlers circling each other, looking to make a move as their boots stomped on the deck. That was the last moment Kole had any chance of looking like a wrestler. Before he knew it, Jake was on him and had him thrown to the ground face up and was towering over him. Kole squirmed and moved around but it seems every move he made, Jake was one step ahead. Kole went from face up to face down, sometimes any movement was difficult. Jake was savoring the man-on-man holds that kept his victim from moving, but he longed to use ropes rather than wrestling moves. Sometimes, Kole thought Jake let him lose just to grab him again. Kole’s big mistake came when Jake let him up and Kole made it up on all fours and was just trying to stand up before Jake pounced on him again. Before he knew it, Kole’s head was pinned under Jake’s crotch, just as Kole was standing up, which left Kole’s ass raised in the air. Oh the view Jake had, The ragged shirt had pulled up exposing, once again, Kole’s Fruit of the Loom underwear band. Jake took his hands and grabbed the underwear and pulled. Kole tried to fight back, but there was little he could do in the position he found himself. Kole felt his underwear start to rip. And rip it did. This time it had ripped clear through before Jake had let go.

Jake let him up. Kole said “You told me I didn’t need any extra underwear!” Kole had secretly brought a few extra pair just in case, though. Jake thought he just needed to gag the farm boy so he wouldn’t have to listen to the complaining next time.

Jake said it was time to shower and get into their nicer clothes because they were going to dinner at the clubhouse. The cabin was part of a community with a nice clubhouse and other amenities. But all Jake was concerned about was the fantastic steaks the clubhouse offered. Kole protested that he couldn’t afford such a meal. Jake said his family paid the bill, so the vehicle purchases at the dealership over the years should cover it.

Soon they were off to dinner. Kole was in his black jeans, his good black Justin cowboy boots (after a dust off of from the horseback rides earlier), and a shirt that was somewhere between a dress shirt and a western rodeo shirt. Jake’s wardrobe was a pair of khakis, his Lucchese boots, and a blue dress shirt. They were a handsome couple. Once seated, Jake explained the idea of pairing wine and steak and promptly ordered a bottle, Kole didn’t know anything about wine, but admitted it tasted great with the meal.

After the steak dinner, the guys returned to the cabin for bourbons on the deck. They’d had enough to feel pretty good, and Kole had to admit he was drunk, when the doorbell rang. Jake said “I’ll go see what’s going on.” From the deck, Kole couldn’t really hear much of the conversation, but soon Jake came back with a sheriff deputy.

The deputy explained “I’m here because someone at the clubhouse was afraid they’d served alcohol to someone under age.” Jake explained “They checked our IDs before serving us.” The deputy said the server thought Kole’s ID looked suspicious and had called the sheriff’s office.

Kole said “Let me get my license. You will see it’s not fake.” The sheriff asked where the license was. Kole explained that they had both taken their wallets out of their pants and left the wallets inside. “I’ll go get the wallet” Jake offered. The deputy didn’t like that idea because he was afraid one or both of the guys would run off. “Here’s what we’ll do. I know you, Mr. Foster. You’re less of a flight risk. Your friend, I don’t know.” The deputy pointed at Kole and told him to place his hands on the railing and spread his legs. Kole complied and before he knew what was happening, he was searched, turned round so his back was against the railing, and his right hand was cuffed to the deck railing. The deputy grabbed a second pair of handcuffs and soon Kole’s left hand was also secured to the railing, his arms spread. “Your friend isn’t going to go anywhere, Mr. Foster. Let’s go look at those IDs.”.

Kole was panicking. What had been a great weekend was now ruined by thoughts of ending up in the county (what county were they even in?) jail. Kole knew his ID was valid. He was 21 – had been for almost a month. But Kole knew he wasn’t escaping from the handcuffs and was at the deputy’s mercy.

He could hear the discussion inside but couldn’t make out much of the conversation. He thought he heard “yes it does look valid” but then he swore he heard some footsteps and the front door close. Now what? Then he heard a car door close and a car drive away. Had the deputy arrested Jake and left Kole there?

Then Kole heard boots walking through the house and Jake appeared. Jake had a bit of a smirk and was carrying a bag with him. Kole blurted out “Did the deputy leave? Why am I still cuffed to the railing?” Jake answered “He decided to leave you in my custody while he’s off to investigate another call.” With that, Jake closed in and planted a firm kiss on Kole’s lips. Kole tried to avoid it, but he couldn’t really move much. Actually, the kiss was nice, but before he knew it, Jake’s tongue forced its way into Kole’s mouth. Kole felt his dick hardening even though his brain was screaming “stop”.

