Capturing my cousin, a first. m/f

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Capturing my cousin, a first. m/f

Post by Alibi31 »

One of my favorite tie-up experiences happened when I was 16-17 and on the field of battle… well, not really, but kind of. You’ll see what I mean.
It was summer time, and I was hanging out with my cousins and siblings. Altogether, there were eight of us; me, four of my siblings and three cousins. In order from oldest to youngest, there was Ellie, my older sister, about 5’2’’ with wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and good curves. Next was me (Aidan) about 5’6’’, lean but strong, with wavy strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. My younger sister Mara, 15, roughly 5’4’’, a little heavier, with frizzy blond hair and green eyes. Eva, my cousin, 5’5’’, who was the same age as Mara, with longer golden-brown hair and well developed breasts. Jade, my next cousin, roughly 12 years old, mature for her age, 5’7’’, with short curly blond hair. Grant, my younger brother, also 12, built like a twig and quite short. Amy, another cousin, sister of Eva and Jade, who thinks she is a queen, 10 years old, seems more Grant’s age, almost 5’2’’. Then my younger brother John, sensitive and probably too young to play, but he wanted to anyway.
So it was the time of COVID, and my cousins had been visiting when it all went down, so they stayed with us for almost a year. It was quite fun, as there were more playmates and things to do. We kept each other sane on the acre and a quarter that was my property.
One day we watched an episode of Stargate SG1, a action adventure show featuring a military team that travels to other worlds through an ancient portal kept secret by the government. It usually involved some intrigue and then lots of shoot ‘em up action, and while certainly corny at times, was really quite fun. We decided that when it cooled down later in the day, we should play Stargate, but turn it into an air soft battle.
I, as a typical teenage country boy, had slowly accumulated several toy airsoft guns that I sometimes used to battle my older sister (she had a few as well) and so after donning various camo/tactical items of clothing we all gathered to dole out the weapons. These were mostly low power spring pistols, but also a few spring powered rifles. As the resident expert on the guns, most were mine, I tried to make sure everyone else got the good ones so they wouldn’t be miserable. Then the game was explained.
We had an old trampoline frame that we had tilted upwards that acted as our Stargate portal, and the situation was that half of our team had been sent through as an advance party, but would get possessed by a strange parasitic, hive minded fungus or something that made them turn hostile. So half of us would be infected, and our goal was to kill the ones not infected, while the healthy ones were trying to subdue and heal us by bringing us back through the Stargate. This way everyone would be on the same team in the end, and yet still have a healthy competition.
I was chosen to lead the infected group, my sister Ellie would lead the healthy ones.
There were several rules set out, but the big ones were:
Realism. Use any means necessary to finish the mission, and act like everything is real. Including injuries.
Eating food heals injuries.
If an infected person was brought back through the Stargate, they would be immediately cured and be able to help hunt the remaining infected.
With all these laws in place, we split everyone up according to experience, so I had Amy, Grant, John, and Eva on my team. We were infected. That left Ellie, Mara, and Jade on the healthy side. We figured since I had more of the younger kids, it would balance out in terms of numbers versus experience.
My team went through the Stargate, and was given a ten minute timer to “explore” and get situated before the other team came to retrieve us. It was about 5:00 at this point. My team stuck very close to me, such that stealth was not on our side, and though I tried to be patient, poor John and Amy just weren’t used to playing commando, and Grant was still learning. Eva was competent though, so I essentially let her do whatever she wanted. So when the other team came looking for us, I would have us all fire off a few shots, then run away as fast as possible, with me trying to make a diversion until we could meet up again. Eventually however, the young ones couldn’t handle the needed speed, and one by one surrendered (since they didn’t want to get shot). Grant and Eva actually stayed infected with me for a while, but Ellie’s team was using stealth as their main strategy, and it didn’t help that the sun was setting and every time one of my teammates got caught, Ellie’s team would grow.
Now, it had never been discussed if we could tie people up for this game, but the goal for this game was gritty realism, using any means necessary to win. So naturally, I had come prepared. I had a forest camo jacket and a gun belt with various pouches and such. I had lots of spare BBs, two tangerines, several short pieces of paracord, two bandanas, and then a wide friction belt and a snap buckle belt. The bandanas and belts I kept hidden on the inside of my jacket, in case the other team caught and searched me.
I ran around the property for a long time, eventually I found out that Eva had been cured, so it was just Grant and me. We would see each other every once in a while, but it’s easier to stay hidden when you are separate, so we stayed that way a long time. It was around 7:00 when he and I got in a firefight, and he got taken by the others.
