Christyne in Blue Jeans (MF/Fmf)

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KP Presents
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Christyne in Blue Jeans (MF/Fmf)

Post by KP Presents »

“Granny! Granny! Look at my picture!”

Christyne smiled as her six-year-old granddaughter Betsy ran over with the sheet of paper she had been drawing on. She looked at the picture and said “that is wonderful Betsy. Is that me?”

“You and Mummy,” Betsy said as she smiled. She was wearing a cap sleeved purple top with a butterfly print over a long-sleeved black top, a blue lace tutu skirt and blue denim knee length shorts. Her brown hair was held back by a headband with cat’s ears that sparkled with small lights.

“Let me have a look dear,” Christyne’s daughter Suzanne said as she held her hand out. She was wearing a blue sweater over a blue top, jeans and slippers, while Christyne was wearing a black and white striped top and faded jeans with blue deck shoes.

“This is wonderful – why don’t you draw another one?”

“Okay Mummy,” Betsy said as she went back to the table and pushed herself back into the chair. As Suzanne looked over, she saw her older daughter Judy working on her homework. The eleven-year-old girl had long brown hair, and was wearing a long blue sleeveless dress over a blue long-sleeved top with white flowers printed on it. Like her sister, she was barefoot.

“So when does that son in law of mine get back,” Christyne said as she picked up her coffee cup.

“About ten tonight – I might let the girl sit up for him, given he has been away for the best part of a month.”

“Well, that is part of being an engineer who works on big projects,” Christyne said as she sipped her drink.

“I know – and I miss him like crazy,” Suzanne said with a smile, “but the holidays are as good as well - we go to Disney World next week.”

“Remember to bring me back something,” Christyne said with a smile as she put her cup down. Both women then heard the knock on the door.

“Chris is early,” Suzanne said as she stood up, “makes a nice change. Do you want another coffee?”

“Not for now, thank you,” Christyne said as Suzanne left the room and approached the front door. Opening it, she said “hey Chris…”

“I’m not Chris.”

Suzanne looked at the young woman standing in the doorway, wearing a tight black sweater and leggings with over the knee black suede boots.

“No – no you’re not. Who are you?”

“Allow us in, and we will explain,” the woman said as Suzanne saw the pistol pointing at her in the woman’s hand. She stepped slowly back, raising her hands as she and a man walked in. He was also wearing a black jumper with trousers and shoes, and like the woman had leather gloves on his hands, a black woollen cap on his head -and a black domino mask over his eyes, dark makeup highlighting the blue colour of them.

As he closed the door, she saw the large holdall in his gloved hand as the woman said “I take it you are Suzanne?”


“Good – I am Beauty, and this is my partner The Best. Do not raise your voice, do not panic – who else is in the house?”

“Mmmhhhmm My daughters and my mother…”

“Good,” the young man said with a smile, “introduce us to them.”

Christyne looked up as Suzanne came back in, and then saw the masked couple and the gun the woman was holding as she said “oh no..”

“Mum,” Judy said quietly as she looked over, “what’s going on?”

“I don’t know,” Suzanne said as the masked man put the bag on the couch, and took the gun from the young woman before she walked to the table.

“Hello – my name’s Beauty. Who are you?”

“Betsy – and this is Judy. Why are you wearing the mask?”

“Well, Betsy, the truth is my friend nd I are going to steal from your mother – and the truth is we need to make sure nobody can stop us. My name is Beauty – can I call you Betsy and Judy.

As the two girls nodded, Best said to Christyne “you must be Suzanne’s mother. Would you please hand me your handbag and mobile phone.”

“Please, mum, do as he says,” Suzanne whispered, Christyne nodding as she handed her handbag over.

“Thank you,” the masked man said. “Please, come and stand next to your daughter, and then ~I want you both to put your hands behind your back.”


“Because” he said as he opened the bag, “I need to tie you both up.”

“You need to tie us up? But I want to finish my drawing,” Betsy said.

“And I have homework to finish,” Judy added.

“Well, I’m not going to stop you – so what I am going to do is tie your ankles and legs, and also I need to put something in your mouth to help you both to stay quiet, and then you can finish what you are doing before you go over. Deal?”

Both girls looked at Suzane, who nodded as Best crossed her wrists behind her back and started to bind them tightly together with white rope.