Jake took a few steps back and said “It’s not often a guy has such a hot cowboy handcuffed to his deck. I’d be a fool not to take advantage of the situation.” With that, Jake pulled some rope from the bag and made It clear he was going to bind Kole’s booted feet. Kole’s first reaction was to kick, which Jake had planned for. Jake quickly grabbed Kole’s balls through his jeans. “I won’t squeeze if you don’t kick.”. Kole gave in and soon his boots were spread and bound to the deck railing. By now, Kole was pleading “What are you doing? Just let me go!” Jake leaned in for another long kiss and Kole’s resistance again melted. Just as Jake pulled back from the kiss, he shoved something in Kole’s mouth. It was a sock now gagging him. Before Kole could spit out that sock, another sock was wrapped around his head to hold that one in place. Kole swore he could smell leather and something else, maybe sweat, on the socks.

Jake said “These are my sweaty socks from when we went horseback riding. I hope you enjoy the smell and taste.” Sure enough, Jake’s socks did have an odor, one that Kole found strangely pleasant- mostly the leather of the boots and a little of Jake’s scent. And dammit, his dick was now fully hard, stretching his jeans until it looked like they would burst! Between the feeling of being bound and gagged and the alcohol he’d drank, Kole’s thoughts were racing. Instinctively Kole pulled at his bindings. But he wasn’t escaping the handcuffs and the ropes securing his booted feet were not giving. And any sounds he made were muffled by the sock gag

And now Jake was looking at him like an animal in heat.
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Post by harveygasson »

Nice start, good old cowboys and ropes
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I'm very much enjoying watching this friendship develop between Kole and Jake and I'm glad you're taking the time to flesh it out so well. We're really getting to know the characters and enjoy their interactions.

Now is this cuff happy sheriff a happy coincidence or is it all planned? It seems a bit of an overreaction to an accusation of possible underage drinking (I can't believe you still have a drinking age of 21!) Looks like Jake will be taking advantage either way although I'm not sure Kole will mind too much.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by gag1195 »

I am loving the pace of this story, taking the time for us to get to know these characters as they get to know each other! I really enjoy seeing both of these characters and their thoughts about the situation. Kole is absolutely adorable and Jake is so confident!

I have to agree with [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] in thinking that the sheriff cuffing Kole to the railing was part of Jake's plans... Not that I'm complaining. And I am looking forward to what else Jake is planning!
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Post by socjuc »

Great chapter! Especially love how Jake got an advantage from the Sheriff, that he capitalized on....Looking forward to what happens next! :mrgreen:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by boundb »

Sorry for not commenting after your first chapter! Both have been very good reads so far! I can’t wait for the next segment. Please, continue!
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Post by Bootmark »

It seems [mention]gag1195[/mention] and [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] might have Jake (and the sheriff's visit) figured out?
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Chapter 3 - Kole Struggles in Bondage

