(Fs/Ms, Ms/Fs) Sentinals: Dates (part 2 posted)

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(Fs/Ms, Ms/Fs) Sentinals: Dates (part 2 posted)

Post by chaos846 »

Part 1: In this part we learn that Jade has incredible self control, and that Holly isn't afraid to let herself go.

It had been a couple weeks since The Sentinels had arrived in Hemmsworth. They were able to get good prices for the loot they had found from before. Right now though, they were doing what most mercenaries would do when establishing a base of operation: Obtaining contacts.

“You seem to hear a lot of rumors, Sir,” Theon said to one of the local Bar Tenders. He was an average man with a well trimmed beard, and quite a bit of color on his apron.

“They come and go, as my customers do,” He stated. “Most of them are superstitious nonsense though,” He then added. Theon then flipped him a gold coin.

“You hear anything that sounds like it's worth our time, give us a holler,” Theon requested.

“Will do,” The Bar keep said, sounding quite happy with the tip he had just received.

Theon left the Twin Kegs, and walked out into the street again. It was bustling with activity as usual. People were rushing about the chores, shopping, or whatever it was they needed to be doing. He soon spotted Jade exiting Hemmsworth Inn.

“Anything useful?” Theon asked him.

“He says he tends to hear quite a bit, and he also pointed us back into the direction of the notice board in City Hall,” Jade told him.

“We already know about that,” Theon stated.

“Yeah, I know,” Jade responded.

That was pretty much how the morning went. Looking for any hot spots for rumors, and other sources of information about someone needing mercenaries. Even the Royal Family could be a great source too. As of right now though, most types of jobs that require their type of talents have been in short supply as of late.

“I'll go see if any new notices have been posted,” Theon stated.

“And I'll go see Holly, and maybe her scrying can find something,” Jade then added. Theon smirked at him.

“Are you sure it's not just because you've become quite smitten with her?” He asked, with a sly look. He was right, ever since that day, Jade felt genuine attraction to her. It wasn't just because she was beautiful, and exotic, though that certainly helped. It was also due to the fact that she just seemed happy most of the time. In spite the prejudice she usually received from some of the humans here.

“Oh, that's a part of it,” Jade admitted, with a grin to his colleague. Theon continued to smirk.

“Just don't let it distract you too much,” He told Jade.

“I won't,” Jade insisted, and then headed for the Castle.

Jade was allowed entry per the Royal Families decree. He made his way across the courtyard, and up the western tower. He passed by the quarters where he and his team were staying for now, and continued up the stairs to a closed wooden door. Jade knocked on it.

“Who is it?” Holly's voice called.

“It's Jade,” Jade answered.

“Come in,” Holly chirped. Jade opened the door into a room filled with bookshelves, a bed, and a desk with a few beakers, some other various odds and ends, and what looked like a golden shallow bowl. These however where not what caught Jade's attention. After he closed the door behind him, he turned to face her.

“Hey Holly, I was won-oh good grief,” He said, when he saw her. Holly was sitting on her bed in a meditative position. Her hair was in the same hair style...

http://assets5.cutegirlshairstyles.com/ ... HalfUp.jpg

She always has with her pointed elven ears fully visible. Oh yeah, she was also stark naked. She looked at Jade rather puzzled.

“Something wrong?” She asked him.

“Other than the fact that you're not decent, no,” Jade answered. He could feel his body temperature raising ever so slightly. Holly looked down at herself briefly, and then back at her guest.

“Does my nudity bother you?” She asked, sounding quite innocent.

“I won't deny that it is very distracting,” Jade answered. Oh, how her gorgeous breasts looked so perfect. Holly chuckled at his comment.

“Jade, you speak as if you haven't seen me naked before,” She told him, with a chuckle. Jade just shrugged. By this point, most men would be falling over themselves to profess their undying love and devotion to the lovely naked elf in front of him, but he held back. In spite of what natural instinct was telling him.

