Prisoners in the Basement (m/mmm)

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Prisoners in the Basement (m/mmm)

Post by cj2125 »

Everything was dark around the Hero; a bandanna was tightly tied over his eyes, the knot slightly pulling at the hair on the back of his head. The screams of his fellow prisoner echoed in his ears. He nervously squirmed but couldn’t move a muscle. His hands were pulled behind the backrest of the heavy wooden chair, wrists crossed, lashed together and tied down to the seat of the chair so he couldn’t pull them up. More ropes were wrapped above and below his chest pinning his torso to the chair, going under his armpits, over his shoulders, across his chest in an X shape and around his waist.

His legs were spread and pulled back, each of his ankles were tied firmly to the back legs of the chair and the ends of the ropes were connected to his wrists, his knees were tied spread to each side and more ropes were wrapped around his lap. More muffled screams could be hear but he couldn’t even let out any word of comfort for his partner, for his mouth had been stuffed with his own (rather dirty) socks and secured with a few strips of black duct tape.

This had to be a low point on his career. He had been captured before, more than a dozen of times in fact, but never he had ended like this: In a psychopath’s dark basement, stripped to his black shorts, tightly bound, gagged and blindfolded. What was worse was the he had gotten his partner, the rookie, captured too. Torture he could take, he was well aware of that, but he didn’t know how well Rookie could take it, and judging by his increasingly desperate screams, not very well. If he had to guess, his partner was about to break at any moment now

“Lmhvm hnm hlhnm nhh pfnghh!” He demanded squirming against the ropes. The chair creaked and the ropes tensed but neither seemed to bulge, in fact they seemed to tightened even more around his body, more muffled screams echoed in the basement, he could only imagine what tortures Rookie might have be experiencing “Gmt hwhn frhm hnm!”

And the screams stopped; at first, he thought the worst, that Rookie had been silenced permanently, but slowly he could hear muffled sobs and pants, Rookie was shaken but alive. He let out a sigh of relief but his body immediately tensed when he heard a pair of footsteps approaching “Mmpphh?”

Suddenly a hand grabbed his hair and yanked his head backwards, eliciting a muffled whine from him. “Did you enjoy the concert?” their captor whispered in his ear “Your partner doesn’t seem able to last much longer” he could feel a finger across his neck that sent shivers down his spine “What’s the matter? Wasn’t this what you wanted? Why else would it be so easy to capture you two?” he could feel his face close to his, he could even smell his stinking breath

“Fhgg hff nhh grmmp!”

“My! Watch your language!’” he laughed pulling his hair even further, forcing him to crane his neck “You both knew the dangers yet you were so easy to get captured, almost as if you wanted to”

“Fhgg nhh!” he screamed trashing around, writhing his wrists and trying to twist his torso, the ropes slightly burned against his skin and the wooded edges were starting to hurt his arms but that didn’t stop his struggles, in fact that only made him even more determined to keep fighting.

“Oh, keep struggling, I love watching you do that” his captor laughed patting his cheek, he growled and tried to turn his face away but another yank at his hair forced him to look straight at his captors’ face. Slowly the blindfold was pulled down, pass his nose until it rested around his neck. It took him a short time to get adjusted to the lights but soon he was able to see his captor’s face, the clod glistening eyes, the sickening smirk on his face, the guy was truly a sadist. He grinned grabbing his chin and roughly forced him to turn his head to the right.

His eyes went wide, his jaw would have dropped if he hadn’t been glued by the tape. They first thing done to them when they were captured had been being blindfolded so he hadn’t any idea what had happened to Rookie, judging by what he heard he could infer that Rookie too had been forced to strip to his green shorts and had been gagged, well he was right about that, it was everything else that he didn’t expect. Rookie was hanging upside down from a beam on the ceiling, ropes were tightly tied around his ankles, knees, thigh and chest. His hands were pulled behind his back and lashed to his torso.

