College Bondage (M/M)

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College Bondage (M/M)

Post by GrumpyBear »

Hi everyone, this is going to be my first story here. You can call me Ryan, I'll use my middle name to keep some anonymity. I have been reading this board for about a year now. I thought it was time I made an account and shared some of my own stories. I had a few interesting bondage experiences while at college. I am posting this in the adult section of the site. Upon reading it, this particular story could probably go either way. But, some of my others in this series have some parts that wouldn't fit well there. So, I am putting it here just for continuaty's sake if I continue it.

I'll leave the exact name of my college also out of the story. It was in the northeastern part of the Unitied States. There are some bondage experiences that predate this one. But, they are not as interesting. If there is interest I will post some of them as there are some things that need explaining. This was a few years ago. I graduated not that long ago and I am still in contact with Max.

"There we go." Max commented as he stood up. "Stay there and I'll move onto your feet next."

I was lying on the floor of our dorm room on my stomach. My wrists were crossed and tied behind my back with some white rope. Max used about a 15 foot section to do the binding. My wrists were wrapped both horizontally and vertically to keep them in an X position behind my back. I should probably describe myself; or at least how I was at the time. I was 6 foot 1 and about 190 pounds at the time of this story. This was during my freshman year of college on a Thursday night in early Novemember. I had a reasonable physical build being somewhat of an athlete in high school. I lifted weights and was on the track and wrestling teams. In college, I wasn't in any sports and was studying a general business degree.

I have blue eyes and black hair that I kept short, but not in a buzz cut. Max retrieved a second section of rope and started working on my ankles next. While my hands were bound criss cross. He did a simple wrap and cinch to secure my ankles. He wrapped them using up the majority of the ropes length. Then he wrapped and cinched the tie off in the middle before knotting it. My outfit needs some explaining, but it's how I chose my handle for this site. I was dressed in a blue carebear union suit. Namely Grumpy Bear, with a white stomach and a blue raincloud on it. Basically, they were pajamas and one of the things that I ended getting tied up in a lot.

I grew up in south Florida. So, I was used to very mild winters down there. I think it might get down into the high 60's for a high temperature in January. Up here it was already colder than that. Normally, growing up I wore boxer shorts and maybe a tank top to bed. But, up here about 4 weeks into the sememster I was freezing at night. So, that's part of the back story how I ended up dressed in something so silly. Originally, I had been worried about how I would be percieved when I bought the outfit. But nobody really cared and a few even thought it was a neat choice. Basically, I went to our local Target to buy some pajamas and this was the only sleepsuit in my size. I could do a more detailed background on this if you folks want. But that will do for now.
I was also wearing some slipper socks in addition to the sleep suit.

"Well, you're secured, but maybe I should get some more rope. That way you'll stay out of trouble." Max commented looking down at me. He wasn't looking for a response. It was a retorical question as he went to the bed to get some more rope.

Max, and I were somewhat opposite when it came to backgrounds. He had grown up about 30 miles away from this University. He had brown hair and wore glasses. He was more of a nerd type from high school. To his credit he was here on an academic full ride. He had brown hair that we wore slightly longer than I did. His eyes were green and he wore some silver framed glasses being near sited. He was small compared to me at 5 foot 2 inches and about 120 pounds. How we ended up together as roommates I'll never know. But, it really ended up working out for the best long term. Max was in a t-shirt, some pajama bottoms and socks.

Max returned with what was our longest section of rope. It was likely 50 or 60 feet in length and well suited to his next task. Max tied off one end of my right bicep and started working on a fairly simple rope harness. He went around my torso a few times, over the shoulders and even ran a double rope between my legs. He made a few key pulls and cinches to draw my arms in tight. Then he tied my bound hands down to it to really limit what I could do with my hands. Once that was securely in place he went and got one last piece of rope. This one was used to bind my legs higher up. It was a wrap and cinche like my ankles, but done just above my knees. With that done, he stood up and walked over to his chair.

"There, that will keep you busy for a while. Best of luck getting loose, although I doubt you will." He commented.

My roommate turned his attention to his computer screen and started typing. He had a report do the following Monday and needed to get cracking on it. Still, I appreciated the effort he spent binding me before he got started. I began my struggles testing the ropes. Max knew what he was doing. I shifted back and forth trying to work my hands. The bindings on my wrists held fast and the rope harness kept my arms in place. I tried my legs next but didn't have much success there. Normally, trying to get free from bondage starts with getting your hands out. Leg bindings really just make the tie feel more secure.

