Rago’s New Toy (M/M)

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Rago’s New Toy (M/M)

Post by JoyBoy »

The thought of procuring a new friend, who, not only would have to be gay, but also be obsessed with bondage as was he, would be a challenge for him, he figured. This was something he struggled with for the greater portion of his life, and he couldn’t help it. The thought of tying up someone smaller than him, silencing them, playing with them, there was a kind of kick it gave him, more so than any other average arousal he could’ve gotten from just watching pornography. It was his kink. And he would do anything to have this kind of chance.

He retracted this lust shortly after starting his freshman year in college. But not because he wanted to focus on education and whatnot. No.
It was because he met Thomas.

Rago was pretty good-looking. He has a nice face, nice legs. Not really that muscular. A but on the skinny side. He was a solid 5’10, which he considered a good “topping” height.
No one really knew he was gay, mainly because he didn’t really have any features that might reveal him in that way. He was just an average looking dude, or at least, he liked to think so. He hoped to find someone who appreciated him for his personality, rather than his looks.

It was a harrowingly boring Tuesday, seated in the back row, listening to his Economics professor ranting about statistics for what felt like eons. It was so monotonous that he took it upon himself to open his phone and check his email app, which he only does about once a month. There is when his trance evaporated.

An email from a student advisor. The subject was “roommate change.” From Grace, one of the deans of the school. He opened it and quickly skimmed through it. Apparently, his current roommate Connor has been expelled from the school. Something about a misdemeanor against another student. Rago never liked him anyway, he was much too muscular and confident to even be attractive to him, even if he was gay. But the end of the email caught his attention.
“A new student who was previously on the waiting list will now take residence as your new roommate for the rest of the term.”

Rago smiled.

The very next day his dorm was half empty. The other cot was sheetless, bare. The walls were white and colorless, all of the basketball posters were put away. Rago sat there, working on a new project he deemed necessary while he waited for his new roommate to arrive. He knew nothing about him, so butterflies teemed inside of him, the anticipation was ruthless.

Suddenly the door opened, and the kid walked in with two large bags. Rago stood up from his desk and walked over to the door. He couldn’t really process what he looked like yet. He just wanted to greet him.

“Hey. I’m Rago. You’re the new guy, taking Connor’s place, right?”

The kid set one of his bags down.

“Yeah, uh … I’m not really sure. It’s the right dorm number, so I’m assuming this is it.”

Rago walked backwards and sat on the bed. He didn’t even hear what he had said. Primarily, his senses were limited to just sight … sight, and major arousal.

The kid was tall, very tall. But skinny, nonetheless. He has almost no muscle to him at all, he was a very lean person, it seemed. He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, as well as a baseball cap. And on his nose rested a huge, dorky pair of square-framed glasses.

“I’m … I’m Rago. What’s your name?” He sputtered.

“I’m Thomas.” He said, tentatively. Thomas awkwardly reached out his hand, and tried to handshake him, but the handshake morphed into a fist bump, which then turned back to a handshake.
Rago, almost subconsciously, held his hand within his grasp, and let his fingers slide through the gaps in Thomas’ fingers, before Thomas reeled his hand back in embarrassment. His pale face became red. A good sign, Rago realized.

“Nice to meet you, Thomas. I think we’re gonna have lots of fun, you and I.”

That night he took it upon himself to do something risky. That look in his eye when he held his hand, there was something there. Something. Without a doubt. He had to find out if his new dorm mate was … well … into this kind of stuff.
And the approach he took was … a little bit extreme, to say the least.

Rago, teeming with lechery, opened up his “bondage bag.” This bag he mailed to himself so that his parents wouldn’t have a chance to look inside it. It was a big baseball bag with all sorts of goodies kept inside, things he only dreamed of using on another person. Until now.

While Thomas was sleeping he pulled out several items.

. Half a grout sponge.
. A roll of tegaderm tape.
. Two rolls of duct tape.
. A pair of safety goggles
. A wand vibrator.
. Several clean socks.

With the roll of duct tape in hand, and a monstrous look in his eye, he stepped over to Thomas’ bed and looked at his sleeping body.

Thomas looked peaceful. He had the same shirt and shorts on, but his baseball cap was gone, revealing brown hair that covered his forehead. And he still had his glasses on in his sleep, strangely enough.

Rago took in a breath.
“Here we go,” he thought.

