Mistress Melanie's Maelstrom ( F/M )

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Mistress Melanie's Maelstrom ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

OK, Ladies and Gentlemen, this story is, at first anyway, a little bit 'bikey' for as you all know that i love motorbikes. And it features the bike i actually do own, together with i had owned beforehand, both now considered 'classics' and two strokes to boot. Although, an unfortunate encounter with a deer early one morning means that she's not in perfect condition. Try getting parts for a thirty year old bike! With many of the specialised businesses making parts for old machines being wiped out by Covid.

Now, this tale is set in the year when i purchased her, 1993, meaning that mobile phones weren't in common use for ordinary people. So the 'damsel in distress' here couldn't simply ring somebody in her awkward situation.


As the curve started to straighten out, I knew that I’d got it right. I didn’t know what gear I was in, but I DID know it was the right one. The tacho showed about nine thousand, nicely in the power band, as I screwed the throttle right open, the little RGV responded beautifully as the revs climbed and she shot forward. Up to eleven thousand, change up, up to eleven K again, another up shift meanwhile the speedometer needle went straight through the ‘ton’ mark. What a lovely little bike, went as well as it looked, and she was gorgeous!

I’d only had this bike for a couple of months, having purchased it at the beginning of spring, in early April. She was a Suzuki RGV 250, a two-stroke ‘V’ twin, developing roughly sixty horse-power and capable of just under one hundred and thirty miles-an-hour. Challenging to ride, it wasn’t like a big four-stroke with loads of torque and bottom end power, so you needed to ‘stir’ the gearbox, but get it right and boy, could she be exciting to ride or what?

And she had sung, my normal getting up at ‘stupid o’clock’ meaning an almost traffic free run. I was only a few miles from home after having ridden well over a hundred miles, a great ride. I’d steered her well as she had responded. Reaching a ton-ten, something in a lay-by on my side of the road caught my eye. I very briefly, I mean at THAT speed it was going to be just a quick glance, noticed a Classic two-stroke Yamaha. It was an RD350 Y.P.V.S. about ten years older than my little ‘Suzi’ and the female rider just standing next to it, looking like she was in distress. So, at the next roundabout I swung right around to return and pulled up next to her bike, which I could now see wasn’t in the best condition.

Having parked up and removed my helmet I approached the Lady rider, and just as her bike was roughly ten years older than mine, so she herself appeared to be about the same. I’d turned twenty-nine a few months ago, and she looked to be in her late thirties or early forties. Not that it mattered at all, I’d stopped to see if I could help her, not to ‘chat her up,’ but even so she looked absolutely stunning, a message that the classy and stylish black two-piece leathers that she wore only re-enforced.

“Can I help you, Ma’am? What seems to be the problem?” Although I already had a fairly good idea, the pool of fuel underneath her bike indicated a sticking float bowl within one of the two carburettors. Obviously, she’d had the good sense to turn the fuel tap off, but once the tap was re-opened, fuel would pour out, right in front of the rear tyre. Not good, or safe.
“It seems to be leaking petrol, and I was lucky not to come off. Thank you. Oh, and please, just call me Mel, no need for the formalities of ‘Ma’am,’ is there?”
“Sure Mel. But my guess it that one of your carb’s has its float bowl jammed open, there’s something foreign in there. I won’t be able to fix it here and now, without any real tools. But I live very near here, so I’ll either came back in my car with my toolkit, or I’ll see if one of my neighbours is about. He’s got a pick-up van, so we’ll take your bike back to my place. I used to have one of these myself, so I do know my way around it.”
“That’s very kind of you. Are you sure it’ll be no trouble?”
“Well, it’s Saturday morning so no work, and I’ve no plans for the day. It’ll be no trouble at all. See you in about thirty minutes, either way.”

The time it took me to get home, having fuelled up the RGV at the service station around the corner ready for next time, change out of my leathers, put the bike away in my home’s garage, and then rustle-up Charlie, who was happy to lend me his pick-up.