After a good 10 minutes of squirming around on my stomach. I decided to roll onto my back. Then I used the closet door as a means to work myself into a sitting position. I was still bound just as tightly, just not down on my stomach any more. I scooted around until I was facting forward with my shoulders resting against the closet door. I drew my legs up to my chest and just relaxed. The pajamas were soft and comfortable. Likewise, Max's ropework was well tied and comfortably secure. I didn't want to struggle to much and get all hot and sweaty. The heat in our room wasn't amazing. However, the outfit I was wearing was quite warm.

Getting the initial urge to struggle out of my system. I leaned back and just relaxed letting the ropes hold me securely. It had been a long day and honestly it felt good to just be tied up for a while. I still had my share of homework. But nothing was due until Monday at the earliest. Being bound let me disconnect from the world and let my concerns melt away briefly. After a couple of minutes I straightened my legs. Then I gave my arms another good couple of pulls. The ropes were secure and I wasn't getting out of this until Max let me go. As the evening drug on I sat there staring across the room at our bunk bed.

Max was busy pecking away on his keyboard putting out the first 2 of what would end up being a 5 page report. I don't remember the topic he was researching. I tested my ropes occassoinally to remeind myself that I couldn't move very well. I pulled my legs back up against my chest and straightened them out a few more times over the next hour. I had some movement there, but my arms were locked tight against my back. I didn't try to stand up. Max wouldn't want me trying to hop around trussed up like this. It would likely have lead to ending up on my stomach in a hogtie. While I had been that way a once already. It wasn't what I wanted out of this evening.

Originally, when I had asked to be put into bondage this evening. I wanted something secure but comfortable. Max had really gotten everything right on the head. I didn't want anything too strict. But, I wanted to be secure. As the evening went onwards we remained in our current situation. Max was silent working on his report. I was trussed up good and tight sitting on the floor. I didn't say much or ask him to turn on the television. He would have if I asked, but sometimes bondage is best enjoyed as an experience in boredom. Besides, I didn't want to interupt his work.

The silence was finally interrupted about 45 minutes later by Max yawning. "Well, that's about all I can stand on this report tonight." He commented stretching his arms above his head. "I think I am going to grab a shower. Did you want out of that yet or should we wait until I get back?"

"I think I am ok for right now. Maybe you should just leave me like this until morning." I commentted in a sarcastic tone.

"I doubt you could sleep like that. Hands behind the back is really hard to get any rest with." Max replied leaning down next to me. He reached behind me and I felt something loosen. He had released a knot and the ropes binding my wrist began to fall free of the tie. A minute later, I pulled my wrists loose of the ropes and brought them around. The rope harness still kept my upper arms pinned from just above the elbows. But, I had enough play to get my hands around my sides.

"If you want to try sleeping in ropes you are welcome to give it a shot. You can use my bed and we'll leave the rest of that on you. But, you'll probably want out before morning, which you can do without my help." He explained.

The rope harness was tied off in front with a knot at about my mid chest. I could reach it with my hands freed from the wrist bindings. But, I decided to let it go and started trying to get up. Max helped me reach my feet. Then I hopped about 5 feet forward towards the lower bunk bed. Afterwards, I sat down before pulling my legs up and stretching out. Without my hands being bound behind me it was comfortable enough that I tried to stretch out. Max fluffed a pillow up for me and pulled his covers overtop of my body. Normally, I slept in the top bunk. But there was no way I could get up there bound like I was. Besides there really wasn't a huge difference between our beds. A few minutes later Max left for the showers and I tried to close my eyes.

I'll spoil it for you guys. I didn't make it all the way to morning. I lasted about 2 hours before I ended up slipping out of the ropes and falling asleep. It was just too stiff of a position to sleep in and my body kept waking me up. Anyways, that will conclude my first story here. if there is interst in follow ups let me know.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Welcome to the boards!

You were lucky to have such a compatible friend in the college. It was a really fun read.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by shyguy92 »

Lucky indeed.

I don't see anything particularly "adult", however. Would've been just fine in True Tugs, I think.
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Post by GrumpyBear »

This story isn't that adult but some of my other in this series are. So I am posting in this section to group them together.
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Post by DomTiesMen »

First of all, welcome to the forum!

