Amelia (F/M)- Repost

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Amelia (F/M)- Repost

Post by guardian741 »

Hi everyone!
[mention]the_j_man[/mention] asked me for one of my OLD OLD stories which made me realize I've actually written a handful of stories that I haven't put on this board yet, so I'm going to do that now!

Pretty much all of them involve Foot Smelling / Sock Gags, so if that's not your jam, move along!


When I was about 19, I was a manager at a fast food restaurant. One of my crew members was Amelia, a blonde 18-year old. She wasn't drop-dead gorgeous, but she was cute. She
was slightly plumb, had pretty brown eyes and giggled a lot. One day, I was giving her a bunch of crap at work; anytime she would ask me why she had to do something, my smart-
ass answer would be "because I'm the boss". Near the end of the shift, I could tell she was annoyed with it, but I didn't think anything of it.

When payday of that week came, she texted me. Her text said: "hey, I'm not feeling well today. Is there any chance you could swing my check by my house after you work? Thanks"

I figured to make-up for being an ass earlier that week, I would indulge her. So, I told her I would. When my shift ended at 3:00, I made my way to her house. I knocked on the
door and I heard her shout from inside, "It's open!" So, I opened the door and walked inside. I didn't see her in the living area so I called out for her: "Hello?" She replied
(from the top of the stairs), "I'm upstairs, in my room" When I walked up the stairs I went into her room, but didn't see her. I said again: "hello?" Before I could turn around
to look for her some more, I was tackled to the ground and my arms were pulled behind my back. I turned my head and in the corner of my eye, I could see it was Amelia that was
now SITTING on my back. However, by the time I realized this, I had already heard the *click* of the handcuffs around my wrist.

"Amelia, what the hell are you doing?"

She replied simply, "Just having some fun. Just relax, I promise I won't hurt you."

I tried to get up, but with my arms behind my back, and Amelia (probably near 130 lbs) sitting on me, it was very difficult and I ended up going nowhere. I then felt a softer
material being wrapped around my wrists. I, again, asked Amelia what she was doing now. She said: "I'm tying your hands with rope; I may need those handcuffs later!"
She tied a loop around each wrist, then wrapped the rope around both wrists together, occasionally "cincing" in-between and eventually tying it off. She quickly tied my elbows
together, although, not as detailed. She took the cuffs off.

"Alright, you got me, now let me go." Amelia simply hushed me, then quickly (and again, not very detailed) tied my ankles, knees, and thighs together. I was tightly bound and
was unable to budge at all. Amelia laughed at me and taunted me:

"hahahaha, did I tie you up a little too tight? Are you unable to get out of a GIRL'S ropes?"
She continued to laugh at my struggling - she was right though, it was too tight. There was no way I could untie myself without some help.

I asked why she was doing this. She replied:

"Because, I thought it would be good for me to prove that you're NOT the boss."

"Amelia, this isn't funny." I said, struggling even more against the ropes; nothing budged. "Untie me RIGHT. NOW."

Amelia pulled my side and rolled me over until I was on my back. About this time I noticed the roll of duct tape on the floor. Amelia then sat on my mid-stomach / lower chest
and looked down at me and smiled.

"I'm not going to let you go, because I'M the boss now. I just want to have a little fun with you, but I can't enjoy myself if you're constantly telling me what to do..."

She looked honestly confused. Then suddenly, her eyes lit up and a grin spread across her face. She used her hands to pry off her left tennis shoe and let it fall to the floor.
A slightly stale smell rushed into the room (at least, my portion of the room). I made a "yuck" noise and turned my head away from her, now socked, foot (her socks were white).
She then took off the right shoe as well and I was greeted with the same stale smell.

Now fully irritated at the fact that I was tightly tied up and one of my subordinates was airing out her feet near my face, I began to shout in a stricter tone:

"Oh," she replied, "shut up".
She then began to peel off her socks; her left foot first, and then her right. She held both socks in one hand and held them infront of my mouth, about 2inches from my lips.

"Open wide" she said.

I refused. There was no way in hell. Because the socks were so close to my face, I could smell them, too. They were not pleasant at all. (On a scale of 1-10, they were about a
"7" in stink).

She said, "you're right."
Then, she flipped one sock inside out. She reached into the second sock, and did the same thing to that one.

"Much better" She said with a sweet smile. She pressed both socks (now somewhat wadded into a ball of gross) up to my face. I still -now more than ever - kept my mouth tightly
shut and shook my head.