“Fair enough, Holly, but in that situation you had no choice. I just wasn't expecting to see you like this again right here and now,” He explained to her. Holly smiled, and got off of her bed. She then sauntered towards Jade with her hands clasped behind her back. This gesture not only made her look submissive, but it also puffed out her chest as well.

“You have to remember Jade: I'm not a human. I'm an Elf,” She told him.

“True,” Jade said, showing that he was listening. Holly then continued

“Among my people, we have a way of communing with nature through meditation. We perform this meditation without the burden of clothes, as nature intended. As I said before though, you've seen me nude, so I didn't think you'd mind,” She also explained. “Does it bother you?” She then asked him. Jade smiled at her.

“It doesn't bother me, but a little forewarning next time would be nice,” He answered. “Just tell me that you're in meditation, and i'll know to expect it,” He then suggested.

“I'll try to remember,” She stated, in a very flirty tone. Jade snorted at this. He knew what she was up to. She then turned around, and headed to her desk. She was still holding her hands behind her. “So, what did you need from me?” She then asked.

“I was wondering if you could spot a potential job for us through scrying, or something like that,” Jade answered.

“I'll take a look,” Holly said, and walked up to the bowl. She took hold of a nearby pitcher, and poured a clear liquid known as water into the bowl. Jade could only see his reflection, but he knew that as a sorceress, Holly would likely see something different. She spoke an elvish incantation, and looked into the bowl.

Jade looked at the water, and then back at her. She had her eyes fixed on the reflection. Was she looking at the reflection, or...something else? For the next few minutes, all Holly did was just stare into the bowl. Her eyes were still transfixed on the water's surface.

She then blinked, and started breathing heavily. She turned around, and almost fell forward onto her face, but Jade was there to catch her.

“Oh! Excuse me!” Jade snapped, as he had accidentally cupped her breast in his hand in his rush to aide her.

“It's fine,” She said, as she then straightened up. “Seeing still takes a toll on me,” She explained. Jade then spoke in Elvish, as from his passed experience, it seemed to comfort her.

Will you be alright?” He asked her. She smiled at him.

I'll be fine. It used to knock me out for a while, but over time it's gotten better,” She responded, also in Elvish. Jade helped Holly to her bed, and they both sat down. “By the way, where did you learn Elvish?” She then asked him.

I always liked to read when I was younger, and Cyan had a few books written in Elvish. I never understood them, but I thought the language was beautiful,” Jade told her.

And Cyan explained to you what it was, and then taught you?” Holly asked. Jade nodded.

Yes he did,” He said.

I think you speak it very well,” She said, and they both smiled at each other.

Right, back to the seeing though,” Jade said, now changing the subject back. He still spoke in Elvish though, as it seemed to please Holly. “Did it reveal anything?

Not really, but I did hear a faint cry for help though,” She answered.

It's something,” Jade responded. Then he had an idea. “By chance would you like me to take you out for dinner or something tonight?” He then asked her.

I'd like that,” Holly said. Jade then smirked.

Okay, I do hope you put something on for the outing though,” Jade remarked, and Holly laughed.

I will,” She said. Jade got up off her bed, and bid her farewell. He switched back to the common tongue.

“Thanks Holly. You have a good one,” Jade told her.

“You too, Jade,” She said back, as he left her to her meditation again.
Last edited by chaos846 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 110
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: In this part, The Team gets a new mission.

Jade closed the door to her room, and then headed back down stairs to the main gate once again. The information she was able to get wasn't really a whole lot to work with unfortunately. He had no reason not to trust her though. Magic can be finicky after all. As he left the tower, and entered the court yard he heard a voice.

“Hey Jade!” The Voice called. Jade looked and saw that the voice belonged to Prince Rowan, and it looked as though he was talking with what looked like one of the local farmers. He looked barely fifteen years old. Jade walked over to the two.

