First Ties Part 3 (m/f) (tickling, hogtied)

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First Ties Part 3 (m/f) (tickling, hogtied)

Post by HydeUAI »

Hello all, this story is a spiritual successor to the “First Ties” story, and is a creative writing project. Additionally, it’s a complete work of fiction. Feel free to leave feedback and suggestions for next parts as the original author proposed.

Link to the original: First Ties (M/f) (Part 2) - Stories of Tie Up Games (

Austin felt a slight amount of guilt as he looked through the fridge for something to make for Clara and himself. What would the Bells think if they found out about, or worse came home and saw him tying up Clara. Forget about his pay, they’d probably call his parents. His cheeks burned red with the thought of shame. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Clara yelling something at him.

“Find anything for dinner?” Clara yelled out from the living room.

He could hear she’d turned on the TV, and it sounded like an episode of Stranger Things was playing, but he couldn’t figure out the exact episode. He knew that her parents probably wouldn’t approve of how scary and at times violent it could be.

As he walked in he said: “Hey I know your parents probably won’t be okay with you watching this without their permission.”

Clara looked up at him with her mischievous blue eyes and smirk on her face. “Well they’re not here to stop me. What are you gonna do about it?” Her feet rubbed over the floor as she fidgeted back and forth almost like she was ready to bolt from predators on the savannah. Her pale skin stood out from her bright yellow sundress dotted with white polka dots. Her face was dotted with some light freckles and her jet black cascaded down the sides of her face before halting at the tips of her shoulders. Her shoulders, partially bared by the sundress, also appeared to be lightly freckled as well. Her nose wrinkled as she said “So I guess I’ll just keep watching.” and went back to watching. It was almost like she was begging for Austin to do something, and Austin could guess what. She had really come out of her shell, having been embarrassed by the idea of needing a babysitter earlier.

The shame he felt previously immediately drained. “If you keep poking the bull, then you’re gonna get the horns.” he said. He was wearing a red shirt with a large NASA logo on it, and a pair of faded blue jeans that trailed down just slightly above his ankles. He was growing so much that his parents refused to buy him a new pair until they were unwearable. However, jeans that were slightly too short at the ankles were instyle at the moment so it worked out. He also had a pair black socks on to keep his feet warm on the Bell’s cool grey hardwood floors. He always wore socks, with black being his favorite color. “But first we need to make some dinner. I’m thinking of spaghetti and meatballs. Is that okay?” he questioned.

Clara shrugged and said “Sure”.

Austin went back to the kitchen and got started. He started with boiling a package of 12 oz. pasta. Then started heating half a jar of tomato sauce in a small saucepan before dropping in a handful of frozen pre-packaged beef/pork meatballs. He allowed it to sit and went back to his thoughts. “What exactly have I stirred up here?” he asked himself. Sure, Clara suggested the tie up punishment and even asked him to keep her tied up, but had he taken it a step too far with tickling her? On the other hand, she’d egged him on, offering her feet up to him, and even keeping them lifted up. But he was the older in-charge babysitter. He was responsible. A part of him had a lot of fun though, and was almost hoping to have a chance to get her tied up again. She was already eager and asked for it. And if she was tied up… well then his fingers could roam. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by seeing the pasta water boiling over the pot. He quickly turned off the burner and poured the contents of the pot in a strainer in the sink. The steam and heat radiated out of the sink. Taking a pair white porcelain plates and utensils out the cabinets and setting them aside, he reduced the temperature of the burner on the meatball saucepan. “Clara, dinners ready! Just come an grab a plate.” Austin called out.

Clara looked up towards the kitchen through the doorway. She paused the TV, and stood up. She hadn’t realized it, but as her stomach growled with a loud grrrrrrrrr, she realized just how hungry she was. She walked to the kitchen, her bare feet pitter pattering on the grey hardwood. She saw that Austin had already made himself a plate and poured himself a glass of lemonade at the kitchen island. She reached up on her tip toes and grabbed a clear glass and poured herself a glass of lemonade from the pitcher on the counter. She scooped a generous amount of pasta from the strainer before draining some tomato sauce and a few meatballs. As she walked over the empty chair on the island with her meal she thanked Austin.

“Thanks for making dinner!” she said.

“No problem, your parents showed me where everything was before they left and asked me to keep dinner easy. Plus they said you're picky.” he replied.

They began eating in mostly silence, the only sounds were the clank of silverware on plates. Clara wolfed down her meal as quickly as possible, and went to get seconds.

“Wow you sure were hungry!” he exclaimed. He had only gotten halfway through his pasta.