Kole struggled against his restraints, but it continued to be in vain. He tried screaming, but the gag reduced it to grunts.
Jake looked at his victim. Oh, how he had waited years to have a booted country boy tied up to use as he wanted. The fantasy was quickly becoming reality.
Jake was now silent. He undid Kole’s belt buckle, then the snaps on his 501 jeans. He slid the jeans down exposing Kole’s white Fruit of the Looms. Jake then unbuttoned Kole’s shirt and pushed it back exposing Kole’s chest. Kole immediately thought, “Oh no, not another wedgie!”. But that wasn’t in Jake’s plan for tonight. He slid the underwear down too, exposing Kole’s fully erect cock. Jake reached into the bag and grabbed a bottle. Kole didn’t know what it was but soon discovered it was a lubricant and Jake stroked Kole’s cock briefly. Then into the bag again and Jake pulled out a condom. With little fanfare, the condom was put on Kole’s penis. Kole watched as Jake now dropped his pants and underwear. Jake slathered lube on the condom and rubbed some on his own ass. Then Jake said “I think you know what is coming, cowboy! If it is too much at any time, just make three short grunts and I’ll stop.”
Kole suddenly gave into the bondage and quit struggling. All he had to do was grunt three times and it would end. But yet, Kole was aroused. He loved being helpless to resist. And his dick was still as hard as ever.
Then, Jake grabbed Kole’s erection and firmly guided it toward his ass. Before Kole knew it, his dick was against, and then inside Jake’s ass! “What the fuck is going on!” Kole thought. He’d never done anything like this before, never contemplated having his dick in another guy’s ass! And so many sensations - the excitement of being tied up, the scent of another man’s boot socks, the feeling of Jake’s ass as it swallowed Kole’s cock. And again, the excitement of being tied up and helpless to rest what was going on.
Without realizing it, Kole was soon moaning in pleasure through the gag and fully experiencing the leather and foot smell and taste of the sock gag and the sounds their boots made (mostly Jake’s because Kole’s were bound) on the deck. And Jake was making similar noises, minus the gag. And then, Kole’s entire body convulsed as he shot his load into the condom. It was nothing like when he’s jerked off alone. This was a full body experience he felt from his booted feet to his head! Jake pulled off of Kole’s dick and turned around. Jake then stroked himself to completion, shooting all over Kole’s midsection. Jake then pulled his pants back up.
Jake reached up and undid the gag, then quickly leaned in for another long kiss. Once the kiss was over, Kole gruffly said “It’s time to let me loose. When is the deputy coming back with the damned key?” Jake pulled up his pants and reached down and untiled Kole’s booted feet. Then he said “this whole think was a setup. Mike really is a deputy. But he wasn’t here to investigate any false ID. It was my plan to get you in a position where I could get my way with you. I figured if I’d ask, you’d say no.” “Damn right, I’d say no!” blared Kole. “Now let me loose!” Jake reached into the bag and pulled out the key for the handcuffs. As he walked back over to let Kole loose, Kole planted a boot right into Jake’s crotch, sending Jake to the ground in pain. Though it delayed his release, Kole enjoyed the sight of the booted man below him withering in pain. Kole was a mix of emotions. He had thoroughly loved the bondage aspect, more than he could have ever imagined. He was still very conflicted about the sex in bondage part though.
Jake slowly stumbled to his feet. He fumbled with the key and said “I guess I deserved that.”. Kole was now free, and said “Take me home now”. Jake said “I’ll take you home, but first let’s talk a bit. I know I shouldn’t have done that, but I sure noticed how much you got into it once it was happening.” Kole blushed and was at a loss for words because, damn it, he really did enjoy it. Jake sat down in a patio chair and picked up his bourbon and took a big swig. Kole sat but was reluctant to drink the bourbon now. He instead chose the glass of water that was now provided him with every glass of bourbon.
Jake started his story. He was somewhat of a golden boy in school. Good in most sports, his parents had money, everyone told him he was handsome. Girls chased him. He dated a few, but never the same one for long. He eventually realized he had no real interest in girls. Instead, he found the farm boys, the ones he so looked down on, were what really interested him. Their dirty working-man boots that so contrasted to his always clean and polished boots fascinated him. Of course, he knew he’d never make a move on one. So his contact was limited to friendly banter and the frequent wedgie when the occasion presented. Jake’s “cool” friends laughed at the wedgies. Jake went home and had many masturbation fantasies after he wedgied some boot wearing farm boy that day. He also spent a lot of timing watching TV show where the booted hero often wound up tied up.
Then Jake graduated and went to a community college for his business degree. He commuted to classes every day. His shiny cowboy boots weren’t so cool there and the farm boys were either working or went to a different school. Mostly he was ignored, not one of the cool kids but not one of the geeks either. He even worked up the nerve to attend a gay group meeting, but never went back. When he wasn’t in class, he was at the dealership watching the farmers buy new pickup trucks and the occasional booted stud come in to buy a Wrangler, or on very rare occasions a Challenger. Though he was doing bookkeeping work, his office had glass walls to the showroom so he got a view of those customers.
After two years, he had his associate degree and was working full time in the business office so his Dad could sell cars. Being full time, he could easily get his work done and have time to admire scenery in the showroom.
Jake soon was able to buy a townhouse and loved the freedom. He dreamed of maybe someday inviting one of those farm boys over and romancing him. Until he saw poor soaking wet Kole bringing groceries out to his Jeep, it was just a dream. Jake watched Kole’s boots splashing across the parking lot and immediately felt bad. Here he was making some poor guy come out to do his dirty work. Jake quickly jumped out with his umbrella in an attempt to help improve the situation. Jake held the umbrella and noticed this guy was darned handsome under that plastic poncho, but with a sad look on his face. When Jake didn’t see any kind of ring on Kole’s finger, he summoned up his courage and made conversation, which eventually led to Jake inviting Kole over after work. Jake was flattered when Kole said yes and that he was leaving work now. Jake’s mind raced on the way home. He’d had a few anonymous gay encounters after attending some gay bars, but this was entirely something different. First, Kole was Jake’s fantasy type. And second, Jake wasn’t looking for a casual hookup. He had hopes for much more.
Jake decided to really come clean. “While you were in the shower, I started your laundry. But before I did, I made sure I got a good whiff of your damp underwear and soaked socks. Wow, what a rush!”. Jake confessed he wanted to do more that night – like imagining two naked (except for boots) men going at it like wild animals in heat while one of them was tied up in rope. But he decided to take it slowly hoping Kole might be more than a one-night stand. And Jake confessed he had felt Kole’s erection pushing into him that night. Jake admitted he’d probably rushed things with the events tonight, but he told Kole he was too sexy and couldn’t wait any longer. Jake again apologized for the wedgie the next morning, but the band of underwear peeking out of Kole’s jeans just brought back Jake’s high school masturbation fantasies. Jake admitted he jerked off twice during the day in the restroom at work reliving the memory. And that over the years, the fantasies of picking on farm boys evolved into tying them up and having his way with them.
“Your turn” Jake prompted.
Kole started his story about his love for farming. His plans to get a degree in agri-business and have a profitable farm. And how that all ended with the sale of the farm after his Dad died and his reluctance to live in the city with his Mom. Which led to the small one bedroom apartment and the job for the curbside section of the grocery store.
Then Jake asked “What about dating? Any girlfriends?”
Kole responded he really didn’t have time to date much in high school with the farm. He didn’t socialize much in college, but had attended a few parties. Yes, he’d had a beer occasionally at one of the parties. “But no, I was never detained for underage drinking!” Kole smiled. Jake chuckled.
Kole said he was sure one day, after college, he’d find a girl, marry, and settle to raise a family on the farm. Kole had hoped for a larger family. Farming wasn’t a job for an only child. Kole said he only learned after his father had died that an earlier brush with cancer had left him unable to have more children. When a young Kole asked why he didn’t have a brother to help on the farm, his Dad only responded, “We’re too busy to stop and have more kids.”
“What made you decide to take up my offer?” Jake prodded.
Kole responded “I’d withdrawn to myself mostly since my Dad died and I left college. I didn’t have any close friends at work. I guess I was lonely.” Then Kole slipped in “I did think you were pretty handsome though the black polo and khakis weren’t my style.” Kole thought a bit and said “I never even admitted that to myself until just now – I found you attractive. I guess I should have seen the signs when of all the old TV reruns we could watch, you picked a Dukes of Hazzard episode with bondage in it.”
Jake asked “Do you still want me to take you home?” Kole replied “I’ll make you a deal. You don’t chain me to the deck railing, and I won’t kick you in the balls again. And I will stay.” Kole was hesitant to admit several things: 1) He had enjoyed being tied up and gagged. 2) He found Jake extremely attractive and sexy. 3) Kole looked forward to the day he could extract revenge on Jake.
As if reading Kole’s mind, Jake said “One more question. Would tonight have happened if I hadn’t had you restrained?”
Kole said “I guess we’ll have to find that answer out another day.” And with that the two headed to bed where they snuggled and cuddled and spent much of the night with boners.
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Post by gag1195 »

