Aunt & Mother Get Roped In (Request) (fm/FF)

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Aunt & Mother Get Roped In (Request) (fm/FF)

Post by Detective-Gag »

“You’re a lifesaver,” thanked Kelsey Wetherby, as she busily collected her things from about the room. The mother of two kids had long, wavy brown hair she kept tied back with a band; and was dressed in business attire for a social gathering that evening with some friends from work.

“Don’t mention it,” replied Gale, her older sister & the aunt to her two children. Aunt Gale had darker, black hair compared to her sister Kelsey; and kept it in a stylish updo. She was dressed for a casual evening watching the two kids, Danny & Chelsea, wearing a lavender sweatshirt & jeans.

The two children’s father was away on a business trip, as he frequently traveled abroad for work; and the sitter Kelsey usually hired was out on vacation for that week.

Thankfully, Aunt Gale had stepped in to provide help. She liked the children; and it would be nice to spend some quality time with them outside the annual family gatherings.

Kelsey finished checking her bag, and turned back to her sister. “Alright; I think I’m ready,” she said to Gale, heading for the front door. “I’ll check in later once I’m there!”

“Have fun!” Gale called back, as she heard the front door close moments later.

The dark-haired aunt then decided it'd be best to check in on her charges for the evening...she crossed the main level of the home and made her way upstairs.

She found the two sibling in their room: Danny sat crossed-legged in front of the flatscreen TV on the wall, hammering the controller of a videogame he was playing. Chelsea was lying on the bed, staring into her cell phone held up to her face.

"You two doing alright?" Aunt Gale asked them, noting their fixation on their individual screens; with neither of them even bothering to look up when she appeared in their doorway.

"Yeah, we're good," Danny muttered from the floor, still mashing buttons.

"Need anything?" Chelsea inquired, swiping her hand against the phone screen.

Aunt Gale was almost disappointed with their lack of energy. "I was just wondering if you both wanted to do anything to pass the time?" the aunt asked her niece & nephew.

"Our sitter usually just watches TV or studies while we hang out up here," Chelsea said to her aunt.

"Yeah, we don't really "do" anything with her," Danny added. "Except order takeout."

"Oh, I see," Aunt Gale said, a bit disappointed. She supposed she should be grateful that the two kids wouldn't be a handful; but at the same time she wasn't sure if spending the evening as a couch potato was how she'd wanted to interact with her family.

Aunt Gale was about to turn & leave, when Chelsea said, "Well, there WAS that game Doreen agreed to play with us that one time."

Danny paused the game, turning to look back over his shoulder at his sister on the bed. "Oh, right...the burglar game," the boy recounted.

Aunt Gale paused, turning back to regard the two children. "Oh? Burglar game?" Aunt Gale inquired; her curiosity piqued.

"Yeah...our sitter, Doreen, had come upstairs asking if we'd wanted to do anything when she couldn't find anything to watch on TV," Chelsea explained. "Danny and I have this game where we take turns tying each other up; pretending to be burglars who broke into the house."

"Doreen walked in while I had tape over my mouth, and Chelsea was tying my arms," Danny revealed, rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment.

Aunt Gale's eyebrows raised slightly at the tale. "Goodness," she breathed.

"Anyway, when Doreen asked what was going on, we told her about the rules of the game," Chelsea went on.

"That was when we asked if she wanted to join in," Danny said.

"I" asked her to join in," Chelsea clarified to her brother. "YOU were only mumbling."

"Whatever!" Danny shot back, laughing.

Aunt Gale processed the two children's banter. "So you had the sitter, Doreen, tie both of you up?" she guessed.

"Nah, even better!" Danny said, rising to his feet from the carpet. "She wanted us to tie her up!"

"How surprising," Aunt Gale thought to herself. "How, exactly, I might ask?"

The brother & sister exchanged sheepish glances. "Same way we normally do," Chelsea said. "Tie her up with ropes...arms, know."

"And a gag!" Danny pointed out.

Aunt Gale a a bit taken aback...based on what the two kids were telling her; they apparently engaged in activities not unlike the games she and her sister used to play when they were little. Oh, the names of the games were different..."Cowgirls & Indians" or "Cops & Robbers"...but the nature of the games were always the same: ending up bound with ropes.

