Midnight Burglary (F/m)

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Midnight Burglary (F/m)

Post by Bondageboi »

Alan squirmed in his bed, the cool sheets clinging to his damp skin. He couldn't quite place what it was that had woken him up. His room was dark and silent, the only sound the distant hum of the air conditioner. His throat was dry, reminding him that it was the middle of a heatwave. Maybe a midnight glass of water would help him get back to sleep.

Carefully, he padded down the darkened hallway in his bare feet, the soft carpet muffling his footsteps. He paused outside the kitchen door, noticing light coming from under it. He thought his mum would be fast asleep as he should be right now. Listening for any signs of movement, hearing nothing, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The kitchen was brightly lit, the fluorescent lights overhead casting a harsh glare over the pristine white countertops and stainless steel appliances. The refrigerator hummed softly, its digital display casting a cool blue glow across the room. On the counter, a single glass of water waited, a striped straw poking out of its surface.

Alan hesitated for a moment, suddenly uneasy. He wondered how his mum could have know he would wake and come down for water, but the thirst overpowered his common sense. He marched straight to the counter. As he reached for the glass, he heard a click behind him. Before he could react, strong arms grabbed him from behind, lifting him off his feet and spinning him around.

His world spun, the fluorescent lights overhead spinning into streaks of white and blue light. The intruder, a female figure in a long, dark coat, pressed something hard against his back. She forced him to take a step forward, still holding him tightly. Her perfume was strong, exotic, filling his nostrils and making him dizzy.

"Don't struggle, kid," the woman whispered in his ear, her voice smooth and calm. "Just do as I say and no one gets hurt." The voice was female, she was trying to disguise it but he half recognised it.

Alan felt himself being dragged across the kitchen, his bare feet sliding over the cool tile floor. His vision was obscured as the woman tied a scarf over his eyes as a blindfold, but he could feel his surroundings, the rough texture of the countertop against his back, the cold, hard edge of the refrigerator as they passed it.

Another scarf was pushed into his mouth and a third looped around his head, forcing the gag deeper into his mouth. The pressure against his teeth made it impossible to breathe through his mouth, only through his nose, and he felt panic rising in his throat. He tried to struggle, to fight back, but the woman held him too tightly, her grip like steel.

The woman led him through the house, his bare feet slipping and sliding over the cool tiles, then scraping on soft carpets. He felt a knot in his stomach as he realised they were leaving the kitchen, and the chance of escape grew more distant with every step. His heart raced, his breath coming in raged pants through his nose.

A soft carpet was under his feet when he was suddenly pushed into a hard wooden chair.

"Wait here," the woman hissed, her breath hot in his ear. He felt her walk away, but barely heard footsteps, as if she were barefoot , or only wearing socks on the carpet. The silence that followed was deafening. He could hear his own breath, ragged and uneven, filling the room. He felt like pulling the blindfold and gag of, of screaming for help, running away but he dared not think what the woman would do if she found him escaping.

Time seemed to stand still as he sat there, his body tense and trembling. He could feel the cold, hard chair digging into his skin, making his backside ache, His heart raced, his palms sweating. The air around him felt thick and oppressive, like it was pressing down on him, making it hard to breathe.

He could hear the woman pacing around the room, the soft carpet muffling her footsteps. He could smell her perfume, strong and exotic, and it made him feel dizzy. He tried to focus on anything to take his mind off the fear, to distract himself from the situation. He listened to the ticking of a clock on the wall, the faint hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen.

The woman stopped pacing and came to stand behind him. He could feel her breath on the back of his neck as she reached around him, pulling his hands behind the chair and beginning to tie scarves round his wrists and to the chair back. She continued, tying the scarves around his legs at ankles and below knees, securing them to the front legs of the chair. The pressure on his skin, the restriction of his movement, made his heart race even faster. He wiggled in the chair, trying to get comfortable, but it was impossible. She tied more scarves round his upper arms, his chest, tummy, thighs.

"There," she whispered into his ear. "You're all secure now." Her breath tickled his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. "I hope you'll be a good boy." Her weight lifted from him as she stepped away, and he could feel the absence of her body heat as she moved around the room. He tried to wriggle in the chair again, but the bindings held firm.

The woman left the room and he was left alone. He tried to wriggle and struggle in the chair, but it was no use. The bindings held him tightly. He could feel his breath coming in short, sharp gasps through his nose. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He could hear the woman moving around the house, her footsteps faint on the carpet. He wondered what she would do when she found his mum. Would she be tied up too, on a chair next to him, or would she just be tied up in her bed.

Time seemed to stand still as he waited. He could feel sweat trickling down his back, stinging where the scarves dug into his skin. He tried to focus on anything, anything to distract himself from the fear and the helplessness. He tried to remember what day it was, what he had done earlier, if he had any homework. But all of those thoughts seemed to fade away, replaced by the image of the woman and her cold, calculating gaze.

Some time later he heard the front door open, then close and he realised he was truly alone. He waited for a minute, counting slowly in his head, to make sure the woman had gone, then began screaming into his gag.

"Help! Mum! Help me!" He shouted, wriggling in the chair, trying to get free, but his cries were all muffled. He screamed and kicked, but the chair didn't budge. He could hear his own frantic breathing, feel the sweat dripping down his face and body. He continued to shout and struggle, but it was useless.

Time seemed to stand still as he waited, alone and helpless. He wondered if anyone would hear him, if anyone would come to save him. He tried to think of what he could do to escape, but the bindings held him tightly. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself, but the panic was overwhelming. He thought of his mum. Was she rolling , kicking and screaming, all tied up on her bed as he was, had she been tied to a chair by her dressing table, or locked in her bathroom. Who would save them.

He continued to struggle but either through exhaustion or just plain tiredness he eventually fell asleep. It was a long broken sleep and he lapsed between dream and reality, always returning to find himself tied to this chair.

He heard footsteps approaching the room and his heart leapt into his throat. The footsteps stopped and he could hear someone breathing nearby. The air felt thick with anticipation. Suddenly, the woman was back. She stood in front of him, her face impassive.

“Oh my God what have they done to you?”

It was his mother but her voice was a whimper, her tone filled with disbelief and horror. He tried to speak, to tell her that he was okay, but the gag in his mouth muffled his words. She knelt down beside him, her hands shaking as she touched his cheek gently and began to untie the scarves. “We’ve been burgled in the night. They took my jewellery, cash, handbag with my phone, your laptop and my tablet. I slept through it. You must have disturbed them.

He recognised the perfume.
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Post by Sian91 »

Do you mean mum was actually the “Burglar”?
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

Very nice beginning! I hope it was only beginning... ;)
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Post by radarlove67 »

Lovely story, reminds me of my earliest fantasies as a young lad.

I lok forward to further instalments.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Great story! I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing.
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