A relieved Mel helped me to load her Yamaha onto the flat bed of Charlie’s truck and tie her, sorry the bike that is, down securely and safely. She jumped in the passenger side of the driving compartment, and we set off on the short journey to my place. During the journey she informed me that she’d recently been through a rather messy divorce, and that her ex-husband had taken their main bike, a nearly new Honda CBR600, and most of the tools and spares they had. She’d barely managed to secure the Y.P.V.S. out of the settlement, him having refused to work on it for some time, and this basically explained its rather sorry state.

It didn’t take long, once I’d unloaded Mel’s machine and returned the pick-up to my neighbour, Mel having put some fuel in it as a gesture of thanks, for me to realise just how poor a condition this machine was in. Thankfully, as I said before I used to own one of these, and actually had a few spares that I’d never used or then cleared out, being a bit of a ‘magpie’ myself. And I’d need them now.

One of the fork seals had gone, yes, I had those. The brake calipers would need overhauling, blimey yes, I’ve got some brake seals too. And some stainless steel Goodridge brake hosing, those weren’t cheap at all, but back in the early nineties the internet was still in its very infancy, and there was no ‘eBay’ to sell this sort of stuff on. I also had a complete engine gasket set, very useful because the power valves were ‘gummed up’ and needed a good clean up. Meaning that the barrels would need to come off. All in all, a full day’s work!

“Look Mel, it’s going to take nearly all of today, to fix your bike here, so it’s safe and roadworthy. I’m happy to do it all for you, lucky I kept those Y.P.V.S. spares, but do you want me to run you home in my car? If I get it all done today, I’ll bring your bike back, and then perhaps you can then bring me back here?”
“Look this is all frightfully good and kind of you. How much will I owe you?”
“Well, all of the parts are here, I bought them and sold the bike they’re made for, without using them. They’re worth nothing to me now, so you might as well have them. I can’t sell them after all.”
“What about your time and labour though?”
“A beautiful smile is all I want in payment for that!” And the sexy Mel duly obliged.

As agreed then, I ran her home, which was useful for it told me just where she lived. Once back I set to my tasks. And I was right, it took virtually all day to service her front forks, front brakes and restore the engine power valve system to full working order. Not to mention cleaning out the blockage within the left-hand carb. Then I washed and polished it, although not employing the same degree of meticulousness as I did while also giving the RGV her own post-ride clean, if somewhat delayed. By the time I’d done all of this it was nearly six o’clock in the evening. I’d ring Mel, take her bike back to her, and by the time she’d run me back, it’d be time for the normal Saturday night down the pub. Good job they serve food, I could eat something there.

However, that wasn’t quite the way the evening passed after all. For when I did contact Mel to inform her that I’d finished, she offered to cook a special dinner for me, to thank me. And also offered to put me up for the night as to use her words, ‘the wine would flow.’ I accepted, and why not? No, I had absolutely no expectation on any sexual front, but I thought it would be a pleasant change to spend the evening in the company of a Lady, whom I already knew I liked. Taking nothing for granted, I just assumed I’d be spending the night in either Mel’s spare bed, or on her sofa. Little did I know, although it would be a chance remark in response to a question of hers that would set the tone for that night!

As I rode Mel’s bike back to her own home it was clear that my efforts during this day had been totally successful. She now ‘purred’ along, the engine singing sweetly. Oh, and yes, she bloody stopped properly now! With the forks no longer bottoming out. A good day’s work. Once I arrived at her place, a ground floor flat, I put the bike away in the shed that she had the use of, and entered, as the delicious smell of the home-made curry Mel was preparing for us both, hit my nasal receptacles. “God, that smells good enough to eat!”

“It’ll be ready soon, but why don’t you grab a shower in the meantime?” A good idea, although I’d washed well after my labours of the day, and slung on some fresh clothes, a nice shower would really refresh me. So, I gladly accepted her offer, and by the time I’d finished, dinner was ready.