“You like it?” his captor exclaimed proud of his work. He had to nod; it was impressive, specially the fact that he managed to hang Rookie from that beam “I was afraid the beam would break but guess he is quite skinny for that!” he laughed patting Rookie’s flat stomach

“Whh hrm nhh ghllnng fgnnnn nhh dmfhrmmd frmhg!” the upside-down prisoner growled slightly squirming which only made his body swing aimlessly. He really looked bad, his cheeks were bright red, his bare skin was covered in red marks were the ropes had burned him, product of his struggles, his hair was disheveled and tears could be seen from below the blindfold.

“Watch your mouth unless you want another round of fun!” their captor threatened spanking Rookie’s butt. The guy let out a whimper and quickly shook his head. One could only imagine what tortures he had been subjected too! Their captor laughed cruelly and shoved Rookie aside before returning to the guy in the chair, Rookie could only swing helplessly back and forth.

“Now buddy, I’m not really a violent person” the red-haired prisoner let out a muffled snort that his captor chose to ignore “I just need to know who sent you here and all of this can end” he kept glaring at their captor, nostrils flaring, breath heavy and teeth burying into the socks “Be reasonable, cooperating is your only choice so, what do you say?”

“Fhgg mn bhllf”

“Oh right!” he chuckled and peeled the tape from his mouth, smiling at him wincing. He grabbed the socks and gently pulled them out of his mouth “What do you say?”

Our hero suggested something he could suck on, needless to say his captor wasn’t pleased, grasping his right nipple and twisting it mercilessly, he was sure his screams could be hear out in the street

“You are forcing me to do this” the captor spoke as he circled his prey “I didn’t want to but you are forcing my hand here buddy” he placed his hands on both his bare shoulder. The hero suppressed a shiver and tried to relax his body, he really wasn’t looking forwards to the next part but he surely wasn’t going to back off
“Do your worst”

The fingers slowly wrapped around his neck, he could already feel the pressure… and the doorbell rang.

“Shoot! He is early!” Luke exclaimed stepping back from his prisoner “I thought we had more time!” he looked at his bound friends and gave them an apologetic look “I’ll be back, just don’t go anywhere!” he exclaimed and rushed upstairs. Both kids rolled their eyes at the overused joke

Max relaxed against the chair, hanging his head backwards; he wouldn’t say it aloud but he was a little bit disappointed he never got to be tortured by Luke… then he got a little bit alarmed that he was looking forward to being tortured by Luke! He looked sideways and his eyes met with Tom’s, he wished Luke would have remove the tape from the kid’s mouth, that way they could at least talk with each other.

“You alright?” he finally asked, he might as well hold his own side of the conversation, Tom raised an eyebrow as if the answer was obvious… which it was “Oh yeah, sorry. I recon Luke can go a little bit overboard with this” Tom looked down (or up?) to his bound feet and back at Max “Yeah, in my defense this is the first time he hangs anyone upside down!”

“Hm'm hhnhrmd” Tom grunted

“Hey… we warned you this could get a little tiny bit intense” Tom kept glaring at him “And you didn’t give up the code…” it was true, before they started the game everyone had agreed that if any of the prisoners wanted to get out they only had to give out the code, Tom rolled his eyes and reluctantly shrugged

“But for real, you are okay right?” Tom looked at his body for a few seconds before twisting his torso until Max could see his thumbs up. Luke’s creativity always impressed him, he would have never thought of hanging someone upside down but now that he was witnessing it, he really wanted to try it

“Can you touch your legs with your face?” Tom seemed to consider it for a moment before grunting and trying to bend his torso making a sit-up, he only managed to bend over a few inches before hanging down again, face red “Guess you need to do more sit-ups” Tom glared at him and showed him a different finger this time.