Clara looking over her shoulder replied “Well I was really hungry. Plus all that struggling earlier really worked up a sweat.” As she walked back over, she said “So are you gonna tie me up again? I really want to do it again.” Austin’s heart skipped a beat. “She really wants me to play another game? So she really did have fun.” he thought. Ideas started to run through his head of other ways to tie her up. Maybe tie her hands and feet together? Or maybe tie her to a chair? Or maybe outstretched on the couch? Any of these options seemed appealing…

“Maybe if we have time after dinner and before your parents get back. It’s already 7:30.” he said with some slight anxiety to his voice. He didn’t want to give away that he was seemingly excited as she was.

“Oh come on, can we please. I’ll help clean up and get changed into my PJs quickly. And you can let me go right before my mom and dad get home. I really had fun.” she begged. As Clara begged, she looked up at him with her best puppy dog eyes, that always worked on neighbors and teachers at school (although it never worked on mom and dad, ugh). But Austin held fast and put on a staunch face.

“I’ll have to think about Clara. We’ll see.” he said. Clara slightly pouted, her ploy seeming not to work. Clara decided to try out plan B. She began to randomly and lightly kick Austin as they ate. Austin pretended not to notice at first, but quickly grew annoyed.

“Clara, stop that. I know what you're doing.” he demanded.

“I’m not doing anything!” She mockingly exclaimed.

“If you kick me one more time, you’re gonna regret it.” he warned.

Clara thought for a moment, and then let her foot fly once more. Stopping just short of touching Austin's jean covered calf. Immediately Austin lunged to his side to grab her ankle. He was gonna teach her a lesson with all this teasing she’d been doing. But Clara was quick and hopped off the chair and ran for the stairs, presumably to her bedroom.

“You better run, cause I’m coming to get you!” he called after her. “If you’re changed into your PJs when I get up there, I might consider not punishing you too badly.” he teased. Austin knew that was a lie. Austin quickly cleaned up the empty plates, utensils and glasses, putting it all in the sink. “I’ll clean this later," he thought to himself. Austin had more important things on his mind. He looked at the clock: 7:35. Clara’s parents said they’d be back around 10 or 11. That gave him 2-3 hours to play one more game, get Clara in bed asleep and be ready to ride his bike home down the street. He gave Clara 5 more minutes to change into her PJs and to look around for some more equipment. As he looked around he found a black winter scarf on the coat rack of the entrance way. Now he had four different scarves at his disposal. Ideas for how to use them began swimming through his head, until he settled on an idea.

5 minutes had passed and he no longer heard thump on the floor upstairs. Everything was still. “Ready or not, here I come.” he exclaimed and gingerly strolled up the stairs skipping a step here and there. As he reached the top he heard some shuffling coming from the room with a door labeled with a sign: “Clara’s Room” in pink marker with small little pink flowers around it. He walked lightly as he approached the door. “If you surrender now, I’ll go easy.” he warned. He again knew this was a lie. Austin had plans to teach Clara a lesson in teasing your elders (even if Austin was nearly the same age). As Austin gripped the door knob he heard a suppressed giggle. Austin smirked and busted in, dumbfounded to not see anyone.

“Clara, O Clara. Where might you be hiding? I’m definitely going to punish you now, and it’s going to be MUCH worse than earlier.” he said. He noticed a discarded yellow dress hanging on the hamper, meaning she’d changed as Austin asked. Austin began pacing the room, looking for his prey. Under the bed: nothing. Under the sheets: nothing. Behind the white curtains: nothing. There was only one place left: the closet. Austin smirked, knowing his hunt would soon end. He picked the scarves from earlier off the cream carpet floors and stalked to the closet.

Clara I know you're in thereeeeee.” he sang. “I’m gonna open this closet on the count of three. 1. 2.” and immediately opened the door, faking Clara out. There she stood in a long sleeve grey T-Shirt with a black horse on it with the words “Keep Riding” in bold white bubble letters and a long pair of blue and green plaid PJ pants. She’d opted not to wear any socks and left her hair as is. Austin noticed her toenails and fingernails were painted a matching cream nude color. Clara shrieked with surprise and playful ran into Austin, immediately being snatched up.

“Noooooo, please don’t tie me up!” she pretended to beg.

“Now you're gonna get it” he said as he pushed her to the ground on her stomach, noticing that she practically went limp in his grasp.

“Put your hands behind your back.” he said as he prepared the first scarf. Clara quickly placed her hands side by side as Austins wrapped the scarf around them and tied in a knot. Clara tested by trying to pull her hands apart, noticing no give. Austin then moved down to her feet and readied the next scarf. Clara, deciding to be bratty, began flailing her legs around. Austin grabbed hold of her ankles, pushed them down and sat on her knees and calves.