Mel invited me to sit at her table, poured us both a generous glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc, and then dished up her Prawn Chilli Masala, together with mushroom rice. Which tasted even better than it had smelt, and that had been truly marvellous. I actually began to wonder if Mel was as skilled in the bedroom as she clearly was in the kitchen, because it was becoming clearer by the minute, THAT, was just where she wanted us both to end up! Although, as I said earlier, I was taking nothing for granted, I’d already decided that if she, and only she, made any move in that direction, I would not refuse. Older than me Mel might well have been, but as I also implied earlier, she had still ‘got it,’ be in no doubt about that, this was a woman who was utterly sexy and totally gorgeous! With very sheer nylon covering her luscious legs, and I knew enough about her by now to know, they would not be in the form of tights!

Mel seemed to be a little nervous though, as if she also didn’t want to be the one who moved first. Thing is I didn’t want to ‘push’ anything, we were in her home not mine. But as I implied earlier, it was a chance question of hers, and my answer to it, that kicked things off.

For, once we’d both been to the toilet, she asked if I had any sexual fantasies, and my reply was completely truthful and honest. You see it had been a dream of mine to find myself subject to a degree of female domination. Yes, I had wished to find myself tied to a bed by a female captor, and subject to her desires, without being able to prevent that, or stop her in any way.

Although neither of us were drunk, we had consumed more than one glass of wine, so my inhibitions were somewhat absent. “You know, Mel, there is one thing I’ve often dreamed about. I find myself in the grip of a sexy woman, who ties me securely to her bed, and then ravishes me, without me being able to resist her in any way!”

Mel smiled at me, a deliciously dirty smile. “Fancy a bit of femdom, do you?” And then her whole facial expression changed, suddenly her face now seemed full of authority and purpose, as she rose and loudly ordered, “ON YOUR FEET! NOW!”
Last edited by LunaDog 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Funny thing is I'm into (modified) cars, over bikes mostly. But I've got a thing for two wheelers too.

Which made this a great read. Plenty of detail your passion for the subject, for actual things you own(ed) comes through clearly.

Quite the ending, sudden change of tone no doubt more to come?

Good story, enjoyed it.
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you for those kind words, my friend. Oh yes, there's plenty more to come!
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Post by TheDapperKing »

Great story so far, commenting so you get a cheeky bump back to the top :)
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Post by LunaDog »

TheDapperKing wrote: 1 month ago Great story so far, commenting so you get a cheeky bump back to the top :)
Much appreciated!
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Post by LunaDog »

To this day I’m not sure if I was more shocked or delighted, but I naturally obeyed. “Follow me!” Out of the large kitchen where the dining table had been, into the living room. “Stand still, in the centre. HANDS ON HEAD!”

Once there, Mel began to circle me. “So, you want to be under my command then? That can be arranged! Let’s see just how you perform, dancing to my tune as it were. You are to stay here, as I go to my room to prepare. And when I return, you will be as naked as the day you were born, with your clothes folded up and, in that chair, there. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?”
“Yes Ma’am!”
“Um, Ma’am again. Yes, I accept it’s a term of respect, but it’s not what I wish for. No, from now on you will address me as Mistress Mel! Actually no, since we’re now being formal, with me in total command of you, let’s make it the full version. Call me Mistress Melanie! Got it?”
“Yes, Mistress Melanie!” As quickly as I could say it, really turned on by now, as my cock showed by struggling against the restriction of my trousers!
“Good. Now, as I say, I’m about to leave you here for a while. Where I will prepare myself for the night, I’m about to subject you to. Be in no doubt, you’re going to spend this night in my hands, subject to my will and just what I decide to do to you. Starting with you stripping off all of your clothes whilst I’m gone, and then standing, as you are now, with your hands on your head, in the classic surrender pose. But facing away from the door there, the one I’ll return through. So, you won’t be able to see me when I come back, believe me, you won’t clap eyes on my form until I wish it!”