Aunt Gale wondered just how much their mother might have accidentally "slipped" to the two children about the nature of these childhood games; for them to have apparently taken up the habit themselves...and evidently their babysitter, too.

She wondered...

"Wanna play, Aunt Gale?"

The dark-haired aunt found herself roused from her nostalgia; and the two kids gazing back at her expectantly.

“Well…I suppose,” she decided. She had wanted to spend quality time with her sister’s kids, after all!

“Sweet! I’ll get the stuff!” Danny exclaimed, as he sped out from the bedroom, breezing past his aunt.

“Goodness; what have I got myself into!?” laughed Aunt Gale at the boy’s excitement.

“How about you go back downstairs,” suggested Chelsea, now alone in the room with Gale. “We’ll start the game from the beginning.”

“What do I need to do?”

“So you’re supposed to be alone in the house,” Chelsea explained. “We’re two burglars who’ve broken in; we ambush you, and then we take you hostage.”

“By tying me up, I take it?” Aunt Gale guessed, with a quirk of an eyebrow.

“Bingo,” the girl confirmed. “All you have to do is act normal; if that makes sense.”

“Gotcha,” Aunt Gale responded with a small smile. She’d seen enough movies or TV shows to gauge exactly where the children were coming from. She exited the room, heading back downstairs to where the living room was.

Taking a seat upon the couch, Gale picked up a random magazine that had been left on the coffee table; and absently began thumbing through its pages.

Minutes passed, and Aunt Gale passively listened for any sound of her niece and nephew; wondering when they would commence the game. So far, neither of them had reappeared, and after several moments Aunt Gale wondered if they had forgotten or lost interest.

There came the faint blur of movement out of the corner of her eye; as a hand snaked its way around to the front of her face & clamped down over her mouth!

“Hmph…!” Aunt Gale muttered in surprise, dropping the magazine down onto her lap, raising her hands up to her mouth.

“Don’t move, lady!” came the sound of Chelsea’s voice in her ear; and Aunt Gale froze with her hands about hallways up, stopping short.

Her niece stood behind the couch, leaning over enough that she could maintain a firm press of her palm over Aunt Gale’s lips. “We came to rob this place,” the girl went on, taking on the role of burglar. “We didn’t expect anybody to be here; so I guess now we have to make sure you can’t interfere.”

“Rmm nmph?” Aunt Gale said beneath the girl’s hand, slowly lowering her arms back down to his sides. Initially jolted by the suddenness of Chelsea’s ambush, Aunt Gale now settled into her role as victim. “Whnt rm ymn gnmph dmph tm mmph?”

While Chelsea continued to hold her hand over Aunt Gale’s mouth, the seated woman then saw Danny appear around the corner of the couch in front of her…the boy had several bundles of white rope in his possession; most of which he deposited on the coffee table, save for one.

Aunt Gale raised her wrists in front of her, holding them together. “Rm ymph gnmph tmph mm hnds?” she asked him.

She saw Danny cast a glance past her shoulder to his sister. “I’m going to take my hand off your mouth while my partner ties you up,” Chelsea informed Aunt Gale. “Don’t scream, or else.”

Aunt Gale nodded, and slowly she felt the girl’s fingers pull away from her face. “Whatever you both want, you can just take i…umph!”

Chelsea’s hand went back over Aunt Gale’s mouth mid-speech. “No talking,” she warned her aunt. “Just do as you’re told.”

The cheekiness! Aunt Gale thought to herself, impressed by the girl’s apparent ruthlessness. Again she nodded, and again Chelsea took her hand away.

“Hands BEHIND your back, miss,” Danny said to her, now taking his turn as he clutched a length of rope.

Aunt Gale forced herself not to smile, as she scooted to the edge of the couch cushion, turned slightly, and brought her outstretched hands behind the small of her back.

Let’s see what we’re dealing with,” Aunt Gale thought silently, as the boy began looping the soft cord around her crossed-wrists. She felt the rope constrict against the skin just below her hands; and much to her surprise, felt it tighten as the boy seemingly managed to tie what felt like a rather sturdy knot.

“Oh!” Aunt Gale breathed, tugging at the wrist bindings once the boy had finished. “That’s actually pretty good!”

“Well, we can’t very well have you being able to escape,” Danny told her, reaching for more rope.