It didn’t take long before they heard someone stomping down the stairs. From his position he couldn’t see past the end of the staircase so he had no idea who was coming down until a boy jumped down, gracefully landing at the bottom of the stairs

“Dam! You weren’t kidding!” the brown-haired boy laughed watching Max, he merely gave him a sheepish smile and tried to shrug. Dylan laughed kicking of his shoes and strolled towards the kid tied to the chair when he noticed Tom hanging on the other corner “You hanged him upside down?”

Luke came behind him beaming proudly “I’m proud of that one! It was a good thing that Tom was so skinny so I could lift him up!”

“Whh hrm nhh ghllnng fgnnnn!” Tom grunted swinging back and forth.

Drawing by LK3869

“Perhaps you should get him down” Max suggested. Tom’s ankles were starting to turn purple and his face was bright red, he didn’t know how long the boy had been hanging but it probably was enough. Tom quickly nodded making puppy eyes at them

“He is right, we don’t have to untie him but we should drop him” said Dylan, Luke reluctantly agreed and instructed him to get a hold of Tom’s body while he untied the rope holding his ankles; slowly they pulled him down until the boy was lying on the floor

“Can’t believe you agreed to this” Dylan teased his best friend, playfully patting his cheek; Tom gave him a quick glare but it was clear he was smiling under the tape. Max wasn’t watching that though; his attention was set on Luke who had quietly picked the toy gun lying on the floor and was creeping behind Dylan. The two exchanged complicit stares before Luke pressed the gun against his unsuspecting victim’s back

“Seriously?” asked Dylan looking more amused than annoyed

“I’m sorry but I can’t have you warning the authorities about my prisoners” Luke grinned “so hands up!”

Dylan raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed “And if I refuse?”

“Come on Dylan!” Luke pouted bouncing on his place

“Yeah, it isn’t as bad as it looks” Max added grinning

“Gh hhmhd brh!” Tom moaned trying to encourage him. Dylan looked at the three people surrounding him, two of them tied up, the third aiming a gun at his chest. Everyone looked back at him expectantly. Finally, he raised his hands

“Just don’t hurt me!”

Luke’s huge grin quickly vanished as he grabbed Dylan’s arm and shoved him down “Get on the floor now kiddo! And don’t try anything funny!” he really could get into his role! Dylan looked at him surprised yet complied

“You should remove your shirt, I’m sure Luke will love it” Max teased prompting Tom to burst out laughing and Dylan and Luke to turn bright red

“Y-you…d-don’t… have to” Luke said glaring at Max, the red-haired boy knew he would pay for that but it was worth it. Dylan didn’t reply although he made no effort to remove his black t-shirt. Luke picked up some ropes and wrapped them around his wrists, cinching them together, then pulled the rope around his elbows, pulling them together until there was a 6-inch space left between them which he used to cinch the rope. He grabbed another rope and tied Dylan’s right leg to his right thigh and did the same with his left one leaving him nicely frog-tied. Dylan nervously squirmed on the ground

“That’s what happens to noisy kids!” Luke laughed diabolically and slapped Dylan’s butt making him yelp.

“Leave him out of this!” Max shouted returning to his role of captured agent

“Nmhh! Mmff wnth fhmmhnm nhhr fnzm!” Tom added glaring at Luke

“Oh, don’t worry about him, I wouldn’t hurt a kid” Luke grinned pulling Dylan’s grey low-cut socks off and running his fingers over his soles. The prisoner jolted wiggling his toes while biting down his lower lip letting frantic moans “Its you whom you should worry about” he added glancing at Max

“Hey sir…. Ummm you could just let me go you know?” asked Dylan in his role of snooping kid “I won’t tell anyone about mmphhg!” his sock was stuffed in his mouth and a couple strips of tape followed through, sealing his lips. Luke picked up Dylan’s chin looking straight at his eyes

“You can scream all you want boy, nobody is going to save you!” despite the threat of his words, Max could see the tenderness in Luke’s eyes as he looked straight into Dylan’s eyes. He got it bad!