With that Mel dis-appeared through said door, the one leading to her bedroom. Meanwhile I obeyed her commands for me, I removed all of my clothing, with the blood racing around my body in pure excitement, placing them in a neat pile, just as my Mistress had indicated. Then, again, I stood still in the centre of the room, facing away from the entrance door, and placing my hands upon my head. Just as I’d been told to.

Meanwhile Mel couldn’t believe her luck. Could this be the ‘one’ she’d been looking for? It had been her desire for domination over her husband that had been largely responsible for the breakdown of their marriage, her ex totally refusing to be ‘under her thumb’ as it were. But this guy? Not only was he kind, decent and helpful, but he also turned her on sexually too! And now, this? He wanted her to subject him to some ‘femdom,’ then? Well, he wasn’t going to be dis-appointed, what she wanted to do now was simply to tie him securely to her bed, and whilst teasingly playing with his captive form, shag him into the middle of next week! As she peeled off her outer clothing, the beautiful blue satin blouse and her sexy short, tight leather skirt, leaving her just wearing a satin bra and panty set, complete with sexy suspender belt and those nylon stockings, her pussy began to become almost unbearably hot! This was now going to become a night that she’d enjoy, cherish and remember for a very long time indeed. And, if she really played it ‘right,’ it just might become more than one night. Had she found her true partner in life? Time to return to her potential willing captive, certain items in her hand!

I felt, rather than saw, the door open, and unseen by me of course, Mistress Melanie enter, walking up to my back until I could feel her presence right behind me, and the heat of her sexual arousal. Suddenly I could see one of her hands move in front of my body, holding a satin blindfold.

“I take it you know precisely what this is?” I nodded my assent. “You may remove your hands from your head and fit it just where it belongs! Then you will guide your hands behind your back! IS THAT CLEAR? Time for you to become MINE!”
“Yes, Mistress Melanie. Crystal clear.”

I obeyed, and now my world became completely black, for Mel’s blindfold allowed no light whatsoever to penetrate the total darkness. And once I’d complied with the second part of her instruction, my descent into her captivity commenced in earnest. For I felt Mel tie my wrists together, and it took just seconds for me to fully realise that this woman knew exactly just what she was doing. There was utterly no way that I’d be escaping from her bond, from this point onwards I was now the helpless captive of this woman. I was now utterly HERS!

Mel started to rub her nylon coated leg against one of mine as if I wasn’t turned on enough already! “Um, you like this don’t you Darling? Feels good, doesn’t it?” Yes, it did, as my cock demonstrated all too well! Which Mel’s hands proceeded to grab! “But what precisely is THIS? Did I give you permission for this implement to take such shape? I don’t recall doing so.”
“No Mistress Melanie, you did not. But it’s your touch, especially the feel of your legs in that divine and delicious nylon, that’s responsible!”
“I see. So, you’re claiming that THIS,” as her hands clamped around my fully erect cock, “is all MY fault, are you? You better explain yourself, and it needs to be good!” As she continued to rub her leg against my skin, totally deliberately of course!
“Mistress Melanie, the material of your stockings is just so… sensual! I can’t resist, even if I wanted to!”
“Is that so? Well, this utterly unauthorised ‘hardening’ of your tool here cannot go unpunished. You can surely see that, can’t you?”
“Yes, Mistress Melanie.” Entering into the spirit of her game.
“But that will have to wait for later. Once I have you in my bedroom! We’d better go there right now. I’ll have to guide you of course, as you can see nothing, though.”

With her holding my body tightly, God how much more of this could I take, Mel did indeed direct me to her bedroom. Once inside, she released her hold of me, and I heard the lock of the door being activated. Into its locked state. Just reminding me who was in charge here, as if I needed it! As for the key, well I’d be allowed to see just where my captor had placed it, all in good time.

Mel grabbed hold of my body, and placed it by the solid, metal, lower bed frame, facing away from the bed itself, in front of a large mirror, although naturally I wasn’t aware of this just yet.
Suddenly Mel was by my side, and her voice, gently this time, echoed in one of my ears. “Can I trust you, Darling? If I untie you, briefly of course, will you try to escape my plans for you?”
“Yes, Mistress Melanie, you can. I give you my word I’ll not try to evade you.”
“Thank you, Darling. I believe you.”