“Gotta get your arms next,” the boy elaborated, and Aunt Gale watched as Danny folded the rope in half, positioned it across her stomach, and fed the other end through the loop he’d made; and began wrapping the rest around her arms.

It quickly became evident that Danny seemed to know what he was doing. “Uh…wow!” Aunt Gale stated, looking down as the boy went around her arms with the cord several times, pinning her elbows to her sides. “Where’d you learn to that?”

“We sort of figured it out over time,” Danny replied, as Chelsea appeared beside him from around the couch. “Hang on…”

Aunt Gale’s drew in a sharp breathe as her nephew pulled the rope around just below her shoulders, now framing her chest with the ropes.

“Hooboy, kid; be careful now!” Aunt Gale laughed awkwardly, as she began to realize that she was starting to become more and more ensnared. Her arms were now rigid on either side of her torso, and with her wrists bound behind her back, there was no way for her to slip free. Her heartbeat quickened, a bit like a panicked rabbit, and gradually steadied her breathing. “This is, uh…pretty tight!”

“Thanks!” Danny said brightly, choosing to take the comment as a compliment.

Chelsea, however, frowned. “Didn’t we tell you not to talk?” she told her bundled aunt, as she took a folded handkerchief out of her pocket.

Aunt Gale’s eyes locked on the fabric as the girl unfolded it: it was white, with pink polka-dots, and Aunt Gale had a pretty good idea what her niece had in mind.

“No, you don’t have to gag me,” Aunt Gale blustered, not having to try very hard to sound like a helpless victim. She watched Chelsea fold the handkerchief into a band & take either end in both hands, approaching where her aunt sat wriggling on the cushion.

“Gotta keep you quiet so you can’t yell for help,” Chelsea said to her, lifting the cloth up to her mouth.

“I’ll be quiet! I won’t say anythi…NGMPH!”

Her protests were halted as Chelsea went behind her and pulled the handkerchief tightly over her mouth, then began tying the ends behind her aunt’s dark hair. The knot was fastened in place, and Chelsea stepped back to appraise the gag.

Aunt Gale stared back at the two rascals, rolling her eyes eyes above the polka-dotted cloth now covering her mouth. “Rm ymn fnshmd?” she mumbled at them, testing the gag. While snug, the cloth was only a minor incumbrance to her actual speaking; she kept her lips pressed together as she “spoke”, to make the gag sound more effective than it probably was.

The two children seemed contented for the time being, at least. “That’ll keep her quiet for now,” Chelsea grunted, nodding her head in approval.

“What do we do with her now?” Danny asked.

“Ymn clnd lmt mm gmph,” suggested Gale.

Chelsea shook her head. “Finish tying her up; we gotta get to looting,” she said.

Danny nodded, taking the remaining rope & starting to tie it around Aunt Gale’s knees & ankles. At that point, Aunt Gale realized that she might not be able to get free very easily…the boy was doing something peculiar with the rope; not only tying it around her legs, but also running the cord in-between, forming a knot that was not unlike a cuff.

“Yourm reallym goodm wm thosmph knotsmph,” Aunt Gale said to him, lowering her chin so she spoke clearly beneath the handkerchief.

“Learned some of the knots at summer camp,” Danny revealed, pulling the final tug on the bindings around her ankles. “There we are!”

Aunt Gale squirmed & bounced upon the couch cushion, testing the ropes now holding her from her shoulders down.

“Hrmph!” she grunted from the strain, peering down at herself & kicking out with her legs. “Rmph!”

She looked up at the children. “Mm cmn’t gmt out,” she told them through the polka-dot rag covering her mouth.

“Then I guess you just stay there!” giggled Chelsea, as she high-fived her brother.

Aunt Gale watched as they scampered out from the living room…presumably in order to “loot” the house…leaving Aunt Gale alone on the couch.

She eased back into the couch, attempting to get comfortable in her new position, as she considered what she’d do next.

Memories surfaced of her own childhood games where’d she’d attempt an escape; either shaking loose her ropes before fleeing, or simply jumping away with her sister chasing after her.

Pressing against her nephew’s considerable knot-work, however, she knew that if she performed one of these options; it wasn’t going to involve getting loose.