“Lhgm?” Dylan asked awkwardly, it was also painfully clear that Dylan didn’t see Luke the same way

“Oh yeah…” Luke blushed snapping out if it “Cry all you want! Nobody will save you MWAHAHAHAHA!” he dropped Dylan’s chin and walked towards Max picking up the discarded socks

“You’ll never get away with this! You’ll never mpphh!” the socks went back followed by the tape. The hero glared at their captor and angrily struggled in the chair, ropes brushing against his sore skin, furious eyes set on that man’s smug grin. Once more his hair was tugged forcing him to look above, straight at his captor’s eyes

“Now that there aren’t more interruptions…” his captor looked at down on him with that terrifying, sadistic grin “I’m going to teach you a lesson smart mouth”

He let go of his hair and walked to a table behind him, our hero glanced sideways and saw Rookie trying his best to crawl towards the new kid, both nervously trying to talk to each other through their gags, bodies wiggling on the floor, legs rubbing together in an effort to loosen the tight ropes

“Don’t even bother” their captor laughed obscuring the hero’s vision “you will never get out of those ropes!”

“Mmhggg!” both Rookie and the Kid grunted glaring at him. Their captor merely ignored them and stepped in front of the bound hero, smiling smugly at him. On his hands there were a pair of wooden cloth pegs, an electric tooth-brush, a lemon and a jar of peanut butter

“This should be fun”

The Hero nervously shifted on his seat and closed his eyes, trying to hide his smile. Yep, this should be fun
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Post by Chris12 »

Ha :D The guys roleplaying as heroes, villain and bystander. That's cute.
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Post by alkaid_ »

Nice story!
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Post by LK3869 »

This one is your best in the genre ( so far, I hope ), going from like the play is real to seeing it from the outside... The way they protest on purpose just to be gagged ;)
Different personalities expressed in sharp touches, it has no real beginning nor end but it is complete while staying short. Playful with delicate undertones, but never cheesy.
Really like this one.

I'd better stop promising pics to everyone, but there's a good group scene here, with a fake menacing ambiance, the basement, Luke playing bad guy... It is tempting. Would love to do it justice.
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Post by mikeybound »

That was very enjoyable. I look forward to your future works.
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks all for the coments! Really appreciate them :D

[mention]LK3869[/mention] I'm glad that you liked it! One of the main hardships I experience when writting is comming up with a begining and ending to the tie-up situation so I decided to drop them all together for this story and just focus on what happens during the tie up game, mainly focusing on the four kids's reactions to the situation. After all how did they end there and what'll happen next is irelevant and the readers are free to come up with their own ideas.

You don't know how happy I am that my story inspired you to do a drawining! I would love to see my characters in one of your drawings so feel free to use them! Of course it's up to you and if you don't have enugh time (given that you already offered others to draw their stories) no hard feelings! Just the fact that you considered it makes me happy enough :mrgreen:
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Post by LK3869 »

You'll get it, don't worry.
It's not everyday that you read a nice little text like that, where everything's in place.
Forgot in the comment: you discribe so well the moment where a new player comes in and the others aren't sure he will play the game or break the spell of the instant.
These one convinced me to buy a small sketchbook, to keep at hand when reading stories here :)
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Post by LK3869 »

Doesn't look like much, but it'll be something like that:
Had to reread most of your stories to find out their hair color and age, you should provide a detailed familly or group of friends visual , familly tree-like graph, like they did with the seven houses of game of throne :lol:
If you had haircuts in mind, let me know...
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Post by Xtc »

It's really good to have you on-board and making art for our writers.
The new incarnation of the board seems to be a nurturing and supportive community. THat is in no small part due to thise who comment on/ contribute to story develpoment.
Gives me a good feeling that I could do with at the minute.
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Post by Veracity »