She had every reason to do so, as I fully kept my word. As she released my arms from their bondage to each other, I made no attempt to avoid her desires. After all, I WANTED this! Mel ordered me to stretch out my arms, and using the tie now in her hands, she tied my left arm, very securely to the outer bed post of said frame. Quickly fetching another tie, she soon had my right arm within the same imprisoned condition. I was hers again.

And now, for the first time since I had descended into Mel’s captivity, I was going to be able to see my Mistress. For she now lifted, note that she didn’t completely remove it, meaning it would be replaced into position at some future time, the blindfold. Although it wasn’t Mel that I saw first, but my own captured form in that mirror, my arms stretched out, secured to Mel’s bed posts. Having taken that particular sight in, I turned and saw my captor in all her glory! In her delicious satin lingerie, and my cock twitched, totally excited by this gorgeous image!

“I can see that part of you rather likes me. Good.” Then she pointed at the top of one of her stockings, and now I knew just where the key to the locked door was. “Not that you’ll get a chance to reach it, Darling! But we have matters to attend to. Namely that, completely unauthorised, erection! And, well I think the punishment for that disgusting act should take its inspiration from your crime itself, don’t you?”
“If it pleases you, Mistress Melanie.”
“It does. So, if you claim that your act was driven by my stockings, then surely the only correct sentence, is for your legs to also be placed within sheer nylon!”

Mel now fetched another belt and stocking set, the first being on her body, of course. She soon fed the belt itself over my feet, one by one, and swiftly moved it into position around my waist.
“There. That feels good, doesn’t it? But you just wait until I cover your legs in nylon! We girls are so lucky, we can do so and nobody comments. But then only you and I will know that you’ve felt the delicious effect of sheer nylon against your skin. One thing, before we go any further here, is that what happens between us, stays between us. I can assure of that. However, the hair on your legs has to be removed for you to really feel the nylon!”

Mel grabbed a razor, and attacked my legs with it, removing every trace of any hair upon them. And then, with a wickedly delicious smile upon her face, remember I was firmly held in HER bondage, she turned her tool upon my balls and totally erect cock! What could I do to stop her?

As if she wasn’t completely satisfied with her handiwork here, she also applied some hair-removal cream to my legs and sexual organs, washing it off after a few minutes. “There, that’s better. Everything ready for your stockings to be fitted!”

Again, I lifted my feet off the floor, one by one, for Mel to encase them in that utterly sensual nylon. But, after she’d moved the stockings to just over my ankles, she stopped. It didn’t take long for me to discover why, though. “SPREAD ’EM!” I obeyed, although my captor didn’t expect or order me to stretch my legs all the way to the bed posts themselves.

Now both of my ankles became encoiled by two more bondage ties and attached to said bed posts. Which, I must admit, made quite a sight in Mel’s mirror, my body stretched out and firmly attached to her bed. And soon there was the sight of my Mistress crouched down between my legs. Because now on both legs, one by one gradually, the sheer nylon began its progress upwards, towards the waiting suspenders.

Mind you, what the reflection in the mirror wasn’t telling me, because Mel’s head itself was in the way, was that as said nylon moved in its upwards trajectory, said balls and cock were constantly being subjected to the attentions of my captor’s tongue! Licking, with an intenseness that proved difficult to cope with, my entire neither region became electrified, stoking me up with sexual tension and frustration. For it was clear that Mel was not going to push things too far, I sensed that there was no way she would let me cum here. And every time it appeared that she just might, she seemed to have the ability to sense this, and immediately backed off. Bitch!

Finally, this exquisite torture came to a welcome end, as stocking met suspender, and Mel completed their fitting by attaching the clasps. She rose to her feet, and now her tongue had a new task, entangling itself with my equivalent, as her lips met mine and she commenced a kiss that was just full of passion and desire!

