A Little Tied Up in the Locker Room (FF/F)

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A Little Tied Up in the Locker Room (FF/F)

Post by silvertejp590 »

It’s the day of the match between FC Västerås and BK Umeå. Matilda Backlund serves as the midfielder for the latter. She’s a fine player, an attractive young woman, and generally well liked. But she’s about to become a target to a source she never would’ve expected.

“Hey Matilda,” she hears as she exits the BK locker room on match day. She turns around and sees Västerås players Lisa Ehrenmark and Katie Ross. It’s odd etiquette for the members of a team to talk to an opponent right before a match, but she wants to be polite and cordial (in the spirit of good sportsmanship and all that).

“Oh…hey there. What’s up?” she asks curiously (and cautiously).

“Mind if we have a word with you?” Katie asks, who has a duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

“Um… sure.” she says.

“Great! Can you come with us to the locker room?” she asks. Matilda is confused and a little unnerved by this behavior.

“Can this not wait until after the match?” she asks.

“No Matilda, I’m afraid it can’t,” Lisa says regretfully, and she along with Katie grab Matilda by the arms and drag her to their locker room.

“What’s going mmmmppphh!“ she tries to ask, but is interrupted by Lisa’s hand clamping over her mouth.

“You’ll see,” Lisa says with a note of menace in her voice. She quickly shoves her into the locker room. Katie uses her free hand to unzip the duffel bag and pulls out a fat roll of silver.

“You’re going to look so cute with duct tape covering that pretty mouth of yours. Hold her down for me, Lisa,” Katie says, as she tears off a long strip.


Lars Aronsson, manager for BK Umeå, is concerned. It’s nearly fifteen minutes until kickoff and Matilda Backlund still hasn’t arrived. She’s always punctual and this isn’t like her at all, but he can’t micromanage the team. At some point they have to take responsibility for themselves. But still, this uncharacteristic lateness from such a dependable player worries him. He looks at his watch again. Thirteen minutes until kickoff.


“Mmm mm mmm mf hmphm!” Matilda grunts angrily through the duct tape sealing her mouth closed.

“Mmmm mmm mmm mmm!” Katie imitates, mocking her, and Lisa laughs as she wraps more tape around Matilda’s thighs. In under five minutes, they’ve taped her wrists, ankles and knees, and above and below her breasts.

“Sorry you have to miss the match, Matilda,” Lisa says apologetically, “we just needed to make this match fairer.” Matilda glares at her.

“And you’re going to be a good girl and not attract any attention when the team comes in here after the end of the match, right?” Katie asks, grasping Matilda’s chin in her hands and looking her in the eye. “Because if you don’t… well, let’s just say we don’t forget slights against us,” she says. Matilda thinks, and nods sadly. “Good girl,” Katie says, patting her on the head.

“I think we’ve got a better chance now with her out of our hair,” Lisa says, ripping away the tape and smoothing it down, “but truthfully I’ve just always wanted to tie her up and shut that mouth, and this was as good an excuse as any,” she says, while pinching Matilda’s cheek.

“I really do love the aesthetic of duct tape,” Katie says, “I might have preferred getting to wrap tape around the blue uniform of the National Team, but it pops really nicely against’s the yellow BK jersey,” she says while smoothing down the tape around her breasts.

“Can’t disagree there,” Lisa says, “plus the strips look super nice against the contours of her face. Especially when she’s wearing those pretty stud earrings,” she says while pressing down the strips on her mouth.

“Mmmph!” Matilda grunts, and lurches forward.

“Settle down now,” Katie soothes, and picks up the roll of duct tape, “I think you need one more strip over that big mouth of yours,” she says as she tears off the tape and slaps it on Matilda’s mouth.

“Come on, Katie,” Lisa says, “less than ten minutes until kickoff.” Katie regards her captive and smiles.

“Pphmmmm phmm mm mmm mf hmphm!” Matilda pleads.

“See you in just a bit, Matilda. May the best team win,” Katie says.


Lars Aronsson feels a tap on his shoulder and turns around to see two of the Västerås players. One he doesn’t recognize, but the other one he does: Katie Ross, the import from America.

“Hi, sorry to bother you like this, but we ran into Matilda by the locker room, and she told us to tell you that apparently she stretched something in her leg earlier and can’t play,” Katie says.

“She said she needs to see an orthopedist right away”, Lisa adds.

Aronsson has learned to think on his feet throughout his years as a manager, but this time he’s genuinely at a loss for words. What the hell am I supposed to do about this thirty seconds before a match? he thinks to himself, frustrated. He’s honestly on the verge of a panic attack. He sees the referees having their pre-match meeting in his peripheral vision, he has to think of something right this second. He sighs heavily.

“Yeah, okay. Thank you, I appreciate it,” he says absently. Both young women smile politely and walk to their side of the field (he now sees the other woman’s name: Ehrenmark). He’s not sure how he’s going to make this work, but he doesn’t have much choice now, does he? One thing he does know for sure: this is going to be a very very bad day.


“Mhmph mphphmphm hmmph mm? Pphmmmm gmm mm mmm mf hmphm!”

Matilda thrashes in her bondage in the dark equipment room. There’s plenty of athletic tape around, why couldn’t they use that? Why did they have to use duct tape? Thankfully she’s worn leggings today for the chilly weather, so she’s spared the wrath of 3M’s heavy-duty adhesive at least. Her wrists aren’t so lucky; Lisa and Katie made sure to wrap numerous layers around the bare skin (as opposed to the long sleeved Under Armour under her jersey which borders her hand) ensuring that her odds of slipping free are slim.

