Do Not Let History Judge Us Too Harshly (/m+)

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Do Not Let History Judge Us Too Harshly (/m+)

Post by mmph »


Do not let history judge us too harshly

Log Entry - FOREWORD - Date: 3256-04-02

To those reading - whether in my past, your present or our future - do not let history judge us too harshly. Our aim is altruistic, and for the preservation of a species. Any method that is necessary must also be above reapproach. And if we are successful in our endeavor, perhaps history will never know of us at all.


Log Entry - BARRIERS ESTABLISHED - Date: 3256-05-13

Our species follows in the line of homosapien (human), though a thousand years of adaptation to our hostile environment has caused us to stray far from the anthropoid genotype. In the perspective of a human in 2023, our kind - homonoids - most closely resemble a hovering iridescence in the fringes of their view - a "trick of the light" that is nigh imperceptible to the human eye. Having lived entirely in the void between universes, we have developed to accommodate our vast overpopulation, meager resources and the ceaseless rushing of our atoms as they are pushed and pulled within us. To our current understanding, we as a species become untethered from Earth somewhere around 2064, and that's the beginning of the end for humans (and the end of the beginning for us, homonoids). It's not an existence with much growth potential. But we have already enacted plans to reverse the irreversible.

Our science has unlocked the barriers of time. We have pinpointed the early 2020's as the lynchpin - the last possible gasp of humanity, where through carefully orchestrated movements, the tides of humanity's downfall can be prevented, and Earth can go on as a viable home for our antecedent species.

I will explain more later.


Log Entry - THE LONG JOURNEY - Date: 3256-05-17

As promised, I will detail our plans as they stand.

While we do not have precise control over venue or time, we have harnessed the power of tachyon particles to create portals in the years 2019, 2023 and 2027. By the comprehension of their contemporary science, these take the form of unexplained phenomena - a clothes dryer that seemingly opens into infinity; a puddle that plunges into the void; a solid wall through which a person may seem to evaporate - we do not know who will fall through these, how frequently or why, but when they do, they are simultaneously (at least to their perception of time) transported through physical time and space to our station in 3256. I'm told the process is not unlike human child birth, and it can leave the subject catastrophically disoriented.

They cannot see us at this point, so we allow our robotics to handle the introduction. The subject will first emerge in our time in a hyperbaric dome filled with amniotic fluid. The hydraulic arm hoists them out of the primordial soup and begins the process of binding their hands and feet. From this point forward, I'm afraid the human subject will remain in some form of bondage for the remainder of their lives. Once the subject is completely cocooned, they will have a specially designed cybernetic gag device inserted deep into their mouth. It forms to the contours of the subject's face and remains locked in place. It is absolutely essential that the subjects do not speak to any homonoid in our time. Even a single word could introduce a cataclysmic rift in the continuum. We have determined that bringing human subjects from the past at random is reasonably safe, but we cannot introduce any other information from their time into ours.

The gag is entirely controlled by our universal processor. With a touch, it can thrust the subject's jaws open, allowing for a feeding tube to be inserted when necessary. While it is affixed with a rubber bladder that can inflate and deflate to fill the subject's mouth, there is an additional security feature that makes all noise impossible. The gag sends a short but sustained electrical pulse through the subject's diaphragm, constricting use of the vocal cords. It sounds very nasty, I'm sure, but trust that by the time the subject leaves the hyperbaric chamber, their body has fully acclimated to all the devices they must wear, and the pulse becomes a low humming sensation in the back of their minds.


Log Entry - TRAINING BEGINS - Date 3256=07-01

While we receive subjects of all ages and genders, young adult males have proven the most significant asset for our mission. They seem to be afforded many privileges in their culture that are not as easily given to the rest. They have the potential to gain access and clearances in places where others may be otherwise shut out - particularly the military, where they are quickly armed and placed in proximity to classified intelligence.

We have been developing - rather, incubating - human vessels, resembling those we take in from the past. Using their tissue samples, our hope is to grow a veritable army of bipedal anthropoids that our brightest strategic minds can inhabit. We will eventually send these homonoids back to the 2020's, where they will systematically deconstruct the past until it reshapes our future and prevents the destruction of Earth.

But in order for us to secure victory, we need to train our people. The essential homonoid being no longer resembles that of a human, and to fit in we will need to learn how to pilot these bodies.

Many of our young adult male subjects are placed in the educational barracks. Fitted within a cybernetic frame, every appendage is completely controllable from our universal processor. With a swipe, homonoids can practice walking, gesturing, and picking things up. Homonoids have disposable vessels they can inhabit for this purpose, but these are not fully developed yet and like dirty laundry, must be disposed of after a few days. With our human subjects, we can observe and practice with the real thing.

As our young advance in their training, they are eventually given control of the limbic system, and are able to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of our test subjects, though this is reserved for a special elite subset of our trainees.

Log Entry - WE COMMENCE - Date 3269-09-22

After a decade of preparation with human subjects, we are finally ready to send our pilots back to the past. It's a one way trip - just as humans cannot be sent back to the past after acclimating, our homonoids cannot return to our present time. I expect we will know if their efforts are successful very soon. The ways in which our present state may be affected are completely unpredictable, but I know in my heart we are doing the right thing. That our research is for the greater good of humankind.

To those who are reading this, whenever you are -

Do not let history judge us too harshly.