Once she finished the kiss, note I had no say in the matter, Mel backed off a foot or so, then stood still. “Well, this is all very good, but I think I’m a little overdressed here. How are you going to suck and chew the nipples of my tits, which you WILL be doing, if they’re covered in satin? Or service my soaking wet pussy if it’s also covered? Don’t worry the stockings stay on, I’ll make sure that nylon rubs nylon, but two items need to come off. Right now!”

With that she made a real show of removing the panties and bra from her form, she’d had the foresight to place her suspenders under her panties, but she hadn’t finished with them at all. She now had other plans for them. She moved back forwards until she was standing right in front of me. And, looking at my mouth, issued a command. “OPEN!”

She hadn’t actually ‘cum’ within the panties that she placed inside of my mouth, but they were soaking wet with sexual anticipation. And now Mel showed her devious side as she used her bra to hold them inside. Within her mirror, once she’d tied the outer straps behind my head, and the upper straps together on top of my cranium, I could see myself looking rather ridiculous, with the cups covering my ears like some sort of muffs! Did I look a sight or what? Point is those panties were fully inside my orifice, dominating my sense of taste, and also smell to a large degree, and the positioning of my Mistresses brassiere would ensure that they stayed there!

Said Mistress climbed onto the bed, behind me, resting her head on one of my shoulders, I noticed in the mirror, her hands move through the gaps of the slats of the frame, one either side of my body, and heading for my neither region! One took hold of my rampant cock, whilst the other cupped my balls. Subjecting them to a, not so gentle, squeeze!

“Well, my sex slut, this is your first command. Not matter what I do with these, you are NOT to cum! Is that clear?” As the first hand began to stroke my cock, slowly, as her other tickled my balls. Bear in mind here, that Mel had already teased me almost to distraction while fitting my stockings!

Thus, I never stood any chance of obeying her edict, something that she was fully aware of, be in no doubt about that! As I tried my very best, yes I really did, to resist her I also knew it was a fight I simply could not win. Despite my efforts, the pressure ‘down there’ was building up immeasurably, remember it had already enjoyed a ‘head start’ as it were, with Mel’s previous playing.

Eventually Mother Nature triumphed, I could resist no longer and cum shot out of my cock onto Mel’s bedroom floor! “Oh dear,” a voice sounded in my satin covered ear, “it seems that you don’t understand just how this game works, do you? The idea is that when I issue a command to you, it is obeyed. And I believe that I ordered you NOT to cum! And just what have you done?”

Gagged, naturally I couldn’t answer her, which she pretended to become annoyed at. “I asked you a question, slut, why haven’t you responded?” I tried to. But obviously all I could muster was “mmmppppphhhhh!”

“Did your mother never tell you to speak clearly? How did you expect me to understand that gibberish?” Naturally I didn’t reply. “I see, insolent as well as disobedient? This needs to be punished and make no mistake you will be! Just as Mistress Melanie decides.”

Although Mel’s first act of punishment was to actually completely release me from her lower bed frame, but both of us knew this was a purely temporary state of affairs. Her voice rang out again, in a very authoritative tone, “ON THE BED! NOW!”
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

I really like how you incorporated the bra as part of the gag. It is often something that I wondered about if it would work or not!
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Post by LunaDog »

Yes, bras can make a useful tool in tie up games.
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Post by LunaDog »

Obviously, I was only too happy to comply, stretching out my limbs towards the outer bed posts without the need for Mel to order me to. “You want this, don’t you?” She asked, almost in a gentle tone, certainly compared to how she’d been addressing me since I revealed my desire to become hers. The smile on my face gave her the required answer. “Let’s see if you’re quite so smug after a few hours in the power of my sexuality, shall we?” With her voice returning to a commanding manner. “Which, make no mistake, is just where you’re going to be, for at least that length of time, if not longer should I so wish it!”

With that Mel went to a chest of drawers, opened one, and her hands emerged with four long silk bondage ties within them. “Do you have any idea for how long I’ve wanted to use these?”
“I guess for some time Mistress Melanie.”
“Correct. But now it’s time for the talk to cease and the action to begin.”