Another great chapter! I'm glad they had a chance to talk things out... after having their fun!

It's funny, I have a similar scene planned for an upcoming chapter in one of my own stories! Just one of those happy coincidences!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Jake taking advantage of Kole is fun but I particularly enjoyed reading the heart to heart they had afterwards. Each of them really bared their soul to the other and it's really great to see Kole discovering himself. Definitely a new favourite couple and I like Kole's desire to get revenge.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Bootmark »

Chapter 4 - Kole's a Little Tied Up Right Now

Kole woke up early Sunday morning. He snuck out of bed and went downstairs to see what he could make for breakfast. The selection wasn’t that great, but he was able to heat a couple of frozen breakfast bowls and grab two glasses of orange juice. Kole placed this on a tray and headed for the bedroom.

Kole joked “I made breakfast, why don’t you clean up the dishes?” Jake grabbed the tray and took the breakfast dishes and trash to the kitchen.

When Jake came back upstairs, Kole was in the shower. Jake picked out Kole’s clothes for the day: a t-shirt, jeans, the square toe brown Ariat boots, socks, a pair of white Fruit of the Loom briefs. When Kole emerged from the shower, he saw the pile of clothes with a pair of handcuffs on top. Kole briefly considered grabbing the handcuffs and trying to overpower Jake, but Jake interrupted Kole’s thought. “Get dressed and hold your hands in front of you. I can’t have you running off while I shower” Jake said while smiling.

Kole sat on the bed, handcuffed, while Jake showered. And being handcuffed made Kole hard, especially while he wondered what Jake had planned for the day. It looked like Kole wouldn’t be getting revenge today.

Jake emerged from the shower, and it was obvious he was also excited by the thought of Kole waiting there handcuffed. Kole pulled a pair of black underwear over his erection then picked out a t-shirt and jeans along with his shiniest pair of black cowboy boots. “We’ve got to run into town for a few supplies this morning.” Jake announced.

Jake grabbed a jacket and led Kole outside. Once Kole was outside, Jake told him to get in the Jeep. Even though he was handcuffed, Kole managed to open the door and climb inside. Jake came over and Kole thought surely Jake would uncuff him. Instead, Jake instructed Kole to lift his arms so Jake could fasten the seat belt. Jake then handed the jacket to Kole and said “You’ll want to use this jacket to cover your hands. You don’t want anyone to know you’re sitting in the Jeep handcuffed, do you?” Kole decided he’d do as he was instructed and held onto the jacket, so his cuffed hands were not visible.

