Kristen and Mr. Wilson M/f

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Kristen and Mr. Wilson M/f

Post by lasse672000 »

My name is Kristen, and I'm thirteen, almost fourteen. My best friend in the whole world isn't anyone in my class, although I do have friends there too. No, my very, very best friend is actually my neighbour, Mr. Wilson. He's an elderly widower and has no children, so he's quite alone. I use to go over to him as often as I can. In the summer we use to sit in the swing on his porch, him with a mug of coffee and me with a glass of home-made lemonade, solving all sorts of world problems.

One day, however, he surprised me by asking:
"Have you ever been tied up?" Just like that; out of the blue.
I looked at him, closely, thinking he'd lost his mind, or something. "No, never." I replied.
"You see, when we were young, Clara (that was his wife's name) and I sometimes played such games, that could go on for hours and hours." He got a dreamy look in his eyes. "Oh, how I miss those games." he sighed. "And her, of course."
"Would you like to play again?" I softly asked.
"Nah!" he grunted and waved dismissively. "I'm way too old now, and not as agile as I once was. But they were fun games; they sure were." He sighed again. "One of the many things I miss is tying her wrists and ankles together, real tight-like, and seeing her squirming on the floor, taking her sweet time getting free. I suspect she probably could've done it much faster, but enjoyed being tied, as much as I did seeing her like that. I liked being tied up by her, as much as tying her up, in fact."

We both sat there for quite a while, lost in our thoughts and memories, until I softly asked: "Would you like to tie me up?"
He looked at me with tenderness in his eyes.
"Oh, my dear, sweet girl!" he softly smiled. "Thanks for the offer, but you're far too young and innocent for those games."
"Oh, no," I quickly said, shaking my head, "I only meant the tying-up part."
He gave me a long, hard look.
"You really mean that, don't you?" he thoughtfully said. "You really would let an old fart like me tie you up?"
"Sure, why not?" I said, "We're friends; aren't we?"
He smiled and patted me on the cheek. "You sweet, sweet girl." he whispered. "Wait here. I'll be right back!" I placed my mug on the floor beside him, and got to my feet.

When he returned a couple of minutes later, he had a bundle of rope in one hand. He arduously knelt in front of me, and took both my ankles in his big hand.
"It's a good thing you're wearing those thick pantyhose and a long sleeved dress today, because that means I can tie you, without leaving that much of a mark on your skin."
He took one coil of rope, and folded it in half. He then started to wind it around my ankles, making a knot in the middle.
"How's that?" I asked.
I looked down at my feet, and tried to separate them. I found I could, but only a little bit.
"Great, actually." I said. "Not too tight."
"Good! Let me know, if you don't want me to go any further."
"I will."
He went on tying my knees together, and then my wrists in front.
"That'll have to do for today, I think." he said, as he slowly and arduously got to his feet. "Now you have to try to get free. If you stay calm and focused, I don't think you'll have any trouble."

I must have spent several seconds just examining the rope around my wrists. I noticed I probably couldn't reach the knot with my fingers, so I tried with my teeth. Having worked it for a while, I noticed I now could reach the knot with my fingers, which made untying it much easier, and within minutes all the rope were in a pile at my feet.
"Wow! Impressive!" Mr. Wilson exclaimed, "That was really fast! Not that much slower than Clara ever managed, actually." He gave me an evaluating look. "Would you like to do it again? Only making it a bit harder for you to get free."
I thought about it for a while, then said: "Sure!"

I spent the next few nights tossing and turning in my bed, asking myself: 'Should I, or shouldn't I?' finally coming to the conclusion that I should.
Nevertheless I was really nervous, as I walked up the gravel path to his house, and pressed the button to the door bell. This time I was dressed in a knee length, navy blue, long sleeved corduroy dress with white lace on the collar, cuffs and hem, white cotton pantyhose, and black leather sandals. I had put my hair in pig tails above the ears, and tied silk ribbons around them.
"Come in, my dear girl! I was beginning to think you weren't ever going to visit me again. I suppose you want some lemonade before we start? I, for one, would love a mug of coffee."
"Yes please." I said.
We went into his living room and I sat in the sofa. He must have known I was coming, because it wasn't long before there was a tray with a glass of lemonade and his usual mug of steamy, hot coffee on the table in front of us. We chatted about this and that, and he asked me, thoroughly, about school, just as he nearly always did.

When we had finished, he got up and fetched the pieces of rope he had used to tie me up before, and a scarf.
"Now," he said, "remember I said I would make things a bit more difficult, the next time I tied you?"
"Yes, I do." I nodded.
"Well, this time I'm not only going to use more difficult knots, I'm also going to blindfold you. But I'll start by tying you without the blindfold, so you can see what I'm doing, and then again when you can't. O,K?"
"O.K." I said and I noticed my voice was trembling quite a bit.