Mel went to the corner of the bed beside my left hand and wrist. Within about a minute both had been tied to the bed post there, in such a manner that whilst it was totally secure and inescapable was not too tight or uncomfortable at all. It was clear to me that I was being taken captive by a real ‘sexpert,’ a woman who knew exactly what she was doing!

Mel walked around her bed, stopping at each corner, and securing my respective limb to the post of her bed there. So, before she fastened my right arm, both of my legs had fallen into her captivity. Of course she did complete the job, placing that right arm of mine into secure bondage, so this was it then. I was now tied inescapably to her bed, completely and utterly vulnerable to her desires, and totally under her control and at her mercy. And the look of pure lust on her gorgeous face was warning me, in no uncertain terms, that I wasn’t going to receiving ANY of that particular commodity!

“Now then Darling, time to return to the subject of your deliberate dis-obedience! I told you not to cum, but you did. Did you expect to get away with that and not be punished?”
“No, Mistress Melanie. How do you intend to punish me?”
“You’ll see. Gives me a chance to use another piece of equipment, again something I haven’t enjoyed the pleasure of enjoying for some time.”

Back to her chest of drawers, and she returned with a rather unusual gag arrangement. It wasn’t a simple ball, or bit like a lot of gags, but made of leather it had some sort of socket, that attachments could be fitted to. Once Mel had placed it, and strapped it in place, very effectively silencing me, she produced her own ‘device’ to fit to it. A bloody dildo! Roughly ten inches long.

Once she’d placed it in position, Mel treated me to another one of her dirty smiles. “You see Darling, you’ve cum but I haven’t! Doesn’t seem correct to me, we need to rectify this particular situation, don’t we?” Knowing just what she intended now.

Mel now climbed onto the bed, and straddled my head, using the solid bedframe to steady herself. Lowering her pussy gently into said dildo, until it was fully immersed. “OH YES! That feels good, Darling! I’m going to enjoy this!”

And the moans of pleasure that emerged from her lips, as gently at first, she began to ride this artificial cock of hers indicated that she was true to that word. As Mel increased the pace of her cycles so the volume of sound also intensified, until she was really pumping herself and almost screaming! Then she suddenly froze, her sexual juices started to run down that cock onto my face, as her scream became virtually piercing, completely filling the room. Ecstasy had fully claimed her, if, as she’d said, she hadn’t cum beforehand, she damn well had now!

And being female, she could immediately ‘go again’ once she’d calmed down from that first climax. Naturally she did so then, treating herself to a second, and then a third helping, before she stopped this opening phase of the ‘sexathon’ it was absolutely clear that she was going to fully subject me to.

Mel then removed my gag, complete with its attachment, now demonstrating that her capture of me was far more mischievous as opposed to vicious. For she gently washed my face of all of her ‘product’ produced by the previous activity. And the last thing I saw, for the meantime anyway, was another smile, for as she fitted her blindfold over my eyes, she uttered, “now we are even Darling, you’ve cum and finally so have I!”

I felt Mel climb on top of my body, and soon her lips were attacking mine with real gusto. “Now at last, Darling the REAL action can begin, with you unable to prevent me in any way doing just what I want to you, how I want and for as long as I want. Which is simply cold, hard, raw SEX! I’m going to be shagging you now, with mercy the farthest thing from my mind as I intend to keep you at it again and again and again! Until you can take NO more and beg me to stop! So, are you ready for my sexual assault?”

Now the talking stopped as Mel slid her soaking wet pussy over my totally rampant cock, and she ‘kicked off.’ Slowly to begin with, but it wasn’t long before she ramped up the speed and intensity of her actions until the first climax arrived, possibly a little too early, but that didn’t stop it from bringing clear and obvious joy to both her and me.