“Deal,” Judy said, Beauty smiling as she went to the bag and came back with four lengths of rope. Kneeling by the side of her chair, she wrapped the rope round Judy’s ankles and pulled it gith so that they were held together, Betsy watching as she took the rope around and between her bare ankles to bind them to each other.
She then took a second length and folded the skirt of her dress back, securing Judy’s legs together below her knees in the same way. “Does it hurt,” Betsy said as she watched the masked woman working.

“No – you’ll be fine,” Judy said as her younger sister watched Beauty start to bind her legs.

“You’re not going to hurt them, are you,” Christyne said as she felt the rope rubbing on her own wrists.

“Of course not,” he said as he pulled the ropes tighter, “but we do need to make sure they are kept nice and quiet with the rest of you.”

“How long are you going to be here,” Suzanne said as she was helped to sit down.

“As long as it takes,” Best said as he helped Christyne to sit down, and then knelt by her side, lifting her feet onto his knee and crossing her ankles before he bound them together with the rope as well. “When your daughters have finished they can come and sit with their grandmother while you and I take a tour of the house.”

“Do you really have to tie them up as well?”

“We do – but do not be afraid, they will be fine,” he said as Beauty walked over and took from the holdall two white headscarves. “If a little quiet.”

“What do you mean, a little… No…”

“Open wide,” Beauty said, “and I’ll pull this between your lips. It won’t stop you talking, but it will muffle what you say a little.”

“Don’t you just tie that over our mouths and round our heads, like in the films,” Judy said quietly.

“It might slip down your face - this way is better. Please, show your sister it will be fine.”

Judy looked at Betsy, and then nodded as she opened her mouth and Beauty pulled the rolled-up scarf between her lips, securing the ends together at the base of her neck. She closed her lips over it and nodded as Betsy was gagged in the same way, and then they both started their work again.

Christyne looked at them and nodded as she flet the rope holding her own legs together below her knees, and then allowed herself to be gagged in the same way as Suzanne said “so what are you going to do now?”

“Well, my friend Beauty is going to stay here,” Best said as he helped Suzanne to stand up, “while we take a walk round upstairs. Come with me please?”

“Whllhbhfhn,” Christyne said as Suzanne walked over to the table, and said “Will you girls be all right?”

“Whrrfhfnmhm, Judy said, Betsy nodding in agreement before she left the room with the masked man. Beauty looked at the drawing Betsy was doing, and said “are you adding me to your picture?”


“Thank you,” Beauty said with a smile.

“How do you justify threatening my children to get me to do this,” Suzanne said as she was walked into her bedroom.

“I don’t think either Beauty or I threatened them,” Best said quietly, “we told them what was going to happen, and we did it, that was all.”

Suzanne looked at him for a moment, and then said “okay, you got me there – but why do this?”

“Tell me, Suzanne, how do you pay your bills?”

“Well, my husband has a well-paid job, I do some work from home – we get by. We certainly do not have to take a family hostage while we rob them.”

“Then you are the fortunate ones. There are thousands of people out there who are not in such a fortunate position. What we take, Beauty and o, we take because like you we have bills to pay – and our means of getting the funds for that are not many.”

Suzane stared at him as she said “are you telling me you do this to survive?”

“Essentially – yes. You have wealth, we need to pay the bills.”

“Your honesty is – refreshing,” Suzanne said quietly, “and you’re right – hey may be tied up, but the girls are not.. Oh no…”

“Hush,” Best said as he put a gloved hand over Suzanne’s mouth, the front doorbell ringing again.

“Hey sis – what are you…”

Beauty smiled as she looked at the new arrivals and said “hello here – why don’t you all come in, and I’ll explain what is happening.”

“What’s going on,” the new arrival said as she walked into the house. She had long strawberry blonde hair, and was wearing a grey cardigan over a crimson top, and blue jeans with the legs ticked into a pair of knee length brown leather boots. With her were two children, a six-year-old girl who was dressed in the same way as her mother but with short brown boots, and a ten-year-old boy who was wearing a long-sleeved top with a grey front and back and purple sleeves, jeans and brown trainers.

“Mum why is she wearing a mask,” he said as the girl held her mother’s hand.

“I don’t know – why are you wearing a mask?”

“Because I’m a thief – my name is Beauty,” she said with a smile, “and we’re robbing this house. That means that all of you are going to have to be like Suzanne and her family.”

“Auntie Suzanne?”

“That’s right little one,” Beauty said as she squatted in front of the girl. “Can you tell me your name?”


“And your brother?”


“And your mother?”


Beauty laughed as she stroked Nancy’s hair with her gloved hand. “Come into the front room, and you can see how the others are.”