Make no mistake, Matilda does not want to be here in this situation. She’s being kept in a location against her will, and it’s very likely that Lisa and Katie could be prosecuted for kidnapping if caught. But for brief, fleeting moments… she sort of enjoys this? When both women grabbed her by the arms and when Lisa held her down so Katie could gag her, along with the whole process of being taped up… it gave her quite an adrenaline rush. Once in a while she’ll notice the feeling of having her mouth sealed and it just feels so hot to be helpless like this. And it’s honestly kind of fun to squirm around like this on the floor.

But again, however nice those moments are, they’re only brief, and she’s hit with the reminder that she’s stuck. It’s almost enough to make her cry. Luckily, however, Matilda has been endowed (whether by nature or nurture, she does not know) with a spirit that refuses to submit. She’s heard stories of people extricating themselves from precarious situations and seen depictions in movies and on TV- who says real life can’t be the same?


So far, Västerås leads two to zero over BK. The advantage gained by keeping Matilda out of the way may end up being marginal at best, but neither Katie nor Lisa really mind much. In fact, boosting their chances of winning has really been only incidental to this whole scheme. It was really the bondage element that both women were most interested in. Katie is occasionally worried that this thing is going to backfire horrendously, but reminds herself that Backlund is young and new, lower on the totem pole, and therefore more likely to be compliant and obedient. And then in the corner of her eye, Katie spots a young man speaking to Aronsson. What is he doing there? From a surface glance of their body language, it seems serious. Odd, as non-participants aren’t usually allowed on the sidelines… unless it’s an emergency. Nope, nope, don’t go there, that guy could be anybody. You have no reason to suspect that he has anything to do with Matilda, she thinks to herself. Having slipped into this state of reverie, Katie inadvertently switches to autopilot, and the ball is easily stolen from her by BK while she’s distracted.

“Ross, pay attention! What were you thinking?” Christoffer Hagelin, manager for Västerås, shouts at her from the sidelines. The steal results in a goal for BK. Two to one now.


Matilda hasn’t bothered trying the door, it’s almost certainly locked. But after rolling on the floor and feeling around for something, her prospects of finding something in this room to cut her free from the tape don’t look very promising. Couldn’t hurt to try, she thinks.

She manages to get her feet flat on the ground. It takes some effort without having her hands free to push herself up, but she slowly straightens her legs and arrives at a standing position. She carefully hops toward the streak of light across the floor, trying not to trip or hurt herself on the various junk in here. Matilda eventually reaches the door and spins herself and pushes down on the lever doorknob with her taped hands. To her shock, it moves, but the door still won’t move. At first her heart sinks, as she believes that the deadbolt is engaged. But she continues to push and strongly suspects that something is propped against the door on the outside. She’s been stuck in here for at least an hour and is determined to get the hell out. Matilda pushes violently against the door with her shoulders and back (and even a little with her butt). She’s dreading how sore she’ll be tomorrow and relieved that no one can see her doing this.

And then she shocks herself as she suddenly tumbles through the door onto the floor. A chair makes a horrific crashing sound as it falls to the ground. Matilda is breathing heavily through her nose. She brings herself to her feet again and feels relief that she hasn’t broken anything. She hops out of the locker room and makes soft “mmmph-mmmph” noises with each jump. She searches the locker room briefly for something to free herself, but again, no dice. She’s going to need someone’s help, so she hops out of the locker room and into the hall of the athletic building.

“Mphm mphphmphm mph hmphm?” Matilda shouts questioningly through her taped mouth in the deserted athletic building, trying to attract some attention. This is truly an odd time for social anxiety to kick in, but she feels an odd fear that someone will turn a corner and… well, how would a person react to seeing a pretty blonde footballer tied up and gagged with duct tape, hopping down the hallway? Matilda doesn’t know, and reckons that’s why she’s afraid. But she reminds herself that she’s the victim here, there’s no shame to be felt about any of this. But still… what is she supposed to do?

Eventually she finds herself several yards away from the door which leads to the sideline of the field. The seats are arranged in such a way that she won’t have much visibility to the spectators, but she’s still terrified of being seen like this. She spends a few more minutes trying to tug at the tape on her wrists, but no luck. Matilda hops toward the door and pushes it open with her shoulder.

She’s in the home stretch, but still dreading the thousands of eyes which will descend upon her when she’s seen like this. Matilda feels so tired, she’s exhaling heavily through her nose and sweating profusely. She hops onto the astroturf, and as if by divine providence, she sees Aronsson and her fiancé, Mikael.

“Mhphmp! Pphmmmm hmphp mm!” she shouts hoarsely through her taped mouth. Both men turn around at her muffled shouts and sprint towards her, shocked expressions on their faces. Mikael reaches her and gently pulls the silver duct tape away from her mouth and hugs her tightly. She rests her head on his shoulder, still tasting the adhesive residue of the tape on the corners of her mouth. Matilda doesn’t think about being at the center of this scandal or the media fall out which will surely follow. She’s just glad it’s over.


In the middle of the match, Katie sees something from her peripheral vision and is utterly horrified. Someone with bands of silver wrapped around her has hopped near the sidelines, stuck in the embrace of the young man she spotted chatting with Aronsson. She can only stare stupidly into space.

Game over, man, game over, is all she can think.

While she gazes blankly into space, Umeå scores another goal.
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Post by LunaDog »

Absolutely excellent! And, just to finish things, and add some karma, does Matilda score the winning goal to win the match?
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Centennial Club
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Post by silvertejp590 »

LunaDog wrote: 2 months ago Absolutely excellent! And, just to finish things, and add some karma, does Matilda score the winning goal to win the match?
I like to think so! ;)

And thank you!
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