On the drive into town, they made small talk. Both found it very exciting that no one knew Kole was restrained inside the Jeep. The jacket hid Kole’s erection. There wasn’t anything to hide Jake’s bulge. Jake soon pulled into the parking lot of a large super store. “You wait here, and I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Jake said as he hoped out of the Jeep.

Kole patiently waited, watching customers come and go. It seemed camouflage was the preferred outfit of many of the guys entering and exiting the store. Kole kept a tight grip on the jacket covering his shackled wrists. He could only imagine what would happen if one of the country boys in camouflage found him handcuffed in the Jeep. Kole breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jake pushing a cart his way. Kole loaded the purchases into the Jeep and soon they were on their way back to the cabin.

Kole mentioned all the camouflage wearing guys. Jake said that camo and boots were the standard attire of the hunters and fisherman, which were plentiful in this area of the state. But then Jake joked “I didn’t need camo or a gun to bag my prey.” Kole knew that he’d been the hunted and Jake the hunter. And Kole was glad Jake had found and “captured” him.

They arrived back at the cabin. Jake came over and opened Jake’s door and unbuckled the seat belt so Kole could get out. Just as Kole was out, Jake came over and planted a kiss on Kole’s lips. Jake whispered “You have no idea how fucking hot you are, my boot wearing country boy in handcuffs. I couldn’t control my erection while I was walking around in the store thinking of you.” Jake continued the kiss and hugged Kole. Their erections pressed against their jeans, and even with Kole’s cuffed hands between them, their erections pressed against each other. As they kissed, Jake’s hands rubbed Kole’s crotch bulge then continued to explore Kole’s body. It wasn’t long before Jake’s hands were behind Kole and grabbed the waistband of Kole’s briefs from behind. Jake tugged and Kole was again the victim of the bully’s wedgie. Jake and Kole continued their kiss even as Kole’s underwear was being pulled higher and higher.

Then Jake let go of Kole’s underwear and stepped back and said, “Let’s get this stuff inside.” Jake handed Kole a case of beer and Jake carried in a couple of bags. Carrying a case of beer with cuffed wrists wasn’t the easiest thing, but Kole managed. The cuffs also meant Kole couldn’t pick the wedgie out of his ass and the underwear seemed to dig in deeper with each step.

Once inside, Jake told Kole to put the beer down and follow him to the deck. Kole complied, wondering what Jake was planning to do today. Jake pointed to a chair on the deck and Kole sat. Jake then took some rope and bound Kole’s booted ankles to the chair legs. More rope was used to bind Kole’s chest to the back of the chair. Jake then removed the cuffs and tied Kole’s wrists together. Kole wasn’t going anywhere. Jake went inside and came back and sat an opened beer down beside Kole. “You should still have enough movement to sip on that beer. Enjoy!”.

Once he sat, the underwear was really pressing on Kole’s balls and riding up his ass crack. But he couldn’t really do anything about it so he figured he may as well enjoy the beer. Jake tried to make casual conversation, but his captive now was a man of few words. “How about the weather” Jake asked. “Getting kinda warm” his victim responded. “Time for another beer. Finish that one up while I’m gone” Jake commanded. Kole complied and had emptied the can before Jake returned. Kole took advantage of the time alone to test his bonds. But the ropes securing him were not something he could undo. He wondered how Jake was such an expert at tying knots. And Kole had to admit, he enjoyed being another man’s captive, his dick was at full attention.

Jake sat one beer down for each of them. Jake opened Kole’s beer and said “Drink up!”. Jake chatted, Kole squirmed, and both drank. By the end of the second beer, Kole proclaimed “I need to piss.” expecting Jake would let him lose for that. Jake said, “Too bad. Piss where you are.” Kole considered the option then decided to hold it. Jake soon returned with another beer for each. Kole was reluctant to drink any more given the situation with his bladder. Jake figured he needed to force the situation and began tickling Kole especially under his armpits. The more Kole squirmed in his bonds, the more uncomfortable he became. His bladder was full and the assault from his underwear continued. Eventually Kole lost control and Jake saw the wet spot growing in Kole’s jeans. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jake taunted. Jake noticed that despite the piss, Kole was still maintaining an erection. Kole guessed there was little chance he was getting free any time soon, so he figured he’d just enjoy the bondage. He admitted the ropes binding his wrists were even more exciting than the handcuffs. He wasn’t going to tell Jake that, but Kole had discovered he loved being tied up.