“Come on,” their mother said quietly as they walked in, and then she said “mum?”

“Hllhhchrhs,” Christyne said from her seat, as the scarf grew darker at the corners of her mouth.

“Ah – so you would be Chris, Suzanne’s sister? Well, she will be pleased to see you in that case,” Beauty said as she took a length of rope from the bag. “Please, put your hands behind your back – I want to show Steve and Nancy what is going to happen to them and to the girls.”

Christyne nodded as Chris let her handbag drop to the floor, and then moved her hands behind her back while her children watched.

“That looks tight,” Steve said quietly as Beauty secured the rope.

“It is – but I promise you it does not hurt. Ready?”

Steve nodded as he allowed Beauty to secure his wrists together behind his back, but Nancy shook her head and said “not me, please.”

“Well, I do need to tie your wrists together – if I do yours in front of you, do you promise not to try and help anyone else to get free or to try and remove the scarves I am going to put into your mouths like your cousins?”

Nancy looked at Judy and Betsy, then at her grandmother before she slowly nodded and crossed her wrists in front of herself. Chris whispered “thank you” as Beauty tied the young girl’s wrists together in front of herself, and then said to Chris “sit in the armchair please.”

As Chris sat down, her children walked over to Christyne and said “where’s Auntie Suzanne, Gran?”

“Shhpshthrss,” Christyne mumbled.

“You sound funny,” Nancy giggled as she twisted round.

“Swhhlyhhnhmhnnhhtt,” she replied as Beauty knelt down and used more rope to tie Chris’ ankles together, and then secured her legs together below her knees. She looked at Steve and Nancy as Beauty rolled up a white scarf, and then used it to gag her before she said “right kids – sit on either side of your mother please, and then it’s your turn.”

Steve sat to the left-hand side of Chris, Nancy pushing herself up on the right-hand side as Beauty secured his ankles and legs together and then gagged him with a scarf. The young girl then watched as Beauty used more ropes to bind her ankles together, and then her legs below her knees.

“Now, remember you promised not to try and get yourself free, or take the scarf from anybody else’s mouth, as well as your own, right?”

“I do,” Nancy whispered as Chris nodded.

“Good – open your mouth as wide as you can.”

“Uhhrrfhrrbhrf,” Christyne said as Nancy felt the silk on her tongue and the band round her head. She blushed as Beauty smiled at Christyne, and then heard the footsteps on the stairway.

“Oh god – Chris, I am so sorry.”

“You have no need to apologise, Suzanne,” Beauty said with a smile, “after all, you had no choice in the matter.”

“What she said,” Best said as he stood behind the young woman. “Now, take a seat please.”

“Are you finished girls,” Suzanne said as she looked at the table. Both of them nodded as the masked girl took two lengths of rope from the bag and walked over, while Best said “have a seat Suzanne – the girls will join you soon, and then you can all watch the television together.”

Suzanne nodded as she sat down, hearing Judy and Betsy giggling in a muffled way as she watched the way Best was securing her ankles together, and then her legs below her knees, before he walked behind her.

Christyne smiled over her gag as she watched Judy and Betsy jump over from the table, their wrists also secured together now behind their backs, before they sat on the floor in front of their mother, looking at the television as Best gagged her in the same way as everyone else. She bit down on the rolled-up silk and looked round the room as Best turned the television on, and put a children’s channel on.


Steve rolled his eyes as the animation started, Judy looking at him and nodding as Betsy hummed along to the theme tune as well.


Beauty nodded as Steve smiled over the grey soaked material that was stopping him from talking. “You care very much for them, don’t you?”

“Hffhchrs, therfhmhllhle.”

“Exactly - and family is the most important thing,” Beauty said, as Christyne looked at her. She then looked at her daughters, wondering if they were thinking the same thing as her.

“How much longer would they be here?”

“I am going to take your grandmother with me to prepare some food for you all,” Beauty said as she untied Christyne’s legs. As she stood up, she saw the others and nodded as she was escorted to the kitchen.

“If I remove the gag,” Beauty said as she untied her wrists, “will you keep your voice low?”

Christyne nodded as she rubbed her wrists, and then said “may I pour myself some water” as the scarf was removed from between her lips.

“Of course - pour me a glass as well please.”

As Christyne took two glasses from a shelf and then poured some water into them, she looked at Beauty and said “so how much longer are you going to hold us hostage?”

“Long enough to make sure we can get away safely – and before anyone else calls. Is your other daughter still married?”

“Divorced - and he moved away,” Christyne said before she took a long drink. “Family really is important to you, Beauty. Does that mean you didn’t have one?”