He tied my ankles, knees, and wrists in front of me as before, but I noticed he placed the knots in much more awkward places. Nevertheless, I managed to get free in just under fifteen minutes.
"Impressive!" he said. "Especially considering it was only your second time being an escape artist! Now, let's try it without you being able to see what you're doing. O.K?"
I nodded, and he took the scarf and walked behind me. He tied it over my eyes and asked if I could see anything. Everything went pitch black.
When I shook my head I could feel him start tying me up, from my ankles up. If I had liked the feeling of being tied and nearly helpless before, I absolutely loved it now. I just sat there enjoying the feeling so much so, Mr. Wilson asked me if I had fallen asleep.
"No, sir; I'm just enjoying myself!" I quickly said, and went about getting free, which was a lot harder when I couldn't see what I was doing.
"You really did like that; didn't you?" Mr. Wilson asked , when I had taken off the blindfold. "Now; you've always had your hands tied together in front; haven't you?. How about I tie'm together behind your back this time? Works almost as good as being blindfolded."
"Sure; OK." I perkily answered, feeling on top of the world.

He told me to sit cross-legged on the floor, and to cross my wrists behind my back, and he tied them together. But then he took a third rope, and tied that around my waist pinning my arms to my body, carefully positioning the knot where I could reach it, albeit not without some difficulty.
Right, sweetheart; try to get out of that!" he grinned.

I first tried releasing my arms from my waist; but after a few tries I realized that it would work better if I did it the same way I always did; to start with the wrists. From then on, it was only a matter of minutes before I could get up.
"Huh?" Mr. Wilson grunted. "That was quick! Now; you best be going home, before your parents start wondering where you've got to. But before you go; what would you say if I invited a friend of mine till, say, the day after tomorrow? That way we can have a friendly competition; who can get free the fastest, you or I? No prizes, except the feeling of winning, and no time limit."
Sure; OK! The day after tomorrow it is, then."
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Post by Xtc »

Nice one, as usual.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I like this story too especially as he blindfold her. I wait for next part.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Nice and Good Start to Story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by ryan »

Good story. Looking forward to next part.
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Post by lasse672000 »

When I rang Mr. Wilson's doorbell a couple of days later, I was surprised to see it was a corpulent, gray haired man, who opened.
"Ah," he said, in a shrill voice, "you must be Kristen! Frodo's been telling me SO much about you, and how good you are at getting out of tricky situations! I'm Mr. Goodbrite," he said shaking my hand vigorously, "and I've known Odo since we both were about the same age you are! He's just told me about the competition, and I think it's such a MARVELOUS idea; I really do!" He put his hands together under his chin, tilted his head slightly to the right, and squinted his eyes.
At that moment, Mr. Wilson appeared behind Mr. Goodbrite. "Ah, there you are, Kristen! Shall we go into the living-room for some refreshments before we start?"

After about forty-five minutes of small talk about everything and nothing, it was time for the competition to begin. We agreed on best-of-three, hands behind our backs, blindfolds and that Mr. Goodbrite should be tying us.
He started by blindfolding me, and tying my wrists behind my back. He then proceeded with my knees and ankles. Then, I could hear him do the same to Mr. Wilson. He seemed to wait an awfully long time before he squealed "GO!", but as soon as he did, I started fumbling around for the knot in the rope around my wrists. When I found it, I realized I could barely reach it, but after some serious juggling, I managed to loosen it enough to get the rope untied. After that ordeal, the rest of the ropes were a cinch, and I beat Mr. Wilson, but only by a few seconds. The next two rounds, unfortunately, he won.

"Remember I said there'd be no prizes for winning?" Mr. Wilson said. "I didn't say anything about losing; did I? The penalty is: the looser has to stay tied up for at least another hour, before trying to get free. Although in your case, I suspect you regard it as a reward." He was right, so all I had to do was nod.
"I have a better idea." Mr. Goodbrite interrupted. "I have, for some strange reason, some cuffs in a drawer at home, and possibly even a gag. Why don't we let her spend that penalty in cuffs?"
"O.K, Kristen, your choice; tied up here, or cuffed at Mr. Goodbrite's?"
I thought long and hard, before I decided on the cuffs.
"Well, I've never been cuffed before, so let's go for it!"
As I had almost managed to get my wrists free, but Mr. Wilson retied them and hung my coat over my shoulders, and closed the zipper.

At his house, Mr. Goodbrite took out a pair of wrist- and ankle-cuffs and a ball gag and put them on me, before untying the rope around my wrists, and taking us on a tour of his house and garden. It was much bigger than either Mr. Wilsons' or my, with lots of stairs to climb, and little rooms.
"Nice house you've got. I especially liked the basement." Mr. Wilson said when the tour was over, and I nodded. "You lived here long?"
"Thank you, Gimli! No, in fact; I moved in just a few weeks ago. I like the basement too. I imagine it can be used for a lot of things, as can the garden, being rather secluded." Mr. Goodbrite replied, glancing my way, and I saw Mr. Wilson discreetly nodding.
When it was time to go back home, Mr. Goodbrite insisted on me keeping the cuffs and gag. "You can return them some other time." he explained, giving Mr. Wilson the keys.