“There, now we can continue. You’re really giving me a tough time Clara. Don’t worry, I’ll get my revenge.” he teased. Austin couldn’t see, but Clara was grinning as wide as he was. She was having a blast, knowing she was getting her way, despite Austin's original seeming reluctance. She felt Austin slightly roll up her pants legs and felt him try another scarf the same way as her hands. The knot done she again attempted to pull apart her ankles, again sufficiently trapped. She wiggled her toes, feeling a light sheen of sweat on her brow.

“You know, we have 2 hours until your parents get back. Plenty of time to have some fun…” Austin said as he briefly scratched his fingers up and down here trapped feet.

“Hahahahahhah, no doHahahah.” Clara laughed as she felt another swipe. She felt a lot more trapped this time.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop… for now.” Austin promised. He was having the time of his life as his heart beated a mile a minute. Now it was time to enact part 2 of his master plan. Austin grabbed the third scarf, the blue one, and began to thread it over the knot around her ankles.

“What are you doin?” Clara asked.

“You’ll see in a second.” Austin answered.

Austin then threaded the scarf over the wrist knot as well and simultaneously lifted Clara’s lower legs towards her wrists until there was about 2-3 inches of slack between the knots. Clara was surprisingly flexible. He then tied the ends together pulling them tight and tying a knot, keeping her limbs together. Clara was shocked at this new position and how little movement she had.

“Wow, you’ve really got me, but I’ll get out easy.” Clara stated, but secretly wasn’t so sure.

“We’ll see about that.” Austin said. “I’m going to be nice here and give you a chance to get out. And if you do, I’ll let you tie up me, but I know you won’t be able to.” Austin proposed. “You have 6 minutes, 2 per knot, to get out before we test out your ticklishness again.” he said before giving the ball of her left sole a single finger swipe.

Clara cackled again and tried to wiggle out of the way again, finding little room. “This’ll be easy, I’ll do it in 4.” she boosted cockily.

Austin laughed. “Fine, then you only get 4 minutes.” he said as he got out his phone to start a timer.

“Wait no, I changed my mind!” Clara exclaimed.

“Nope, no going back now, but I’m nice. I’ll give you 5 minutes, but the last minute, I’ll be counting down while slowing increasing my *administration* of your punishment.”

“Noooooo fair.” Clara whined.

“You better get started, the timer started 15 seconds ago Clara.” Austin reviled. Clara immediately began struggling and pulling to little success. “This is awesome” Austin thought. “I’ve got her like putty”. And Austin wasn’t wrong. Clara’s resolve was quickly melting as her excitement rose higher. She was loving this little game and playing the unwilling participant.

Austin looked over his tasty morsel. Her bare feet were hoisted in the air, the soles a creamy white with some light pinking from the earlier tickling. That won’t last long. Her legs strained against the scarves that gave no budge as here pants legs rolled down exposing more bare skin. Her shirt had slid up a bit exposing a sliver of her sides, more ticklish skin for later. Her fingers wriggling around feeling for anything to pick at, finding none, just as Austin had designed. Finally Austin looked upon Clara’s face. A little sheen of sweat had formed and her cheeks began to glow a little pinkish tint, contrasting with her cute little freckles. Her nose scrunched up as worked and her lips pressed together in a smirk. Her eyes remained open and squined with each struggle. She looked up at Austin and asked: “How much longer?”.

Austin looked down at the timer and saw only 1:39 had passed. “Looks like 3:37 has gone by. Not looking good for you.” Austin lied. He couldn’t wait any longer as he strolled over to the fourth and final scarf before approaching Clara.

“Can’t have your being too loud, so open wide.” Austin requested.

Clara thought about fighting back and keeping shut, but decided against it. She was trapped and the gig was up. She opened her mouth and accepted the soft black wool scarf as Austin wrapped it around her head multiple times before tying it off on the nape of her scalp. Clara tried to make some sounds but was rather muffled. Austin beamed as Clara had a slight grin.

“Well that’s four minutes Clara, time to get started.” Austin trailed as he walked down to Clara's upturned bare wiggling feet, ready for their tickling.
Last edited by HydeUAI 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MisterB »

Looking forward to the next chapter!
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

I really like this continuation! It has the same cute and innocent (maybe just the slightest bit naughty) feel as the original parts.

The original story is here for anyone reading (your link didn't work). Also you might want to gender tag.
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Post by Xtc »

Hi [mention]HydeUAI[/mention],
Please will you gender tag this tale as soon as possible?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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