Instead, she pushed off the couch into a wobbling standing position, and gingerly began scooting her feet across the carpet. Upon reach the edge of the living room, Aunt Gale began hopping lightly down the hardwood floor of the hall, towards the kitchen area.

She’d left her handbag on the table there, along with her cell phone; perhaps the children might appreciate a staged effort to make a call for help. Certainly, they did that on the TV shows.

Upon arriving through the entry way, she spied her bag sitting on the table where she’d left it. She furrowed her brow, considering the best option to retrieve the phone, herself bound as she was. She hopped over to one of the chairs, rotated around, and lowered herself into the seat carefully. Then, she lifted her legs up high, and like a construction crane, raised them over the table, nudging the bag until it tipped over.

Some of the loose items in her bag came tumbling out…a case with her sunglasses, her clasped wallet…and her cell phone.

Grunting softly with her small victory, Aunt Gale then got to work loosening her gag…working her jaw while jutting out her chin, she began nodding vigorously until the polka-dotted handkerchief slowly began to be pulled down from her mouth.

She let out a soft gasp as the fabric fell down around her neck, and then leaned over towards the phone. Using her chin, she started gently pulling it closer to her across the tabletop surface.

As she did so, there came a sound from somewhere near the living room: “She’s gone!”

There came a rush of playful panic; the children had discovered her absence!

Quickly, Aunt Gale leaned over towards the phone, getting caught up in the narrative of the game. She attempted to tap the cell phone screen with her nose; but of course this was a feeble effort to actually achieve anything.

There came the sound of rapid footsteps; as both her niece & nephew appeared in the entrance to the kitchen.

“There she is!” cried Danny.

“She’s trying to make a call!” Chelsea accused. “Grab the phone!”

Aunt Gale couldn’t help but laugh as the children scampered over; as Danny snatched the phone from the table, and Chelsea quickly clamped a hand over her mouth.

“Mmph!” Aunt Gale mumbled, her giggling stifled by her niece’s hand.

“What do you think you’re doing, huh!?” Chelsea said to her. “Trying to call for help?”

“Nmph!” Aunt Gale replied, shaking her head no.

“Put the gag back on her!” Danny suggested, as Chelsea pulled her hand away and began unfastening the loose handkerchief that had fallen around Aunt Gale’s throat.

“Bleh…I’m sorry!” Aunt Gale said shrilly, once she could speak. “I won’t try to signal for help again, I swear…MMPH!”

Chelsea pulled the polka-dotted cloth back over Aunt Gale’s mouth once more. “We can’t believe a word you say,” the girl said to her, as she started to tie the gag back into place.

Aunt Gale murmured in defeat as she was about to be silenced again…when there came the sound of rumbling.

Danny looked down, and saw the cell phone vibrating in his hand.

The boy looked down at the now-illuminated screen. “It’s Mom,” he said to Chelsea.

“Crap,” the girl replied, and Aunt Gale felt the cloth pull away from her mouth. “Bring the phone over here; and hold it up to her!”

Danny did as he was told, bringing the phone close to Aunt Gale’s face.

“Don’t tell your friend anything,” Chelsea instructed Aunt Gale, slipping back into character. “Act normal.”

Aunt Gale looked up at the girl from her sitting position, and gave her a wink. Danny swiped the screen on the phone, connecting the call.

“Hello?” Aunt Gale stated, clearing her throat a bit.

“Gale!” came the sound of her sister Kelsey on the other end of the line. “I just wanted to let you know I got to the restaurant.”

Aunt Gale could hear the sound of people talking in the background. “Big turnout?”

“Decent,” Kelsey answered. “Everything alright there? The kids behaving themselves?”

Aunt Gale took a moment to consider the scene; sitting roped in the chair while flanked by the two kids on either side of her.

“Everything’s fine,” she answered. “Just playing some games.”

“I’ll only be an hour or two,” Kelsey told her. “Call me if anything comes up.”

“Will do,” Aunt Gale said, as the call ended & the cell phone screen went black.

Immediately, Chelsea clamped a hand back over her aunt’s mouth while Danny put the cell phone back on the table. “That was a close call,” the boy said. “We need to make sure she can’t call for help again.”

“Let’s bring her downstairs,” Chelsea suggested. “Untie her legs.”