After they finished their third beers, Jake ran inside to grab lunch while Kole was still secured to the chair in his piss-soaked jeans. Jake had no more than went inside when Kole noticed the clouds were getting darker. And then the first rain drops started falling. Kole yelled to Jake, but Jake either didn’t hear him or ignored him. Fortunately for Kole, it was just a brief shower. He was now a bit damp everywhere, though his crotch was still soaked.

Jake returned and chuckled. He thought it was funny the country boy he rescued from one rainstorm with an umbrella was stuck outside in the rain tied to a chair because of him in a different rainstorm. Kole didn’t think it was quite as humorous, however when Jake reached down to Kole’s piss-soaked crotch, Kole still had an erection. Jake commented that Kole sure seemed to enjoy his situation.

As Kole ate his lunch, he thought about his current predicament. Here he was, damp from a rainstorm, his crotch soaked with piss, his underwear still up his ass, roped and tied to a chair, slightly drunk from the beer - and his dick had been hard from the moment Jake put the handcuffs on him hours ago. After finishing lunch and another beer, Kole needed to piss again. He knew there was no use asking to be let loose to piss so he just pissed where he was. Jake heard the sound of the piss as it ran from the chair and hit the deck. “That’s my good country boy. I’ll get you another beer.” Jake said. Kole responded “Thank you, Sir.” When he heard Kole call him Sir, Jake’s cock instantly responded.

The clouds began to darken again, and it wasn’t long before the rain really let loose. Jake ran for the house leaving his victim behind. Kole knew he couldn’t move as he was well tired, so sipped his beer and the rain ran off him. He could feel the rain running down his back. He could feel the rain running down his legs and into his boots. Soon, Kole’s entire body was soaked and there was a good bit of water in his boots. Jake had returned from the cabin holding an umbrella. But this time he wasn’t sharing the umbrella. Like many summer storms, the rain was intense, but ended as quickly as it started, and the sun was back out.

As Jake and Kole continued the chat, Kole couldn’t help but think about the time, sometime in the future, when Jake would be tied up.

Kole soaked up the sun as it started to dry him out a bit. Kole also sipped on his beer, letting the alcohol build up his courage a bit. Kole said “I’m hard as hell and I need to get some relief!”

Jake responded, “Seeing as how you’re all tied up, I guess you’ll need a little help with that.”

Jake undid the ropes binding Kole to the chair but left the ropes binding Kole’s wrist in place. Now able to stand, Kole lifted his right leg up behind his ass to let the water run out of that boot. He then repeated with the other boot.

Jake led Kole over to the railing again, only this time he took some extra rope and secured Kole’s bound wrists to the deck as Kole faced the railing. Kole’s head raced, he was now in the opposite position as he was last night. What was Jake planning now?

Jake returned with some more socks to gag his bound country boy. These socks had a strong leather smell, but not too much foot smell. Then Jake took a bandana and blindfolded Kole. Jake knew Kole wasn’t ready for what Jake really wanted to do, but Jake was going to torment his bound victim a bit and make Kole wonder what would happen next.

Jake reached around from behind and felt Kole’s dick through his damp jeans. Kole was right, it was hard as hell and ready to explode. Jake undid Kole’s belt and unsnapped the jeans. Jake pulled the jeans all the way down so Kole’s booted feet were now secured by the jeans.

Jake admired how the damp, white underwear did nothing to hide Kole’s hard dick. Slowly, Jake pulled the briefs down. Jake started rubbing Kole’s ass cheeks, saying “If I decided to take you right here and now, there’s nothing you could do, my tied up cowboy!” The reaction, as Jake expected, was a lot of muffled sounds and pulling against the ropes from his gagged victim, but no escape.

Oh, how Jake wanted to take full advantage of his bound cowboy. But he didn’t, He massaged Kole’s ass cheeks, he dared run a finger most of the way down Kole’s ass crack. But that was it. He reached around and massaged Kole’s cock and balls a bit, which resulted in happier muffled sounds from the bound cowboy.

Jake let Kole get close to climax a couple times, but stopped as Kole grunted in protest. The third time, there was no stopping and the cowboy who’d been turned on all day by the bondage shot his load.

Later that night, the guys sat beside each other on a bench, and chatted, their boots touching. Kole’s head was still reeling with the events of the weekend. He’d come up here Friday night a virgin. Now just two days later he’d fucked Jake in the ass. He’d been tied up and enjoyed every second of that. And he even enjoyed the wedgies from the bully. But Kole also started planning. He was going to find a way to tie up Jake. Kole’s cock began growing at the thought. He didn’t know what Jake was thinking about, but Jake’s cock was erect as well.