"Stop being such a wimp" she said. Then, she reached her free hand down to my hip/stomach area and began to tickle me. I tried to fight her, but with me being tied up, I
obviously didn't get far. I began laughing.... which meant I opened my mouth.

She used her free hand to push my head down to one side. Then, she took the ball of wadded-up socks and shoved it into my shrieking mouth. She managed to push the ball all the
way in. She used to fingers to push a few "sticking out spots" into my mouth, then used that hand to cover my mouth and keep the socks in.

My eyes likely buldged at the taste. They carried the same stale "essence" that her shoes did when she took them off, but were also very salty. Not to mention, they created
a bitter taste in my mouth. So, salty AND bitter... wonderful. I moaned my displeasure and tried to push the socks out with my tongue, but her hand was firmly planted over
my mouth (not to mention, pressing my tongue into those socks made the salty sensation that much worse).

In the meantime, Amelia had used her other hand and her teeth to peel a long strip of duct tape that she was now biting off with her teeth. Her hand lifted off my mouth for no
more than half a second before I felt the tape being smoothed over my lips. She now used both hands to rip additional (not quite as long) strips off the roll and fasten them
over my mouth. In total, 5 strips were placed over my mouth/face to keep the sweaty socks securely in my mouth.

I tried to shout at her: "Untie me right now, this is disgusting!" but, of course it sounded like a severely muted: "mmph mmph mmmmm, mmmmph mmmph mmmpmmmpmh"

My cries did not seem to sway her. She remained seated on top of me, mocking me for a few minutes:
"How do those taste? Good, huh? Mmmmm" and "What's that? You LIKE the taste of my feet? Well, good!" and "Your tongue is pressed against the same part that pressed against my
feet... yum!"

After 10 minutes of muffled yelling and futile struggling (even harder with a person sitting on you), I began to calm down. I stopped struggling, made my final groan and just
chewed on the dirty socks and waited for Amelia to make her move.

"Still think YOU'RE in charge?" She asked me, with a slight laugh at the end. I just groaned and stared.

"So yeah, I'm the boss." She continued, clearly enjoying the power she had over me, "You're tied up with my sweaty socks in your mouth. That definitely makes me the boss.
And oh, by the way, I didn't bother changing my socks after my run this morning, just thought you should know"

I tried shouting at her again, but was quickly reminded that these "running socks" in my mouth inhibit any attempt at speech.

She stood up and put her hands on her waist - as if she had just finished a long day's work.

"well," she said, "I'm going to go relax and watch tv for a bit. Don't go anywhere." She laughed at her own joke, she then headed for the door.
I mmmmphed at her, begging to be untied and not to be left, but my message didn't get through to her. She closed the door behind her. I just waited for 2 mins, thinking she
would come back and say "just kidding!" But she didn't. I tried multiple attempts at dislodging the socks from my mouth, but the tape held. And somewhere in the process, my
tongue found an "undiscovered" part of the sock, bringing the salty/bitter taste back to full strength. The awful flavor made my stomach hurt. I struggled viciously against
the ropes, but was unsuccessful.

About 10minutes into my experience of being tied up, left, and sucking on dirty socks, I decided that if I couldn't untie myself, maybe I could explore her room and find
something to cut the ropes with? So, I flipped myself onto my back. Between my hands pushing the floor, and my heels of my feet "pulling" on the floor" I was able to move
inch-by-inch. My goal was her desk.

However, everything was going TOO well. While I was inch-worming to the desk, I lost balance and "fell" into her office-style chair. The back of the chair knocked over a big
picture frame -which not only made enough noise in it of itself - but knocked two other smaller frames onto the floor. They landed with a thud. 10 seconds later I hear someone
rushing up the stairs and barge into the room. I didn't even have to look to tell who it was.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" Amelia shouted.

I tried to muffle my defense, but no distinguishable words came out. I gave up halfway through my sentence.

"You're being a very naughty kidnap-victim!" Amelia said. "You miss me THAT much? Well, that's very sweet of you, but my show still has 40minutes on it (groan from me). Hmm..."
"I obviously can't trust you not to break things, but I feel bad that you miss me so much. I'VE GOT IT!"