“Mmph cmumprte,” Aunt Gale mumbled, as her nephew unfastened the knots holding her legs together.

Feeling the blood rush back as the pressure eased, the kids lifted Aunt Gale back up from the chair.

“Alright lady,” Chelsea started to say to her. “No more funny business!”

“Where are you taking me?” Aunt Gale asked, despite knowing the result, as she was escorted out of the kitchen and through the main level of the house.

“Someplace where you can’t cause anymore trouble,” Danny answered, as they reached the stairs & began descending into the basement.

Kelsey kept a furnished basement; and the children switched on the light to reveal an entertainment area. A big screen TV was mounted on the far wall, with a sofa and some recliners arranged in a semi-circle around it; as well as a small bar in the corner.

The children gently lowered their aunt to the ground, and Danny quickly began re-tying her legs.

“You don’t have to do this,” Aunt Gale stated with feigned drama. “You can take what you want and just go!”

“Go find something else to keep her quiet with,” Chelsea told her brother. “She got her gag off way too easily before.”

“Gotcha,” the brother replied, and went darting off somewhere else in the basement.

“My sister will be home any minute,” Aunt Gale said to her niece, who stood guard over her.

It was technically an hour or two; but Aunt Gale had a sinking suspicious that she’d be detained for that amount of time anyway.

“All the more reason to make sure you can’t warn her,” Chelsea shot back.

Danny returned, and in his hand Aunt Gale spied a roll of white duct tape.

“And what do you plan on doing with that?” Aunt Gale asked the pint-sized villain; recalling what the boy had said before the game had commenced.

“Gonna use it to make sure you can’t talk this time,” Danny replied.

Aunt Gale looked coolly between the two kids; who both seemed to be waiting for her to give them some kind of confirmation.

“Alright,” Aunt Gale said to them, momentarily breaking character. “But only a few pieces over the mouth, please.”

The two children grinned mischievously, nodding, as Danny tore off a piece of tape, handing it to his sister before ripping off another for himself.

Aunt Gale was made to lie on her back, feeling not unlike one of those mummies you’d find in a museum, bundled as she was. The two kids then took turns stooping over, and pressing the white tape over her mouth.

“Mm mmph,” Aunt Gale murmured, feeling the adhesive smoothed over her lips. It was a curious feeling, indeed.

“Two more?” Danny asked her, and Aunt Gale shrugged before nodding.

Both siblings applied two more strips of the duct tape, covering Aunt Gale’s lower face.

The aunt wriggled on the floor. “Mmph!” she mumbled, testing the gag. “Mmph!”

“Almost finished,” Chelsea said, as they both brought Aunt Gale back into a sitting position. The girl produced the polka-dotted handkerchief from before, and tied the cloth back over her aunt’s taped mouth.

“Hrmph!” Aunt Gale grunted, as she felt the gag tightened.

“That should do it,” Chelsea declared. “Even if she manages to slip it off again; the tape should keep her quiet.”

“We gonna rob the place now?” Danny asked, resuming character.

His sister nodded, turning back to Aunt Gale. “Go ahead and struggle if you want, lady; ain’t nobody gonna hear ya!”

Aunt Gale was amused by the boisterousness of the child. She made her eyes go wide, and attempted to respond.

“Lmph mm gmph!” she yelled through the cloth & duct tape, as she rocked back & forth on the carpet. “Rmph nmph!”

The children giggled, and went speeding back up the stairs.

Aunt Gale breathed through her nose, and now alone, began pushing the limits of her confinement…she strained against the ropes, twisting as she tried to loosen the cords encircling her arms, legs & wrists.

“C’mnph,” she urged herself, lying on her back and extending herself fully to see if that would have an effect. When it did not, she tried rolling back and forth like some kind of wooden log.

“Hrmph,” she snorted, ending up on her belly. The ropes were still holding fast.

She might not be able to get free before her sister returned home, she realized.

The thought both filled her with equal parts worry & amusement. What a state to find someone in!

Later that evening, Kelsey Wetherby was pulling her car into the driveway of her home.

Her social event had been surprisingly productive, in addition to being enjoyable. Though now, she was grateful that she could come home and relax properly. Exiting the car and entering the house through the front door, Kelsey deposited her keys & belongings, listening for her children and her sister, Gale.