The masked woman looked at her, and said “how could you tell?”

“It’s a gift – and it may explain why a man and woman barely out of their teens have become skilled home invaders and hostage takers. You both grew up in care, and were let loose with no support, right?”

“You may be, you may not be – I could not possibly comment,” Beauty said as she looked at the older woman. “Let’s just say we target the homes who can help, and we take only what we need.”

“Well, I remember my own mother talking about the time between the world wars, and how hard it was then – I guess I should just be grateful you have looked after all of us. So what happens after we have eaten?”

“Well, let us say you will be together again – and slightly more tightly bound and gagged…”

“Okay then – a good meal is needed. There are some pizzas in the refrigerator…”

“Thanks for cooking,” Suzanne said as they all sat round the dining table, Beauty and the Best sitting with them as the snacks and pizzas were passed round.

“Well, you were tied up,” Christyne said with a smile. “So are you all happy you can talk again?”

“Yeah,” Judy said, “it was a strange feeling, but I got used to it. But why do I get the feeling we will be quiet again later?”

“You can assume that will happen,” Best sad with a smile, “but once again, you will all be the same.”


“Yes Nancy,” Chris said as she looked over.

“I would like my hands behind me next time, if Beauty is going to tie me up.”

“Are you sure?”

Nancy nodded and smiled as Steve said “that’s my brave little sister. So you are going to tie us all up again?”

“Eventually,” Beauty said with a smile. “But for now, your grandmother has prepared all this food for us, so let us eat, drink and be merry, as they say.”

“she’s right,” Chris said, “if we are indeed going to be still and quiet, let’s enjoy this now and take care of that later. Some pepperoni, mum?”

“Why not – can I have some water please, Mister Best?”

“Now then,” Beauty said with a smile as Best escorted Suzanne and Chris back into the front room, “I want the four children to come with me, and they can have a wash.”

“Let me come with you,” Christyne said as she stood up, “if you are ging to do what I think you are going to do, it will be better if I am there as well, show them it will be all right.”

“Please,” Chris said, Suzanne nodding as Best said “go on, I think she may be right. Just leave some ropes for me.”

Beauty nodded as she left some ropes on the couch and picked up the large bag, the children walking with Christyne as she heard Best say “Right – please stand in front of me, and put your hands behind your back.”

They walked up the stairs as Beauty said “each of you can go to the toilet, wash and do what you need to do, and then I am going to tie you all up in a very secure way before we go back to your mothers.

“I’ll take them in with me,” Judy said as she took Nancy and Betsy by the hand and they went to the toilet. Christyne looked at Beauty, and said “I do not need to go again – show Steve what you are going to do on me.”

The young boy watched as Beauty drew a length of rope from the bag, and turned Christyne round, seeing her cross her wrists behind her back before the masked woman used the rope to secure them tightly together.

“Okay, you did that before to all of us,” he said as he looked at the knot, “so what is different this time?”

“I’ll show you,” Beauty said as she took a longer length of rope and doubled it over, and then passed it round his grandmother’s body, forcing her arms against her sides as she formed two bands around her stomach and her shoulders. As her top was stretched, she winked at Steve and said “don’t worry – she’s going to do the same to you as well as the girls.”

“But you look so – different.”

“So will you,” Christyne said as Beauty tied the ropes off.


“Ah there you are,” Christyne said as Judy brought her sister and cousin out. “Your turn now – Steve, go and clean yourself up.”

The young boy nodded quietly as he walked into the bathroom, Christyne showing the girls her body before she said “your turn now- hands behind your back. Nancy, do you want to go first?”

The six-year-old nodded as she slowly put her hands behind her back, then she smiled as her wrists were tightly bound together.

“See, I’m as brave as all of you,” she said as Beauty wrapped he rope round her stomach and pulled it tight, and then did the same round her upper arms as she smiled at her grandmother.

“That’s the spirit,,” she said as Beauty tied the ropes off, and then went behind Betsy, “that’s the spirit…”

When Steve came out from the bathroom, he saw that Judy was having her arms secured to her sides by Beauty, as Nancy and Betsy stood, twisting round and looking at each other as they did so.

“Your turn now,” she said as she tied the ropes off, Steve unable to take his eyes off his cousin as the ropes held her upper body, unaware of what was happening as the rope rubbed on his won wrists behind his back.


“Yes Gran?”

“Look at me please.”

Steve slowly turned to look at Christyne as he heard Nancy and Betsy giggle.