Within a minute, he had Thomas’ skinny elbows pressed together behind his back and taped with several layers of duct tape. He tore tape from the roll with ferocity, plastering it around his hands to make little mitts of them, rendering them useless. Thomas stirred, and started rolling his body so that his back and arms were against the bed.

His eyes were open, peering at him through the glasses. He looked startled, but not horrified.

Before he could say anything, Rago pressed his hand onto his mouth in a maddeningly firm grip. Thomas shifted his body, trying to get free, and then stopped abruptly. He continued staring at him. From under his hand he could feel his mouth moving to try to speak, but only muted mmphs were able to escape. Small fruitless noises that couldn’t even be heard from just ten feet away.

With the grout sponge in his left hand, he removed his right from Thomas’ mouth very briefly.

He tried to speak, but Rago had other intentions in mind.

Using all of his fingers, he began packing the huge grout sponge into the boy’s mouth. He valiantly tried screaming as loud as possible, but even with half the sponge in, only a muffled cry was heard. The sponge did not go in with much ease, but once it was all in, Thomas’ mouth was packed to the brim.

His cheeks expanded outward like a chipmunk, and the sponge’s yellow color was visible through the open gape of his mouth. His lips were opening outwards to try and spit out the sponge, but it was so huge and packed in, that even without tape it couldn’t be forced out with his tongue.

Rago smiled, and used his thumb to force what little of the sponge he could get out, back into his mouth, to cram it in fully once more. Once his mouth was almost fully closed around it he handgagged him, before he reached over to the night stand to grab something.

In his hands he produces a very wide strip of tegaderm tape. This was the kind of tape they used on suture wounds and fresh tattoos. It creates a vacuum-like seal on the skin and is almost impossible to remove without one’s own hands.

He peeled off the plastic from it to reveal the sticky side. Thomas, looking at it fearfully, yelled into the sponge again.

“mMmmgh mmphh … mmmpghh ..” The noise was so faint and muffled that not even Rago could hear his pleas.

Swiftly, he removed his hand and for a split second he could see the boy trying to force the sponge out again, but getting nowhere. Rago pressed the tegaderm tape onto his mouth and cheeks and smoothed it over onto his face, then he removed the plastic part on the outside and smoothed it again.

Thomas’ mouth was packed full and his cheeks bulged outwards from the sponge. And with the tegaderm plastered over his mouth, there was no way he would be able to get it free. His eyes watered and lips moved in all kinds of directions to get the tape off, but even when he opened his mouth all the way, the tape stretched with the contours of his face, almost like magic. Defeated, he kept moaning into his well-filled maw and wriggling underneath Rago’s weight.

After that Rago turned him over and began taping up his legs. He wrapped them together with many layers of duct tape. Onto his ankles, and near his kneecaps. Then, he added more duct tape to the boy’s hands and arms, to make sure they would be impossible to break, especially with his skinny body. He wrapped tape around his upper thighs as well, to accentuate his crotch area, which he now noticed seemed to be blatantly swelled.

Now that he was fully subdued, Rago took in a breath and leaned against the wall while lying on the bed. He looked toward Thomas and saw that he was once again trying to open his mouth up through the tegaderm. Slowly, he leaned against him and pressed his body close.

“It’s no use. You’re stuck here with me.” He said deviously. Gracelessly, he sat himself right on top of Thomas’ crotch and stared into his eyes.

“Wow. You really are a cutie pie, aren’t you.”

Holding his hands up to his face, he pushed the large glasses up the bridge of his nose, which had slipped earlier. Through the lenses, his eyes were nothing short of adorable. And very faintly, he could hear him trying to speak.

“Aww …” he muttered. His hands glided down to Thomas’ body, and began exploring him. Over his bony chest, into his sunken collarbones. His thin shoulders. His fingers slid over every rib on his torso, then moved down to his abdomen, where he rubbed his hand on his belly, feeling it flutter with every fluctuation of his digits.

Without thought, he leaned in and pressed his ear onto Thomas’ chest. At first his heartbeats seemed faint and hard to hear. But once he focused, even an idiot could tell that his heart was beating much faster than normal.

Rago looked up to his face. In the dim light he could see that his packed cheeks were blushing, and his lips were opening and closing strangely. He wasn’t shaking, but rather … he seemed flustered more than anything. And his eyes, through the large glasses, they were peering at him with some emotion that resembled attraction.