She dragged me, by my feet, to the middle of the room. She produced some more rope from somewhere and knotted a loop around my bound ankles. She then tightly tied this loop
to the rope wrapped around my thighs. It was so tight that my heels were no more than 2 inches from touching my thighs. She then did the same thing to my wrists; knotted a
loop around them and tied them tightly, this time, to my ankles. Whilst I had about 2-3 inches of slack, this tight hogtie made me uncomfortable if I did not arch my back sli-

I pleaded with her not to leave me tied in this stricter position. But once again, my attempts at speech were muffled by my gag. Amelia made some reference to how much
I loved the taste of her sweaty socks.

"don't worry, I'll give you something to remember me by" Amelia said, then gave a short laugh. She walked behind me, but because of my hogtie, my head couldn't follow her.
However, I saw (when she walked back infront of me) one of her discarded tennis shoes (one she took off earlier) in one hand, and the roll of duct tape in the other.

Hell No. I screamed into my gag. There was NO WAY she was going to do what I thought she was going to do! My screaming and struggling (although, the tight hogtie made it so
you couldn't even notice I was struggling) did nothing to stop her though. She got on her knees infront of me and said with a smile:

"see? you're definitely not going to forget about me!"

She then placed her shoe sitting-up on the floor. She pushed my head down into the opening of the shoe and held it to my face with one hand while she began wrapping the
long strip of tape (still attached to the roll) around the shoe and the back of my head. Once she made a full circle, she used both hands and started wrapping the tape around
like a madwoman, laughing hysterically while she did it (her laughing being far louder than my gagged cries for anyone that might hear me). She finally stopped wrapping tape
around my head when she got to the 9th lap. That shoe was securely attached to my head.

The smell of this shoe was putrid. It had the same smell her socks did, but amplified by like, 8. It was musty, stale, and had the strong, "sour" smell of feet. I couldn't
shake off the shoe - despite how hard I tried - but there were small holes between the opening of the shoe and my cheeks to allow a fair amount of fresh air in. I pressed my
head to the floor, push the shoe to the floor, and turned my head to try and get as much of that fresh air as possible. Amelia picked up on what I was doing, however.

"no, no, no, I don't think so!" she tsked "how are you supposed to remember me if you don't get the FULL effect from my shoe?"
she got to her feet and walked over to her laundry basket (which, looked closer to a "pile" right now) and dug around in it. When she returned, she was holding two white socks;
these socks looking far more used than the ones I was gagged with. These had a brown/gold outline of her foot on them.

"Now" she said as she bent down towards me, "let's fix this little issue"

she shoved the toe-end of each sock into the "hold" between my face and the shoe. The socks went in far enough to touch the edges of my nostril, but not enough to block my air.
This, however, meant my fresh air supply was gone, and was now replaced by sweaty socks. These putrid socks, of course, did nothing to help the smell of this nasty shoe, in
fact, they made it worse. After a few muffled complaints, I gave up struggling and just laid still, smelling the shoe.

"Good boy." she said "I'm going to finish my show now. Remember me... and who's in charge!" She blew me a kiss, walked behind me, then I heard the door close.

I was quite embarassed at this point. A YOUNGER girl had me tightly tied up in her room, her sweaty, disgusting socks taped in my mouth, and her foul, putrid shoe
taped over my nose. I spent the next 40 minutes taking tortured breath after tortured breath of her stinky shoe through my nose. Every 10 minutes or so, when I would get over-
whelmed by the taste of the socks and the smell of the shoe, I would viciously struggle against the ropes - mostly out of frustration; and, of course, nothing became of it.

FINALLY, 40 minutes later, Amelia returned. And, of course, mocked me some more:

"mmmm, doesn't that shoe smell SO good?" and "you look so cute with your face in my stinky shoe!" and "if you really like those tasty socks, I have a bunch more just like

Admittedly, I expected to be untied at this point. Or at least, have that God-awful shoe taken off my poor, abused nose. But, nope. Amelia decided this was the best time to
check her Facebook. She sat in her desk chair, and put her laptop on her lap and began typing away. She slid the chair over to me so that she was only 2-3 feet away or so.
Then, much to my disbelief, the bitch kicked her bare feet right onto my back and proceeded to use me as a footrest! That was icing on the cake; tied up, sucking on sweaty
socks, smelling a foul shoe and now was a resting place for bare, unwashed feet. I was pissed. I started tugging at the ropes, shouting into my sock gag, trying to squirm back
and forth. But of course, I barely moved and her feet stayed comfortably where she put them. Amelia did even look up when she said:

"keep being a pain, and I switch my other shoe to your nose"

I groaned and laid in defeat for 10 more minutes while Amelia rested her nasty feet on me. A few minutes into her facebook-checking she moved one of her feet to my bound hands
and rubbed that foot all over them saying: "feel free to rub them, if you want". I, of course, never did, but that didn't stop her from rubbing them all over my defence-less
hands for the remainder of the time.