“Don’t think about it – remember who you are with, all right?”

“But Gran, it feels…”

“I can imagine – but try not to show it,” Christyne said with a smile, “especially with how you look as well.”

“How do I…” Steve was suddenly aware of the fact his arms were held firmly against his sides, and that he had been bound in exactly the same way as well.

“You look cute,” Judy said, Steve blushing as Beauty said “right – down to the main room, all of you.”

“Follow me – and be careful,” Christyne said as she walked down the stairs, the children following as she heard Best say “ah -here they come.”


Judy stopped as she saw Suzanne sitting in the centre of one of the two long couches, her arms held to her sides with rope and her hands behind her back. The young girl could also see the bands of rope round her mother’s ankles, as well as her legs below her knees – and the wide long strip of white tape that covered her mouth.

“I would like Judy and Betsy to sit either side of their mother,” Best said, “and Steve and Nancy to sit in the same way with their mother. Christyne, would you please take a seat on the armchair between the two couches?”

“Of course - I want to be sure my family is safe,” the grey-haired woman said as she sat down, watching as Best knelt in front of her and started to bind her ankles tightly together again. As he did, she looked at Chris and said “Well, here we are again?”

Chris closed her eyes and nodded as Christyne thought back twenty years…

Christyne looked to the side and pressed her lips on the head of Suzanne, the young girl looking up at her and nodding as she did so. They were both lying on the bed, and as Christyne turned her head she saw Chris lying on her other side.

They had been brought there by the masked men when they came into the house, without the chance to say no, and then made to stand as they secured the wrists of each of them together behind their backs with the brown rope. All three of them were wearing black jumpers, jeans and shoes, Judy with a brown leather jacket over her jumper and a white top under it.

The men had then made them lie on their backs on the bed Christyne and her husband slept in, before they used more rope to tie their ankles together, then pressed brown sticking plaster down over their mouths. The brown-haired mother knew she had to remain calm, and rubbed her cheek on the head of her daughters to show she was there with them, and to keep them safe as the men left and locked the door…

As she looked down, she saw the rope holding her own legs together, before she heard Beauty say “now to stay really quiet. Jut stay calm, and breathe in and out through your nose, all right?”

“All right,” Steve said as he opened his mouth and she pushed in the compressed sponge ball she held in her gloved hand, the three girls watching as he closed his lips and his cheeks puffed out. There was then the sound of her peeling a length of white tape from a roll, before she pressed it firmly down over his mouth, sovereign his jaw as he looked at her.

Chris leaned over and gag kissed him on the head with her aped lips as Beauty did the same thing to Nancy, saying “you’re a very brave girl” as she made sure the six-year-old remained silent. As Nancy nodded, Chris kissed her on the head as well, before she moved over and looked at Judy.

“Your turn,” Best said as he looked at Christyne, “and thank you for understanding our position.

“It’s not me you’re robbing – but I do understand why you do what you do,” she said quietly before she felt the sponge ball expand in her mouth, pressing her tongue down before the tape was smoothed down over her mouth and she looked round.

“Swwhhtdhwhdhnh,” Betsy said as she rubbed her head on her mother’s arm.

“Have any of you seen Wonka yet?”

All of them shook their heads as Beauty turned on the television and used the remote to select the Now player.

“Well, I think you will all enjoy it,” Best said with a smile as the children rested their heads on their mother’s arms, Christyne watching over all of them as the film started. The two masked robbers then sat in small chairs, as the ship sailed across the screen and Timothy Chalomet began to sing.


“Relax, watch the film,” Best sad with a smile as they all twisted and settled down…

It was an hour or so later that Christyne watched Beauty and the Best slowly slip out as the dancing was taking place on the screen. Beauty looked at her and nodded, Christyne returning the nod as they slipped out of the house, and Christyne closed her eyes…

“Hey – are you all sitting… SUZANNE! JUDY!! BETSY!!!”

Christyne opened her eyes and looked at her son in law as he stood there, his travel bag in his hand as he stared at all of them, Suzanne opening her eyes as she said “hffhnkghd – ghthshsfhrhhh!”
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Post by Trammel »

Another nice tale. Seems to me they would have all gotten free if the child was tied with hands in front.
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KP Presents
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Post by KP Presents »

Trammel wrote: 4 months ago Another nice tale. Seems to me they would have all gotten free if the child was tied with hands in front.
Ah, but a six year old girl who was a litle scared still, and had given her word not to to the thief, she may decide to just keep that promise...
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