What a fun story! And great illustration too!
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Post by LK3869 »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago The new incarnation of the board seems to be a nurturing and supportive community. THat is in no small part due to thise who comment on/ contribute to story develpoment.
Gives me a good feeling that I could do with at the minute.
It does good to me too or I wouldn't. Sweet pieces like CJ's or wild stuff from Québec, among others, do feel good to read.
Hope coming art will be of some comfort to you. I've sketched your "this was then, this is now" Owl patroll on their log seat. Will add it tomorrow.
Last edited by LK3869 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alkaid_ »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago @c@cj2125
Doesn't look like much, but it'll be something like that:

Fantastic pic... I really love your work!
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Post by bondagefreak »

I have to agree with Alkaid, this is a beautiful rendition.
We'll done [mention]LK3869[/mention] Anxious to see the finished result!

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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]LK3869[/mention] I didn't expect to see a sketch so quick! It's amazing! :D The way the ropes are tied, the way Luke is holding Max's hair; even though it's a sketch, I can even picture their expressions, Luke in full "villain mode" and all. If there is one thing thoguh is Max's haircut, (and it's just a small nitpick that you asked about it) I never described in my stories it but I always pictured his hair slighlty longer :P
LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago
Had to reread most of your stories to find out their hair color and age, you should provide a detailed familly or group of friends visual , familly tree-like graph, like they did with the seven houses of game of throne :lol:
If you had haircuts in mind, let me know...
I should make a chart of character relations and descirptions :lol: but seriously, usually I try to write a short descirption of the character, you just happenened to read the only storie in which I didn't add any description since I wanted their identities to remain a mystery for the first half :lol:
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Post by LK3869 »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago I should make a chart of character relations and descirptions :lol: but seriously, usually I try to write a short descirption of the character, you just happenened to read the only storie in which I didn't add any description since I wanted their identities to remain a mystery for the first half :lol:
And that what makes it great and works so well... And doing "research" in your little universe allowed me to read some I missed, so all's good.
Posting sketches may be a fun way to "help" stories and gather infos from you writers, plus it gives you guys the opportunity to share little details about your caracters that would otherwise stay in your minds...
Plus: anyone can make skeches, hope it will give others ideas...
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Post by MaxRoper »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago Plus: anyone can make skeches, hope it will give others ideas...
Yes, anyone can make sketches (I've done many) but it takes years of practice and work to whip up confections as delightful as yours. Thank you!
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Post by bondagefreak »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago
LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago Plus: anyone can make skeches, hope it will give others ideas...
Yes, anyone can make sketches (I've done many) but it takes years of practice and work to whip up confections as delightful as yours. Thank you!
Years of practice...and some measure of innate skills I might add! ;)

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Post by LK3869 »

[mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]
Stop it you two, I'm blushing (where's the fake modesty icon?)
I did draw too much for my own good, at least now I share...
Thanks again.
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Post by Ossassin »

[mention]LK3869[/mention] regardless you did excellent work.
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Post by LK3869 »

Thanks, but sketches are here to draw ( haha) attention on the stories, so hope you've read that one. ;)
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Post by Ossassin »

[mention]LK3869[/mention] [mention]cj2125[/mention]
Of course the excellent art amplifies the great story.
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Post by cj2125 »

Just giving a little bump to this story since the resident artist [mention]LK3869[/mention] has graced us with a wonderful drawing to accompany the story. Make sure to check his other drawings and give him some much deserved love! :D
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Post by Xtc »

I think we'll forgive the bump :) THIS TIME :twisted:

Yes, the included pics ceratinly warranted the piece being brought back into people's consciousness.
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Post by alkaid_ »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago

Drawing by LK3869

I recently saw this image and i need to say it's AWESOME...

[mention]LK3869[/mention]: you captured the stage perfectly and was incredible... I envy the group of [mention]cj2125[/mention] kids story.
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Post by bondagefreak »

A fantastic drawing, indeed.
Very colourful and very lively, just like the written tale itself.

Congrats to both [mention]cj2125[/mention] and [mention]LK3869[/mention] for the combined effort!

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