“Oh, Thomas. Aren’t you the cutest little guy … I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Because his arms were wrenched behind his back, his chest puffed out prominently. There, Rago could see his stomach expanding in and out with every breath he took. He placed his hand on his stomach, and for a while, simply felt his breathing for a while, felt it slow down over time.

“I bet it annoys you when I do this,” he exclaimed, before getting his thumb and pressing it right onto the lenses of Thomas’ glasses, leaving large marks. Through the sponge he could just make out the sounds of his muffled cries.

mmMmmggmph mmmph … gmmmph … mmgphh …

“What was that? Couldn’t really hear you.”

He said this playfully, before suddenly and spontaneously placing his hand right onto Thomas’ cock and squeezing it with ferocity. His eyes went wide and he started squirming through the tape. His mouth widened to try and spit out the sponge, but the tegaderm plastered onto his lips acted as a barrier and prevented it from escaping. His muffled pleas through his packed gob only grew in volume as Rago slid himself underneath his squirming body and placed his rear end right on his crotch. Now Thomas’ body was placed directly onto him, allowing him to explore as much of him as he pleased.

“You’re a bit excited … aren’t you.” He said gently, while rubbing his two fingers up and down Thomas’ throbbing package. Eventually he full-on grabbed his cock again and started pumping up and down as fast as he could. With his other hand he cradled his face, where he could tell from what he felt that much of the sponge was protruding out of his mouth, yet still trapped because of the tegaderm. He used his fingers to cram it back into his mouth, cheeks fully puffed out once again. The vibrations indicated he was trying to speak again. Rago grabbed his stuffed cheeks and turned his head towards his own.

“You want me to stop?” He whispered.

Thomas moaned through the packing. His glasses were falling off again, so Rago slid them back up the bridge of his nose. Then they met eyes. A few short moments passed of prolonged eye contact, before Thomas subtly shook his head.

“Hm. I knew you had it in you. I know we barely know each other … and I came off a little … direct, but I must say. I’ve never seen quite an amazing specimen as you.”

He garbled through the packing, saying something that just came out muffled and unintelligible. Rago continued to squeeze his package, until he moaned again through the gag. He simply kept pumping and Thomas simply kept looking at him with sincere eyes, moaning into his stuffed gob.

“Is this what you want, Thomas. You want to be my little toy? Is that it?”

Thomas nodded thrashing his head and squirming. His mouth stretched open to it’s fullest might, but the tape sealed his lips concretely. Before Rago realized what was happening, it was too late. His undies became wet and slimy.

His body became immobile and rested again onto Rago’s chest. His head laid back with pleasure, and he garbled more unknown words into his gag. Rago slid off the bed from underneath him, and stood up.

“If you think you’re only gonna get one finish tonight, you’d be pleasantly mistaken.”

Thomas tilted his head to look at him, his glasses crooked and falling off his face. Rago walked to the corner of the room and pulled a wheeled chair to the center of the room.

“You’re gonna have more fun here in this chair, while I’m sleeping.”

Before he could react, Rago grabbed Thomas’ and held him like a baby. Although being freakishly tall, he was extremely light.

He, quite violently, tossed Thomas onto the wheeled chair and produced the duct tape in his hands. Thomas’ head thrashed around trying to see what he was doing to him. First he taped his legs to the underside of the chair, rendering them immobile. Then he wrapped tape all around the chair and around Thomas’ torso, fusing him to the chair.

“Let’s get these off you,” Rago whispered, pulling the nerdy pair of glasses off of his face and setting them onto the nightstand. From his bag he pulled out a pit of safety goggles you would see in a school laboratory. Except these had duct tape wrapped over the lenses so whoever wearing them would be completely blind. He smiled.

Thomas garbled more into his packed mouth as he set the goggles on his eyes and strapped them tightly behind his head. He adjusted them down so that they almost touched the tape plastered onto his lips.

“See anything?” He asked.

In response, Thomas seemed to wiggle around in his chair. His head flailed in multiple directions, seemingly to try and get the goggles off, but they remained fused to his face, just like the tape.

Thomas also couldn’t see when Rago suddenly pulled his shorts down to reveal his still-rock hard member perking up like a sore thumb. He grasped it gently, stroking it just like earlier. His goggled head hung down and leaned in closer to him whilst he did this, moaning in pleasure.