"Kids?" she called, shoes clacking on the hardwood floor as she made for the living room.

"Upstairs, Mom!" came her daughter's reply, echoing down the stairs from the direction of their room.

"Everything good?" their mothers asked them, glancing around the house & finding little out of place.

"Yeah, we're good," came her son's response from the upstairs bedroom as well.

"Where's your Aunt Gale?" Kelsey asked, when she noticed her sister's absence.

"Should be down in the basement," Chelsea answered, followed by what seemed like a curious giggle.

Kelsey arched a brow, immediately suspicious, and strode over to the basement stairs to head down.

"Gale?" she called gently as she descended. "You down here...?"

"Mmm dwmn hrmm..." came a muted response.

"Oh, my...!" Kelsey sputtered, stopping short on the stairs as she gazed down into the open basement area.

"Hlumph," greeted Gale bashfully, who was lying on the floor. White ropes encircled her purple sweater above & below her chest, pinning her arms; and Kelsey could see that her wrists had been tied together behind her back. Her legs had been similarly bound around her knees and ankles, and she slowly bent them to demonstrate how restricted her movements were.

"What...what happened?" Kelsey asked, dumbfounded, as she finished stepping down into the basement to walk over to her.

"Thmph chldrmph nm mm wrm plmphing mm gmph," Aunt Gale replied...though the duct tape covering her mouth was making the specifics of what she was saying a tad more difficult to articulate. Kelsey spied a polka-dotted handkerchief dangling around her sister's neck; and it was safe to assume that the material had probably been tied over her eyes or mouth at some point.

Still, Kelsey got the gist of it. "Playing a game with the children?" Kelsey guessed.

Gale nodded. "Thrm bttrm mnt thsmph thm wm wrm mnt thrmf agumph," her sister mumbled through the tape, looking up at her sister from the carpet.

"Here, let me..." Kelsey said, bending over to peel the tape from Gale's lips.

"Mmm...gah!" Gale breathed, letting out a relieved gasp. "Darn tape didn't want to come off!"

"Well, the longer you leave it like that..." Kelsey commented, flicking the discarded tape off to the side of the room. "Care to explain now?"

Aunt Gale shifted against the ropes. "You've raised two VERY effective kidnappers," she informed her sister. "Apparently they play the same sorts of games we used to when we were younger...except they are substantially better at tying ropes."

"I...might have had a hand in that, sorry," Kelsey admitted, scanning the result up and down. "The topic came up, and I might've told them a few stories. Didn't think they'd take to it so readily."

"No biggie," Gale assured, laughing slightly at the absurdity of it all.

At that point, there came the sound of thundering footsteps through the ceiling; as both Chelsea and Danny came barreling down the stairs. Danny was clutching more of the white rope; and Chelsa held a roll of white tape & a cloth in her hands.

Both were doing a very poor job of hiding the materials behind their backs.

"Wanna tell me about this?" the mother asked her children, jabbing a thumb in the direction of their aunt lying on the floor.

"She said she wanted to play a game with us!" defended Danny immediately, gesturing outwardly with his hands...then quickly hiding them and the ropes back behind him.

"And she agreed it was alright," Chelsea added.

Their mother sighed. "Well, can you please untie your aunt?" Kelsey asked them.

"Aw, but Aunt Gale said you'd be joining in!" Danny pouted.

"Excuse me?"

"I said that my sister would be home any minute," Gale clarified, lifting her head to address the children. "And that was just part of the story."

" she's here," Chelsea said. "We have to take care of her, too."

Kelsey gave her two kids a strained look. "Look, kids, your Aunt Gale has indulged your shenanigans enough tonight," she started to say. "Now go ahead and untie her so she can go..."

"I dunno, sis...I don't think we have a choice here," Gale interrupted from her spot on the floor. "These are dangerous people, after all."


"They can't just let us go," Gale went on teasingly. "We might call the police. They need time to make their escape."

Kesley narrowed her eyes at her sister. "You're just looking for an excuse to annoy me, aren't you?"

"Only fair that you share in my misfortune, sis," Gale reasoned, shrugging innocently.

Kesley let out an irritated noise at her prone sister, and then peered back at her children; who were looking at her expectantly.