“Something on your mind?” Jade asked. Prince Rowan gestured to the Farmer.

“This Young Man here may have a job for you, and your Team,” The Prince stated.

“Oh?” Jade asked, perking up. He turned his attention to the boy. “What's the job?”

“It's my Father. He's been taken,” The boy answered.

“As in kidnapped?” Jade inquired.

“Yes, and I don't know where they are,” The boy confirmed. Jade blinked.

“They?” He asked.

“Yes, it's not just my Pa. Several others have gone missing too. Everyone just thought they came to the city, but after what happened last night, I know better,” The boy explained.

“What happened last night?” Jade asked. The Kid was now breathing heavily. He didn't like being asked to recall the horror.

“They kicked the door down. Women. Dressed in furs. They screamed, and they grabbed him and took him. They tried to get me too, but I jumped out the window, and ran,” He told them.

“What about your Mother?” Jade asked, hanging onto his every word. The boy shook his head no.

“She died two years ago,” He said, solemnly.

“I'm sorry,” Jade consoled.

“It's ok. I just want my Pa back,” The Farmer said. He was trying to hold back tears. Jade nodded yes, and looked over to Prince Rowan.

“If you decide to take this assignment, The Crown will cover the payment,” The Prince told him. Jade smiled.

“I'll get the team together, and we'll take a look over at the farmlands to see what we can find,” Jade Said. The boy looked overjoyed with the news.

“Thank you so much!” He yelped, and began shaking Jade's hand. Jade just stared at him blankly until the bot finally let go. He then turned to Prince Rowan. “Your Grace,” He said with a bow, and then took his leave.

* * * *

“I'm trying to figure out who still wears furs?” Dale stated. All three of them were decked out in the work gear, and had just dismounted their horses next to the farmstead where the boy had ran from.

“Either they're tribal, or they're bandits who fell on really hard times,” Theon guessed.

“Bandits would have robbed them of what little valuables they had, and they wouldn't kidnap people unless they could get something for it,” Jade told them.

“And that's the thing: What do these farmers have that these women could want?” Theon asked.

“That is what we're here to find out,” Jade said, with a slight sigh.

The team walked around the area for about an hour or so for any signs of disturbance. They checked with some of the other houses as well. One lady had claimed that her husband was out to make a delivery, and she hadn't seen him since.

“By chance do you know of any women wearing furs?” Dale had asked her. She blinked at him.

“No, should I?” She asked back.

“I just know that such people were spotted at one of the incidences,” Dale explained.

“Oh, well, I know nothing about that,” The lady said. “Listen, if you find my husband, can you give him a message?”

“If I find him, sure,” Dale answered. The Lady responded by giving him a slap across the face, and then went back inside, slamming the door shut. Dale's eyes narrowed. “I'll remember that,” He growled, and then left. He looked across the area, and saw what looked like someone from behind a barn flailing his arms around for him to come over to them. Dale rushed over to see that it was Theon. Jade was already there as well.

“What?” He asked. Theon put his finger to his lips, and the group turned the corner slowly. Out in the field was one poor Farmer who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It looked as if he had been knocked out by something, and sure enough, he was being carried away by two blonde ladies wearing clothes made of fur.

“Jackpot,” Jade whispered, as the two ladies carried the farmer away from his field. They placed the Farmer on one of the horses that they had nearby. They then mounted the horses themselves, and rode off into the nearby forest.

“Well, let's get the horses, and follow um,” Dale stated.

The Team let the women get a bit of distance before following them. The horses they were riding seemed to follow a trail through the forest, as the hoof prints were clearly visible.

“Why would they do this during the day when everyone could see them?” Dale whispered.

“It was dumb luck Theon spotted them when he did. They picked someone who was away from a lot of witnesses,” Jade responded.