After catching up on her online life and posting a status that I later saw said: " Using my boss as a footstool, definitely a good day!"
(which, by the way, received comments such as:
- "Wow, have fun with that!"
- "Are you serious? Make sure you don't wash your feet!"
- "Nice. Rub 'em on his face. I do it to my brother all the time ;-) "
- "lol If you have room for a second let me know" )

She finally grabbed a pair of scissors and cut through the tape that was securing the shoe to my nose. When it dropped to the floor, i took a deep breath of the air that wasn't
polluted by sweaty feet. Better yet, she untied the two ropes forcng me into a hogtie, I was finally able to stretch my legs! For her final adjustment, she untied my hands
(and elbows), and quickly handcuffed them infront of me (she was sitting on me, using her weight & knees to have one arm pinned down at all times; I couldn't have escaped if I
had tried). She tied them with rope, tied another rope around my arms and my waist, securing my arms down, then undid the cuffs. I was now lying on my back, legs tied together
and arms tied together, tied down to my waist. Whatever, anything was better than that hogtie.

After mocking me a few times about being "a great washing machine" she also cut the tape trapping her dirty socks in my mouth. I thanked her repeatedly and begged her to let me
go. She refused. When i began to beg again, she clamped her hand over my mouth. After 20 seconds, she stood up and said:

"You DO owe me a thank you. You need to kiss my feet, 10 times each" and then hovered her foot over my face. They definitely weren't clean. Nowhere near as gut-wrenching as
her shoes, but her feet stunk in a different way. I don't know, more "cheesy"? "sharp"? All I know is, I wasn't about to kiss them.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed "I'm not kissing your nasty feet!"

"Remember, I'm the boss" she cooed, "I don't care how nasty you think my feet are; you just sniffed my shoes for 40 minutes, and had my socks in your mouth for almost an hour
and a half! If you don't kiss my BEAUTIFUL feet, there will be consequences!"

I still refused. I couldn't do it, the smell was just too much for me to handle.

"Fine" she said. She made me wish I would've just kissed her feet....

The socks she had previously stuffed in the shoe to fill the "holes", the ones with the brown/gold footprint on them. Yeah, those quickly found their way into my mouth, both of
them. Duct-tape was being wound around my mouth excessively. At least 3 times around my mouth, but she kept moving down with the tape; down to my chin, down my neck, then back
up, and finished with 3 more rolls around my mouth. She created a friggin' MASK of duct-tape; but it worked, there was no way I was spitting out those socks, and the layers of
tape kept me even quieter than before.

These new (or should I say "old"?) socks were horrid. There wasn't even a "salty" taste dominance to them like the first pair had, these socks were nothing but bitter. I almost
gagged, but managed to hold it back because I knew it had nowhere to go. For grins and giggles I tried to push the socks out against my duct-tape mask. They didn't go anywhere,
and I managed to make them "unball" and expand, filling my mouth easily & giving my tongue nowhere to hide. I groaned a long groan signaling my foolishness.

Amelia then went to a pile of boxes in her room (I assume it was her college stuff) and grabbed 2 large tote cases (the clear ones) full of junk... heavy junk. She put one on
each side of my head, then pushed them together, wedging my head inbetween them. Because of all the junk in them, I couldn't move them with my head alone. I was confused until
she brought her office chair over to me, and set it right above me, then my heart sank.

Amelia sat in her chair and looked at me and smiled.
"See, kissing my feet would have been SO much easier. Now, because you chose not to, you have my sweaty jogging socks in your mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if they were a
little nastier than my previous socks - I wore those for 3 jogs in a row!" She laughed.

I moaned in disgust, disgusted not only by the horrid flavor of these bitter socks, but now because I knew they were pressed against Amelia's nasty feet for an hour a day, for
3 days in a row.

"You'll live" she said, shrugging off my moans of dispair. "And NOW," she said with a grin, "you have to smell my LOVELY feet. And one more fun fact: I didn't shower today
after my jog! (moan from me) But, just sucks to be you, I guess!"

With that, she lowered both feet right onto my face, her arches over my nose. I screamed into my gag and tried to shake my head, but those boxes kept my head facing towards the
ceiling. Her feet moved freely over my face and I wasn't able to move at all.