"Oh, for all the...fine," Kesley agreed reluctantly. "How do we do this?"

The two siblings exchanged triumphant grins, as they quickly approached the two ladies. "Aha!" yelled Danny, flanking his mother. "Thought you could sneak around without us knowing, huh!?"

"Looks like this one got her gag off and warned her," Chelsea said, kneeling down next to Gale.

"You villains!" Gale said dramatically. "Let my sister go!"

Kelsey was amazed by the sudden shift of energy, as the three of them immediately went into full-theatre mode. Reflexively, she raised her hands. "Uh...please don't hurt us," she ventured, looking between them.

"Get her over to the couch," Chelsea said to Danny, as she lifted Aunt Gale off the ground into a standing position. "But tie her hands first!"

An astounded Kelsey then observed as her son gently-but-firmly brought her raised hands behind her back, and began tying a length of rope around them quite snugly. She watched as Chelsea helped Gale hop over to the couch, sitting her sister down on one of the cushions before taking a seat next to her.

"Let my sister GMMPH...!" Gale attempted to say, before Chelsea placed her hand over her mouth.

"Shush," the bold girl said to her aunt, as the lady squirmed in place.

Meanwhile, Danny had begun tossing rope around his mother's arms; and Kelsey felt as the cord begin tightening above and below the chest of her business suit, matching the method used on Gale.

"I can see what you mean," grunted Kelsey to Gale, as her son finished binding her arms and nudged her over to the couch to join her dark-haired sister next to her.

Chelsea took her hand off Gale’s mouth and grabbed the roll of tape from the table. “Time to shut both of you up,” the girl told them, tearing off pieces of the white tape.

Kelsey frowned at her daughter. “Manners,” she scolded.

Chelsea grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, Mom,” she corrected, holding up a piece of the white tape. “Just pretending.”

Kelsey watched as her daughter approached Gale, tape pinched between her fingers.

“Oh, no!” Gale gasped. “Not agai…NMPH!”

The duct tape was smoothed over her mouth; followed by two more pieces. While that was happening, Danny took the toll and began tearing off pieces of his own. "Your turn!" he said gleefully, holding a piece up to Kelsey's mouth.

"Is that really necessar...YMPH?"

Kelsey was half-serious with her question; before the tape was applied, cutting her off mid-speech.

"Gotta keep you both from communicating with each other," Danny said to his mother, as he finished adding two more strips of duct tape.

"Rmf ymph symph smph," Kelsey muttered, feeling the material pressed against her lips. She stole a look at Gale next to her; who returned her gaze with a wink. Looking down, Danny was already securing Kelsey's legs; fresh rope being looped around her suit pants.

Chelsea, meanwhile, was already undoing the polka-dotted handkerchief from around Gale's neck. "Let's make this look right," the girl stated, as Kelsey watched her smooth the fabric, and then pull it tightly over Gale's taped mouth; causing her sister's eyes to widen in response.

"Mm-mmph!" Gale mumbled as she was gagged.

"Huh...they really don't want us talking, do they?" Kelsey thought to herself.

Cheslea picked up the second cloth from the table; this one a pink handkerchief with white polka-dots. She started folding it into a band.


"Don't struggle," Chelsea warned, as she lowered the pink cloth down over her mother's face, pulling the gag tightly over the layer of white tape.

Kelsey felt the slight pressure as the handkerchief was applied. "Mmph!" she exhaled, taken aback by the sensation.

"There we go; now both of you can't talk," Chelsea said, dusting her hands off as she stepped away from the duo.

Danny stood up from tying Kelsey's feet together. "Now we can keep going without getting interrupted," the boy said.

Kelsey and Aunt Gale both stared back at the children from where they sat on the couch, thoroughly bound with ropes, as they vocalized as best they could through the gags covering their mouths.

"Chldrmph; ymn wmph gmnt awmph wmth thmph!" Aunt Gale mumbled, shifting from side to side.

"Mmmph! Hlmph!" was all Kelsey could offer.

The two siblings laughed, high-fiving each other, before scampering away to go running back upstairs.

The two women's eyes followed them as they fled, mumbling stifled cries after them, before they turned to look back at each other once they’d been left alone.

They both immediately started laughing; the corners of their eyes crinkling above the polka-dotted cloths gagging them.