However it was getting late. Those thoughts would have to wait for another day. The two guys snacked for dinner, then cleaned up, packed up, tidied the cabin, set an early alarm, and fell asleep embracing each other.
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Post by gag1195 »

I cannot wait until Kole attempts his revenge! Will he succeed? Will Jake turn the tables? Will Kole's knots hold or will Jake escape? What will Kole do if/when he gets Jake roped up? So many fun questions to think about!
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Post by Bootmark »

Chapter 5 - Hangin' Around
The alarm went off all too early. Jake explained there was a cleaning service that came in every Monday to tidy up the cabin, though the cabin seldom was used and certainly never had seen action like the previous weekend so they didn’t have to worry about the towels, sheets, and such.

Without thinking, Kole dressed in his normal work clothes. Jeans, T-shirt and his square toe boots. Quickly he realized the boots were still wet from yesterday’s rain on the deck. “Damn, he thought. But it’s too late as my other boots are packed away and my socks are wet now.” Jake was hot looking in boots, jeans, and a T-shirt. The guys were soon loaded up and heading back to town.

“I figure we need to stop by your place so you can grab a work shirt” Jake said. “The I’ll drop you off at the grocery store and go home to change for my work.” “Sounds good” replied Kole.

As they were heading down the road, Jake asked “I know I’m ready and you’re not, but do you think someday you’d consent to go all the way?” Kole smiled a bit and replied “If I’m tied up and unable to resist, I’d have no choice over what you might do to me.” Jake smiled at that reply.

They stopped for coffee along the way and soon enough were back to Kole’s apartment. “Mind if I come in while you grab your work shirt?” Jake asked. “Come on in!” Kole responded. Once inside the apartment, Jake grabbed Kole and planted a kiss on his lips. Their tongues battled. Each felt their cocks getting hard. Kole pulled back and said “We need to get going. I don’t want to be late”. Then Kole grabbed Jake’s crotch and said “Looks like a job for later!”

Kole was floating on air during his workday. Sure his feet were a bit uncomfortable inside his still wet boots. He didn’t yet want to fully admit it – but he now knew why he hadn’t found a girlfriend and he was now in love with Jake, and really enjoyed the bondage. And thinking of Jake and his ropes made him hard.

Jake was floating on air during his workday. And he was sure he was in love with Kole. And thinking of Kole, tied up and helpless, unable to resist, made him hard.

Around 2 in the afternoon while Jake was squirming around on his chair trying to make his erection comfortable his Dad popped into the door. “Jacob, your Grandmother isn’t feeling well and I need to go check on her. I’ve told the sales staff to check with you or call me if any issues come up” his Dad said. “Sure” Jake said, “Tell Grandma I love her.”

Jake noticed when he left work his Dad wasn’t back yet. He headed over to Kole’s apartment. Jake was back in his Grand Cherokee, sadly. He really missed the Wrangler. Kole didn’t care what Jake rode up in. After a brief kiss, Kole followed Jake to his place.

Tonight was dinner at Jake’s place. Kole made a salad while Jake was cooking up spaghetti. Kole noticed how the khakis seemed to cling to Jake’s ass and commented “Your ass is really looking sharp in those pants, even though I prefer to see it in jeans.

The dinner conversation was mundane compared to the events of the past weekend. Jake was curious how Kole managed to get a day shift with no weekends at the grocery store. “Because they know I show up and work hard, and that I can work while other people are in school.” was the answer. Was Kole happy with his job? “Not really, but it allows me to live somewhere other than in the city with my Mom. And I do have a small student load to pay since I’m not in school anymore. There’s not much left after the apartment, utilities, school loans, and food. But it’s better money than fast food!” Kole stated. Kole then turned the question around and asked Jake if he liked his job. “Yeah, it’s not bad, even though it’s a family business. The biggest thing that bothers me is my Dad insists on calling me Jacob!”

With that, the guys watched some TV and were in bed early. Though they cuddled and snuggled in bed, there was no sex. They enjoyed the quiet and needed the rest after the long weekend and getting up way too early to head back to town from the mountains.

Kole had brought work clothes. And unlike yesterday, his boots were dry. And with a kiss, Kole was off for work. Jake wasn’t far behind. Jake noticed his father’s car wasn’t there when he parked behind the building. Jake no more than sat down at his desk when his cell phone rang. It was his Dad. His Dad relayed the story. Jake’s grandmother had fallen yesterday. Luckily no broken bones and she probably had fainted from a reaction to some medication. Jake was in charge as his Dad would probably be out most of the day. Later in the day, Jake’s Dad texted to say he wouldn’t be in at all. He needed Jacob to stay until sales and service closed for the evening and then lock up.

Jake relayed the news to Kole. Kole said “No problem. I’ll grab us some dinner and come by after work. Oh, and I’ll make sure I call you Jacob.” That made Jake chuckle as he said. “Thanks, and I’ll see you then!”