A couple of minutes later, when he took out the gag, Mr. Wilson asked whether I preferred being cuffed or tied.
"I don't know." I said. "Ropes and cuffs both has their separate advantages. Ropes are probably easier to get out of than cuffs, but cuffs doesn't leave as many marks." Then I changed the subject completely.
"You called him 'Frodo', and he called you 'Gimli'? Where did those names come from, because I can't believe those being your Christian names?"
"No, of course they're not." Mr. Wilson snarled. "We started using those names when we were kids. You see, Frodo, whose real name is Frank, and I read all 'Lord of the rings'-books from cover to cover so many times, we practically knew them by heart.
" Now; off you go, before your parents start wondering if you've been kidnapped!"

Mr. Wilson and my parents had a lengthy conversation behind closed doors a few days later, and I was told to go with him.
As soon as we got behind some trees that blocked the view from our house, he took out the handcuffs, and cuffed my hands behind my back. Then, he gagged me, and cuffed my ankles.
"We're not going to my house, as I promised your parents," he then told me. "We're going to Frodo's. Consider yourself kidnapped!" He opened one of the rear passenger doors to his car, and bundled me inside.
Although it was only a very short ride I had time to, in my mind, paint several very scary pictures of what was to come. The anxiety only grew, when we arrived and I was bundled into one of the little rooms in Frodo's house. My wrists were released, but then cuffed together in front of me and a chain, which was securely bolted into the wall was attached to them. The gag was also removed. Then, the two men left and pretty much ignored me, for the rest of the day, except for when they came and gave me food, or to escort me to the bathroom.

I woke early the next day. At first, I couldn't understand why I couldn't move my hands and feet normally, but then I remembered; I had been kidnapped by Mr. Wilson, who I thought was my friend, and was now being held prisoner!
"I thought he was my friend?" I angrily thought. "He better come up with a very good explanation. Or rather; they better have!" I was so angry, I started crying. At that moment, then door opened, and Mr. Wilson came in, carrying a tray, which he hurriedly put on the floor, ran up to me and put his arm over my shoulder
"My dear girl!" he blurted out. "Whatever is the matter? Huh?"
"I thought you were my friend!" I sobbed.
"But I am!" he swore.
"Then, why have you kidnapped me?" I said, still sobbing.
"Kidnapped you? I haven't kidnapped you!" he protested. "Well, to you it might look like I have: but I thought that since you liked being restrained so much, I thought you also might like being a Damsel-in-distress for real for a while? I'll have you back with your parents this afternoon; I promise! O.K?" He gave me a handkerchief. "Now, wipe your tears and eat your breakfast. You've got a long day ahead of you."

Sometime later Mr Wilson came, unlocked my cuffs from the chain and escorted me outside.
"I'm sorry our little game frightened you so much," he said, "but we thought that you'd like it."
"But, I did! I did like it." I hurriedly protested, then adding: "But it would have been nice if you had given me some sort of heads-up."
"Yea, I suppose we should have." he admitted, looking a bit sheepish. "But, then again; that would probably have spoiled half the fun, wouldn't it? At least Frodo's and mine!"
We spent the car ride home in silence.

Mr. Wilson escorted me to the front door, and knocked. When my father opened he said: "Here she is. Safe and sound, as promised. Well then; I'll be off. Good bye!" He touched his fore head with one finger, and started walking away. Having gone half way down the drive way, he suddenly turned around and came back.
"Silly me; I almost forgot!" he said, and held out his hand. "Here are the keys to her cuffs."
In the kitchen, mum asked, with a stern look on her face: "Mind telling us, what this is all about?"
I looked down at the floor, a started slowly telling them about how I had helped Mr. Wilson re-live some of his married life by letting him restrain me, and teach me how to escape. But I assured them that that was all he did.
"M-hm?"dad hummed. "So, if we were to take those cuffs off, and instead tie your hands together, you'd be able to get free? That, I'd like to see!"
"Mm, so would I." mum agreed. She unlocked the cuffs, and put them away 'for later use' as she said, and I was told to lie, face down, on the floor. Dad grabbed my wrists and tied them together, followed by my ankles. Then he took a third rope and connected my ankles and my wrists, and tied a rag over my mouth.
I almost immediately found the knot in the rope around my wrists, and discovered it would be almost too easy to just untie it. So I decided to put up a little act, where I wriggled around and moaned for a couple of minutes, just to amuse myself, if no one else.
"Is that the best you can do? I mean; it's impressive, but hardly spectacular!" dad said, disappointed, when I was free again.
"You want spectacular? Tie me up again, and I'll give you spectacular!" I contentiously said.
This time, I left off the theatrics, and got myself free in one third of the time.
"Now, THAT was spectacular!" dad said, and mum agreed. "Mind if WE tie you up sometimes, too? Or put you in cuffs?"
"No; as long as you tell me when. The only thing is; I haven't practiced getting out of cuffs, so that might take some time."
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome back to planet Earth, [mention]lasse672000[/mention]. your visits are always keenly awaited.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Nice second part that feel by second by long visit not really well was understandable because she act how girls told should act If come case what not before discoursed. I like to read how her parents will train her. For girls is possibly good to know how she could escape cluffs if she get real kidnapped.
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