For the next time, once my cock had become hard again, she took things a little easier. Which meant that delicious feeling of ecstasy took a little longer to arrive, but if anything, it was even more enjoyable than the first time! As the climax struck, and I couldn’t stop myself form crying out, “MEL, MEL, OH GOD, MMEEEELLLLLLL!” I just knew I was trapped in the hands and power of a REAL sexpert! One of those rare moments in life when one knows everything is right, a truly memorable ‘sexperience!’

But do any of you believe she’d finished with me just yet, after only two climaxes? If you do, then you clearly don’t know this woman! As she laughed, I was informed that she’d just started. Not empty words, as Mel kept me firmly in the grip of her awesome sexuality for another two hours, before I sensed that even her strength was at last beginning to fail. As was mine, of course.

But then, she’d promised to keep me at it, until I capitulated, hadn’t she? Not empty words at all, remember she could lie down beside my bound body, and just use her hands to keep me stoked up. Which, of course, was just what she proceeded to do. Now it dawned on me, that I’d just HAVE to beg her, exactly what she’d informed me of. I’d have to swallow my pride, therefore.

“Mistress Melanie, I’m begging you, please stop! I can’t take any more, you win Mistress!”

With that the blindfold became lifted, and her delighted eyes bore into mine. “So, I do it appears. Well should I just accept your surrender, or should I demand more?”
“Please Mistress Melanie, you really have finished me.”
“Yes, I believe that I have. For now, anyway. So, what I’m going to do is this. We’re both going to rest for a little while, during which time I shall release your limbs one by one, to offset cramp, and restore a degree of movement to them. And then I’m going to demand one more shag from you, then, and only then, we’ll call it a night. But what a night Darling? I can tell you now that you’ve impressed your Mistress, I haven’t enjoyed myself as much for quite some time, if ever before! Well done.”

Mel was as good as her word, and because of the rest, the knowledge it would be the last time, or most likely a combination of both factors, we did make it a good one. And then she stopped!

Finally, I could move as Mel undid the bonds that held me to her bed, kissing me passionately as she did so. Because, and be in no doubt about this, the whole time under her grip and been everything I’d dreamed it to be, and then some more. She was utterly fantastic, and clearly knew exactly what buttons to press. But we were both exhausted by now and needed sleep. A state that both of us fell in almost immediately once we’d both visited her bathroom.

However, that wasn’t quite the end of things, for come the morning Mel awoke before me. And by the time I’d come out of slumber myself, my wrists had been tied together and to her solid upper bed frame, meaning I was back in captivity to her, Mistress Melanie once more. And when she’d secured my legs to the lower bed posts too, she set about me again, fully rested by now. Not that I was complaining, mind.

She didn’t keep there for too long though, before she released me and, as agreed, ran me home. With both of us totally electrified and just knowing we’d be seeing each other again. I was just what she wanted it appeared, and she definitely lit a spark in me, one that could very easily turn into a raging inferno.
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Post by LunaDog »

Now Mel lives with me in my house, and in the six months since that dramatic night we’ve enjoyed many an exciting ride together, both on our bikes on the road, where to my utter delight I discovered that Mel is a highly skilled and accomplished rider, and in bed. Mostly with me securely tied to it, yes in our bedroom, if nowhere else, femdom is most certainly the normal. However outside of that room, with the possible exception of the shower, where there’s now a ceiling mounted ring for Mel to handcuff my, upstretched but not too much, arms to, we’re a normal loving couple, with there being no dominant party and we are very much equals. It’s clear that we gel superbly together, and do you know what, I might just propose marriage to her, to me she is very much ‘the one.’

But maybe not tonight. For here I lay, naked except sheer nylon coverings on my legs, with a satin belt to hold them there, spread-eagled with my wrists and ankles surrounded with leather. Naturally the cuffs buckles being fastened inescapably shut with padlocks. And I’m waiting for Mel, sorry Mistress Melanie, who’s just getting ready in our bathroom, no we don’t have an en-suite in our bedroom. Soon she’ll join me, when she’ll no doubt blindfold me, removing my sight, and meaning she can do just what she wants to me, totally unseen. So, once more I’ll be completely subjected to,

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