Rago revealed a vibrator want with a silicone sleeve attached to it. He fitted it around Thomas’ cock and used duct tape to secure the vibrator onto his crotch so that it was pressing into his member with pressure.

“I don’t know what you’re saying, cutie.” He said while grabbing his packed cheeks and shaking them around again. He walked behind the chair and rolled it through the room, until he came up to the closet door. Quietly, he opened it and rolled the chair into the closet, all while Thomas was making a prolonged effort to unstick himself from the chair and possibly scream, but in reality the sheer amount of tape kept him from moving, and the volume of packing in his maw prevented any noise from being emitted. It was a pathetic effort.

He leaned into Thomas. Cradling his head, he kissed him through the tegaderm tape, their lips touching for a very long time, until Rago reeled away. He could hear muffled noises through the sponge once again, but now chose to ignore them.

As soon as he pressed the button on the vibrator it started revving at the halfway setting. Thomas squirmed in the tape wrappings and flailed his head around, screaming into his stuffed mouth. He just simply stood there and watched, slowly closing the closet door.

“Goodnight, Thomas.”
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Post by Bradstick »

Fantastic start to this story! I’m really excited to see where this goes from here! There are a lot of different ways this story can go from here and I’m interested to see what you will do next with Rago and Thomas! Great job!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Welcome to the forum! This is a lovely story, not sure if you're planning on more chapters but would love to see more from you. Great writing!
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Post by Bootmark »

Great story!
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Post by dbavr »

Extremely hot story! Loved this one :twisted:
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Post by JoyBoy »

Bradstick wrote: 11 months ago Fantastic start to this story! I’m really excited to see where this goes from here! There are a lot of different ways this story can go from here and I’m interested to see what you will do next with Rago and Thomas! Great job!
Thanks for the input, man. I’m planning on writing more chapters for this one. The only issue is that I don’t really know if I make like new posts for new chapters, or if I just add to this one. How does it work?
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Post by gag1195 »

Welcome to the forum!

A great start to this story! Definitely looking forward to more!
JoyBoy wrote: 11 months ago Thanks for the input, man. I’m planning on writing more chapters for this one. The only issue is that I don’t really know if I make like new posts for new chapters, or if I just add to this one. How does it work?
You'll just add a reply on this thread with the next chapter! That way you keep the story all in one thread! Easier for your readers to find all the chapters!
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Post by JoyBoy »

Rago’s New Toy: Chapter 2 (M/M)

Two days had passed since Rago seemingly, was endowed with a new obsession, one of which he realized had prevailed over everything else. His schoolwork, his family, his degree. Nothing mattered as much as his beautifully risqué relationship he had begun building with this boy.

His eyes peeled open at 1pm. The space next to him atop his twin sized bed was absent of his prize. Where had Thomas gone? He thought. Before he could even plant his feet on the ground and consider where his boyfriend had gone, he was reminded of the events that took place just twelve hours before. Body pressed against body, lips touched, skin made contact with skin and he was instantly made to relive it in but a brief moment. It was rapturous, last night.

Although they didn’t enact any sort of bondage play, Rago was entirely satisfied with the cuddling that ensued. The bravery that came with his sudden and shocking treatment of his new dorm mate was rewarded with bliss. He was in love with this boy. Truly. And now, as he sat atop his bed, staring at the dreary wall, the thought of that first night reappeared. The assurance of pleasure in his eyes, the way his chest rose up when his arms were tied behind his back, the way his parts swelled up in his pants at just a light touch. Rago wanted it again, and he wanted it now.
It was time to be brave again, no matter how intrusive it might seem.

He left the dorm carrying a duffel bag filled with … well, the usual. Rago memorized his classes as soon as he was able to, so quickly he remembered that right now, his lover would be heading out from theater appreciation and making his way to the G building. He headed to his car, parked just beside the third brick partition of his building, and hopped inside. Without wasting any time, he pulled down the seats in the back to allow more room for any extra cargo he might need to carry.
“Thank god I invested in those tinted windows,” he thought.

Thomas Davies was heading out onto the paved walkway at around 1:28 when his humanities class concluded. He figured he would take a seat on a secluded bench and do a little bit of schoolwork while he waited for his next class at 2. Lying down on the bench, laptop open, he stared into the sky and came to the conclusion that he didn’t want to do any work. All he could think about was him. His lips furled to generate a smile of sorts, if you weren’t paying attention you would miss it. As if his imagination came to life, the image of his boyfriend appeared so suddenly, and so unexpectedly, he couldn’t help but shout.