As promised Kole showed up with a pizza and soft drinks for the two of them. Over the next couple hours Kole watched as people left for the day and Jacob slowly shut the place down. Finally the last person left. “Come with me as I check everything is secure for the night” Jacob said. “Oh and you can finally stop calling me Jacob for now.”

First Jake locked the showroom doors and turned off most of the lights, except the few that were supposed to be left on. Next it was time to secure the service entrance and turn out most of the lights there. Kole was in awe of the service setup. “I wish we’d had a fraction of this stuff on the farm. The machinery would break often and we’d either repair it in the barn or wherever it broke.”

While Kole was drooling over the lifts, the diagnostic equipment, the huge toolboxes, all the cool stuff, he didn’t see Jake sneak up behind him with a pair of handcuffs. Kole’s hands were quickly cuffed in front. Then Jake grabbed a hook on the end of a chain and hooked it on Kole’s belt. Kole was now helpless to do anything, as Jake pressed a button and the chain tightened. Kole pushed the button again and no slack was left in the chain. “You ass!” Kole yelled. Another press of the button and Kole was now standing with only the balls of his feet on the floor, his boot heels lifted off the ground and his jeans pulled up into his ass. “Now technically this isn’t a wedgie” Jake taunted “Let me finish closing up and I’ll let you down” Jake said.

The pain in his balls made it seem that Jake took forever to return. And the handcuffs meant he was powerless to do anything about it. And frankly Kole was horrified someone would walk in or peek through a window and see him. How would they ever explain that? He figured if he yelled out at Jake that would only increase the chances of being found. So he suffered in silence.

Jake really wasn’t gone long, though Kole’s sense of time made it seem much longer. Jake said “I’m finished. I’m glad you came to hang around with me! I probably should leave you hanging until you piss yourself but it’s getting late” Fortunately, he was out of range of Kole’s boot toe because he probably deserved another kick in the balls. Jake let Kole down, but kept Kole in cuffs until they were ready to leave the building.

That night they stayed at Kole’s apartment. Kole tried to be mad, but he could not. He had his own bully that liked to pick on country boys. And Kole would eek out his revenge over time, and Kole liked being the victim at times. They cuddled and snuggled and both dicks were growing hard as they slept thinking of Kole hanging there on his boot toes.

Jake’s Dad was back at work the next morning and in Jacob’s office as soon as Jake sat down. “Your grandmother wants to see you. She’s well enough for visitors and you’re the first one she asked for. This morning will probably be slow, so go see her now.”

Jake didn’t like the hospital, but then figured no one else probably really liked it either. He made it to his Grandma’s room. His Grandma looked weak and pale, not as feisty as she usually was. She told Jakie (“Jakie” was the only thing worse than “Jacob”) that she hadn’t felt well and fainted sometime in the morning. She woke up on the floor and was able to get to the phone for help. “Jakie, I want you to understand how scared I was. For the longest time, I wanted to leave my old house and move into the senior apartments where my friends live. It’s lonely in my old house and all my friends live in those apartments. I’ll be closer to everything and won’t have to drive much.”

“I know your Dad and your Mom won’t like it, but I want you to move into my house. Your sisters don’t want to live in the country. Your aunts, uncles, and cousins are all happy at the other family car dealerships in the city. I’ll give the house to you if want to live there. I wanted to do this before you bought your nice house you have now, but your father didn’t agree. I want you, not a stranger, to live there. Think about it and let me know your answer. I’m going to keep working on your Dad so he’ll understand it really is time for me to move into an apartment.”

Jake hugged his Grandma goodbye and she said “Jakie, I’m glad someone still likes to go up to the mountain cabin.” Jake wasn’t sure if she knew anything about his guest or not.

Jake texted Kole and said there would some interesting things to discuss tonight.
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Post by Red86 »

Just patiently waiting until Kole can get some payback on Jake 😅

It's kind of funny I'm thinking that way because I'm dominant and would be pissed if someone pulled bondage tricks on me. But for some reason I've been wanting Jake to get a taste of his own medicine even if Kole has been enjoying what's happening.
Bootmark wrote: 1 year ago Sometimes they’re slow to get angry and take revenge, but when they do…
Idk, maybe this little seed you planted is making me wanna see Kole get his payback even more. It's your story so we'll see if it happens!
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Post by gag1195 »

I too cannot wait for Mole to finally get his revenge! For a moment I was sure it would happen in this chapter with the handful of times the pair were at Kole's apartment... Oh well. I can appreciate that Kole is playing the long con and the more Jake messes with his cowboy, the sweeter the cowboy's revenge will be!
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Post by TightropesEU »

You are a great writer, love your 2 stories. Hope you will write more. I am curious, you mentioned another website, which one?
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