“Hwm nm Earthmph dmph thmph hppnmph?” Gale asked her sister.

“Yrm gsmph mv sm asm gdm sm mmph,” Kelsey sighed, breathing through her nose.

The two ladies sat there for a bit, idly working against the ropes the see if they would loosen.

“Jeezmph; thsmph RLMPH tghtmph!” Kelsey huffed, as she slumped against the back of the couch from the effort.

“Yrm tllnmph mmph,” Gale murmured in reply. “Mmv bnm trmphing frm hrs.”

The aunt bounced closer to Kelsey’s side of the couch, turning her back to show her wrists. “Smn ifm ym cmn loosmph it,” she suggested.

Kelsey nodded, turning her own bound wrists to pluck at Gale’s knots.

Eventually, Kelsey felt the wrist bindings slacken.

“Hymph!” Gale exclaimed, and busily went to untying Kelsey’s wrists.

Their arms were still bound; but with their hands now somewhat freed, the two of them adjusted their seating positions until they successfully managed to undo the ropes holding their arms together.

“Fnlymph!” Gale cried, as she spread her arms out wide; dangling lengths of rope falling down around her waist. She immediately pulled the rag down from her mouth; and carefully peeled the duct tape away from her lips.

“Whew…whatta rush!” she breathed, discarding the tape as she watched Kelsey bend over to untie her legs. “Remind me not to get on your kids bad side!”

“Mmm…gah!” Kelsey said, as she removed the pink gag & duct tape from her own mouth. “I’m rather…mixed on the whole affair.”

“Lighten up,” Gale said, gently jabbing her sister on the shoulder. “There are worse ways to spend an evening.”

Leaving the piles of rope on the couch, the two women stood and made their way up the basement stairs; where they found Chelsea and Danny watching television in the living room.

Chelsea whistled. “You both escaped sooner than we thought!” she complimented.

“Did the bad guys get away?” Kelsey asked sarcastically.

“Took everything with them,” Danny answered. “Better luck next time.”

“There will be some debate on that score,” Kelsey chided. “Say goodnight to your aunt; I expect she’s leaving soon.”

“G’night,” the two siblings intoned, as Kelsey walked Gale to the doors after she’d reclaimed her belongings.

“Go easy on your next sitter!” Gale called back to them over her shoulder.

“Thanks again,” Kelsey said to her. “You good?”

“Bit stiff; but otherwise alright,” Gale assured, bidding farewell. “Don’t hesitate to give me a call if you need me again.”

The two of them exchanged a brief hug, and Kelsey shut the door as she left.

“Kids!” she yelled. “Don’t forget to clean that mess downstairs…!”
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Post by Terry45 »

This was very well written. I like the length, the details, and the dialogue.
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Post by Alboreland »

Great story. I hope they get better with their knots so their victims can't escape so easily and learn about mouth stuffing.

I hope to read more.
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Post by IrvinKlaw »

Great story, well written a really good and engaging read, thank you for sharing.
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Post by charliesmith »

Well written. Enjoyed reading it!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by roguehorseman »

Excellent story, would love to see more with these two in the ropes.
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Post by Alboreland »

Great stories but I don't think the author has an account anymore. I wish there would be more.
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Alboreland wrote: 8 months ago Great stories but I don't think the author has an account anymore. I wish there would be more.
Fear not! I am still here.

Had another requested story I recently posted; and I am working on two stories currently.

Stay tuned!
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Post by Trammel »

Fantastic story. Well written. I loved it!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

Active story:

Recently finished story:

Adventures in child sitting (mfM)

The bully, the tree and me (mm/m)

A Kidnapping For MacKenzie.
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Post by Dpsiic »

I love this story, can’t wait for more Kelsey and Gale adventures.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Thank you for a good story, @Detective-Gag.

As I read it, I wanted to be tied up to a kitchen chair, gagged and blindfolded, and to have my computer read the story out loud. And other similar stories for an hour or so, keeping me well aroused but unable to do anything, waiting for my bondager to look after me.
I would also preferred it to be MF/F so that a breast was a breast and not a chest. But Fs and Ms would not need a sitter.

Thanks again.

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Post by roguehorseman »

A superb story, one of the best I've read this year.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Love family themed bondage scenarios.
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