I was now alone.
It was an incredible rush, sneaking around the side of the house, hiding in bushes, terrified there would be a person ready to shoot you around the corner… and I don’t like to lose, so as my team dwindled, I went full survival mode. It was well known that I was the most into this sort of combat game, but boy did it manifest that night. I was a wraith. I would use all my skill to blend in and stay quiet, listening for anyone else, then I would pop off a few shots before retreating with BBs richocheting around me.
I truly felt like I was being hunted, so I almost peed myself a few times from the sheer suspense of the whole thing. That, and I had a secondary objective: to tie up my cousin Eva.
This was a hard thing at first, since she was on my team, so I wouldn’t have a valid excuse to do so. That is why at the very beginning I told her to stay separate from the main group, even going so far as to tell her to patrol the area where I suspected the other team would be. That way, she would quickly be on the others’ side, and I could have my way.
As luck would have it, the perfect opportunity came around 8 or 9 o’clock.
I hadn’t seen anyone for a while, and had actually been shot once or twice, but had been able to heal. I had hit a few of the other team, several times in some cases, but they kept healing as well, so it was a 7 to 1 manhunt, now fully dark outside.
I had just crept along the front of the house, keeping low, and I ever so carefully peeked around the corner, looking toward the granny flat and small picket garden that lined the side of the main house. It was then that I saw Eva, obviously trying to sneak, come to the front of the granny flat.
I froze, knowing better than to move suddenly. Movement draws the eye.
Eva stopped right at the corner of the granny flat, in front of a porch light that was shining bright in the dark. It silhouetted her perfectly, making a target clear as day. She was wearing tight jeans, sneakers, and a camo jacket that matched my own over a tight black t-shirt. She had her safety goggles hanging around her neck for the time being, and she was just standing there.
There were about 50 feet between myself and her, and she had a slightly higher elevation due to the small hill the granny flat was on. I also had the picket fence garden between her and me, casting lots of irregular shadows and contrasting really well with the light source nearby. Grapevines draped from the picket garden to the wall of the house, providing those heavy, irregular shadows that would hide me perfectly almost to the door of the granny flat.
I took a breath, and slowly crept low to the ground to the cover of the picket fence. Eva hadn’t moved much or seemed to have noticed me. I started to sneak closer under the grape vines, but then decided that wouldn’t do me good. I had one of the longer range guns, and the better visibility; if I got too close it would put me in a very dangerous situation.
I moved back to the front of the picket garden, steeling myself for what was to come next. Then, I stood up suddenly, facing directly towards Eva, and fired.
The quiet ping of the spring sounded, followed by a small thwap as the BB hit Eva directly in the torso. A “kill” shot.
Eva looked down at herself, bewildered at the hit, then looked around and saw me standing with my airsoft gun trained on her still.
She seemed to nod slightly as she finally understood what happened, and sank to the ground, limp, one hand over her gut.
I decided to risk it all right then, and ran up to her despite the exposed and well lit position.
Her eyes were closed, and in one hand she weakly held her pistol. I gently pried it from her grip, both of us grinning slightly as she resisted, and I put it in my jacket pocket. I then knelt down and whispered, “I’m going to move you to a different spot, okay?” and grabbed her arm and helped her stand.
“I’m dead, why do you need to move me?” Eva said, sounding a little put out. But she still stood and walked with me. I had one hand around her arm, the other holding my rifle, and I started guiding her to the front of the main house, where there was a spot I knew would be perfect for my needs.
We had just came to the front of the house, and we’re walking across the very open yard toward a center island display with several trees and large bushes, when Eva spoke again.
“Wait a minute, I’m dead,” she re-emphasized. “Why am I helping you walk?”
And with that, she went limp and sank to the ground, pretending to be lifeless.
I was getting very nervous now, because I was completely exposed, and now had to drag a body roughly 30 more feet somehow while also holding a rifle.
I tried to pull her by the collar of her jacket, but I couldn’t do so without choking her, so I tried a few more times before finally conceding and setting my gun on the ground.
Pushing her into a sitting position, I wrapped my arms around her front, under her arms, and began to drag her backwards. It was slow going, and noisy, too, because the area where Eva had decided to drop was part of the long asphalt loop-around driveway at my house, and her shoes scraped and bounced more than I’d like.
Eva made several small exclamations and asked if I could do better.
“I thought you were dead,” I replied.
Eva fell silent, but did start half-walking for the final few feet.
I had dragged her into the shadows cast by the bushes from the house lights, now hidden from casual view as I dragged her into the island shrubbery.