The hove marks lead them to a small clearing where they saw what looked like a small village. Log cabins served as houses. They three hid behind some bushes, as they watched. In the middle of the street, The Group saw what looked like the Farmer being stripped down to almost nothing with only a fur loin cloth being provided to cover him. He was bound, and then taken down the road elsewhere.

“So...who wants to go first?” Dale asked, in an effort to lighten the mood. He got a light snort from the other two at least.

“I'll go first. Theon, Dale, You circle the perimeter, and meet up with me afterwards,” Jade suggested. “Try to keep out of sight.”

And with that, he left the cover of the bushes, and into the street. He walked in between one of the cabins, and saw that they were all mostly empty. Perhaps everyone was out somewhere. Likely grabbing more prisoners. Why though? What did these people gain? Why only men? Jade's thoughts quickly changed though.

“Hello Male,” A tough, but feminine voice said from behind him. He grinned to himself, and turned around to see a Young lady just a little younger than him. She had on fur clothes like all the rest of them. She also had a spear that was carved from a branch that was pointed right at his chest.

“Hello Young Lady,” Jade greeted. He smiled warmly at her as well. He really didn't have anything to fear from her, although he didn't want to use a blink at this time. “Give me your name, and I'll give you mine,” He then suggested. He was stalling for time, as well as distraction for his teammates.

“I'm not concerned with your name, Male,” She spat, now looking a bit angry. “All that matters is that you join the rest of them for the mating.”

“Mating?” Jade question, again for time, but also now for answers.

“You'll see soon enough. We only needed one more, and here you are,” She stated.

“So it would seem,” Jade said. His passive responses were beginning to irritate her.

“Shut up! The Hunting Party will be back soon, and you will remain silent!” She spat. Jade had the impression that she was trying to sound more impressive than she was. Little did she know, Jade was also waiting for others, and his got there first. Jade's Assailant received quite a shock as a pair of rough hands wrapped around her. The first one wrapped around her arms with enough force to cause her to drop her spear, and render her helpless. The other one went over her mouth so she couldn't scream.

“Wmp!” She yelped, and looked up into Theon's steel gaze. Dale had grabbed the spear off the ground.

“Uh, perhaps we should head into one of the houses,” Dale then suggested. The Team took their prisoner into the nearest cabin. Well, first Jade kicked the door open. Then they went inside. The Lady was doing her best to break free, but Theon's unnatural strength kept her well in check.

“I think we can use these,” Dale said. He had opened a drawer to find a few bed sheets. They were a bit worn, but not to bad. He started tearing them into strips while Jade searched for something to restrain the lass.

“Bingo,” He said aloud, after finding some rope. With Theon's help he tied her hands behind her back, and then did the same to her ankles. Their Prisoner was not silent during this.

“I will make you all pay for this!” She barked, and then started writhing in her bonds. “You won't get passed the others, and when they catch you, I will make you wish you were never b-mmmph!”

Dale didn't give her the chance to finish. He had wadded up a small piece of the cloth he was tearing, and shoved it into her open mouth. He then tied a longer piece over her mouth to keep it in.

“Thank you, Dale,” Jade complimented.

“While I was scouting, I saw a cave up north a little ways with two guards standing at the entrance. It may be where this Mating thing of there's is taking place,” Theon mentioned, now that they had their prisoner under control.

“Myll nvvmph phtph th rphhll!” She shouted into her gag, as she glared hard at her captors.

“And I know how we can get passed the guards,” Dale said, and then looked over at the Lady. “She'll be of great help to us,” He then added ,with a nasty smile.

“Hll nvvmph hlpp yhh!” She barked. Dale reached out a hand, and touched her shoulder. She flinched a bit, and then started wriggling again. He moved his hand to the fur covering her as well. Once he finally let go, A shimmering effect surrounded him with a rippling sound. The Lady could only look in complete shock, as she was now looking at...Herself.

“Time for you to have some friends join you,” Dale told her, in her own voice. She had fainted on the spot.

Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay. Holiday season and all that.
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