“Shhh. Papo … they’re gonna see us. Stay quiet … or, well … that won’t really be a problem soon, to be honest,” Rago muttered.

Thomas slid his glasses up the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Rago I have class. It’s Calc BC I can’t miss it. I’ve already dropped to like a 93 on my practice exams. I don’t have time for-

His eyes caught the sight of the brown duffel bag lying on the grass. He raised his eyebrows, smiled, and looked into Rago’s beaming eyes.
“What did you come here for, huh?”

“I came to kidnap you. Consensually, of course.”

His eyes went wide, before he sat up and watched Rago come at him.
“I guess Calculus can wait.”

“All good captors make sure their hostages are unable to break their bonds. And … as an added bonus, pack their mouths full so no noise can possibly be made. Sorry, but I’m using the sponge again.”

Within a secluded alley Rago had him pinned to a wall. His arms were already wrenched behind his back with multiple layers of duct tape. His fingers were melded together, with no hope of getting free. Atop his shoulders rested a large uni sweatshirt. This was to hide the fact that he was bound.

He pressed himself onto him, kissing the meadow that was his neck and face. They continued for what felt like hours. Then, Rago reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a sponge. One of the same type: large, yellow, and very absorbent. “Open up,” he whispered.

Slowly but surely he stuffed the entirety of the sponge past his lips. Thomas’ cheeks puffed out on either side, and his mouth was struggling to accommodate the packing. Rago smiled and used his dexterous fingers to press his lips together, before they came apart again due to the sheer size of the thing. “Scream. Scream for your life … you’re being kidnapped, don’t you know?”

Thomas yelled into the stuffing at his fullest might. It was comedic, the sheer hopelessness of it. Not even Rago could hear his muffled scream, and he was just two feet away. “Now, keep screaming while I take you away.”

From the duffel bag he produced a strip of his favorite tape, tegaderm. Quickly he plastered it onto Thomas’ lips and tore off the outer layer. Thomas attempted opening his mouth as wide as possible, but the magic seal had his poor little lips fused together. Then shortly thereupon, Rago produced a large baseball cap and a surgical mask. He looped the mask around Thomas’ ears and pulled the straps taught. It covered his mouth and nose snugly, making him look like an average cautious college-dweller. Then he placed the baseball cap on his head, making sure to lower the front of the cap to conceal his eyes a little. Since the mask was placed right under his eyes, his large glasses instantly fogged up due to his breathing. He couldn’t see a thing, due to the sheer size of his glasses, they covered even his peripheral vision. He was blind and mute.
“Perfect,” Rago thought.

“You’re my perfect little captive,” he teased.

They walked together around the campus, straight to Rago’s car which he intentionally parked far away to make the experience more tedious for his lover. They passed many people who seemingly didn’t even notice that something was wrong. Most of them didn’t even bat an eye. Thomas looked like a normal mask-wearing pedestrian. Except what they didn’t know is that his arms were taped tightly behind his back, and his mouth was stuffed so full not even a flea could hear his cries. It was a scenario that Rago had been fantasizing for months.

“Here we are,” he said, after they arrived at his car. He popped the back door and looked at his lover. His glasses were still fogged up, hiding any sort of expression. Rago slid them off his face to see it better. With just his eyes visible, he could see a bit of excitement in his gaze. He couldn’t control himself after seeing such a sight. They made out again, which was exceptionally hard for Thomas due to the stuffing and the mask covering his face. But they sufficed.

“We’re gonna have so much fucking fun,” he said callously whilst gripping Thomas’ engorged member, which made him moan into the sponge filling his mouth. His eyes became livid for that one moment. Rago smiled, then picked up his boyfriend with ease. In a very unceremonious fashion, he threw him into the car and slammed the door shut.
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Post by gag1195 »

Happy to see another chapter here! And you did no disappoint! I can't wait to see what Rago has in store for Thomas after that campus kidnapping!
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Post by JoyBoy »

gag1195 wrote: 8 months ago Happy to see another chapter here! And you did no disappoint! I can't wait to see what Rago has in store for Thomas after that campus kidnapping!

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Post by Carnath »

Concealed kidnapping in public is too rare, and yours was very well written! Looking for more!
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Post by TiedupNick »

I like this! Great premise and very detailed scenarios!
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