The first few sniffs were awful because of how intense the smell was (Amelia later admitted to wearing shoes the entire time I had a shoe taped to my nose so that her feet
didn't air out before she wanted them to). My attention kept switching between my two stink-tortures: I would be bothered by the putrid feet over my nose, then my attention
would turn to the awful, bitter taste in my mouth from the socks, then back to the horrid feet, etc, etc.

Amelia was definitely enjoying herself, and enjoying watching my face twist-up as I inhaled the air eminating from her stinky feet. She rubbed one foot slowy over my face
for heel-to-toe from chin-to-nose repeatedly. And, of course, mocked me relentlessly:

"Trick or treat, smell my feet" and "I probably should have showered" and "That's right, get a nice deep sniff. Smell's good, huh?"

She eventually stopped moving them and just rested one foot on my chest, and the other right on my face, with my nose at the base of the ball of her foot. I tried to "zone-out"
but after 20 seconds or so the horrible stench from the foot over my nose brought me back to the reality of my situation: tied up by an 18-year old girl, gagged with her
3-day old socks, and my face was being used as her foot-rest for her feet which, by the way, haven't been washed. After 10 minutes of this torture, I began to struggle against
my bonds a little, mmmph into my gag A LOT and tried to demand her to untie me. Her simple response? :

"I'm in charge. You're not. And I say, smell my feet" and with that, she slid her foot down so that her toes curled over my nose. This brought the stink to its fullest.
Now brought to a level of disgusted I had not yet reached today, I screamed into my sock gag and shook my head vigorously... or at least tried to. Realistically, the scream
wasn't much louder than any of my other mumblings and my head, still be effectively pinned between the two boxes, didn't move at all. So, Amelia flexed her toes over my nose
and rubbed my face with her feet with ease while unaware that I was fighting vigorously to move my nose. Her feet made me wish the shoe was back over my nose instead.

For the next hour, this was my life. I stayed completely still (despite my efforts) while a pair of the smelliest feet I have ever encountered slid over my face at-will; I did
nothing besides inhale the putrid scent and chew the bitter socks. Any attempts to free myself or speak were rewarded with smelly toes gripping at my nose.

After the hour, Amelia set her laptop aside and looked down at me and asked if her "feet smelled good. 1 mmph for yes, 2 mmmphs for no"

At first, I did 2 mmmphs (no), but then she said that I should "learn to love them" and began to rub them over my face again. I quickly mmmmphed to try to change my answer.
After 30 seconds of making me endure her foot odor, she asked the question again, this time with her toes splayed over my nose. It pained me to lie, but I gave her 1 mmmph (yes)
and she replied "good answer".

She took her rank feet off of me and cut my duct-tape mask off, allowing me to spit our her 3-day old socks. I begged to be let go, and she quickly shoved her heel in my mouth.
It did not taste good - very salty like the first socks - but it was much better than the 3-day old socks, so I didn't argue it.

Amelia said, "one last thing. You owe me a footrub. You have to rub each foot AND you must have the other in your mouth while you do so."

I hated the thought of her feet in my mouth, but the last thing I needed was a 3rd pair of dirty socks in my mouth, so I gave a quick moan, and began rubbing her other foot.
She shifted the one in my mouth so that her toes were in my mouth. Again, horrible taste (AND I could smell...), but I just wanted to be let go. After I gave each foot a 5-min
foot rub (and toe-suck), she finally untied me. She reminded me that she was the boss and that if I barked orders at her again, I would be right back here smelling her
"prefect" feet. I went back home to wash the stench of feet off my face. I didn't tell anyone about the encounter; it was all in fun.... mostly for her... but no harm
was meant. I just feel bad for the next sorry-sap that gives her one too many orders...
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Post by CrazyAsianGuy »

I remember this story from the old site! Gladto read it again! Thanks for the upload bud :D
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

This is amazing
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Post by Socklover2.0 »

I guess we learn here never annoy a girl you work w/ lol they’ll get their revenge
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Post by Pablo »

Or annoy them so they have to get their revenge like this lol
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Post by SinfulSloth »

Really enjoyed this one, loved all the forced sock and shoe smelling.
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Post by tiedupnic »

I wish I was in his situation. I think I would have enjoyed it much more than him. Nice story.
Tied up and gagged at her stinky feet.

Discord: tuglovernic#3028
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Post by tiedupnic »

I wish I was in his situation. I think I would have enjoyed it much more than him. Nice story.
Tied up and gagged at her stinky feet.

Discord: tuglovernic#3028
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