There was a jacaranda tree that had leafy branches that arched to the ground, making a spattered cave of sorts, holed up on the edges by surrounding bushes. The shadows cast there would be spattered and very dark, thanks to the nearby porch lights, increasing the contrast and making it impossible to discern anything inside the leafy cave.
I backed through the branches and set her down on the twig-laden ground. I then dashed back out into the open, picked up my gun, and rushed back into my impromptu hideaway.
Eva had remained still, limp on the ground, face up. I sighed in relief, then seized her by the shoulders, forcing her to sit up, then scooping my hands under her armpits, heaved and shoved her backwards a bit, attempting to position her back against the base of the jacaranda. The slope of the roots were not helpful in this, and it resulted in her body slipping down, her neck bent against the tree.
Looking at her for a moment, I repositioned myself and twisted her body perpendicular to the tree, where she promptly fell limp on the ground again.
I realized now that I had no idea how I wanted to do this. I knew I wanted at least her hands and feet taken care of, and if I was brave enough, even a gag and blindfold. So I pulled out the two belts and bandanas from inside my jacket and laid them on the ground, holding the friction belt in my hands.
Eva was still playing the dead role, eyes closed and head turned to the side. I then realized I still needed to be thinking tactically, and I realized she might have ammunition or healing equipment.
I quickly, and carefully, examined each of the pockets on her jacket, removing one bag of ammo and a tangerine, putting them safely in my own inventory, before taking the belt once more and moving behind Eva.
My heart was pounding hard, and I’m sure my hands were sweating, as I propped her into a sitting position once more, her limp form leaning forward. I grabbed one of her arms, bringing it behind her back, and then seized the other and did the same, holding them together with one hand while I attempted to slip the belt around her wrists with the other.
This made her perk up. She lifted her head, tossing her hair slightly, and tried to look behind her to see what was happening, but she made no comment yet, and maintained her limp state (head looking aside).
I had significant trouble dealing with the baggy sleeves of her jacket, but eventually I was blue to slip her hands in the loop I had made. I pulled on the loose end, making the loop close around her wrists, and wrapped the excess in between her wrists, cinching the bind tight. Eva took a sharp breath through her nose as the pressure heightened.
“Why are you tying me up?” she asked in a whisper. “I’m dead! I’m not going anywhere!”
“So the others don’t find you,” I said as I finished securing her wrists. That response didn’t make a ton of sense if you think about it, but it was satisfactory enough. I hoped.
Just before I stood and moved on to her legs, I felt something brush against her back. With horror, I realized that this whole endeavor was very appealing to me, and I sincerely hoped that Eva hadn’t picked up on it.
A little flustered and scared now, I pushed Eva back to the ground and rolled her onto her stomach. Taking the second belt I had, I tightened it down around her ankles, cinching it in the same way as her wrists.
I backed away and examined my work. It was good, but not good enough, I thought.
I would have loved to tie her against the tree, but that hadn’t worked earlier, so I tried something else. Taking the leather belt off my own pants (don’t worry,it was purely cosmetic to begin with), I cinched it around her knees, further immobilizing her, and satisfying my expectations.
But I was still rather nervous with the whole episode, and so after lying in wait next to her tied up body for a minute or so (which let me see some light struggling from her) I rose and left the “cave” area to seek other prey.
…Before getting worried that someone would find Eva and get me in trouble, which led to me returning swiftly and seeing Eva slightly moved.
“You know,” I said as I looked into her face when she looked up at me, “you’re right. You’re dead. You don’t need to be left tied up.”
I stopped as an idea emerged.
“Unless you like it.”
Eva didn’t respond right away, but eventually said, “No, I’m okay.”
My heart sank.
“Are you sure?” I asked, trying once more.
She paused.
“I don’t know. But if you want me to, I can—“
“No! That’s alright. Only if you wanted to,” I said, cutting her off and quickly untying her.
We didn’t say anything else as I finished and gathered my things. I simply left, watching my surroundings closely to make sure nobody had snuck up on me.
I did return to the tree later to see if Eva was still there, but she was gone. Turns out, she had been pretending to be dead the whole time, and my shot had hit her hip. She had been hoping I would just leave her alone so she could crawl to safety. But of course, being tied up made that impossible.
The other team finally got me around 10:00 at night, and I have been wanting to play again desperately since then. I did get to tie up Eva a few more times, eventually figuring out she kind of enjoyed it, too, but that’s for another time.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome to the League of TuGs Writers. I hope you have many more tales to share.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

Good story! And nicely told also.
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Post by trainer »

Good story! Happy to read others about your tales with Eva as well :)
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