And I have to say, for a first story this one was really well writen and very interesting! I really love roommates stories like those, specially when the characters have such a contrast between then! I love the big and muscled jock that wants to be tied up and his nerdy friend that tied him up and have fun with it! I confess I am having high expectations of this story! I definitely wanna see more adventures of Max tying you up and eventually making more adult things together.

I confess I though it very cute your outfit on this story, shows kind a very tender and cute side of the jock guy, breaking the stereotype! The bondage and the way you describe the bindings and sensations was simply amazing too, exacly the level of detail that I do like on a good bondage story! The only thing that missed for me quite a lot on this story was that you was not gagged on it! For me, a gag is a huge and important part of the bondage! Hope that the next stories you are gagged too!

Definitely will be waiting for more stories from you!
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Post by Ebascoray »

Greetings, GrumpyBear: Congrats on a well-written story. But, perhaps you can fill us in on the details, the events or conversations, that led up to you having your college dorm mate tie you up like that. I mean, there must have been SOMETHING, some conversations that led up to this. Had "Max" ever been involved in TUGs before? What was his experiences in his past, that would lead him to use his experience with roping on you? Let us know, please. Best regards.

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Post by GrumpyBear »

I am glad that the story is well liked by a few of you. My minor in college was English Lit. So, I do know how to properly write. When I decided ot actually make an account and start sharing my experiences. I had a few reservations about how to approach the matter. I really love the sight here, but some of the rules are a little unclear where the line is. Max and I never had a sexual relationship, but there are some more adult things that go on in a few of our bondage experiences. So, I decided to error on the side of caution and put the stories in the adult section.

To answer a few questions that have been asked. Gags were used in several of my experiences with Max over the years. But, in my early bondage they weren't a staple. We really didn't deem them as necessary. It wasn't like I was going to scream for help. Drawing attention to myself being tied up by my room mate especially in the outfit I was wearing could lead to some wrong conclusions. Likewise, while I grew up liking bondage from a distance. I was a little apprehenisve about being gagged at first. But, if I draw this series out another 5 to 10 stories they did become more common.

Likewise, there is quite a deep back story about how all of this started. I have only sprinkled in a few of the basic details in this story. I was torn between starting at the beginning or going with this. The introduction to all of this would set the record clear. But, it would be 5 to 10 pages of text without a lot of interesting bondage stuff. I wasn't sure that it would be of interest to this community or not. If you folks want the full background let me know. I would be happy to share it. But, I was not sure if it would be worth the effort. There were many things about this situation that turned out to be not so typical. Again appreciate all the feedback. I will probably post another story next week. Let me know if you folks want another bondage story like this one from my past. Alternatively, if there is some interest in the backstory. Then I could post that instead and hash out all the details.

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Post by fratboydanny »

Welcome and thank you for sharing this story. What a great dorm mate to have had. I look forward to reading more of your adventures and, quite frankly, learning more about the back story.
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Post by Finn »

You weigh 190 which is what I weigh, but you lift weights and you were a high school wrestler. I've wrestled a few friends over the years but I was never a high school wrestler, and since I only lift enough to stay in shape and not to gain muscle, I'm not about about to make fun of a guy who wears a CareBear sleep outfit. I live in PA and you live in NE US, so you MIGHT be fairly close to me. So, I'll pass on the wise cracks. I might find myself in a rather uncomfortable submission hold, then hogtied for a few hours. And, yes the story was well written and interesting. Great that you are able to get him to tie you up since you are obviously much bigger and much stronger. Some guys are rather intimidated at tying up a guy who is a lot bigger than they are just in case they decide to "return the favor."
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Post by GrumpyBear »

Yeah it was a unique friendship. I actually live in Alabama now. I soulld get some time to post this weekend. Should I write about one of my times binding Max or the back story to this series? Let me know what you guys would prefer.
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Post by Ebascoray »

Mr. GrumpyBear: Well, personally, I would like to read about the "back story"---what conversations or events led up to the TUG sessions. Then, let us know about the time that you tied up Max. But, whatever you do, you have our approval and blessing! Best Regards.

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Post by mikeybound »

I personally want all your stories!
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Post by Fleece0123 »

Absolutely love the fact that you were tied up in a onesie like that my dream to be tied up or tie someone like that! Great story! 😁
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